Brandon Blog Post


financial new year's resolutions 2019

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Financial New Year’s resolutions 2019: Introduction

The New Year has arrived. I wish all of my readers a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year. By now, many people have made themselves promises on how they will improve in 2019. Many people make New Year’s resolutions, including financial new year’s resolutions 2019. In this Brandon’s Blog, I explore what are many of the common resolutions people make and what the chances are on people actually carrying them out.

Financial New Year’s resolutions 2019: The 8 most common resolutions

Other than the first one, in no particular order, the 8 most common New Year’s resolutions are:

Lose Weight. The Number 1 New Year’s Resolution is to drop weight. We’ve all seen it, or become aware of it. Many resolve to lose weight, but few truly complete it in the long-term. That is why January every year is when the weight loss programs, gyms and workout products advertise heavily.

Do Better Than Last Year. Often, life is simply hard. In between family members, good friends, your work, and all the various other stress and anxieties that life can toss at you, it simply appears sometimes that absolutely nothing can go right. And also some years are simply a plain draw. So, after a year of grinding via the days, weeks, and months, you’re prepared for a do-over. You’re prepared to do anything to make sure that the following year begins the very best way it can. So, this resolution is to merely attempt to have a better year than the last one.

Exercise. One of the most usual New Year’s resolutions has to do with ones very own health and wellness. Among the many health and wellness promises, is working out. When you consider it, it’s not just wishing to slim down (which is the number 1 resolution), it’s in fact about wishing to be more powerful, quicker and generally in better shape.

When your body is in peak condition, it does do far better. An in shape body functions far better, provides you with much more power, boosts your mind’s abilities and a lot more. DON’T try to push your body in the beginning to do more than it can handle. Any personal trainer will tell you to begin slowly and work yourself up from there. Set realistic goals for yourself.

Save More/Spend Less. Cash is what people need and the most common of all the financial New Year’s resolutions 2019 is to make sure that we have more of it in the New Year. This is especially true for most Canadians, who are living paycheque to paycheque.

The best way to start your financial plan for the New Year is to first look at what happened in the year that just ended. Reflect on your year. I’m certain you’ll realize some things about your immediate past financial behaviour. Some items that you wish you had not purchased or lost money on. Or, if you understood then what you currently know, you would certainly have done things in a different way and saved yourself a couple of bucks in the process.

In other words, look at your income and expenses carefully and budget properly for the New Year. Your proper budget must include saving a certain amount from each paycheque to put away in an emergency savings fund for when there is an unexpected, well, emergency. Your budget will also hopefully allow for other savings to be able to invest for the longer term.

Use the start of the brand-new year to begin preparing just how you could invest your new savings. In your personal financial plan or budget, concentrate on things you NEED versus the many things you WANT. By doing this one simple thing, you will find you will have more in your savings account. This is the best way to stay on track to meet your financial New Year’s resolutions 2019.

Get More Sleep. Depending upon the researcher you listen to, the body requires between 6-8 hours of rest. Our bodies can work on much less, yes, yet it’s not something that a lot of medical professionals advise. This is another one of the resolutions fitting into the health and wellness category.

Get A New Hobby/Skill. Whether we intend to confess or otherwise, most of us wish to be our best selves. We do not simply intend to be the individual that undergoes the movements, we intend to have something we can expect each week, and even take pride in.

So, with a brand-new year, comes a chance to learn new skills or do something different in our lives than just the “same old, same old”. For some, it, in fact, implies attempting to get new skills for getting a better paying job. For others, they see it as a possibility to handle a new pastime or discover something that they’ve always intended to do or learn.

Quit Smoking/Drinking. Humans are animals of routine, yet in some cases, those behaviours are actually, REALLY negative for you. Two of the ones that cover the “negative for you” checklist is alcohol consumption to such an excess that it is an addiction and smoking cigarettes. Like any addiction, this is very tough to do and many times requires the help of trained professionals.

Volunteer. While practically every one of these resolutions is created to aid oneself in one fashion or another, this one helps both the self and others. One of the best ways to help others is to volunteer your time. Volunteer to what? To help any place you can certainly. In some cases, it’s at a homeless shelter, or to assist a close friend in need. There are many opportunities to help the less fortunate. However the crucial point is that you place yourself 2nd, and the needs of others first. Spreading a little happiness can go a long way for a person. Therefore if you wish to assist others, do not hesitate to ask, “What do you need?”. You may be amazed by simply just how much you can help somebody.

Financial New Year’s resolutions 2019: Why do we do it?

