Brandon Blog Post


407 etr rates

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407 etr rates: Introduction

The purpose of this 407 etr rates is not to tell you what the new toll rates are. The simple answer is that they are always going up! Rather, it is an update to our earlier blogs for people who are having trouble paying their 407 toll payment.

As you probably know, the 407 etr has an arrangement with the Province of Ontario where if you have unpaid 407 etr charges, you will be put on plate denial the next time you have to renew your vehicle plate. For many, being denied a plate renewal means the end of your ability to earn an income.

Before the update, a bit of history to put everything into perspective for you.

407 etr rates: Our prior blogs

We previously wrote about how the 407 etr was trying to use the provincial law as a collection tool, even when a person filed for a debt settlement restructuring consumer proposal or for personal bankruptcy. Our prior blogs were:

I won’t repeat the history here as you can check those blogs yourself. Suffice to say they argued in Court, unsuccessfully, that the Province had the right to enforce its own plate issuance rules.

The lower Court and the Court of Appeal for Ontario disagreed with their right to enforce the plate issuance rules when it was a blatant action to collect an ordinary unsecured debt caught in the priority scheme of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA). The Courts also found that they were trying to trump Federal law through Provincial law, which is illegal. Finally, the Supreme Court of Canada refused to hear their appeal, so that is where it ended, sort of.

407 etr rates: So that is where it ended, sort of

With those rulings, the 407 etr stated that they would comply and drafted a policy which was an extremely literal wording of the BIA. It technically complied with the Court rulings, but still had the effect of being very draconian and not changing their administrative policy.

The debts of an insolvent person, who has made a debt restructuring consumer proposal or bankruptcy filing, are not discharged until the insolvency process is complete. For a debt settlement plan, it is when the person finishes making their payments and receives their Certificate of Full Performance. In a bankruptcy, it is when they receive their absolute discharge.

How those processes work deserves their own blogs. Suffice to say the processes can take anywhere from a minimum of 9 months (first-time bankruptcy, no surplus income, no assets and no discharge opposition) up to 5 years (debt settlement plan). So the plate denial actually stayed in force for a long time.

The 407 etr also set up a very document intensive 407 etr login process that made applying for the eventual rescission of the plate denial very cumbersome.

407 etr rates: The class action lawsuit

The firm that independently runs Highway 407 ETR in the Greater Toronto Area agreed to pay $8 million to clear up this claim. The settlement, approved in November 2016, finishes the litigation that began in 2012.

The lawsuit affirmed that the toll freeway consortium unlawfully used provincial regulations to stop motorists that were insolvent or bankrupt from restoring their automobile permit plates. 407 ETR refutes it did anything incorrect and does not confess obligation in approving the out of court negotiation.

407 etr rates: Now for the update – The only 407 etr debt settlement plan guaranteed to actually work

The licensed insolvency administrator (LIT) acting as either the bankruptcy Trustee or consumer proposal Administrator, acting as either the bankruptcy Trustee or consumer proposal Administrator, will issue the Notice of Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal. 407 ETR must be listed on your sworn Statement of Affairs as a creditor. It will then be sent a copy of the notice by the LIT.

Upon receipt, 407 ETR will end from plate rejection any amounts still owing from before the date of filing either for bankruptcy or a consumer proposal. This includes toll charges, interest, penalties and costs. They will then advise the Ministry of Transportation to upgrade their documents to show this change ending plate denial. This is a major change. You do not have to have completed your full insolvency process to get the lifting of the plate denial. This is the way fairness dictates it always should have been from the start.

There is a simple rule that you have to follow. It is the same rule that you need to follow in dealing with any leases or secured debt that you wish to continue to carry and that you can afford to. That is, you must not have any amounts owing to 407 etr for charges after your filing date which would qualify for plate denial.

407 etr rates: Are you worried about or need relief from plate denial

  1. Are you under plate denial, or afraid you will be soon?
  2. Will plate denial negatively affect your income and you need debt relief fast?
  3. Do you have other debts that need to be addressed too?
  4. Do you need budgeting help?
  5. Are you already experiencing financial difficulties?

If you answered yes to just one of these questions, you need a professional trustee. If yes, call the Ira Smith Team. Our approach for each file is to create an end result where Starting Over, Starting Now takes place. This starts the minute you are at our front door.

We always offer a free consultation. We listen to your issues and give you a full range of realistic options to help you get out of debt. Finding the best solution for YOU is just the right thing to do to help you meet total debt freedom.

