Brandon Blog Post


stalking horse bid
stalking horse bid

This blog was originally published on July 21, 2015. It was updated on March 22, 2021.

Bankruptcy Sales: What Is a Stalking-Horse Bid?

A stalking horse bid, in the Canadian insolvency context, is an attempt by a company (and/or its Monitor, Receiver or Trustee ) in a Court supervised insolvency proceeding, to set what will be the baseline that must be met and beaten by any other bids for the assets. The intent is to maximize the value of its assets as part of a Court supervised sales process and to discourage any bid below a certain value.

A stalking horse is a process that allows a potential buyer (the stalking horse bidder) to make a public bid for a company’s assets in order to set a floor price for the amount of money to be received by the company’s creditors in a (bankruptcy) sale. The stalking horse bidder will get to purchase the company’s assets if no other bidder comes forward. The stalking horse provision allows for the bidding process terms and conditions to be set in a court-supervised sale.

In this Brandon Blog, I describe the stalking horse bid process and how it works

What’s a stalking horse bid? Example of a stalking horse bid

According to Wikipedia:

“The term stalking horse originally derived from the practice of hunting, particularly of wildfowl. Hunters noticed that many birds would flee immediately on the approach of humans, but would tolerate the close presence of animals such as horses and cattle. Hunters would therefore slowly approach their quarry by walking alongside their horses, keeping their upper bodies out of sight until the flock was within firing range. Animals trained for this purpose were called stalking horses.”

In an insolvency context, a stalking horse bid stands to test the market to see how the market values the assets for sale. If the market values the assets less than the amount of the stalking horse bid, then no one will bid higher and the party who made the stalking horse bid will be successful in acquiring the assets.

If the market values the assets more than the amount of the stalking horse bid, the higher offers will be made for the assets and for the Court to consider for approval. Presumably, a higher offer will be approved, the purchaser will purchase the assets and the stalking horse bid will not prevail.

stalking horse bid
stalking horse bid

How a Stalking-Horse Bid Works

The stalking-horse bid method allows a distressed company to avoid receiving low ball bids as its assets are being sold. Once the stalking-horse bidder has made its offer and it has been negotiated and court-approved, other potential buyers may submit competing bids for the company’s assets.

By setting the low end of the bidding range, the insolvent company hopes to realize a higher price on its assets. Insolvency proceedings are public. The public nature allows for the disclosure of more information about the deal and the buyer than what would be available in a private deal.

Stalking-horse bidders can generally negotiate which particular assets and liabilities it hopes to acquire. After the stalking horse bid is negotiated resulting in an asset purchase agreement, it will be necessary for the company, Receiver or Trustee to obtain Court approval of not only the stalking horse bid but also for the entire sales process to be implemented.

If the company is attempting to restructure and requires “bankruptcy protection”, then those corporate proceedings would be either under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (“CCAA”) or the Proposal provisions of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (the “BIA”). In that situation, it is the company making an application to the Court with the support and assistance of the monitor or proposal trustee.

If it is a corporate receivership or bankruptcy proceeding, then it is either the receiver or bankruptcy trustee making the application. In the case of bankrupt corporations, then it is the bankruptcy court that needs to approve the stalking horse bid, the entire sales process and approve the sale.

What does it take to get bankruptcy court approval?

When applying to the Court, approval for an entire sales process is being sought, a component of which is the stalking horse agreement. The Court has various considerations in determining if a stalking horse sale process should be approved. They are:

  • Is a sale transaction warranted at this time?
  • Will the sale benefit the whole “economic community”?
  • Do any of the debtors’ creditors have a bona fide reason to object to a sale process of the business?
  • Is there a better viable alternative?”

In the event the stalking horse bid is not the successful winner because of the other potential bidders at least one made a better offer, it is normal for the stalking horse purchaser to receive some form of compensation. The compensation is for the time, cost and resources invested to perform its due diligence, to make its offer which was found to be reasonable in the circumstances and to expose that offer to the marketplace to stand as a stalking horse bid, and for that bidder to not end up as the successful purchaser.

Our Firm has been involved in situations where the stalking horse bid has been both the successful bid unsuccessful bid. If the compensation, commonly known as break-up fees, is fair and reasonable, it will not dissuade other purchasers from coming forward in the sales process, and it will also be fair to the stalking horse bidder if they are unsuccessful. It is fair to the stalking horse bidder to have these bid protections incorporated into their offer.

