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Clinton Portis, bankrupt, bankruptcy, bankruptcies, declaring bankruptcy, living paycheque to paycheque, bankruptcy alternative, bankruptcy alternatives, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals
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Consumer proposal faqs

We have made this video to answer the Consumer Proposal FAQs that we are normally asked. This information will hopefully help you understand better how it can help you clear your debts and AVOID bankruptcy.

In addition to this video, you can also check out other blogs and vlogs we have written on Proposals:

The most asked FAQs

The most asked of the FAQs is – What are the advantages? The main ones are:

  • You keep all of your assets
  • Actions against you by unsecured creditors, such as wage garnishments will be stopped
  • Unlike informal debt settlement, the proposal process is a forum where all of your creditors must deal with your restructuring
  • You don’t have to declare bankruptcy

Too much debt? Get the help you need now!

We hope you enjoy this video about consumer proposal FAQs. Click on this link to find out more. You can also have many of your questions about personal bankruptcy answered by clicking on our Bankruptcy FAQs link.

Instead of going deeper into debt and just putting your head in the sand like an ostrich, heed the advice of your grey divorce support groups and contact us today. Seek the help from a professional trustee, even if you’re not considering bankruptcy at this stage.

A trustee in bankruptcy will evaluate your situation and help you to arrive at the best possible solution for your problems, whether that solution is a bankruptcy alternative like credit counselling, debt consolidation or a consumer proposal or bankruptcy. With immediate action and the right plan, the Ira Smith Team can solve your financial problems Starting Over, Starting Now. We’re just a phone call away.

consumer proposal faqs

Brandon Blog Post


consumer proposal vs debt settlement
consumer proposal vs debt settlement

Consumer proposal vs debt settlement vs. debt settlement companies

If you have serious financial problems, there is an option available to you to avoid debt settlement companies and bankruptcy. In fact, more Canadians are now choosing consumer proposals instead of declaring personal bankruptcy. The purpose of this Brandon’s Blog is to explain the benefit of consumer proposal vs. debt settlement companies.

The advantages of consumer proposals with a Trustee can save you from debt settlement companies. Here’s how. Unlike a trustee in bankruptcy, debt settlement
companies have long been a hot-button issue and as a result, we’ve posted several blogs on the subject:

How successful is consumer proposal vs. debt settlement companies?

One of the advantages of consumer proposals vs. debt settlement companies is a high chance of success. Consumer proposals filed by a trustee have an excellent chance of being accepted by creditors. The consumer proposals our office files have experienced almost 100% acceptance by creditors. We know of other trustees who say their success rate with consumer proposals is in the high 90% range.

According to the Canadian Bankers Association, only 10% of offers received from debt settlement companies are accepted and it’s estimated that only 3% are successfully completed. As you can see, consumer proposals vs. debt settlement win hands down!

Advantages of using a licensed trustee in a consumer proposal vs debt settlement company

The reason for the advantages of consumer proposals is because a licensed trustee understands the behaviour of your creditors, is obligated to check all options with you and explain why a consumer proposal is a better option than other ones available, including personal bankruptcy. A trustee can recommend you properly on how to reach a mutually satisfactory compromise on your debt that you can actually complete it successfully, taking your family income and situation into consideration.

If you are considering consumer proposal vs. debt settlement companies

The advantages of consumer proposal vs. debt settlement companies are simple; a trained, educated, licensed financial services professional delivers results. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. for sound, professional advice and a solid financial plan for Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy, alternative to bankruptcy, personal bankruptcy alternatives, alternatives to personal bankruptcy, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act , BIA, bankruptcy solutions, lines of credit, credit card debt, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, budget, student loan debt, trustee, economic downturn, starting over starting now, information about bankruptcy, Toronto bankruptcy trusteeWhen do people generally want information about personal bankruptcy alternatives?

Personal bankruptcy alternatives are always sought after an economic downturn. The economic downturn is causing more people to rely on credit to supplement their income and/or their lifestyle. This mountain of debt will ultimately result in bankruptcy or hopefully, an alternative to bankruptcy.

