Brandon Blog Post


CEBA Introduction

As businesses continue to grapple with the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Canadian federal government’s Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) loan program has proven to be a lifeline for those who qualified under the eligibility criteria. The CEBA program was available to businesses regardless of whether they were sole proprietorships, partnerships or corporations.

However, as the deadline for loan repayment approaches, many Canadian businesses are struggling to meet their obligations. Entrepreneurs fear that they may not be able to take advantage of the discount available for repaying the entire loan by the deadline of December 31, 2023.

In light of this, it’s crucial for business owners to enhance their cash flow management, refine their budgeting practices and diversify their revenue streams in order to develop an effective repayment plan. In this Brandon’s Blog, I’ll explore strategies for overcoming CEBA loan repayment challenges, highlighting expert guidance on navigating your loan obligations and achieving financial stability for your business. Hopefully, by using a professional approach, this Brandon’s Blog will inspire business owners and provide them with the knowledge and tools required to tackle these challenges head-on.

Importance of understanding the challenges associated with CEBA loan repayment by December 31, 2023

Comprehending the obstacles related to paying off the CEBA loan balance by the defined target date is critical for enterprises. It provides a considerable hurdle that businesses must repay the loan by the deadline to capitalize on the significant discount given for prompt reimbursement. While the financing stays interest-free up until then, interest charges begin thereafter. This suggests that Canadian businesses might face a financial burden, specifically if they are still recuperating from the prevalent impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Furthermore, companies that fall short to satisfy the payment deadline might come across negative effects, like not being able to access further loans or other financial assistance.


Common challenges faced in CEBA loan repayment

Cash Flow Constraints and Their Impact on Loan Repayment

The effective handling of loan repayment can be substantially affected by the restrictions enforced by cash flow constraints. Restraints in the capital of the business have the possibility to generate missed payments, and penalties and apply stress on the economic security of your company. Comprehending the ramifications of these cash flow constraints is of utmost significance to formulate methods that successfully take on these difficulties.

1. Reduced capability for repayment

When capital restraints are experienced by your company, the ability to make timely and full loan payments are jeopardized. Minimal funds being readily available for loan repayment causes smaller-sized or delayed payments, leading to increased financial pressure on the business. Positive steps need to be taken to overcome these restraints.

2. Intense financial stress

Cash flow restrictions can generate financial stress on the entrepreneur as they navigate expenses and prioritize payments. The worry of managing day-to-day operations while confronting the reality of missing loan payment commitments can be overwhelming. This stress can adversely impact emphasis, decision-making, as well as overall organizational efficiency. It is of utmost value to formulate approaches that relieve economic stress and supply a clear roadmap for handling these cash-flow challenges.

3. Restricted growth opportunities

Insufficient capital development can hamper the growth and growth plans of your company. Many businesses have not yet seen an economic recovery of any substance. When a significant portion of your available cash needs to be allocated to loan repayment, limited funds are available for financial investment in the other areas of your business in order for it to grow and prosper. This constraint can stop your capacity to profit from business opportunities and compete successfully.

4. Tested relationships with suppliers and Financial institutions

Restricted cash flow can stress partnerships with suppliers and financial institutions. Late or missed payments can stain the credibility and reliability of your business, making it tough to negotiate good terms or additional credit when needed. Healthy connections with suppliers and also financial institutions are essential to maintain company operations and foster future development.

Lack of Financial Planning and Its Consequences

Falling short in financial planning can have major effects when it involves repaying loans. Businesses that don’t effectively prepare themselves or take proactive steps will find themselves struggling to meet financial commitments, which will cause unfavourable results. The effect of inadequate monetary planning leads to the negative consequences described above. In this area, I share sensible suggestions to assist businesses in effectively conquering these obstacles.

To alleviate the consequences of an absence of financial preparation as well as ensure successful loan repayment, take into consideration implementing and adhering to the following:

1. Produce a detailed financial strategy

Establish a comprehensive financial plan strategy that includes a proper budget, cash flow plan, and also a specific plan for loan repayment. Set reasonable economic goals and allocate funds accordingly.

2. Monitor and review funds regularly

Consistently examine your financial performance and also compare it with your strategy. This will certainly help you recognize any kind of deviations or possible issues in a prompt and allow you to make the necessary business adjustments.

3. Seek professional help

Consider dealing with a financial consultant or accounting professional who can supply guidance on financial planning, cash-flow monitoring, and loan repayment strategies. Their competence can aid you navigate the complexities of your corporate financial circumstances more effectively.

4. Automate loan payments

Establish automated payments on your loans to make sure prompt and also constant payments. This decreases the threat of missed payments and associated penalties.

5. Prioritize loan payment

Make loan repayment a top priority in your monetary strategy. Allot enough funds from your profits to cover the repayment responsibilities, even if it means making adjustments in other areas of your business.

By proactively addressing the lack of financial planning and implementing these methods, companies can avoid the consequences of missed payments, additional interest charges and all the other negative consequences.

Inefficient budgeting practices and their challenges

Suboptimal fiscal management techniques may present formidable impediments to successful loan repayment. In the absence of a meticulously crafted and adroitly executed budget plan, commercial entities may encounter hindrances such as:

  • Erroneous financial forecasting
  • Obscurity in expenditure tracking
  • Negligence toward prioritizing debt repayment
  • Inadequate monetary reserves or liquidity
  • Inefficacious expense management

To surmount the obstacles that arise from suboptimal budgeting practices, enterprises may wish to contemplate adopting the ensuing strategies:

  • Formulate a comprehensive budget
  • Enhance tracking of expenditures
  • Make repayment of loans a priority
  • Establish an emergency reserve
  • Engage the services of a professional

Through the implementation of these techniques and the adoption of proficient budgeting practices, businesses can triumph over the impediments presented by ineffectual budgeting and guarantee a more viable approach to loan repayment.

Limited profitability and Its implications for CEBA loan repayment

The ramifications of inadequate profitability can be profound when it comes to CEBA and other loan repayments. A business that is unable to generate ample profits may encounter difficulties in meeting its loan commitments. The consequences of limited profitability are:

  • Inadequate cash flow
  • Increased debt load
  • The peril of loan default
  • Curtailed business expansion
  • Tense relationships with suppliers and lenders

Despite the challenges posed by limited profitability, there are several aggressive steps companies can take to get rid of these barriers. Take into consideration the following methods:

  1. Conduct an extensive financial evaluation to pinpoint areas of improvement, consisting of the business’s cost framework, pricing methods, and revenue streams. Try to find chances to minimize expenses, boost performance, and expand revenue.
  2. Develop methods to increase earnings, such as reviewing pricing models, implementing cost controls, boosting operational effectiveness, and also exploring brand-new markets or product/service offerings.
  3. Take part in open interaction with lenders to discover possible financial debt restructuring or arrangement of settlement terms. Lenders may agree to change interest rates, extend payment periods, or give short-lived relief alternatives based on the business’s financial scenario.

To improve their ability to meet all financial commitments and make steady progress toward profitability, businesses can benefit from implementing these strategies.

Uncertain economic environment and Its effect on CEBA loan obligations

The ever-changing economic landscape can bring about a profound influence on the commitments tied to the CEBA loan. Companies grappling with market turbulence and unpredictability may face difficulties in fulfilling their loan repayment obligations. Within this segment, I will delve into the repercussions of an uncertain economic environment on CEBA loan responsibilities and propose effective approaches to overcome such circumstances.

1. Unpredictable income streams and loan repayment

As a result of an uncertain economic environment, companies may find themselves in a situation where they experience inconsistent earnings. Market volatility, changing customer preferences, as well as economic downturns, can all contribute to this unpredictability. Consequently, businesses might have a hard time allocating adequate funds for CEBA loan repayment.

2. Financial stress and decreased earnings

In an unpredictable financial environment, companies might experience lowered profitability due to elements such as lowered consumer purchasing, supply chain interruptions, as well as boosted input costs. This financial pressure can make it tough to find the resources for not only CEBA loan repayment but for the sustainability of the entire company.

3. Restricted accessibility to credit and financing

Throughout uncertain financial times, lenders will tighten their credit standards and decrease the availability of funding options. This minimal access to credit can adversely influence companies requiring extra funding to sustain their operations.

4. Changing federal government support programs

The government’s response to an uncertain economic environment can involve modifications or adjustments to support programs, including those related to CEBA loans. Many business groups and Chambers of Commerce have already been lobbying the federal government to extend the repayment deadline by one year to December 31, 2024, as many companies are still struggling. Time will tell if the federal government will extend the interest-free loan term or not.

5. Strategic financial planning and adaptability

To best navigate an uncertain economy, businesses can utilize strategic financial initiatives. Take into consideration the following approaches:

Monitor and budget: Routinely check economic indications, market fads, and also customer behaviour to anticipate possible influence on your business. Adjust cash flow forecasts and financial strategies as necessary.

Risk administration: Examine and minimize threats that can affect your revenue streams, productivity, and profitability. Expand your customer base, explore brand-new markets, or think about alternative revenue streams to decrease reliance on particular industries or markets.

Communication with lenders: Keep open lines of communication with your lending institution to go over any type of obstacles or changes in your financial scenario. Proactively will address any possible problems and help your lenders work with you to find choices for funding alterations.

Cash flow monitoring: Implement robust cash flow techniques, consisting of monitoring expenditures, enhancing working capital, as well as negotiating favourable terms with suppliers. Effective cash flow management can liberate cash resources for supporting operations during unpredictable times.

Business continuity planning: Develop a comprehensive organization continuity strategy that takes into consideration numerous economic scenarios. Recognize strategies to mitigate the impact of financial volatility on your procedures and allocate resources for loan repayment as a priority.

By adopting these approaches and staying watchful in checking the economic landscape, businesses can better navigate the obstacles of an unpredictable economy. The assistance of financial professionals is key in navigating rough economic waters.


CEBA loan repayment problem does have a silver lining

The requirements for CEBA loan repayment carry the following provisions. There is no interest charged until the end of December 2023. Thereafter, the annual interest rate will be 5%. The frequency of interest payments will be determined by the applicant’s financial institution but most likely, it will be monthly.

There is a silver lining if your business is unable to repay the discounted loan amount in full by the end of this year. Given the Bank of Canada interest rate hikes, the current overnight rate is 4.75%. The prime rate charged by the chartered banks to their best customers is around 6.95%.

So under current economic conditions in Canada, the proposed interest rate to be charged on outstanding CEBA loans beginning January 1, 2024, of 5%, is well under current interest rates charged on unsecured business loans.

CEBA Conclusion

In summary, defaulting on your CEBA loan repayment can result in negative effects on your business Nonetheless, there are still 6 months to go before completion of the year. With the appropriate strategies in position, you can overcome the challenges of settling your CEBA loan.

Developing a comprehensive repayment strategy, improving your cash flow administration, improving your budgeting methods, and also diversifying your revenue streams are all essential steps to accomplishing financial improvement and security. Seeking skilled professional support can also assist you navigate the intricacies of your CEBA loan obligations and set up your business for lasting success. With these methods in hand, you can take control of your finances and remain ahead of your CEBA loan repayment.

