Brandon Blog Post


money saving apps canada

If you would rather listen to the audio version of this money saving apps Canada Brandon’s Blog, please scroll to the bottom and click on the podcast.

Money saving apps Canada: Introduction

If you have followed Brandon’s Blog for any time, you will know that I have written many articles on:

You will also know that I am a big cheerleader for always having an emergency savings fund in the event of, well, an unforeseen emergency. Technology has now met the world of finance. There are apps for both the iPhone and Android that you can use to automatically put money away to build up an emergency fund. These apps that help you save money Canada also help you invest the money. The purpose of this blog is to introduce you to some of these money saving apps Canada that help you save money in Canada.

All of the four money saving apps Canada I mention here are Canadian applications. These apps are for both iPhone and Android. They are apps to help you save money. All links to these fintech apps indicated below are for information only used for this review. They are not affiliate links and I do not earn any money if you end up registering for any of them.

Money saving apps Canada: KOHO

This is one of several Canadian fintech applications. This is how Koho works. When you join and download and install the application, you’ll enter your details. Koho will send you a card powered by Visa. The easiest way to think of it is that Koho works like a prepaid Visa Card. What you want to do is put funds on it as soon as you get your Koho Visa card. You can do this by e-transfer. E-transfers are normally accepted the same-day. You can also set up regular transfers from your pay.

As an example, let’s say you place directly from your regular pay a total of $1,000 a month on your Koho card for your regular spending. Set it up for your groceries, restaurants, coffee purchases as an example. Anything that you would either use cash, a debit card or credit card for. So things like your monthly rent or mortgage payment would not be paid for from your Koho card.

Once your funds are on your Koho card, you trigger it by going to buy your normal purchases with it. The first time you use the Koho card for a purchase you simply enter your PIN to activate it.

Koho is truly great about being a no-fee financial solution. There are no account charges, there are no transfer costs. If you spend a service charge for loading your Koho card with an e-transfer, they refund it back to you. That is why I include it in this list of money savings apps Canada.

Money saving apps Canada: Koho turn your savings on

Koho is my favourite of all the apps to save cash. When your card is turned on, you want this to be your only way of spending. This is because it is actually going to keep you in line. Koho tracks your spending for you. Wherever you spend your cash making use of the Koho card, it will instantly be tracked and classified in the app. Koho will also send you an alert saying, “you’ve spent this much in this place.” Koho provides all the information to you digitally, so it can avoid the need to keep spreadsheets or notes of your spending.

What is unique about Koho is it, in fact, alters your spending behaviour. It will:

  • record all your transactions, once it obtains some information;
  • will actually tell you your average costs by the week or the month; and
  • make predictions of how much you’re possibly going to spend based upon your present spending behaviour.

When you see those numbers, you start to reconsider the purchases you make.

The other manner in which it alters your behaviour is since you can only spend the cash that you’ve packed onto your Koho card, you look for deals and ways to save a lot more carefully than you would on a credit card or even your debit card.

When you open up the Koho application, your spendable amount is right at the top which is all the cash that you have to spend, so you’re very cautious with how you use it. You may not think this would be a method to substantially change your spending actions, but it really is.

Koho is an app that can really stop you from buying stupid things. Now you are saving. Now you have to be religious about transferring those savings every month to an investment account so that you start building up your emergency savings fund.

Money saving apps Canada: Royal Bank of Canada NOMI

The next of my money saving apps Canada is from Royal Bank. You have already probably seen commercials on television for the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) fintech app NOMI (named for “know me”). The commercial shows two friends talking. One tells the other about his bank’s app that squirrels away cash to his savings account automatically and wonders why RBC is not called the “Squirrely Bank”.

RBC NOMI app is another one of the Canadian apps that help you save cash. It advertises itself as a simple way to manage your day-to-day spending. It makes handling your day-to-day spending as basic as can be. While you’re out living your hectic life, NOMI keeps an eye on your cash and ensures you’re on the right financial track.

NOMI assists you handle your day-to-day finances by offering you personalized and timely information based upon your spending and saving routines by:

  • Summarizing your daily financial transactions throughout all your accounts, including credit cards. NOMI knows when the deposit you made the other day is received or if your hydro bill is more than usual in a specific month.
  • Telling you when there has been an uncommon or new activity. Remember that gym subscription auto-renewal you registered for? Well NOMI knows that, and will even tell you if they’ve raised your charges this year.
  • Classifying your spending, with deep dives and easy-to-understand summaries to help you stay on the right financial track.

NOMI Find & Save can even set cash apart automatically to help you build up your emergency fund faster.

Money saving apps Canada: Scotiabank Bank the Rest

The third money saving apps Canada comes from Scotiabank (BNS). BNS has a savings program called Bank The Rest tied into any spending you do with your BNS debit card. It rounds up your purchases to your choice of either the closest $1 or $5. The additional amount is automatically moved to a Bank of Nova Scotia savings account for you.

This is a fun method of saving and is a clever way for this application to save you cash. Your purchases are assembled to the nearest multiple of 1 or 5. This allows you to bank extra funds due to the rounding up. If you purchase something for $6.45, you’ll bank $0.55 if you assemble to the nearest buck. Assemble to the nearest multiple of 5 (to $10 in this case), and you’ll bank $3.55. That’s a better and faster way for automatic savings from your spending.

Note that it is only for purchases on your BNS debit card, and not a credit card. This is a very smart thing. That way, the debit card, being just like cash, forces you to budget your cash spending and then makes an automatic savings program for you. This too will certainly help you build up that emergency savings fund. For this reason I call it the smartest of the money saving apps Canada in this list.

Money saving apps Canada: TD Canada Trust Track My Spend

The last in my list of money saving apps Canada is called Track My Spend. TD Canada Trust (TD) has developed an application that I believe will certainly be able to help you in keeping your budget plan. The app is called Track My Spend. Once activated, this app allows you to:

  • Attach to your eligible TD Accounts. TD instantly tracks your transactions and classifies them for you. No need to go into it to manually add expenses or link your TD Accounts. It will do it automatically for you.
  • Utilize the Spending Insights Meter to aid you to track how you’re doing compared to your common month-to-month spend. You will have the ability to get access to your Spending History (about the previous 12 months), so you can see precisely where your funds went.
  • Help control your spending by setting regular monthly group targets and attempt to not surpass them. Additionally, you can split a single transaction into greater than one group.
  • Get real-time notifications every time there’s a transaction in an eligible group, and assess your spending from the previous day with daily digest alerts. That way, you can keep an eye on your spending.

Although this app doesn’t automatically set money aside in an investment account, similar to Koho, it will change your spending patterns to allow you to save for that emergency fund.

Do you need more than just an app on your phone to deal with your debts?

Are you captured in the trap of excessive debt and only making minimal regular monthly repayments? Do you need more than just money saving apps Canada? Are you worried that future rates of interest increases will make currently affordable debt repayments entirely unaffordable? Is the stress, anxiety, and discomfort of your debt negatively influencing your health and wellness? Do you need a fresh kick-start and you don’t know where to begin? Do you believe that you need more than just an app on your phone?

If so, call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience helping people and companies requiring financial restructuring. As a licensed insolvency trustee, we are the only professionals licensed and overseen by the Federal government to supply financial restructuring solutions.

Call the Ira Smith Team today to make sure that we can start assisting you. We will quickly return you right into a healthy and well-balanced stress-free life. We can create a debt settlement plan just for you to avoid bankruptcy, where we can even make the interest clock stop. This way, all your payments go only against the principal balances owing.

You can have a no-cost appointment to help you to fix your loan troubles. We recognize the pain financial debts and economic distress causes. We can end it from your life. This will absolutely allow you to start a fresh start, Starting Over Starting Now.


Brandon Blog Post


Debt help: Introduction

Canadian household debt is a problem for many Canadian families. So in this Brandon’s Blog, let’s chat about it.

There are two primary techniques for debt settlement: (1) debt stacking technique (also called the debt avalanche approach) and; (2) the debt snowball technique.

Debt help: Are you an avalanche or a snowball?

In the avalanche method, you pay off your liability with the highest rate of interest first, second highest next and so on. In the snowball technique, you pay off the single amount with the smallest outstanding balance first, second smallest second and so on.

Both techniques use, as soon as you’ve settled one, what you were paying goes to your next target balance. Avalanche can clearly conserve you cash because you are saving on interest costs. The additional amount above the minimum payment you can put towards reducing the debt goes totally against reducing the principal balance. Snowball theoretically might not save you as much with time, yet by using this technique, the quicker checkpoints wind up motivating you to place even more money against your debt.

Avalanche is more about the long haul while snowball is more about changing the way you think. When you see that you are just $60 from cleaning up one of your debts, you could select to toss that $60 right against your debt as opposed to heading out to eat.

Debt help: A real example

The best way to show this is to use an example. I will use the same set of facts and show you how the two methods would work.