We cannot forecast the future. In some cases, it’s tough to anticipate what will take place in the following couple of hours, not to mention the following 12 months. Why do we do it? Well, it’s mainly since we intend to think that we have some power over the future. If we can state to ourselves, “This year will certainly be different, this will certainly be the year I will make changes for me”, it’ll place us in the best attitude to get down to business and do things. The feeling that we have control over our lives is exceptional.

Financial New Year’s resolutions 2019: Will we keep our resolutions?

It begins straightforward. We look in the mirror, see what we don’t like and resolve to make the changes that probably should have been made a long time ago. We will establish worthy ventures to do simply that thing or things. However, most people will drop off the wagon within a short period of time. What? I’m not being mean, I’m being genuine. Making significant changes in your life is hard.

We are hyped for the New Year. We are. so tired of what occurred in the previous year that we are ready to make the changes we promised ourselves we would make. We may also have invested a lot of time informing other people what changes we will make in the New Year. But then life gets in the way and we fall short.

Financial New Year’s resolutions 2019: Falling short is OK

It does not matter that I fell short all my resolutions actually. I need to so that I can ensure that I can improve further! Of course, I should not try to fail them, but it is normal to fall short. No one is perfect. As long as you see that you have made improvements in the right direction, that is what really counts.

So, make sure that your goals are realistic. Even if you fall short, you have improved immensely and that will be your new starting point for the next New Year’s resolutions. I hope all of you improve your life in some area this year, and that will be your new starting point when 2019 comes to an end. This includes your financial New Year’s resolutions.

Do you need professional help to meet your financial goals?

As I stated above, sometimes professional help is required to meet a New Year’s resolution. We may not have all the skills required. Improving your financial situation may be one of those areas where professional help is required. Maybe you only need a coach to keep you focussed on performing your financial new year’s resolutions 2019. Perhaps on a personal level, you might require only some credit counselling or debt consolidation. On a more formal basis, you may need a debt restructuring plan in the form of a consumer proposal in order to eliminate your debts and get back on the right financial path. In some extreme cases, personal bankruptcy may be what is needed.

Perhaps your company is in need of financial restructuring. Perhaps your lender is threatening receivership or bankruptcy so you are in need of a financial advisor skilled in insolvency matters. A licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) is the only professional licensed and supervised by the Canadian Federal government skilled in both personal and corporate insolvency matters If you or your company have too much debt, call the Ira Smith Team for your free consultation. We understand your pain, and we have the prescription to end your pain forever. Call the Ira Smith Team today, so that you can begin your improved life for this New Year 2019, Starting Over, Starting Now!

Brandon Blog Post


New year’s debt resolution: Introduction

New Year’s resolutions are hard to keep and new year’s debt resolution is no different. OK, so first, Happy New Year 2017. And maybe more importantly, the world didn’t end with Donald Trump’s election! Now because it’s the new year we know exactly what’s going to happen. People are going to go and make promises that they won’t keep. Get more fit, lose weight, start a business, have better relationships with family and friends, make more money, budget better and of course, pay off debt.

New Year’s debt resolution: How successful are we at keeping new year’s resolutions?

According to Wikipedia, the success rate for New Year’s resolutions is about 12%, which means that there has to be something wrong with our resolving, right? How often do you discover people you know resolving to do a whole range of things, like write a song, read 100 novels or go to the gym twice a week?

All of that is really hard. I mean, our hearts are in the best place, but it requires self-discipline, and periods of prolonged firmness. And willpower, much like those flabby muscles, requires an effort. Psychologist Roy Baumeister writes in “Willpower” that those bad at resolving should mention, “put the blame where it belongs, on the list.” Instead of resolving to learn to master the guitar, quit smoking, lose weight and climb all the mountains, just choose one. Start small-time and end large-scale.

New year’s debt resolution: 3 simple steps to meet success

3 Simple-minded tips for starting the new year right. It’s the start of a brand new year. It really is the start where people reevaluate their lives in originating resolutions to change for the better. So in the spirit of self-improvement why not widen this to your personal business.

Now are three improbably simple-minded tips that do really that:

1. Monitor your business. If you don’t already keep watch over your funds now’s the time to get started.

2. Prevent wasteful spending by creating a simple budget; and follow it! You can download our debt management spreadsheet for free at the bottom of this blog.

3. To jump-start your financial year it’s not a bad idea to get a good look at your credit report. Get any errors fixed and see what you need to do to improve your credit score. To get a copy of your credit report, you can get access to it through one of the two credit bureaus’s; Equifax or TransUnion.

