Brandon Blog Post


Rebuilding credit Canada: Introduction

After fully completing a consumer proposal or receiving a discharge from bankruptcy, it is important to start immediately rebuilding credit Canada. The purpose of this Brandon’s Blog is to provide you with our foolproof and painless 3 step plan to eliminate those negative credit checks and fix your credit trouble by rebuilding credit Canada.

Rebuilding credit Canada: Step 1 – Create good habits with a plan for discipline and self-control

After your discharge from bankruptcy or the full completion of a consumer proposal, you must create good habits of discipline and self-control. You won’t have any credit accounts and your goal is to show the credit bureaus that you can use credit responsibly and work your way back from bad credit score.

To do that, you need good new financial habits. You need to start creating a good payment history. A lack of these habits might have been partly responsible for your current situation, so working on changing bad habits, and creating new ones will lay the groundwork for a successful financial future.

Research has shown that on average, it takes more than 2 months before a new behaviour becomes automatic – 66 days in fact. So, while at the beginning, having to be disciplined and exert self-control over spending money mistakes might seem like hard work, stick with it for a couple of months, and very soon it will just become part of your daily routine.

Learn discipline through budgeting. You may be able to find a pretty good yet simple budget calculator spreadsheet. Aside from rebuilding your credit, learning how to create a realistic budget by looking at your essential expenses compared to your current level of everyday purchases. This will allow you to get a good handle on what your income requirements are and then sticking to it is the most important step of rebuilding credit Canada after bankruptcy or consumer proposal.

You’ll be looking closely at your money and personal income anyway, so use this time to get a real grasp on your entire financial situation. Take a look at credit cards and related statements. By only making the minimum monthly payment you are being charged interest. Look carefully at what the rate on purchases is that you are really paying.

Understand where your money comes from, and, more importantly, where you spend every penny. You’re going to need to make friends with spreadsheets and familiarize yourself with all your bank and bill statements. Create categories of all your expenses (e.g. rent, electrical bills, car insurance, groceries etc.) Using your past bank statements, look at your current spending plan in each category. You’ll probably be surprised at how much money you spend in some!

Set limits for how much you will spend per month in each category. This will likely mean making some sacrifices to ensure your budget balances (the total amount being spent does not exceed the total amount coming in). However, be realistic – don’t tell yourself you’re going to stop doing things you enjoy together. Instead, cut down on how often you do them. E.g. the budget spending plan for a meal out could be once a month rather than a couple of times a week.

Get in the habit of planning and recording every single expense, no matter how small. Keep receipts and go over where your money has gone every month. Plan rewards for different milestones along the way. It’s important to have things to look forward to and motivate you along the way.

Budgeting takes discipline and sacrifice but stays focused on the goal. You’re doing this to ensure you don’t fall back into the same bad habits as before. You are going to have to change some things – and what better time than while you’re starting over? You’re already doing the work, now the trick is to make this disciplined.

Practice self-control in your spending (and saving!) The golden rule of spending? Learn to live within your means – it sounds simple, but it can very hard to do. However, those who live within their means do not get into trouble with debt, and that’s what you’re working towards for the future! You’ve created a budget, you know exactly what you can spend in each category, now you need to execute on that. By following your

While in bankruptcy or a consumer proposal, any excess money you earn is going to go to your debtors. That may make it seem impossible to save. However, saving money should always be in your plan.

As soon as you are discharged from bankruptcy or your consumer proposal, start saving money every month. Work a specific amount (we recommend 10%) into your budget so that you learn to live within that new budget spending plan. Setting up automatic payments and transfers into your savings account on payday will ensure your money goes where it needs to before you even have time to think about spending it.

So where should this money go? First, establish an emergency fund so that you can avoid facing bankruptcy again in the future. A good emergency fund should cover at least 3 months of living expenses. Once your emergency fund is built, continue to save by contributing to your RRSP or TFSA as much as you possibly can while still meeting your month-to-month expenses.

Forming good habits of discipline and self-control is key to your permanent financial rehabilitation. Once you do so, you’ll find that building your credit will be relatively easy!

Rebuilding credit Canada: Step 2 – Work to rebuild your credit after bankruptcy or consumer proposal

It is true that a record of your insolvency filing will stay on credit reports. This is so for both a consumer proposal (3 years!) or a bankruptcy (7!). However, you can actually start rebuilding credit Canada right away.

There’s an old saying that goes “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.” We recommend that you don’t wait 20 years, or even 3.

