Brandon Blog Post


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we hope that you, your family, and your friends are safe, healthy, and secure. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is fully operational, and both Ira and Brandon Smith are readily available for phone or video consultations.

Canadian debt relief program: Before you sign up for debt settlement

A Canadian debt relief program: it may seem like a good idea. Missed payments on your credit cards, loans or other unsecured debt, can lead to collection calls and worsen your situation. Choosing a debt relief program is often the last resort for Canadians to escape the grip of their creditors.

As a solution to consumer debt problems, debt relief companies offer debt settlement programs and debt relief programs. As a debt consultant, you do not need any special education or licensing to operate. Often, their actions are detrimental rather than beneficial.

This Brandon Blog is about a case I recently consulted about that is sad but true. This story is about a Toronto man who decided to use a Canadian debt relief program provided by a debt relief company to settle his debt issues. As a result of using that Canadian debt relief program, he is still unable to pay his bills, and is in a much worse financial situation now than he was before he visited the debt settlement company. To make matters worse, the debt relief consultant then got a licensed insolvency trustee to almost go along with his cockamamy scheme. Unfortunately, the Trustee woke up too late, after all the damage was done.

I will explain it all to you.

Canadian debt relief program: Research the company’s reputation

There should be a law that requires all debt relief services companies to be licensed to do debt relief work in Canada. So if they are not licensed they are not allowed to claim they are licensed. Since a debt relief company does not need to have a special license to provide a debt relief solution, it means there are few regulations set in place to control what they can do and what they can charge their customers. A debt relief program is a program set up to help people get out of debt. Debt relief programs always are not designed to help you pay off all your debt.

Debt relief programs run by debt relief services companies often aren’t designed to help you find a permanent solution to the behaviour that got you into your debt problems in the first place. The problem with a Canadian debt relief program put together by a debt settlement company is that it may very well cause the loss of your money or as is the case in the true story I am about to tell you, the loss of your home.

canadian debt relief program
canadian debt relief program

Canadian debt relief program: Are debt relief programs really worth it?

A for-profit debt settlement company charges fees, just like any other for-profit business. Before any of your money is used to settle your personal debts, you must pay most of their fees upfront. No fees are charged by the non-profit credit counsellor. Reputable credit counselling companies do not require you to pay upfront for any tangible services they offer to help you reduce your various types of debt.

You set up an account with the company, where you make monthly payments from available funds to generate the money necessary to pay their fee and then to make settlement offers. There is no guarantee that working with a private debt settlement company will work. Debt settlement companies cannot guarantee that creditors will agree to settle on the outstanding debts when they contact them.

Your creditors may not be able to reach an agreement with them, so you may have to file a consumer proposal or end up filing bankruptcy. For services that the bankruptcy trustee provides for free, debt settlement companies charge debtors upfront fees. While you are in a Canadian debt relief program offered by one of these companies, you do not have any protection from creditors.

Should debt management programs be pursued? A not-for-profit credit counselling agency can provide this service. The answer is NO if it is a for-profit debt relief company. However, the answer is YES if it is a formal consumer proposal with a licensed insolvency trustee.

Canadian debt relief program: When using a debt settlement company goes terribly wrong – a true story

When things go wrong, they go really wrong and fast. We were contacted by a lawyer representing an undischarged bankrupt. The facts as I understood them to be were:

  1. The debtor went to a debt settlement company to get financial advice and help in resolving his debt problems. The company claimed to specialize in helping Canadians deal with their debt problems through a successful Canadian debt relief program. They said they could get him out of his financial mess and save his house. They told him that they would take care of everything.
  2. He was the only owner of the marital home. A real estate agent gave an opinion letter that stated the home was only worth the total of the registered mortgages.
  3. The debtor lost his job and his wife was making the mortgage payments from her employment income. They advised the couple that the wife could get legal protection by taking the position that each of her mortgage and utility payments was a secured advance to the husband. There was no written agreement between them registered on title and she did not register a mortgage against the home. This advice was obviously very wrong.
  4. The debt settlement company could not create any plans for debt forgiveness acceptable to the creditors. It was mainly credit cards and the debtor needed a successful credit card debt relief plan.
  5. The debt settlement company marched the debtor to a licensed insolvency trustee. We could not determine from the documents provided to us if the Trustee did any verification work or merely filed the assignment in bankruptcy based on the work of the debt settlement company. The sworn statement of affairs had the same value for the home as in the real estate agent’s opinion letter. Net of mortgages, the sworn statement of affairs showed no equity in the matrimonial home.
  6. The same day that the Trustee’s section 170 report was prepared, the Trustee wrote a letter to the debtor. According to the Trustee’s letter, after 1.5 years of bankruptcy there is $200,000 equity in the home, the wife has no existing secured claim to the property and therefore, the Trustee opposes the discharge since the asset has not yet been realized. There were no references in the Trustee’s letter to any previous communications or correspondence with the debtor regarding his equity in the home. Therefore, I do not know if the letter was the first time the Trustee discussed with the bankrupt the need to realize the equity in the home.
  7. In the section 170 report, again, dated the same day as the letter, the Trustee opposed the bankrupt’s discharge due to the home equity issue.
  8. A list of licensed credit counsellors can be found on the website of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy. Upon searching that licensed credit counsellor database, we were unable to locate the name of the debt settlement company employee who assisted the debtor.
  9. The undischarged bankrupt’s wife, or any other family member of his, was not able to raise the necessary funds to purchase the Trustee’s interest in the equity of the home. The undischarged bankrupt has no means from which to attempt to do a consumer proposal or Part III Division I Proposal to do a successful proposal out of bankruptcy.
  10. The debt settlement company’s work directly led to the undischarged bankrupt losing his home as it would have to be sold either by the debtor or the Trustee.

    canadian debt relief program
    canadian debt relief program

Canadian debt relief program: My advice

I did a Teranet search of the matrimonial home. The estimated value of the home according to Teranet showed there was more like $350,000 of equity, not $200,000. There was not a lot that this undischarged bankrupt could do. My advice was:

  1. The debt consultant apparently was doing work that a Trustee must do under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) but is not licensed to do that work. The debtor should consider demanding the fee paid to the debt consultant.
  2. Find out who did the mandatory two credit counselling sessions with the debtor; a licensed credit counsellor under the Trustee’s employ or the debt consultant?
  3. Find out if there is a financial arrangement between the debt consultant and the Trustee. Such arrangements are outlawed by the Superintendent of Bankruptcy.
  4. The debt consultant was very “cute” in trying to fix the value of the home so that there was no equity in the home. What verification work did the Trustee do when accepting the value in the sworn Statement of Affairs and beginning the bankruptcy process?
  5. Unfortunately, the undischarged bankrupt is stuck with this situation. The equity in the home belongs to the Trustee. There really was not anything that I could do to change that.

The lawyer thanked us very much and said that his discharge hearing will be quite the show after she examines the witnesses!

Canadian debt relief program: Options you can trust to help you with your debt

A licensed insolvency trustee would have been a better choice for this debtor rather than this debt relief company. Most people with consumer debt problems fall into one of three categories. Using these three categories, I will show what I would have advised this debtor. It is sufficient to say that the earlier you seek the services of a licensed insolvency trustee and avoid the debt consultants and their unrealistic promises, the more options you will have.

Your finances could be better, and you would like some help.

When you realize that you can do things better and wish to avoid trouble, you fall into this category. You can get proper financial advice from a licensed insolvency trustee at this stage. It is likely that if this debtor had approached me at the first sign of trouble, he could have avoided filing for bankruptcy. Things I might have discussed with him include:

  • How to establish and follow a budget for the family.
  • Does he have an adequate credit rating or credit score to be approved for and get a debt consolidation loan so that this loan would enable him to pay off all his unsecured debt in full and have one affordable monthly payment under a debt consolidation program.
  • Having a non-profit credit counselling service assist him with budgeting, assistance with debt management and if required, arranging a debt relief settlement plan with his unsecured creditors. Creditors understand that sometimes life happens and there are situations where people require support for plans for debt forgiveness when it comes to ‘debt-causing’ scenarios such as critical illness, job loss and the death of a loved one.
  • Making monthly payments to the non-profit credit counselling service so that they can make the necessary payments to creditors, as prescribed in the Canadian debt relief program they set up for him.
  • His job includes referring the debt collectors to the non-profit credit counselling service when he receives their calls.
  • His wife should seek independent legal advice about registering a mortgage against the family home as security for all advances she is about to make to her husband for the mortgage, property tax, utility bills, and any other funds related to the home’s maintenance.
  • Is it possible to use the equity in the home to downsize?
  • How filing a consumer proposal or an assignment in bankruptcy affects his finances and his life, including how it affects the equity in his home.

My advice would have cost him nothing, and he would be in a much better financial position than he is now. Most likely, he would have avoided the need for a consumer proposal or bankruptcy altogether.

Your finances are beginning to get out of control.

He and I would have discussed all of the above, along with independent legal advice for his wife, and the realistic option of having an affordable payment plan with debt reduction, by filing a consumer proposal as a real Canadian debt relief program for debt reduction and allowing him to make one affordable monthly payment on all his outstanding unsecured debts. Consumer proposals are the only Canadian debt relief program approved by and authorized by the Federal government.

You are in serious financial trouble.

If he hadn’t come to see me before he suffered severe financial difficulties, his only realistic option would be bankruptcy. From the very beginning, he would have realized that the equity in his home was at stake and would be lost to the Trustee. It wouldn’t have been a bad shock to the debtor after filing for bankruptcy. He may even have been able to locate a relative who could have purchased the equity in his home from the Trustee prior to filing so that his life would not have been negatively affected.

canadian debt relief program
canadian debt relief program

Canadian debt relief program: Summary

I hope you found this Canadian debt relief program Brandon Blog informative. Although nothing is guaranteed, managing your debt in a way that will allow you to be able to afford it, will lead to your financial success. It will also give you the best shot at having a financially stress-free life.

Are you or your company in financial distress and a debt crisis? Are you embroiled in costly litigation or a crushing debt load and need a time out in order to restructure? Do you not have adequate funds to pay your financial obligations as they come due? Are you worried about what will happen to you? Do you need to search out what your debt relief options and realistic debt relief solutions for your family debt are? Is your company in financial hot water?

Call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people looking for life-changing debt solutions through a debt settlement plan and AVOID the bankruptcy process.

As licensed insolvency professionals, we are the only people accredited, acknowledged and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice and to implement approaches to help you remain out of personal bankruptcy while eliminating your debts. A consumer proposal is a Government of Canada-approved debt settlement plan to do that. It is an alternative to bankruptcy. We will help you decide on what is best for you between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can eliminate the stress, anxiety, and pain from your life that your financial problems have caused. With the one-of-a-kind roadmap, we develop just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your troubles.

Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

canadian debt relief program
canadian debt relief program

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we hope that you, your family, and your friends are safe, healthy, and secure. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is fully operational, and both Ira and Brandon Smith are readily available for phone or video consultations.

Brandon Blog Post


NOTE: On January 13, 2022, three settlement agreements were approved by the Honourable Justice Mayer of the British Columbia Supreme Court on January 29, 2021, and November 15, 2021. As a compromise of disputed claims, these settlements are not an admission or finding of liability by the settling Defendants. You can read all about the Settlement Administration Plan and how to file a claim by CLICKING HERE to read our latest 4 Pillars blog.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this coronavirus pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Brandon Blog, please scroll to the very bottom and click play on the podcast.