Assume that you have 5 sorts of debt:

  1. An auto loan which has a current balance of $18,000, with a minimum monthly payment of $500 a month, at a 4.9% interest rate.
  2. Two student loans. One is down to $20,000. Excellent work at having it that reduced! The minimum repayment a month on that one is $300 and the interest rate is 4.6%. The 2nd student loan has a $10,000 current balance. The minimum monthly payment is $100 and is at a 5.9% interest rate.
  3. You bought some furniture and took advantage of a 24 month zero interest special promotion. You currently owe $7,581, the required monthly payment is $399 and you have 19 months left to go at the special promotion interest rate. Again, it is at a 0% rate of interest. If you do not pay off the balance in the next 19 months, the balance will then click away at 29% per annum.
  4. You only have one credit card. You owe $12,000 and it has a minimum monthly payment of $100. The annual interest rate is 19.8%.

So currently, your total debt is $67,500. Your monthly minimum repayments are a total of $1,429. At that level, it will take you about another 5 years to repay all your debt or some time in 2024 (other than for the furniture debt).

Through your budgeting, you see that you can squeeze an extra $171 out of your monthly budget to put towards your debt repayment. So overall you are paying $1,600 a month towards your debt. In the avalanche method, you will be debt free in February 2023. The interest paid throughout that time is $11,149.00.

Debt help: Repayment strategy options – Snowball vs. avalanche

Under the snowball method, you are done in April 2023. The interest paid in snowball is higher at $14,445.00. This is a difference of $3,296.00. You can certainly put those interest cost savings into your own savings plan. Also under the snowball method, it has you paying off the zero percent interest furniture loan in 13 months. The avalanche method puts the extra money against your highest interest rate credit card debt. It also lets you use the entire remaining 19 months to pay off the principal only furniture loan.

Nonetheless, both methods are valid. Under both methods, you pay off your debt a year earlier than if you did not use either of these methods and putting a bit extra against your principal. It depends what the characteristics of your debt load are. In my example, you would certainly pick the avalanche method, not the snowball method. This highlights the importance of budgeting so that you know what amount extra if any, you can squeeze from your budget towards debt repayment. Also, you can use one of the many free online calculators to figure out both the snowball and avalanche methods. That way you will know what is best for your situation.

The graphs

Let’s look at the graphs of these timelines. As you can see, the avalanche method gives you a steeper downward curve than the snowball method. Again, it is because you are paying off your debt quicker.

debt help

Budgeting and motivation

This also shows us that you have a bit more adaptability if you need to make a reduced repayment one month. Financial instability makes it difficult to toss additional money at debt. So when you’re not obtaining those incentives of getting rid of a kind of debt, it’s a little tougher to be urged. Conversely, seeing that you are chipping away at your debt will motivate you to keep refining your budget so that you can find more money to put against your debt.

The most vital thing is that you have actually developed a budget. Through the budgeting procedure, you found extra savings each month to put towards debt repayment. It’s going to take you a long time to repay your debt if you only pay the minimum monthly amount. Also, you’ll be squandering a great deal of cash on interest if you’re simply paying the minimum.

Are you caught in the debt trap?

Are you caught in the trap of too much debt and only making minimum monthly payments? Do you need debt consolidation Toronto? Are you stressed that future rates of interest increases will make presently affordable debt payments completely unreachable? Is the stress, anxiety, and pain of your debt negatively affecting your health and wellness?

If so, call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience helping people and companies requiring financial restructuring. As a licensed insolvency trustee, we are the only professionals licensed and overseen by the Federal government to supply financial restructuring solutions.

Call the Ira Smith Team today to make sure that we can start assisting you. We will quickly return you right into a healthy and well-balanced stress-free life. We can create a debt settlement plan just for you to avoid bankruptcy, where we can even make the interest clock stop. This way, all your payments go only against the principal balances owing.

You can have a no-cost appointment to help you to fix your loan troubles. We recognize the pain financial debts and economic distress causes. We can end it from your life. This will absolutely allow you to start a fresh start, Starting Over Starting Now.

debt help

Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy help

If you would rather listen to the audio version of this bankruptcy help Brandon’s Blog, scroll down to the bottom and click on the podcast.

Bankruptcy help: Introduction

When people ask for bankruptcy help, they really don’t want to talk about bankruptcy. What they are really asking for is help in eliminating the pain, suffering and stress they are going through dealing with their unmanageable debt. They want solutions to avoid bankruptcy. In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss the debt danger signals and provide solutions to avoid bankruptcy.

As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee), we are the only professionals licensed and monitored by the Federal Government. We provide options and proposed solutions to people and companies with too much debt. Our main goal is to help people and companies AVOID bankruptcy while solving their debt problems.

Bankruptcy help: 10 signs that you need help

  1. Your total debt has increased over the past year. You may be making minimum payments on some debt, paying down other debt, but increasing your debt in total. You have not accomplished anything in reducing your debt in the past year and this means you need help.
  2. Justified purchasing a new vehicle even though your existing one is fine, just not new. Taking on more debt just because of a “want” but not a “need” is irresponsible. You need help.
  3. Bought a new house with a larger mortgage, or mortgages, because you expect your income to rise in the future. Wages and salaries are not increasing in any real way. They are flat. Voluntarily carrying a larger debt load hoping that sometime in the future your income will catch up to your cash needs is not a responsible way of handling your affairs. You need help with your debt.
  4. Have borrowed money to go on a vacation. You should never go into debt to purchase something that is going to vanish in a week or two. The vacation will be gone but the debt will remain. If you can’t afford a vacation, you can’t go on one.
  5. Justify purchases based on what your peers are buying. Again, going into more debt because you want things your friends are buying is not a good reason. Their situation is not your situation. Maybe they can afford those things but you can’t. Maybe they can’t afford those things and will end up in bankruptcy. You just don’t know. Again, you can’t go into debt for “wants”.
  6. You have no emergency fund saved up. Recent surveys have shown that Canadians may be a few hundred dollars away from a financial disaster. Many Canadians are living paycheque to paycheque. You don’t know when a medical emergency, job loss or the need to replace a major appliance will happen. You need an emergency cash fund to cover those emergencies. If you have too much debt and no emergency fund savings, you need debt help.
  7. No retirement savings. It is never too soon to start planning to save a certain part of your take-home pay for retirement. A proper household budget will allow for such savings. If you are constantly battling your debt and have no money for savings, you need debt help.
  8. You quit your job without having another one lined up. This is probably the most irresponsible thing you can do. It may seem obvious to you, but trust me, I have seen it. The best way to land a better paying job or position is when you already have one. Trying it any other way is pure folly, especially when you have too much debt. Your regular monthly debt payments will not wait for you to have your income stream rolling again. Keep in mind that I am not talking about someone who is downsized and was given a package. I am talking about someone who quits without having new employment ready to go to.
  9. You are always borrowing from one source to pay down another. There isn’t enough money from your earnings to make your required debt payments. The fact is that you are borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. You’re in trouble and need debt help.
  10. You ignore your partner’s bad money habits or worse, financial infidelity. Your money habits may be impeccable. However, ignoring your partner’s money problems will bring you down too. You both need debt help.

Bankruptcy help: How we provide debt help

The first thing we offer is a free first consultation. You explain to us the financial issues you are facing. Then we talk to you about your family assets, liabilities and income. We then describe to you some possible options to help you overcome your debt problems. More information will be needed from you, but at least we start by setting your mind a bit at ease by telling you that your situation is not hopeless and we can give you solutions. All of the solutions we offer, except maybe one, are all so you can avoid bankruptcy.

The takeaways we want everyone to get from this free consultation is that you feel:

  1. We have empathy for your situation.
  2. A rapport has been built.
  3. We are the kind of people you can see yourself working with.
  4. You trust us.

If you wish to go ahead with our solving your financial and debt problems, the next step is that we have you complete our standard intake sheet called the Debt Relief Worksheet. A fully completed worksheet, complete with backup documents, allows us to drill down into all the issues and come up with our definitive recommendations.

Bankruptcy help: What are some possible solutions

The range of possible solutions depends on when we get to speak with you. Most people wait until they have no more credit line to use. Sometimes it takes a major event like the Canada Revenue Agency garnisheeing their bank account or wages before they realize they have a debt problem. The earlier you recognize there might be a problem and come speak with us, the more options we will have for you to solve your debt problems.

The range of options might include:

Credit counselling

Credit counselling is in fact debt therapy. We give advice with a host of concerns connected to debt consisting of budgeting, debt remedies, working with your lenders as well as restoring credit scores.

Debt consolidation

Debt consolidation is replacing all of your debts with new single financing at a lower overall interest rate so that you only have one debt to focus on reducing.

Consumer proposal

A consumer proposal is an official deal made to your creditors under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) to customize your repayments; e.g. paying a lesser amount every month for a longer amount of time and paying in total less than you owe. Another benefit is that the interest clock stops the moment you file your consumer proposal.

If none of the above 3 possible solutions to avoid bankruptcy will work for you, then you are a candidate to file for bankruptcy so that you can end the pain and stress your debts are causing you. This way you can be Starting Over, Starting Now.