The Court in considering the approval of a stalking horse bid also considers if the breakup fee, and the entire stalking horse bid, has been negotiated between arms’-length parties and has the support of the stakeholders involved in the insolvency proceeding.

stalking horse bid
stalking horse bid

The Pros and Cons of Being A Stalking Horse Bidder for Assets In Bankruptcy

There are various pros and cons to being a stalking horse bidder and making the stalking horse bid. First the advantages:

  • First to tie up the company’s management, perform due diligence thereby dealing exclusively with the company for the proposed purchase of its assets.
  • Gaining the advantage of time and access to the company’s financial information.
  • Having the time to be able to understand the company’s problems and challenges.
  • Getting under contract for the assets the purchaser wants to acquire.

The cons of making the stalking horse bid are:

  • Making sure that you set the break fee high enough to fully compensate the stalking horse bidder.
  • Not having too long a time period between approval of the stalking horse bid and the time when other bids must be submitted to avoid the assets or the company’s operations worsening through the process.
  • Would it have been better not to have been the stalking horse bidder and see how the company and its assets fare before having to submit a bid?
  • If the stalking horse bidder is not a secured lender, is there a likelihood the secured lenders will bid their security which will outbid yours?
  • If there is more than one acceptable bid, then an auction process is required to determine the successful bidder. The stalking horse bidder may not wish to participate in such an auction and will end up losing out.

Can a secured creditor credit bid? Cirque du Soleil agrees to ‘stalking horse’ takeover bid from lenders worth $375M

One of the most recent high-profile successful stalking horse bids was the Cirque du Soleil insolvency proceeding under the CCAA. In that case, a takeover proposal from the Cirque du Soleil’s secured creditors has been approved as the benchmark bid for a court-supervised auction of the insolvent entertainment company.

That is called a credit bid. When the secured creditor bids all or a portion of its outstanding loan. This will be done in situations where the secured creditor believes that the value of the assets to be sold is less than the amount owed, yet the company’s assets can be used to run a viable business. In that situation, the secured creditor would rather bid its security with the company debt to take over the assets.

By making a credit bid, the secured creditor potential purchaser does not need to come up with cash for the purchase price. However, cash will be required to make certain payments to parties the company business cannot operate without and to have working capital going forward.

If they bid the full amount of their loan and get outbid in other purchase agreements, it means they get fully paid out. Otherwise, they get the assets to run the company, bring it back to financial good health and profitability. Eventually, then they will sell the healthy company to recoup their money plus make a profit.

Stalking horse bid summary

If your company is experiencing financial difficulties, don’t waste your time stalking horses or any other animal. Seek the advice of your professional advisers. The earlier you seek financial help the more options will be open to you. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. We’ll review your corporate issues and come up with a sound plan so that Starting Over, Starting Now you can enjoy financial peace of mind.

stalking horse bid
stalking horse bid
Brandon Blog Post


restructuring and turnaround, assignment in bankruptcy, bankruptcy, bankruptcies, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, BIA, Companies Creditors Arrangement Act, CCAA, Casimir Capital Ltd., deemed assignment in bankruptcy, trustee, proposal, starting over starting nowA restructuring and turnaround process that does not garner the support of the creditors can lead to bankruptcy. Bankruptcy ends up being a result of an attempt to save the business that has gone awry.

There are two statutes which set out the law of bankruptcy and insolvency law in Canada, including the Canadian regimes for a corporate restructuring and turnaround:

  • Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (“BIA”): Contains 275 sections and is intended to be a complete code for bankruptcies. The law dealing with bankruptcies is within the BIA itself
  • Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (“CCAA”): Deals with corporate restructuring and turnaround (as does the BIA) and contains 22 sections. Most of the law dealing with the CCAA has developed from Court decisions as the statute is very thin!

Once in motion it’s extremely difficult to set aside an assignment into bankruptcy. That is why the interests of all stakeholders must be carefully considered and addressed in order for a restructuring and turnaround plan to be successful. Take for example the motion which was recently brought before the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (In Bankruptcy and Insolvency) by Casimir Capital Ltd., an intermediary or broker of various underwritings and placements. Up until January 31, 2014 when it resigned, it was a member and registered as a securities dealer with the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (“IIROC”).

Casimir Capital Ltd. brought a motion seeking to set aside its deemed assignment into bankruptcy, and a review of a decision of a trustee to allow certain creditors to vote against a proposal put forth by the firm to settle its debts. At that meeting, 93.7% of the creditors voted against the proposal. However, in the motion, Casimir argued that some of the creditors should not have been allowed to vote as it disputes the validity of their claims.

