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Canadians living paycheque to paycheque, living paycheque to paycheque, debt, budget, balanced budget, trustees, trustee, Canadian Payroll Association, paycheck to paycheck, living paycheck to paycheck in america, more and more Canadians living paycheque to paycheque, not receiving their paycheque, Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc., starting over starting now, how to stop living paycheque to paycheque, budget, Vaughan bankruptcy trustee, Vaughan bankruptcyMore and more Canadians living paycheque to paycheque (and people are also living paycheck to paycheck in America)

The results of a new survey released by the Canadian Payroll Association were quite frankly alarming.

  1. Almost half of people polled said they are Canadians living paycheque to paycheque and would find it difficult to meet their financial obligations if their pay was delayed by just a week resulting in their not receiving their paycheque on time
  2. Less than 25% of respondents said they could probably not come up with $2,000 if an emergency arose within the next month
  3. 36% per cent of working Canadians said they felt overwhelmed by their level of debt
  4. 12% per cent doubted they’ll ever be debt free
  5. 75% of working Canadians polled reporting having put aside less than 25% of the money they expect to need in retirement
  6. 35% of respondents expect to work longer
  7. 20% of employees surveyed said they will need to work four years or more than they originally expected before retiring, citing a lack of sufficient savings as the main reason

How to stop living paycheque to paycheque – behaviour modification

Although this situation is nationwide, it’s worse in Ontario, British Columbia and Atlantic Canada. Can the Canadians living paycheque to paycheque problem be cured with a change in spending habits? According to BMO’s 2015 Psychology of Savings Report, it is.

The report shows a majority of Canadians, or 88% of respondents polled, said they are willing to improve their current financial status. However, 38% also admitted that they have developed bad spending and savings habits and 31% said they’re not willing to let go of them.

Consult your Vaughan bankruptcy trustee

As professional trustees we recognize and preach the importance of a balanced budget. In fact we published two blogs on the subject.

If you’re like many Canadians living paycheque to paycheque, it’s time to put an end to the constant struggle. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. We can help to restore you to financial health with a balanced budget and a plan for healthy financial living Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post



We have written many blogs on the advantages of consumer proposals, including:

We thought it would be good to now put together a short video on the topic.

The best alternative to personal bankruptcy in Canada

Of the various alternatives to bankruptcy, this government approved debt settlement plan is the one option with the most predictable and certain results for the insolvent person in dealing with their debt. You may have heard a proposal being called other names such as consumer credit proposal, debt proposal or debt settlement.

The main difference is that the only formal legal mechanism to be able to stop your creditors from continuing to harass and sue you is with a formal consumer proposal through a licensed trustee in bankruptcy. Unlike the other options, the consumer proposal is codified in the Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act which provides the trustee with certain weapons that can be used for your protection.

That is why we say that of all the bankruptcy alternatives, the consumer proposal is the best one. There are many bankruptcy options, but the consumer proposal also allows you to rebuild your credit thereby increasing your credit score.

Keep away from bankruptcy with the advantages of consumer proposals

If you are insolvent and are considering bankruptcy, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We offer sound advice, will check all of your bankruptcy options with you and then with you, formulate a solid plan for Starting Over, Starting Now so that you’ll be well on your way to a debt-free life in no time.

advantages of consumer proposals

Brandon Blog Post


seniors, seniors carrying debt, seniors in debt, debt, auto loans, bank loans, lines of credit, credit card debt, interest rates, Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc., retirees, starting over starting now, stress of carrying debtSeniors carrying debt becomes the norm

Many Canadian seniors are struggling financially in what should have been a carefree retirement. We’ve done a series of blogs about seniors in debt:

Seniors carrying debt is not going away

However, this problem is not going away. In fact, seniors have now become so accustomed to living with debt that they are using it to finance their lifestyles instead of downsizing or cutting back on expenses. For the time being, seniors are not feeling the stress of carrying debt. Given that retirees and working seniors carrying debt are less likely to be taking steps to accelerate their debt repayment, the problem may very well get worse.