I hope you enjoyed this CEBA Brandon’s Blog Managing your personal or business financial affairs in today’s ever-challenging and changing business landscape is no small feat, but with the right plan in place, it’s possible to stay or get back on track.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses that are in financial distress. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses innovative and cutting-edge methodologies, to adeptly navigate you through the intricacies of your financial challenges, ensuring a resolution to your debt-related predicaments without resorting to the rigours of the bankruptcy process. We can get you debt relief now!

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a Trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.



Brandon Blog Post


A new phase for the Canada Recovery Benefit

The Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) was part of the Canadian government’s overall economic recovery programs to help Canadian individuals and businesses during the COVID-19 period. It was a taxable benefit of $500 per week that lasted for up to 26 weeks. It was given to employed and self-employed workers directly affected by COVID-19. The Canada Recovery Benefit gave financial support to eligible workers who could not work and tried to provide some measure of recovery in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes self-employed workers, contract workers, and part-time workers.

The benefit was paid out for a maximum of 26 weeks in respect of any application under this program and was available to workers who lost their job, were sick or quarantined, were taking care of someone who was sick with COVID-19, or was caring for children who are not in school because of COVID-19.

We’re in a new phase with the Canada Recovery Benefit now. It was phased out some time ago. Since the money was given out so quickly, there wasn’t any checking to see whether the person applying for this benefit actually qualified. Now the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), which is in charge of the program, is checking all of the applications.

The CRA is currently investigating all applications for the program to ensure that everyone who received funding met the eligibility criteria. They’re sending out letters asking for proof of eligibility, and if people can’t provide that, they’re asking for the money back. We have done the bankruptcy of several individuals who did not have the money to repay, as they spent it on things like food and shelter.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I explain in more detail what the Canada Recovery Benefit was and describe a recent court decision about someone who CRA demanded the money back from and the kind of proof that CRA is demanding to see if a person met the eligibility criteria.

Canada Recovery Benefit – Closed: How the Canada Recovery Benefit used to work

The Canada Recovery Benefit plan stopped accepting retroactive applications as of December 23, 2021.

The Canada Recovery Benefit was created to help those who have been directly affected by COVID-19 and are not eligible for Employment Insurance. The Canada Revenue Agency is responsible for administering this benefit.

Depending on when you applied for the Canada Recovery Benefit, you may have received either $1,000 ($900 after taxes withheld) or $600 ($540 after taxes withheld) for 2 week periods, for no more than 13 two-week periods. The Canada Recovery Benefit was available between September 27, 2020, and October 23, 2021.canada recovery benefit act

Who was eligible for and what were the requirements for Canada recovery benefit?

The Canada Recovery Benefit was established under federal legislation, the Canada Recovery Benefits Act (S.C. 2020, c. 12, s. 2) To be eligible for the CRB for a 2-week period, you must have met the following conditions:

  • A resident of Canada and present in the country during the two-week period being applied for.
  • Be at least 15 years old on the first day of the two-week period.
  • Have a valid Social Insurance Number.
  • Due to the pandemic, either your work has stopped and you are available for work, or you continue to work but have had a 50 percent reduction in your employment/self-employment income in the two-week period as compared to an average two-week period in the previous year.
  • Must have had employment and/or self-employment annual income of at least $5,000 in either 2019 or 2020 or in the 12 months preceding a CRB application. Keep in mind if you are self-employed that income losses from self-employment will make you ineligible. Although it was never properly defined, CRA looks at net income, not gross income.
  • You have not received EI, the Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB) or the Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB).
  • During the two-week period being the periods in respect of what was being applied for, the applicant must have looked for work and not placed any undue restrictions on their ability to work.
  • Not having quit their job on or after September 27, 2020, or if they did, it must have been for a reasonable reason.
  • You must have returned to work when recalled, or not have declined a reasonable offer to work, during the two-week period or the four two-week periods immediately prior (back to September 27, 2020).
  • You filed a tax return for the 2019 or 2020 tax year (with certain limited exceptions).
  • If your annual net income exceeds $38,000, you will be required to repay a portion of the Canada Recovery Benefit at a rate of 50 cents for every $1 over the limit.

Do you know if the Canadian government is giving out any extra money in 2022?

The federal government announced some changes to the Employment Insurance (EI) program to supplement regular benefits under that program and introduced three new benefits to help people who are transitioning from CRB and other ending benefits.

The federal government realized that Canadians would still need support while they looked for work. The government attempted to transition people who had been receiving the Canada Recovery Benefit to a more flexible EI program for those who qualify, which will provide them with additional features.

The federal government also disclosed 3 new programs for Canadians who don’t qualify for EI. These are all taxable and will be run by the CRA.

All COVID-19 benefits are now finished. The new emergency programs were:

  1. Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit (CWLB). If you’re a Canadian and could not work because of a lockdown in designated regions, you could have applied for the CWLB starting December 30, 2021. The CWLB was only obtainable when a coronavirus lockdown was announced for your area. If you were eligible, you could have gotten a weekly income of $300 ($270 after tax was deducted at source) for each and every one-week period. The CWLB eligibility period ran from October 24, 2021, to May 7, 2022. The final day to submit the application was May 18, 2022.
  2. The CRCB was a program that gave workers a weekly income of $500 (taxable, tax deducted at source) for up to 42 weeks in respect of a situation where people couldn’t work for at least 50% of the week because they had to care for a child under 12 or a family member.The need for this benefit arose from the closure of schools, daycares, or care facilities due to COVID-19, or from the child or family member being sick and/or self-isolating or at high risk of serious health complications due to a health condition that made you more susceptible to a significant reaction to COVID-19. This benefit was paid in one-week periods and was available for the period from September 27, 2020, until May 7, 2022. The deadline to file CRCB applications was July 6, 2022.
  3. The Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB). It was a government-funded program that supplied monetary support to workers who were not able to work at least fifty percent of the week due to being ill with the coronavirus, self-isolation, or underlying conditions that placed them in danger of contracting the virus. The benefit paid a maximum weekly income of $500 for a max of 6 weeks. The benefit was paid out in 1-week periods of weekly income and was available from September 27th, 2020 until May 7th, 2022. However, the ability to file for the benefit closed off on July 6th, 2022.canada recovery benefit act

The Canada Recovery Benefit is now closed and we have entered a new phase

Now that the Canada Recovery Benefit program is closed, we are entering a new phase. CRA is reviewing all benefit payments made by each individual and assessing those that CRA feels were not entitled to it, either because of error or outright fraudulent claims. They are demanding that such people provide proof of eligibility and if they can’t, they need to repay the money.

As mentioned before, to be eligible for the Canada Recovery Benefit, you must have had an income level through employment and/or self-employment income of at least $5,000 in either 2019 or 2020 or in the 12 months preceding a CRB application. The case from British Columbia showed what the right evidence is.

Other than confirming what evidence CRA can request, the case was not remarkable. The taxpayer did not help himself by refusing to give CRA additional information other than his T4 slips.

CRA stated that T4 slips are insufficient proof of income for Canada Recovery Benefit eligibility: The judge agreed with this assessment

You would think that if a taxpayer filed their 2019 and 2020 income tax returns showing all employment and self-employment income earned, that is good enough. Unfortunately, it is not. The Canadian income tax act is not the governing legislation; the Canada Recovery Benefits Act (S.C. 2020, c. 12, s. 2) (Act) is.

The legislation in question imposes a duty to disclose information. The extent of this duty is significant; the Act requires that applicants provide the Minister with any information that may be requested in relation to their application. The only arbiter of what is sufficient proof is CRA!

Proof of employment income includes verification through pay slips, employment verification letters, records of employment, bank statements with the employee’s name, address and payroll deposit, and other documentation.

Evidence of self-employment income includes invoices that include the date of service, client name, cost of service, and type of payment received.canada recovery benefit act

Will I have to repay the Canada Recovery Benefit?

I hope you found this Canada Recovery Benefit Brandon’s Blog informative. Is CRA taking collection action against you, including seizing bank accounts?

If you were in receipt of benefits under the Canada Recovery Benefit program and either did not meet the eligibility requirements or cannot prove that you did, then the short answer is YES. We are currently handling the insolvency filings of several individuals who were unable to prove their eligibility to the CRA’s satisfaction.

I know it’s not your fault. You were trying to make ends meet during this COVID-19 period, but you couldn’t do it all on your own. I get why you don’t have the money now.

If you’re an entrepreneur, it’s not uncommon to use unremitted employee source deductions and unremitted HST to finance Canadian businesses of corporate taxpayers during tough economic times. However, falling behind on your CRA payments can create large tax debt that can be difficult to recover from. Although unpaid income tax is not a Director’s liability, unremitted source deductions and GST/HST become a personal liability for tax of the Directors of the company. It is generally too late to protect yourself or try to restructure your financial affairs, once CRA is hounding you with the collection remedies available to them.

As people’s take-home pay fails to keep pace with inflation and mounting financial debt, many people are having a hard time keeping their heads above water. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are your creditors taking collection efforts and you cannot afford to pay your or your company’s debts? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are now worried about its economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now while explaining our recommendations.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you. Whatever process we recommend for you, we will do so in order to minimize any cons you may experience.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your financial life, Starting Over, Starting Now.canada recovery benefit act



Brandon Blog Post


Is Canada in recession?

Statistics Canada recently released data showing that inflation rose to 7.7% year-on-year in May, up from 6.8% in April. This was the highest reading since January 1983 and well above the 7.3% expected by economists. The inflation index rose 1.4% from the previous month, with gasoline prices, hotel prices and car prices being the main reasons for the rise in May.

Many economists believe core measures are a better indicator of underlying price pressures, as it excludes food and energy costs. The recent average of this measurement, according to Statistics Canada, increased to 4.73% which is the highest level in the last 32 years! The worst news, their inflation expectations are not stopping.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss is Canada in recession and look at what effect it might have on Canadians.

Is Canada in recession? What is a recession?

In the most basic terms, a recession is not only when economic growth is curtailed but is a period of economic decline marked by a contraction in economic activity. Most governments define a recession as two straight quarters in which the economy contracts by at least 1.5 percent. Economists define it as negative gross domestic product (GDP) growth. This definition doesn’t take into account consumer sentiment, but that’s an important metric to pay attention to since it affects consumer spending.

Fears of a recession have been rising in recent weeks as central banks around the world try to bring inflation down from the highest in decades by raising interest rates quickly. A new poll finds that nearly 8 in 10 Canadians believe the Canadian economy is in or near a recession. More than half of those Canadians are starting to cut back on spending to cope with the recession.

According to a recent survey of 1,517 Canadians by Yahoo and pollster Maru Public Opinion, a whopping 78 percent of respondents believe Canada is now in a recession or approaching a recession. Of those, 23% believe Canada will enter a recession within the next three months, while as many as 55% believe the Canadian economy is now in a recession.

is canada in recession
is canada in recession

Is Canada in recession right now? What the economists say

Canadian economists were surveyed by Finder on their inflation and economic recession expectations. Most said Canada has recession risk and is heading for a recession. They say we can expect it to happen anytime between 2023 and the first half of 2024. Most thought it would happen in the first six months of 2023, another quarter thought it would take a year to manifest. Economists have pointed to the pandemic, inflation and interest rate hikes as the reasons for the recession in Canada (isn’t the hot money only flowing into the housing market the reason for the recession?).