Here’s what you need to know to start building credit and improving your credit reports today:

Secured Credit Card – A secured credit card looks and functions just like a regular unsecured credit card, with your lender reporting to the credit bureaus on a regular basis. The only difference is that you put up an initial deposit as a security deposit in the form of cash. The minimum deposit or the maximum deposit you can afford to make acts as collateral upfront makes it a secured credit card. The amount of cash you put up as a deposit dictates your credit limits.

rebuilding credit canada
rebuilding credit canada

This protects the lender from the possibility of you defaulting on what you owe because your security fund will be used to cover any outstanding amounts. When you use this type of card, as far as the vendor is concerned, it acts just like an unsecured credit card. Every month when you pay off the balance by making your payments on time, it is reported to the credit bureaus. Then each credit bureau can update their records showing you are paying it off on time. That is how it can rebuild credit Canada.

A Secured Line of Credit – Much like a secured card, a secured line of credit is a revolving credit that is secured by the money or other security, you offer up in the beginning. As you use your line of credit and you make your payments on time, you will establish a picture of good money reminders habits which will both boost your credit score. These lines of credit are available through most banks. Again, creditworthiness and collateral, if required, set the credit limits.

Create Your Own Credit Building ProgramsCredit building programs are one of the most effective methods for rebuilding credit after bankruptcy or consumer proposal. Programs like borrowing a small amount to invest in your RRSP. Then repay the loan in full before the next RRSP year.

This is beneficial in 3 ways: You don’t have to come up with the funds, you are investing in your future and by repaying the loan, you are showing you can handle credit properly which improves your credit score. This should also be combined with a secured card or line of credit, do double up on your credit score building program. Paying your bills on time also improves your credit score.

You want to follow your budget carefully. Avoiding late payments, making the full payment each month on your monthly credit card balance, not just the minimum payment, and don’t have a missed utility payment. Having timely payments and no late payments on your Canadian credit history, will take a poor credit score and start improving your credit rating by creating a new positive credit history.

An improved credit rating and improving credit reports will overturn the negative effects of your bad credit history, get your credit score ranges to improve, get you the credit score increase you deserve and catch the attention of the credit card company and improve your chances of access to credit products.

These new types of credit becoming available to you, and perhaps even existing credit card issuers giving you a credit limit increase, all go towards your rebuilding credit Canada. But you still need to stick to your spending plan. Just because you are getting access to credit again, does not mean you can abandon your proper budgeting. You don’t want to go back to the old habits that produced the poor credit history.

Whatever kind of credit loans you are looking to take out to help rebuild your credit, make sure you understand things properly. Read the credit applications carefully to see what you are really signing up for. If approved, read the credit agreement carefully so you will fully understand all the terms of the rebuilding credit Canada loan product.

As your credit reports improve, you will find new companies offering you new credit accounts and credit card providers either increasing your credit card limit or sending you applications for new credit cards lines. Again a word of caution. Don’t get carried away with all sort of credit products in your daily life. Keep it simple and stick to your budget. You really may only need one regular credit card from amongst the wide range of Canadian credit cards becoming available to you.

rebuilding credit canada
rebuilding credit canada

Rebuilding credit Canada: Step 3 – Maintain your spending plan good habits for the rest of your life

Rebuilding credit Canada is not a one-time event. Think of rebuilding your credit after bankruptcy like losing weight. In the beginning, dragging yourself to the gym and making kale smoothies is hard work. However, as you start to see the weight drop, it becomes easier and easier.

What happens when you reach your goal weight? Do you stop going to the gym and start eating pizza for breakfast? No! You just carry on as you are now – because it’s become a habit, and if you slip back into old habits, you’re quickly going to see all of your hard work come undone.

Regularly checking your full credit reports from both credit reporting agencies will help you see how your good habits are paying off. Kinda like weighing yourself to make sure you’re still where you want to be. If you start seeing negative results, take stock of what’s happening in your life that could be causing it and make changes to quickly get back on track. You want to keep seeing improvement in your credit reports.

Ultimately, whether you’re declaring bankruptcy or entering into a consumer proposal, it will be emotionally difficult. There is a light at the end of the tunnel though. Many people don’t realize that you can start building credit while going through both a bankruptcy or consumer proposal so that at the time of discharge, you’re already a few steps ahead. Follow these steps and you’ll find that rebuilding your credit after bankruptcy isn’t that difficult.

Rebuilding credit Canada: Do you know anyone who needs to get back on the road to financial recovery?

