Brandon Blog Post


Importance of Effective Debt Collection

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on debt collection strategies! In this Brandon’s Blog, you will discover many proven tips to maximize recovery and enhance your success rates in debt collection. Whether you are an experienced collector, just starting, or are an accountant or lawyer trying to help educate your clients, this resource is designed to equip you with effective methods for recovering unpaid debts.

From industry best practices to innovative tools and techniques, we provide valuable insights to help you streamline your collection processes and boost debt recovery. Stay tuned to learn how to optimize your approach and achieve better results in debt collection. Let’s elevate your success in debt recovery together!

Overview of the Debt Collection Process

The debt collection process is a crucial aspect of financial management that requires a strategic and systematic approach. It involves a series of steps to recover outstanding debts while maintaining positive relationships with debtors. From initial contact to negotiation and resolution, each stage demands precision and professionalism to ensure a successful recovery.

Understanding the legal framework, utilizing effective communication techniques, and leveraging technology are key components of a well-rounded debt collection process. Organizations can maximize recovery rates and optimize their financial performance by following best practices and implementing proven strategies. A comprehensive debt collection process overview is essential for success in debt recovery endeavours.

The Impact of Outstanding Debts on Businesses

Outstanding debts can have a significant impact on businesses of all sizes. When customers fail to pay for the products or services they have received, it can lead to a domino effect of financial challenges for the business. Here are some of the key ways in which outstanding debts can affect a business:

Cash Flow Strain: One of the most immediate impacts of outstanding debts is the strain it puts on the business’s cash flow. When invoices go unpaid, it can disrupt the regular flow of income into the business, making it difficult to cover operational expenses, pay employees, or invest in growth opportunities.

Hindered Growth Opportunities: Businesses rely on a healthy cash flow to invest in new projects, expand their operations, or launch new products and services. When a significant portion of the revenue is tied up in outstanding debts, it can hinder the business’s ability to seize growth opportunities and stay competitive in the market.

Profitability Challenges: Unpaid invoices directly impact the profitability of the business. As debts accumulate, it can lead to a decrease in profit margins, making it harder for the business to generate revenue and sustain its operations in the long run.

Damage to Reputation: Failing to collect outstanding debts can also damage the business’s reputation. Customers may view the business as unreliable or unprofessional if they repeatedly encounter issues with payments or outstanding debts. This can lead to a loss of trust and loyalty among customers, ultimately affecting the business’s bottom line.

Legal Risks: In some cases, businesses may face legal risks if they are unable to collect outstanding debts. Legal actions or disputes with customers can be time-consuming, costly, and damaging to the business’s reputation. Businesses need to have a solid debt collection strategy in place to minimize these risks and protect their interests.

Overall, outstanding debts can have a ripple effect on the financial health, growth opportunities, and reputation of a business. By implementing effective debt collection strategies and working with professional debt collection agencies, businesses can mitigate these risks and ensure a healthier financial future.

Understanding the Impact of Credit History and Credit Reports on Debt Collection

Debt collectors need to have a comprehensive understanding of how credit history and credit reports impact consumer behaviour. By gaining insight into these complexities, debt collectors can improve their communication and collaboration with debtors to reach mutually beneficial resolutions effectively.

This knowledge not only facilitates smoother interactions but also enables debt collectors to operate with professionalism and ethics. It enhances the likelihood of successful collections by customizing discussions to address debtors’ concerns about maintaining a positive credit score and credit report.woman on phone witih debt collector with money in chains representing she cannot pay her debts

Understanding Debt Collection Tools and Systems

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Debt Collection

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the debt collection industry by providing businesses with innovative tools and technologies to improve their debt recovery processes. AI-powered solutions offer a wide range of benefits, including increased efficiency, accuracy, and scalability. Here are some key ways AI is transforming debt collection:

Automated Data Analysis: AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of customer data to identify patterns and trends that can help businesses better understand customer behaviour and payment patterns. This insight allows businesses to develop more targeted and personalized debt collection strategies.

Predictive Analytics: AI-powered predictive analytics can forecast which customers are most likely to default on their payments, allowing businesses to prioritize high-risk accounts and allocate resources more effectively. This proactive approach can significantly improve debt recovery rates.

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can interact with customers in real time, providing personalized assistance and support throughout the debt collection process. These virtual agents can answer customer inquiries, negotiate payment terms, and even process payments, all while maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction.

Machine Learning: AI algorithms can continuously learn and adapt to new data, enabling businesses to optimize their debt collection strategies based on real-time insights. By leveraging machine learning capabilities, businesses can improve their collection efforts and maximize recovery rates.

Compliance and Risk Management: AI-powered solutions can help businesses ensure compliance with regulations and reduce the risk of non-compliance penalties. These tools can flag potential compliance issues, monitor regulatory changes, and provide guidance on best practices for debt collection.

AI is crucial in revolutionizing debt collection practices, helping businesses streamline their processes, improve efficiency, and maximize debt recovery rates. By leveraging AI-powered solutions, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and achieve award-winning collections success.

Benefits of Using Debt Collection Agencies

The benefits of using debt collection agencies include:

Efficient Recovery: Debt collection agencies specialize in recovering outstanding debts promptly and efficiently, ensuring a higher recovery rate.

Expertise and Industry Knowledge: Debt collection agencies have specialized knowledge of debt recovery laws, regulations, and best practices, enabling them to navigate the complexities of debt collection with precision.

Professional Expertise and Experience: Debt collection agencies bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the table, using successful tactics customized to each debtor’s situation to maximize recovery rates.

Streamlined Operations: By outsourcing debt collection to experts, businesses can focus on their core operations while the debt collection agency handles the details of debt recovery.

Improved Cash Flow: Recovering unpaid debts can improve cash flow and financial stability for businesses, enabling them to invest in growth opportunities and future success.

The Power of Online Payments in Debt Recovery

In today’s digital age, online payments have revolutionized the way organizations approach debt recovery. With the rise of self-service portals and digital payment platforms, customers have more control over their repayment options, leading to a more positive and efficient debt recovery experience.

One of the key advantages of online payments in debt recovery is the convenience it offers to past-due customers. By allowing customers to set up payment schedules, review their payment history, and make secure payments online, organizations are empowering customers to take charge of their debt repayment journey. This self-service approach not only gives customers a sense of control but also reduces the likelihood of resistance when it comes time to pay back.

Moreover, online payments streamline the debt recovery process for organizations as well. Debt collection software enables organizations to accept online payments without involving third-party merchants, ensuring added security and lower costs. Additionally, automated reminders and notifications can be sent to past-due customers, prompting them to make timely payments and reducing the manual workload for recovery teams.

By implementing a digital-first contact strategy and leveraging debt collection software, organizations can bridge the gap between customer expectations and the reality of debt recovery. Automating debt-collection tasks, such as implementing chatbots and virtual assistants, allows companies to scale up their debt-collecting operations without the need to hire more agents or allocate additional resources.

Segmentation based on the likelihood of self-cure and prioritization is also crucial in managing multiple past-due accounts effectively. By categorizing accounts based on their risk of non-recovery and legal implications, organizations can focus on addressing older debts with higher risks first and prevent further complications.

The power of online payments in debt recovery lies in its ability to provide customers with a convenient and secure way to repay their debts while streamlining the debt recovery process for organizations. By embracing digital payment solutions and automation, organizations can enhance the customer experience, improve collection rates, and ultimately achieve their debt recovery goals more efficiently.

Debt Collection: Establishing Effective Communication with Debtors

Communication Techniques are crucial in debt collection to maintain professionalism and foster positive relationships with debtors. By practicing active listening and empathy, collectors can better understand the debtor’s situation and work towards mutually beneficial solutions. Clear and transparent communication is key to conveying expectations, deadlines, and consequences effectively. Maintaining a professional demeanour in all interactions helps build trust and credibility, increasing the likelihood of successful debt recovery.

The Importance of Communication in Debt Collection

Clear and transparent communication is essential in debt collection to build trust and maintain positive relationships with debtors. By clearly explaining the debt situation, including outstanding amounts, due dates, and consequences of non-payment, collectors can ensure debtors understand their obligations.

Transparency in communication also involves providing accurate information about payment options, negotiation terms, and any legal implications.

This approach fosters cooperation and reduces misunderstandings, leading to more successful debt recovery outcomes. Maintaining a professional tone throughout all interactions and being open and honest in communication can help collectors establish credibility and increase the likelihood of recovering unpaid debts.

Effective Communication Techniques for Successful Debt Collection

Effective communication is essential in debt collection to build trust, foster transparency, and ultimately achieve successful debt recovery. By implementing the following communication techniques, creditors can enhance their interactions with debtors and improve their chances of recovering outstanding debts.

Personalization: When communicating with debtors, it is crucial to treat them as individuals rather than just an account number. Addressing them by their name and showing empathy towards their situation can help establish a more positive relationship and increase the likelihood of cooperation.

Clarity and Transparency: Communicate the terms of the debt, including the amount owed, due dates, and consequences of non-payment. Avoid using jargon or complex language that may confuse debtors, and be transparent about any fees or charges associated with the debt.

Active Listening: Listen attentively to debtors’ concerns, questions, and reasons for non-payment. By demonstrating active listening skills and showing an understanding of their perspective, creditors can build rapport and potentially find mutually beneficial solutions to resolve the debt.

Maintain a professional demeanour: While it is important to be empathetic and understanding towards debtors, it is equally important to maintain a professional demeanour in all interactions. Avoid using aggressive or threatening language, and always remain courteous and respectful, even in challenging situations.

By implementing these effective communication techniques in debt collection efforts, creditors can build stronger relationships with debtors, increase the likelihood of debt recovery, and ultimately improve their overall financial health. Remember, successful debt collection is about collecting money maintaining positive relationships and fostering trust with debtors.

Leveraging Communication Channels for Maximum Results

Effective communication is key in debt collection efforts, as it plays a significant role in building trust, resolving conflicts, and ultimately recovering debts. By leveraging various communication channels strategically, creditors can enhance their chances of successful debt recovery. Here are some tips on how to maximize the use of communication channels in debt collection:

Utilize Multiple Platforms: In today’s digital age, creditors have a plethora of communication channels at their disposal. Utilize emails, phone calls, text messages, and even social media platforms to reach out to debtors. By diversifying your communication channels, you increase the chances of getting a response from debtors and prompt them to take action on their outstanding debts.

Tailor Your Message: When communicating with debtors, it’s essential to tailor your message to suit their preferences and circumstances. Personalize your communication by addressing debtors by their name, acknowledging their specific debt, and outlining clear steps for resolution. By showing empathy and understanding, you can build a rapport with debtors and encourage them to cooperate in repaying their debts.

Define Expectations Clearly: Clearly outline the terms of the debt, including deadlines, consequences of non-payment, and available options for repayment. By setting clear expectations from the outset, you reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings and disputes down the line. Be transparent about the consequences of non-compliance while also offering assistance and flexibility where possible.

Provide Regular Updates: Maintain consistent communication with debtors by providing regular updates on the status of their debt. Keep them informed of any progress made in resolving the debt, any payments received, and any changes in the repayment plan. By keeping debtors in the loop, you demonstrate your commitment to resolving the issue and fostering transparency in the debt collection process.

By effectively leveraging communication channels in debt collection, creditors can improve their chances of recovering outstanding debts while maintaining positive relationships with debtors. Clear, personalized, and consistent communication can go a long way in facilitating successful debt recovery follow-ups and enhancing cash flow for businesses.woman on phone witih debt collector with money in chains representing she cannot pay her debts

Debt Collection: Maintaining a Healthy Cash Flow and Financial Health

The Importance of Timely Payments for Cash Flow Management

Effective debt collection procedures are essential for maintaining a stable cash flow and financial health. Timely receipt of customer payments is crucial for ensuring that a company has the necessary funds to cover expenses and sustain operations. Prompt payment settlements also help reduce the risk of bad debt and enhance the overall financial well-being of the organization.

