Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy help

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Bankruptcy help: Introduction

When people ask for bankruptcy help, they really don’t want to talk about bankruptcy. What they are really asking for is help in eliminating the pain, suffering and stress they are going through dealing with their unmanageable debt. They want solutions to avoid bankruptcy. In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss the debt danger signals and provide solutions to avoid bankruptcy.

As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee), we are the only professionals licensed and monitored by the Federal Government. We provide options and proposed solutions to people and companies with too much debt. Our main goal is to help people and companies AVOID bankruptcy while solving their debt problems.

Bankruptcy help: 10 signs that you need help

  1. Your total debt has increased over the past year. You may be making minimum payments on some debt, paying down other debt, but increasing your debt in total. You have not accomplished anything in reducing your debt in the past year and this means you need help.
  2. Justified purchasing a new vehicle even though your existing one is fine, just not new. Taking on more debt just because of a “want” but not a “need” is irresponsible. You need help.
  3. Bought a new house with a larger mortgage, or mortgages, because you expect your income to rise in the future. Wages and salaries are not increasing in any real way. They are flat. Voluntarily carrying a larger debt load hoping that sometime in the future your income will catch up to your cash needs is not a responsible way of handling your affairs. You need help with your debt.
  4. Have borrowed money to go on a vacation. You should never go into debt to purchase something that is going to vanish in a week or two. The vacation will be gone but the debt will remain. If you can’t afford a vacation, you can’t go on one.
  5. Justify purchases based on what your peers are buying. Again, going into more debt because you want things your friends are buying is not a good reason. Their situation is not your situation. Maybe they can afford those things but you can’t. Maybe they can’t afford those things and will end up in bankruptcy. You just don’t know. Again, you can’t go into debt for “wants”.
  6. You have no emergency fund saved up. Recent surveys have shown that Canadians may be a few hundred dollars away from a financial disaster. Many Canadians are living paycheque to paycheque. You don’t know when a medical emergency, job loss or the need to replace a major appliance will happen. You need an emergency cash fund to cover those emergencies. If you have too much debt and no emergency fund savings, you need debt help.
  7. No retirement savings. It is never too soon to start planning to save a certain part of your take-home pay for retirement. A proper household budget will allow for such savings. If you are constantly battling your debt and have no money for savings, you need debt help.
  8. You quit your job without having another one lined up. This is probably the most irresponsible thing you can do. It may seem obvious to you, but trust me, I have seen it. The best way to land a better paying job or position is when you already have one. Trying it any other way is pure folly, especially when you have too much debt. Your regular monthly debt payments will not wait for you to have your income stream rolling again. Keep in mind that I am not talking about someone who is downsized and was given a package. I am talking about someone who quits without having new employment ready to go to.
  9. You are always borrowing from one source to pay down another. There isn’t enough money from your earnings to make your required debt payments. The fact is that you are borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. You’re in trouble and need debt help.
  10. You ignore your partner’s bad money habits or worse, financial infidelity. Your money habits may be impeccable. However, ignoring your partner’s money problems will bring you down too. You both need debt help.

Bankruptcy help: How we provide debt help

The first thing we offer is a free first consultation. You explain to us the financial issues you are facing. Then we talk to you about your family assets, liabilities and income. We then describe to you some possible options to help you overcome your debt problems. More information will be needed from you, but at least we start by setting your mind a bit at ease by telling you that your situation is not hopeless and we can give you solutions. All of the solutions we offer, except maybe one, are all so you can avoid bankruptcy.

The takeaways we want everyone to get from this free consultation is that you feel:

  1. We have empathy for your situation.
  2. A rapport has been built.
  3. We are the kind of people you can see yourself working with.
  4. You trust us.

If you wish to go ahead with our solving your financial and debt problems, the next step is that we have you complete our standard intake sheet called the Debt Relief Worksheet. A fully completed worksheet, complete with backup documents, allows us to drill down into all the issues and come up with our definitive recommendations.

Bankruptcy help: What are some possible solutions

The range of possible solutions depends on when we get to speak with you. Most people wait until they have no more credit line to use. Sometimes it takes a major event like the Canada Revenue Agency garnisheeing their bank account or wages before they realize they have a debt problem. The earlier you recognize there might be a problem and come speak with us, the more options we will have for you to solve your debt problems.

The range of options might include:

Credit counselling

Credit counselling is in fact debt therapy. We give advice with a host of concerns connected to debt consisting of budgeting, debt remedies, working with your lenders as well as restoring credit scores.