Seniors carrying debt not bothered by it

According to a survey conducted by Equifax for HomEquity Bank:

  • A number of Canadians over 75 are still dealing with a mortgage and their numbers are rising
  • 11.3 million Canadians 55 or older have some sort of debt. Of that figure, about 1.87 million are carrying a mortgage which is up 20% in two years
  • Outstanding mortgage balances are up for every segment of seniors, which for the purposes of the survey was anyone over the age of 55
  • In the 75-and-over category, the average senior with a mortgage had $133,944 outstanding, up 11% from two years ago
  • The number of seniors carrying debt is also increasing in other credit categories, such as auto loans, bank loans, lines of credit and credit card debt

Yvonne Ziomecki, senior vice-president of marketing and sales of HomEquity Bank states, “A lot of people I talk to, they just don’t really care. This is how they manage their finances and they are perfectly comfortable with it”.

Seniors carrying debt need to take action now

This can be a recipe for disaster if interest rates rise. Where is the extra income going to come from? If you’re one of the seniors carrying debt, or anyone else who is relying on credit to support their lifestyle, give the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. Team a call before interest rates rise and while you still have options. With immediate action and the right plan we can solve your financial problems and set you on a path to debt free and stress free living Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


Canadian family debt

Last week we published our blog CANADIAN HOUSEHOLD DEBT: WE SEEM TO LOVE IT! The week before that, our blog was THE NEW ECONOMIC ATTACK IS ON CANADA MIDDLE CLASS.
Those blogs garnered so much interest, we thought we would make a short video on the whole issue of Canadian family debt, containing some additional facts. Please click on the video below to watch it.

Some interesting yet troubling facts

As seen in this video, some of the more interesting facts are, notwithstanding that the ratio of Canadian family debt to disposable income has hit a record high of 165%:

  • the average after tax family income in 1990 was $45,000 and in 2015 it is $73,000 which means that incomes have not gone up more than the rate of inflation
  • in 1990, the asset to debt ratio of the average Canadian family was 17.8, but in 2015, the asset to debt ratio is only 18.2
  • Therefore, for every $1 in Canadian family debt, in 1990, the average family had $17.8 of assets, which has only negligibly increased to $18.2 of assets for every $1 of debt in 2015

What is a person to do?

Are you walking a financial tightrope? If interest rates rise will you be able to afford your Canadian family debt? Better yet, would you know how to pay off debt?

Don’t wait for disaster to strike! The time for professional help is NOW. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We’re experts in debt and debt management. We approach every file with the attitude that corporate or personal financial problems can be solved given immediate action and the right plan. Starting Over, Starting Now we can give you financial peace of mind.

Canadian family debt, debt, Trustee, starting over starting now, debt management, family debt, Canadian household debt, Canada middle class

Brandon Blog Post


consumer proposal definition, starting over starting now, trustee, BIA, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, debt, bankruptcy, trustee in bankruptcy, consumer proposal, debts, Office of the Superintendent of BankruptcyConsumer Proposal definition

It is important to know what the consumer proposal definition is. A consumer proposal is a relatively new addition to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA), even though it has been around for 23 years. Although the origins of the current BIA can be traced back to the original 1869 An Act respecting Insolvency, the consumer proposal section was enacted with the 1992 amendments to the BIA.

According to the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, the consumer proposal definition is:

“A consumer proposal is a formal, legally binding process that is administered by a bankruptcy trustee. In this process, the trustee will work with you to develop a “proposal”—an offer to pay creditors a percentage of what is owed to them, or extend the time you have to pay off the debts, or both. The term of a consumer proposal cannot exceed five years.

Payments are made through the trustee, and the trustee uses that money to pay each of your creditors.”