Delays or missed payments can significantly impact cash flow, leading to disruptions in the debt collection process. Therefore, businesses must prioritize timely payments to ensure efficient cash flow management and successful debt collection.

Strategies for Overcoming Financial Difficulties and Collecting Outstanding Balances

Many businesses face financial difficulties due to various reasons such as unexpected expenses or economic downturns. As a result, collecting outstanding balances has become a challenging task for debt collectors. To overcome these difficulties, it is important to implement effective debt collection strategies that not only help in recovering the outstanding balances but also maintain a positive relationship with the debtors.

Strategies include proactive communication, offering flexible payment plans, and utilizing the services of professional debt collection agencies. By using these strategies, debt collectors can navigate through financial difficulties and successfully collect outstanding balances while maintaining professionalism and empathy towards the debtors.

Legal considerations and risk management are pivotal components in the realm of debt collection practices. The provinces establish the laws that debt collectors must abide by. In Ontario, debt collectors are obliged to abide by the Collection and Debt Settlement Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.14. Lenders regulated at the federal level, must adhere to appropriate federal laws, to avoid negative legal repercussions. This entails upholding accurate and timely communication with debtors, respecting their privacy, and refraining from engaging in any form of harassment or deceitful methods.

Furthermore, debt collectors must possess a comprehensive understanding of the potential risks entailed in debt collection, such as potential lawsuits or detrimental effects on their own or their clients’ reputations. By implementing effective risk management strategies, such as meticulous documentation and compliance procedures, these risks can be mitigated, ultimately ensuring that debt collection practices are conducted ethically and lawfully.

Through the prioritization of legal considerations and risk management, debt collectors can uphold a professional and esteemed image, while effectively recovering debts.woman on phone witih debt collector with money in chains representing she cannot pay her debts

Debt Collection Conclusion

I hope you enjoyed this debt collection from Brandon’s Blog. This is the final blog in our “Lawyers and Accountants” series. Individuals and business owners must take proactive measures to address financial difficulties, consumer debt and company debt and promptly seek assistance when necessary. It is crucial to recognize that financial stress is a prevalent concern and seeking help is a demonstration of fortitude, rather than vulnerability. Should you encounter challenges in managing your finances and find yourself burdened by stress, do not delay in pursuing aid.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses with debt problems that are in financial distress. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns and more associated with your company debt are obviously on your mind.

The Ira Smith Team understands these overwhelming debt financial health concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual who has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious. It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own and it does not mean that you are a bad person. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team uses innovative and cutting-edge methodologies, to adeptly navigate you through the intricacies of your financial challenges ensuring a resolution to your debt-related predicaments without resorting to the rigours of the bankruptcy process. We can get you debt relief now! We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a Trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt.

On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring. We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel. Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, to begin your debt-free life, Starting Over, Starting Now.woman on phone witih debt collector with money in chains representing she cannot pay her debts

Brandon Blog Post


Financial stress test: Introduction

Poor financial management is a substantial element that causes a firm to be burdened with excessive financial debt. To avoid financial stress, one of the critical areas for companies is to develop a proper balance between their debt and equity financing, in addition to creating a distinct plan for managing their debt. Overlooking these obligations may lead to a situation where a company ends up being overloaded by debt and interest payments and ends up perilously close to insolvency and maybe even bankruptcy.

Investing in private or public companies always brings dangers, yet it can be particularly devastating when a company you’ve bought declares bankruptcy. In this financial stress test Brandon’s Blog, we discuss the topic of business financial stress and exactly how to identify early signs that a company you own or have invested in is heading in the direction of bankruptcy. By comprehending the 10 essential indications or danger signals, you will certainly be able to make enlightened choices and protect your economic future. We believe that recognizing these signs is critical for any manager, owner or investor and we discuss them below.

Financial stress test danger signal 1: Debt can be a killer

Too much debt can be a major business killer. It typically results in their insolvency and failure. When a firm struggles with low sales and revenues, the worry of debt becomes a lot more challenging to overcome. As investors, it is important to carefully keep an eye on the financial obligation level of a business to make sure that it can fulfill its economic obligations.

Among the indications that a company is heading towards bankruptcy is frustrating financial obligations. High degrees of debt, the first financial stress test, can be a significant root cause of financial tension for a company. When a business has gathered a considerable amount of debt that it cannot pay off, it can discover it is challenging to fulfill its economic obligations, which is the leading cause of bankruptcy. This can bring about a downward spiral where the business continues to borrow to pay off other financial debts, intensifying the problem. As an investor, it’s important to keep an eye on a firm’s financial obligation levels and assess its capability to handle and reduce its financial debt burden.

In addition to taking a look at a business’s financial statements, it is very important to remain updated on the latest information and advancements that might impact a firm’s debt circumstance. Modifications in rates of interest, credit report ratings, or industry-specific regulations can have a considerable effect on a firm’s capability to handle its financial obligations and its ability to continue to operate.

Comparisons can be made between different companies and their financial obligations. It truly is a tool with 2 sides. When debt is used practically and responsibly, it has the prospective to drive business growth and expand horizons. Nonetheless, if financial debt reaches unmanageable proportions, it can swiftly turn into a fatal strike. Organizations strained by frustrating financial debt frequently find themselves captured in a damaging pattern, unable to generate sufficient funds to satisfy their financial debt duties.

An image showing a traffic light with red and green lights with financial charts and dollar signs in the background to depict a company showing danger signals and nearing financial bankruptcy
financial stress test

Financial stress test danger signal 2: Declining revenue

The second financial stress test is a decrease in sales can act as a substantial indicator, shedding light on the multifaceted challenges a corporation grapples with. It may insinuate that the demand for the enterprise’s offerings is experiencing erosion in the marketplace, or that rival contenders are annexing a larger slice of the market pie.

Discerning the underlying rationales behind the slump in sales assumes paramount importance, as it offers insights into the realms necessitating enhancements or recalibrations in corporate strategies. Furthermore, it facilitates the assessment of whether the market has wearied of the company’s product or service offerings.

Various methodologies exist for surveilling sales trends and scrutinizing a corporation’s performance. One prevalent approach involves scrutinizing the company’s financial records, encompassing the income statement and balance sheet. These documents provide a granular breakdown of the corporation’s sales figures, profits, and expenditures. By juxtaposing these numerical facets across temporal dimensions, both management and investors can pinpoint any deviations or recurring themes in the company’s sales acumen.

Sustained drops in revenue can be construed as momentous signifiers of financial adversity and disquiet. A dip in revenue may signify a flagging appetite for the company’s offerings or an encroachment on market territory by competitors. This deterioration exerts a direct influence on the corporation’s earnings and liquidity, thereby engendering mounting impediments in meeting monetary obligations and defraying expenses.

Lenders ought to lend a vigilant ear to this clarion, as it portends the company’s arduous struggle in generating commensurate income, with potential repercussions spanning financial hardship or, in extreme cases, insolvency if left unaddressed.

Financial stress test danger signal 3: Negative cash flow

When conducting a comprehensive evaluation of a firm’s financial well-being, sustainability, and overall fiscal robustness, one pivotal factor that investors should diligently scrutinize pertains to its capital. Cash flow, the third financial stress test, denotes the intricate ebb and flow of financial resources within a company, encapsulating both the inflow and outflow of monetary assets over a specified duration.

Capital stands as the linchpin of any prosperous enterprise, furnishing the wherewithal to discharge financial obligations, sustain day-to-day operations, and seize growth opportunities. A robust cash flow empowers a company to honour its debt commitments, bankroll its routine functions, and allocate resources for the expansion of its business. Conversely, an inadequacy in cash flow can give rise to formidable fiscal predicaments, potentially imperilling the company’s equilibrium and longevity.

If a company consistently experiences a surplus of monetary outflows over inflows, it may serve as an ominous harbinger of financial distress. One of the paramount indicators signalling that a company is grappling with financial strain and edging toward insolvency is an adverse cash flow. When a company persistently witnesses an outflow of cash exceeding its inflow, it undeniably indicates that financial woes are looming.

An unfavourable cash flow signifies that the company is not generating sufficient revenue to offset its expenditures, thereby engendering the perilous inability to meet financial obligations and fulfill fiscal commitments. Prudent investors must exercise vigilance when they discern this forewarning and regard it as a crimson banner, safeguarding their investments and rendering well-informed judgments concerning the financial destiny of the company.

Comprehending the significance of cash flow

Examining a corporation’s capital history and contrasting it with its prevailing levels of financial indebtedness bestows a valuable perspective on its financial well-being. If a company shoulders a substantial debt burden that eclipses its capital reservoir, it may signal heightened risk and potentially foreshadow impending financial tribulations.

Debt servicing: Enterprises endowed with a robust cash flow possess the capacity to expeditiously honour their debt obligations, thus evading the pitfalls of loan defaults. A bountiful cash flow not only equips them to promptly meet interest and principal repayments but also instills faith in lenders and stakeholders alike.

Operational expenditures: Cash flow plays a pivotal role in underwriting a company’s day-to-day operational outlays, encompassing personnel salaries, lease outlays, utility expenses, and inventory procurements. Ineffectual cash flow management can precipitate quandaries in sustaining routine business functions, thereby opening the door to potential disruptions.

Prospects for growth: A buoyant cash flow furnishes a corporation with the requisite financial means to seize burgeoning prospects, be it diversifying its product portfolio, venturing into novel market segments, or acquiring rival entities. Enterprises grappling with meagre cash flow may forfeit these openings and fall short of harnessing their full growth potential.

Analyzing cash flow: Key metrics and ratios

Pro Tip: It’s also crucial to compare a company’s cash flow metrics with those of its industry peers and competitors. This helps provide context and identify potential outliers or areas of concern.

Since we have developed the significance of capital in a business’s monetary wellness, let’s explore the important indicators and proportions that investors typically rely upon to evaluate a business’s financial security and efficiency.

Cash flow to debt ratio: This proportion contrasts a business’s operating capital to its overall debt, providing an understanding of its capacity to service its financial obligation obligations. A greater proportion suggests a favourable circumstance, showing that the company creates enough cash to cover its financial debt settlements.

Running cash flow (RCF): This metric exposes the cash created from a company’s core procedures. A positive RCF indicates that the business’s operations are producing enough cash to cover its costs and purchase future growth. An unfavourable RCF might recommend operational inefficiencies or declining sales.

Free capital (FCF): FCF represents the cash left after subtracting capital investment from running capital. It shows the surplus cash offered for debt settlement, shareholder distributions, or reinvestment in business. A healthy FCF is necessary for long-lasting economic stability.

While these metrics offer a beginning point for capital analysis, it is very important to perform an extensive testimonial of a company’s financial declarations, including its earnings statement and balance sheet. Comparing the trends in cash flow over multiple periods can reveal patterns and provide a more accurate assessment of the company’s financial stability.

An image showing a traffic light with red and green lights with financial charts and dollar signs in the background to depict a company showing danger signals and nearing financial bankruptcy
financial stress test

Financial stress test danger signal 4: Inadequate liquidity

Inadequate liquidity stands as the pivotal fourth financial stress test, suggesting that a corporation is treading the precarious path towards insolvency. When a company grapples with a paucity of access to liquid resources, such as cash or readily tradable securities, it can substantially fetter its capacity to discharge fiscal obligations and retire outstanding debts. Constricted liquidity begets complexities for a company in navigating unanticipated financial setbacks or leveraging investment opportunities to generate revenue.

In the dearth of a commensurate cash flow, a company might resort to exorbitantly high-priced borrowings or precipitous divestment of valuable assets, thereby exacerbating its fiscal predicaments. Investors ought to meticulously monitor a company’s liquidity standings, for it can serve as a telltale sign of an impending bankruptcy risk.