If you have too much debt, are unhappy with your debt situation and need someone to talk to about how a consumer proposal or even personal bankruptcy can fix your credit issues and improve your financial life, call the Ira Smith Team. We are professional credit counsellors and can help you learn good spending habits. Through consumer proposal payment arrangements you can make steady payments on prescribed payment dates. This will allow you to avoid bankruptcy by paying only a fraction of your total debt yet eliminate all of your debt. It will also get you credit repair.

We will listen to your issues and provide you with our thoughts and recommendations for free. That’s right; a no-cost initial consultation. We will look at your debt utilization and make recommendations to you on how to fix it. So why not? All you have to lose is your stress while rebuilding credit Canada. Why not fix things now so that your credit checks improve.

We will advise you whether or not we think you are a candidate for either a consumer proposal or bankruptcy. If we feel you can solve your financial problems without an insolvency process, we will tell you straight. The Ira Smith Team understands the stress you are under and the pain it is causing you and your loved ones.

We can eliminate your pain. I guarantee that you will start feeling better right away after our free initial consultation. Taking action after that will put you on the right path, Starting Over Starting Now

rebuilding credit canada

Brandon Blog Post


debt solutionsDebt solutions: Introduction

Many Canadians are in a hole financially because of their spending habits and don’t realize it. When it hits them in the face, they need the best debt solutions. Many people can’t even afford to seek the help they need. But there is good news. The best fixes are the ones you can do yourself. The purpose of my blog is to describe to you steps you can take by yourself to solve your financial problems, as long as you catch it early enough. My blog will also help you turn any wasteful spending habits into wise spending habits.

Debt solutions: Disposable income

There’s a tendency to look at income as disposable – what we earn, we spend. If that’s your attitude, then you already have the shovel in your hands and you’ve started digging. Before you get in so deep that you can’t get out of the hole, let’s look at what you’re doing wrong and what you can do to get back on track financially.

Debt solutions: My 5 step self-help free plan

  1. Stop spending everything you earn. Living paycheque to paycheque is no way to live. Your income should cover all of your expenses, fund an emergency account and allow you to save for retirement. Look at your budget and see what expenses you can end or reduce. Don’t have a budget?
  2. Make a budget and stick to it. Do you know where your money’s going? Or do you think you have a hole in your wallet? A budget is the most effective money management tool. List all the things that you spend money on each month; and that includes designer coffees. In order to pay down debt and/or save money you’ll have to do some penny-pinching. Eliminate wasteful spending. Spend mindfully instead. Think twice before making a purchase you don’t really need. Make sure you’re getting the best prices on your cellphone plan, car insurance, house insurance, cable and internet. Use coupons at the grocery store. Make a budget and stick to it to meet your financial goals.
  3. Get rid of credit card debt as quickly as possible. High interest debt is the worst kind of debt. Pay off your credit card balances as quickly as possible. Use cash instead. Plastic is too easy.
  4. Check your credit score annually. Do you know what your credit score is? You should. Your credit score will decide whether you can buy a house, buy/lease a car and it can even affect your ability to get a job. Check it annually and go over it thoroughly. It may contain errors that can adversely affect your ability to borrow money.
  5. Save for retirement. Retirement will come quicker than you think. Have you started saving? Government sponsored pension plans will not keep you in the lifestyle you imagined for your retirement. It’s never too early or too late to start saving for retirement.

Debt solutions: The most serious financial problems need professional help

If you try my free 5 step debt solutions plan but find you are in too deep and can’t dig out fast enough, then you do need professional help. Many people facing serious financial issues don’t know where to go for professional help or are too embarrassed. There’s no shame in seeking professional, financial help. A trustee in bankruptcy (now called a licensed insolvency trustee) will evaluate your situation and help you to arrive at the best possible solution for your problems.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is here to help. We’re federally regulated and subject to a strict code of ethics. We offer a depth of expertise and provide a high quality and cost-effective service. I understand your pain and we can end it. You will find that we use a friendly, non-judgmental method.

Give us a call today and let us help you solve your financial problems Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


financial hardship
financial hardship

Financial hardship: Introduction

As parents, you want to give your kids every advantage, but how much is too much? And do you really need to splurge on non-necessities if it’s putting a financial hardship on the family? It’s ironic to hear rich and celebrity parents say that they’re really trying to give their children a normal upbringing, without over-the-top excess; while on the other side of the fence, average, working families are making birthday parties that cost thousands of dollars. Does your child’s birthday party really have to feature pony rides, live entertainment and loot bags that cost a fortune? Clearly the days of BBQ and “pin the tail on the donkey” have gone the way of the dodo.