Bankruptcy help: Do you have too much debt?

Do you have too much debt? Are you stressed that future interest rate increases will make currently affordable payments completely unaffordable? Is the pain, stress and anxiety hurting your wellness and health?

If so, speak to the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of helping people and companies looking for financial restructuring. As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee), we are the only experts licensed and supervised by the Federal government to provide insolvency services.

Call the Ira Smith Team today for your free consultation and to make sure that we can begin assisting you to return right into a healthy, balanced, hassle-free life.


Brandon Blog Post


Licensed insolvency trustee: Introduction

I want to chat with you today about the independence of the licensed insolvency trustee (LIT or trustee) (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) acting as a court-appointed receiver. I have seen many times when a secured creditor needs to resort to a court appointment, and not privately appoint the receiver, yet feel they still can control every aspect of the court-appointed receiver’s actions and conduct.

The decision of the Court of Appeal of Alberta released on February 4, 2019, in Jaycap Financial Ltd v Snowdon Block Inc, 2019 ABCA 47 (Jaycap), highlights the issue.

Licensed insolvency trustee: Back to basics

To better understand the Jaycap decision, I want to talk about a few basic points. In a private receivership, the receiver’s primary duties are to act:

  1. On behalf of and have a duty of care primarily to the secured creditor who appointed the receiver.
  2. In a commercially reasonable way.
  3. Lawfully.

In a court appointment, the court-appointed receiver:

  1. Acts on behalf of the Court as a Court officer.
  2. Be and be seen to be independent of all stakeholders.
  3. Owes a duty of care to all stakeholders.
  4. Must act in a commercially reasonable and lawful way.

Various practices have evolved over time to indicate the independence of the court-appointed receiver. They aren’t necessarily rules or laws. However, they are indicators that the Court looks to in determining if its court-appointed receiver is seen to be independent and is actually independent of specific stakeholders, normally, secured creditors.

Examples of these indicators are:

  1. The court-appointed receiver has its own legal counsel and does not rely upon legal counsel for one of the secured creditors.
  2. The court’s receiver has obtained sufficient independent appraisals of the assets and has not taken the word of or earlier appraisals commissioned by a secured creditor.
  3. A sales process being recommended by the court-appointed receiver is fair to all parties and does not favour one or more stakeholders over others.
  4. The analysis performed by a court-appointed receiver in making its recommendations to the court is seen to be free from undue influence.
  5. The court-appointed receiver has not shared its appraisal or other information which could influence the outcome of the receivership administration with any of the stakeholders.
  6. The court-appointed receiver has not treated some stakeholders differently than others.
  7. Any information shared by the court-appointed receiver or meetings held to share information has been done with all secured creditors, not just a senior secured creditor or the secured creditor who made the court application to appoint the receiver.

Licensed insolvency trustee: The Jaycap situation

The receiver was appointed by the court as receiver and manager of Snowdon Block Inc. (Snowdon) in February 2016. The only material possession of Snowdon was land and building in Calgary. In July 2016 the receiver started a sales procedure to ask for deals for the property. In October 2016 the Receiver ultimately received 2 offers for the real estate. The receiver accepted a conditional offer from a third party.

After months of extensions, the potential buyer was incapable to remove its conditions and the sale did not continue.

Jaycap was the primary lender of Snowdon and was funding the
receivership. Jaycap became interested in capping the increasing costs and safeguarding its financial investment. The receiver advised Jaycap that a credit bid would be a possible option to get title to the real estate and bring the receivership to an end.

On July 5, 2017, Jaycap emailed the Receiver that it would credit bid its “current costs” as a specific amount. Jaycap scheduled a numbered company it managed to be the buyer. For simplicity, I will refer to Jaycap’s nominee company as the buyer.

Licensed insolvency trustee: The first Jaycap credit bid

An agreement of purchase and sale (APS) was prepared and entered into by Jaycap and the Receiver on August 2, 2017. The total debt was defined to be the amount included in the July 5, 2017 e-mail and that amount was likewise the acquisition cost.

On August 21, 2017, the Receiver obtained the approval and vesting order authorizing the APS. The guarantors of the Jaycap debt did not oppose this application as there would be no shortfall that they would be responsible for.

It is somewhat unclear as to the reasons for what happened next. The receiver states in its 3rd report that on August 28, 2017, legal counsel for Jaycap indicated that there was an error in the purchase price. The report after that states that the receiver’s legal counsel advised it that a common mistake occurred about the purchase price as set out in the APS. They further advised that court authorization was needed to fix this mistake.

The transaction subject to the APS was not completed at the end of August 2017.

Licensed insolvency trustee: The second Jaycap credit bid

On September 6, 2017, the receiver and Jaycap entered into a new agreement (the 2nd APS), which decreased the purchase price. On September 8, 2017, the receiver filed an application to abandon the first approval and vesting order and sought approval of the 2nd APS.

The guarantors were served with the new application. One of the guarantors, a Mr. Richardson, sent out a series of letters to the receiver’s legal counsel asking for information as well as papers to support that a mistake had actually occurred. The receiver’s lawyer answered some, however not all, of these demands.

The application was to be heard on September 19, 2017. It was adjourned to October 26, 2017. The chambers judge reserved to think about the submissions and to evaluate Mr. Richardson’s materials which had not made it into the court documents prior to the hearing.

She released her decision a week later approving the 2nd APS and providing the necessary vesting order. She discovered that she was not prevented from abandoning the first order and providing another.

The chambers judge considered the merits of the 2nd APS and whether it fulfilled the requirements established in Royal Bank of Canada v Soundair Corp (Soundair). She was satisfied the 2nd APS was sensible in the circumstances, whether the receiver had made sufficient efforts to get the best price and was not acting improvidently. She kept in mind the lack of offers, the lack of ability to complete an earlier conditional deal, the earlier order approving the sale, and the changed acquisition price, which was still higher than the property’s appraised value.

Licensed insolvency trustee: The guarantor’s appeal

Under the 1st APS, there was no shortfall and the guarantors had no liability. Under the 2nd APS, there was a shortfall in excess of $1 million that the guarantors would be responsible for.

The guarantors appealed the approval of the 2nd APS specifying that the court erred in finding there was a mutual mistake. Further, given the lack of information provided to Mr. Richardson to his reasonable request for information, the guarantors say that the receiver’s conduct casts doubt on the honesty of the process. They say that the Receiver did not discharge its independent obligation and was following guidelines and instructions from Jaycap, that had a change of mind about the transaction and wanted to decrease the price.

Their position was that the 2nd approval and vesting order needs to be vacated, the 1st APS ought to be reinstated, and the guarantors should be alleviated of their responsibility under the guarantee.

Licensed insolvency trustee: The Appeal Court’s analysis

The Court of Appeal of Alberta agreed with the guarantors that the evidence did not support a mutual mistake was made. They found that it was a mistake for the chambers court to conclude that the test was satisfied.

While the guarantors were successful on this ground, this does not finish the matter. The appeal cannot be successful unless the guarantors establish a reviewable error in the chambers court’s Soundair evaluation.

The guarantors raised two concerns sustaining their allegation that the integrity of the process was jeopardized. First, the receiver fell short in not disclosing all relevant records about what transpired after August 2, 2017. Second, the receiver did not seem to be acting independently of Jaycap.

The Appeal Court agreed that the receiver’s proof about what transpired after August 2, 2017, was not sufficient, also taking into consideration the evidence from the confidential supplement to the third report. The receiver’s lawyer’s conclusion that there was a mutual mistake was inappropriate. That was for the court to decide.

As far as the conduct of the receiver, the Appeal Court had this to say. While insolvency proceedings undergo special procedural rules and are not surprisingly time delicate in nature, these considerations do not relieve the receiver from its basic responsibilities to the stakeholders and the court. Also, it does not excuse the Receiver from supplying proof to fulfill its requirement to provide sufficient evidence to the requisite standard for each application that it brings.

The Appeal Court went on to say that:

  1. A court-appointed receiver is an officer of the Court appointed to
    discharge certain duties listed in the appointment order.
  2. When a court-appointed receiver is appointed, the receiver-manager is given exclusive control over the assets of the company and in this regard, the board of directors is displaced.
  3. The significance of a receiver’s power is to clear up liabilities and sell off assets.
  4. It is well developed that a court-appointed receiver owes a duty of care not just to the Court, but likewise to all parties who may have an interest in the debtor’s assets. This includes competing secured creditors, guarantors, unsecured creditors, contingent creditors, and shareholders.
  5. A receiver has the duty to work out such reasonable treatment, supervision, and control of the debtor’s property as a regular person would give to his or her very own.
  6. A receiver’s duty is to perform the receiver’s powers truthfully and in good faith.
  7. A receiver’s responsibility is that of a fiduciary to all interested stakeholders involved with the borrower’s assets, properties.

The Appeal Court was harsh in its criticism of both the receiver and Jaycap. The court found that the absence of details about what occurred and the method the receiver and Jaycap used to skirt around the issues in its application materials definitely did not assist in showing the receiver’s independence.