Finder explains how economists try to time recessions. Canada is headed for a normal summer as pandemic restrictions are lifted, but a new variant of the COVID-19 pandemic could emerge in the fall that could tip us into a Canadian recession by this time next year. What they cannot tell us is whether it will be a mild recession or a deep recession.

Why Is Canada likely to experience a recession?

In a single word – inflation. Inflation is rising and our federal government is doing nothing to quell the inflation expectations. This is causing the Bank of Canada to try to tame inflation by raising interest rates. This increases the risk of a recession. In fact, many economists told Finder they expect “aggressive” rate hikes in the coming year. Most of those polled believe there will be at least four more rate hikes this year.

Fears of a recession have been rising in recent weeks as central banks around the world try to bring inflation down from the highest in decades by raising interest rates quickly. The Bank of Canada is one of the central banks trying to restore soaring inflation to its target range of 1% to 3%. On June 1, the Bank of Canada announced a rate hike of 0.5%.

The timing of the recession is not easy to grasp, and much depends on what happens with Russia’s invading Ukraine. Murshed Chowdhury, an associate professor at the University of New Brunswick, expects the recession to continue into the first half of 2024. How long the supply-side problems will last and the escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian war will play a big role in deciding how things turn out.

The rise in prices causing inflation can be attributed to a number of factors, including poor fiscal management by the federal government. Other factors include record highs in commodity prices such as oil and wheat. Unfortunately, wage growth for most Canadians has not kept pace with inflation. Wages have risen 2.7% over the past two years, compared with inflation of 3.4% over the same period.

is canada in recession
is canada in recession

Is Canada in recession? What will happen to the economy of Canada?

Consumer prices in Canada accelerated to their highest level in 40 years, Bloomberg reported, adding pressure on the Bank of Canada to continue aggressively raising interest rates in the coming weeks.

Markets are almost entirely confident that the Bank of Canada will raise interest rates by 75 basis points next month, which will lift its policy rate to 2.25%. The rate is expected to be as high as 3.50% by the end of the year. The preferential loan interest rate offered by commercial banks is usually more than 2 percentage points higher than the policy interest rate.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has also come under pressure from opposition parties and economists to do more to contain inflationary pressures and help households offset the cost of living, though the Trudeau government has been wary of any new measures.

Like other countries, Canadian households have been hit by record gasoline prices and soaring food prices. After a slight pullback in April, gasoline prices surged again in May, rising 12% for the month and 48% from a year earlier. Food prices rose by a smaller 0.8% in May but were up 8.8% from a year earlier.

Given that gasoline prices rose further in June, the 7.7% annual figure may not even be representative of the peak annual price increase. There were more signs that imported inflation was affecting domestic prices, with the cost of services rising 5.2 percent from a year earlier, the fastest pace of growth since 1991.

The cost of living is rising twice as fast as the average Canadian wage, creating significant headwinds for the economy. Unfortunately, the Canadian government and the Bank of Canada are treating this as if inflation is all caused by domestic factors when it is really global. Raising interest rates aggressively, an old tool, cannot solve a globally induced imported inflation spike.

The inflation we are experiencing now is a result of all the shocks to the Canadian economy: COVID-19, monetary policy-induced recession factors when the Bank of Canada kept interest rates at their lowest ever levels during the COVID-19 pandemic, the supply side problems because every major world economy effectively shut down for the better part of 2 years, the war in Ukraine causing shortages and therefore price spikes. None of it is a Made In Canada problem, yet the Bank of Canada and the federal government are treating it as if it was homegrown.

Is Canada in recession? What happens if we experience a recession?

Canadians’ purchasing behaviour is already beginning to change. A poll conducted by Nanos Research for Bloomberg News indicates:

  • 52% of Canadians surveyed say they have adjusted their spending habits, set stricter priorities and started consciously spending less in the past month.
  • The majority of Canadians expressed concern about the state of the economy, with 62 percent of Canadians believing that the Canadian economy was on the wrong track.
  • Rising prices have led 32 percent of Canadians to believe they are in a worse financial position than they were the previous month. Only 8 percent of Canadians said their situation had improved.
  • Regionally, the poll showed that residents of Atlantic Canada and Western Canada are particularly concerned about the economy.
  • In the Atlantic region, 75% of respondents believe the Canadian economy is heading in the wrong direction; in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, 77%; in Alberta, 66% of people hold this view.
  • 41 percent of Canadians said they were in a worse financial position today than they were last year. This is the second-highest reading since 2008.

This consumer sentiment, runaway inflation and the Bank of Canada and the federal government using old tools to fix a new problem will have negative consequences for Canadian businesses. Consumer spending which previously fueled the Canadian economy, now reduced consumer spending, this will most likely place is Canada in recession.

Lower company sales will lead to job losses and our record low unemployment rate will increase possibly to a new high when the current job market changes for the worst during a recession. Business investment will be reduced and what investment is made, will be more in systems and technology than people. There will be a resultant drop in GDP. Certain asset categories will drop dramatically in price as capital flees places like the Canadian stock market for investments seen to be safer.

is canada in recession
is canada in recession

Is Canada in recession? How to protect yourself from a recession

Our spending and investing habits directly impact the economy. This year so far, it’s been a rough ride. However, the majority of how a recession affects us is within each of our own control. The rest of it, the minority is because of forces beyond our control.

The economy will vary from year to year. Our spending, saving and investing habits directly impact the economy. It is important for all of us to make smart financial decisions now so we can weather the storm when the economy dips. Is Canada in recession? Based on the above, not right now, but, it could be soon. Here are my tips on how to protect yourself from a recession.

It’s important to have an emergency fund

When a recession hits, you can get fired and the value of your investments can plummet. One of the best ways to protect yourself from financial distress or additional debt is to increase your emergency savings.

That way, even if there are unexpected expenses, or your income is affected, you’ll have a cushion to protect yourself and your family. I always recommend having an emergency fund that allows you to survive for a 6-month period.

Boost your employment prospects

When a recession hits, job security can be at risk. To safeguard your income, you should consider finding a side hustle in addition to your regular job. This can serve two key purposes—helping you grow your emergency fund and providing you with extra income.

You should focus on developing job skills that will help improve your chances of not being laid off. Time management, communication, and attention to detail are all important skills to focus on.


Look at your family household expenses. Cut back on anything that is not necessary spending. If necessary, use cash to pay for purchases and not a credit card. We tend to spend less when we have to count it out in cash rather than tapping or swiping a card.

That way your money will go much further. Remember, during a recession, cash is king!

Pay down debt

Do everything you can to pay down your debt before a recession hits. The more debt you have, the more of your money goes to interest payments. If you have variable rate loan debt, as the Bank of Canada continues to crank up interest rates, the cost of that debt increases.

If you have fixed-rate debt and it comes up for renewal time, say like your house mortgage, you will be forced to renew at a higher interest rate. So, by paying down debt, you are insulating yourself as best as possible against the negative effects of the recession on your outstanding debt.

The economy may or may not slip into a recession but based on what the economists believe, more likely than not, eventually, it will. Recessions can last for a long time, or they can end quickly. However, the more prepared you are, the lower your chances of suffering a prolonged financial shock in the aftermath.

You may also want to read 2 other Brandon’s Blogs:

Is Canada in recession? What if your debt is too much for you?

I hope you found this is Canada in recession Brandon’s Blog interesting. Among the many problems that can arise from having too much debt, you may also find yourself in a situation where bankruptcy seems like a realistic option.

If you are dealing with substantial debt challenges and are concerned that bankruptcy may be your only option, call me. I can provide you with debt help.

You are not to blame for your current situation. You have only been taught the old ways of dealing with financial issues, which are no longer effective.

We’re passionate about permanently solving your financial problems with you and getting you or your company out of debt. We offer innovative services and alternatives, and we’ll work with you to develop a personalized preparation for becoming debt-free which does not include bankruptcy. We are committed to helping everyone obtain the relief they need and are worthy of.

You are under a lot of pressure. We understand how uncomfortable you are. We will assess your entire situation and develop a new, custom approach that is tailored to you and your specific financial and emotional problems. We will take the burden off of your shoulders and clear away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We realize that people and businesses in financial difficulty need a workable solution. The Ira Smith Team knows that not everyone has to file for bankruptcy in Canada. Most of our clients never do, as we are familiar with alternatives to bankruptcy. We assist many people in finding the relief they need.

Call or email us. We can tailor a new debt restructuring procedure specifically for you, based on your unique economic situation and needs. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you’re serious about finding a solution, let us know.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

is canada in recession
is canada in recession
Brandon Blog Post


The Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB Canada) has been closed but is not over

The government is ramping up its efforts to verify CERB Canada eligibility for payments made under the Canada pandemic support program. Many Canadians have been told to return some or all of the funds received in the past. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and Employment and Social Development Canada are working together to ensure that those who received COVID-19 pandemic individual benefits were eligible for them. CRA also announced that they are sending out Notices of Redetermination to Canadians who were ineligible for some or all of the CERB Canada benefits they received.

The CERB Canada benefit was rolled out quickly and there was a lot of confusion about who was eligible for it. It was created to help those in Canada who the COVID-19 pandemic directly impacted. The program provided financial assistance to employees and self-employed workers. The benefit was worth a maximum of $2,000 every 4-week period for up to four months.

The issue that troubles me is that the benefit was mostly paid to people who otherwise would not have been able to afford rent or food. The CERB Canada benefit money was spent immediately and a long time ago. So if CRA and Service Canada have now determined that some people should not have gotten that benefit, what are those people supposed to do if CRA demands the money back?

In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss what the options may be for people who receive a demand for repayment of the CERB Canada benefit.

Who was eligible for CERB Canada?

To qualify for the CERB payment from the government support program, you must have met certain conditions during the period you applied. The Government of Canada stipulated the following eligibility criteria:

  • You did not look for or receive, CERB Canada or Employment Insurance benefits from Service Canada for the same qualification period.
  • You did not stop your work willingly on your own. You were forced to stop your work by someone else.
  • You are a Canadian resident who is at least 15 years old.
  • You must have earned at least $5,000 (before taxes) in the preceding 12 months, or in 2019, from one or more of the following:
    • job income
    • self-employment income earnings
    • benefits relating to pregnancy or parental leave from the province

The program was designed to help Canadian employees and self-employed Canadians who lost their jobs or saw a significant decrease in income due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the COVID-19 lockdown order resulting in business shutdowns. The program came to an end on December 2, 2020.cerb canada

Sending your CERB Canada payment back

If you have received a letter from Service Canada asking you to repay an overpayment, the CRA says you need to follow the instructions on the letter to return the payment.

