Brandon Blog Post


canada bankruptcy and insolvency act

Canada bankruptcy and insolvency act introduction

The Canada Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act is a federal statute. It attempts to balance the rights of an insolvent debtor with the rights of creditors to get paid. One of those balancing acts is that when you file under the statute, the person filing is granted a stay of proceedings. What that means is that debt collection and enforcement activities are stopped and cannot continue without the prior permission of the Court.

I recently read a very interesting decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice out of Ottawa, ON. What that case also shows is that if the insolvent and the then bankrupt person just told the truth, he would have been much better off.

Before getting into the actual case, there are a few questions that I am regularly asked that I would also like to answer. I think those answers will also help with understanding this case.

What is the purpose of the Canada Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act?

The main purpose of the Canada Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act is to help the honest but unfortunate debtor. It is designed to allow a person or a company to get financial rehabilitation through financial restructuring. It also allows a person the same opportunity to shed their debts through bankruptcy.

As mentioned above, at the same time, the rights of the creditors to get paid are also balanced. So that is why in a true restructuring, the creditors must receive more money than if the person or company went bankrupt. That is also why in a bankruptcy, the debtor must give up all their assets to the licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) (Trustee). The only assets not given up are those for which there is an exemption under either provincial or federal law. That is also why there is the concept of surplus income payments in a personal bankruptcy filing.

The presumption is that the debtor is honest but unfortunate. That is both before and during their insolvency process. As you will see from the case description below, the debtor was not honest and it is his lies that got him into trouble.

The insolvency process begins with the requirement that in order to obtain relief from debt, the insolvent debtor will be truthful. That is why a filing is initiated by a sworn statement of affairs.

Is insolvency a criminal offence?

As you may recall from some of my prior Brandon’s Blog posts, being insolvent is a financial condition. It is that:

  • your debts are greater than your assets;
  • if you liquidated your assets there would not be enough money to pay off your debts in full; and
  • you have generally ceased paying your debts when they come due.

So becoming insolvent is not a criminal offence.

Similarly, filing for either a consumer proposal, Division I Proposal or for bankruptcy is not a criminal offence. However, if you really are not the honest part of the honest but unfortunate person the Canada Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act is designed to help, you must seek the advice of a lawyer before filing anything.

There are also certain offences a person could commit under the actual bankruptcy statute. Some are quasi-criminal in nature. Again, if you think you are in trouble, you need the advice of a lawyer.canada bankruptcy and insolvency act

canada bankruptcy and insolvency act

Now for the case – Re Brennan, 2019 ONSC 4712 (CanLII)

On August 8, 2019, this decision of The Honourable Mr. Justice Kershman was released. The case involved the bankruptcy of Mr. Lawrence Brennan (Mr. Brennan) and his creditor, Mr.André Robert (Mr. Robert).

Mr. Robert made an application to the Court to lift the stay of proceedings stopping Mr. Robert from enforcing his judgment against Mr. Brennan’s asset. Mr. Robert said that Mr. Brennan supplied incorrect and deceptive details relating to the presence of a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) throughout a judgment debtor exam on July 10, 2018.

Mr. Robert brought this motion for:

  1. An Order stating that the stay of proceedings according to sections 69 to 69.31 of the Canada Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. B-3 does not apply in regard to Mr. André Robert, yet is restricted to the seizure of Mr. Brennan’s RRSP with the Lawyers Financial Investment Program.
  2. An Order proclaiming that Mr. Robert will be qualified to proceed with his enforcement process for repayment of his judgment, plus interest and the cost of enforcement restricted to Mr. Brennan’s above-noted RRSP.
  3. Indemnification for the costs of this motion.

Mr. Robert’s argument was that, had it not been for Mr. Brennan’s bankruptcy, there would be no stay of proceedings and he would have the ability to take Mr. Brennan’s RRSP according to the Execution Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.24.

The honest but unfortunate debtor

Mr. Robert is a lawyer. Mr. Brennan and others sought and obtained his legal advice. Mr. Robert then billed Mr. Brennan and each of his colleagues for the legal work. They thanked Mr. Robert by not paying him.