Debt consolidation

Debt consolidation is replacing all of your debts with new single financing at a lower overall interest rate so that you only have one debt to focus on reducing.

Consumer proposal

A consumer proposal is an official deal made to your creditors under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) to customize your repayments; e.g. paying a lesser amount every month for a longer amount of time and paying in total less than you owe. Another benefit is that the interest clock stops the moment you file your consumer proposal.

If none of the above 3 possible solutions to avoid bankruptcy will work for you, then you are a candidate to file for bankruptcy so that you can end the pain and stress your debts are causing you. This way you can be Starting Over, Starting Now.

Bankruptcy help: Do you have too much debt?

Do you have too much debt? Are you stressed that future interest rate increases will make currently affordable payments completely unaffordable? Is the pain, stress and anxiety hurting your wellness and health?

If so, speak to the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of helping people and companies looking for financial restructuring. As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee), we are the only experts licensed and supervised by the Federal government to provide insolvency services.

Call the Ira Smith Team today for your free consultation and to make sure that we can begin assisting you to return right into a healthy, balanced, hassle-free life.


Brandon Blog Post


Gambling debts: Introduction

The Canadian insolvency process is geared to deal with gambling debts or any debt resulting from addiction. It does not only deal with the debts caused by borrowing money to feed an addiction. The insolvency process is uniquely positioned to deal with the person’s total rehabilitation. When the person hits rock bottom with debts they cannot repay and no more credit to keep borrowing to feed the addiction, a licensed insolvency trustee (LIT or Trustee) (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) is positioned to help not only with the debt issues but also the rehabilitation issues. Let me explain.

My firm has been involved in helping people out of their debt problems arising from addiction issues. The most common are gambling, alcohol and drug addictions. Professionals have referred us their family members suffering because of an addiction. In my January 31, 2018 blog, GAMBLING DEBT BANKRUPTCY: CAN GAMBLING DEBT BE DISCHARGED IN BANKRUPTCY?, I discussed from a procedural view the issue of gambling debts and bankruptcy. In this blog, I want to focus on how the insolvency process, especially bankruptcy, can deal with overall rehabilitation.

I will draw on my own personal case studies and specifically refer to a recent decision of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia in Bankruptcy and Insolvency in Donaldson (Re), 2019 NSSC 33.

Gambling debts: What the LIT is expected to do

The free consultation provided by a LIT to an insolvent person pre-filing is where a LIT would find the addiction issues. It will also be noted on the person’s initial filing documents in filing either a consumer proposal or for bankruptcy. The Canadian insolvency system is geared towards giving the honest but unfortunate consumer a fresh start.

In cases of addiction, the LIT must also point the person to community resources to aid in healing the person with the addiction to lead a sober life. This must be a pre-condition for any LIT to support the addicted person’s consumer proposal or discharge from bankruptcy. This is how my practice works. It is also the view of the Court in the Donaldson case.

Gambling debts: The Donaldson facts

Gloria Donaldson and Wayne Donaldson are fourth-time bankrupts. This is their 5th experience with the Canadian insolvency process as one of their filings was a consumer proposal. They made separate filings. The Court found that it really should have been a joint filing.

Gloria and Wayne were 65 and 73, respectively. The Court holding their discharge hearing found both Gloria and Wayne to be forthright, honest and trustworthy. Yet, this is the 4th bankruptcy and the 5th use the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, RSC 1985, c. B-3, as modified (BIA).

They declared the source of this bankruptcy as an overextension of credit on real house improvements. They did not list gambling. However, Registrar Balmanoukian found that there is no doubt on the evidence before him that gambling was a significant factor to at least speed up driving the Donaldson’s to this 5th insolvency filing.

The Donaldson’s filings spanned a duration of nearly 40 years. They are seniors. Their future income is restricted, by age and health.

Gambling debts: The bankruptcy discharge will not be easy

A 4th bankruptcy is a really major issue. Without a doubt, also for applications including third-time bankrupts the Courts have revealed an unwillingness in providing the bankrupt’s discharge. At the very least not without an extensive suspension or similar burdensome terms.

Coming to Court for a discharge as a 3rd-time bankrupt is a serious matter. The Court must be satisfied that the insolvent understands and has made enough adjustments in his/her life. The Court wants to know it won’t be possible that an additional bankruptcy will take place.

By the time a person has actually gotten in a 3rd bankruptcy, the objective, as well as the intent of the Act, changes from its restorative function of helping sympathetic yet unfortunate debtors to a shielding culture, and protecting innocent possible creditors. The most effective intents and hopes of such bankrupts is no longer the main issue. The main issue is that creditors be shielded from the insolvent’s shown economic inexperience, carelessness and negligence.