4 pillars lawsuit
4 pillars lawsuit

The 4 Pillars lawsuit class-action

In my November 25, 2019, Brandon Blog titled “HOW DOES DEBT RELIEF WORK: APPARENTLY NOT GREAT 4 EVERYONE I wrote about the litigation involving 4 Pillars Debt and Credit Restructuring Company, 4 Pillars Consulting Group Inc. and other entities (4 Pillars or the 4 Pillars lawsuit), Pearce v 4 Pillars Consulting Group Inc., 2019 BCSC 1851.

Mr. Pearce is suing for damages for the fees billed by 4 Pillars to all persons that paid fees to it in British Columbia in connection with: (i) a consumer proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA); or (ii) an informal debt settlement negotiation proposal with the individual’s creditors, all after April 1, 2016.

Mr. Pearce claims that it is appropriate for the refunding fees paid, damages for alleged losses stemming from breaches of the provincial Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act (BPCPA) and BIA, and damages based upon the claim that the fees billed were unscrupulous under section 8 of the BPCPA.

In this Brandon Blog, I describe what the 4 Pillars lawsuit is all about and why the Court of Appeal for British Columbia has allowed it to proceed as a class action proceeding, dismissing the 4 Pillars objections.

4 Pillars lawsuit: What is a class action proceeding?

As part of that litigation, Mr. Pearce applied to the BC Court to have his litigation turned into a class action proceeding. The Court ruled that there were enough grounds for his legal action to move forward as a class-action claim. As can be expected, 4 Pillars objected to that motion. They also unsuccessfully argued that certain sections of the claim should be stricken.

4 Pillars appealed that decision to the Court of Appeal for British Columbia. On May 17, 2021, the Court of Appeal for British Columbia released its decision. In this Brandon Blog, I discuss the appeal, what the appeal court had to say and what it decided in the 4 Pillars lawsuit appeal.

4 pillars lawsuit
4 pillars lawsuit

Debtor Warning – Debt Consultants Sometimes Not What They Appear

What 4 Pillars say their organization’s role is

4 Pillars states that they are professionals who provide a variety of services specific to individuals in debt. They say they outline the choices readily available and also walk people through the procedure. They say that your financial debt settlement will likely be one of the following, which they will manage on your behalf:

They also say they will work with the person on their aftercare. They also say that their role ranges from providing individual debt settlements on behalf of debtors with collection agencies and their creditors to negotiating with Licensed Insolvency Trustees (individually a Trustee, Bankruptcy Trustee or LIT) on behalf of a debtor in determining the terms of a consumer proposal.

What the Court of Appeal for British Columbia says about the role of 4 Pillars

The Court of Appeal described them this way:

  • 4 Pillars sell their debt restructuring services as debt advisors to individuals on the brink of insolvency who are seeking debt restructuring. They are unlicensed and charge fees above those professionals who are licensed and regulated.
  • Their debt consulting business is not licensed or registered, and they charge customers fees up‑front for services regardless of whether the appellants actually achieve any debt relief.
  • Their debt consulting services are:
    • to meet and work with consumers who are struggling with debt;
    • to help them draft a consumer proposal to present to a LIT:
    • and to engage in back and forth discussions with the LIT in efforts to have the LIT agree to a consumer proposal that is favourable to the debtor.
  • All of these services are provided with the goal that the LIT will then present the consumer proposal to the debtor’s creditors.
  • 4 Pillars may then provide input, on the debtor’s behalf, on any response or request from the creditors.

4 Pillars lawsuit: What do the 4 Pillars debt consultant’s services actually involve?

Just to remind you, this is what the lower BC Court and the Court of Appeal for British Columbia found the 4 Pillars services to be:

  • to meet and work with consumers who are struggling with debt;
  • to help them draft a consumer proposal to present to a LIT:
  • and to engage in back and forth discussions with the LIT in efforts to have the LIT agree to a consumer proposal that is favourable to the debtor.
  • Provide input, on the debtor’s behalf, on any response or request from the creditors.
  • They charge customers fees up‑front for services regardless of whether the appellants actually achieve any debt relief.
  • Charge fees above those professionals who are licensed and regulated.

This is very common amongst all the debt restructuring businesses. It is questionable what value they provide if any at all. Their business model preys on people’s fears of getting advice straight from Licensed Insolvency Trustees.

The services described above a LIT provides at no additional cost above and beyond what the government-approved tariff fee is. The reality is that you do not need the 4 Pillars Consulting Group Inc.

As a LIT, I provide financial advice regarding your unmanageable debt and if you are a candidate for informal debt settlement, I will tell you exactly what to do in our no-cost initial consultation. If you have too much personal debt and are not a candidate for an informal settlement, I have many times prepared consumer proposals that work. As part of that process, I also act as a licensed credit counsellor.

4 pillars lawsuit
4 pillars lawsuit

Is Debt Settlement Really Worth It?

Debt settlement is really worth it. Going to one of these unscrupulous debt settlement companies, instead of a licensed insolvency trustee for debt settlement is NOT.

If you’ve been struggling with debt, it’s time to consider debt settlement through a consumer proposal with the services of a LIT. It likely won’t sound appealing at first, and you may feel that you are taking a gamble, but the process of debt settlement can be incredibly beneficial to you. Keep in mind that even 4 Pillars introduce you to a LIT in order for you to relieve yourself of your debts, hopefully through a consumer proposal process.

A consumer proposal is the only government-approved debt relief program. A LIT can get you a true debt settlement, without having to pay extra unnecessary fees to any of the debt relief companies.

Now let’s see what the Court of Appeal for British Columbia had to say about this 4 Pillars Consulting debt restructuring services business’s appeal from the lower court decision.

Class action waiver not effective to resist class action certification

The Court of Appeal of British Columbia believes the class action waiver clause is unenforceable as being contrary to public policy. The class action waiver significantly interferes with the administration of justice. It would have the effect of precluding class action lawsuits.

It has the impact of precluding Mr. Pearce, and class participants, from having access to justice and to a dispute resolution procedure in accordance with the law for claims developing from the connection between these parties. Therefore, the class action certification was upheld.