The decision: In Re Casimir Capital, 2015 ONSC 2819 (CanLII), Casimir’s motion was dismissed. In his ruling The Honourable Mr. Justice Pattillo stated that the trustee “…was correct in allowing the Disputed Creditors to vote.” and “…the steps taken by the Proposal Trustee in reviewing and validating the proofs of claims filed, including the Disputed Creditors, for the purpose of voting at the first meeting were more than sufficient.”

The court noted that even if the votes of the disputed creditors were disallowed, 69.4% of the other creditors, whose claims are not disputed, voted against the proposal. The Court also agreed with the trustee that the debtor’s motion to have its deemed assignment in bankruptcy set aside fails in any event because even if the disputed creditors votes are set aside, the votes of the remaining creditors still defeat the proposal. As you can see, this restructuring and turnaround attempt was doomed for failure, as essentially none of the needs of the stakeholders were successfully addressed. Therefore in this case, a deemed assignment in bankruptcy was the end result. I am sure the professionals involved did the best they could with what they had to work with, but it obviously was not enough.

Unfortunately many companies and individuals find themselves in financial difficulties and surviving these financial difficulties can be a daunting task. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. has helped many companies to not only survive, but prosper. Our corporate restructuring and turnaround strategies not only deal with short term crisis management but the long term viability of corporations. Contact us today so that Starting Over, Starting Now once again your company can a financially viable entity.

Brandon Blog Post


Target Canada liquidation, Target Canada, Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, CCAA, 17,600 employees, debt, Target Corporation, liquidation plan, creditor protection, Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc., Starting Over Starting Now, restructuring of insolvent corporations, restructuringThe Target Canada liquidation plan for the sale of its inventory, fixtures, store leases and other real estate was approved by Order of The Honourable Regional Senior Justice Morawetz on February 4, 2015. In this blog, we will focus only on the Target Canada liquidation of the inventory, furniture and fixtures located at its retail stores, distribution centres and corporate head office. Hopefully, we will succeed in explaining it in plain English!

Target Canada sought and obtained creditor protection on January 15, 2015 under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-36) (“CCAA”), a Canadian federal statute. As we indicated in our earlier blog, TARGET CANADA CLOSING: $5.4 BILLION AND COUNTING, the CCAA, which is normally used for the restructuring of insolvent corporations with debts over $5 million, in order to preserve all or a portion of the business and jobs. This time, rather than being used for a restructuring and turnaround, it is being used to provide for an orderly liquidation.

The closing of the Target Canada stores will put 17,600 people out of work over the next five months. The Initial Court Order provided for an Initial Stay Period was to expire on February 13, 2015. In order to carry out the Target Canada liquidation plan, part of the relief it sought and obtained was an extension of the Stay Period to May 15, 2015.

The two questions that we have been asked the most are: 1. what is the Target Canada liquidation plan for its inventory and chattels and how long will it take; and 2. will the suppliers receive everything they are owed from the liquidation?

The first question is easier to answer than the second. First, below in point form is a summary of the Target Canada liquidation plan for its inventory and chattels which is now approved by the Court:

  1. An exclusive agent was approved to conduct the Target Canada liquidation of the inventory, furniture and fixtures located at the retail stores, distribution centres and corporate head office, to liquidate in its entirety.
  1. The exclusive agent is a contractual joint venture comprised of Merchant Retail Solutions ULC (“ULC”), Gordon Brothers Canada ULC and GA Retail Canada. ULC will collectively act as the exclusive agent.
  1. The current time estimate is that the Target Canada liquidation will end no later than May 15, 2015 for the stores, April 30, 2015 for the distribution centres and March 31, 2015 for the corporate office. Circumstances may alter this schedule, but this is the current plan.
  1. All sales will be “final sales” and “as is” and all advertisements and sales receipts will reflect same.
  1. The exclusive agent has guaranteed that Target Canada will receive a net minimum amount of 74% of the “Cost Value” of the Merchandise (the “Guaranteed Amount”), computed in accordance with the Agency Agreement, and subject to adjustment in accordance with the Agency Agreement, if: (i) the aggregate Cost Value of the Merchandise is less than $445 million or greater than $475 million; and/or (ii) the Cost Value of the Merchandise as a percentage of the Retail Price of the Merchandise exceeds 63%. (This part was not plain English!!).
  1. What this means is that if there is no adjustment to the Guaranteed Amount calculation based on the Agreement, Target Canada is guaranteed to receive a minimum estimated amount of $340 million from the liquidation of the inventory, furniture and fixtures (based on an average Cost Value of $460 million).