My consumer proposal definition

My consumer proposal definition is THE GREAT alternative to bankruptcy. It’s available only to people, whose total debts do not exceed $250,000, not including debts secured by their principal residence. Working with a trustee in bankruptcy you make a consumer proposal to:

  • Pay your creditors a percentage of what you owe them over a specific time
  • Extend the time you have to pay off the debt
  • Or a combination of both

Watch this short video

I hope that you enjoy the video. Most people facing financial challenges, or insurmountable debt that they can never repay, cannot focus on the consumer proposal definition. We understand that what you need is an experienced trustee to recommend you solutions tailored specifically to your situation. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. for sound, professional advice and a solid financial plan for Starting Over, Starting Now.


Brandon Blog Post


household debt, Canadian household debt, how to pay off debt, debt, mortgage debt, interest rates, financial danger zone, credit card, credit card spending, Moneris Solutions, Equifax, auto loans, seniors, trustee, lifestyle, Canadian debt, Canadian economyCanadian household debt at a record high

The ratio of Canadian household debt to disposable income has hit a record high of 164.6%. This means for every $1 of after tax income Canadians earned, they owed nearly $1.65 in credit market debtmortgages, credit cards and other kinds of consumer loans. The reality is that many Canadians are living in a financial danger zone. They’re walking a financial tightrope where anything like the loss of a job or an increase in interest rates can throw off this delicate balance and plunge them into financial disaster.

Increase is no surprise

TD Bank economist Jonathan Bendiner wrote about Canadian household debt, “The increase came as no surprise. Rising mortgage debt drove most of the growth as interest rate cuts by the Bank of Canada earlier in the year spurred borrowing, especially in the hot housing markets in British Columbia with all the homes for sale in Mission BC and Ontario”. The great concern now is what happens once interest rates rise to more typical levels. How many Canadian will no longer be able to pay their bills or carry their household debt?

5 reasons why for the increase in Canadian household debt

Why is Canadian household debt at an all time high? In addition to rising mortgage debt it may come down to one simple word – lifestyle:

  • Credit card spending rose by 8% this year (Moneris Solutions Corp.)
  • Spending on restaurants and fast food rose by more than 12% (Moneris Solutions Corp.)
  • Home improvement spending soared nearly 10% in the second quarter of the year compared with the same time last year, led by sales of glass, paint, wallpaper and flooring (Moneris Solutions Corp.)
  • Furniture sales are up more than 17% (Moneris Solutions Corp.)
  • Auto loans rose nearly 4% in the second quarter on the back of record vehicle sales (Equifax)

Has income kept pace with Canadian household debt? No!

Unfortunately incomes haven’t increased in the Canadian economy to compensate for the increase in spending and Canadian household debt. A Bank of Montreal report states that approximately 80% of Canadians are in debt and nearly 66% would have trouble affording their household debt if interest rates went up by just two percentage points. Canadians now spend an average 14% of after tax income on their debts. Sadly, the group that’s struggling the most is seniors. According to Equifax, for the first time in five years, 90-day delinquency rates rose among seniors in the second quarter.

What is a person to do?

Are you walking a financial tightrope? If interest rates rise will you be able to afford your household debt? Better yet, would you know how to pay off debt?

Don’t wait for disaster to strike! The time for professional help is NOW. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We’re experts in debt and debt management. We approach every file with the attitude that corporate or personal financial problems can be solved given immediate action and the right plan. Starting Over, Starting Now we can give you financial peace of mind.

Brandon Blog Post


young Canada’s middle class, Canada’s middle class, Statistics Canada, renter households, living paycheque to paycheque, trustee, debt, starting over starting now, Vaughan, “middle class”, middle class, definition of Canada middle class

Canada middle class – what is your definition?

My definition of Canada middle class is the group under a new economic attack because of housing costs. Affordable rental housing for Canadians has become an oxymoron in term. In fact, rental housing has enslaved young Canada’s middle class, forcing them to spend so much of their incomes on a place to live, that many are in danger of becoming homeless.