4 pillars lawsuitOther grounds of appeal in the 4 Pillars lawsuit

Having reviewed the evidence filed in respect of 4 Pillars’ applications for summary dismissal and after considering their arguments, the lower court judge was not satisfied that Mr. Pearce’s arguments in the 4 Pillars lawsuit, that 4 Pillars was acting for, or representing, a debtor in arrangements or negotiations with their creditors is bound to fail.

The evidence suggested that 4 Pillars had a role in the negotiations between a debtor and their creditors regarding a consumer proposal – even if they were not directly engaged with creditors.

The lower court’s view was there is a genuine issue to be decided at trial on a full evidentiary record. Accordingly, the judge dismissed the 4 Pillars attempt to strike the portions of the pleadings in respect of the Plaintiffs’ claims under the BPCPA.

The Court of Appeal for British Columbia agreed that it will be necessary to have a trial to figure out if claims can occur from offences of the BIA. Therefore, 4 Pillars was likewise unsuccessful in getting this issue stricken from the 4 Pillars lawsuit.

Trouble ahead for 4 Pillars in Ontario and elsewhere because of the class action in British Columbia?

It will be very interesting to see how this class action 4 Pillars lawsuit winds its way through the BC court. Absent an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada, it is now game on. Mr. Pearce and all members of the class have the green light to continue the litigation. If successful, it goes to the heart of the 4 Pillars business model. Every franchisee across Canada needs to worry.

I hope you found this 4 Pillars lawsuit Brandon Blog informative.

Are you worried because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option? Call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Brandon Blog Post


Canadian debt solutions: Introduction

This blog discusses a very interesting recent decision in the British Columbia bankruptcy case of Hervias (Re), 2018 BCSC 1579 (CanLII). A licensed insolvency trustee (LIT or Trustee) (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee) is trained to develop Canadian debt solutions. Sometimes the best debt solution does not involve a formal insolvency process; either a consumer proposal or personal bankruptcy. The purpose of this blog is to describe the case of Mr. Hervias and why sometimes the best advice is that you don’t need to go bankrupt. This is a story of Canadian debt help – the good, bad & ugly.

Canadian debt solutions: The position of the stakeholders

Mr. Hervias made a Court application to annul his bankruptcy. He says that the bankruptcy assignment ought not to have been submitted because his only creditor of any significance was the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). The evidence showed that CRA would have accepted a voluntary proposal to settle his tax liability in regular monthly payments affordable to him. He claims that the Trustee never asked such questions of CRA prior to recommending that he file for bankruptcy.

CRA does not challenge an annulment. It is encouraging his proposal to repay the debt. They likewise intend to file a memorial on the title to his home in which he has equity higher than the debt owed to CRA!

The Trustee is the only party to oppose the annulment application. The LIT insists that when Mr. Hervias sought his help, Mr. Hervias was insolvent because CRA was garnishing his pension and had frozen his bank account. Mr. Hervias had a previous bankruptcy and a couple of other minor creditors. Mr. Hervias had significant equity in buildings he owned with his son and his wife.

Canadian debt solutions: How could this even happen?

Mr. Hervias owed CRA, his major creditor, unpaid income tax of $23,820.50, including penalty and interest. In April 2017, CRA froze his only bank account. He sought help from a debt consultant, Canada Debt Helpline. He required CRA debt forgiveness. On the second meeting with an agent of Canada Debt Helpline, they introduced him to a LIT.

The Trustee met Mr. Hervias at the offices of Canada Debt Helpline. The LIT argues that Mr. Hervias sought bankruptcy guidance when he initially met with him. The Court determined that Mr. Hervias was presented to the Trustee by the debt counselor. The evidence showed that Mr. Hervias looked for the help of a debt consultant; not for a bankruptcy trustee!

The Court found that at the date of bankruptcy, Mr. Hervias had net equity in real estate of $95,000 – far more than the total of his debts! I question whether Mr. Hervias was even insolvent at the date of bankruptcy.

His bankruptcy happened because a debt consultant, who had a cozy relationship with a LIT, recommended a bankruptcy trustee with whom no doubt a financial relationship existed.

Canadian debt solutions: Debt consultants cause harm

I have written before on the evils of the debt consulting/debt settlement industry:


Canadian debt solutions: Technically or temporarily insolvent?

At the time of the bankruptcy, Mr. Hervias declared some other little financial obligations including:

  • a possible debt of roughly $900 to a Recreational Vehicle park chain;
  • $213 owed to Telus Mobility from an old phone agreement; and
  • a $186 debt to Best Buy for a laptop computer that he had not repaid in full.

Mr. Hervias had assets that well surpassed his obligations. Notwithstanding, he met the technical interpretation of a bankrupt person under s. 2 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA). Since the CRA had frozen his only bank account, he had no access to his income to fulfill his commitments as they came to be due.

Because he had a poor credit score, he was not able to arrange to finance on the real property he owned jointly. His wife was also not ready to consent to the financing because she was back in her homeland of the Philippines looking after her elderly mother. She asked her husband to wait until she returned to Canada.

Canadian debt solutions: Was there a realistic option for an insolvency process?

Definitely. The evidence showed that CRA would have agreed to an informal proposal, allowing Mr. Hervias time to repay his debt to CRA. As stated above, his other debts were minor. His bankruptcy was unnecessary.

This is a prime example of the dangers of debt consultants and the Trustees who are in bed with them. For the record, my Firm does not have a relationship with any debt consulting or debt settlement firm.

Canadian debt solutions: The Court’s concerns

The main concerns for the Court were:

  • did the Court have jurisdiction to annul a bankruptcy in circumstances where the bankrupt was insolvent when the bankruptcy occurred and there is no finding that the bankrupt abused the Court’s process or committed fraud on his creditors in filing an assignment in bankruptcy;
  • if the court has jurisdiction, whether it should exercise its discretion to annul the bankruptcy in this case; and
  • in granting the application to annul, whether it should be subject to payment of the trustee’s fees.