The optics of the circumstances most likely added to the guarantors’ uncertainty that what had taken place warranted even more inquiries and that the Receiver was following Jaycap’s instructions to hide from the guarantors the real state of affairs.

Jaycap and the receiver were jointly represented by the same legal counsel before the Alberta Court of Appeal, which was unhelpful and was in the court’s view, highly unusual. Jaycap could not address questions the Receiver would be anticipated to know. Throughout the hearing, the panel discovered that the guarantors’ arguments were convincing.

Licensed insolvency trustee: The Appeal Court’s decision

What was missing was transparency. The process should be transparent. It should enable the court and interested parties to make an informed decision as to whether the sale can be considered fair and reasonable in the circumstances. Given the significant questions left unanswered by the Receiver, the Appeal Court had serious concerns about the efficacy, fairness, and integrity of the process the Receiver followed between August 2, 2017, and the hearing of the application to approve the 2nd APS. As a result, the Alberta Court of Appeal disagreed with the chambers judge that the Receiver met the requirements of Soundair.

The appeal was allowed, and an order was made returning the matter to the lower court for a rehearing before a different judge.

Licensed insolvency trustee: Summary

This decision clearly states what a court expects from a court-appointed receiver.

Does your company have too much debt and is in danger of shutting down? Are you concerned that future interest rate hikes will make currently manageable debt totally unmanageable? Is the pain and stress of financial problems now negatively affecting your health?

If so, contact the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of helping people and companies in need of financial restructuring and counselling. As a licensed insolvency trustee, we are the only professionals licensed and supervised by the Federal government to provide debt settlement and financial restructuring services.

We offer a free consultation to help you solve your problems. We understand your pain that debt causes. We can also end it right away from your life. This will allow you to begin a fresh start, Starting Over Starting Now. Call the Ira Smith Team today so that we can begin helping you and get you back into a healthy, stress-free life.licensed insolvency trustee receiver appointed by court

Brandon Blog Post


succession law reform act

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Succession Law Reform Act Brandon’s Blog, please scroll down to the bottom and click on the podcast.

Succession Law Reform Act: Introduction

I wish to focus on the last provincial statute that is also important for the administration of a deceased estate; the Succession Law Reform Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.26.

This is my last blog in this collection to show how it would certainly be proper to appoint a licensed insolvency trustee (LIT or bankruptcy trustee) (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee) as the estate trustee (formerly called an executor or executrix) of a solvent deceased estate.

As always, given that we are not lawyers, and I am not offering in this or any of the other Brandon’s Blogs in this series, suggestions on wills or estate issues. For that, you have to consult your lawyer.

My estate trustee blogs

In my blog TRUSTEE OF DECEASED ESTATE: WHAT A TORONTO BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE KNOWS, I discussed some crucial issues when it entails a deceased estate and why a LIT would certainly be exceptionally knowledgable and qualified to serve as an estate trustee.

In the blog, TRUSTEE OF PARENTS ESTATE: DO I REALLY HAVE TO?, I discussed why many times moms and dads attempt doing the correct thing by selecting their youngsters as estate trustees and the several times it simply ends up all wrong.

In ESTATES ACT ONTARIO: TORONTO BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE REVEALS HIDDEN SECRET, I describe how the needs and stipulations of the Estates Act are already very familiar to a bankruptcy trustee. As a matter of fact, a lot of the tasks called for by the Estates Act are currently carried out in the insolvency context by a LIT.

My blog ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ACT CANADA: EASY FOR TORONTO BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE TO DO, I clarified why a LIT is an appropriate specialist to lead the management of Estates Act Canada.

In the blog TRUSTEE ACT ONTARIO BY A TORONTO BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE, I describe the duties of a trustee under the Trustee Act Ontario and how a bankruptcy trustee is experienced to carry out those duties.

In this blog, I will explain why a bankruptcy trustee would be extremely comfortable working with this provincial legislation.

Things an estate trustee must be aware of

The Act has 79 sections and regulations. Sections 1 through 43 inclusive, set the ground rules for establishing wills and their validity.

The Act figures out how your estate and assets will be allocated to family members based on based upon guidance and a collection of policies.

This statute is different from the other ones I reviewed affecting acting as an estate trustee in a deceased estate. The Act is really just a set of guiding rules.

Intestacy and the entitlement of spouse and the preferential share

Section 44 of the Act deals with a person who has a spouse and no living children who die intestate. This section says that his or her spouse is entitled to all the property.

Section 45(1) of this Act deals with the situations where a person dies intestate and has both a spouse and living children. It says that where the value of the deceased’s property is not more than the preferential share, which is a defined term, then the spouse is entitled to all the property.

Preferential share is set by Ontario Regulation 54/95. It says that for the purpose of section 45 of the Act, the preferential share is $200,000.

Section 45(2) of the Act deals with the person who dies intestate, has a spouse and living children, and whose property is worth more than the preferential share. This section says that the spouse is absolutely entitled to the preferential share or the amount of $200,000. Presumably, the spouse and children then have to either agree or litigate about who is entitled to how much of the value above $200,000.

Just to add another wrinkle, Section 45(3) deals with the situation where the deceased dies with a will dealing with some property but intestate to the balance of the property and is survived by both a spouse and children. This section states that the spouse is always entitled to the preferential share out of the property not governed by a will. If the spouse is entitled to property under a will having a value of more than the preferential share ($200,000), then there is no need to be concerned with the workings of the preferential share.

Residue: spouse and children

Section 46(1) of this provincial statute says that where a person dies intestate and has a spouse and one living child, the spouse is entitled to one-half of the residue of the property AFTER payment of the preferential share.

Section 46(2) states that if the intestate dead person has a spouse and more than one child, the spouse is entitled to one-third of the residue. Again, this is after payment of the preferential share. Section 46(3) deals with the situation of any children predeceasing the parent who died intestate. This section says that for the purposes of calculating the spouse’s share, assume the deceased child(ren) is alive.

Distribution of kin

Section 47 of the Succession Law Reform Act deals with how property should be distributed when a person dies intestate. The general principle starts with the property being divided between the spouse and living children as described above. The balance of the section deals with the treatment of grandchildren, parents, siblings and nephews and nieces when a person dies intestate.

This section ultimately says that if there are no kin, then the intestate property becomes the property of the Crown under the Escheats Act, 2015.

Succession Law Reform Act: Designation of beneficiaries of interest in funds or plans, survivorship and support of dependants

The balance of the Act deals with specific rules about:

  • the designation in plans or funds of specific beneficiaries;
  • how to deal with the death of two or more persons at the same time who either hold property together or may be entitled to all or some of the other’s property; and
  • support of dependants.


I really hope that this collection of blogs show to you just how the various provincial statutes describing the obligations of a trustee or estate trustee tracks actually near to exactly how a LIT executes in either a Court-appointed receivership or bankruptcy mandate.

If you have any type of concerns about a deceased estate and the requirements for an estate trustee, whether it is solvent or insolvent, call the Ira Smith Team. We have decades and generations of experience in helping people and companies overcome their financial problems. You don’t need to suffer; we can end your pain.

If you have any questions at all, contact the Ira Smith Team.


Brandon Blog Post


Trustee Act Ontario: Introduction

I want to highlight a provincial statute that is also important for the administration of a deceased estate; the Trustee Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. T.23 (Trustee Act Ontario). This blog continues my blog series to show how it would be proper to appoint a licensed insolvency trustee (LIT or bankruptcy trustee) (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee) as the estate trustee (formerly called an executor or executrix) of a solvent deceased estate.

As always, since we are not lawyers, and I am by no means providing in this and upcoming Brandon’s Blogs advice on wills or estate planning matters. For that, you must consult your lawyer.

My prior estate blogs

In my blog TRUSTEE OF DECEASED ESTATE: WHAT A TORONTO BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE KNOWS, I looked at some essential matters when it involves a deceased estate and why a LIT would be extremely knowledgable and competent to act as an estate trustee of a deceased estate with those basic requirements.

In the blog, TRUSTEE OF PARENTS ESTATE: DO I REALLY HAVE TO?, I explained why many times parents try doing the proper thing by appointing their children as estate trustees and how many times it just turns out all wrong.

In ESTATES ACT ONTARIO: TORONTO BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE REVEALS HIDDEN SECRET, I describe how the requirements and provisions of the Estates Act are already very familiar to a bankruptcy trustee. In fact, most of the duties required by the Estates Act are already performed in the insolvency context by a LIT.

My blog ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ACT CANADA: EASY FOR TORONTO BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE TO DO, I explained why a LIT is a right professional to lead the administration of Estates Act Canada.

In this and my next blog, I will focus on two more Ontario statutes that impact the administration of a deceased estate by an estate trustee. The three statutes are:

  1. Trustee Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. T.23; and
  2. Succession Law Reform Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.26

As you have by now correctly guessed, in this blog, I will show how a bankruptcy trustee would be very familiar with the workings of this provincial legislation.

