Brandon Blog Post


Bank of Canada interest rate hike dates: Introduction

I have recently written blogs on debt help and signs you need bankruptcy help. I have ended recent blogs with a question: “Are you worried that the future interest rate hikes will make presently affordable commitments entirely unmanageable?”. So, I thought I would write this blog on Canada interest rate hike dates and what it all might mean in 2019.

Bank of Canada interest rate hike dates

The Bank of Canada (BoC) scheduled dates for the interest rate announcements for 2019 are as follows:

  • January 9
  • March 6
  • April 24
  • May 29
  • July 10
  • September 4
  • October 30
  • December 4

Bank of Canada interest rate hike dates: 2018

In 2018, it was expected that the BoC would raise interest rates slowly towards the end of 2018 and into 2019. The BoC has actually hiked its trendsetting rate of interest, which affects borrowing expenses across the economic climate, five times since the mid-2017, up from a reduced amount of 0.5 percent. The BoC interest rate stands at 1.75%. It was raised to that level in October 2018 and has not risen since.

Bank of Canada interest rate hike dates: 2019 issues

So the BoC on March 6, 2019, decided to keep its target for the overnight rate of 1.75%. Let me explain the main reasons why.

First, there is a slowdown in the worldwide economic climate. It has actually been extra obvious and more widespread than what they were preparing for. It is much more obvious and a lot more widespread than what the BoC was projecting as recently as January 2019! The higher adverse impact on the global economic situation affected their choice.

Second, global trade stress and unpredictability are weighing heavily on self-confidence and economic activity. There is tension worldwide on the trade front between several different scenarios, including Brexit and nations. This results in weakened consumer self-confidence and the confidence of the total worldwide economy. If the China/USA trade war is settled, the world economic scene might improve a bit.

Domestically in Canada, there are reasons they required to keep the BoC rate where it was:

  1. Exports fell short of expectations.
  2. Business investment did not reach the anticipated level.
  3. Consumer spending was weak.
  4. The housing market was soft.

Consumer spending is a big part of GDP and the cost of living in Canada. As well it has a huge influence on the Canadian economy. The Canadian real estate market is a high ticket item and there are plenty of industries that are affected by and depend upon a vibrant housing market. Each of those measures was either short of expectations or soft on its performance.

Based on both these worldwide and made in Canada influences that I have pointed out, the BoC determined they were going to keep their interest rate and not hike it. As recently as October 2018 the financial press was reporting that rates will gradually be climbing throughout 2019. Increased unpredictability is now introduced on the timing of future rate increases.

What about the rest of 2019

We might now go all of 2019 without any price rise. It depends on future occasions. I believe that there are four main variables to watch:

Core inflation continues to be near 2 percent. The Canadian consumer price index reduced to 1.4 percent in January, greatly as a result of lower oil prices. The BoC expects the cost of living index to be somewhat below the 2 percent target for the majority of 2019, reflecting the influence of short-lived variables, including the drag from reduced energy prices and a bigger output gap.

We will certainly see exactly how some of these variables may transform between now and the spring. For the July and succeeding rate statement dates, we will certainly have to see what the spring real estate market looks like. As I stated above, the real estate market is a large driver of both housing spending as well as consumer spending.

What it means for you

The reality is that the BoC overnight rate holding firm is great information if you were going to be buying a house this year. Five year fixed mortgage rates have actually declined somewhat in 2019.

If you have a variable rate home mortgage or line of credit/home equity credit line, the rate hold is likewise excellent news for you.

What about you?

Is the tension, stress, anxiety, and pain of your debt negatively influencing your health and wellness?

If so, call the Ira Smith Team today. We have years as well as generations of experience aiding individuals and companies needing financial restructuring. As a licensed insolvency trustee, we are the only professionals accredited and followed by the Federal government to provide debt restructuring options.

Call the Ira Smith Team today to make certain that we can begin aiding you. We will rapidly return you right into a healthy and balanced worry-free life. We can develop a debt settlement strategy simply for you to prevent bankruptcy, where we can also make the interest clock stop ticking away at you. By doing this, all your payments go only against the principal balance owing.

You can have a no-cost appointment for us to gather the necessary information to advise you on how to fix your debt difficulties. We can end your pain so that you will begin your clean fresh start, Starting Over Starting Now.

bank of canada interest rate hike dates

Brandon Blog Post



Canadian insolvency laws: Introduction

In today’s commercial world, our economy focuses on and requires Canadian insolvency laws. Insolvency is the financial condition where you cannot pay your debts as they come due and if you liquidated all of your assets, there would not be enough cash to pay off all of your debts.

Insolvency laws are required in a mature economy. It reassures investors that there is a way to “recycle” assets. Asset recycling makes them once again valuable and revenue producing, should insolvency set in on a person or company.

Canadian insolvency laws: My goal with this blog

An insolvency process is used as a means of liquidating one’s whole legacy (i.e. the totality of one’s assets) in order to attempt to please all of the creditors that have grown way beyond the ability of the person or company to repay. Emotions always run high in insolvency procedures. We are dealing with the lives of real people that may be losing their jobs, income, homes and other assets.