You will have the opportunity to provide more evidence to support your claim that you were entitled to the CRA’s full CERB benefit payment. Based on your responses, you may need to repay the full amount you received.

If you received any CERB Canada payments and they now say you didn’t fit into the group of eligible workers, you have the option to pay back what you owe in full right now or over time. They expect you to repay it in full either way.

Now consider this. The federal government paid nearly $12 million in CERB Canada payments to more than 1,600 people with foreign addresses during the first seven months of the pandemic! How did that happen if one of the criteria of this program was you had to be a resident of Canada?

The way the CERB Canada benefit is taxed is by taking it out of your paycheque – wasn’t that enough?

The CERB Canada benefit was not a grant or any other kind of freebie. Anyone who received it had to include it in their taxable income. That is fair because the benefit was meant to replace lost income.

In April 2020, Prime Minister Trudeau announced that the Government of Canada would be taking extensive and decisive action to support Canadians and businesses who were struggling due to the COVID-19 global pandemic through an expansion of this program.

The Prime Minister went on to say that no Canadian should have to choose between protecting their health, putting food on the table, paying for their medication or caring for a family member. He said this is why the government introduced the CERB Canada Benefit, a taxable benefit.

There have even been CRA, Employment and Social Development Canada and court decisions confirming that the CERB Canada payments are taxable and that it was definitely not a free ride. The demand for repayment of benefits from Canadians who CRA and Service Canada now feel were not eligible workers seems totally anti-social. The program was rolled out hastily and under unclear, confusing circumstances, and Canadians have been paying income tax on the benefits they received. Surely our federal government has better places to spend its time clawing back wasteful spending.cerb canada

Mom was shocked when her maternity leave benefits were cut in half due to the CERB Canada benefit

A mother was shocked to see that her most recent parental benefits instalment had been cut in half. She said that maternity and parental benefits are paid to parents so they can take time off from paid work to do another kind of work: care work.

She was receiving half of her parental leave benefits for three weeks, which were already about half of her regular earnings. The reason for the reduction was because it was determined that the CERB Canada benefit she received for every four-week period, increased her income to the point where the reduction was warranted.

Then she received a demand for repayment. She hadn’t expected to have to repay the benefit. Shortly after the COVID-19 outbreak hit in March 2020, she was let go from her work because there wasn’t enough work to go around. She thought she qualified under the eligibility requirements for the CERB Canada benefit.

She couldn’t repay the full amount in one shot so she tried to arrange a repayment plan with CRA. She said that she had to fax about a dozen documents and field several questions from federal government employees to prove she is experiencing “financial hardship” in order to qualify for a payment plan. I don’t understand why payment plans have to be approved rather than just being automatically set up. These are not rich people that they are demanding repayment from, so why make them jump through hoops?

The British Columbia court has ruled that the CERB Canada payment must be deducted from the damage award for wrongful dismissal

Here is another example that the CERB Canada benefit is not a tax-free payment or a non-taxable grant. In Reotech Construction Ltd. v Snider, 2022 BCSC 317 the trial judge awarded the employee damages for a 4.5-month reasonable notice period and declined to deduct his CERB Canada payments.

After reviewing the case, the Supreme Court of British Columbia decided that the original trial judge was incorrect in choosing not to reduce the damage award by the $9,000 in benefits received. The court decided that these payments should be deducted from the award.

There was no indication that the employee would have to repay the CERB Canada benefit to the government. If the CERB payments are not deducted, then the employee would be in a better position than if there had been no breach of the employment contract. The employee would not have received the benefit if he had not been dismissed, making the benefit an indemnity for the wage loss caused by the dismissal.cerb canada

How to repay the CERB Canada benefit

If you received the CERB Canada and now find out that you did not meet the eligibility requirements, as shown above, you must repay the money. There are a few different ways that you can repay the amount demanded.

The easiest way to repay the CERB Canada amount is through your online service CRA My Account. You can log into your account and select “Repay CERB” under the “My Account” tab. If you do not have a CRA online account, you can repay the amount you owe either by sending a cheque through Canada Post to the CRA mailing address you can find online. You can also pay it at your financial institution using the government-issued remittance form.

But what if you are just one of the many hard-working Canadian workers living paycheque to paycheque? What if you do not have the money to repay what they say you owe, either all at once or by taking an amount out of each of your future paycheques that CRA will agree to?

What if you cannot repay because the government stepped up its efforts to verify CERB Canada payments and made demands on you?

As stated above, if you cannot afford to repay the full amount being demanded of you all at once, you can hopefully convince CRA that you deserve a payment plan over time due to “financial hardship”. This assumes that the government is right that you were not originally entitled to the amount that you received for the CERB Canada benefit. But what if you cannot afford to repay it at all, no matter what sort of payment plan you can enter into?

The outcome will depend on if you are insolvent. Being insolvent doesn’t necessarily mean bankruptcy. Insolvency (aka financial failure) is a financial condition that occurs when a person or company doesn’t have enough assets to pay off all debts if they were to be liquidated. It also means that the person or company has stopped paying their bills on time in the normal course.

If the person is NOT insolvent, they are expected to sell assets or use cash on hand to pay their bills.

If you’re insolvent, you can take advantage of Canadian insolvency legislation, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA). The debt to repay the CERB Canada benefit is an ordinary unsecured claim that will be eliminated through a successful financial restructuring under either a consumer proposal or a Division I proposal. As a last resort, you could also file for bankruptcy.

I would rather refer you back to some of my earlier Brandon’s Blogs that go over the requirements for each insolvency option, rather than go through all of them individually here. They are:


CERB Canada: Canadian workers now under fire

In summary, CRA now says it’s “time to pay up” for Canadians who were paid the CERB Canada benefit during the pandemic. Although CRA has a right to claw back the amount if it is correct that the person was not eligible, what CRA’s insistence means for many Canadian workers is they now have to choose between paying back their CERB or paying for food, rent or medicine.

This is so ironic because the benefit payments were designed to help those people in making those payments when their incomes dried up. The amounts were taxed so the government earned income that way. Now they are causing unneeded stress and worry to the people they aimed to help.

I hope this Brandon’s Blog was helpful to you in understanding more about this problem now facing many Canadians. If you or your company has too heavy a debt load, we understand how you feel. You’re stressed out and anxious because you can’t fix your or your company’s financial situation on your own. But don’t worry. As a government-licensed insolvency professional firm, we can help you get your personal or corporate finances back on track.

If you’re struggling with money problems, call the Ira Smith Team today. We’ll work with you to develop a personalized plan to get you back on track and stress-free, all while avoiding the bankruptcy process if at all possible.

Call us today and get back on the path to a healthy stress-free life.cerb canada

Brandon Blog Post


ceba loan business closed

CEBA loan business closed: Program overview

The Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) program offered interest-free loans of up to $60,000 to small businesses and not-for-profits. CEBA was available from more than 230 financial institutions across the country.

As of October 26, 2020, eligibility for CEBA was expanded by removing the previous requirement that applicants demonstrate that their business had suffered a revenue loss of at least 15% due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

As of December 4, 2020, CEBA applicants who have been approved are able to receive a $60,000 loan. CEBA applicants who had received the original $40,000 CEBA loan were eligible to apply for the CEBA expansion, which offered businesses an additional $20,000 of financing.

Many businesses in Canada have lost confidence in their financial prospects due to the uncertainty over the fate of the ongoing federal pandemic support, according to the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB). Many businesses could not survive even with this emergency government support.

I have written several blogs on the CEBA program. The federal government in its budget presented last week is trying to turn the page from COVID relief. However, many businesses still struggle. In this Brandon’s Blog, I look at what it means for the entrepreneur for CEBA loan business closed businesses.

CEBA loan business closed: Eligibility

There were two streams of eligibility for the CEBA application process for a qualifying business:

  1. the Payroll Expenses Stream (Applicants with employment income paid in the 2019 calendar year between Cdn.$20,000 and Cdn.$1,500,000); and
  2. the Eligible 2020 Non-Deferrable Expense Stream (Applicants with Cdn.$20,000 or less in total payroll expenses paid in the 2019 calendar year).

All Canadian operating business applicants must have satisfied the following requirements:

  • An active CRA Business Number (BN) was registered on or before March 1, 2020.
  • In order to apply for CEBA, the Borrower must have had an active business chequing/operating account with the business bank lender at the time of application (with an active operating business in operation).
  • This business has not used the Canada Emergency Business Account Program (Program) in the past and will not apply for support through the Program at any other financial institution.
  • The company plans to keep running its business or start operating again.

If you meet the following criteria then you qualify for the Non-Deferrable Expenses Stream:

  • To be eligible for the program, your non-deferrable expenses must fall between CDN$40,000 and CDN$1,500,000. This could include costs such as rent, property taxes, utilities, and insurance. Please note that these expenses are subject to verification and audit by the Government of Canada.
  • Filed an income tax return for the 2019 fiscal year, or 2018, if the return for 2019 has not yet been filed.

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    ceba loan business closed

CEBA loan business closed: Are any borrowers excluded from CEBA?

As required by the Government of Canada’s Program, the Borrower confirms that:

  1. It is not affiliated with any government organization or body, nor is it an entity wholly owned by a government organization or body.
  2. This organization is not a registered charity, non-profit organization, union, or fraternal benefit society or order, nor is it an entity owned by such an organization unless the entity is actively carrying on business in Canada (including a related business in the case of a registered charity) that earns revenue from that business.
  3. It is not owned by any Federal Member of Parliament or Senator.
  4. It is not a promoter of violence, hateful, or discriminating activities against sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, colour, race, ethnic or national origin, religion, age, or mental or physical disability, according to applicable laws.

CEBA loan business closed: Program repayment deadlines have changed

The CEBA government support program has now been shut down. The application deadline has long passed. The federal government reviewed the original repayment deadline and saw that Canadian businesses were still struggling. So the program repayment deadlines were changed.

The terms of CEBA loans originally required that the outstanding balance (other than the amount eligible for forgiveness) must be repaid by December 31, 2022, in order to be eligible for partial loan forgiveness. The Government of Canada has announced a change to that requirement, and borrowers will now have until December 31, 2023, to repay the outstanding balance net of the amount forgiven.

As there are no payments due as of December 31, 2022, as long as your business is continuing to operate, your business CEBA loan is in good standing. Conversely, a CEBA loan business closed is not in good standing.

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ceba loan business closed

CEBA loan business closed: What are the terms of the forgiveness?

CEBA loans are partially forgivable loans concerning principal repayments. Originally the loan program offered a loan of $40,000 assistance for businesses. The program was then amended to provide for an additional loan of $20,000.

As long as your company meets the CEBA eligibility criteria, it will have the following key features of forgiveness:

  • If your business borrowed $40,000 or less, you may be eligible for forgiveness of up to $10,000. To receive forgiveness, you must repay the outstanding balance of the loan (other than the amount available to be forgiven) on or before December 31, 2023.
  • If your company borrowed between $40K and $60K, the remaining balance of the loan (excluding the amount available for forgiveness) is repaid by December 31, 2023, a single tranche of loan forgiveness up to $20,000 will be issued. The amount of forgiveness will be calculated as follows:
  • 25 percent of the first $40,000; plus
  • 50 percent of any amount above $40,000, up to $60,000.