What Bank of Montreal and Statistics Canada say about Canadian household debt

In BMO’s Annual Debt Report, the average household debt of those surveyed is $92,699, more than $4,000 higher than the four-year average dating back to 2012. And servicing that debt, which includes mortgages, lines of credit and credit card debt, is costing $1,165 a month.

According to Statistics Canada:

  • The debt-to-income ratio of Canadian households is 163.3% which means for every dollar Canadians earn, they owe $1.63 in debt
  • Canadian households now owe $1.841 trillion in various forms of debt
  • More than $1.1 trillion is from mortgages
  • $519 billion is consumer debt, like credit cards

Debt + More Debt = a Solution?

Adding debt to more debt is not a solution to the problem; it compounds the problem. If you are using credit cards to supplement your income or your lifestyle, you have a serious problem that needs professional help. Don’t wait until bankruptcy is your only option. You should be learning about personal bankruptcy alternatives before it is too late.

Is there such a thing as bankruptcy solutions?

We are asked this question all the time. Before even considering bankruptcy, I always want to discuss 3 formal alternatives to personal bankruptcy:

  1. Credit Counselling
    Credit counselling is in reality debt counselling. Professionals provide assistance with a host of issues related to debt including budgeting, finding debt solutions, working with your creditors and rebuilding credit.
  2. Debt Consolidation
    Debt consolidation is a single loan that allows you to repay your debts to several or all of your creditors at once, leaving you with only one outstanding loan.
  3. Consumer Proposals
    Consumer proposals are formal offers made to your creditors under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) to modify your payments. e.g. paying a lesser amount each month for a longer period of time and paying a total lesser amount than you owe, all on an interest-free basis!

In addition there are informal personal bankruptcy alternatives including budget review, contacting your creditors (including your mortgage lender), selling an asset and contacting the Federal Government’s Repayment Assistance Plan (if you’re having difficulty repaying your student loan debt).

Just ask your Toronto bankruptcy trustee

A professional trustee can open up a world of possibilities for you. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. for help with your financial problems. With just one phone call you can be well on your way to a debt free life Starting Over, Starting Now.


Brandon Blog Post


What happened to David Cassidy?

This YouTube David Cassidy video says it all. His bankruptcy, notwithstanding he refutes it, must be related in some small part to his alcoholism and the several David Cassidy DUI events. The US Bankruptcy Court has ordered that he now must have his Florida home sold by auction.

For those of you too young to remember him, here is the link to the David Cassidy bio. As you can see, he was a huge music and television star heartthrob. Whatever happened to him over the years, David Cassidy now must pull his life back together. Like all of us, he must learn to live within his means and budget properly. Mr. Cassidy certainly isn’t the first, and won’t be the last celebrity having financial problems.

Next Steps

So who knows? Maybe Mr. Cassidy will have to go back on tour with a Partridge Family revival tour, or at least a David Cassidy tour, to earn extra income! Like all of us, he will have to learn to live within his means. Dealing with his personal problems will also be a great new beginning for him.

And what if you were not famous but are struggling?

If you’re struggling to support a lifestyle you can no longer afford, take immediate action and contact a professional trustee and explore your alternatives to bankruptcy. There are alternatives to personal bankruptcycredit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals. However, regardless of the choice that’s right for you, a balanced budget is always part of the equation. As we’ve stressed before, a balanced budget is to financial health what a balanced diet is to physical health. You’ll have to take a realistic look at your lifestyle and a serious look at your big ticket items – luxury home(s), exotic vacations, luxury cars, designer clothes and expensive entertaining and start living within your budget in order to benefit from one of the alternatives to bankruptcy .