Financial stress test danger signal 5: Impact of competition on a company’s financial health

When one undertakes the evaluation of an enterprise, it becomes paramount to consider the relative extent of its market dominance in comparison to its competition. If said market portion exhibits a downtrend, it could potentially signal operational hurdles, a struggle to maintain competitiveness, or perhaps even an ongoing struggle for supremacy. Moreover, prudent investors ought to delve into the company’s array of competitive strengths and weaknesses in this fifth financial stress test.

This endeavour necessitates a comprehensive examination of aspects such as the distinctiveness of their products, the standing of their brand, their operational efficiency, and the fidelity of their customer base. A holistic understanding of these facets stands as a fount of invaluable insights concerning the organization’s ability to maintain a lead within the competitive milieu.

Furthermore, seismic shifts in consumer proclivities might also wield a profound influence on the fiscal well-being of an enterprise. As the predilections of consumers undergo metamorphosis, organizations must adroitly recalibrate their stratagems to conform to these evolving exigencies. Failure to do so could culminate in market erosion and revenue diminution.

For example, a company that neglects to embrace the currents of e-commerce and the tenets of digital marketing might find itself outflanked by competitors who adroitly harness the potential of the online sphere. Investors ought to scrutinize the responsiveness of an enterprise to the vicissitudes in consumer comportment and evaluate its preparedness to exploit nascent prospects.

In the process of scrutinizing the financial robustness of an enterprise, it becomes imperative for proprietors, administrators, and financiers alike to factor in the competitive ecosystem. It is a sine qua non to undertake a scrupulous and penetrating inquiry to fathom the challenges posed by rival entities and gauge the organization’s tenacity in the face of such challenges.

One of the cardinal modes through which competition influences the financial stability of an enterprise resides in the transformations that transpire within the marketplace landscape. The advent of formidable competitors possesses the potential to upend the dynamics of the market, casting a substantial shadow over long-established entities.

These competitors may proffer analogous wares or services at more enticing price points or introduce pioneering solutions that captivate the discerning gaze of consumers. In such instances, the organization may experience an erosion of its market pie, thereby impacting its financial performance adversely.

Competition assumes a pivotal role in ascertaining the fiscal vitality of an enterprise. In the contemporaneous warp-speed business milieu, entities confront ceaseless challenges emanating from their adversaries, which can deliver both boons and banes. It is of utmost import for investors to vigilantly track the competitive vista and assess its prospective repercussions on the enterprise they have bestowed their confidence.

Financial stress test danger signal 6: Problem in securing financing

When a company is not able to secure funding, it can be a concerning indication of economic distress. Lenders might watch the firm as not creditworthy, implying they do not believe in its capability to pay off borrowed funds. This can develop a cycle of financial stress, making it even more difficult for the firm to fulfill its monetary commitments and survive. Investors should be cautious when they see a firm battling to get financing, as it can be a very early indication of prospective bankruptcy. It is critical to completely analyze a firm’s credit reliability before making any kind of financial investment decision.

This sixth financial stress test is one of the essential warning signs that a company might be heading towards bankruptcy is trouble in safeguarding financing. When a firm is unable to secure financings or credit history, it shows that lending institutions and financial institutions might have doubts about its capability to repay its debts.

This can be a significant obstacle for a company as it restricts its choices for raising funding and dealing with economic obstacles. Problems with getting financing can likewise affect the company’s operations, making it more difficult to buy development opportunities or meet everyday costs. Investors must focus on this red flag as it might suggest deeper economic stress within the company.

Financial stress test danger signal 7: Workforce downsizing and layoffs

This seventh financial stress test is an indicator of a company grappling with financial anxiety that emerges in the implementation of terminations and downsizing initiatives. When a corporation finds itself ensnared in economic turmoil, it frequently turns to measures aimed at trimming expenses to reinvigorate its financial solvency. This may entail the reduction of personnel or the curtailment of operational procedures.

Workforce reductions within a company can serve as a telltale sign of its struggles in meeting financial obligations and its ardent quest to curtail expenditures. Such measures can exert a deleterious impact on the morale and efficiency of employees, and it behooves investors to take heed, as it may foreshadow more profound fiscal challenges.

In the event that a business grapples with financial adversity, one stratagem to ameliorate the financial impact is staff terminations and a constricting of operational scope. These maneuvers are typically resorted to as a measure of last resort to forestall bankruptcy and enhance liquidity. Nonetheless, the downsizing of the workforce can engender unfavourable repercussions on morale and productivity, concurrently signalling to investors and stakeholders that the company is grappling with economic tumult.

Consequently, if you happen upon a corporation contemplating substantial staff reductions or a contraction in its operational domain, it becomes imperative to monitor the situation as a cautionary signal and conduct a comprehensive assessment of its overarching financial stability.

An image showing a traffic light with red and green lights with financial charts and dollar signs in the background to depict a company showing danger signals and nearing financial bankruptcy
financial stress test

Legal issues and lawsuits can be serious warning signs of financial stress within a company. When a company is involved in numerous legal battles, it not only incurs hefty legal fees but also faces the risk of significant financial settlements or judgments against it. These legal issues can drain a company’s resources and impact its profitability, leading to financial instability.

Additionally, the negative publicity associated with legal problems can damage a company’s reputation and erode customer trust. Investors should carefully monitor a company’s legal standing eighth financial stress test to assess the potential financial implications of ongoing legal battles before making any investment decisions.

Legal issues and lawsuits can serve as a warning sign of financial instability for a company. When a company is faced with numerous legal challenges, it can be an indication that its financial position is precarious. Legal battles can be expensive, and the costs associated with defending against lawsuits and paying settlements can take a toll on a company’s financial health.

Additionally, legal issues can divert management’s attention from crucial business operations, further exacerbating the financial stress. Therefore, investors should pay close attention to any company that is involved in a significant number of legal disputes, as it may suggest underlying financial difficulties leading to a negative financial impact.

Financial stress test danger signal 9: Loss of key clients or customers

A potential sign that a company might be veering toward the precipice of financial stress and bankruptcy materializes with the exit of pivotal clients or customers. When these linchpin stakeholders take their leave, the reverberations can be severe and calamitous, exacting a profound toll on the company’s finances. These clients are the linchpin of the company’s revenue streams, rendering their departure a grievous blow.

Multiple reasons may underpin their decision to depart, including the company’s inability to adapt to shifting customer expectations, the surge in competitive forces, or the repercussions of economic downturns. The attrition of these key clients signifies a waning appetite for the company’s offerings or the erosion of its business relationships. It is of paramount significance for investors to maintain unwavering vigilance and meticulously scrutinize any conspicuous losses in this sphere, as they may serve as potent harbingers of impending financial adversity on the horizon. For all these reasons, this is why it is our ninth financial stress test.

Financial stress test danger signal 10: Deteriorating stock performance

Our tenth financial stress test deals with public companies. One conspicuous red flag signalling a public company’s perilous journey of financial stress toward the brink of bankruptcy resides in the withering performance of its stocks. A consistent descent in the company’s stock values signifies a growing lack of investor faith in its fiscal vitality. The dwindling stock worth resonates as a resounding expression of apprehensions regarding the company’s capacity to yield profits and fulfill its financial commitments.

Investors maintain an eagle-eyed watch over stock performance as it crystallizes the company’s overarching steadiness and market sentiment. Hence, the vigilant tracking of a company’s stock performance, particularly for those in which one has invested, serves as a fount of invaluable insights into the financial strains at play and empowers judicious investment decisions.

A persistent depreciation in the company’s stock value embodies a potent indicator that investors harbour reservations about its fiscal well-being. This erosion of trust may emanate from worries concerning the company’s competence in revenue generation, financial obligation fulfillment, or operational perpetuation.

When investors bear witness to a protracted downturn in stock performance, they oftentimes construe it as a herald of impending fiscal turbulence or, in the direst of scenarios, bankruptcy. As potential investors grow increasingly reticent to pour capital into the company, they may grapple with impediments in securing essential financial resources.

Financial stress test: Conclusion

To protect your investments and make informed decisions, it’s extremely important for investors and owners to maintain a vigilant position and remain in harmony with the very early indications of financial stress and possible company insolvency. A detailed understanding and thorough surveillance of essential financial metrics and cautionary signs act as the barrier to safeguarding your investments.

An aggressive orientation and continual watchfulness in worrying about the financial health of your invested enterprises are essential for securing your financial future. Consequently, it’s imperative to maintain a watchful eye on variables such as declining income streams, placing financial obligation problems, feeble cash flows, and monitoring instability. Equipped by these perspicacious understandings, you will expertly browse the elaborate investment terrain and take on requisite procedures to secure your hard-earned wide range.

I hope you enjoyed this financial stress test Brandon’s Blog. If you or your company are struggling with managing overwhelming debt in this high-interest environment, don’t worry – there are some things you can do to take control of the situation.

Individuals and business owners must take proactive measures to address financial difficulties and promptly seek assistance when necessary. It is crucial to recognize that financial stress is a prevalent concern and seeking help is a demonstration of fortitude, rather than vulnerability. Should you encounter challenges in managing your finances and find yourself burdened by stress, do not delay in pursuing aid.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses with debt problems that are in financial distress. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind.

The Ira Smith Team understands these financial health concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual who has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own and it does not mean that you are a bad person. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses innovative and cutting-edge methodologies, to adeptly navigate you through the intricacies of your financial challenges, ensuring a resolution to your debt-related predicaments without resorting to the rigours of the bankruptcy process. We can get you debt relief now!

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a Trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.


An image showing a traffic light with red and green lights with financial charts and dollar signs in the background to depict a company showing danger signals and nearing financial bankruptcy
financial stress test
Brandon Blog Post


Bill payment introduction

Today’s Brandon’s Blog discusses practical ways to take care of financial challenges connected to bill payment in Canada. As the economic climate develops and interest rates keep rising, it’s vital to have a trusted expenditure technique to adhere to. Current research from TransUnion, a Canadian credit bureau, highlights the significance of financial management.

According to the Q1 2023 Customer Pulse study by TransUnion, virtually one-third of Canadian homes checked are facing more difficult times with money, with the rising cost of living being the primary contributing factor.

It can be frustrating to always try to catch up to rising prices, particularly when faced with unanticipated financial setbacks. Juggling all your payments, such as utilities, rent, food and credit cards, can trigger anxiety and stress. Nonetheless, with the ideal knowledge and devices, it’s possible to get rid of these obstacles and reclaim control over your finances and also enhance your general well-being.

Join me as I check out the different techniques you can embrace to effectively manage your bills. I will provide you with detailed advice on developing efficient approaches to bill payment so you can stay clear of late payment penalties.

Financial stability incorporates more than just paying your bills on time. It involves creating healthy financial practices, boosting budgeting skills, and producing a solid foundation for future financial success. This Brandon’s Blog will certainly also delve into these aspects, supplying recommendations on just how to achieve lasting economic stability.

Whether you are a consumer struggling to keep current with all your regular monthly costs or an entrepreneur facing expense management challenges, this information is for you.

So, if you are ready to take control of your expenses and gain back financial stability, stay tuned and don’t go anywhere.

Understanding the challenges of bill payment

The Canadian economy is constantly evolving, influenced by both domestic and global factors. As we navigate through unprecedented times, understanding the current economic landscape in Canada is critical for individuals, businesses, and policymakers alike. Key components of the current Canadian economy, such as GDP growth, inflation, employment rates, and trade all influence how well off we feel. Layer on top of that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Canadian economy, and the measures that the government took to address the crisis.

All of this combined affects our comprehensive understanding of the state of the Canadian economy, and how it may affect your personal or professional life. Suffice it to say that economists do not agree on the current state of Canada’s economic landscape and whether or not the Bank of Canada should keep raising interest rates.

Canadians are not the only ones affected by bill payment problems. Here is a small sample of issues that were reported in the media last week:

  • Twitter faces lawsuits over alleged non-payment for office services in four countries.
  • New South Wales energy bill relief for struggling families trying to make regular payments.
  • Australian Telcos must offer financial hardship assistance.
  • Low-income Tulsa households are now eligible for federal assistance with their water bills and sewer bills.
  • Millions of Aussies have been placing buy now, pay later (BNPL) payments ahead of their other monthly obligations, according to new research. Around two in five (43%) Australians used a BNPL account in the past six months, a Finder survey of 1,090 respondents revealed.