In a 4th bankruptcy, the Court has to pay cautious interest in creating a suitable yet custom treatment when determining what is right in the bankrupt’s application for discharge. The Bankruptcy Court is not just there to be a financial car wash. The truth is that these bankrupts are not rogues. That, however, is not enough of a reason to approve a discharge.

A 4th bankruptcy is a clarion call to the Court and its officers that these people should never come before the Bankruptcy Court again. The issues need to be fixed.

Gambling debts: The bankruptcy discharge must serve a purpose

The proof is clear that Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson did not have the possibility of having sources with which to pay any kind of meaningful amount on their much debt. The passage of time and their health and wellness have actually prevented this. Nevertheless, that does not imply that the Court can only enforce a token wag of the finger and a reprimand “do not do it ever again”.

What the Registrar decided is frankly, something that the LIT should have already done. When I am faced with potential bankrupts whose debt has arisen as a result of spending money they did not have on their addiction, this is what I tell them. I say that if they wish to have any chance of having a discharge from bankruptcy, then they need to get themselves into a rehab program immediately. Gamblers Anonymous and AA are two that we regularly refer clients to. We also tell them that for discharge purposes, they will need to have their sponsor verify to us, in writing, that they have regularly attended and continue to attend meetings to help themselves.

This way, by the time we come to Court, we can prove rehabilitation has already begun. Real rehabilitation helps the person get back on to a clean, healthy life. We have many examples of people we have helped overcome drug, alcohol and gambling addictions, as part of cleaning up their financial debts. In some cases, these people have even become leaders and sponsors themselves in the rehabilitation program that helped them so much. I have great pride in hearing years later from such former addicts I have helped when they tell me that they have saved up enough to buy a home, now have a better job and their family is in a better place because of my help.

The Donaldsons need to get themselves resolved to live within their earnings. They also must learn to stop gambling if they wish to have a chance of surviving this bankruptcy.

Gambling debts: The Registrar’s decision

So the Registrar ordered that the Donaldsons:

  • Shall attend such counselling for gambling abuse and/or addiction for such period as is necessary to get an opinion from a qualified counsellor or medical professional that both of the Donaldson’s are able to conduct themselves without going back to gambling in any way.
  • Refrain from gambling in any form, and further that they enrol and stay enrolled in the voluntary exclusion program with Casino Nova Scotia;
  • Absolutely stop obtaining credit from any lender in any form, except as approved in advance and in writing by the Trustee.
  • Disclose and subject to any provincial exemptions, turn over to the Trustee any property of either or both that comprises “property of the bankrupt” within the meaning of the BIA between the date of the Donaldson’s’ bankruptcies and their discharge.
  • Upon compliance with the foregoing for a period of at least five years from the date of the decision, the Donaldson’s may make a further application for discharge.

The Registrar’s decision is right. The Donaldsons will finally get the help they need to fight their gambling addiction. They will come clean with their LIT about handing over any non-exempt assets. They will not be able to borrow money for gambling again. Once they have been “clean” for 5 years, they may reapply to their discharge from bankruptcy. Hopefully, by then, they will be able to live a healthier life without the stress of gambling debts.

Gambling debts: Do you have too much debt?

Do you have too much debt because of an addiction or otherwise? Are you worried that the future interest rate hikes will make presently affordable commitments entirely unmanageable? Is the discomfort, tension and anxiousness presently detrimentally affecting your health and wellness as well as health?

If so, speak to the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of helping people and companies looking for financial restructuring. As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee), we are the only experts licensed and supervised by the Federal government to provide insolvency services.

Call the Ira Smith Team today for your free consultation and to make sure that we can begin assisting you to return right into a healthy, balanced, hassle-free life.

gambling debts

Brandon Blog Post


Debt headlines: Introduction

There have been three recent debt headlines that have attracted a lot of people’s attention. In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss all three.

Debt headlines: Bankruptcy statistics

On January 4, 2019, the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada issued its bankruptcy statistics report “Insolvency Statistics in Canada—November 2018”. In my blog, BANKRUPTCY STATISTICS CANADA 2018: SCARED OF INSOLVENCIES IN CANADA OR DEBT?, I described the statistics. Many financial writers started to forecast doom and gloom. However, in my blog, I comment that I don’t see it that way. Insolvency filings in November 2018 were down from October 2018. The business writers quoted the statistic that there was a 5.2% increase in November 2018, compared to November 2017. However, insolvency filings have been unusually low for close to 10 years. So the increase really is not a big deal.