Things an estate trustee must be aware of

There are various sections of the Trustee Act Ontario that affects the duties and responsibilities of an estate trustee in administering a deceased estate. All the concepts are very familiar to a LIT.

Power of court to appoint new trustees

Section 5(1) of this statute gives the Ontario Superior Court of Justice the authority to make an Order for the appointment of a new trustee. This is the same Court that we attend for Court-appointed receivership and bankruptcy matters. So, a LIT is very familiar with the workings and requirements of this Court.

Who may apply for the appointment of a new trustee, or vesting order

Section 16(1) of this provincial statute says that anyone who has a beneficial interest in the property of the trust can apply for the appointment of a new trustee. This is very similar to how a Court-appointed Receiver is appointed. Although it is normally a secured creditor who makes the application, in theory, it could be any party that has an interest. Section 101(1) of the Courts of Justice Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.43 states that a receivership Order may be made “…where it seems to a judge of the court to be just or convenient to do so.”. It is the “just and convenient” clause that was relied upon by the judge when we were appointed Receiver and Manager of the assets, properties and undertakings of The Suites at 1 King West condo strata hotel back in August 2007.

For this reason, as a LIT, we are very familiar with this aspect of appointing a trustee.

Power and discretion of trustee for sale

In my blog ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ACT CANADA: EASY FOR TORONTO BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE TO DO, I referred to sections 16 and 17 of the Estates Administration Act. Section 17 in particular, provides the estate trustee with the power to pay off the debts of the deceased. It also allows a trustee to distribute or divide the estate among the beneficiaries.

Section 17 of the provincial Act provides the trustee with the authority to sell, but subject to the requirements of the Estates Administration Act.

A LIT, either in receivership or bankruptcy, is extremely acquainted and experienced in the sale of real and personal property. The LIT likewise makes certain that the creditors are paid in the correct order of priority.

Sales by trustees not impeachable on certain grounds

Section 18(1) deals with a certain aspect of the sale of the property. It states that unless it is proven that there was an inadequate sales price, a sale properly made cannot be impeached by any beneficiary. Any beneficiary wanting to try to impeach a sale must prove that the process used resulted in a sales price at less than fair market value.

Similarly, in a Court-appointed receivership or bankruptcy, the LIT must be able to prove that both the conditions of the sales process and the sales price achieved, was right for the types of assets in the circumstances.

The leading case is the Ontario Court of Appeal decision in Royal Bank of Canada v. Soundair Corp., 1991 CanLII 2727 (ON CA). The process a LIT must follow is known as the “Soundair principles”. This is the test used when deciding whether a receiver or trustee applying for Court approval of a sales process and the authority to sell assets has acted properly. The Court must decide whether the receiver or trustee has:

  • made a sufficient effort to get the best price and has not acted improvidently;
  • considered the interests of all parties;
  • Devised a fair process that has integrity by which offers were obtained; and
  • Introduced any element of unfairness in the working out of the process.

Therefore, I submit, that a LIT is very experienced in devising a sales process and selling assets in a way that is fair to all stakeholders or beneficiaries to attempt to maximize sales proceeds.

Trust funds and investing

Section 26 of the Act deals with the area of the requirement for a trustee to maintain trust accounts and to invest trust property in a way that will maximize the return while not putting the capital at risk to swings in investment pricing, inflation or income tax.

The LIT is very familiar and experienced in trust accounts and the investing of trust funds. Section 25 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) deals with the requirement of a trustee to establish trust accounts. Also, the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Directive no. 5R5 deals with Estate funds and banking. The Superintendent also monitors the banking of trust funds by all LITs across Canada.

Therefore a LIT is very knowledgeable and experienced in the banking, investing and protection of trust funds.

Security by the person appointed

If letters of administration were granted under the Estates Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.21, section 37(2) of the provincial legislation requires every trustee to post security.

I discussed in my blog ESTATES ACT ONTARIO: TORONTO BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE REVEALS HIDDEN SECRET, the experience of a LIT in the posting of security by way of an insurance company bond.

Actions for torts

Section 38(1) of the provincial statute gives authority to an estate trustee of a deceased person to maintain an action for all torts and injuries to the deceased person or his or her property, except in cases of libel and slander. Any recovery forms part of the deceased’s personal estate. Section 38(3) provides for a limitation on such actions. The action cannot be brought after the expiration of two years from the date of death.

As a LIT, this is a familiar concept to us. When a person or company is insolvent and has a chose in action against one or more parties, such action can be started or continued by a receiver or bankruptcy trustee. In fact, in a bankruptcy, the action actually vests in the trustee.

The receiver or trustee has to make sure that they have a legal opinion on the likelihood of success. The receiver or trustee also has to make sure that they can afford to fund the litigation. The litigation cost cannot reduce the value of the assets under administration. This includes the issue of costs if the action proves unsuccessful.

Distribution of assets under trust deeds for benefit of creditors, or of the assets of the intestate

Section 53(1) of the Act lays out the requirements of a trustee to make a distribution for the general benefit of creditors. As I have described in previous blogs, Section 135 of the BIA deals with the admission and disallowance of proofs of claim and proofs of security.

A LIT is an expert at sorting out creditor claims and could certainly do so under the Trustee Act also.

Trustee Act Ontario: Summary

I hope that this blog reveals to you how the provisions of this provincial statute, detailing the duties of a trustee or estate trustee tracks really close to how a LIT performs in either a Court-appointed receivership or bankruptcy administration.

Therefore, the LIT is used to acting as a Court officer and could very easily perform the requirements and duties of a trustee as described in this provincial legislation.

If you have any questions about a deceased estate and the need for an estate trustee, whether it is solvent or insolvent, contact the Ira Smith Team. We have decades and generations of experience in helping people and companies overcome their financial problems. You don’t need to suffer; we can end your pain.

In my next blog, I am going to write a similar comparison. It will be about the requirements outlined in the Succession Law Reform Act and how a LIT is most familiar with it also.

In the meantime, if you have any questions at all, contact the Ira Smith Team.


trustee act ontario

Brandon Blog Post


administration of estates act canada

If you would rather hear an audio version of this administration of estates act Canada, please scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on the podcast.

Administration of estates act Canada: Introduction

I want to discuss with you another provincial statute that is very important for the administration of estates act Canada; the Estates Administration Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.22. It continues my series of blogs to show how it would be very natural to appoint a licensed insolvency trustee (LIT or bankruptcy trustee) (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee) as the estate trustee (formerly called an executor or executrix) of a solvent deceased estate.

In my blog TRUSTEE OF DECEASED ESTATE: WHAT A TORONTO BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE KNOWS, I looked at some essential matters when it involves a deceased estate and why a LIT would be extremely knowledgable and competent to act as an estate trustee of a deceased estate with those basic requirements.

In the blog, TRUSTEE OF PARENTS ESTATE: DO I REALLY HAVE TO?, I explained why many times parents try doing the proper thing by appointing their children as estate trustees and how many times it just turns out all wrong.

In ESTATES ACT ONTARIO: TORONTO BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE REVEALS HIDDEN SECRET, I describe how the requirements and provisions of the Estates Act are already very familiar to a bankruptcy trustee. In fact, most of the duties required by the Estates Act are already performed in the insolvency context by a LIT.

In this and the next two blogs, I want to focus on the three more Ontario statutes that deal with the duties and responsibilities of an estate trustee of a deceased estate. The three statutes are:

  1. Estates Administration Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.22;
  2. Trustee Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. T.23; and
  3. Succession Law Reform Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.26

As you have by now correctly guessed, in this blog, I will show how a bankruptcy trustee would be very familiar with the workings of the Estates Administration Act.

As always, since we are not lawyers, and I am by no means providing in this and upcoming Brandon’s Blogs advice on wills or estate planning matters. For that, you must consult your lawyer.

Administration of estates act Canada: Things an estate trustee must be aware of

Payment of debts out of the residuary estate

Section 5 of the Estates Administration Act states that both the personal property and the real property (subject to the rights of mortgagees) is available to pay the debts, funeral and testamentary expenses and the costs of the estate trustee in administering the deceased estate. The LIT is familiar with such a provision.

Section 136(1)(a) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) prioritizes the reasonable funeral and testamentary expenses incurred by the deceased’s legal representatives. In a bankruptcy, those costs are paid as a preferred unsecured claim, behind trust and secured claims but before payment of ordinary unsecured claims.

Vesting of real estate not disposed of within 3 years

Section 9(1) of the Estates Administration Act states that real property not disposed of or conveyed within three years after the date of death is automatically vested in the persons beneficially entitled to such real property. The exception is if the personal representative or estate trustee has registered a caution on the title, then the three-year period starts from the date the last caution was registered.

The purpose and intent of the BIA is that all property of the bankrupt, not subject to a valid trust claim, security interest or is otherwise exempt, will automatically vest in the bankruptcy trustee. Section 40(1) of the BIA establishes the rules a trustee must follow to return to the debtor any property that could not be realized upon, despite the LIT’s best efforts.