Financial hardship: Strain on the family budget

Extracurricular activities can also put a strain on the family budget. How many extracurricular activities are your kids participating in? And what are these activities costing you? According to an Ipsos poll commissioned by Global News:

  • Canadian parents spent an average of $1,120 to enroll their children in extracurricular, community and sports activities during the last school year
  • For some, the cost of a busy after-school schedule was even higher, with nearly one in 10 parents shelling out over $2,000
  • Many families are overstretched to pay for it all, with over half of parents saying the cost of kids activities puts a strain on family finances
  • Nearly a third of respondents who were Gen X parents (between the ages of 35 and 54) said they had taken on debt to pay for things like dues, fees and equipment.

If your child is in a competitive dance program, costumes alone can cost thousands of dollars. Hockey is extremely expensive and the costs of competitive hockey are not for the faint of heart.

Financial hardship: Be realistic

Parents, you have to be realistic about what you can or can’t afford. Going into debt for birthday parties and after school activities makes no sense. Scale back. Make a birthday party that makes financial sense for the family, not the neighbours. Choose an after school activity with your child that they’ll enjoy and you can afford. Not only will you save a lot of money, but you’ll have some money to put away for your child’s education – a better investment in their future than a birthday party or extracurricular activities.

Financial hardship: Are you in too much debt?

If you’re already overextended and feeling the pinch of financial hardship, don’t wait until the situation becomes dire. Contact the Ira Smith Trustee Team as soon as possible. We can help you manage debt and put you on a path to debt free living Starting Over, Starting Now. Make an appointment today for a free, no cost, no obligation consultation. You’ll be glad that you did.

Brandon Blog Post


money management mistakes

Money management mistakes: introduction

No matter how much money you have, you can still get into financial trouble by making money management mistakes. Just follow the news and on a regular basis you’ll hear about a celebrity who you thought was worth millions and is now filing for bankruptcy. We have also all heard about retired athletes money errors.

Money management mistakes: Good income means nothing

It’s not enough to make a good wage; it’s what you do with it that matters. I recently read a story of a woman who worked as a secretary her whole life and passed away leaving a multi-million dollar estate.

Money management mistakes: 5 money mistakes to avoid

Here are 5 financial mistakes that can really hurt your future:

  1. Live on your money; not on credit: It’s so easy to make purchases that you can’t afford when you use plastic instead of money. It’s really important that you don’t spend what you don’t have.
  2. Make a budget and stick to it: Everyone should have a budget. It’s the only way you’ll really understand how much money is coming in and what’s going out. I think you’ll be quite surprised at what you’re actually spending and what you’re spending it on. Without a budget to rein you in, it’s easy to lose control.
  3. Have a rainy day fund: Everyone at some time in their life is going to have a rainy day. It could be a job loss, health issue, major repair to the house or car or another unforeseen circumstance that will need a large amount of money. Unless you plan for the unexpected, you could be significantly impaired financially.
  4. Keeping up with the Jones: Are you worried about keeping up with the neighbours and living in a house beyond your means, driving cars that are too expensive and spending way too much money to give the impression of having money? This is a recipe for financial disaster.
  5. Indulging adult children: Are you going into debt supporting adult children? Borrowing money or dipping into your retirement savings so your kids can buy a house? Love your children, but don’t go into debt for them.

Money management mistakes: We can correct your worst money mistakes

If you’ve already fallen victim to any of these money mistakes, it’s time for professional help now. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. has helped people just like you in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) for many years. Starting Over, Starting Now, we can help you overcome your financially difficulties. Contact us today.

Brandon Blog Post


annual cost of living 0
annual cost of living

Annual cost of living: Introduction

We all read the headlines. The annual cost of living is rising, interest rates are rising, house prices are rising, food prices are rising, everything is rising; everything except for our paycheques. How can Canadians expect to keep up with their financial obligations when their paycheques are the only things that seem to be frozen in time?

Annual cost of living: The Canadian consumer price index

According to Statistics Canada, the consumer price index is:

“…an indicator of changes in consumer prices experienced by Canadians. It is obtained by comparing, over time, the cost of a fixed basket of goods and services purchased by consumers.”