Bill payment problems can impact the financial security of individuals and their households. Failure to make on-time payments results in extra charges, which can cause serious emotional stress. In addition, missing out on payments will negatively influence your credit score.

For family members, bill payment issues can result in heightened tension as they try to manage their expenditures and make ends meet. This can cause relationship stress, as money worries are a usual reason for arguments.

To alleviate these concerns, households need to develop a spending plan to ensure that they can first understand what their income (net of tax obligations) is, as well as what their essential and non-essential expenses are. It is just after that can any individual appropriately understand exactly how to deal with bill payment concerns.bill payment

Identifying the root causes of bill payment issues

There can be many root causes of bill payment issues. Here are some usual ones:

Financial restrictions: Among the key factors for bill payment problems is financial problems. If an individual is facing financial restraints, they will struggle to have enough money to make all bill payments on time every month, resulting in postponed payments.

Lack of budgeting: Poor or no budgeting or financial planning can contribute to bill payment problems. If individuals don’t properly budget adequate funds for expenses or prioritize their expenditures correctly, they will struggle to pay their bills on time.

Unforeseen costs: Unanticipated costs, such as emergency vehicle repairs, can interrupt a person’s financial security and also make it meet all bill payment dates. These unanticipated situations can trigger short-term money strain.

Inadequate income: Insufficient income makes it impossible for individuals to cover their regular monthly costs. If somebody’s earnings are inadequate to satisfy their financial responsibilities, they will have bill payment problems.

Incorrect invoicing or disagreements: In some cases, bill payment issues result from mistakes in the invoices or disagreements regarding what the cost of a particular item should have been. This is the easiest one to fix, assuming you have proof that you have been improperly billed. This also assumes that you have enough cash on hand to immediately pay off the right amount owing.

Lack of organization: Poor financial habits or disorganization can add to bill payment issues. If people fail to keep track of their expenses, due dates, and what is owed, they might overlook or neglect to make timely payments.

Communication issues: Lack of clear and timely communication between service providers and customers can lead to payment problems. Misconceptions, hold-ups in getting bills, or failure to inform customers concerning when payment is expected can add to bill payment troubles.

Change in personal conditions: Life events such as job loss, divorce, or moving can disrupt a person’s financial security and lead to bill payment problems. Modifications in personal circumstances can cause what is hoped to be only temporary bill payment problems.

Procrastination or carelessness: Often, bill payment problems happen due to laziness or carelessness. Individuals might delay bill payments or neglect them totally, bringing about late payment fees. At its worst, this can lead to service disruptions.

It is very important to keep in mind that the root causes of bill payment problems can vary depending on a variety of issues. Addressing these reasons frequently calls for proactive financial planning, budgeting, proper communication and regular ongoing review to make sure that your bills are paid on schedule.

Strategies for effectively managing your bills

Over the years, I have written many articles on various strategies for taking charge of your finances to avoid financial problems. Most recently, it was discussed in Brandon’s Blog “UNDERSTANDING AND OVERCOMING FINANCIAL STRESS: A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO GET FROM WORRIED TO WELL-PREPARED”.

Here are some strategies for helping with bill payments. The following list is not mutually exclusive:

Importance of budgeting in bill payment

Handling bill payments efficiently demands making use of budgeting, an essential tool. Budgeting offers individuals an extensive understanding of their earnings and expenses, enabling them to allot funds appropriately. By creating a budget, people can prioritize their expense repayments, making sure that essential costs are paid on time.

This technique does not just help in avoiding late payments, fees, as well as added interest charges. It also facilitates the identification of non-essential expenditures that can be lowered or gotten rid of entirely. This, in turn, lets you make the most of your funds for what is essential and what isn’t. Welcoming this proactive approach to financial planning is important for recovering your financial security.

Prioritizing bills and negotiating payment plans

Handling your funds properly includes the important job of prioritizing expenses and even negotiating extended payment plans with certain creditors to allow for reduced payments over time to pay off an outstanding balance in full. It’s important to recognize which costs hold the highest possible priority to prevent undesirable repercussions like late fees or a negative effect on your credit rating. Setting up an alternative payment plan with certain creditors may just be what is needed to give you some breathing room.

Once you’ve established what are the most essential expenses, participating in conversations with creditors and getting certain payment plan extensions will relieve your financial stress and anxiety. Clear communication with creditors is essential to finding remedies that benefit both of you. Being transparent about your financial constraints and actively looking for resolutions are very important actions to take. By prioritizing bills and masterfully discussing payment plans, individuals can reclaim control over their finances and stay away from more dangerous financial pitfalls.

Increase your income with a side gig to help with bill payment

It is critical to discover extra income possibilities if you come up short each month in your bill payment. Technical innovations and the surge of side gigs make it very common for people to supplement their income with a side gig. Examples of these alternate income opportunities include freelancing, online tutoring, and running an e-commerce site.

When considering different additional income opportunities, it is very important to examine one’s skills and interests to recognize suitable opportunities. Expanding income streams not only supplies security but also fosters personal development. By welcoming different revenue sources, people can take control of their financial future and chart a much more interesting career path.

Increase your financial literacy through local community resources

When dealing with difficulties with paying your bills, don’t overlook what may be available in your local community resources. There may be free or very low-cost help for you. Community centres regularly run programs or workshops on monetary management, budgeting, and financial literacy. Joining these programs can outfit people with the necessary skills to handle their bills efficiently and regain their financial confidence.

Moreover, social services may give financial help to those in need. By utilizing these resources, Canadians can get the essential support to overcome their bill payment obstacles to get into a better financial state. It is essential to make use of these local resources to develop a solid foundation for financial well-being.

Use technology to get the best cost savings

In today’s digital world, the application of modern technology like apps to save money has ended up being important for people. Price comparison tools and budgeting apps are valuable resources that make it easier than ever to monitor expenditures and make educated choices. These devices not only help recognize the very best offers, but they also supply information on your spending behaviours, letting you save substantial amounts of money and streamline your purchasing and spending patterns.

By staying updated with the huge array of available apps and modern technologies, people can remain competitive with up-to-date information on prices and spending patterns. Incorporating these devices into day-to-day routines and financial monitoring practices people can maximize cost savings and optimize financial outcomes in today’s vibrant marketplace.bill payment

Bill payment: Additional resources and support for Canadians facing bill payment challenges

For those whose financial situation is direr and they need more than just implementing the above tips, I have written many of Brandon’s Blogs incorporating the topics such as:

  • Common traps to avoid such as payday loans, credit card debt, impulse spending and lack of financial education or financial literacy.
  • Debt consolidation
  • Debt settlement
  • Credit counselling
  • Consumer proposal
  • Bankruptcy

I won’t repeat them here but you do not have to go any further than last week’s Brandon’s Blog: “DEBT RELIEF OPTIONS: OUR COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE FOR IDENTIFYING RELIABLE DEBT ADVICE” to read all about it.

Overcoming bill payment challenges requires effective strategies and practical tips. It is crucial to manage bills efficiently to regain financial stability. By prioritizing expenses, creating a budget, and exploring payment assistance programs, Canadians can overcome their bill payment difficulties. It is also important to communicate with creditors and explore alternative payment options. Seeking professional advice and support from financial advisors or credit counselling agencies can provide valuable guidance during this process. With determination and proper financial management, Canadians can overcome their bill payment challenges and work towards a more stable financial future.

Encouragement and support for Canadians facing bill payment difficulties

When people encounter difficulties with bill payments, it is important to employ reliable methods and functional tips to deal with those circumstances. Proper management of expenses plays a crucial function in bringing back financial security. Canadians can manage their bills successfully by prioritizing expenses, developing a budget, and exploring other assistance programs available to them.

Furthermore, open interaction with creditors, as well as the exploration of different repayment alternatives, are essential steps to take. Seeking specialist advice as well as support from financial and debt experts can provide beneficial advice throughout. With persistence as well as correct financial planning, Canadians can overcome their bill payment obstacles and work in the direction of a much more safe and more secure financial future.

Bill payment conclusion

I hope you enjoyed this bill payment Brandon’s Blog. Problems with making ends meet are a growing concern in Canada, affecting individuals of all ages and income levels.

Creating a solid financial plan can be the key to unlocking a brighter and more prosperous future. By taking control of your finances, you can prioritize your expenses, set clear financial goals, and build a strong foundation for your dreams to come true. With the right mindset and approach, financial planning can empower you to regain control, eliminate this issue as a source of stress in your life and find peace of mind.

Individuals must take proactive measures to address financial difficulties and promptly seek assistance when necessary. It is crucial to recognize that financial stress is a prevalent concern and seeking help is a demonstration of fortitude, rather than vulnerability. Should you encounter challenges in managing your finances and find yourself burdened by stress, do not delay in pursuing aid.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses that are in financial distress. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own and it does not mean that you are a bad person. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses innovative and cutting-edge methodologies, to adeptly navigate you through the intricacies of your financial challenges, ensuring a resolution to your debt-related predicaments without resorting to the rigours of the bankruptcy process. We can get you debt relief now!

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a Trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.bill payment



Brandon Blog Post


Canadian credit card debt: Introduction

Due to the holiday buying season, December has traditionally been connected with a surge in Canadian credit card debt. Nonetheless, with the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and the surge in case numbers, celebrations, travelling, and in-store holiday shopping pretty well stopped, resulting in an extraordinary reduction in Canadian credit card debt.

Fast forward 2 years to December 2022, and Canadian consumers have returned to their traditional pre-pandemic period of extravagance in holiday purchasing. With the pandemic’s hold loosening, Canadians have eagerly ushered in the holiday spirit, leading to a rebirth of the fad of maxing out credit cards. As a result of that, and other factors I will discuss below, Canadian credit card debt is once again growing.

The escalating issue of credit card debt in Canada is gradually becoming a matter of concern for individuals and the nation’s economy in general. In this Brandon’s Blog, I will delve deeper into the Canadian credit card debt predicament, the reasons behind its growth, and plausible solutions to tackle it.

Canadian credit card debt: What is it and why could it be a problem?

The outstanding balance of credit cards of Canadians at any specific point in time is what is described as Canadian credit card debt. It is built up when people utilize their credit card to make purchases, and afterwards, carry a credit card balance from one month to the next, rather than paying off the balance in full when due.

As this financial debt begins to grow, it can trigger a lot of stress and anxiety and make it hard to stay up to date with monthly expenses. Credit cards are well-known for having high-interest rates, which means that the longer a balance is carried, the more interest the borrower will be paying, making it even more difficult to pay down the amount owed.

Furthermore, excessive credit card debt can significantly harm a person’s credit rating, which can make it harder for them to get new loans or credit in the future. This can bring about missed payments or even default, both of which will, even more, harm their credit score.

If you don’t handle your Canadian credit card debt properly, it can lead to some serious financial problems.Canaacanadian credit card debt

The current state of Canadian credit card debt

According to recent reports by Statistics Canada and Equifax Canada, people’s credit card balances are on the rise. And it’s not just a one-time thing either – Equifax Canada’s report and the government statistical agency report both states that it has been going on for the past year. Actually, by the end of 2022, Canadian credit card debt had risen by 13.8% contrasted to the previous year, leading to an overall outstanding debt of $93.4 billion.

What’s specifically concerning is that this rise in credit card debt is striking lower-income households the hardest. With high inflation, lots of people in this group are turning to high-interest credit cards to cover important rising costs like food prices, medication, as well as rent. It’s clear that we need to do even more to sustain these Canadians and also help them resolve this problem of inflation causing extra costs for Canadians.

Credit card debt can be worrisome in Canada for a few reasons. One of them is that credit card companies tend to charge pretty high-interest rates here – around 20% or more! That’s quite a bit more than other kinds of debt you might have, like a car loan or a mortgage.