Powers of executors and administrators about selling and conveying real estate

Sections 16 and 17 of the Estates Administration Act gives the power to sell real estate to a personal representative or estate trustee. It also says that additional powers are not just for paying off the debts of the deceased, but also for distributing or dividing the estate among the beneficiaries.

A LIT, either in a receivership or bankruptcy, is very familiar with and experienced in the sale of real and personal property. The LIT also ensures that the creditors are paid in the proper priority.

Protection of purchasers from personal representatives and beneficiaries

Sections 19 and 21(1) of the Estates Administration Act protects a purchaser of real property in good faith and for value from a personal representative or estate trustee. The purchaser can hold the asset free and clear from any debts or liabilities of the deceased, or any claims of the beneficiaries. The only exception would be those claims secured by a specific charge on title against the real property, such as a mortgage.

In an insolvency context, and especially in a Court-appointed receivership or bankruptcy, a purchaser would be wise to insist on the receiver or bankruptcy trustee obtaining the approval of the Court and vesting Order. The purpose would be to have Court orders approving the sale to the purchaser and vesting the assets in the purchaser.

In this way, the purchaser gains protection against any claims to the assets. The vesting Order vests out the asset(s), replacing it with the cash paid by the purchaser. Those with claims against the asset(s) now have to prove their claim against the cash. A LIT is very familiar and experienced in this aspect of selling assets.

Powers of personal representative about leasing and mortgaging

Section 22(1) of the Estates Administration Act gives the power to the personal representative or estate trustee to lease out real property to provide the deceased’s estate with income. It also allows for the mortgaging of real property to pay off the debts of the deceased.

Section 30(1) of the BIA gives various powers to a bankruptcy trustee. The leasing out of the real property and borrowing money, including giving mortgage security against real property, are two such powers. A Court-appointed receiver would get the same powers from the Order appointing the Receiver. A privately appointed receiver could also, with the permission of the secured creditor who made the private appointment, does the same thing. Therefore, a LIT is very familiar and experienced in exercising these powers and making the necessary business decisions.

Administration of estates act Canada: Summary

I hope that in this blog I have shown you that the provisions of the Estates Administration Act outlining the responsibilities of an estate trustee tracks very closely what a LIT does in either a Court-appointed receivership or bankruptcy administration.

Therefore, the LIT is used to acting as a Court officer and could very easily perform the requirements and duties of an estate trustee as described in the Estates Act Ontario.

If you have any questions about a deceased estate and the need for an estate trustee, whether it is solvent or insolvent, contact the Ira Smith Team. We have decades and generations of experience in helping people and companies overcome their financial problems. You don’t need to suffer; we can end your pain.

In my next blog, I am going to write a similar comparison. It will be about the requirements outlined in the Trustee Act and how a LIT is most familiar with them also.

In the meantime, if you have any questions at all, contact the Ira Smith Team.

Brandon Blog Post


Estates Act Ontario: Introduction

I am continuing my series of blogs to show how it would be very natural to appoint a licensed insolvency trustee (LIT or bankruptcy trustee) (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee) as the estate trustee (formerly called an executor or executrix) of a solvent deceased estate under the Estates Act Ontario. In this blog, I am going to focus on that piece of provincial legislation that guides the activities of an estate trustee.

In my blog TRUSTEE OF DECEASED ESTATE: WHAT A TORONTO BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE KNOWS, I set the stage by going over some basics when it comes to a deceased estate and why a LIT would be very comfortable with those basic requirements for an administration of a deceased estate. In the blog, TRUSTEE OF PARENTS ESTATE: DO I REALLY HAVE TO?, I described why in some cases parents trying to do the right thing by making all their children an estate trustee could turn out very wrong.

In this and the next two blogs, I want to focus on the three main Ontario statutes that govern the conduct, duties and responsibilities of an estate trustee of a deceased estate. The three statutes that I will talk about are:

  1. Estates Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.21;
  2. Estates Administration Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.22; and
  3. Trustee Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. T.23

As you have probably guessed by now, in this blog, I will show how a bankruptcy trustee would be very familiar with the workings of the Estates Act.

Since we are not lawyers, and I am by no means providing in this and upcoming Brandon’s Blogs advice on wills or estate planning matters. For that, you must consult your lawyer.

Provisions a LIT is familiar with


Section 5 of the Estates Act Ontario states that letters of administration shall not be granted to a person not residing in Ontario. Similarly, a bankruptcy trustee must be licensed by the Superintendent of Bankruptcy in each province the LIT wishes to practice in.

Posting of security

Section 14(2) of the Estates Act Ontario requires that the administrator appointed to administer a deceased estate may be required to post security as the court might require.

Section 5(3)(c) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) states that the Superintendent of Bankruptcy can:

“…require the deposit of one or more continuing guaranty bonds or continuing suretyships as security for the due accounting of all property received by trustees and for the due and faithful performance by them of their duties in the administration of estates to which they are appointed, in any amount that the Superintendent may determine…”

The posting of security is another common area that a LIT understands well.

Court can appoint

Section 29 of the Estates Act Ontario deals with the appointment of an estate trustee. This section gives the Ontario Superior Court of Justice the authority to appoint an estate trustee where:

  • a person dies intestate;
  • the estate trustee named in the will refuses to prove the will;
  • where the named estate trustee(s) ask another person be appointed to administer the deceased’s estate; or
  • where there are special circumstances.

Section 243(1) of the BIA gives the Court the power to appoint a receiver. So, assessing the appropriateness of acting as a Court officer and providing consent to do so is something a LIT is quite familiar with.

Accounts to be rendered

Section 39 of the Estates Act Ontario requires the estate trustee to “…render a just and full account…” of the estate trustee’s activities. The LIT is fully familiar with this process. In both a Court-appointed receivership and a bankruptcy administration, the LIT must submit full and detailed accounts showing its activities, fees and disbursements for approval by the Court. This approval process is called taxation. This is another common area between the duties of an estate trustee administering a solvent deceased’s estate and the duties of a LIT.

Admitting and disallowing claims

Sections 44 and 45 of the Estates Act Ontario deals with the rules to be followed in contesting claims made against the deceased’s estate. The LIT is very familiar with this process. Section 135 of the BIA deals with the admission and disallowance of proofs of claim and proofs of security.

The LIT is a perfect party to be able to decipher claims made against a deceased’s estate and follow the provincial statute in the allowance and disallowance of claims.

Disputes as to ownership

Section 46 of the Estates Act Ontario describes the process for handling the claim by any third party to ownership of personal property in the estate not exceeding $800 in value. There are steps in the BIA that a LIT must follow when faced with claims of ownership of property by a third party in the possession of the bankrupt. So resolving such disputes is very familiar to the LIT.


I hope that in this blog I have successfully made the case that the provisions of the Estates Act Ontario outlining the responsibilities of an estate trustee tracks very closely what a LIT does in either a Court-appointed receivership or bankruptcy administration.

Therefore, the LIT is used to acting as a Court officer and could very easily perform the requirements and duties of an estate trustee as described in the Estates Act Ontario.

If you have any questions about a deceased estate and the need for an estate trustee, whether it is solvent or insolvent, contact the Ira Smith Team. We have decades and generations of experience in helping people and companies overcome their financial problems. You don’t need to suffer; we can end your pain.

In my next blog, I am going to write a similar comparison. It will be about the requirements outlined in the Estates Administration Act and how a LIT is most familiar with them also.

In the meantime, if you have any questions at all, contact the Ira Smith Team.estates act ontario

Brandon Blog Post


Trustee of deceased estate: Introduction

I have previously written on what happens when a person dies insolvent, i.e. their debts are greater than the value of their assets. My blogs on being a trustee of deceased estate that is insolvent are:

I am now switching a bit. Over the next few weeks, I am going to be writing a series of blogs and vlogs to explain why I believe that a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) is the professional you should be thinking of making the executor of a deceased estate and recording it in your will. I am talking about solvent estates. Those with many assets and beneficiaries. I will be making the case why over the next few weeks. I will not be on insolvent estates of deceased persons.

I repeat that these blogs and vlogs will have nothing to do with debt, insolvency or bankruptcy. However, I will show how, based on the knowledge and expertise possessed by licensed insolvency trustees, it makes them the perfect candidate to serve as an executor of a deceased estate that is rich with assets. I will also be focussing my comments on the Province of Ontario. There may be some variations from province to province.

I caution that I and my firm are not lawyers, and I am by no means providing in this and upcoming Brandon’s Blogs advice on wills or estate planning matters. For that, you must consult your lawyer.

In this blog, I wish to set the stage by going over some basics when it comes to a deceased estate.

Trustee of deceased estate: The executor/executrix or estate trustee

In Ontario, an estate trustee (also known as the executor or executrix) is the only individual with the lawful authority to handle or disperse an estate. When an individual dies they might leave items, property, real estate, cash and investments and other possessions which is called their estate.