Mr. Robert went to Court to claim his legal fees and won. He then sent the Sheriff to seize any assets that could be found belonging to the defendants, including Mr. Brennan. That exercise awarded Mr. Robert with the princely sum of just under $65. So, Mr. Robert then notified Mr. Brennan that he was required to attend a judgment debtor examination. The purpose of this exam was for Mr. Brennan to answer questions, truthfully under oath, as to the nature, extent and location of all of his assets.

Throughout the judgment debtor exam, Mr. Robert asked Mr. Brennan if he possessed any kind of RRSPs. Mr. Brennan said, under oath, that he did not. This response was substantiated by Mr. Brennan’s written financial form, which was finished by Mr. Brennan as a component of the examination under oath.

It turns out that Mr. Brennan lied under oath to Mr. Robert. Seventeen days later, Mr. Brennan filed for bankruptcy. In his sworn statement of affairs completed as part of his bankruptcy filing, Mr. Brennan attested that he owned an RRSP in the amount of $13,017.00 held by the Lawyers Financial Investment Program.

Mr. Brennan may have been unfortunate, but prior to his assignment in bankruptcy, he was not honest.

Seizure of an RRSP – in bankruptcy and no bankruptcy

The evidence before the Court was that there were no contributions to Mr. Brennan’s RRSP in the 12 months prior to his date of bankruptcy. There was also evidence that there was no insurance element to the RRSP either.

This is important for 2 reasons:

  • If there is an insurance element to an RRSP, and the beneficiary is what is called a “designated beneficiary”, normally a spouse, parent, child or grandchild, then the RRSP is exempt from seizure under Ontario law.
  • In bankruptcy, an RRSP is exempt from seizure under federal law. The only amount that can be recouped by a Trustee is any contributions made to the RRSP within the 12 months prior to the date of bankruptcy.

So in this case, none of those conditions existed. The issue before the Court was because under Ontario Law, absent a bankruptcy, a judgment creditor can execute against a defendant’s RRSP. In other words, if there is no bankruptcy, in Ontario, the judgment creditor can seize the RRSP.canada bankruptcy and insolvency act

canada bankruptcy and insolvency act

Mr. Brennan’s defence

Mr. Brennan represented himself in Court. His defence consisted of that he:

  1. Did not understand that he had any RRSPs in his name.
  2. Informed Mr. Robert around one month prior to the examination that he would certainly need to go bankrupt.
  3. Needs the Court to have pity for his circumstances.

Certainly not the most compelling defence in the circumstances.

The Court agrees with Mr. Robert

The Court went through an analysis of the Canada Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act as well as the relevant Ontario laws. The Court concluded that:

  1. The RRSP currently in this bankruptcy is exempt from seizure but was available to be seized before the bankruptcy. If Mr. Brennan had been truthful in his examination under oath, Mr. Robert would have seized the RRSP through the Sheriff in enforcing his judgment.
  2. Therefore, the Court lifted the stay according to section 69.4 of the Canada Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act to be equitable so that Mr. Andre can seize them.
  3. To alleviate any kind of tax obligation effects, the Court ordered that 30% of the RRSP should be subtracted at source and also to the Canada Revenue Agency to the credit of Mr. Brennan’s current year income tax account. The remaining amount of the RRSP is to be paid to the Sheriff of the Judicial District of Ottawa, who will disperse it in conformity to the Execution Act and the Creditors Relief Act.

The moral to Mr. Brennan’s story

Although the Court decision does not say it, Mr. Brennan must have not obtained any legal advice before participating in the judgment debtor examination. Any lawyer hearing his story would have told him exactly what I tell every person who comes to my office to talk about an insolvency proceeding. Be honest and truthful.

Mr. Brennan did a really dumb thing. Part of the evidence that came out in Court is that he went to see the Trustee who did his bankruptcy filing six weeks prior to the July 10, 2018 judgment debtor examination to discuss his financial situation. He must have talked about the RRSP then.