What Statistics Canada says

According to the experts, spending more than 30% on housing is unaffordable. This doesn’t take into account food, clothing, transportation or any of the other necessities of life. According to data from Statistics Canada:

  • There are more than 4 million renters in Canada
  • Over 40% of all renter households are spending in excess of 30% of their gross income on rent
  • 20% of all renter households are spending in excess of 50% of their gross income on rent which housing advocates say puts them at high risk of becoming homeless
  • In Vancouver and Toronto, 45% of renter households are spending more than 30% of their income on rent

Not just a big city problem for Canada middle class

The lack of affordable rental housing is not a problem exclusive to the big cities. Renters in small cities across Canada are also struggling financially. In the Toronto area, average rents are higher in the suburban communities of Milton and Vaughan than in the City of Toronto. And, Mississauga ranked among the worst cities in the country when it comes to a shortage of affordable rental housing.

Traditionally people rented apartments to save money and eventually buy a house. With young Canada middle class enslaved by rental prices, buying a house isn’t even on their radar; keeping a rental roof over their heads is a primary concern.

What to do if you have debt problems

Are you living paycheque to paycheque because you’re enslaved by rental prices? We can’t help you find a cheaper place to live, but we can help you deal with what may seem to be insurmountable debt. Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. We’ll review your file and come up with a plan so that you can be Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy, Canadian debt, credit card, credit card debt, debt, debt relief, grey charges, free-to-paid, free trials, how to reduce debt, phantoms, subscriptions, starting over starting nowThe need for credit card debt relief

Debt relief from credit card debt is something we see in our personal insolvency cases all the time. We read in the newspaper and hear in the media about the high level of Canadian debt. Credit cards, after mortgages, are one of the main types of debt being carried.

People always ask us how to reduce debt and the first way is to have realistic expectations about what you can afford. The next way, is not to fall for advertisements that seem too good to be true and require you to input your credit card information for a “free trial”.

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch”; that may be true for free trials as well. These so called free trials most commonly incur what we call “grey charges”. Grey charges are big business and responsible for big debt. According to Aite Group, there are 233 million grey charges a year, amounting to $14.3-billion (U.S.).

What are grey charges?

  • Free-to-paid are the most common grey charges. You sign up for a free trial period (typically a magazine or online service subscription) after which it becomes a paid subscription if you forget to cancel by a certain deadline. How many people forget to cancel by the deadline? There are over 115 million free-to-paid transactions a year, adding up to over $6 billion, according to Aite Group.
  • Phantoms are extra products and services added onto another transaction.
  • Zombies are subscription fees continually billed to you even after cancellation.

We are seeing more grey charges creeping into credit card debt requiring overall debt relief.

Why are they called grey charges?

They’re called grey charges because although they’re legal, they are morally in a grey area.

These grey charges can go on year after year and all the while you’re accumulating debt. “Nine out of 10 people don’t check their credit card charges carefully,” says Mick Weinstein, vice-president of software company BillGuard. “And even if they do, it’s too time-consuming to dispute those charges. So most people simply let them go.”

So the first avenue to obtain debt relief, is to look at all your credit card charges closely and take the time to dispute the ones that do not look authorized.

Four ways to catch grey charges

Don’t be on auto-pilot when it comes to your finances. Take action against grey charges with these 4 tips.

  1. Check your credit card statements carefully each and every month. These may seem like small charges, but they can add up and hurt you.
  2. Don’t sign up for free trials. Remember, there’s always a hook. So if you wouldn’t pay monthly for it, don’t sign up. There is no such thing as a free lunch.
  3. If you do sign up for a subscription, make sure you read the fine print. You need to understand exactly what your financial obligation is.
  4. Check for phantoms. You may be paying for features you don’t want or need.

Serious debt requires serious professional help

Debt is serious business that requires the help of serious professionals. If you’re struggling with debt and are in need of debt relief, contact the Ira Smith Team as soon as possible. We’re a full service insolvency and financial restructuring practice serving companies and individuals throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. We have helped many individuals obtain the debt relief they so desparately require. Take the first step towards financial freedom today.