Another thing to keep in mind is that Canadians’ savings are low, due to many of the same reasons that Canadian credit card debt is rising – the main one being inflation. So if something unexpected happens, like a drop in income or an unexpected expense, some folks might not have much in the way of savings to fall back on.

All in all, it’s important to keep an eye on your credit card debt in Canada – it can pile up pretty quickly!

Canadian credit card debt: Why do Canadians have so much credit card debt?

Numerous factors contribute to the excessive credit card balances among Canadians. Among the primary reasons is the effortless accessibility of credit cards. Credit card companies aggressively market their products to Canadians, luring them with attractive incentives like sign-up bonuses, cashback rewards, and low introductory interest rates.

Canada’s high cost of living is another significant reason for the country’s high credit card debt. Canadians encounter steep housing costs, surging food and gas prices, and escalating expenses of every type and description. With income failing to keep up with expenses, many resort to credit cards to bridge the gap, leading to elevated debt.

When faced with unexpected expenses like vehicle repairs or other emergencies, many Canadians lack the necessary savings and turn to credit cards to bear the costs, further increasing their reliance on credit.

Finally, a considerable number of Canadians lack the financial literacy to fully understand the trap they are falling into by continuing their credit card usage with no hope of ever repaying the balance owed.canadian credit card debt

Canadian credit card debt: Common mistakes people make when it comes to credit card debt in Canada

Signing up for too many credit cards: This can make it challenging to stay on top of monthly payments and may even lead to overspending.

Neglecting to regularly review credit card statements: This can result in harmful errors or unchecked fraudulent charges, which can add up and cause undue stress.

Making large purchases: Using credit cards for a major expensive purchase without having a clear plan to pay off the balance, can lead to hefty interest charges and long-term debt.

Applying for too many credit cards: Often enticed by sign-up bonuses or rewards, too many credit cards can lead to an inability to monitor payment schedules and overspending.

Failure to regularly review credit card statements: This can result in undetected errors or fraudulent charges. This may ultimately result in an increased balance owed or avoidable fees.

Financing large purchases: Buying major expensive items such as automobiles or vacations using a credit card without a clear plan for repayment can lead to high-interest charges and long-term debt.

It’s essential to be mindful of these pitfalls and take steps to avoid them to stay financially healthy.

Canadian credit card debt: How to tackle credit card debt in Canada

The following are 7 practical tips and strategies that Canadian individuals grappling with credit card debt can utilize:

  1. Establish a budget: The primary step towards addressing Canadian credit card debt is establishing a budget. This will let you understand your revenue and expenses while identifying areas where you can decrease expenses to free up finances for debt repayment. It’s essential to factor in all bills, taxes, expenditures, and debt payments while drafting your budget.
  2. Prioritize debt repayment: After developing a budget, prioritize debt repayment. Begin by repaying high-interest debt, such as credit card debt, and make minimum payments on other debts.
  3. Consolidate debts: Consider consolidating credit card debt into a single loan that charges a lower interest rate. This simplifies debt management and lowers the interest paid over time.
  4. Seek expert assistance: If faced with challenges managing your debt, consider seeking expert assistance. This could involve partnering with a community non-profit credit counselling agency or a licensed insolvency trustee.
  5. Reducing expenses: Scrutinize your expenditure and identify areas where you can cut back, such as dining out, grocery shopping, and utility bills. Every penny saved can contribute towards debt repayment.
  6. Increase your income: This could include freelancing, part-time work, or selling unused items. These avenues could provide the additional funds necessary to accelerate your debt repayment.
  7. Avoiding unnecessary expenses: Using cash or debit cards as the form of payment instead of credit cards makes you think twice about every purchase before you make it.

Learning and using sound financial habits is fundamental for avoiding future credit card debt. Here are several compelling reasons why:

It creates superior financial management skills: The adoption of good financial habits, such as meticulous budgeting, diligent tracking of expenses, and prudent saving for unexpected contingencies, equips one with enhanced financial management skills. When one is always aware of their financial standing, they are less prone to impulsive expenditures, and the possibility of succumbing to credit card debt is thereby minimized.

It engenders a robust credit history: Good financial habits, such as paying your bills by their due date in full are what establish a good credit score. This augments the likelihood of future credit approvals and can result in more favourable interest rates and terms.

It eliminates tension and apprehension: Debt can be a source of profound stress, causing anxiety and other psychological distress. The development of good financial habits, together with the avoidance of credit card debt, can eliminate such concerns,canadian credit card debt

Canadian credit card debt: Conclusion

To conclude, by implementing these measures, you can take charge of your credit card debt and gradually work towards becoming debt-free.

I hope you enjoyed this Canadian credit card debt Brandon’s Blog. Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are also now worried about the economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.canadian credit card debt

Brandon Blog Post


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we hope that you, your family, and your friends are safe, healthy, and secure. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is fully operational, and both Ira and Brandon Smith are readily available for phone or video consultations.

Main Reasons for Business Failure: Introduction to reasons for failure

There are many reasons why businesses fail. One of the things a company needs to continue operations well into the future is a strong management team. Business owners should be comfortable with how each manager understands the business’ operations, current and future employees, and products.

Entrepreneurship is inherently risky; it is not for the fainthearted. Before offering products or services to customers, a company’s business model and infrastructure should be formulated, and revenue streams should be realistically projected well in advance.

In this Brandon Blog, I discuss the 4 main reasons for business failure that I have seen over the years in my role as a licensed insolvency trustee dealing with corporate restructuring and corporate business failures.

Main Reasons for Business Failure: Why do most businesses fail?

What percentages of businesses fail? About 66 percent of new businesses survive for two years or more, half survive for four years or more, and only 40 percent survive for six years or more. Many of these issues are overlooked, ignored, or neglected, resulting in them becoming just another statistic. It does not matter how many times you failed before you had a huge success. Failure teaches you what to avoid.

Building a substantial business is no easy feat. Businesses are built on value. It is best to find a way to under-promise but over-deliver in order to add value to any business.

Among the most common reasons businesses fail are:

  1. not having sufficient funding;
  2. having a poor management team with a lack of experience;
  3. a flawed business model; and
  4. a flawed marketing plan and/or a failure to market effectively to existing and potential customers.

    main reasons for business failure
    main reasons for business failure

Main Reasons for Business Failure: Financing Hurdles

Chances are if you’ve been in business for a few months or longer, you’re experiencing some financial challenges and a lack of business funds. Marketing, sales, and customer service may require more capital. Payroll, inventory, and other expenses may require additional working capital as well.

A business loan from a bank can solve financing issues. Before applying for a loan, make sure you know your company’s financial situation. If you can’t accurately estimate where your business will be after a loan, this poor financial management will probably make your business end up worse off than if you hadn’t taken the loan.

Despite the availability of angel investors, venture capitalists, and conventional bank loans for small businesses, not all companies have the revenue stream, positive cash flow or business growth trajectory to secure financing from them. This is the 1st of the main reasons for business failure.

Main Reasons for Business Failure: Inadequate management

The managers of a business will quickly lose credibility with their staff, their suppliers, their customers, and even the general public if they are incompetent. Even if a manager receives training, mentoring, coaching, etc., before he or she starts managing people and money, if he or she doesn’t master the trade, chances are the person won’t have a successful business.

A business can fail due to poor management. Business failures are primarily caused by inadequate management, in my opinion. Management is inadequate if it does not understand the needs of the business. A lack of passion within management is a sure business killer.

It is inevitable that there will be an error the first time management delegated a major task. One person cannot handle all the decisions. The tendency is to assume that others will take care of the details while we delegate responsibility. You can use this for simple tasks like making coffee, cleaning toilets, and filing taxes. Business planning, cash flow modelling, establishing business plans and marketing plans are ineffective with this program.

Failing businesses are frustrating. It takes a lot of time and effort to build a business from scratch. It can be devastating to suddenly lose everything. Even your dreams might be dashed.

You must learn how to manage yourself and your business if you want to avoid this 2nd of the main reasons for business failure. Many business owners don’t realize how crucial it is to understand all aspects of running a business.

main reasons for business failure
main reasons for business failure

Main Reasons for Business Failure: Ineffective Business Planning

Having come up with your business idea and have already started your business, you should focus on developing quality relationships with your clients and employees. Understanding each employee’s strengths and weaknesses and discovering what motivates them is key. You will then be able to create a work environment tailored to the specific skills of each member of your team.

In order to achieve success, a team must have individuals who share a common goal; however, you must determine if your employees possess the right mix of qualities. Creativity, analytical skills, interpersonal skills, motivation, and communication abilities are among them.

Do you know what makes your business unique? What makes your customers choose you over your competitors? A good business plan must take all of these factors into account.

It is common for businesses to attribute their failure to external factors, such as competitors, the economy, and regulations. Although these factors are important, they are not the only causes of business failure. This 3rd of the main reasons for business failure is internal.

Businesses fail for a variety of reasons. A poor business plan, or a total lack of planning, can easily lead to it, but it is harder to prevent it completely. Business failure comes in many shapes and sizes. You could lose money, customers, your business, your product, your market, or you could fail to launch. It can all be the result of misunderstanding your product and market, caused by poor business planning.

Main Reasons for Business Failure: Marketing Mishaps

The 4th reason of the main reasons for business failure that I wish to discuss is marketing mishaps. A business needs to plan ahead for marketing. A marketing budget and return on capital should be considered by marketers and form part of every marketing strategy and business plan. Any business should allocate a budget for marketing if they hope to succeed. Getting this wrong is the 4th of the main reasons for business failure.

The success of marketing campaigns is also dependent on realistic projections for target audience reach and sales conversion ratios. In the long run, businesses that fail to understand and implement these aspects of sound marketing strategies concerning their potential customer base will be less successful than those that do.

Your business will fail if you can’t connect with your target audience. Without the ability to connect with your demographic, you are not only unaware of your potential consumer’s wants and needs, but also oblivious to how to best help them. You want to know what they want, rather than just what they need. What are they really looking for? Are they looking to evoke an emotion? Are they looking to achieve a certain status? Do your products or services help them solve a problem?

If you’re not addressing their pain points, then you probably do not understand the consumer very well. You cannot sell until you truly understand what they need. Take advantage of focus groups, market surveys, email campaigns, and direct phone calls to understand and connect with your target audience. Discover them in every detail. By doing so, your marketing plan will succeed.

main reasons for business failure
main reasons for business failure

Main Reasons for Business Failure: Summary

I hope you found these main reasons for business failure Brandon Blog informative. Although nothing is guaranteed, guarding against these 4 main reasons for business failure will increase your chances for business success. It will also give you the best shot at having a sustainable business model.

Are you or your company in financial distress and a debt crisis? Are you embroiled in costly litigation or a crushing debt load and need a time out in order to restructure? Do you not have adequate funds to pay your financial obligations as they come due? Are you worried about what will happen to you in retirement? Do you need to search out what your debt relief options and realistic debt relief solutions for your family debt are? Is your company in financial hot water?

Call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people looking for life-changing debt solutions through a debt settlement plan and AVOID the bankruptcy process.

As licensed insolvency professionals, we are the only people accredited, acknowledged and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice and to implement approaches to help you remain out of personal bankruptcy while eliminating your debts. A consumer proposal is a government-approved debt settlement plan to do that. It is an alternative to bankruptcy. We will help you decide on what is best for you between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can eliminate the stress, anxiety, and pain from your life that your financial problems have caused. With the one-of-a-kind roadmap, we develop just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your troubles.

Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we hope that you, your family, and your friends are safe, healthy, and secure. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is fully operational, and both Ira and Brandon Smith are readily available for phone or video consultations.

main reasons for business failure
main reasons for business failure
Brandon Blog Post


what is a division i proposal

If you would prefer to listen to an audio version of this what is a division i proposal Brandon’s Blog, please scroll to the bottom and click on the podcast


Over recent times, I have been receiving increased inquiries as to what is a division i proposal. The purpose of this Brandon’s Blog is to explain what it is. No person or company actually likes to enter a restructuring process to avoid bankruptcy, so hopefully, this discussion will be helpful to those that really need it to appreciate why if necessary, it is actually easy to like it; especially a successful one!