Statistics Canada measures the consumer price index against the year 2002. So as the base year, the 2002 consumer price index is the 100% level. The consumer price index has risen steadily every year since then. The annual average Canadian consumer price index for 2017 was 130.4%. The January 2018 Canadian consumer price index was up 1.7% as compared to January 2017. So, as you can see, up is the only direction our expenses go.

Annual cost of living: Frozen salaries breed discontent

This situation has created a great deal of dissatisfaction among employees. According to a poll conducted by Indeed (a major world-wide job hunting site):

  • 83% of Canadians are dissatisfied with the pay they’re receiving
  • More than 50% of employed Canadians are definitely going to ask for a raise this year
  • “There’s no money in the budget” is the top reason for why requests for a raise are rejected, accounting for 63% of rejections (women hear this excuse far more often than men — 77% of the time, compared to 54% for men
  • The average employee plans to ask for a raise of nearly $12,000, though 23% said they wanted a raise of $16,000 or more (Indeed cautions that when asking for a raise to do your research into the current pay scales for your job)

Annual cost of living: Unemployment is down and salaries are stagnant

Even though Canada has added 423,000 jobs over the past year and the unemployment rate has fallen to 5.7% (the lowest since 1976), salaries haven’t kept up. It seems that employers have gotten away with it by hiring temporary and/or contract workers. So, while your cost of living increases, your salary doesn’t.

Annual cost of living: What happens when the rising costs force you to go deeper into debt?

We wish you luck in getting your pay raise! But, if you’re one of the many Canadians who can’t keep up with your bills now and are feeling that pain, the Ira Smith Team can help.

Debt won’t eliminate itself. You need a professional trustee who understands your pain and can explain all of your options and come up with a solid financial plan for moving forward Starting Over, Starting Now. Give us a call today and book an appointment for a free, no obligation consultation. You’ll be happy you did!

annual cost of living
Brandon Blog Post


managing family finances

Managing family finances: Introduction

Many Canadians are under the mistaken impression that financial planning is a young person’s game. After all, you’re now retired and you have your pension(s) and perhaps some savings. What financial planning is there to do for managing family finances? I’m here to tell you that it’s never too late to have a financial plan. You may not realize it but there are many financial decisions still to make – even after the age of 65.

Managing family finances: CIBC financial planning advice

Lana Robinson, executive director, CIBC financial planning and advice, says it’s never too late to plan. The biggest mistake for those heading into their 70s and 80s would be not to have a plan or mistaking a budget for a plan, she said. They might say ” ‘Well I have a budget and I’m living to my budget‘ but is that really a plan?

Have you:

  • taken into account all the needs you might have?
  • anticipated the cost of healthcare?
  • Figured out whether your goal is to have in-home care as opposed to living in a retirement home?

Managing family finances: Can you answer these seven questions?

  1. Should you take your Canada Pension Plan (CPP) at 65 or defer it?
  2. Should you take your Old Age Security (OAS) at 65 or defer it?
  3. How much do you know about Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs) and annuities?
  4. Do you need to rebalance the risk in your investment portfolio?
  5. What is the most financially helpful way to use your RRSPs?
  6. What are your financial goals and what are these goals going to cost you?
  7. Are you in debt?

Managing family finances: Don’t retire in debt

If we can give you one piece of extremely valuable advice for managing family finances it’s DON’T RETIRE IN DEBT! If you do, your retirement will be extremely stressful trying to figure out how to make ends meet. Family financial planning is not fun when you need a financial plan to get out of debt. But, don’t despair – we can help.

The Ira Smith Team has many years of experience helping people just like you facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. We approach every file with the attitude that financial problems can be solved given immediate action and the right financial plan. Give us a call today and take the first step towards a debt free retirement.

managing family finances
Brandon Blog Post



Federal budget process overview: Introduction

A recent The Forum Poll™ indicates that for about 61% of the Canadians polled, a balanced budget is more important than spending on government services. The federal budget process overview is that Prime Minister Trudeau and Finance Minister Morneau have signed off on a budget that will have the federal government spend more than it receives in revenue. So, Canada’s debt will continue to grow.

The poll results showed that:

  1. 40% don’t like the budget;
  2. 17% were in favour;
  3. 31% were neutral; and
  4. 12% did not know.

Federal budget process overview: Budget spending highlights

On February 27, 2018, Finance Minister Bill Morneau tabled the Liberal Government’s budget titled “Equality + Growth: A Strong Middle Class”. The federal budget process 2018 calls for $338.5 billion in overall planned spending. The budget projects an $18.1 billion deficit in 2018-19.