The Ira Smith team approaches every file with the attitude that corporate or personal financial problems can be solved given immediate action and the right plan. Contact us today and Starting Over, Starting Now you can be on the path to a debt free life.

david cassidy youtube, ira smith trustee,david cassidy tour, youtube david cassidy, what happened to david cassidy, cassidy, david cassidy now, david cassidy bio, whatever happened to david cassidy, david cassidy news, david cassidy dui, bankruptcy, starting over starting now, alternatives to personal bankruptcy, credit counselling, consumer proposals, debt consolidation, budget


Brandon Blog Post


alternatives to bankruptcy, bankruptcy, trustee, alternatives to personal bankruptcy, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, budget, balanced budget, financial, insolvency, personal insolvency, starting over starting nowAlternatives to bankruptcy

Our insolvency clients, be they personal or corporate, usually want to start a consultation by asking us bankruptcy questions. However, I first start by obtaining a full understanding of the person’s or company’s financial challenges, so that we may consider all of the realistic options before discussing the topic of bankruptcy. I first wish to find the best alternative to bankruptcy.

I am finding now that many families, even high earners, are struggling in the “new economy”. We’ve spoken about their plight in our blogs:

There is yet another group that is now in great danger of bankruptcy – families whose previously very healthy income has taken a serious downturn and are now struggling to maintain a lifestyle they can no longer support. These families need to act fast and consider their alternatives to bankruptcy before it is too late to take remedial action. The natural inclination is to tough it out and hope for better times, but serious financial times demand serious financial decisions, not a hope and a prayer. As these families wait for better times to come they are burning through whatever savings they have, going further into debt by living off credit and will eventually run out of both money and credit.

This is not the best approach. At the first sign of financial trouble, these families should seek the advice of their legal counsel or accountant. These trusted professionals will be able to refer the families in financial trouble to a trustee in bankruptcy that they trust. With the trust factor bridge now in place with the trustee, that trustee can review the situation and provide the families with their realistic alternatives to bankruptcy.

If you’re struggling to support a lifestyle you can no longer afford, take immediate action and contact a professional trustee and explore your alternatives to bankruptcy. There are alternatives to personal bankruptcycredit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals. However, regardless of the choice that’s right for you, a balanced budget is always part of the equation. As we’ve stressed before, a balanced budget is to financial health what a balanced diet is to physical health. You’ll have to take a realistic look at your lifestyle and a serious look at your big ticket items – luxury home(s), exotic vacations, luxury cars, designer clothes and expensive entertaining and start living within your budget in order to benefit from one of the alternatives to bankruptcy .

The Ira Smith team approaches every file with the attitude that corporate or personal financial problems can be solved given immediate action and the right plan. Contact us today and Starting Over, Starting Now you can be on the path to a debt free life.


Brandon Blog Post


advantages of consumer proposals, bankruptcy trustees, collection agency, Collection Agencies Act, consumer proposals, credit counselling, debt, debt settlement companies, debt settlement services, Ontario Collection and Debt Settlement Services Act, starting over starting now, trustee, trustee in bankruptcy

The advantages of consumer proposals with a Trustee can save you from debt settlement companies. Here’s how.

Brandon Blog Post


Millennials, Gen Y, debt, student loans, credit card debt, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, bankruptcy, millennial home ownership, starting over starting nowMillennial home ownership may be out of reach because there is no doubt that Millennials are struggling with debt and it’s a serious issue. We’ve addressed this problem in two previous blogs – Millennials Debt; A Plan for Escape and Gen Y Trapped: Millennials in Debt. For those of you unfamiliar with the term Millennial, the Census Canada definition is kids born between 1977 and 1994. In Canada Millennials represent a large group; they make up approximately 27% of the population. And unfortunately they also have a lot of debt, the majority of which is student loans and a good proportion can also be attributed to credit card debt.

As a result of student debt, credit card debt and lower than anticipated salaries, many Millennials can’t even dream of buying a house and millennial home ownership is a fading dream. In fact, many can’t even afford an apartment and are living at home with their parents or sharing an apartment with multiple roommates. This situation has affected more than just the Millennials and their families; the lack of millennial home ownership has seriously impacted the housing market. “The first-time homebuyer is really absent from the market,” says David Crowe, the chief economist for the National Association of Home Builders. He says only 16% of new-home sales are to first-time homebuyers. That is half of normal. And in terms of the numbers of new homes getting built, “We’re not even halfway back,” Crowe says. This phenomenon will eventually rebound, but it will take time. Millennials will need to feel comfortable that their debt reduction plans are working before millennial home ownership, and therefore a large group of first-time home buyers, will again be able to enter the real estate market.