The actual problem is not these stats. Instead, it is the historically high degree of Canadian house debt collected when rates of interest went to near almost 0%. Since we stay in a slowly boosting rates of interest environment for the near future, not every person or business will be able to carry their high debt. This will lead to more insolvency filings.

Debt headlines: 46% of Canadians on the verge of bankruptcy as rates increase: Study

I have written before about Canadians and their debt load. Personal debt loads are of some worry. There’s brand-new information that casts a brand-new alarming light on the state of Canadians’ personal balance sheets.

A current study reveals that 46% of Canadians are on the verge of bankruptcy as interest rates increase. I begin by stating a word of caution. The survey size was a small pool so I don’t want to generalize. Canadians have a great deal of debt. What does that tell us about what these people are saying?

This really did not occur overnight. These are long-lasting financial obligations that have been gathered over a long time. The weight of them is actually having an influence. These are individuals that live paycheque to paycheque.

Well, these people are claiming that 46% who answered the survey would not have enough cash or are within $200 or much less to manage their debts and expenses at the end of the month. If something shows up that can interfere with that whether its rates of interest going higher, they might lose their job, or they might have unanticipated emergency costs. So what this informs us is that practically half of Canadians that were surveyed are truly living really near to the margin.

Numerous people do live in this way. Having debt repayments that stay in the mix since that is something that is non-negotiable, will certainly increase in time if you do not resolve it. Rates of interest will certainly increase. Do we understand what percentage of these individuals is facing that? I’m going say a fair number.

The reason I say this is due to the fact that if you return to the start of the monetary crisis in 2008, the Bank of Canada decreased rates of interest in an initiative to boost the economic climate. Ten years actually. I recognize rates of interest have actually begun to go higher however when you’re in this low-interest atmosphere you can carry a lot of debt.

People have. I’m not speaking about the tiny expenses placed on a charge card. I am speaking about paying an astronomically high price for a house in a rising real estate market, not having the ability to manage those home mortgage repayments, tackling that costly debt using your charge card.

43% of those surveyed stated they are sorry for some of the debt that they incurred. They would certainly enjoy a getaway today however if you cannot pay for it that vacation credit card debt is still there.

Just how concerned do you get when you hear that rates of interest are increasing? You are most likely to need to be getting ready to get your affairs in order.

Debt headlines: Canadian financial institutions might drop by ‘a minimum of’ 50% says a US Hedge Fund

Canadians following our markets look to see what’s happening with the Canadian financial institutions. There is one short seller following the Canadian banks. Denver-based Crest Capital believes the Canadian real estate market will lead Canada into an economic downturn. Nonetheless, the huge 6 financial institutions have actually taken care of proving the cynics incorrect in the past.

Kevin Smith is the founder and CEO of Crest Capital, a hedge fund with $53 million in assets under administration. Crest Capital also has an excellent track record. He is shorting the Canadian financial institutions and thinks now is the moment. He thinks it actually boils down to China.

Kevin Smith thinks that:

  • there is a real estate bubble in Canada;
  • housing debt to GDP has been blown up and been trouble for a time;
  • house prices have increased for a very long time; and
  • the cash streaming in from China that has actually pushed up housing prices and
  • compelled Canadians themselves to extend to purchase real estate.

He believes the China credit bubble is ultimately going to break. China has this credit bubble which has actually been taking place for years. The cash has actually been spilling around the globe yet he believes the funding streams currently from China are truly beginning to run out and perhaps also turn around. There has actually been a lot of cash leaving China right into Canada. This is what has aided the Canadian real estate market and the economic climate.

He said that we are 10 years right into a worldwide financial cycle. He thinks Canada’s personal high debt to GDP ratio will leave the financial institutions holding the bag on this debt trouble. I do not know if he is right, yet that is what he is banking on.

Debt headlines: Can you afford your debt payments with a higher interest rate?

Do you have too much debt? Are you worried that the future interest rate hikes will make presently affordable commitments entirely unmanageable? Is the discomfort, tension and anxiousness presently detrimentally affecting your health and wellness as well as health?

If so, speak to the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of helping people and companies looking for financial restructuring. As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee), we are the only experts licensed and supervised by the Federal government to provide insolvency services.

Call the Ira Smith Team today for your free consultation and to make sure that we can begin assisting you to return right into a healthy, balanced, hassle-free life.debt headlines

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