What is a division i proposal?

Division I is one of the two divisions of Part III of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3). Division I is a restructuring provision. It is available to people who owe more than $250,000 and companies with any level of debt, in need of financial restructuring.

At the beginning of any consultation with an insolvent person or for an insolvent company, is to determine if a successful restructuring can be accomplished. If not, the only other realistic alternative is bankruptcy. A successful restructuring of a person will allow that person to keep the assets they wish to keep and can afford to hold onto.

A company that successfully restructures will continue to provide employment. The jobs that will be preserved are not only those of the company that restructures. Its continuing to do business with suppliers who continue to do business with the restructured company will also avoid layoffs or terminations of their own staff. The reason for this is that their own volumes will not decrease, or decrease as much as if its customers went bankrupt and could no longer buy from them.

How do I start a restructuring plan for a person?

The first thing the insolvent person or company needs to do is hire a licensed insolvency trustee (LIT) (formerly called a trustee in bankruptcy). The reason why is because a LIT is the only one in Canada authorized to administer a restructuring proposal.

The LIT will discuss with the insolvent person about the nature of his or her assets and liabilities. Which assets are financed and which are owned free and clear. There will also be a frank analysis and discussion of the person’s income and expenses. The reason for this is to do preliminary credit counselling to help the person recognize how their historical household budget (whether they actually knew it or not) needs to change. Is there room in a new solvent budget to pay for an expensive asset, or does it need to be replaced by a less expensive one? A leased or financed auto is a prime example.

I want to make that determination upfront because a financed asset given up before the debt is fully repaid will create an acceleration of the full amount of that liability claim. I will want to make sure that it is done the right way, so the new accelerated liability will be caught as a debt being compromised, not a post-filing debt not caught in the financial restructuring.

Once the issues have been identified and the realistic options identified, I will then want to work with the person to put together a realistic post-filing cash flow budget. There are three main reasons for this, being:

  1. I want to make sure that there is a budget that shows the person’s monthly expenses will be no more than, and hopefully less than, their monthly after-tax income.
  2. We must be sure that the monthly cash flow shows the person can afford the monthly payments to the LIT required to have a successful restructuring.
  3. One step needed to have a successful restructuring is to have such a monthly cash flow budget signed off by both the insolvent person and the LIT showing the person can survive through and afford a successful restructuring. Any creditor can request to see a copy of that signed off cash flow budget.

How do I start a corporate restructuring plan for a company?

The initial step in any corporate restructuring is for the board of directors to recognize and also resolve that the company is insolvent, that it needs to reorganize under this part of the BIA and to approve the hiring of a LIT.

I described the consultation process I first go through with a person to determine if they can successfully complete a restructuring proposal and then to start developing it. Similarly, I go through a consultation process with the senior management of the company.

I first want to determine if we have the basic requirement for a successful corporate restructuring. That basic requirement is, the company’s business, or one or more portions of the business, must be viable, notwithstanding that it is insolvent. There must be a true demand for the business and that it will be able to operate successfully once its financial position is right-sized. It may be the whole business, or it may be the case that we need to use the restructuring process to cut away the dead business units, in order to allow the viable one to survive and ultimately flourish.

By its nature, corporate restructuring is more complex than a personal one. There are many more moving parts to a company. However, the basic analysis is similar. What are the assets and liabilities of the company? Which business units are capable of being operated profitably? Which assets that are financed are essential to the future of the restructured company. Which are redundant and must be jettisoned. How will all the answers to these questions affect the company’s labour force? How many jobs will be lost and how many will be saved?

Ultimately, all these answers must be compiled into a cash flow statement. We must know does the company have sufficient financing or funds available to it so that it can properly operate during the restructuring process. There is no point in starting a restructuring if the company cannot survive the restructuring period. What will the company’s post-restructuring cash flow look like? We want to know that answer also to make sure that there is a real business that can operate profitably after coming out of the restructuring process. Just like in a personal financial restructuring, the company and the LIT must sign off on a realistic cash flow budget to show that the company can operate and survive the restructuring process.

What if the person or company needs immediate protection but is not ready to file the real proposal yet?

Just like in a bankruptcy, the filing of a Proposal brings in an immediate stay of proceedings. What this means is that no creditor can either begin or continue any action against the person or company for the enforcement or collection of a debt. Sometimes the insolvent debtor is under attack from a creditor.

Examples of proceedings against a person or company need protection from are numerous. The more standard ones are:

  • They need to defend a lawsuit but can’t afford the cost and therefore a default judgment is about to be issued.
  • Attendance is required at a judgment debtor examination to disclose the nature and whereabouts of their assets.
  • The Sheriff may be seizing an asset that if successful, it will stop the person or company from conducting business.

The BIA provides a way for an insolvent debtor under such an attack to invoke a stay of proceedings before they are ready to file their formal restructuring plan. That option is to first file what is called a Notice of Intention To Make A Proposal (NOI). This is a BIA filing that serves as a notification to the creditors that the debtor will certainly be making a restructuring proposal but it needs to have the stay of proceedings start right now.

How the concept of NOI evolved is very interesting. Before the 1992 amendments to the BIA, there was no such thing as an NOI. However, people and companies needed to invoke an immediate stay of proceedings, but the BIA did not contain such provisions. So, what was done, is that the LIT would prepare what was called a holding proposal. All the proposal said was that I promise to file a real restructuring proposal as soon as possible. That holding proposal was then filed which brought on a stay of proceedings.

Paperwork and procedures

The LIT needs to be satisfied that: (i) all the relevant details have been gotten; (ii) the person or company has a likelihood of a successful proposal restructuring; as well as (iii) the person’s or company’s cash flow is enough that it can pay its ongoing post-filing debts through the restructuring process.

The LIT then assists the insolvent debtor in completing the necessary paperwork. The LIT also prepares its own report. The LIT then does a mailing to all known creditors to advise them of the filing of the Proposal, a means by which they can file their claim with the LIT and a description of what the process is and what it all means. The documents are:

  • the Proposal
  • a statement of the person’s or company’s assets and liabilities
  • a listing of creditors
  • the form 31 proof of claim
  • the voting letter
  • LIT’s report on the insolvent debtor, the Proposal and the LIT’s recommendation for voting in favour of (or against) acceptance of the Proposal

The meeting of creditors is then held to allow the creditors to vote on the Proposal. If the Proposal is accepted by the required majority of the creditors, then the LIT applies to Court for approval of the Proposal. Once approved by the Court, it forms a contract between the debtor and the creditors is formed. The person or company then needs to perform the promises it made in the Proposal to its creditors. This, of course, includes paying the necessary funding to the LIT for distribution to the creditors.

Executing on the Proposal promise

The Proposal of a person will require that insolvent debtor to make monthly payments to the LIT. The payments are made out of the person’s monthly cash flow, as indicated in its budget. The person can take up to 60 months to fulfill the promise of payments to the LIT for distribution to the creditors.

A company carries out its Proposal as it continues its operations. It hopefully succeeds in operating profitably. The firm would be conserving a particular amount of its earnings in money and paying to the LIT what is needed under the company’s restructuring strategy to create the Proposal fund it promised. The LIT after that makes the distribution to the creditors called for in the restructuring plan. When all the payments have actually been made, the company has effectively reorganized and continues its business having successfully completed its restructuring.

What happens if a Proposal is unsuccessful?

This is a very simple question to answer. What is a division i proposal if not successful? It is called bankruptcy. If a restructuring plan does not get either acceptance by the necessary majority of creditors or approval by the Court, then the person or company is automatically bankrupt. If the person or company fails to make all the payments called for, that also creates an unsuccessful restructuring. In any of those cases, It is as if the insolvent debtor filed an assignment in bankruptcy.

In that case, the LIT administering the restructuring program becomes the LIT administering a bankruptcy.

What is a division 1 consumer proposal?

I have been asked this question several times. Firstly, there is no such thing as a division 1 consumer proposal, but there is such a thing as a consumer proposal. A consumer proposal is found in Part III Division II of the BIA. So, it is called either a division 2 proposal or a consumer proposal.

Is consumer proposal worth it?

Before being able to decide if a consumer proposal is worth it, we need to understand what a consumer proposal is. The same way I described what is a division i proposal, I need to describe a consumer proposal. The consumer proposal process is a streamlined version of the personal division i proposal already described. It is only for people and not companies. Further, the person cannot owe more than $250,000, not including any loans registered against the person’s home, such as a mortgage or home equity line of credit.

I have written many times about different issues concerning consumer proposals. Rather than repeating it in Brandon’s Blog, I recommend you read my earlier blogs on the consumer proposal topic. Some of the blogs I have written for ease of reference are:


I hope that I have adequately answered the question of what is a division i proposal and how you can like it. The honest answer is that no one really does. However, if it is necessary for you or your company’s survival, it becomes very easy to like it.

Do you or your company have way too much debt? Before you reach the phase where you can’t stay afloat and where financial restructuring is no longer a viable alternative, contact the Ira Smith Team.

We know full well the discomfort and tension excessive debt can create. We can help you to eliminate that pain and address your financial issues supplying timely, realistic and easy to implement action steps in finding the optimal strategy created just for you.

Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. Make a free appointment to visit with one of the Ira Smith Team for a totally free, no-obligation assessment. You can be on your path to a carefree life Starting Over, Starting Now. Give us a call today so that we can help you return to an anxiety-free and pain-free life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


small business in ontario

If you prefer to listen to the audio version of this small business in Ontario Brandon’s blog, please scroll down to the bottom and click on the podcast

Starting a home-based business in Ontario

Are you fantasizing about beginning your very own small business in Ontario? Do you have a great passion and you feel it in your bones it could be profitable and provide a comfortable side or main income for you? Well, you’re not the only one. Lots of Canadians like you have their very own commercial desires. Many boomers could not afford to retire, so they have become seniorpreneurs.

Let’s say you have a dream to start your own biz doing what you love. In the beginning, you probably want to keep it simple. No employees, no fancy office, just you meeting with clients at your kitchen table. Sounds pretty simple but what do you need to go from a drawing to a solid business plan to a real endeavour?

A good plan is critical a realistic look at your market your potential customers and your goals current and future. It should map out what success means for your trading. From there, details of the next steps are different in each province or territory so you need to find out how it works where you want to operate your company. This Brandon’s Blog will deal with a livelihood in the province of Ontario.

How do I start a small business in Ontario?

A typical new commercial venture starts with the following four steps. The most basic first step is to choose a legal ownership structure. For example, you may have trouble choosing. Will it be a sole proprietorship, which is really just yourself trading, or will you choose incorporation, setting up a separate legal entity? This decision is very important. Each has its own advantages, disadvantages and differences in financial reporting and taxation.

Step 2 is to decide on a name. What are you going to call your new venture? You could choose to work under your own full name, especially if you’re a sole proprietor. Something like your name, operating as the style name you want for your business. Or, you could choose to incorporate and choose a company name.

Do I need to register my business Ontario?

Step three is registering your business. If you are operating as a sole proprietor, you would register provincially. If you are incorporating a company, you could register either provincially or federally. It really depends on the type of business you are operating and whether you will be operating in more than one province. You will also need to register with the Canada Revenue Agency. These registrations are about getting a business number to communicate with the government and about setting up for your various tax reporting and remittance obligations.

Step 4 involves getting whatever civic, provincial or federal business licenses you will need for your business to operate in a specific province, territory or city.

So four basic steps will get your business started. Decide on your legal structure and business name then look into business licensing and registration. And there you have it. You are now on your way.

How much does it cost to register a business in Ontario?

Before you sign up a new business name, or when altering the name/legal form of the business, you should browse the provincial database of existing registrations. The reason for doing this is to see if the name of your business is already taken and being utilized by another business. Once you are sure the name you want is available, you go ahead and register it.