The earlier you contact us, the more options we will have to carry out. Whether it is a corporate restructuring or personal debt settlement through a consumer proposal, the goal is to avoid bankruptcy. However, if bankruptcy turns out to be the best option, we can assist there too.

You’re simply one phone call away from taking the necessary steps to get back to leading a healthy, balanced hassle-free life, ending the pain and stress you are feeling forever. Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today for your free consultation.

Brandon Blog Post



History of bankruptcy: Introduction

A subject that rarely gets written about is the history of bankruptcy. Understanding the history of the Canadian bankruptcy system and how it has evolved, gives a helpful look into how it works and help Canadians and Canadian society.

History of bankruptcy: Helping the debtor

The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) provides a way for the orderly liquidation of a bankrupt’s assets and distribute that value to the creditors. In this way, the BIA assists the insolvent debtor who needs a way to be forgiven for his or her financial sins, relieved of their burden and be returned to society as a productive contributor. The BIA assists creditors in providing the system of turning the assets into cash to be distributed to them, and not keeping those assets either out of their reach or just laying in an unproductive state. The BIA also is a system of checks and balances, so that it provides both Canadians and foreigners that there is a vibrant and safe Canadian economy.

History of bankruptcy: Helping the creditors

The BIA also ensures that there is a fair and logical system in place to deal with the assets of the debtor and the claims of creditors. By invoking it, it avoids a race among creditors to attempt to get the right to seize assets in an uncontrolled way. Creditors are paid according to their place in the hierarchy of claims as described in the BIA as follows:

  • Trust claimants who are outside of the bankruptcy scheme
  • Secured creditors, who are also outside the bankruptcy scheme as long as they hold good and valid security
  • Unsecured creditors:
    • Preferred
    • Ordinary

History of Bankruptcy: bankruptcy alternatives

The BIA also provides debtors to opt for avoiding bankruptcy by making a Proposal. In the case of corporations, a Proposal; for people, either a Proposal or Consumer Proposal, depending on the level of their debt. Proposals are the bankruptcy alternative that allows companies or people to financially rehabilitate themselves and avoid bankruptcy, while offering the creditors more than they would receive in a bankruptcy. In this way, the BIA is both a liquidation and a rehabilitation statute, benefiting both debtors and creditors.

History of bankruptcy: The BIA

The present bankruptcy statute came into force on July 1, 1950. The title of the statute was amended from the Bankruptcy Act to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act in 1992, to show the statute had matured into a full financial rehabilitation statute, that could be used to carry out a bankruptcy alternative. Further amendments were made in 1997 to deal with a number of practical issues that became problematic for Canadian society applying the BIA, including:

In 2005 there were another round of comprehensive amendments to the BIA mainly dealing with the new legislation of the Wage Earner Protection Program Act (WEPPA), designed to protect employees for their unpaid amounts when their employer goes either bankrupt or into receivership.

History of bankruptcy: Rehabilitation

It is a fundamental purpose of the BIA to offer the financial rehabilitation of insolvent persons. The BIA permits an honest but unfortunate debtor, be it a corporation or an individual, to secure financial restructuring through the Proposal provisions, or a discharge from bankruptcy for people. It allows for a fresh start for the debtor to resume his or her place in the business community and society.

The BIA attempts to offer balance by allowing an investigation to be made of the affairs of the debtor and setting aside fraudulent transactions so that ordinary unsecured creditors can share in a distribution, rather than someone else being the beneficiary of those questionable transactions. Finally, the BIA allows for creditors to purse actions against the bankrupt either through the Licensed Insolvency Administrator or directly by a creditor or group of creditors.

History of bankruptcy: The Courts

The general approach to the BIA by the courts is that it is a commercial statute. To administer the process it is left largely in the hands of business people. Technical and legal objections and manoeuvres are not given weight beyond those that are necessary for the proper implementation and interpretation of the BIA. Settlement and resolution are rewarded, litigation and court proceedings are not.

History of bankruptcy: What to do if you have too much debt

I hope this history of bankruptcy provides you with a good look into how the bankruptcy system developed in Canada and how it works. If you’re suffering from too much debt and are seeking debt relief options, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. Our approach for every file is to create an outcome where Starting Over, Starting Now becomes a reality, beginning the moment you walk in the door. You’re only one call away from taking the steps towards a debt free life.

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THIS VLOG WAS INSPIRED IN PART BY OUR eBOOK – PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY CANADA: Not because you are a dummy, because you need to get your life back on track

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