The purpose of this vlog is not to teach you about insolvency laws. I want to caution anyone considering going into business how important it is to structure things properly. Your aim is to make sure that you are protecting yourself, your business and your family. If your business falters and becomes insolvent you will be glad that you did.

Canadian insolvency laws: Believe it or not, it may be good for you to meet a licensed insolvency trustee

So naturally, as a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) the first focus is on restructuring. Sometimes bad things happen to good people and companies. Bad judgement, bad luck and bad management all contribute to personal and corporate insolvency. Our primary focus is to use various ways to help people and companies recover from insolvency.

The potential ramifications of insolvency procedures can be minimized. A person can no longer afford to keep their assets. A company has too many problems to continue its business. However, those same assets can be used very successfully in a new business or by someone else. So insolvency laws and procedures help to avoid a total loss of asset values.

In many of our cases, this can involve particular minor legal procedures which could eventually conserve a fortune. For financial institutions, this can be especially good news.

Canadian insolvency laws: Why you need to “alienate” your assets

If you are running a company, or are likely to do so in your career, you must minimize your exposure by safeguarding your assets. By doing so, you are protecting yourself and your family for the future, especially if something in business goes wrong. The time to protect yourself is when you are starting out and there are no problems. If you do so when the problems have already arisen, it is too late. Any asset protection steps you take knowing yourself to be insolvent, will not stand up to attack.

By running a company, you will probably become a Director. If your business needs to borrow money from the Bank to operate, you will probably be required to guarantee the bank debt. So, if you anticipate yourself collecting considerable unsecured financial obligations in the coming years, you need to act. Starting out properly protecting yourself, allows you to either avoid or successfully defend, any challenges on the sequestration of your assets.

Canadian insolvency laws: Why you want to be an “alien”

You will make sure that the properties you have “alienated” no longer form part of your estate. The alienation ensures that the possessions from which you will still benefit cannot be gotten by your financial institutions if the business is unsuccessful and they are looking for any assets you may have to honour the financial obligations you accumulate.what does a court appointed receiver do

Canadian insolvency laws: Use your lawyer

When setting up a company, you need a lawyer. Make sure that you choose a lawyer that can also counsel you on how to protect your assets in the event your business venture fails. We are not lawyers, and the general advice I am going to give you is not meant to replace the advice of a lawyer.

Canadian insolvency laws: You may need more than one company to conduct your business

The first thing to think about is incorporating a limited liability company. Depending on the type of business, you may need to incorporate several, within which to house your operations, the leased or owned premises you operate out of and your shareholdings. Conducting your business through a company will require more documentation and therefore cost.

However, it is well worth it. It removes and protects you personally to the greatest extent possible from personal liability. The goal is to minimize or eliminate the destruction of you and your family. If you choose not to go through a corporate body, for whatever reason, protecting your personal assets becomes even more important. There will not be one or more corporate entities to serve as the first line of protection.

Canadian insolvency laws: Examples of multiple corporations in running a business

Examples of how multiple corporations will better insulate you and your business assets are:

Operating company. Your operating company is the one you conduct business through. It is the vehicle which will attract the most liability. There is always a risk in running any business. However, there is no law that requires you to hold all your business assets in your operating company.

Single purpose corporation. You may want to incorporate a second single purpose company to hold valuable assets used to conduct the business of your operating company. Tangible assets such as machinery and equipment are obvious. You are operating out of premises; either leased or owned.

You may wish to have a corporation that holds the tangible assets. Another company that is simply the real estate company. If you also have valuable intangible assets such as copyrights, licenses, trademarks, you may wish a separate company to hold all of the intangible assets.

These single-purpose corporations will then lease the assets to your operating company to conduct its business. Your operating company will pay rental charges, lease payments and licensing fees to the respective sole purpose companies. You need your lawyer to carefully document in writing everything. By now you can probably see the value in separating out the various important and valuable assets from your normal business operations.

Canadian insolvency laws: Alienating your most valuable asset

The most significant and most important property most of us will own is our house. The time to transfer your ownership interest to your partner ideally is before the first day of your going into business. Waiting until there are business problems and you are insolvent, any transfer will be successfully attacked. Obviously, you have to believe that you and your partner have a solid loving relationship before making the transfer as you will no longer have your ownership interest in the house.

Canadian insolvency laws: Does your company have too much debt?

To set up your company and structure your affairs properly, we urge you to use the best lawyer for your needs. This blog cannot replace the advice of your lawyer. However, if your company is experiencing financial difficulties, you need a professional trustee. If yes, call the Ira Smith Team. Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are at our front door.

The earlier you contact us, the more options we will have to implement. Whether it is a corporate restructuring or personal debt settlement through a consumer proposal, the goal is to avoid bankruptcy. However, if bankruptcy turns out to be the best option, we can assist there too.

You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life, ending the pain and stress you are feeling forever. Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today for your free consultation.canadian insolvency laws 1

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