The highlights of the government’s proposed major spending included in the budget are:

  • Nearly $5 billion invested in Indigenous communities over 5 years;
  • Canadian science and research spending of almost $3.2 billion over five years;
  • $2.6 billion over 5 years to promote gender equality in science and business;
  • $1.2 billion over 5 years for a new parental sharing benefit; and
  • $2 billion over 5 years for international aid

Federal budget process overview: Deficits and debt

I normally don’t think of Prime Minister Trudeau or Finance Minister Morneau as being like an average Canadian, but the 2018 federal budget canada news shows me that the government is budgeting now like an average Canadian.

What do I mean? Well, I have written many times about the average family household debt rising over the last few years. Some of the blogs I wrote are:

I have also written on the need for Canadians to reign in their spending and have a proper household budget. Some of my blogs on that topic are:

Federal budget process overview: Our government is like the average Canadian

All of these blogs have a common message that the average Canadian is:

  1. amassing too much debt;
  2. using debt to supplement income to meet their spending habits;
  3. although they can afford minimum payments on the debt in this low-interest rate environment, trouble will begin when rates creep up; and
  4. in need of a proper household budget so that borrowing can stop, existing income can be used for expenses and debt repayment.

That is why I say that the government created the 2018 federal budget deficit and the debt just like the average Canadian does. The government has one trick up their sleeve to raise more money than us normal Canadians have; they can just increase the taxes we pay to try to cover off the extra deficit spending.

Federal budget process overview: The practical problem

The practical problem for the government is that although Canadians say that they prefer a balance budget, they also like spending that they believe will help them. When polled on the individual spending plans, the results were favourable. Although it does not seem that the poll asked the question “Would you favour higher taxes to pay for the spending so that there will not be a deficit”, I suspect the answer to that question would be a loud NO!

So the government has to make promises if it wants to get re-elected. The government also knows that Canadians will like spending for things they believe will help them or their quality of life. So what the federal government is hoping is that this will translate in the voting booth for more votes for the Liberal government than votes from people who don’t like deficits.

Federal budget process overview: Difference between budget deficit and federal debt

The 2018 federal budget Canada shows that Ottawa has no plan to stop deficit spending or reduce federal debt in the short or medium term. The annual deficit represents the amount the government spends in any year above what it earns in revenue in that same time period. The federal debt is the amount of money the government has to borrow to pay for cumulative amount of deficits.

Previous Liberal and Conservative governments devoted efforts to balancing the budget and paying down debt. This government isn’t.

federal budget process overview

Federal budget process overview: If you are serious we can help you reach your financial freedom before our government does

What about you? Do you enjoy the stress you feel every month when you do not have enough money to go around? Have you been avoiding the tough discussions with your family about what spending has to be cut out to balance your books? Before your life gets totally out of control, now is the time for you to take positive steps to gain back your financial freedom and your life.

If you are serious we can help you reach your financial freedom before our government does. We are very interested in helping honest but unfortunate people whose spending was perhaps out of control in the past because of an unexpected life event. Even if your spending remains a problem, we can help you get back on course.

Contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. Team today. We’re not politicians. We are experts in helping good people regain control of their financial and personal lives. If you give us a call today we will work with you to find one of the bankruptcy alternatives so that you can cut your stress and regain control over your finances, Starting Over, Starting Now.

federal budget process overview
Brandon Blog Post


debt acquired before marriage 1
debt acquired before marriage

Debt acquired before marriage: Introduction

Last week we posted a video and blog about secret debt in marriage. It’s clear from various surveys and reports that many Canadians are not pleased with the way their loved ones handle their finances. The reality is that once you get married the proverbial horse is out of the barn. The time to have serious talks about your finances, your debt acquired before marriage and how to manage money, is before you get married.

Debt acquired before marriage: You need to discuss more than just wedding plans

Are you one of many couples that got engaged on Valentine’s Day? I’ll bet that right now you’re solely focused on wedding planning? I know it’s not romantic or fun, but sorting out money management issues should be right up there on your list of priorities. Love may have brought you together but finances can tear you apart.

Debt acquired before marriage: It’s all about trust

Managing finances as a couple means a lot more than deciding who’s paying for what, or opening a joint bank account to pay household bills. It’s all about trust, communication and transparency. Have you openly and honestly discussed pre-marital assets, debt, spending habits, saving goals and a budget?