Now for the second question. Target Canada owes money to nearly 1,800 businesses around the world, from India to Shanghai and Brampton to Winnipeg. It is impossible to estimate at this time what suppliers may expect to receive from the Target Canada liquidation, for the following reasons:

  1. There is no current estimate for what the net proceeds may be from the sale of the Target Canada store leases and real estate.
  1. There will be further deductions from the Target Canada liquidation including the:
  • trust claims of any party, statutory or otherwise, against the assets, properties and undertaking of Target Canada;
  • operating costs and liquidation specific costs for which Target Canada will have used its own cash flow rather than having borrowed those funds;
  • exclusive agent’s Charge and Security Interest (on the Limited Inventory Charged Property only);
  • Administration Charge (to the maximum amount of $6.75 million);
  • KERP Charge (to the maximum amount of $6.5 million);
  • Directors’ Charge (to the maximum amount of $64 million);
  • Financial Advisor Subordinated Charge (to the maximum amount of $3 million); and
  • DIP Lender’s Charge.
  1. The final amount of claims to ultimately be filed and admitted in the Target Canada liquidation are unknown. All we know is that in its initial motion material, Target Canada stated that it owed a total of $5.1 billion, of which $3.1 billion was owed to an entity related to Target Corporation in the United States. Target Corporation has stated that it will subordinate its $3.1 billion claim to those of the unsecured creditors.
  1. What claims may come before the claims of unpaid suppliers? The unpaid suppliers are ordinary unsecured creditors. The scheme of distribution, which has not been developed yet by Target Canada or submitted to the Court for approval, will have to reflect that the claims of trust claimants, other secured creditors and preferred creditors must be paid first before the claims of the ordinary unsecured creditors.

On paper, it seems that the Target Canada liquidation will provide sufficient proceeds to pay off all creditors in full, with assets and liabilities both in the $5-billion range. But the true value of the recorded assets will be less than stated. So for now, this second question cannot be answered.

We will continue to watch and blog about the Target Canada liquidation. If your business is showing signs of financial stress, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. before your business problems lead to your business closing. The earlier you begin to deal with debt, the more options you’ll have. We approach every file with the attitude that financial problems can be solved given immediate action and the right plan. Starting Over, Starting Now you can live a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


Target Canada closing, Target Canada, Target Canada, Target Corporation, Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, CCAA, restructuring of insolvent corporations, restructuring and turnaround, business failure, orderly liquidation, Zellers, starting over starting now, financial viability, financial hardship, receivership or bankruptcyTarget Canada closing was announced on January 15, 2015, when Target Canada Co. and related entities commenced court-supervised restructuring proceedings under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (“CCAA”). The CCAA, which is a Federal statute normally used for the restructuring of insolvent corporations with debts over $5 million, in order to preserve all or a portion of the business and jobs. This time, rather than being used for a restructuring and turnaround, it is being used to provide for an orderly liquidation.

What went wrong? Target Canada is an indirectly wholly-owned subsidiary of the United States-based retailer Target Corporation. Target Corporation was founded in 1902 as Dayton Hudson Corporation, and is one of the largest retailers in the United States of America. You would think they had the experience to avoid such a disaster. It seems that everything went wrong and right now Target Canada estimates that this business failure will result in a loss of $5.4 BILLION!

The mistakes made by Target Canada and its US based parent seem to be very basic. The mistakes made leading to the Target Canada closing can be summarized in the following 9 point list:

1. Walk before you run – Target Corporation’s leadership saw expansion into Canada as an opportunity to extend the Target shopping experience to a broader group of people and thereby expand its revenues and profits. They also believed that there were significant opportunities in the Canadian market that made their strategies well positioned to succeed.

However, rather than starting off with a few stores in select Canadian markets, they began in 2011 by purchasing the net amount of 135 store leases from Zellers Inc. for a net purchase price of $1.6 billion. Perhaps a more modest start would not have put so much financial pressure on Target Canada from the very beginning.

This is reason number one leading to Target Canada closing.

2. Failure to implement your plan in a reasonable period of time – Although Target Canada entered Canada in 2011 through the purchase of the leases, they first undertook necessary renovations and leasehold improvements before Target Canada opened at many of the former Zellers locations under the Target banner. The first stores did not open until March 2013 – more than 2 years after the decision was made to acquire the Canadian locations.

This obviously gave Target Canada’s competitors a long lead time to plan for the Target invasion. The major competitors include Wal-Mart, The Bay, Sears, and also major supermarket chains like Loblaws, electronic retailers like Best Buy and Future Shop, and home improvement stores like Canadian Tire, Home Depot, Rona and Lowes.

This is reason number two leading to Target Canada closing.

3. Miscalculation of Demand for your Product – The opening of that many stores resulted in market densification – particularly in large cities served by more than one Target store – and reduced the impact of many of the new store openings. There were too many stores for the marketplace.

