Brandon Blog Post



Buy Nothing Day Canada is part of an international day of protest against consumerism. In North America, it takes place on the Friday after U.S. Thanksgiving. That is the same day as Black Friday. Elsewhere, it is held on the last Saturday in November.

It is a Canadian invention. Founded in Vancouver by creator Ted Dave in 1992 it was subsequently advertised by Adbusters magazine, based in Canada.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss what effect, if any, Buy Nothing Day Canada has on Black Friday, Cyber Monday and holiday shopping in general. I also provide some tips on how not to go deep into debt from holiday spending.

What is the purpose of Buy Nothing Day Canada?

Buy Nothing Day Canada and worldwide, it is meant as a day for society to take a look at the problem of over-consumption. In 2000, Adbusters tried to purchase advertising time on television to promote Buy Nothing Day Canada and elsewhere were rejected marketing time by nearly all significant TV networks besides CNN.

Notwithstanding, it has become a grassroots movement. Campaigns started showing up in the USA, the United Kingdom, Israel, Austria, Germany, New Zealand, Japan, the Netherlands, France, Norway and Sweden. Currently, it is held in about 65 countries.

Doubters of the day feel that it merely:

  • shifts people’s buying habits to the next day; or
  • appeals really only to those people who rebel against over-consumerism all year through.

Is it effective?

Based on a recent study, I think Buy Nothing Day Canada is meaningful only to those who already practise a lifestyle against over-consumerism. This study says that Canadians will spend approximately$1,593 per person for the 2019 holiday season. This is a little up from $1,563 (or 1.9 percent) in 2018, according to the same report.

For many years now, there have been reports that say Canadians are over their heads in debt. They are living paycheque to paycheque. On average, Canadian adults are $200 away from financial disaster. I have written several blogs on the topic of Canadian households in debt.

So, from what I can tell, this movement has no effect at all on holiday shoppers.

Must I resort to a buy nothing Christmas?

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over. You may feel you overdid it on your holiday spending last year. Perhaps it put you in a bad place that took a lot of time to get out of. You don’t wish to repeat it going into 2020.

So I have created a holiday spending in Canada tips list to try to assist with your budgeting for the holidays. Ideally, by following my suggestions, you won’t get in the brand-new year with more financial debt that you cannot handle. You will have avoided one of the most typical holiday spending blunders.

By following my tips, you can buy gifts and remain financially healthy without resorting to shopping abstinence.

But first, it all starts with a budget

You don’t need to adhere to a Buy Nothing Day Canada philosophy, but you do have to live within your means. So, the overall key is proper budgeting for holiday spending. It is so vital that you think out your holiday budget before you start spending.

I believe there are 3 major classifications to your Xmas holiday spending plan:

  1. presents;
  2. food and beverage in your home if you are hosting; and
  3. tree and decors.

To begin setting your holiday budget plan, you need to establish 3 separate mini-budgets; one for each item. For gifts, the first thing is to detail out everybody you feel you would like to buy a gift for. After that reduce the list to everyone you really must buy a present for. You may not be able to manage your “desires”, but only your “needs”. The various other classifications will be easier to establish.

Now, check out your regular monthly earnings and expenses as well as any kind of savings you might have designated for holiday costs. This will help you to understand just how much you can afford to spend without going into holiday spending financial debt. Simply figure out the amount you can safely spend.

With that total, you should estimate your spend in the food and drink and tree and decors groups. What you have leftover in total will be your gift spending plan. Nothing is set in stone. If you feel you require to readjust the allowances among the 3 categories, go right ahead. Eventually, you will be left with your present total spending plan.

Now spread out the total gift budget among the people. Your specific amounts need to add up to a number not higher than the total you established as your total gift spending amount. With the budgeting worksheets finalized, it is now time to go shopping!

Holiday spending in Canada tips list

Purchase with objectives – You have determined just how much you can safely spend on each person. Get the best gift possible for each that satisfies your spending budget. Stick to the financial limitations of your gifts. You can now spend more time focussing on the appropriateness of the gift within your budget limitations.