If Mr. Brennan was honest and truthful at his judgment debtor examination, he could have filed for bankruptcy before the Sheriff managed to seize his RRSP. In that case, Mr. Brennan would have told the truth and his RRSP would have been exempt from seizure in his bankruptcy.

So instead of telling the truth and keeping his RRSP after bankruptcy, Mr. Brennan lied and therefore lost his RRSP, notwithstanding his bankruptcy.

That is the moral of Mr. Brennan’s story. By telling the truth and then becoming the honest but unfortunate debtor, the Canadian bankruptcy system will protect you.

Canada Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act summary

Are you an honest but unfortunate person in financial trouble? Have you run your company in an honest fashion but through various circumstances, the company’s debts are greater than its assets. Is there just not enough cash to pay all the bills?

If so, you need to call me today. As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called trustee in bankruptcy) we are the only professionals licensed, recognized as well as supervised by the federal government to give insolvency assistance. We are also the only authorized party in Canada to apply remedies under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). I can definitely help you to choose what is best for you to free you from your financial debt issues.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so we can get free you from the stress, anxiety, and discomfort that your cash issues have created. With the distinct roadmap, we establish simply for you, we will without delay return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life, Starting Over Starting Now.canada bankruptcy and insolvency actcanada bankruptcy and insolvency act

Brandon Blog Post


If you would like a free copy of our eBook:



Why won’t they tell me?

It is not the case that any licensed insolvency trustee purposely won’t tell you everything you need to know. It is just that in all walks of life, some people explain things better than others. Some take more time and care, some are better equipped to explain technical matters in plain English to the layperson and sometimes, like Ira Smith, you might have a senior moment!

So the purpose of this video is to educate the stressed-out person who is facing financial challenges, and who has an appointment to see a licensed insolvency trustee, to give you a checklist of important questions you should ask, so that you walk out of the first meeting with all the information you need to make an educated, informed decision. So, here is our checklist.

12 questions you must ask the Licensed Insolvency Trustee, to get the information you need

  1. Is my first consultation free and how long do I get to meet with the Licensed Insolvency Trustee?
  2. Do you have the necessary qualifications, how many cases like mine have you done before and do you go to Court also or do I have to hire a lawyer to do so?
  3. Is bankruptcy right for me and is it my only option?
  4. Are there other options to avoid bankruptcy?
  5. How much will it cost me?
  6. Will I be dealing with the actual licensee ultimately responsible to the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy for my file or only one of his or her clerks once I enter my insolvency process with you?
  7. How did I feel after meeting the people at their office after my first consultation?
  8. Do you practice exclusively in the bankruptcy/insolvency area?
  9. Do you have experience in only personal insolvency matters, only corporate insolvency matters, or both?
  10. Do you have enough experience and the time to handle my matter?
  11. Will you communicate in a timely manner with me throughout?
  12. So how does this process really work and who do you really work for and what difference does it make?

We hope that you found this checklist useful.

Is this checklist everything the layperson needs to know?

When developing this vlog a while back, we started thinking about all the other things that the honest but unfortunate stressed out person in financial trouble needs to know. We looked around for an appropriate book on Canadian personal insolvency but, we couldn’t find one! We found many resources for lawyers, professional trustees and academics, but nothing for the person in financial trouble. So, we just kept writing and writing, and this ended up in an eBook titled:



So here is our offer to you. If you would like to receive a complimentary copy of our new eBook which has just been listed on, please subscribe to our blog email list in the form provided on this vlog. We have already sent to all of our subscribers an email with information as to how to get access to their free copy. By clicking on the above link and subscribing to our Brandon’s Blog, you can get one too. No one will ask you for a credit card, PayPal, or any other form of payment. This offer is limited and available only to our blog subscribers as our way of saying thank you.

What should you do if you have too much debt?

Call us today. If you or your company is trapped in high debt, you need the Ira Smith Team to help you manage the situation before it reaches a critical stage where bankruptcy or receivership is your only option. We have been able to help many people and companies carry out successful debt settlement programs or corporate restructuring and turnarounds. It all began with a first consultation. The first step is a realistic cash-flow budget.