CEBA loan business closed: Small business bankruptcies on the rise

The number of insolvencies filed by medium businesses and owner-operated small businesses in the fourth quarter of 2021 was 9.7% higher than in the fourth quarter of 2020 and 36.8% higher than in the third quarter of 2021. These filings were either restructuring proposals or liquidation bankruptcies under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA).

During the same time period, the number of large company restructurings under the federal Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) has decreased. This suggests that small business insolvency filings are increasing.

Over the last two years, government support programs have helped eligible Canadians and Canadian eligible businesses. Therefore there was a reduction in consumer and business bankruptcies. However, now that the support has ended, Canadians and their businesses will have to deal with and fix the underlying problems they face.

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ceba loan business closed

CEBA loan business closed: Considering closing your business?

From time to time I’ve spoken to entrepreneurs who applied and received the $60K CEBA loan, only to still not have sufficient confidence in their business’s financial prospects in this challenging time. The company is in financial trouble. These business owners are wondering what will happen if they have an outstanding CEBA loan and they have a business closure. What happens if business operations shut down?

If you have a CEBA loan business closed, that is a default under the loan agreement. A CEBA loan is a loan that does not require collateral from the borrower. The lender does not take security against the company’s assets as a condition of making the loan advance. Even though the language in the loan document may be unclear, if the CEBA loan borrower is an incorporated company, there were no personal guarantees required from the owners.

However, other creditors may have a personal guarantee either because the entrepreneur was required to give it, or it is a liability that attracts personal liability for the Directors of the company. Normal examples of such personal liability are:

  • other bank loans from the same or other banks;
  • the commercial landlord for the premises lease;
  • unremitted source deductions or HST; and
  • unpaid wages and vacation pay for employees.

It’s crucial that you consider all the risks before making any decisions to close your business. Seek professional guidance from an Insolvency Trustee (Trustee) to get an accurate assessment of your circumstances and learn what the best way is to safeguard your remaining finances.

CEBA loan business closed: Two options for small business in financial distress

A restructuring proposal under the BIA may be a good option for your business if it is viable but insolvent. With a viable core business, the unprofitable parts can be cut away so that the business can once again generate a positive cash flow. The benefit is that management never has to stop operating the business and you remain in control. The business avoids bankruptcy.

If the company is not viable and is insolvent, it is not worth it to keep funding it from personal resources, as it will only result in more money being lost from insufficient business income to cover all the operating expenses. Corporate bankruptcy is the legal process governed by the BIA and administered by a Trustee.

In a business bankruptcy, the Trustee is responsible for overseeing the process. The Trustee seizes the business assets and sells them. The resulting proceeds (minus any claims by secured creditors or trust claimants) are used to cover the cost of bankruptcy administration and make a distribution to the unsecured creditors.

ceba loan business closed
ceba loan business closed

CEBA loan business closed: CEBA and CERB loans can be included in bankruptcy

The Canadian government’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan (CERP) provided much-needed financial assistance to many businesses, including family-owned corporations, in the form of interest-free loans. The federal government also helped Canadians through other now-closed programs. There was an array of government support.

Some people who received CERP benefits were ineligible, overpaid, or found themselves owing taxes through no fault of their own. Likewise, many businesses that received government assistance through the CEBA loan and other programs cannot continue. In spite of their owners’ hard work, many businesses now have numerous debts, including a CEBA loan for a closed business.

If your or your company has a liability from one of the government response programs, including tax obligations or from a different contractual obligation, those liabilities can be discharged through a successful restructuring proposal, consumer proposal or bankruptcy under the BIA.

CEBA loan business closed: Summary

I hope you enjoyed this CEBA loan business closed Brandon Blog post. Are you worried because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option? Call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

ceba loan business closed
ceba loan business closed
Brandon Blog Post


We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy, and secure during this coronavirus pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Household debt-to-income ratio: Understanding the debt-to-income (DTI) ratio

Your household debt-to-income ratio indicates how much of your gross monthly income goes toward paying off your debt. In order to find your DTI ratio of household debt percentage, multiply the result by 100. The debt-to-income (DTI) ratio is a measure of how much income a person or organization generates in order to service household credit market debt.

Based on income, the household debt-to-income ratio, or as it is also called, the household debt service ratio, measures a family’s ability to pay monthly debt obligations. Divide the monthly debt obligations by the gross income to calculate the DTI ratio.

When considering a mortgage or loan, the household debt-to-income ratio is a critical metric. You may find it more difficult to get a mortgage if your household debt-to-income ratio is high, or you may end up getting smaller loan approval. Your household debt-to-income ratio is calculated using your income, debt, and credit (mortgage) accounts.

I wrote a blog almost one year ago on the Canadian household debt-to-income ratio at that time. At the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, I discussed what happened to the household debt of Canadians.

I provide an update one year after discussing a recent report by Statistics Canada about the household debt-to-income ratio in Canada during the fourth quarter of 2021.

Household debt-to-income ratio: Debt-to-income ratio example

Here is an easy-to-understand example. Sally is looking to get a loan and is trying to figure out her household debt-to-income ratio. Sally’s monthly bills and income are as follows:

  • monthly mortgage debt payment (P+I): $1,000
  • monthly auto loan payments: $500
  • credit card debt monthly payment: $500
  • household gross monthly income: $6,000
  • Sally’s total monthly debt payment is $2,000:
  • Sally’s household debt service ratio is 0.33:
  • 0.33 x 100 = In other words, Sally has a 33% household debt-to-income ratio.household debt-to-income ratio

Household debt-to-income ratio: Pre-pandemic debt pressures

Prior to the pandemic, household debt Canadians carried increased steadily. During the last decade, more and more Canadian homes carried debt. Canadian household debt-to-income ratio was 150% in 2012, according to Statistics Canada.

In other words, the increase in debt was rising at a rate of $1.50 for every dollar of income. A DTI ratio of 175.4% was reached in the first quarter of 2020. Before the pandemic, Statistics Canada estimates the household debt-to-income ratio was 181.1 percent.

Debt increases can negatively affect a household’s bottom line, and the larger the debt, the greater the negative impact.

The impact of COVID-19 on the household debt-to-income ratio in 2020: The temporary income boom of 2020 supported Canada’s household debt.

Even if the federal and provincial government financial income support payments given to Canadians through the COVID-19 Economic Response Plan aren’t considered an income surge, it is an income rise.

Fndings released by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) in November 2020 showed that the government assistance did help Canadians cope with their household debt.

In the CMHC report, the following were the key findings in Canada:

  • By the end of Q2 2020, Canada’s household debt ratio is 17% lower than Q1’s 158%.
  • Likewise, the home mortgage DTI ratio fell from 115% to 105%.
  • A rise in household disposable income caused these declines.
  • The amount of outstanding household debt in Canada did not change.

Canada’s household disposable income increased by almost 11% between Q1 and Q2 of 2020 and by 15% year over year. The extra cash doled out by governments caused this. This new cash in bank accounts was not from greater household savings.

After the government temporarily transferred money to Canadian families, the household debt-to-income ratio declined to the lowest level since 2010.

Household debt-to-income ratio: Uncertainty in household debt during the second wave of COVID-19

During the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the financial situation of Canadians had changed significantly. Especially in the financial real estate industry, the DTI ratio is an indication of financial obligations as a vulnerability.

The Canadian financial institutions stopped deferring mortgage payments at the same time. Even with the then extremely low-interest mortgage rates on mortgage loans, this obviously led to concerns about Canadians’ ability to make their mortgage payments. Other government assistance programs ended.

With the end of government support programs that temporarily boosted monthly household income, Canadians faced uncertainty about how they will be able to carry and pay down their household debt.

In the second quarter of 2021, the household debt-to-income ratio of Canadians decreased in all significant Canadian cities. Normally, such a decline would indicate a general improvement in families’ monthly income, their ability to afford monthly payments and pay off financial debt, be it mortgage debt service or consumer debt such as auto loans and credit card debt service.

Subsidies from the federal government effectively helped households to pay off debt. Canadians were more than likely able to lower their non-mortgage debt during those months. However, the mortgage component of Canadian household debt has increased in the majority of metropolitan areas while employment has decreased.

household debt-to-income ratio

Canada household debt-to-income ratio: What my predictions of financial challenges for 2021 were

I predicted that as the economy recovers from the economic effects of the Coronavirus, Canadians will be facing a great financial challenge. As a result of the COVID19 pandemic crisis, Canada’s economy pretty much stopped.

Many Canadian families have experienced extensive income losses as a result of this. For those who are heavily indebted, this is particularly true. A key concern with regard to financial stability is whether homes can keep up with their financial obligations. A financial crisis may very well befall highly indebted Canadians.

Bank of Canada was concerned about the financial challenges that Canadians will face in 2021. Can Canadian homes withstand the storm? The answer lies with:

  • household financial health as of February 2020;
  • the effectiveness of the Canadian Government’s recovery support measures and policy activities; and
  • the pace of the labour market’s recovery.

As the economy recovers, the Bank of Canada looks at a variety of household debt factors. Those with greater financial vulnerability are of particular concern. Some factors that will cause concern among the Bank of Canada are:

  • The homeowners with few financial safeguards.
  • Although it does provide a financial reserve, home equity lines of credit are also associated with increased borrowing.
  • Will the government’s fiscal policy help support Canadians until incomes recover to pre-pandemic levels or exceed them?
  • In some cases, unemployment rates may not be a reliable indicator of household revenue losses.

We have entered the first quarter of 2022, so let’s see how the economy and Canadians fared in 2021.

Statistics Canada says household debt-to-income ratio hit a record high in Q4

In the fourth quarter of 2021, household disposable income declined as housing prices, housing costs, and mortgage borrowing rose, according to Statistics Canada. As a percentage of disposable income, financial markets saw that household credit market debt rose to 186.2 percent in the fourth quarter, up from 180.4 percent in the third quarter. Credit market debt accounted for $1.86 of household disposable income for every dollar of disposable income.

Consumer credit market debt rose by 1.9 percent in the fourth quarter, while consumer disposable income decreased by 1.3 percent. Household debt increased by $50.0 billion seasonally adjusted in the fourth quarter. A total of $46.3 billion was attributed to mortgages, while $3.7 billion was attributed to non-mortgage loans.

Household debt service ratios increased in the 2021 4th quarter, measured as total obligated payments of principal and interest on credit market debt as a percentage of disposable income. The ratio stood at 184.7 percent in the third quarter of 2018, and the previous record high was 181.1 percent in the fourth quarter of 2019.

Canada household-debt-to-income ratio summary

I hope you enjoyed this household debt-to-income ratio Brandon Blog post. Are you worried because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option? Call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today Call us now for a no-cost consultation We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are remaining safe, healthy and secure during this current pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

household debt-to-income ratio

Brandon Blog Post


supply chain crisis
supply chain crisis

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we hope that you, your family, and your friends are safe, healthy, and secure. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is fully operational, and both Ira and Brandon Smith are readily available for phone or video consultations.