  • How much do you really know about your fiancée’s finances?
  • How much do they earn?
  • Do they live within their means?
  • How much debt do they have?
  • What’s their credit score?
  • What are their assets?
  • How many credit cards do they have?
  • Do they pay their bills on time and in full each month?
  • Do they have a line of credit (and in what amount)?
  • Have they ever declared bankruptcy?

Debt acquired before marriage: Start on firm ground

If your soon-to-be spouse is not prepared to discuss these issues and agree on money management then you’ll be starting your marriage on shaky ground. According to a Citibank survey, 57% of divorced couples cited money problems as the primary reason for the demise of their marriage.

Debt acquired before marriage: We can help solve your debt problems

The time to deal with serious debt issues is prior to marriage. Contact the Ira Smith Team. We’re not marriage experts, but if you give us a call today you can be well on your way to starting your marriage without serious money problems Starting Over, Starting Now.

debt acquired before marriage
Brandon Blog Post



Secret debt in marriage: Introduction

Now that Valentine’s Day is over, we need to not lose that loving feeling. Many Canadians are not crazy with their love one’s finances. They may wish to book a financial date evening. Many are keeping debt secrets from their partner, or fear they are hiding financial information from them. Perhaps now is the time to come clean with secret debt in marriage.

Secret debt in marriage: A recent survey

A brand-new survey identified that Canadians in a relationship (whether living separately, common law or wed) wish they can change a minimum of one of their partner’s financial behaviours. But their loved one could be oblivious. Many reported seldom or never ever talking money or budgeting with them.

Secret debt in marriage: We have previously written about this tender subject

Spouses or partners holding secret debt in marriage is nothing new. We have previously written on the topic, and others involving couples, including the following blogs:

secret debt in marriage

Secret debt in marriage: Couples best practices

When it concerns taking care of debt as a couple, I recommend complete and honest disclosure. Work together to check your debts and make a household budget. Plan together how your household income will allow you both to pay ordinary monthly expenses, pay off debt and hopefully, save for emergencies and retirement.. Budgeting discussions are not easy, but if you can prepare a realistic one and stick to it, your relationship will find a new level of love.

Secret debt in marriage: What if you find out that talking and budgeting is not enough?

Although we are not social workers or marriage counselors, we are expert in helping people work through their financial challenges.

That is why the Ira Smith Team always looks first to see if one of the bankruptcy alternatives would be a better fit for you. The alternatives we look at with you include:

The Ira Smith Team has 50+ years of cumulative experience dealing with issues just like the ones that you’re facing. Give us a call today and let us give you back peace of mind Starting Over, Starting Now.

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Holiday spending mistakes in Canada: Introduction

Other than for some last-minute small items, your holiday spending is complete. The credit card bills will arrive next month. You will soon find out if you made any holiday spending mistakes in Canada.

Maybe you overspent and will now have too much debt you won’t be able to repay. Perhaps you spent wisely, but it will put you over the top given your current debt level. Regardless, you now need to know how to help yourself financially from holiday spending mistakes in Canada.

Holiday spending mistakes in Canada: You are not alone being in debt

Are you fighting financial threats daily? Do you wish you could unlock how to help yourself financially? If so, you are not alone. Lots of Canadians have fought the good fight to barely survive. There have been many articles in the media of the dangers of living with way too much debt. Many Canadians are living paycheque to paycheque.

The Bank of Canada has warned Canadians for years now. With the rate of interest having been so reduced, Canadians have taken on much debt. Now interest rates are beginning to rise. You have to know how to help yourself financially, so that you will not only be able to make your minimum payments, but you will also be able to start reducing your debt. Your holiday spending mistakes has now increased the pressure on you. I do not want to see anyone living this way.

Holiday spending mistakes in Canada: Who this information will help

You know you have debt troubles and this information will help if you:

  • often pay expenses after the date they are due;
  • on a regular basis write cheques that don’t clear your bank;
  • use room from one charge card to get a cash advance to pay the minimum due on a different card;
  • get telephone calls from a debt collector;
  • routinely ask pals or relatives for money;
  • utilities are threatening to cut you off;
  • cannot live to a balanced budget based on your current family income;
  • need to take a second job just to meet normal daily living expenses;

Holiday spending mistakes in Canada: Statistics Canada reporting

Statistics Canada reported that on average, at the end of 2016, Canadian families have a debt-to-income ratio of $1.67 for each dollar of after-tax revenue. At the end of the second quarter of 2017, they report that the ratio has risen to $1.68. Although Canadians’ net worth is also rising, primarily due to rising housing prices. So now housing prices have dropped, yet the debt remains.