The Court determined that it was absurd that someone with considerable assets which created income would assign himself into bankruptcy. This is especially so when the main creditor is prepared to accept payment over a longer time span in amounts that the debtor can afford. The Court concluded that these circumstances were both special as well as uncommon.

Canadian debt solutions: The Court’s decision

However, just because bankruptcy ought not to have taken place, an annulment does not instantly follow. The law is clear that the bankrupt must additionally satisfy the Court that in all the conditions of the case, thinking about all the different stakeholder interests, the discretion needs to be worked out in favour of annulment. Furthermore, the jurisprudence guides the Court to think about the legal rights of the insolvent, the creditors and the public policy issues.

The Court was critical of the LIT. The Court found that prior to the assignment in bankruptcy, the Trustee should have consulted with CRA. Certainly, had he done so, he would have found out that an informal proposal was possible and there would have been no need for any insolvency process, especially a bankruptcy.

In the Court’s view, Mr. Hervias and his creditors are not harmed by an annulment, while the public interest in the integrity of the bankruptcy process is not undermined by annulling this bankruptcy under these unique conditions. Mr. Hervias’ bankruptcy was annulled according to s. 181 of the BIA. Mr. Hervias was ordered to pay the Trustee’s fee and disbursements immediately, subject to taxation.

Canadian debt solutions: Our approach

If you or your company are experiencing financial difficulties, you need a professional trustee. If yes, call the Ira Smith Team. Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are at our front door.

First of all, we always offer a free consultation. We listen to your issues and offer you a full range of realistic options to help you get out of debt. There have been many times where thinking about all the solutions available, we have advised debtors that they do not need an insolvency process. Rather, maybe they can avoid it by implementing an informal process. As a result, we do not earn any fees from such advice; it is just the right thing to advise and do in those circumstances to help you make total debt freedom.

The earlier you contact us, the more options we will have to carry out. Whether it is a corporate restructuring or personal debt settlement through a consumer proposal, the goal is to avoid bankruptcy. However, if bankruptcy turns out to be the best option, we can assist there too.

You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life, ending the pain and stress you are feeling forever. Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today for your free consultation.

canadian debt solutions

Brandon Blog Post


Debt Reduction Program: Introduction

My top 10 debt reduction program steps is for anyone to start immediately to reduce or eliminate debt in order to regain control of your life. By following these steps, there is no need for you to seek out a debt settlement company. I am giving you a foolproof program for free. Debt settlement companies would charge you thousands of dollars for this information!

1. Debt Reduction Program: Say No To Debt

When you have determined, “I’ve had it”, take your charge cards out of your wallet. Then follow your budget (which means you have one) as well as swear NO MORE DEBT. No ifs or buts … no more debt, NO MATTER WHAT. Either lock the charge cards away, or even better, cut them in half and send them back to each issuer. Ask that they no longer send you any and that your account should be capped at its current balance.

2. Debt Reduction Program: Take Your Head Out of the Sand

Determine your revenue, your monthly costs, and your financial debt total amounts. Acknowledge your past errors with money and progress. Today is a brand-new day as well as you are no more living in denial about your financial resources.

Every financial choice from now on should be based upon a plan. A plan that is based upon realities. Facts from your budget as well as financial goals.

3. Debt Reduction Program: Develop a Monthly Budget (with your spouse or partner if you are not single)

If you are to do just one of these ten practices, please do this one. Living by a written budget is the ESSENTIAL trick to living a financially secure life. When you prepare a monthly budget plan, there was no other way in refuting that you were investing $400+ in totally optional spending on non-essential items; $20 there and $50 here that were amounting to $100’s every month … WASTED!

Your written spending plan provides you with a strategy to spending cash on what you “need” as well as “want” and NOT losing it away. Do you recognize the ordinary person making $50,000/ year will have over $2 MILLION go through their fingertips??? Don’t YOU want to have a plan for those $$$?

4. Debt Reduction Program: Cash not credit

Yes, using cash can be bothersome and a hassle but it is IMPOSSIBLE to spend greater than you have and go over budget. It also hurts a lot more to use cash money then simply swiping plastic.

Those adorable shoes do not look so cute when you think of handing over the last bill in your pocket. It would most likely be easier to live without the most up to date digital gadget when you think of taking all that cash out of your wallet. At that point, your current phone, while not the latest model, looks pretty useful all of a sudden!

Try it. After a few months you will see how your costs reduce. Your behaviour will transform so significantly that you will be shocked how much money you have used unnecessarily in the past.

5. Debt Reduction Program: Priorities

Your financial decisions mirror what you as well as your household regard as a top priority in your life. This will be noticeable in your month-to-month budget plan.

Establish your family’s top priorities. Make certain your regular monthly budget mirrors these top priorities. With a proper budget, you may begin to seem like “inadequate me, I don’t really go out to dinner.” Remember your family has various top priorities and you are compromising one meager dish at your favorite restaurant to have a lifetime of financial safety and security. This definitely puts things in perspective when you are in a moment of weakness.3bestaward

6. Debt Reduction Program: Remove Temptation

Do not set foot in your preferred non-essential shop. If the lure is not there, you will not spend money on things you do not need. Attempt to restrict on your own to only food store. Shop with a checklist as well as stay with the checklist.

If you have difficulty with internet shopping, unsubscribe from store e-mails that promote sales and new products. You are as well concentrated and functioning also hard on your financial goaks to have a slip up on something that was not in the budget plan.

7. Debt Reduction Program: Free Entertainment

Sometimes this financial debt elimination phase is going to seem like it has drawn out all the “enjoyable” things in your life. Just because you are on a tight budget does not mean you shouldn’t enjoy your new life.

Choose cost-free or cheap entertainment. Activities such as walking, barbecue in the park, borrow publications & flicks from the library (yes, they still exist!), free concerts in the park, playing cards and other games, volunteering your time, digital photography, checking out a museum or historical site on a “cost-free entry day.” The possibilities are unlimited, be innovative!