The costs to search and then register a business name is:

  • Search – $ 8-$ 26 depending on the sorts of records you intend to search
  • Registration – $ 60
  • Renewing a registration – $ 60

If you plan to incorporate, you need the services of a lawyer or paralegal. They will do the incorporation and registration for you. You need to check with a professional to understand the costs involved in setting up a corporation.

How many small businesses are there in Ontario?

The last time Statistics Canada collected this information was for 2017. As of December 2017, there were 1.18 million businesses in Canada are categorized as follows:

  • 1.15 million (97.9 percent) was a small business;
  • 21,926 (1.9 percent) were medium-sized organizations; and
  • 2,939 (0.2 percent) were classified as big businesses.

Over half of Canada’s small businesses are focused in Ontario and Quebec (417,742 and 236,705 respectively). Western Canada has a large number of small businesses led by British Columbia, which had 179,517 as of December 2017. In the Atlantic region, Nova Scotia has the greatest variety of small biz at 28,874.

The province with the best variety of businesses per thousand individuals over 18 years old is Prince Edward Island (49.4), then Alberta (48.8). On the other hand, Quebec has the tiniest variety of services per thousand people over 18 years old (35.3), followed by Ontario (37.2) as well as Nova Scotia (37.3).

So you can see by these numbers the importance of small businesses in employing people and contributing to the Canadian economy.

How to start a business in Ontario with no money

You cannot start a business in Ontario or anywhere else with no money. Depending on the type of business you are starting, you may not need a lot of money, but you cannot start one with nothing. Basic expenditures like a website and business cards require money. Your marketing and advertising to get your business off the ground will require money.

Banks will not lend money to a startup. They also will not lend any money to a business where the owner has not made an investment into his or her own business. The reason is that the bank wants to see dedication. They want to know that when things get tough, and they will, that the owner has a reason to stick around. Having your own money in the business that you don’t want to lose is a great incentive to stick it out.

So in the beginning, you will need some money to get started. There are some ways that you can fund your new business. They include:

  • Don’t start your business until you have built up enough savings for expenditures to sustain the business for say, 6 to 9 months
  • Figure out what you can do and obtain for free
  • Ask your family and friends for funds
  • Apply for a small business loan after you have invested your own money in your business for when you need added cash
  • Look to small company government grants as well as local funding possibilities
  • Find out about– and charm– potential angel investors just like they do on television

You will be amazed at your own creativity when you need to use it to find extra cash. In the beginning, you will definitely be paying yourself last.

Small business debt

Every business needs money to sustain its growth. At first, money will be invested as equity, and perhaps debt, by the owners. In order to take on bank debt, the bank will require the owners to subordinate their claim to that of the bank. As the business expenses increase because sales are increasing and the business is growing, more money will be needed.

The business plan, including a detailed cash flow statement that is regularly updated, amended and followed, is crucial. The government encourages businesses that are growing to do so by way of debt. The income tax laws allow for the interest paid on debt to be deducted for tax purposes. The cost of debt is always cheaper than the cost of equity.

This is a good reason to take on debt. What the business owner has to be careful of is that the business is not taking on too much debt. What is not good is taking on more debt to make up for a history of losses and not fixing what is wrong with the business. Eventually, there will be no place to borrow from if the reason for the losses is not fixed.

A history of losses is one of the most common things I see with businesses in trouble that come to me for advice. Losses that have not been fixed, or at least stopped, is a danger signal of poor management. When your lenders determine management is poor, it is like a shark with blood. The lender will call in its loan. Your trade creditors will stop extending credit. This will lead to the demise of the business.


Is your small business in Ontario in need of financial restructuring? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex corporate restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur. You are worried because your company is facing significant financial challenges. Your business provides income not only for your family. Many other families rely on you and your company for their well-being.

The stress placed upon you due to your company’s financial challenges is enormous. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your company’s problems; financial and emotional. The way we dealt with this problem and devised a corporate restructuring plan, we know that we can help you and your company too.

We know that companies facing financial problems need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team. That is why we can develop a company restructuring process as unique as the financial problems and pain it is facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious in finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation. We will get your company back on the road to healthy stress-free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post



Company restructuring process: Introduction

Over the last two weeks, we have provided you with real case studies from our files. This week’s case study is about our involvement with a company restructuring process so its business could continue to serve its clients and maintain most of the jobs.

Two weeks ago we described a personal insolvency case study, CLAIM BANKRUPTCY IN ONTARIO CASE STUDY: SHE REALLY WANTED TO BUT WE STOPPED HER AND SOLVED HER PROBLEMS, was about the surgeon who became insolvent because of a failed business venture and a divorce. The events leading up to the doctor’s insolvency convinced her that she had to go bankrupt. We then described the steps we took to restructure her affairs so she could avoid bankruptcy. She completed a successful Proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). More importantly, she regained her confidence, we eliminated her pain points and she is once again thriving emotionally, physically and financially.

Last week, we described a situation where we used our skill set in a different way. In our case study, COURT APPOINTED ESTATE TRUSTEE CASE STUDY: IF IT WAS EASY YOU WOULDN’T NEED US, we described how we ended a war between the two beneficiaries under a Will and monetized the assets for their benefit. In that situation, the Court appointed us as the court appointed estate trustee.

Company restructuring process: The social media agency

The company was a social media agency. Their clients were some of the largest household names in North America. The company made sure that their clients’ websites were eye-catching, technologically advanced using leading search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) techniques. In short, their clients had to show up on page 1 of an online search and that their websites were eye-popping and functional. The company was a Canadian and North American leader.

Company restructuring process: Life got in the way

The sole shareholder and Director experienced some health issues with a family member; that required her attention. She was tending to that emergency and it took her away from the business for lengthy periods of time. Experienced senior staff ran the business in her absence. The entrepreneur felt she could deal with business matters by telephone. They established a process where she signed documents and cheques prepared by staff members using couriers.

Company restructuring process: Senior staff were not trustworthy

WRONG!! Although she trusted the senior staff, they turned out not to be trustworthy. They made mistakes and assured the owner that the documents and cheques they prepared were correct.

They also provided her status reports assuring her that all client activities and projects were all on schedule. The reality was that certain senior staff were plotting to establish their own agency, to steal clients. The sole Director felt something was not right, but she could not pinpoint from afar what the issues were. She returned to the office and discovered that her worst fears were her new reality.

Company restructuring process: How bad was it?

Things were very bad. Billings were way behind. Cash flow had dried up. As a result of the lack of cash flow, the company was now behind in rent and had collected but did not remit source deductions totalling over $300,000. The unremitted source deductions formed a trust claim over all the company’s assets, ahead of the company’s bank. Learning all this information made the bank very uneasy and unwilling to lend any more money.

Company restructuring process: The short-term steps in financial restructuring

The sole Director and shareholder of the company contacted us. She was operating in panic mode. We assessed the situation. Our preliminary assessment was that catching up on the billings and the clients paying them in the normal course, good cash flow would return. There was also a good book of projects to start on; just not as many as normal. Thankfully, no clients had left yet.

The short-term plan we developed had 7 steps:

  1. Fire the staff involved in the attempt to start-up their own firm and steal clients. Pay their normal wages and vacation pay, but not pay in lieu of notice.
  2. File immediately a Notice of Intention To Make a Proposal (NOI) to invoke the stay of proceedings (Stay Period) so that no creditor could take action against the company.
  3. Immediately bill all unbilled projects and begin collection efforts on any outstanding invoices.
  4. Reach out to all major clients to reassure them that the entrepreneur was in control after returning from the family emergency and that she would personally be supervising all work performed.
  5. Prepare a crisis cash flow model that thankfully showed that the company could cash flow itself since the amounts owing to the unsecured creditors was not caught in the restructuring.
  6. The company required fresh capital. Luckily, the entrepreneur had enough funds to inject.
  7. Meet with the company’s banker to explain the situation and share the emergency cash flow to show that the company did not need any new funds from the bank and that the principal was going to inject the temporary funds necessary. This gave the banker the assurance that the bank line would not be pressed any further, and that the entrepreneur was willing to put her money where her mouth was.

    ISI 4
    company restructuring process

Company restructuring process: The long-term plan

Now that the situation was stabilized, we worked with the company to look at longer term restructuring needs. It needed a business debt restructuring process. We determined that the company had too much space. As it did not need to immediately replace the terminated staff, it now did not need as much space. Certain space could be given up without affecting the main space and the business.

The landlord of course was not happy about this, but was willing to work with the company. If the landlord was not cooperative, the backup plan was to repudiate the unnecessary space through the formal restructuring plan.

The terminated employees retained legal counsel, who made himself known. Various issues arose from this. Were they going to seek leave of the bankruptcy court to launch litigation for damages against the company? What counterclaim could the company prove? Should we agree to attempt to value what claims they may have without litigation and include them in the restructuring plan?

Company restructuring process: The need for more time

Upon the filing of the NOI, the company obtained a first 30 day stay where its creditors could not pursue it and to file the real restructuring proposal. The company had to run for at least a few weeks to assess if the real performance was similar to the cash flow forecast developed on day 1.

Therefore, the company’s lawyers went to bankruptcy court to seek a 45 day extension for the company to file its bankruptcy protection restructuring plan. As Trustee, we had to prepare and file our report with the court to attest to the fact that:

  1. an extension of the Stay Period is required to enable the company to continue to run in the ordinary course and complete its restructuring proposal;
  2. the company continues to act in good faith and with due diligence; and
  3. no creditor would be materially prejudiced by the extension of the Stay Period.

The Court granted the extension for this company restructuring process.

Company restructuring process: The corporate debt restructuring process

We could now finish the real corporate restructuring proposal through this bankruptcy protection process. Given the unknown of the final valuation of the terminated employees’ claims, if any, we had to build in further protection for the company. We decided that the company’s bankruptcy protection plan would be what is known as a “basket proposal”. The amount of funds available for the unsecured creditors would be a fixed amount. So, whatever the claims ended up being, the size of the pot never changed.

Under the bankruptcy laws in Canada for a corporation undergoing a corporate restructuring, we had to ensure that there were sufficient funds for the unsecured creditors to share in “the pot”. The amount had to be realistic, to get the required majority of unsecured creditors voting in favour of the corporate restructuring plan. We also had to ensure that the bank was not being compromised in the proposal and that we communicated that clearly to the bank.

Company restructuring process: The government trust claim

As stated above, the unremitted source deductions were a trust claim. The restructuring bankruptcy laws in Canada state that such a claim has to be repaid in full within 6 months of Court approval of the restructuring proposal. We revisited the company’s cash flow. Although the company was on track, over the next year, money was needed to reinvest in the business.

The entrepreneur had no more money from her own resources. Therefore, after allowing for operations and the payment of the past unremitted source deduction amount of about $300,000, we could only offer the unsecured creditors roughly 5 cents on the dollar of the proven claims from future operations. The company promised to pay that amount within 6 months of retiring the government trust claim amount. So, within 1 year of Court approval, the unsecured creditors would get their money from the corporate restructuring plan.

Company restructuring process: Solving the terminated employee claims

Seeing this, the terminated employee group did not wish to spend funds on litigation, only to receive 5% of whatever claim they may have from the restructuring plan. We ended up agreeing to a very modest amount to represent their claims in the proposal.

The meeting of creditors was held and we obtained the required majority of creditors voting in favour of the business restructuring proposal. The creditors realized it was a better outcome than if they voted the company into bankruptcy. They voted in favour of the company restructuring process. We then obtained the necessary Court approval.

Company restructuring process: The result

The company turned its operations around. It survived the coup by the terminated employees. The company produced enough cash profits to retire the government trust claim debt within 6 months of court approval. It also paid the proposal fund amount to us as Trustee on time, to be distributed to the unsecured creditors.

The company successfully restructured and operated profitably afterwards. The entrepreneur was able to sell her company several years later and retire.