Millennials need help dealing with debt. Maxing out credit cards is not a solution. If you’re a Millennial in debt, you need professional help. Responsible hard working millennials deserve to have millennial home ownership included in their reality.

Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. With sound professional advice and a solid plan in place, you can conquer debt. There are many ways to deal with debt which include credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals and bankruptcy. It may sound ominous, but the Ira Smith team will guide you through the process and Starting Over, Starting Now you can live a debt free life and plan for your future.

Brandon Blog Post


living paycheque to paycheque, living paycheck to paycheck, bankruptcy, alternatives to bankruptcy, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, starting over starting now, trustee, high earners, norma walton, ronauld waltonIt may surprise you to learn that high earners, earning a six figure salary is not a guarantee of financial stability or security. A big house, luxury cars and exotic vacations frequently don’t tell the real story. You may be looking at a lot of smoke and mirrors. Often these high earners become victims of their own success.

The costs of maintaining a high flying lifestyle eventually becomes too great and a debt spiral begins. No one is immune. Famous actors and actresses, lawyers, doctors and captains of industry file for bankruptcy just like the working poor living paycheque to paycheque. According to the Wall Street Journal “some high earners end up leading a lifestyle that they can barely afford, saving little or nothing for retirement and living paycheck to paycheck”.

This problem appears to be global, with no sign of letting up. In fact we reported on it last year in two blogs titled “Is Canada’s 1% Immune from Insolvency or Bankruptcy?” and Famous Celebrity Bankruptcies Happen Too. A recent study at Princeton University calls this phenomena “wealthy hand-to-mouth”. The study reports that the wealthy hand-to-mouth behave in many respects like households with little or no net worth. So, whether you’re a high earner or have little or no net worth, if you’re living paycheque to paycheque, you’re in the same boat and your options are the same.

If you are one of the high earners, or just a normal person, the time to end the spiral of debt is now. There is no time to waste. Debt doesn’t go away on its own. You need professional help and a sound plan for moving forward. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We’re a full service insolvency and financial restructuring practice serving companies and individuals throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now.

There are alternatives to bankruptcycredit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals or ultimately bankruptcy may be the answer – for both high earners and normal people. Don’t make living paycheque to paycheque a lifestyle. Call us today and take the first step towards a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


I recently read an article on millmillennials, millennials debt, Gen Y, Boomers, Baby Boomers, bankruptcy alternatives, debt, student loan debt, trustee, bankruptcy, credit, counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, restructuring and turnaroundennials debt that actually referred to Millennials as “The Generation of Debt”. We recently reported on this very serious problem in our blog “Gen Y Trapped: Millennials in Debt”. Pew Research reports that Millennials are more distrustful of people than ever, less likely to belong to a party or religion, more in debt, and say they are unable to marry because they lack a solid economic foundation. In addition Millennials are also the first in the modern era to have higher levels of student loan debt, poverty and unemployment, and lower levels of wealth and personal income than their two immediate predecessor generations (Gen Xers and Boomers) had at the same stage of their life cycles.

I found this millennials debt issue particularly interesting because just a few days ago I had a conversation with a Millennial who said that her friends felt disenfranchised and angry with the Baby Boomers who have enjoyed benefits that they expected and will never have like company defined pension plans and old age security benefits at age 65.

Clearly one of the major issues is that Millennials had expectations but no financial plan and many are now trapped in a debt cycle that they don’t know how to escape. Millennials debt is a problem that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. And dealing with debt is not a DYI project. If you’re a Millennial facing serious debt issues and an uncertain financial future, contact a professional trustee. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. There are many ways to deal with debt as well as bankruptcy which include credit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals.

We’re here to help. We can discuss with you the various bankruptcy alternatives for the restructuring and turnaround of millennials debt and your entire financial life leading to your overall well-being. We can put you back on the path to lead a healthy and productive life so that you can escape the millennials debt trap. Make an appointment with the Ira Smith team today so that Starting Over, Starting Now you can live a happy, productive, debt free life.

Call a Trustee Now!