8. Debt Reduction Program: Decrease Food Expenses

Food can be one of the highest costs in your budget plan (2nd to housing). Great news, there are MANY ways to lower the cost of food.

Grocery Store: Have a listing. Use “Budget Friendly Recipes” to make a dish strategy to stay clear of food waste. Do not acquire or dramatically decrease the buying of already prepared foods (anything pre-cut, pre-cooked, pre-prepared).

Dining establishments: Avoid them as long as possible. Cooking a meal in the house will certainly ALWAYS be less costly than eating at a restaurant (unless somebody else is picking up the tab). When you do eat at dining establishments use vouchers, Groupons, happy hour price cuts, as well as basically anything to lower the price.

9. Debt Reduction Program: Team Work

I could not stress enough how crucial it is, to collaborate with your spouse or partner with your financial resources. You are in this with each other. When one of you is having a harsh day, the other needs to urge and remind you why you are sacrificing, why you got on this trip.

One of you might take on the role as the captain, pushing your “team” to the absolute limitations to pay off financial obligations. It might be the spouse or partner who is the MVP, that continuously gets you through the battles and the “bad days”.

10. Debt Reduction Program: Develop Goals

When your financial priorities are established, it will be simple to jot down goals. I recommend composing one or two short-term financial objectives. Your financial goals may be something like:

  • Having a debt free Christmas in 2017 and after
  • Pay off credit card debt by July 2018
  • Eliminating our home equity line of credit balance by February 2019
  • Having a cash reserve of $2,500 in case of an emergency
  • Reward ourselves by taking at least 2 vacations in 2020 because of what we have accomplished so far

Now that you have your objectives developed, this is where you need to circle back to make sure that it is accounted for in your written budget. Your objectives will certainly aid you to stay focused and also provide you inspiration to continue your financial trip.

Debt Reduction Program: What if you haven’t started to reduce debt early enough?

Are you too deep in debt? Is the monthly interest charge on your credit cards more than your monthly amount available to pay down the credit card debt? Being threatened with lawsuits or being sued?

Then you need to consult with a licensed insolvency trustee for some surgery. All of the 10 points listed above will be part of your financial rehabilitation. However, you need to have the time clock stopped now to give you breathing room.

A licensed insolvency trustee can develop such a plan for you and get you the relief you deserve and need. The Ira Smith Team has much experience in handling debt problems like yours. We have helped many people and companies return to financial health and live a stress-free life.

Contact the Ira Smith Team today for your free consultation. We will develop a practical plan for you to get out of debt and regain control over your life, Starting Over, Starting Now!image

Brandon Blog Post


Difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal: Introduction

In last week’s vlog, “DEBT SETTLEMENT VS CONSUMER PROPOSAL CANADA: NEW CANADIAN GOVERNMENT REPORT EXPOSES DEBT SETTLEMENT COMPANIES HARMING CONSUMERS”, we reported on the recently released report by the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB). The report is titled: “Review of Licensed Insolvency Trustee business practices to the administration of consumer insolvencies”. We gave an overview summary of the findings. In this vlog, we wish to get into some of the specifics of the OSB’s findings. The difference between such a settlement and consumer proposal when using a debt settlement company.

Difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal: Forced to pay money they can least afford

Cases handled by a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) that were referred by these types of settlement companies generally wound up paying much more for their insolvency case.

The debt consolidation companies called for a debtor to authorize a costly contract for speaking with the debt management company before being presented to a “picked LIT”. The people normally comprehended that the only function of the LIT as being restricted to the filing of the consumer proposal created by the settlement company!

In cases evaluated by the OSB, the consulting charge section of the contract contained a large amount for the debt consolidation company’s “help”. It was in the range of $2,400 to $4,200. For smaller consumer proposals, the OSB found that the consulting charge typically varied from 20% to 40% of the amount of the proposal.

Therefore, my read of this leads me to believe that certain LITs cooperated with such settlement companies to force insolvent debtors to pay thousands of dollars more than they otherwise needed to. These people could not afford this and did not deserve to be treated this way.

Debt specialist charges were purported to cover the expense of advising, conferences, recommendations as well as prep work of the consumer proposal. In all situations, the costs paid to the debt management company were IN ADDITION to the fees established under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) charged by those LITs.


Difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal: If that isn’t horrendous enough, the debt management company sold them a larger bill of goods!

OSB’s study discovered that debtors were often marketed more products by the debt settlement companies. As a result, there were billings for extra recurring costs throughout the life of their consumer proposal!

The products the debt management companies pushed on these vulnerable people included:

  • loans charging a high rate of interest;
  • brand-new credit score tools;
  • a proposal insurance policy; and
  • “credit score restoring” loans.

All products carried either high-interest rates or high price tags.

Difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal: Forced to pay more than they should have

A technique identified throughout the OSB’s review entailed advertising and marketing “proposal insurance coverage”. This was normally billed as a month-to-month expenditure at a price of around 10% of the worth of the consumer proposal. This financing had recurring repayments supposedly for “credit rating fixing”.

In one instance, a debtor with a $31,900 consumer proposal signed up for proposal insurance coverage, structured as a loan. That base cost was about $6,300. Various extra fees, the month-to-month management cost as well as a 15% interest rate, the insurance coverage priced out at $9,150.

So, with the debt management company’s management fee of $2,300, the consumer proposal that the creditors voted to accept in the amount of $31,900 cost the insolvent individual $43,350!!! In my view, being merely associated with this type of behaviour is against the BIA, OSB Directives and the Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals code of conduct for its members. As a LIT, I would never be associated with such disgraceful behaviour.

Difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal: Consumer proposals are like a 5-year interest-free loan, so why would you borrow to pay it off early?

An additional pattern observed in consumer proposals submitted by LITs dealing with debt management companies was the intro of “price cut terms”. This arrangement is for enticing the debtors to borrow money under arrangements made by the debt settlement company.