Only spend cash don’t buy on plastic – You will be lured to buy with your charge cards. Using plastic will cause you to overspend due to the fact that you will not feel the purchase. To truly feel it, you must only use cash. When you feel it, you don’t spend beyond your means. You will also stay clear of the nasty shock in January since you won’t get an unmanageable credit card statement. You will feel terrific in both December and January.

Think of a family present to conserve cash – If you feel you will not be able to afford specific gifts, think of people in the very same family and search for a household present. A gift card for the household to go see a movie or a family pass for admission to a tourist site may turn out to be cheaper than the overall cost of separate gifts. Or one thing for their home that you feel all family members will take pleasure in. Look at that option. There are many opportunities for a group gift.

Give an experience, not simply your money – Do not think that the only gift that counts is one that sets you back the money. You have numerous abilities and talents. Probably one or more would certainly make an excellent present. If you cannot think of anything special you can give of yourself to that special someone that would make a wonderful present, how about your time? Think to babysit for nieces or nephews. How about helping out an ageing relative because they can’t go out a lot on their own but have appointments or tasks to get. These can all count as useful presents that won’t cost you anything or much in any way. Your time and enjoying each other’s company are much more valuable than any gift you would buy in the mall or online.

Think outside the gift box – If you do not have a box of ornaments from years past to use, think artistically. The accessories bought at a Dollar Store will look just as good on your tree as ones bought at a more expensive specialty shop. Or, use your own imagination to make your own. If you aren’t sure where to start, look online. There are many video clips to reveal step-by-step how to make terrific looking ornaments that don’t cost too much for materials. Your creativity and labour, of course, is cost-free.


I hope you found this Brandon’s Blog on Buy Nothing Day Canada and my holiday spending tips useful. Are you in need of financial restructuring? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or the person who has too much personal debt. You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges.

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buy nothing day canada

Brandon Blog Post


holiday spending in canada

We are trying something new. At the bottom of this holiday spending in Canada tips blog is an audiogram of this Brandon’s blog. If you would prefer to listen to it, and not read it, scroll down to the bottom and press on the play button. Let us know what you think by sending us a message in the Question box below.

Holiday spending in Canada: Introduction

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over. You may feel you have a tendency to go overboard on your holiday spending and that will put you in a bad place going into 2019. So we have put together our holiday spending in Canada list to try to help with your budgeting for the holidays. Hopefully, by following our tips, you won’t enter the new year with even more debt. You will have avoided the most common holiday spending mistakes.

Holiday spending in Canada: Budgeting for the holidays

So, the first hint already is when I said budgeting for the holidays. It is so important that you actually think out your holiday budget before you start spending. I believe there are three main categories to your Christmas holiday budget: (i) gifts; (ii) food and beverage in your home when hosting; and (iii) tree and decorations.

To start setting your holiday budget, you need to set three separate mini-budgets; one for each group. For gifts, the first thing is to list out everyone you feel you want to buy a gift for. Then figure out who on the list you need to buy a gift for. You may not be able to afford your “wants”, but only your “needs”. The other categories will be easier to set.

Now, look at your monthly income and expenses and any savings you may have allocated for holiday spending to understand how much you can afford to spend in total without going into holiday debt. Just figure out the total amount you can safely spend. With that total, you should then estimate the spend on the food and beverage and tree and decorations categories. What you have left over in total will be your gifts budget. Nothing is set in stone. If you feel you need to adjust the allocations among the three categories, go right ahead. Eventually, you will be left with your gift total budget.

Now spread the total gift budget among the people. Your individual amounts have to add up to a number not greater than the total you already set up as your total gift spending amount. So you should now have actually three different worksheets, adding up to the total amount of money you can safely spend. With the budgeting worksheets finished, it is now time to go shopping!

Holiday spending in Canada: A new kind of shopping

You will now be able to do a new kind of shopping. In the past, you may have just gone to the mall or local stores and then just wander around until something that reminds me of the person that you are shopping for pops up.

The new shopping method will have you shopping for each group already knowing how much you can spend. Do not overspend!!