We know full well the discomfort and tension excessive debt can create. We can help you to eliminate that pain and address your financial issues supplying timely, realistic and easy to implement action steps in finding the optimal strategy created just for you.

Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. Make a free appointment to visit with one of the Ira Smith Team for a totally free, no-obligation assessment. You can be on your path to a carefree life Starting Over, Starting Now. Give us a call today so that we can help you return to an anxiety-free and pain-free life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

Successful completion of such a program will free you from the burden of your financial challenges to go on to live a productive, stress-free, financially sound life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

licensed insolvency trustee

Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy, alternatives to personal bankruptcy, bankrupt, Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada, insolvent, lines of credit, credit score, trustee, starting over starting nowThankfully, there are alternatives to personal bankruptcy. Say the word bankruptcy and people naturally recoil. I don’t know if there is more stigma attached to another word in the English language. In reality bankruptcy is not something to be ashamed of, it should not be avoided at all costs and it’s not a deep dark hole; it can be the light at the end of the tunnel. As with other alternatives to personal bankruptcy, it is an option. Let’s explore why avoiding bankruptcy can do more harm than good.

What is bankruptcy? Bankruptcy is incredibly misunderstood. According to the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada Bankruptcy is a legal process designed to relieve honest but unfortunate debtors of their debts. At the end of the process, the bankrupt is released from the obligation to repay the debts they had when the bankruptcy was filed (with some exceptions).

Why avoiding bankruptcy can do more harm than good: Although there are alternatives to personal bankruptcy which merit review, bankruptcy is often a good thing. A recent report by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York states:

  • People who filed bankruptcy had access to more new lines of credit than those who limped along in a poor financial state which clearly puts to rest the misconception that filing bankruptcy closes the door to new credit.
  • Those who didn’t file bankruptcy were described as insolvent.
  • The individuals who go bankrupt experience a sharp boost in their credit score after bankruptcy, whereas the recovery in credit score is much lower for individuals who do not go bankrupt
  • Insolvent individuals who do not go bankrupt exhibit more financial stress than those who do.

Are you insolvent and looking for solutions? The Ira Smith Team is here to offer alternatives to personal bankruptcy and bankruptcy help in Vaughan and throughout the GTA. Starting Over, Starting Now, Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. can help you overcome your financially difficulties. Contact us today.

Brandon Blog Post


scared to declare personal bankruptcy, personal bankruptcy, bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, consumer debt, credit card debt, debt, trustee, trusteesScared to declare personal bankruptcy? Don’t be. Bankruptcy is a legal process that can provide relief to honest but unfortunate individuals who are unable to pay their debts.

According to the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada:

Employment and Social Development Canada reports:

  • In 2011, 122,999 Canadians were unable to repay their debts.
  • Serious financial difficulties brought them to file either a payment proposal or a bankruptcy. The average amount owed was $119,021.
  • About 53% of Canadians filing a proposal or bankruptcy in 2011 were aged 30 to 49 years.
  • In 2007 individuals who were divorced or separated were more likely to file a proposal or bankruptcy than Canadian adults on average.
  • In 2008 the most frequent type of debt reported by individuals filing a proposal or bankruptcy was credit card debt (91%).

Still scared to declare personal bankruptcy? Huffington Post reports that one in six Canadians will eventually go bankrupt. Don’t be scared to declare personal bankruptcy; there are advantages:

  • It is relatively quick
  • It can be less expensive than other options
  • It eliminates your unsecured debts
  • You will have some protection from creditors, legal action and wage garnisheeing
  • After your discharge your credit risk can start to improve

If you are considering bankruptcy, your first step should be to meet with a trustee. Trustees are individuals licensed by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) to administer the bankruptcy process. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We will evaluate your financial situation and discuss various bankruptcy alternatives which include credit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals that could help you to solve your financial problems. Don’t be scared to declare personal bankruptcy. It’s just an option to consider so that Starting Over, Starting Now you can be well on your way to financial health.


Call a Trustee Now!