Probate is a treatment to ask the court to:

  • provide an individual with the authority to work as the estate trustee of an estate;
  • verify the authority of an individual acting as the estate trustee named in the deceased’s will; and
  • officially accept that the deceased’s will is their legitimate last will.

You can apply for probate in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. The procedure is governed by the Estates Act and the related Rules of Civil Procedure.dece

If your probate application succeeds, the court will provide a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee, which is evidence that an individual has the lawful authority to manage the estate. If there is a will, it is also evidence that the will is valid.

Trustee of deceased estate: Must I always apply for probate?

A probate Certificate is not needed in every situation for a deceased estate. Prior to beginning an application for probate, you might want to establish whether the deceased estate actually needs a probate Certificate.

An application for a probate Certificate is normally made if:

  • the departed individual passed away without a will
  • the deceased’s will does not show an estate trustee
  • a financial institution desires evidence of an individual’s lawful authority to get the cash or financial investments of the deceased
  • the estate’s properties consist of real estate which does not pass to an individual by right of survivorship
  • there is a disagreement about who ought to be the estate trustee
  • there is a conflict or possible conflict about the legitimacy of the will; or
  • some of the beneficiaries are unable to supply legal consent.

Trustee of deceased estate: Trustee of estate responsibility

What should the estate trustee’s first steps be? Here is where the actions the estate trustee should immediately take are almost the same as when a licensed insolvency trustee is first appointed either as:

The will and financial records

Assuming the family has already made arrangements for and the funeral has taken place, the estate trustee should first find a copy of the will and any books and records of the deceased that will explain the deceased’s financial affairs. If the estate trustee cannot find a copy of the will, he or she should consult with the deceased’s family and lawyer. Hopefully one or both will have a copy.

As the licensed insolvency trustee, we must also find the books and records of the company or person, so that we can start learning about the financial affairs of the insolvent or bankrupt.

Proof of authority

The estate trustee will also require a certified copy of the death certificate, to prove the death to financial institutions and the government. The will, and/or the probate Certificate, will be proof of the estate trustee’s authority to act.

In the same way, the licensed insolvency trustee requires a copy of its Appointment Letter in a private receivership, the Court order in a Court-appointed receivership, or the Certificate of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy in a bankruptcy. These documents evidence the appointment of the licensed insolvency trustee.

Taking possession and control of the assets

The estate trustee must now take control of any assets that do not automatically by operation of law transfer to another person by right of survivorship. The estate trustee must establish physical control, take an inventory of the assets and arrange for appraisals to be performed where required. The estate trustee should establish the market value of the assets as soon as possible.

In the same way, upon being appointed as either receiver or trustee, a licensed insolvency trustee must establish control and/or possession of the assets, properties and undertakings of the insolvent/bankrupt debtor, whether in the debtor’s possession or that of a third party. The licensed insolvency trustee must make an inventory of the assets and where required, arrange for appraisals.

Insurance and bonding

The estate trustee must make sure that, in the case of real property and chattels, that the assets are properly insured. As well, if an application was made to Court for probate and the Court issued the Certificate, the Court may also require the estate trustee to get a bond for a specific value to protect the beneficiaries. The amount of the bond will have a relation to the estimated value of the assets.

In the same way, the receiver/trustee must make sure that the hard assets are properly insured. In a bankruptcy, the Superintendent of Bankruptcy sometimes requires the trustee to get a bond to protect the bankruptcy estate.

The bond will be issued by an insurance company licensed to provide such coverage in Ontario.

Trustee of deceased estate: The responsibilities of the estate trustee

In general terms, an estate trustee has the following responsibilities:

  • be impartial amongst beneficiaries
  • act in a commercially reasonable way
  • to act in the best interests of the beneficiaries
  • not make decisions for individual gain
  • keep accurate records of all decisions made and actions and activities; and
  • acting in accordance with the will if one exists

In every Court appointment, be it a receivership or bankruptcy, the licensed insolvency trustee must live up to these same standards. Rather than beneficiaries, there are stakeholders. The Court officer must be impartial and must act in the best interests of all stakeholders.

Trustee of deceased estate: Trustee vs executor of an estate

So hopefully from this blog, you can see that the knowledge, experience and expertise of a licensed insolvency trustee would stand him or her in a good position to act as executor, executrix or estate trustee of a deceased estate.

If you have any questions about a deceased estate and the need for an estate trustee, whether it is solvent or insolvent, contact the Ira Smith Team. We have decades and generations of experience in helping people and companies overcome their financial problems. You don’t need to suffer; we can end your pain.

In my next blog, I am going to write about a topic that is becoming more and more common in deceased estates; picking the right estate trustee. As you will see, it is much more than just finding the right skill set.

In the meantime, if you have any questions at all, contact the Ira Smith Team.

trustee of deceased estate


Brandon Blog Post


redwater energy supreme court

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Redwater Energy Supreme Court Brandon’s Blog, please scroll to the bottom for the podcast.

Redwater Energy Supreme Court decision: Introduction

On January 31, 2019, the Redwater Energy Supreme Court decision was released. The 5-2 decision, in this case, Orphan Well Association v. Grant Thornton Ltd. overturned two Alberta lower Court decisions. It is now the law of the land that, before creditors receive any money, the receiver or trustee will have to spend the funds in its possession on reclamation or other environmental costs that provincial law may need.

The decision also made it clear that the receiver or trustee does not have to spend money it does not have. However, whatever money it recovers from the sale of assets, on a net basis, will first have to go to provincially mandated cleanup costs of the insolvent company’s property, before secured or unsecured creditors see a penny.

Redwater Energy Supreme Court decision: What the decision means

In my opinion, this is an important decision. Where provincial laws require companies to spend money to take certain steps when the business ceases, the assets of the company will be available to pay such costs.

Any company which is either a provincially regulated industry, or where provincial laws such as environmental laws have a real impact, will be affected. A Province will be able to insist that when a company ceases operating or is in receivership or bankruptcy, the company and its receiver or trustee, must use up to the full net realization from the sale of assets, to do what the provincial law requires, such as remediation of the real property.

This will no doubt affect how lenders view the value of their security and how much to lend to such companies. Property owners have now also been afforded some measure of protection against a commercial or industrial tenant’s activities and environmental transgressions.

Redwater Energy Supreme Court decision: Background

In my January 10, 2018 blog, REDWATER ENERGY CORP. – SUPREME COURT OF CANADA TO DECIDE WHO PAYS THE ENVIRONMENTAL CLEANUP COSTS OF THE BANKRUPTCY COMPANY, I described the 2-1 Alberta Court of Appeal decision upholding the Redwater ruling of the lower Court. The lower Court decision protected, in a bankruptcy, a lender’s secured priority over provincial ecological clean-up requirements.

Redwater Energy Supreme Court decision: The provincial environmental legislation

To work oil and gas sources in Alberta, a business requires a property interest in the oil or gas (commonly, a mineral lease with the Crown), rights and a licence issued by the Alberta Energy Regulator (Regulator). Under provincial regulation, the Regulator will certainly not provide a permit to remove, process or transport oil and gas in Alberta unless the licensee takes on end-of-life duties for plugging and capping oil wells to avoid leakages, taking apart surface area frameworks as well as restoring the surface area to its previous condition. These end-of-life responsibilities are called “abandonment” and “reclamation”.

The Licensee Liability Rating Program is one way the Regulator looks to guarantee the end-of-life commitments required of licensees. As a component of this program, the Regulator provides each business a Liability Management Rating (LMR), which is the proportion between the accumulated value assigned by the Regulator to a company’s assets under license and the accumulated liabilities determined by the Regulator to the last expense of abandoning and reclaiming those properties.

For determining the LMR, all the permits held by a business are dealt with as a bundle. A licensee’s LMR is determined monthly. Where it dips below the required ratio, the licensee is called upon to top up its LMR back up to the recommended level by paying a security deposit, executing the end-of-life responsibilities, or transferring permits with the Regulator’s authorization. If either the transferor or the transferee would have an LMR below 1.0 after such transfer, the Regulator will typically decline to authorize the permit transfer.

Redwater Energy Supreme Court decision: The insolvency of an oil and gas company

The insolvency of oil and gas firm licensed for operation in Alberta involves Alberta’s detailed licensing regime, which is binding on firms operating in the oil and gas market. The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3) (BIA), is the federal government’s statute that controls the management of an insolvent’s estate and the organized and fair dealing of the insolvent’s property for the benefit of the unsecured creditors.

Alberta’s Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA) makes certain that a licensee’s regulatory responsibilities will remain to be satisfied when it goes through bankruptcy by including the trustee of a licensee in the interpretation of the term “operator” for the goals of the obligation to reclaim and by ensuring that an order to execute reclamation work can be provided to a trustee.

Nevertheless, it specifically restricts a trustee’s responsibility about such an order to the value of the assets in the insolvent estate, other than for gross negligence or willful misconduct.

The Oil and Gas Conservation Act (OGCA) and the Pipeline Act take a more common method: they merely include trustees in the meaning of “licensee”. Therefore, every power which these Acts offer the Regulator versus a licensee can in theory additionally be worked out versus a trustee.