The audio version of this Brandon Blog can be found at the bottom of this page. Please click on the play button to listen to it.

What is a supply chain?

The supply chain refers to the facilities that enable a product and all the material it requires to be manufactured to move from one place to another. Depending on the product and its complexity, the product or its materials can pass through multiple locations. The supply chain operated smoothly for a long time. Then the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on the economy struck.

This Brandon Blog discusses the current global supply chain crisis and its impact on our recent auction liquidation sale. You might be surprised at the outcome.

Snarled supply chain: First was the Suez canal supply chain crisis

This crisis was caused by Ever Given, a 400-meter-long (1,312-foot) container ship that ran aground in the Suez Canal, Egypt, on March 23, 2021. Throughout the Suez Canal and around the Cape of Good Hope, billions of dollars in cargo were delayed due to the incident. Worldwide container shipping was impacted by five percent. Those Mediterranean ports that rely on the Suez Canal would again face cargo backlogs if the canal were to be cut off in the future.

Piraeus handled 5.4 million containers last year, making it the biggest freight port in the Mediterranean and the fourth largest in Europe, according to research firm PortEconomics. The incident has now been resolved, but it shed light on the vulnerability of how raw materials, components, and finished products are transported through chokepoints such as the Suez Canal, which may have severe implications when blocked.

As soon as the ship was freed, traffic resumed and container ships continued on their voyages.

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supply chain crisis

Supply chain crisis: Port congestion in Los Angeles and Vancouver

The global supply-chain crisis is evident everywhere, from half-empty shelves in grocery stores to soaring fuel prices at the pump. Because container ships were anchored off the coast, waiting to dock and unload, San Pedro Bay near Los Angeles and Burrard Inlet just outside the Port of Vancouver were the poster children for the global supply chain crisis.

Global manufacturing and transportation systems are impacted by changes in supply and demand. Transportation prices have increased as a result of the huge demand for container shipping, and ports have found it difficult to process incoming goods.

Global supply chains have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in product shortages, shipping delays, manufacturing disruptions, and soaring prices that have sparked inflation concerns.

In addition, companies face an increase in labour and manufacturing costs, forcing them to decide whether to pass on the increases to customers – and possibly lose market share – or absorb losses themselves.

Raw materials, parts, and consumer goods are at risk because global supply chains are at their breaking point. It has become more difficult to operate at certain ports and terminals because vessel capacity is very limited and empty containers are hard to find.

The initial lockdown resulted in employees getting laid off. Now there are labour shortages. These line operators are now hard to hire back because many have now got better-paying jobs at other companies. There is even a shortage of truck drivers to deliver the goods from the major ports to the warehouses.

The USA’s largest container port, Los Angeles, continues to unload a backlog of container ships around the clock. However, when this machinery is broken, we can experience being out of goods and experiencing back-ordering, which means we cannot get what we want when we want it.

Due to the crowded docks and port terminals, truckers couldn’t return empty containers and pick up loaded containers scheduled for delivery.

Global supply chain crisis: Shoppers need to start early for the holidays

There are product shortages everywhere. Nutella, a shortage of semiconductors has resulted in a shortage of new cars, steeply higher gas prices, and backorders for holiday gifts such as toys, books, and furniture due to major disruptions in the global supply chain.

Holiday shoppers are warned not to leave their holiday shopping until the last minute because the shelves may be empty. Presently, there are shortages of the most popular items and stores cannot replenish their inventories for this holiday season.

What is the cause of this? People bought more goods online during the pandemic lockdown, but fewer services. Except perhaps take-out food delivered to our house, it is much harder to purchase services online. The lockdown also affected manufacturing and transportation, resulting in a global supply chain crisis.

Just-in-time music stopped and fragile supply chains stopped moving, causing the supply chain crisis. Due to startup problems, it is now impossible to get everything working smoothly again. With the lockdown over, there is also pent-up demand and consumers wanting to make the holidays normal again by getting out shopping in-person to satisfy the elevated demand.

So what does all this have to do with a liquidation? I will tell you shortly, but first, I will explain what liquidation of a company really means.

supply chain crisis
supply chain crisis

Involuntary vs. voluntary liquidation of a company

Liquidating means selling your property or assets for cash or cash equivalents on the open market. Liquidation in the world of investing is when an investor closes out their position in a securities position; exiting an investment. The process of liquidating a business or distributing its assets to claimants is termed liquidation in finance and economics.

Most people on the street would say that a liquidation process is the sale of business assets, either because the business owner is closing or going bankrupt. It is possible for businesses to do a partial liquidation of slow-moving or unnecessary assets even without facing financial hardship.

When a limited company‘s liabilities exceed its assets, or when its bills cannot be paid when they fall due, the company is insolvent. It will be forced to liquidate the assets through insolvency proceedings. Financial institutions are normally secured creditors. This allows them to enforce their security through receivership. The assets that were pledged as collateral would be taken over by a receiver, whether appointed privately or by the court.

A corporate bankruptcy filing is also an alternative, or perhaps in conjunction with a receivership. Either way, the entity is forced to convert assets to cash and cease operations through insolvency proceedings, a legal process.

A company that fails to repay creditors due to financial hardship, will end up in receivership and/or the bankruptcy process. This results in compulsory liquidation, also known as involuntary liquidation.

Alternatively, the shareholders of a non-insolvent company may decide there is now a period of time where winding up operations through voluntary liquidation proceedings makes sense. Perhaps there was an insurmountable shareholder dispute, or maybe the company’s operating genius shareholder passed away.

Besides providing the capital to start the company, other shareholders were passive. As a result, the shareholders may decide to wind down the solvent company on their own volition while there is still value for them.

Paying off creditors

In either case, after assets have been liquidated, the cash is distributed to creditors first. The shareholders are entitled to the remaining net amount after paying liquidation costs and creditor claims.

Regardless of whether the company is insolvent or solvent, in general, the priority of claims from an asset liquidation tends to fall into the following classes of claims:

  1. Trust claims – either by contract or statute.
  2. Secured creditors.
  3. Ordinary preferential creditors.
  4. Ordinary unsecured creditors.

After full payment of all outstanding debts from the liquidation of assets in their priority of claims, regardless if it was voluntary or through insolvency proceedings, the remaining funds will be distributed to the shareholders according to their share priority (preferred vs. common) and the proportion of shares they own in the company.

supply chain crisis
supply chain crisis

2021 global supply chain crisis and my liquidation story

I have so far only focused on consumer buying patterns. A similar process is occurring in the commercial and industrial sectors as well. As more people have received the Covid-19 vaccine, federal government support has essentially stopped and economic growth is coming back, it is difficult for businesses to find the inputs needed to make their products. This is the basis for the story I am going to tell you.

Shareholder resolutions appointed my firm as Liquidator of two sister companies under section 193(1) of the Ontario Business Corporations Act. A furniture manufacturer specializing in custom contract orders for commercial use. The other company owned the factory property.

As a result of an unresolved shareholder dispute, the shareholders decided that the best thing to do was to liquidate the solvent manufacturing company, while they could still obtain value for themselves. Having made that decision, it was obvious that selling the Toronto property was also a wise move in today’s market.

The manufacturing company had operated for over 50 years. The company’s equipment was fully depreciated. We contacted two auctioneers who each submitted a proposal. Each explained why they predicted a low gross recovery. Both proposals were presented to the shareholders, who chose the auctioneer they preferred us to retain.

An online auction was conducted for two weeks. Initially, neither the number of bidders nor the bids were very high. After about a week, the magic happened and we saw a surge in demand. The consequences of the supply chain crisis became apparent. As the number of bidders increased, so did the bids.

We ended up with a gross recovery last week that quadrupled both auctioneers’ estimates. There was no doubt that the old equipment and delivery truck, which all worked fine, were in great demand. In fact, the vehicle’s black book value was much lower than its actual sale price.

Nevertheless, if you need that kind of truck and equipment and dealers do not have either new or used available, then historical trading values may be somewhat meaningless when there is only one available source.

Without a doubt, we are thrilled with the results of the liquidation auction. As soon as the buyers pay for their goods and pick them up, we will have a clean factory so that we can close the sale of the property next month.

Thank you, global supply chain crisis 2021!

Supply chain crisis summary

I hope you found this supply chain crisis Brandon Blog informative. Is your company or are you personally in financial distress and a debt crisis? Do you not have adequate funds to pay your financial obligations as they come due? Are you worried about what will happen to you in retirement? Do you need to find out what your debt relief options and realistic debt relief solutions for your family debt are? Is your company in financial hot water?

Call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people looking for life-changing debt solutions through a debt settlement plan and AVOID the bankruptcy process.

As licensed insolvency professionals, we are the only people accredited, acknowledged and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice and to implement approaches to help you remain out of personal bankruptcy while eliminating your debts. A consumer proposal is a government-approved debt settlement plan to do that. It is an alternative to bankruptcy. We will help you decide on what is best for you between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can eliminate the stress, anxiety, and pain from your life that your financial problems have caused. With the one-of-a-kind roadmap, we develop just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your troubles.

Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we hope that you, your family, and your friends are safe, healthy, and secure. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is fully operational, and both Ira and Brandon Smith are readily available for phone or video consultations.

supply chain crisis

Brandon Blog Post


calculate hst
calculate hst

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Brandon Blog, please scroll to the very bottom of the page and click play on the podcast.

Calculate HST and Canadian small business

I read two business reports this week, one from the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses (CFIB) and one from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). They both contain troubling information. The combined effect is bad news.

CRA reports that businesses owe $14.3-billion in unpaid sales tax. CFIB estimates that small businesses in Canada owe a collective $139 billion in debt due to the COVID-19 pandemic as of August 2021.

Almost three-quarters of small businesses that took on debt expect it to take more than a year to repay. For businesses in the hospitality sector, the number jumps to 87 percent, with most saying it will take longer than two years to pay it off. Nearly a quarter worried about ever being able to pay off their debts.

These two reports clearly illustrate that one of the debts Canadian business owners have amassed is collected but unremitted Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). This Brandon Blog will not only describe how to calculate HST but also explain what will happen if you do not pay it over to CRA.

Calculate HST Amounts in Sales and Purchase Documents

You must register for GST/HST if you bill more than $30,000 per year. You do not need to register if you don’t exceed this amount. The HST calculation varies according to the province or territory you operate in. Several provinces have harmonized their provincial sales tax with the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and charge HST on taxable goods and services. GST and provincial sales tax have to be charged in provinces with PST; GST is calculated on the price of each taxable sale of goods or services before PST is added.

HST is calculated on the revenue from each taxable sale that is collectible or collected. The HST on each taxable supply produces an input tax credit that can then be deducted from the HST owing. HST on taxable sales less input tax credits from taxable supplies is the net amount of HST due or refund for the period. Your HST return may need to be filed annually, quarterly, or monthly, depending on how large your business is as measured by total sales and therefore sales taxes also.

CRA has created an HST calculator to help you calculate HST.