New year’s debt resolution: We can help you make success

Whether you have just one year or several years of new year debt resolutions outstanding, it still needs to be dealt with. To deal with debt you need the help of a debt professional – a trustee. Dealing with debt is not something that you can put off any longer. Start the New Year off right by calling Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today and make an appointment for a free, no obligation consultation. We can give you back peace of mind and put you on the road to stress free living Starting Over, Starting Now.

New Year’s Debt Resolution

new year's debt resolution, new year's resolution debt

Brandon Blog Post


Some debts are fun when you are acquiring them, but none are fun when you set about debt, debts, holiday debt, New Year’s resolutions, budget, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposal, bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, starting over starting now
retiring them.

Ogden Nash

Holiday debt; every year, one of the top New Year’s resolutions is to reduce debt and 2015 is no exception. In December, Equifax Canada reported that the average Canadian household was $20,891 in debt. In spite of already carrying a dangerously high debt load, many Canadians threw caution to the wind, and without a financial plan and/or a budget, they spent way too much money to burden themselves with holiday debt.

After the spending spree was over, many Canadians made New Year’s resolutions to pay off debt in 2015. CIBC did a poll on Canadian’s financial priorities for 2015 and reported the following:

  • Paying off what they owe: 22%
  • Building savings: 12%
  • Paying bills or getting by: 10%
  • Budgeting or managing day-to-day spending: 9%

No one’s ever achieved financial fitness with a January resolution that’s abandoned by February.

Suze Ormon


The reality is that January has now arrived and so have the credit card bills, with the holiday debt showing up for payment. You have no idea how you’re going to pay these bills but you made resolutions to pay them.

Without vision you don’t see, and without practicality the bills don’t get paid.

Paul Engle

You need more than resolutions and good intentions to pay off your holiday debt; you need professional help in the form of a trustee. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as soon as possible. If you’re in serious debt, from holiday debt or otherwise, there are many options including credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposal and bankruptcy. We approach every file with the attitude that financial problems can be solved given immediate action and the right plan for you. Debt is an enemy that can be conquered and Starting Over, Starting Now we can get you back on the path towards a debt free life.

Don’t let holiday debt ruin your 2015 so early in the New Year. Take positive action by contacting us today!

Brandon Blog Post


REDUCE DEBT: 5 NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS TO REDUCE DEBT IN 2014Reduce debt now to have a Happy New Year! This is the time of year that we vow to take charge of our lives and get healthy, lose weight, join a gym, find love, get a new job…. I’d like you to expand your thinking to include your “financial health” and reduce debt. According to RBC, Canadians are getting deeper in debt – non-mortgage debt in Canada jumped 21% in the past year alone to $15,920 per capita. Don’t become a statistic. Here are 5 New Year’s Resolutions to reduce debt in 2014.

1) I will live within my means: With interest rates low, you may be lured into taking advantage of what you perceive as a great deal. Borrowing, even with low interest rates, is only a good deal if you can afford to make the payments. There are many multimillion dollar houses in foreclosure and many repossessed luxury cars. Buy what you can afford. You can reduce debt this way.

2) I will create a budget and stick to it: A budget can be your best friend. RBC reports that Canadians’ total debt burdens, including mortgages, now stand at 163% of household income, or $1.63 owed for every $1 earned. This is a recipe for financial disaster. A budget will show you what your income is and what you can really afford. You may have to go a strict spending diet in order to get your finances back under control and reduce debt.

3) I will not max out my credit cards: It’s easy for spending to get out of control when you’re using credit cards. Spending takes on a whole new meaning when you actually use money to pay for things. If you want to buy something, pay for it with cash. Keep those credit cards out of sight for day to day spending and use them for emergencies only. This will allow you to reduce debt.

4) I will monitor my credit report. As we discussed in a recent blog – YOUR CREDIT RATING CAN BE RUINED EVEN IF YOU DON’T DO ANYTHING WRONG – it’s very important that you monitor your credit report and take immediate action if there are any errors. Don’t wait until your credit rating is ruined and you no longer have the ability to borrow.

5) I will start an emergency fund: I know that you’re going to say that you can’t afford to save; but telling you that you can’t afford not to save. Do you really need the expensive lattes and cappuccinos every day? Sell the stuff sitting in your garage or basement collecting dust. One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. See if you can negotiate a better deal on your cable TV package or cell phone plan. Can you cut out a few restaurant dinners and cook at home instead? All of these little things will help you establish your emergency fund while you reduce debt. And, remember, this money is for emergencies, not an all inclusive get away to Mexico.

If you’re experiencing serious debt issues, take control of your life and contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. Starting Over, Starting Now there is a way out of debt. Let us show you how. Let’s all make 2014 a great year and a year where you reduce debt!

Call a Trustee Now!