If this sounds like how you have lived, then you need to take corrective action now from your holiday spending mistakes before it is too late. Bankruptcy should not be your first option. There are bankruptcy alternatives which include credit counselling, debt consolidation and a consumer proposal.

holiday spending

Holiday spending mistakes in Canada: Our 12 secrets on how to help yourself financially

If you are living in a debt threatening zone, it is currently the time to act to turn things around. Consider the following 12 secrets to stop your debt from spiralling out of control.

  1. Safeguard Your Health – Make sure that you are taking good care of yourself and your health, both physical and mental. You won’t be any good to yourself or your family if you are ill.
  2. Don’t Talk Yourself Out of What You’re Worth – Don’t put up with the things as they are of your job without seeking out new opportunities. Don’t sell yourself short. Make sure you understand if there are opportunities awaiting you that will pay you more than you are currently earning. Stay current on your marketable skills.
  3. Keep It Simple – Don’t over-complicate things. Don’t get involved with difficult payment plans. Put yourself in a position where if you need an essential item, you can pay for it. Don’t get sucked in by sexy advertisements for things that have long-term payment plans.
  4. Give to Your Future Before Giving to Others – There are many worthwhile causes that clamour for our money. Make sure your own house is in financial order before you give to others. Volunteer your time and not your money. You will find it very rewarding and you will be helping both yourself and others at the same time. Just say no to relatives and friends who ask you for money, until you have no debt yourself.
  5. Make Savings Automatic – Otherwise known as pay yourself first. Set up a special bank account and have the same percentage hived off of your paycheque every payday. Do not touch the funds in that special bank account, until you have enough money to invest in a safe investment. Have this money work for you over and over.
  6. Control Your Impulse Spending – Make sure that you have a monthly budget and follow it. Your budget should account for all your necessary living expenses for you and your family AND allow the percentage you are hiving off each pay period for your investment savings account. If there is anything left over, this balance should be used for debt reduction. Don’t buy on impulse as you will regret it.
  7. Evaluate Your Expenses, and live frugally – We can all get by on less than we think. This ties back into your budget. Make sure that your necessities of life and your regular payday savings are all accounted for. By cutting out expensive daily coffee drinks and other non-essential items, you will be surprised how much you will have leftover for debt reduction.
  8. Invest In Your Future – Upgrade your skillset. Take a course that will make you more marketable. Make room in your budget for this type of expense, as it will generate more income for you for the long-term future.
  9. Keep Your Family Secure – Involve your entire family in the family budget process. Everyone needs to be on the same page and working towards the same goals. Meet regularly to go over your real performance as compared to budget. When everyone knows the plan is working, they will all feel secure and try even harder.
  10. Eliminate And Avoid Debt – Make sure that you are not taking on any new debt. Use budgeting to make sure that you allow a certain amount out of your monthly budget for paying down debt. Even small amounts add up over time. You will see and feel the difference it makes in your life.
  11. Use The Envelope System – Set up a separate envelope for each of your weekly necessities, based on your budget. Only take out enough cash for those amounts and place the right amount of cash in each envelope. Do not use credit cards to pay for the necessities; just use the cash in each envelope. Make the cash in your envelopes last the entire week, then rinse and repeat.
  12. Pay Bills Immediately And Automatically – If you don’t like the envelope system, here is another idea. Pay as much as you can online from your bank account. Set up regular automatic monthly payments so that the bills are paid. You can also use this method for your regular payday savings account. Make sure you budget properly so that you realize what money is coming out of your account in a month automatically so that you don’t overdraw your bank account.

Holiday spending mistakes in Canada: Will you need immediate help from your holiday spending mistakes?

These 12 steps will ensure that you get back on the road to financial health as soon as possible. You can recover from your holiday spending mistakes.

If you find that you have too much holiday or other debt, debt collectors are harassing you and you can’t keep them all happy, then you need to take more action. I say more action because it will be in ADDITION to the above 12 steps. What you will need to do is to immediately speak to a professional trustee.

The Ira Smith Team has a cumulative 50+ years of experience helping people who are facing a financial crisis and we deliver the highest quality of professional service. Make an appointment for a free, no-obligation appointment today and Starting Over, Starting Now you’ll take your first steps towards financial freedom. We can devise a plan so you can come back from your holiday spending mistakes in Canada.

holiday spending

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