Brandon Blog Post


Bankruptcy and divorce, how to file bankruptcy in canada, information on bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, bankruptcy, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Blatherwick, Blatherwick v Blatherwick, Blatherwick v Blatherwick, 2015 ONSC 2606 (CanLII), debt, divorce, equalization payment, grey divorce support groups, insolvent, Mareva injunction, Revenue Canada, starting over starting now, trusteeBankruptcy and divorce

Whenever we speak to groups about bankruptcy and divorce, and especially to grey divorce support groups, the same questions always arise regarding the interplay between the Federal Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) and the Ontario family law provisions. I thought it would be best to address one such interesting issue in this week’s blog.

You may hate your soon-to-be ex, but the courts won’t allow you to use bankruptcy as a weapon against that spouse. Bankruptcy is legal proceeding involving an insolvent person or business that is unable to repay outstanding debts. It is not a way to avoid paying alimony or child support. There was a recent case that clearly demonstrates the court’s view on this very issue.

Blatherwick v Blatherwick

The case is Blatherwick v Blatherwick, 2015 ONSC 2606 (CanLII). The parties separated after 39 years of marriage. The wife was seeking spousal support and equalization, among other things. The husband disputed the amounts that the wife was seeking. The wife obtained a Mareva injunction which is a court order preventing a defendant from transferring assets until the outcome of the associated law suit is decided. However, the husband breached the Mareva injunction by declaring bankruptcy. And, to make matters worse he made false representations in bankruptcy, including the valuation of corporate assets and reporting of income. The husband thought that if he declared bankruptcy he would be putting his assets beyond the reach of his wife’s claim for equalization. (In a bona fide bankruptcy, it is true that an equalization claim is not a claim provable in the bankruptcy, unlike a claim for alimony and child support which cannot be extinguished as a result of a bankruptcy).

Unfortunately for Mr. Blatherwick, the intersection of bankruptcy and divorce does not work that way!

The Judge’s view on Mr. Blatherwick’s bankruptcy

The Judge stated:

“303 I find as a fact that Mr. Blatherwick made false statements which were significant in his Statement of Affairs.

304 I find as a fact that he made the assignment into bankruptcy to avoid making an equalization payment to Mrs. Blatherwick and to avoid his financial obligations arising from his voluntary disclosure to Revenue Canada.

305 I find as a fact that the purpose of Mr. Blatherwick going bankrupt was to obtain a collateral benefit in the matrimonial proceedings.

306 I conclude there was no bona fide financial reason for making a voluntary assignment into bankruptcy.”

Accordingly, the court annulled the bankruptcy. In the truest sense, it was as if the bankruptcy never happened at all. In this case, bankruptcy and divorce did could not be combined.


Trying to cheat the system by making false statements on your sworn statement of affairs to make yourself appear insolvent is never a good idea and can even lead to criminal charges. The bankruptcy can, as demonstrated in this case, be annulled.

If you are insolvent and are considering bankruptcy, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We offer sound advice and a solid plan for Starting Over, Starting Now so that you’ll be well on your way to a debt free life in no time.

Brandon Blog Post


:bankruptcy alternatives, alternatives to bankruptcy, bankruptcy questions, debt, debt problems, debt settlement, debt settlement companies, licensed trustee, starting over starting now, trusteeYou probably have many bankruptcy questions if you’re experiencing serious debt problems and you are no doubt going through a very stressful time in your life and you may not know where to turn. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is here to tell you that there is help available, answers to your bankruptcy questions and there are solutions to your debt problems. The best thing that you can do is contact a Licensed Trustee as soon as possible. There is a popular misconception that Licensed Trustees only deal with bankruptcy, but that is only one of our many functions. We can and do help with debt problems considering various alternatives to bankruptcy also.

Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. for a free consultation today. We can help you with your debt problems and answer your bankruptcy questions. Starting Over, Starting now you can live a debt free life.

Call a Trustee Now!