Company restructuring process: The financial restructuring process

The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex corporate restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur. You are worried because your company is facing significant financial challenges. Your business provides income not only for your family. Many other families rely on you and your company for their well-being.

The stress placed upon you due to your company’s financial challenges is enormous. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your company’s problems; financial and emotional. The way we dealt with this problem and devised a corporate restructuring plan, we know that we can help you and your company too.

We know that companies facing financial problems need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team. That is why we can develop a company restructuring process as unique as the financial problems and pain it is facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious in finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation. We will get your company back on the road to healthy stress free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

company restructuring process
Brandon Blog Post



Claim bankruptcy in Ontario: Case study introduction

For today, and the next few weeks, I want to give you some interesting case studies direct from our files. I will not mention any real names of course. Hopefully from these case studies, you will see that we do a lot more than just allow people or companies to claim bankruptcy in Ontario.

Claim bankruptcy in Ontario: A variety of problems

Today’s case study deals with our client who is a specialist medical doctor and surgeon. We will call her Dr. X. She had an ongoing successful career and then opened up a specialty high-end clinic to offer services not paid for by OHIP, the provincial medical plan. Unfortunately, Dr. X did not get the best advice from her professional advisers when she established the new business venture.

She set up her clinic in a separate building that she purchased. Dr. X then had it renovated extensively to meet the business’ needs, leased or purchased equipment and hired staff.

This new venture was financed entirely by debt:

  • personal debt such as mortgage financing against the matrimonial home;

  • equipment loans or leases in her personal name; and

  • Equipment and mortgage debt in the new business venture corporation for which Dr. X personally guaranteed it.

Therefore one way or the other, her personal responsibility was for 100% of the debt to get the business started. Her husband was responsible jointly with her for the mortgage raised against the matrimonial home.

The cash flow of the business was insufficient to pay the operating costs and debt financing. She had to keep borrowing money personally to keep the new business alive. The stress this caused affected her previously stellar activities as a surgeon and hurt her marriage. By the time Dr. X was came to us, she and her husband were separated and divorce proceedings were underway.

Claim bankruptcy in Ontario: And then it got even worse

To make matters worse, she could not attempt to liquidate assets to pay down debt and ease the burden. Like most equipment, the clinic’s equipment was not worth more than its original cost. There was no excess equipment either.

The building could not be sold and leased back for a very bad reason. There was a large environmental problem associated with the building which was not discovered through due diligence prior to purchasing it. The issue arose when she tried to refinance.

The potential lender performed a Phase 1 Environmental Study, which indicated that a earlier use in the building produced contaminants which were buried in the ground. The contaminants were leaching into the neighbours’ respective properties. So now there was further personal liability exposure as the sole Director of the company that owned the real estate!

Claim bankruptcy in Ontario: Filing bankruptcy in Canada would give Dr. X more headaches

Dr. X came to us convinced that she had to go bankrupt. The stress of her failing business was taking a huge toll on her normal duties as a surgeon and her marriage was over. She had previously seen a different licensed insolvency trustee and was convinced from that meeting that bankruptcy was her only answer.

Dr. X considered herself a total failure, in spite of she was still a sought after as a brilliant medical doctor and surgeon. We considered her assets and liabilities, income and expenses and her overall situation.

Claim bankruptcy in Ontario: More complications

To further complicate matters:

  1. The matrimonial home was listed at the amount required to clear all mortgages which was well above market value.

  2. Once Dr. X inevitably stopped making the first mortgage payments on the matrimonial home, the Bank holding the mortgage would begin power of sale proceedings. The first mortgagee would probably suffer a shortfall on the sale and Dr. X and her estranged spouse would be responsible for the shortfall on the first mortgage and the entire balance of the second mortgage.

  3. Dr. X had a life insurance policy with a cash surrender value (“CSV”). The CSV was not exempt from seizure by a bankruptcy trustee because the beneficiary was her Estate. In a bankruptcy, the CSV would go to the Trustee for the benefit of her creditors.

  4. Dr. X did not know if she could get replacement insurance coverage at all and if so, at a reasonable cost.

  5. There were many creditors who currently had a contingent claim against Dr. X with a very high dollar volume. These claims would ultimately be crystallized. In a bankruptcy, we anticipated that a lot of angry ordinary unsecured creditors, many of whom were sophisticated, such as banks and equipment lenders/lessors, would oppose her discharge from bankruptcy.

  6. In a bankruptcy, Dr. X would have to pay about $82,000 in surplus income payments to us as her bankruptcy trustee over a 21 month period for a monthly payment of $3,905. Dr. X could not afford to pay that much each month and keep her normal medical practice afloat.

Bankruptcy was not a good answer for Dr. X. Notwithstanding she earned a high income, the irony was that she could not afford to claim bankruptcy in Ontario!

Claim bankruptcy in Ontario: Our assessment

We had to deal with two problems; one financial and one emotional. Dr. X was an emotional wreck as a result of the failed business venture with all of its problems. We actually had to deal with that first. It is normal for a licensed insolvency trustee to take a holistic approach. The debtor facing financial problems always needs two outcomes: (i) a solution that will allow them to shed their debts and get piece of mind; and (ii) become rehabilitated.

We advised Dr. X that a personal bankruptcy was not the answer for her. We told her that she first had to shut down her clinic. She had to deal with the employees to make sure that they were paid up to the last date work their normal wages and vacation pay. They also needed to get their Record of Employment and T4 Statements as quickly as possible. Unfortunately there was no money for pay in lieu of notice.

Claim bankruptcy in Ontario: How to deal with the failed business venture

We then advised Dr. X that she should not bankrupt the corporation carrying on this new business. Rather, she should call up the first mortgagee and tell that she is abandoning the business premises and is sending the keys over. Then call up the equipment lessors and the lender that did some equipment financing to tell them the business has shut down and they should contact the first mortgagee to gain access to retrieve their property.

Next we advised Dr. X to safeguard the business books and records, so that she could have her accountant file final tax returns. She would also have the records for when Canada Revenue Agency wished to do an audit on the business activities.

The final piece of advice for Dr. X with respect to her new business venture was this. After performing the above steps, walk away. This would end the stress of operating a failing business.

Claim bankruptcy in Ontario: Our assessment and his personal financial fix

All of the contingent debts from the failed business venture had not yet crystallized. They were still contingent. We worked out a cash flow plan with Dr. X that she could keep current with, now that she had abandoned and stopped funding the debt incurred because of the failed business. She also stopped paying the first mortgage on the matrimonial home as the value of the home was now less than the total of the mortgage debt against it.. We worked with Dr. X on a plan to avoid bankruptcy, by filing a formal restructuring proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (“BIA”).

Claim bankruptcy in Ontario: The advantages of our strategy

The advantages of this strategy, if the restructuring proposal could be fully performed, are:

  • Dr. X would not give up her assets to a bankruptcy trustee;

  • She would not lose her life insurance coverage or CSV;

  • All of her debts could be eliminated through the restructuring proposal;

  • Although the total of her restructuring proposal payments had to be more than her creditors would get in her bankruptcy, we could term those payments out to a maximum of 5 years;

  • Her estimated monthly payment would be less than the monthly surplus income payment in a bankruptcy; and

  • Dr. X would avoid bankruptcy and an opposed discharge process entirely.

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Claim bankruptcy in Ontario: The result

Dr. X followed our advice. Her restructuring proposal was accepted by her creditors qualified to vote at the meeting of creditors held 21 days after the filing of the restructuring proposal. The contingent claims had not yet crystallized. Although eventually those creditors were allowed to file their proper respective claims and take part in the dividends paid out to the unsecured creditors, we made it successfully through the voting process. The proposal was then approved by the Court.

Dr. X not only maintained her regular monthly proposal payments to us, she was able to pay off the proposal early. The reason for this was that now that she had a clear head and no longer felt she was a failure, she could focus on her medical practice and surgery, which once again flourished. Her income and savings rose. These are some of the benefits that financial rehabilitation brings. Dr. X also avoided going bankrupt.

Claim bankruptcy in Ontario: Does Dr. X’s financial problems sound familiar to you?

I present this case study to show how, as a licensed insolvency trustee in the GTA, we look at the entire story of each person or company that comes to us for help. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. The way we stopped Dr. X from going bankrupt and devised an alternate plan for her, allowed her to solve her financial problems and get her life back.

We know that people facing financial problems need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious in finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Team today.

Call us now for a free consultation. We will get you back on the road to a healthy stress free life and your recovery will be as pain-free as possible. We may be able to stop you to claim bankruptcy in Ontario!

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claim bankruptcy in ontario


Brandon Blog Post


Financial infidelity recovery: Introduction

According to Psychology Today, one of the causes of marital breakdown is dishonesty and betrayal. Dishonesty and betrayal can take many forms. It can include financial dishonesty in marriage. The purpose of this vlog is to look at this issue and how to get financial infidelity recovery in a marriage.

Financial infidelity recovery: Financial dishonesty in marriage

The first step is recognizing what financial infidelity meaning is. In its simplest form, financial infidelity is withholding from our partners about what we are doing with money that ultimately negatively affects the couple’s relationship. Examples of financial infidelity could be:

  • secret spending; perhaps as a result of an addiction;
  • secret savings account;
  • incurring secret debt; again could be a result of an addiction
  • cashing in a life insurance policy to raise needed funds secretly; and
  • letting a life insurance policy lapse due either to lack of funds or wishing to divert those funds without telling our partner

It is a lack of transparency with our partners about money in the relationship.


Financial infidelity recovery: Signs of financial infidelity

Some of the more common signs of financial infidelity are that your spouse or partner:

  • wants to control all the finances and they don’t want any comments from you;
  • they also don’t want to share financial information with you;
  • you notice that there is a withdrawal from an investment account with no given explanation;
  • a lot of resistance to talking about money;
  • discovering the opening of new lines of credit or credit cards in your partner’s name, in your name or even jointly that you didn’t open yourself and had no knowledge of;
  • you find bills for items that you didn’t know about; and
  • your partner makes a big purchase without talking with you first

Such behaviour will most certainly erode trust in a relationship. This will create a huge blockage in every other aspect of the marriage, including intimacy.

Financial infidelity recovery: Healing financial infidelity

In order to even attempt financial infidelity recovery, there has to be willingness by either spouses or partners. Both will have to overcome the shame, humiliation and rage that the financial infidelity causes. The couple needs to understand what the real reason for the financial infidelity is and be dedicated to fixing that. Is it the result of an addiction such as shopping, gambling, drugs or alcohol abuse? Is it a result of a business loss or failure in the spouse’s business?

The next step is to have a team approach. Spouses or partners need to have complete access jointly to all accounts. One spouse should not be allowed to withdraw funds without the other one’s cooperation. The team has to set a realistic budget together, follow it and watch the cash flow plan. One of the cornerstones of the budget has to be to work towards being debt free. Finally, constant and open communication is key.

It may be that you will need a financial counselor for credit counselling to increase the couple’s financial knowledge. The counselor can also make sure that the recovery plan is realistic and implemented. Financial infidelity recovery is neither simple nor easy, but, it is possible if both partners are willing and committed.

Financial infidelity recovery: What to do if you cannot overcome your debts

The debt created by financial infidelity is more emotionally troubling than normal debt. The reason is one of the spouses had nothing to do with incurring that debt, yet they may be just as liable for its repayment. This creates extra challenges in attempting to resolve that debt.

Although the challenges are enormous, they are not insurmountable. If you and your spouse have too much debt because of financial infidelity or for any other reason, you need to contact a licensed insolvency trustee (LIT) now. Through financial counselling, a LIT can aid in getting the resources you need to fix the root causes of the financial infidelity and to deal with the debt that you and your spouse cannot repay.

You need the Ira Smith Team. We’re experts in dealing with debt. No matter how you got into difficulty we can help return you to financial well-being. Contact us today and free yourself of debt Starting Over, Starting Now.


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