Incorporation of a discount rate provision provokes a debtor to become part of a brand-new as well as expensive loan scheme. To capitalize on a 25% discount rate condition in a $10,000 proposal, a debtor would finance $7,500. With paying $1,400 in compulsory charges, this brought the lending overall to $8,900. At a promoted rate of interest of 22.99 %, with a payment timetable of $214 over 84 months, the borrower would certainly pay $10,475 in charges as well as a rate of interest, for an overall of $17,975.

A consumer proposal is like an interest-free loan. The same debtor with the same beginning consumer proposal of $10,000, would only pay that amount if they went directly to the LIT first. The debtor would have had a maximum of 60 months to complete making the payments with no interest charges at all. A savings of $7,975 and lower monthly payments.

As you can see, involving the debt settlement company increased the cost for an insolvent person dramatically for no value.

Difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal: Other findings

Other findings by the OSB include:

  • the LIT files did not contain any obvious evidence of debt settlement company certification or experience in credit counselling or the counselling of insolvent debtors;
  • consumers who filed with a LIT through the debt settlement company did not have a good understanding of the insolvency process, the options that were available to them or the other charges they were paying to the debt settlement company
  • the consumers were not aware that they could have avoided charges such as paying a debt consultant to prepare the consumer proposal
  • that the documentation made ready for the consumer proposal filing by the debt settlement company and used by the LITs contained many errors
  • Statements of Affairs, as well as Income and Expense Forms submitted, were incorrect in different ways
  • Debt settlement company fees were not disclosed
  • Real estate was always undervalued compared to LIT files where there was no involvement of a debt settlement company

Difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal: What you can do

The OSB is considering its next steps. The OSB is requesting comments. We have already provided ours. Our recommendation was that all LITs who cooperated with debt settlement companies as we have described here should be brought up on disciplinary charges by the OSB. If you agree that this way of doing business on vulnerable and unsuspecting consumers who are truly looking for professional help must stop, please click here to offer your own comments to the OSB.

In the meantime, if you have too much debt, please DO NOT be fooled by the debt settlement companies. Stay far away from them. Instead, contact a LIT directly.

We are debt professionals who will evaluate your situation and recommend which debt relief options are right for you. We will do so in a free consultation. A consumer proposal is one option; there are others as well.

Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today for a free consultation. There is no need for you to pay fees to a debt settlement company when you can get the same information from us for free.

You’ll be in good hands and Starting Over, Starting Now you can be well on your way to living a debt free life.

difference between debt settlement and consumer proposal

Brandon Blog Post


consumer proposal vs debt settlement

Consumer proposal vs debt settlement

I am often asked to explain the differences of consumer proposal vs debt settlement. Debt is such a prevalent issue in our society today and we’re bombarded by commercials about different options for debt relief. Two of the most talked about are consumer proposals and debt settlement. However, most people don’t really understand what they are. Let me explain.

Consumer proposal vs debt settlement: What is a consumer proposal?

According to the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada, a consumer proposal (Plan or CP) is a formal, legally binding process administered by a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT). In this process, the LIT will work with you to develop a Plan. A CP is an offer to pay creditors a percentage of what is owed to them or extend the time you have to pay off the debts, or both.

The term of a Plan cannot exceed five years. Payments are made through the LIT. The LIT uses that money to pay each of your creditors. CPs are government sanctioned, federally regulated and administered by federally licensed and regulated LITs.

Consumer proposal vs debt settlement: Can anyone who owes money opt for a consumer proposal?

No. You must be an individual and your total debts must not exceed $250,000 (not including obligations from a mortgage or line of credit secured by your principal residence). You also must meet the insolvency test. This means that:

  • your liabilities are greater than your assets;
  • if you liquidated all of your assets you would not have enough money to pay off your liabilities in full; and
  • you are having trouble making the full payment on all of your liabilities every month.

Making only minimum monthly payments don’t count as paying off your liabilities.

Consumer proposal vs debt settlement: What is debt settlement?

Many people are seduced by slick ads and even slicker salespeople offering an easy way out of financial problems. Debt settlement companies (DS companies) tell you that they’ll negotiate with your creditors to accept a fraction of what you owe them. They tell you that like magic, your debt problems will disappear. NOT TRUE!

DS companies’ people are not financial services professionals. DS companies are not federally licensed or regulated. They’re nothing more than snake oil salesmen. They are well-known for high-pressure sales tactics, making false and unsubstantiated claims, insinuating ties to the government and demanding big upfront fees. We’ve written several blogs warning the public about DS companies:

According to Credit Canada Debt Solutions:

  • There are more than 50 organizations offering debt settlement services in Ontario.
  • The Ontario Association of Credit Counselling Services has received more than 100 complaints a month about DS companies.
  • Settlement companies have also been the focus of a “consumer alert” from the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, which warns consumers to beware of “too good to be true” offers from debt reduction companies.

According to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission:

  • The success rate of for-profit DS companies is less than 10%.
  • 65% of people who pay fees to these DS companies leave their programs without ever receiving a settlement.
  • The amount of money that people pay in fees to these companies almost equals the amount of money that they save. However, this is before creditor late fees, penalties and interest are added in (these can often double or triple a debt by the time a settlement is negotiated). So at the end of the day, it seems fair to say that most people who deal with these companies do not save any money and are often left worse off in the end.

Consumer proposal vs debt settlement: Who can administer them?

Since LITs administer CPs, the only federally licensed and strictly regulated professionals, they really can help you deal with financial problems. DS companies are not professionals of any kind. They are slick sales organizations designed to make as much money as possible from the consumer, not save you money or repair your financial situation. More often than not, after taking your money, DS companies then hand you over to a LIT for the only liability settlement program that really works, which is called, a consumer proposal.

The choice is clear when it comes to consumer proposal vs debt settlement, consumer proposals are an excellent financial relief option and you should run from DS companies as far as your shoes can carry you.