Holiday spending in Canada: Here are our 5-holiday spending tips

  1. Purchase with purpose – You have already determined how much you can safely spend on each person. Find the right gift that meets your spending goal. You don’t have to think about cost any more, because you will stick to your individual gift limits. You can now concentrate only on appropriateness within your budget limits. Although the Farberware cookware may be wonderful, you can only buy gifts that fit within your budget.
  2. Only buy with cash – You will be tempted to buy with your credit cards. Using plastic will cause you to overspend because you won’t feel the purchase. To really feel the purchase, only use cash. When you feel it, you don’t overspend. You will also avoid the nasty surprise in January because you won’t receive an out of control credit card statement that you won’t be able to repay. You will not only feel great in December but in January too.
  3. Think of a family gift to save money – If you feel you won’t be able to afford individual gifts, think of members of the same family and look for a family gift. A gift card for the family to go see a movie or a family pass for admission to an upcoming event or tourist site may prove cheaper than the total of the individual gifts. Don’t forget to check out that option. Or perhaps one item for the house that you know all family members will enjoy. There are many possibilities for a group gift.
  4. Give of yourself, not just your money – Don’t think that the only gift that counts is one that costs money. You have many skills and talents. Perhaps one or more would make a great gift. If you can’t think of anything unique you can provide that would make a great gift, how about your time. Think to babysit for nieces or nephews, taking out for an afternoon an ageing relative who can’t get out much but has appointments or errands to get to or doing someone’s grocery shopping (with their money). These can all count as valuable gifts that won’t cost you anything or much at all. Your time and theirs are much more valuable than any gift you would purchase in a store.
  5. Think outside of the decoration box – If you don’t already have a box of ornaments from years past to use, think creatively. The ornaments purchased at a Dollar Store will look just as nice on your tree as ones purchased at a more expensive store. Or, use your own creativity to make your own decorations. If you aren’t sure where to start, I am sure that there are many videos online to show you how to make great looking decorations that don’t cost too much for materials. Your labour, of course, is free.

2 BONUS TIPS to help with your holiday money management:

HOLIDAY SPENDING TIPS BONUS #1 Save all year for your holiday spending budget – Now that you have your spending budget, start saving for next Christmas in January. Take the total budgeted amount that you spent this year and divide it by 12. Starting in January, set up a separate savings account and deposit into it every month the monthly amount needed that will add up to your total budget by next December. Avoid the temptation to dip into that fund during the year. By the time you get to next Christmas, you will already have all of your holiday spending cash.

HOLIDAY SPENDING TIPS BONUS #2 Do you have reward points you either don’t see using or will soon expire? You have been collecting the points. You obviously thought they would give you something extra you might not otherwise be able to afford. Now you might lose them or even if not, you don’t see yourself able to take advantage of what the points can provide. So, why not buy a proper gift or gifts for those you need to buy for using some points. You will feel good about giving this way because you will be using the points for someone valuable in your life. You will also feel good about not allowing them to either expire or lay dormant. The people you buy the gifts for will hopefully cherish your gift, never knowing that you didn’t have to lay out any cash for them. It is a win-win all the way around.

I wish all of our readers a very Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah and a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.

Holiday spending in Canada: What if you already have too much debt?

Licensed Insolvency Trustees (previously called bankruptcy trustees) are the only specialists approved, certified and monitored by the federal government to deal with debt restructuring. As a licensed insolvency trustee, our individualized method will certainly help you learn every one of your bankruptcy alternative options. The choice you choose based upon our suggestions will certainly end the stress, anxiety and discomfort you are really feeling due to your debt troubles.

The Ira Smith Team has years and generations of experience assisting people and companies in a financial problem. Whether it is a consumer proposal debt negotiation strategy, a bigger individual or business restructuring proposal debt negotiation, or as a last resource, bankruptcy, we have the experience.

Our method for every case is to produce an outcome where Starting Over, Starting Now occurs. This begins the moment you come through our front door. You’re just one telephone call from taking the essential actions to return to leading a healthy, well-balanced life. Call us today for your free consultation.

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