This is reason number three leading to Target Canada closing.

4. Poor Supply-Chain Management – Target Canada encountered significant supply chain issues. Stores were often: (i) out-of-stock for important merchandise, resulting in consumer dissatisfaction; and (ii) over-stocked on other merchandise, necessitating discounts to manage the inventory and impairing operating margins. These supply chain issues created a poor first impression. Therefore, many potential customers appear to have returned to or maintained the shopping practices they had before Target’s entry into Canada where such problems didn’t exist.

This is reason number four leading to Target Canada closing.

5. Tinkering with a proven model – Canadian consumers expected Target Canada to follow Target’s U.S. prices, which is a significant source of loyalty to the Target brand. Rather than match or reflect the U.S. prices in Canada, its pricing model was designed to compete with other similar Canadian retailers and included generally higher prices than Target’s U.S. stores. This appears to have limited Target Canada’s ability to distinguish itself in the competitive Canadian retail marketplace. It appears to me that Target Canada did not attempt to distinguish itself on a superior customer experience and did not attempt to distinguish itself in its pricing model.

Many of the Target Canada suppliers, either directly or through related entities, supplied merchandise to both the Canadian stores and Target Corporation’s U.S. stores, and many of those cross-over vendors have operations in Canada. Couldn’t Target have used its buying clout to not have Target Canada’s pricing model to be the same as its Canadian competitors?

This is reason number five leading to Target Canada closing.

6. No online presence – Need I say any more? Any home-based business owner knows you need to have an online presence today.

Although Target US has an established and successful online retail business, Target Canada elected to focus on the build-out of the physical stores and improving store operations, and did not prioritize the establishment of an online retail business for Canadian customers. This turned out to be a significant competitive disadvantage as the retail market moves beyond traditional bricks-and-mortar stores. By the time Target Canada woke up, it was too late.

This is reason number six leading to Target Canada closing.

7. Too little too late – Beginning in Spring 2014, Target Canada added internal resources and consulted at great length with a variety of strategic, operational and financial advisors in an attempt to improve Target Canada’s operations and identify strategies that could make the Canadian operations viable in the long term. Target Canada could not identify an option that would result in TCC breaking-even in the next five years. Were any of these financial viability studies conducted before the net spend of $1.6 billion on leases in 2011? Would not those same studies have identified what senior executives should have done to have a successful Target Canada launch?

This is reason number seven leading to Target Canada closing.

8. Not understanding the marketplace – In 2011, Canada had a population of 34.4 million. In comparison, this was slightly smaller than the population of the State of California at the same time. The financial returns for Canadian stores were expected to be in line with historical returns for U.S. store openings. This typically meant losses until the completion of the first full year of store operations, and profits thereafter. Target Canada never made any money. For the 2013 and 2014 fiscal periods, Target Canada’s losses totalled $3.6 billion (before interest and taxes).

This is reason number eight leading to Target Canada closing.

9. Management – Based on the above, clearly Target management miscalculated the success of an expansion into Canada out of the US. No doubt other US retailers who may be considering an expansion into Canada, must look at this expansion failure before embarking on implement their own expansion into Canada.

This is reason number nine leading to Target Canada closing.

At the time of filing, Target Canada had 17,600 employees. Because this is an orderly liquidation and not a restructuring and turnaround, those jobs will not be saved as a result of Target Canada closing. No doubt these job losses will create financial hardship for many of these employees’ families. To its credit, Target US has established a trust fund for payment of the Target Canada obligations to its employees. This trust fund is in addition to the proceeds from the sale of the Target Canada assets.

The lessons to be learned from the Target Canada closing story is that every business, regardless of size, must not only have a properly vetted business plan before implementing any business strategy, but management must have carefully studied and tested it to ensure as best as possible that management understands the marketplace it wishes to operate in and that the implementation of the plan will be successful for the business.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. acts for both debtors and secured lenders, in the performance of financial and viability assessments for financially challenged businesses. The earlier that we are consulted, the better the chances are that we can construct and assist management in implementing its plan to return to financial health without the need for receivership or bankruptcy proceedings.

Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. before your business problems lead to your business closing. The earlier you begin to deal with debt, the more options you’ll have. We approach every file with the attitude that financial problems can be solved given immediate action and the right plan. Starting Over, Starting Now you can live a debt free life.



Note: The facts contained herein regarding Target Canada Co. (“TCC”) and Target Corporation, and the expansion of Target Corporation into Canada was derived from the Affidavit of Mark J. Wong, General Counsel and Secretary of TCC, sworn January 14, 2015 in support of TCC’s CCAA application.

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