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calculate hst

Calculate HST is just one part of small business debt and the COVID-19 impact

In their August 2021 research study, the CFIB uncovered a variety of issues that show the Canadian small business sector is struggling. They found:

  1. It is estimated that 71% of Canadian small business owners have taken on new debt loads to deal with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. CFIB estimates that total Canadian small business debt loads related to the coronavirus is around $139 billion, and 76% of businesses that took on debt said it would take them more than one year to repay it.
  3. Governments should continue business relief measures as government support is winding down since Canadian small businesses are carrying such a burden and are having difficulty regaining their footing. Rent assistance is one such support program.
  4. Only 39% of small businesses in Canada are currently making sales they consider to be normal for this time of year, despite recent improvements. Most continue to experience declines in revenue.
  5. About 17% of small businesses in Canada have sales that are half or less of what they should be.
  6. Four in five businesses are using one or more sources of funding to cope with COVID-19.
  7. In the arts, recreation & information, and hospitality sectors, 9 of 10 businesses are using some federal, provincial, or other funding to cope with COVID-19.
  8. In three out of five cases, government relief programs replace less than 30 percent of the COVID-19 shortfall.
  9. Scaling back federal relief programs comes too quickly for most business owners.
  10. According to half of the entrepreneurs, repaying their debt is the biggest challenge their business faces on the road to recovery.

Now for the CRA news release that has to do not only with how to calculate HST, but who is and is not paying their HST.

How to calculate HST is only the first part: Businesses owe $14.3-billion in unpaid sales tax, Canada Revenue Agency says

The number of companies falling behind on federal sales tax remittance indicates financial distress, as companies battle the pandemic and supply chain issues. In March 2020, when pandemic restrictions began, the nation owed $11.5 billion in GST and HST to the government. By September 2021, it owed $14.3 billion, an increase of 24 percent over that amount.

As of 2020-21, the CRA has received about 500,000 fewer sales tax returns than the year prior. There were approximately 105,000 fewer sales tax filers, the agency reports. Despite the fact that so many businesses are still operating at some level, they are not even bothering to file their tax returns.

Most businesses file their HST returns on either a once-a-year reporting period or on a quarterly reporting period. Some larger companies report and remit monthly. Quarterly remitters with annual taxable income between $1.5 million and $6 million showed the largest drop in returns by reporting period.

Therefore, it is clear that Canadian businesses are using the tax amounts collected as another source of financing since the pandemic hit. There is no mention of HST in the CFIB study. HST collected but not remitted was not even considered as a source of financing, which it is.

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calculate hst

Calculate HST but if you don’t pay, it is a deemed trust

Regardless of the business legal structure, the GST/HST amounts you collect from your customers are considered a deemed trust in favour of the federal government. In an operating business, it takes precedence over whatever debts you owe to other creditors, including secured creditors. The CRA can still get payment from your bank even if the bank does not lend money to you. They can go to the bank where you keep your business funds and get payment there. All that is explained in my blog post about Canada v. Toronto-Dominion Bank.

However, the CRA has the following options:

  • garnish bank accounts, accounts receivable, and all other sources of income;
  • confiscate and sell assets; and
  • pursue other legal remedies.

In my experience, CRA does not typically seize and sell assets. Instead, they pursue garnishments. As in the TD Bank case, they can also just go to whichever of the financial institutions the business banks with and demand the HST funds that have been deposited. When a company owns real property, they may get a judgment from a federal court without notifying the owner, and register that judgment against the title to the real property. Upon refinancing or selling the property, the business owner is required to repay the judgment, plus interest.

Calculate HST: Are HST and COVID debt crushing the life out of your business?

In an environment hamstrung by manufacturing and shipping backlogs, businesses may experience supply shortages and higher delivery costs. Even though paying your bills may be the most emotionally satisfying course of action, it may not be the most practical.

It’s better for your business and your employees if you seek professional advice if you believe that you cannot make next month’s payroll. The following issues cannot be ignored: lenders demanding loan repayment, landlords threatening to end your lease or seize your assets as payment, suppliers cutting off credit or halting deliveries.

The first thing I do as a licensed insolvency trustee is to determine what stage of the business the company is at. The stage the business is at is crucial for me to understand. The choices are:

  1. Solvent and viable.
  2. Solvent but not viable.
  3. Insolvent and viable.
  4. Insolvent and not viable.

The business can probably restructure with some simple changes to its operations if it is solvent and viable. Insolvent companies that are still viable may be restructured under the provisions of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act or the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act.

The business can be liquidated or sold if it is not viable, but it is solvent. If it is insolvent and not viable, we are probably looking at bankruptcy or receivership.

A deep dive is required to find out what the correct answer is. For sure I would need to calculate HST collected but unremitted, as that is a deemed trust claim, apart from one exception I describe below.

calculate hst
calculate hst

Calculate HST: What happens to the deemed trust claim in a bankruptcy?

The Excise Tax Act (ETA) defines GST/HST as a deemed trust claim. Under the ETA, a deemed trust claim will include amounts for GST/HST that was collected by the business but not paid to the CRA. There is only one exception. A bankruptcy of the business will rearrange the priorities. In a bankruptcy, the deemed trust GST/HST claim becomes an ordinary unsecured claim. There is no statutory authority for this same outcome in a BIA restructuring Proposal. However, sometimes, as an administrative issue, CRA will allow this treatment also.

According to one school of thought, unremitted amounts included in deposits or loan repayments to a financial institution before bankruptcy continue to be deemed trust claims. Nonetheless, the Supreme Court of Canada clarified GST/HST deemed trusts and secured creditors’ responsibilities for funds received.

The Callidus Capital Corporation v Her Majesty the Queen decision was reversed by the Supreme Court of Canada in 2018. For secured creditors, the decision that the deemed trust provisions of the ETA become inoperative on bankruptcy, and therefore secured creditors are not liable to account for proceeds received from a debtor pre-bankruptcy, is significant.

Calculate HST: GST/HST liability For directors

ETA section 323 increases the CRA‘s power to collect unremitted GST/HST when efforts to collect against corporations prove futile. As a result of the failure of the corporation to remit GST/HST, its directors will be liable for any tax the corporation should have remitted. The directors are jointly and severally liable for the corporation’s unremitted GST/HST.

CRA has the right to look to the directors whether the corporation is in bankruptcy or not. When we calculate HST and discover a company owes net HST, there is another downside to bankruptcy. CRA may now want to claim on the directors sooner because of the HST liability becoming unsecured.

calculate hst
calculate hst

Calculate HST summary

I hope you now see why I feel the combination of the CFIB survey results and the announcement from CRA spells upcoming trouble for Canadian businesses. I also hope you found this calculate HST Brandon Blog post informative. Are you worried because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option? If it is too much debt for any reason, call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Even though we are licensed insolvency trustees, we have found that not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Brandon Blog Post


ceba loan update

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

CEBA loan update introduction

Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) loan application deadline was on June 30, 2021. As of right now, COVID-19 support for businesses and individuals soon will be ended by the federal government. The assistance from government programs has been both necessary and very helpful. CEBA was merely one product from an array of government support for Canadians and Canadian businesses.

Many entrepreneurial businesses have lost confidence in their financial prospects due to uncertainty over the fate of ongoing federal pandemic support, according to the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB). It is pushing the Liberals for more life support to avoid a flood of insolvencies.

This Brandon Blog provides a CEBA loan update and answers a question that many entrepreneurs have asked us: What counts as a CEBA loan default? The blog also tells you about three intriguing creative ways for entrepreneurs to conquer CEBA loan default.

CEBA loan update: Original CEBA eligibility requirements

The CEBA online application process began on April 9, 2020. It was part of the general program to supply Canadian companies with access to credit and support for business operations under the COVID-19 support introduced by PM Trudeau. Under the original program, federally guaranteed financing was provided to each qualifying company for $40,000 by financial institutions.

Canadian chartered banks processed and financed the loans based on the applications from businesses. The Canada Emergency Business Account is not a business account, despite its name. Instead, it serves as a non-revolving loan. It is a government-guaranteed loan of $40,000. The CEBA are interest-free loans that do not need to be repaid until December 31, 2022. Interest will accrue after that date.

The Canadian government created the CEBA to assist small and medium companies and non-profit organizations with their most pressing cash needs during the COVID-19 crisis. The entire process was conducted online. A pre-screening tool was implemented as part of the process. Applicants completed the questionnaire and provided the necessary information. After that, the online application process system:

  • issued a CEBA pre-screen tool reference number;
  • advised that your bank had submitted the application;
  • explained that your bank has no involvement in the application process; and
  • that you will hear back within 7 to 10 business days.

The approval requirements for the $40K CEBA were not difficult to meet. On or before March 1, 2020, any incorporated company or non-profit relying on their respective CRA Business Numbers and having a Canada Revenue Agency Business Number (BN) could apply for the CEBA. A company or non-profit also needed to be a business with payroll and have a total 2019 payroll of $50,000 to $1 million with the Canada Revenue Agency Business Payroll Number (BN).

There was also an online attestation to sign confirming all the information was correct. Each financial institution had its own form. So, for example, if you applied through The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD), there was a TD website application attestation.

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ceba loan update

CEBA loan update: Expanded CEBA eligibility requirements

Then there was a CEBA loan update since it was first announced as additional government assistance for businesses’ additional funding. There were changes to the maximum loan balance, eligibility criteria, and other details. As part of the CEBA program extension, businesses that were in operation in Canada on March 1, 2020, were now eligible for a $60,000 grant. Businesses must be all-Canadian corporations, partnerships or proprietorships.

The $60,000 CEBA and $20,000 CEBA expansion financing is not available to other types of business. The $40K CEBA amount already funded automatically qualifies you for the $20,000 CEBA expansion, if you were approved for the $40K CEBA amount in the first place. Now, sole proprietors and partners in business partnerships are also eligible. Corporations owned by family members continue to qualify. Not-for-profit organizations apparently still did not qualify.

To be eligible, applicants for this CEBA loan update had to have a payroll amount between $20,000 and $1,500,000 in the 2019 fiscal year. If not, the expansion allowed them to apply for the non-deferrable expense stream (applicants whose total payroll was $20,000 or less in the 2019 calendar year).

The actual program requirements were written in a funny way. Rather than payroll expenses, it talks about having paid employment income. Apparently, Parliament wanted to emphasize that the money should be used to employ Canadians, so they can earn the employment income being paid by the business payroll!

Eligible businesses are ones that:

  • CRA Business Numbers – has an active business account with a CRA-issued BN registered before March 1, 2020.
  • Has a business chequing/operating account with the proposed lending institution they are applying through when the application process begins. An example would be an account at BMO B M O business banking relationship or a similar account at any other Canadian chartered bank. You should not have any problem meeting this requirement of having an active business chequing account if you have a Canadian operating business.
  • In order to qualify for the entire $60,000 CEBA, applicants must not have previously used the Canada Emergency Business Account Program; they also cannot request support under the CEBA Program at any other financial institution. The $20K loan could be added to the $40K loan that you already received.
  • The plan was to remain open or to reopen as soon as the restrictions were lifted.