Sometimes a settlement is also termed consolidation. Whether the question is consumer proposal vs debt settlement, consumer proposal vs debt consolidation or debt settlement vs consumer proposal Canada, there is only one correct answer – look at a Plan for financial relief.

Consumer proposal vs debt settlement: Is a consumer proposal right for me?

Consult a LIT. We are financial professionals who will evaluate your situation and recommend which financial relief options are right for you. A CP is one option; there are others as well.

Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today for a free consultation. You’ll be in good hands and Starting Over, Starting Now you can be well on your way to living a liability-free life.

Brandon Blog Post


canadian bankruptcy expertCanadian bankruptcy expert introduction

There are several misconceptions when it comes to the Canadian bankruptcy expert known as a licensed insolvency trustee and that the role of the trustee is only for the bankruptcy process. It is true that a licensed insolvency trustee is the Canadian bankruptcy expert, but it is not the case that a licensed insolvency trustee only can administer Canadian bankruptcies.

  1. Misconception # 1 is that trustees only deal with bankruptcy. Although you may know that a trustee is a Canadian bankruptcy expert, they’re also highly trained and educated debt consultants who, depending upon your particular circumstances, can offer you several alternatives which include credit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals.
  2. Misconception # 2 is that because it is a legal process, you need a lawyer. Although you may have heard many radio commercials telling you that you need a lawyer if you’re going to declare bankruptcy, and if you are dealing with income tax debt to keep using a certain lawyer and not a licensed insolvency trustee, this is simply not the case. Even though it is is a legal process, to file bankruptcy in Canada you need the services of a licensed insolvency trustee. In fact, bankruptcies and consumer proposals can only be administered in Canada through a licensed insolvency trustee.

What is the role of a trustee?

The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) licenses trustees to administer bankruptcy proceedings. When you file for bankruptcy, the trustee becomes the administrator of your property and assets.

Why use a trustee instead of a debt settlement company?

Debt settlement companies can’t administer a bankruptcy or a consumer proposalONLY a licensed insolvency trustee can. In addition a trustee:

  • is federally regulated
  • has undergone a background check by the RCMP before being granted a licence
  • is subject to a stringent code of ethics
  • maintains his/her competency by completing ongoing mandatory professional development each year
  • The Federal Government and the Court regulate trustees’ fees and for consumer matters, they are usually less than the fees of the debt settlement companies who make unsubstantiated claims

What should you do if you or your company have too much debt?

If you’re dealing with serious financial issues, contact a trustee, who is the Canadian bankruptcy expert. For the reasons already given, you should do this whether or not you’re contemplating filing. The reason is very simple: the licensed insolvency trustee will assess your situation, offer you all of your available options and will do this for you for free! You can’t find a better deal anywhere.

We’re experts in dealing with debt. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today for a free consultation and you will be well on your way to regaining your former quality of life Starting Over, Starting Now. Read our blog next week when we’ll be discussing how to choose a licensed insolvency trustee.

Brandon Blog Post


consumer proposal vs debt settlement
consumer proposal vs debt settlement

Consumer proposal vs debt settlement vs. debt settlement companies

If you have serious financial problems, there is an option available to you to avoid debt settlement companies and bankruptcy. In fact, more Canadians are now choosing consumer proposals instead of declaring personal bankruptcy. The purpose of this Brandon’s Blog is to explain the benefit of consumer proposal vs. debt settlement companies.

The advantages of consumer proposals with a Trustee can save you from debt settlement companies. Here’s how. Unlike a trustee in bankruptcy, debt settlement
companies have long been a hot-button issue and as a result, we’ve posted several blogs on the subject:

How successful is consumer proposal vs. debt settlement companies?

One of the advantages of consumer proposals vs. debt settlement companies is a high chance of success. Consumer proposals filed by a trustee have an excellent chance of being accepted by creditors. The consumer proposals our office files have experienced almost 100% acceptance by creditors. We know of other trustees who say their success rate with consumer proposals is in the high 90% range.

According to the Canadian Bankers Association, only 10% of offers received from debt settlement companies are accepted and it’s estimated that only 3% are successfully completed. As you can see, consumer proposals vs. debt settlement win hands down!

Advantages of using a licensed trustee in a consumer proposal vs debt settlement company

The reason for the advantages of consumer proposals is because a licensed trustee understands the behaviour of your creditors, is obligated to check all options with you and explain why a consumer proposal is a better option than other ones available, including personal bankruptcy. A trustee can recommend you properly on how to reach a mutually satisfactory compromise on your debt that you can actually complete it successfully, taking your family income and situation into consideration.

If you are considering consumer proposal vs. debt settlement companies

The advantages of consumer proposal vs. debt settlement companies are simple; a trained, educated, licensed financial services professional delivers results. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. for sound, professional advice and a solid financial plan for Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


:bankruptcy alternatives, alternatives to bankruptcy, bankruptcy questions, debt, debt problems, debt settlement, debt settlement companies, licensed trustee, starting over starting now, trusteeYou probably have many bankruptcy questions if you’re experiencing serious debt problems and you are no doubt going through a very stressful time in your life and you may not know where to turn. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is here to tell you that there is help available, answers to your bankruptcy questions and there are solutions to your debt problems. The best thing that you can do is contact a Licensed Trustee as soon as possible. There is a popular misconception that Licensed Trustees only deal with bankruptcy, but that is only one of our many functions. We can and do help with debt problems considering various alternatives to bankruptcy also.

Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. for a free consultation today. We can help you with your debt problems and answer your bankruptcy questions. Starting Over, Starting now you can live a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


advantages of consumer proposals, bankruptcy trustees, collection agency, Collection Agencies Act, consumer proposals, credit counselling, debt, debt settlement companies, debt settlement services, Ontario Collection and Debt Settlement Services Act, starting over starting now, trustee, trustee in bankruptcy

The advantages of consumer proposals with a Trustee can save you from debt settlement companies. Here’s how.

Call a Trustee Now!