The Regulator has entrusted the authority to reclaim and abandon “orphans”– oil and gas properties and their sites left in an incorrectly deserted or unreclaimed state by inoperative companies at the close of their insolvency process– to the Orphan Well Association (OWA), an independent non-profit entity. The OWA has no power to look for compensation of its costs, however, it might be compensated up to the amount of any security deposit held by the Regulator to the credit of the licensee of the orphans once it has actually finished its environmental cleanup.

Redwater Energy Supreme Court decision: The Redwater receivership

Redwater, a publicly traded oil and gas firm, was initially given licenses by the Regulator in 2009. Its major assets were 127 oil and gas properties — wells, pipelines and related facilities — and their equal permits. A few of its licensed wells were still producing, yet the bulk was tapped out and strained with reclamation and abandonment obligations that surpassed their worth.

In 2013, ATB Financial, which had complete knowledge of the end-of-life responsibilities connected with Redwater’s properties, advanced funds to Redwater and, in return, was given a security interest in Redwater’s existing and after-acquired property. In mid-2014, Redwater started to experience financial problems.

ATB appointed its receiver in 2015. Back then, Redwater owed ATB roughly $5.1 million and had 84 wells, 7 facilities and 36 pipelines. Seventy-two were non-active or spent, however, considering that Redwater’s LMR did not go down below the recommended proportion until after it entered receivership, it never paid any type of security deposit to the Regulator.

Upon being informed of Redwater’s receivership, the Regulator advised the receiver that it was legitimately bound to fulfill Redwater’s abandonment commitments for all licensed properties before dispersing any funds or completing any insolvency proceeding. The Regulator cautioned that it would not accept the transfer of any one of Redwater’s licenses unless it was satisfied that both the transferee and the transferor would have the ability to carry out all governing responsibilities and that the transfer would not create deterioration in Redwater’s LMR.

The receiver determined that it could not satisfy the Regulator’s demands since the cost of completion of the end-of-life responsibilities for the spent wells would likely surpass the realizable value for the producing wells. Based upon this evaluation, the receiver notified the Regulator that it was occupying and controlling just 17 of Redwater’s most productive wells, 3 related facilities and 12 pipelines (Retained Assets). The receiver also advised that it was not occupying or controlling of any of Redwater’s various other licensed properties (Renounced Assets).

The receiver’s position was that it had no requirement to do any regulatory requirements connected with the Renounced Assets.

Redwater Energy Supreme Court decision: The Regulator’s and the receiver’s positions

The Regulator responded by issuing orders under the OGCA and the Pipeline Act calling for Redwater to suspend and abandon the Renounced Assets (Abandonment Orders). The Regulator imposed short target dates, as it took into consideration the Renounced Assets an environmental and safety threat.

Alberta’s Regulator and the OWA applied for an affirmation that the receiver’s renunciation of the Renounced Assets was void and for orders needing it to follow the Abandonment Orders and to carry out the completion of the end-of-life responsibilities connected with Redwater’s licensed properties. The Regulator did not look to hold the receiver responsible for these responsibilities past the assets in the Redwater estate.

The receiver brought a cross-application looking for authorization to seek a sales procedure leaving out the Renounced Assets and an order directing that the Regulator cannot stop the transfer of the licenses connected with the Retained Assets based upon, inter alia:

  • the LMR requirements;
  • failure to abide by the Abandonment Orders;
  • refusal to take possession of the Renounced Assets; or
  • Redwater’s outstanding debts to the Regulator.

A bankruptcy order was made against Redwater and the receiver was appointed as trustee. The trustee invoked s.14.06(4)(a)(ii) of the BIA about the Renounced Assets. This section of the BIA allows for the abandonment of a property and to not hold the trustee personally liable for remediation costs.

Redwater Energy Supreme Court decision: The Alberta decisions

The Alberta lower Courts concurred with the receiver and held that the Regulator’s suggested use its legal powers to impose Redwater’s conformity with reclamation and abandonment commitments in bankruptcy contravened the BIA in 2 ways:

  1. It required the receiver the commitments of a licensee in connection with the Redwater properties disclaimed by the receiver/trustee, contrary to s. 14.06(4) of the BIA.
  2. It ignored the priority for the distribution of a bankrupt’s assets under the BIA by requiring the provable claims of the Regulator, an unsecured creditor, be paid in advance of the claims of Redwater’s secured creditors. The dissenting Judge in the Court of Appeal would have permitted the Regulator’s appeal on the basis that there was no conflict between Alberta’s environmental laws and the BIA.

Redwater Energy Supreme Court decision: The Redwater Energy SCC decision

The majority 5-2 Supreme Court of Canada (SCC or the Supreme Court) decision states that:

  • The Regulator’s use of its legal powers does not create a conflict with the BIA to trigger the doctrine of federal paramountcy.
  • Section 14.06(4) of the BIA deals with the personal liability of trustees and does not let a trustee to walk away from the environmental liabilities of the estate it is administering.
  • The Regulator is not asserting any claims provable in the bankruptcy.
  • The priority scheme in the BIA is not being interfered with.
  • No conflict is caused by the receiver’s status as a licensee under Alberta legislation. Alberta’s regulatory regime can coexist with and work with the BIA.

The Supreme Court decision goes on to say that bankruptcy is not a licence to ignore rules, and insolvency professionals are bound by and must follow valid provincial laws during bankruptcy.

They must, as an example:

  • adhere to non-financial responsibilities that are binding on the insolvent estate, that are not provable claims; as well as
  • the impacts of which do not contravene the BIA, regardless of the effects this might have for the insolvent’s secured creditors.

The SCC held that given the procedural nature of the BIA, the bankruptcy regimen counts greatly on the ongoing rules of provincial regulations. However, where there is an authentic problem between provincial statutes about property and civil liberties and bankruptcy regulations, the BIA dominates.

The SCC went on to say that the BIA has two main functions: (i) the fair distribution of the insolvent’s property among its creditors; and (ii) the insolvent’s financial rehabilitation. As Redwater is a company that will never arise from bankruptcy, just the first function matters.

The Abandonment Orders and the LMR demands are based upon legitimate provincial regulations of basic application — specifically, the type of legitimate provincial laws whereupon the BIA is constructed.

The Supreme Court of Canada decision found that there is no conflict between the Alberta regulatory scheme and s. 14.06 of the BIA, because, under s. 14.06(4), a trustee’s disclaimer of real property when there is an order to remedy any environmental condition or damage affecting that property protects the trustee from personal liability. The Supreme Court of Canada decision makes it very clear that although the BIA protects the trustee or receiver from personal liability, the ongoing liability of the bankrupt estate is unaffected.

The Supreme Court of Canada said that the end‑of‑life obligations binding on the trustee and receiver are not claims provable in the Redwater bankruptcy. Not all environmental obligations enforced by a regulator will be claims provable in bankruptcy.

The test that must be applied to decide whether a particular regulatory obligation amounts to a claim provable in bankruptcy is: (1) there must be a debt, a liability or an obligation to a creditor; (2) the debt, liability or obligation must be incurred before the debtor becomes bankrupt; and (3) it must be possible to attach a monetary value to the debt, liability or obligation. Only the first and third parts of the test are at issue in the Redwater case.

Bottom line, a court must decide whether there are enough facts indicating the existence of an environmental duty that will ripen into a financial liability owed to a regulator. In determining whether a non‑monetary regulatory obligation of a bankrupt is too remote or too speculative to be included in the bankruptcy proceeding, the court must apply the general rules that apply to future or contingent claims.

It must be sufficiently certain that the contingency will come to pass — in other words, that the regulator will enforce the obligation by performing the environmental work and seeking reimbursement.

Redwater Energy Supreme Court decision: BIA contemplates environmental regulators will extract value

The Supreme Court of Canada also went on to say that in crafting the priority scheme of the BIA, Parliament intended to permit regulators to place a first charge on real property of a bankrupt affected by an environmental condition or damage to fund remediation. Thus, the BIA explicitly contemplates that environmental regulators will extract value from the bankrupt’s real property if that property is affected by an environmental condition or damage.

Furthermore, Redwater’s only real assets were affected by environmental conditions or damage. Accordingly, the Abandonment Orders and LMR requirements did not seek to force Redwater to fulfill end‑of‑life obligations with assets unrelated to the environmental condition or damage. In other words, recognizing that the Abandonment Orders and LMR requirements are not provable claims and do not interfere with the aims of the BIA — rather, it facilitates them.

Redwater Energy Supreme Court decision: What about your company or client?

Is your company subject to significant costs under provincial law should it stop operating for any reason, including receivership or bankruptcy? Are you a secured creditor who loaned money to such a company and are now questioning the value of your security?

If so, you need the help of a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee). Call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience in the restructuring, turnaround, monitoring and liquidating insolvent companies.

Contact the Ira Smith Team today for your free consultation so that we can solve your financial problems and get you back on the right path, Starting Over Starting Now.

Call a Trustee Now!