CEBA loan update: Repayment terms, rate of interest, other fees and charges

The main provisions of the CEBA term loan are:

  • Business owners have access to a single tranche $60,000 loan through CEBA.
  • Interest is 0% until December 31, 2022.
  • Interest-only until then;
  • Loans are fully open, so the non-forgiven portion of principal repayment can be done in full or in part before January 1, 2023.

    ceba loan update
    ceba loan update

CEBA Forgiveness: Pay it back on time and get free money

To fully repay the loan by December 31, 2022, a borrower needs to repay only a portion of the amounts outstanding. They only need to pay $40,000 of the $60,000 principal, or $30,000 if you only took a $40,000 CEBA loan. If the loan is repaid by 2022, there will be $20,000 forgiven. According to the federal government, this is actually called a loan forgiveness program. This portion represents forgivable loans for early repayment.

After December 31, 2022, any outstanding balance will bear interest at the 5% rate per year for ‘Extended Term.’ Extended Term ends on December 31, 2025. Essentially, the Extended Term converts it to a 3-year term loan after the interest-free period, which is December 31, 2022. Interest will be payable every month on the outstanding principal during this period. No later than December 31, 2025, the full principal balance of $60,000 is due.

CEBA loan update: Default, Notice of Default and Demand for Repayment

There are some CEBA loan update default events. Each default event is fairly straightforward. You may be required to repay a loan if any of the following defaults occur:

  • non-payment under CEBA funding;
  • the repayment of any other business loans not covered by CEBA to the same financial institution is not made under their terms.
  • violation of any term of the CEBA agreement, including making false or deceptive statements in the CEBA application;
  • the business becomes insolvent or commits one or more acts of bankruptcy;
  • a receiver is appointed.

If the borrower defaults, the only recourse for the bank would seem to be to advise the borrower that full repayment is due immediately. A CEBA loan agreement contains no other specifics that grant additional powers to a lender.

Personal guarantees are not included in CEBA loans. The CEBA agreement does state that any successors or personal representatives, including executors and administrators, are bound by the CEBA agreement. When only corporations could apply in the beginning, this language did not make sense. The language now makes sense since the CEBA update expanded CEBA to include sole proprietors and partners, who are people, not companies.

Keep in mind that if you are a sole proprietor or partner in an unincorporated business, the loan was made to you personally. So although there is no personal guarantee, if you run an unincorporated business, you are personally liable.

ceba loan update
ceba loan update

CEBA Loan Update: Now For The 3 Ways For Entrepreneurs To Conquer CEBA Loan Default

In the same way that I mentioned the findings of the CFIB in the introduction to this CEBA loan update Brandon Blog, I’ve been contacted by entrepreneurs who applied for and received the $60K CEBA loan funds only to lose confidence in the financial prospects of their business. The company is still in financial trouble and its operating costs are still greater than the revenue being earned. It is just the case that the business managed to hang on longer. Business owners want to understand the risks associated with CEBA repayment if:

  • their business fails;
  • it closes; or
  • If their financial institution appoints a receiver over the assets due to other loans that are in default or, the business goes bankrupt.

So far, I have informed them of my understanding of CEBA loan terms and CEBA loan default events. Entrepreneurs should also make sure the company’s books and records can demonstrate receipt of the CEBA interest-free loan and that used funds were appropriate for the company’s needs.

So here are the CEBA loan update 3 ways for entrepreneurs to conquer a CEBA loan default:

  1. The first CEBA loan update loan default tip is to relax because right now, nothing is due. Not interest or principal. Interest-only begins on January 1, 2023, and then it is a 3-year term loan with monthly payments of interest calculated at 5% per annum. So if your business is still running, for $250 a month, you can buy yourself another 3 years to see if things get better. Maybe things will look brighter as you get closer to the end of 2022 or 2026, as the case may be.
  2. If the CEBA loan borrower is an incorporated company, relax. You are not personally liable. This is my second CEBA loan update loan default tip.
  3. My third CEBA loan update loan default tip is we need to talk if you are a sole proprietor or partner. Don’t relax. Will you continue your business? Is it possible for the partners to pay off the CEBA loan and obtain a 25% loan forgiveness? I can develop strategies for you to reduce the damage of your personal obligations to the Bank if this isn’t possible.

CEBA loan update summary

I hope you enjoyed this CEBA loan update Brandon Blog post. Are you worried because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option? Call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

ceba loan update
ceba loan update
Brandon Blog Post


saving for an emergency fund
saving for an emergency fund

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you would prefer to listen to an audio version of this Brandon Blog, please scroll to the very bottom and click play on the podcast.

Do I really need to be saving for an emergency fund?

Saving for an emergency fund is important for safeguarding your family’s financial future. When an emergency occurs, what happens if you haven’t saved some money in advance? Should you use all your money to pay down debts or should something be set aside for a rainy day? With the COVID-19 pandemic, we have learned that you never know when and how you might be affected by a health issue.

There are times when people need to tap into their rainy day fund because of a financial emergency. There are always unexpected expenses. The idea of “emergency savings” is easy to understand. Rainy day funds: what are they and how do they work? In this Brandon Blog, I explain the importance of having an emergency fund and how you should go about saving for an emergency fund.

What are examples of emergency expenses?

Emergency savings are intended for emergencies, as its name implies. Life is full of unexpected events:

  • breakdown of the car or repairs because of that fender bender;
  • there’s a problem with the fridge;
  • in a recession or when the economy shuts down you lose your job, with the resulting loss of income, as we have seen;
  • emergency medical expenses.

In the absence of emergency fund money to cover such expenses, you could end up paying your bills with a credit card, relying on payday loans, or heavily utilizing your secured or unsecured line of credit. These are very expensive ways to meet your urgent expenses. Saving for an emergency fund so that you have funds on hand is a much better strategy.

How do I start saving for an emergency fund?

Planning your personal finances begins with a monthly budget to be able to track monthly income and monthly expenses. It can be as simple as looking at your bank accounts and credit card statements to get a handle on what your monthly income and expenses are and writing it down on a piece of paper. Or, you can get fancier and use electronic budgeting worksheets, budget apps or an online budget calculator.

You should follow three main steps when building an emergency fund.

  • Keep a daily record of your household expenses and categorize them as discretionary or non-discretionary.
  • Take an average of all your expenses over several months to get a feel for a true average monthly amount.
  • In addition to taking stock of your expenses, this exercise should be used to weed out all unnecessary expenditures. You can begin to save money by redirecting those unnecessary expenses into savings.

An emergency can last for any number of months, so plan ahead by setting aside enough money to last at least six months. Individuals, couples, or families have different requirements. Is it a single-income family or a double-income family? The length of time it takes to save an emergency fund, as well as the amount needed, will be determined by this.

saving for an emergency fund
saving for an emergency fund

How much savings should I have when saving for an emergency fund?

There are some rules of thumb that a financial expert would recommend when deciding how to go about creating financial plans and saving for an emergency fund. You can use the 6 months of expenses calculated in your current budget as a general rule of thumb to set up a six-month emergency fund.

A six-month benchmark for emergency funds is a good place to start, but it’s not foolproof. COVID-19 has shown that even a six-months emergency fund cannot cover your household expenses if your income is dropped for an extended period of time. Depending on your financial goals, this can be extended. Harvard University found that 46% of households in the United States that lost their jobs as a result of the pandemic spent all or most of their emergency savings.

If you are saving for an emergency fund, consider things like:

  • your household’s number of people;
  • income of the household members;
  • the minimum amount needed to cover your monthly household expenses; and
  • How stable is each income source is and is there any additional income source that can be created or you may have just not thought about, such as a side gig to create business income or income tax refunds.

Ideally, your emergency fund should be proportionate to your earning potential and reflect how much you can save. It should also represent an amount that feels comfortable for you. A very important thing not to overlook is that you need to consider your income on an after-tax basis, not gross so that you have accounted for paying your income tax on time.

5 normal questions about saving for an emergency fund during the COVID-19 pandemic

Two of the five questions we have already dealt with: (i) how do I start saving for an emergency fund?; and (ii) how much savings should I have when saving for an emergency fund?

The next 3 standard questions and answers, I list below.

Where is the best place to put your emergency fund?

An emergency fund serves as a safeguard when you are faced with a true emergency. You will feel more at ease if you can fund your expenses from your emergency account in case of unforeseen circumstances. Make sure the emergency fund is separate from the other accounts. Keeping your emergency fund liquid is essential. Avoid investments that require a long-term commitment.

I recommend that you keep a certain portion liquid in an interest-bearing savings account (is there such a thing anymore as a high-yield savings account?). Right now interest rates are low, but something is better than nothing. As I already stated, keep it separate from your other funds.

To be able to automatically save without thinking about it, set up an automatic payment each pay period from your chequing account into this saving for an emergency fund savings account. Finally, put the balance of your emergency funds into a short-term GIC that can be cashable on demand. That way, it will earn something but is also liquid if needed.

saving for an emergency fund
saving for an emergency fund

I have a line of credit – should I still be saving for an emergency fund?

Keeping an emergency fund is always a good idea, as mentioned above. It’s good to have a line of credit, especially if it has a low-interest rate. However, I wouldn’t use it as my first line of defence. If you don’t have enough money in your emergency fund to cover the immediate needs, you can always use your line of credit to supplement your emergency fund. In the event that you borrow to meet those expenses, you should aim to repay the borrowed funds as soon as possible.

Should I use my emergency fund to pay off debt? Should I pay down debt before saving for an emergency fund?

Yes, it is true for some people. You might want to start paying down debt before saving for an emergency fund if you have a large amount of debt and no way to repay it. When an emergency comes up, however, you will have less money on hand if you do that.

Isn’t it better to repay your debt before you start an emergency fund if you’re in debt? Yes, the answer is yes! It does not have to be done at once. It is important to pay off the smallest balance first so that you can spend more on essentials and cut back on unnecessary expenses. This strategy only works if you are disciplined enough to stick with it.

It also depends on what kind of debt. High-interest credit card or payday loan debt should definitely be paid down first. As I previously wrote in a recent Brandon Blog, those with a poor credit score have been able to pay down massive amounts of their credit card debt. However, in order to not run that credit card statement back up, the next step should be saving for an emergency fund.

saving for an emergency fund
saving for an emergency fund

Saving for an emergency fund summary

I hope that you found this saving for an emergency fund Brandon Blog informative. Unexpected emergencies, by their very nature, are not pleasant and could have the effect of adding significantly to your debt load. There are several insolvency processes available to a person or company with too much debt. You may not need to file for bankruptcy.

If you are concerned because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges, you need debt help and you assume bankruptcy is your only option, call me.

It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties with debt relief options as an alternative to bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve. Our professional advice will create for you a personalized debt-free plan for you or your company during our no-cost initial consultation.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people with credit cards maxed out and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do as we know the alternatives to bankruptcy. We help many people and companies stay clear of filing an assignment in bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need to become debt-free, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Call a Trustee Now!