Brandon Blog Post


after bankruptcy discharge canada


After bankruptcy discharge Canada: Introduction

The purpose of my blog is to provide ideas and suggestions on how a person can fulfill one of the aims of the Canadian insolvency system. That is to carry out successful financial rehabilitation and live profitably and happily after bankruptcy discharge Canada.

After bankruptcy discharge Canada: You are not alone

In 2017, 122,198 Canadians went for either bankruptcy or a restructuring proposal. The split was roughly even. These people and their families underwent significant financial and emotional pain. In January and February 2018 together, 19,082 Canadians went for either bankruptcy or a restructuring proposal. The split favoured restructuring proposals slightly.

After bankruptcy discharge Canada: Your financial slate is now clean

Your financial slate is wiped clean. However, your credit score has taken a beating. Now is the time to not squander the opportunity you have for financial rehabilitation. Notation of your bankruptcy stays on your credit report for 7 years after your bankruptcy discharge. In the case of a restructuring proposal, the notation remains on your credit report for 3 years after successful completion of your financial restructuring.

After bankruptcy discharge Canada: My 10 step program to live profitably after a bankruptcy discharge

So how can a discharged bankrupt hop on a rapid course to a bankruptcy rebound? Here are my suggestions:

  1. Use your bankruptcy experience to improve your financial education. Take a course on practical money management.
  2. You won’t have any credit cards so you have to rely more on cash. Use an envelope system so that every payday you segregate your cash into envelopes, each marked with an essential family expense. Make sure the cash is used only for those essential purposes and no cheating. No borrowing from the envelopes!
  3. Points 1 and 2 above lead naturally into the next point. Sit down with the entire family and work out a monthly budget. Your total expenses cannot be more than your total income, after income tax, for the month. If everyone is involved in setting it up, then they will all understand if you just can’t afford something in a certain month. Also, they will all be helping you stay on budget.
  4. You do need to find a way to start rebuilding credit. Obtain a secured credit card. Not the drug store variety, but the kind issued by a real credit card company. You have to deposit funds with the credit card issuer and then you get a credit limit equal to the funds deposited. Use that credit card each month, but pay off the FULL balance each month. The credit card company then reports to the credit reporting agencies that you are using credit wisely. Over time, this will improve your credit score.
  5. Always remember the behaviours that got you into financial trouble in the first place and don’t repeat them. If it was an event outside of your control like job loss or a medical emergency, it was not your behaviour that was the cause of your financial problems.
  6. Establish SMART goals. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely goals. Setting and reaching your goals will certainly make you an economic success.
  7. Begin building up savings. You need to be financially prepared for a life emergency. As a bare minimum, begin setting up a reserve so that you can withstand a 6 to 9 month emergency that increases your expenses or reduces your income.
  8. Start investing in an RRSP using an RRSP loan. Take out a small RRSP loan. Use your tax savings to pay it down, and work into your budget repaying the rest of the loan, with interest, during the year. Do the same thing the following years. Not only will you build up RRSP savings, the reported loan repayments will improve your credit rating because you are using credit wisely again.
  9. Purchase based only on your needs that are in your budget; never on your “wants”.
  10. Do not purchase anything on impulse. Research, research and research to make sure that you are getting the best deal possible.

After bankruptcy discharge Canada: The takeaway

The takeaway? It is not easy to recover after bankruptcy discharge Canada. It is a series of small steps using modified behaviour and healthy money management skills. But it is possible. I have seen many of my past clients do it. There is not a magic pill you can take. It is a matter of concentrating and working on moving on and learning from your past mistakes. Working at it one day at a time, you will regain your self-respect and feeling of self-worth by restoring your financial and credit report health and wellness.

After bankruptcy discharge Canada: What if you have too much debt?

I hope that you have found this information helpful. Bankruptcy is the last thing we try to do for a person in financial difficulty. If caught early enough, we can get involved in a debt settlement restructuring program for you.

The Ira Smith Team knows that you are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges. The stress placed upon you is enormous. We understand your pain points.

Contact the Ira Smith Team today. We know how to solve your financial challenges, remove your pain and put things back on a healthy path. Contact us today for your free consultation so that we can save your life, Starting Over Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post



Personal financial responsibility: Introduction

A few weeks ago, my blog was about PARENTS HELPING CHILDREN BUY A HOUSE: THE SECRET TO KNOWING WHAT TO DO – ASSUMING YOU REALLY HAVE THE MONEY. In that blog I looked the factors parents should consider and possible ways they could help, if proper. I assumed in writing the blog that the adult children were being financially responsible. It reminded me about a recent consultation I performed on a 30ish year old woman who had no personal financial responsibility.

Personal financial responsibility: The referral

An accountant we know referred his client, the father of this woman, to us. I spoke with the father briefly on the telephone and invited his daughter to contact me. As we do with people referred to us, I provided the daughter with a free first consultation where I obtained information about her assets, liabilities, income and expenses.

Personal financial responsibility: The first free consultation

We discussed potential options. At the end of the consultation, my process is to provide the person with our standard intake sheet called the Debt Relief Worksheet (DRW). I asked her to fully complete it with supporting documentation where requested. I also told her that not making another trip to our office, she could scan and email it to me. That way she would not have to take time off work.

Personal financial responsibility: The issues

So far so good. However, things did not stay that way for long. The purpose of the DRW is to give me all the information I need to properly advise someone and to be able to create a solution as unique as that person. It is also designed to allow for financial rehabilitation, by creating a balanced budget for the person to be able to live within their means. There is no point putting someone through an insolvency process, if they don’t come out at the end having learned why financial responsibility is important.

When I received the more or less completed DRW, several things jumped out at me:

  1. The woman graduated from university with a social work degree. However, instead of going into social work, she became a yoga instructor. I found out that yoga instructors, or at least this one, don’t make much money for all the hours worked.
  2. She was one of those people living way beyond your means. On social media, she regularly posted weekend party pictures at bars and clubs.
  3. She could barely pay the rent on her apartment.
  4. She was supplementing her income with credit cards and only paying the minimum monthly payments.
  5. She would soon not be able to borrow any more money from her credit cards and that is why she called for help from her father.

Personal financial responsibility: The father talk

To say the least, I was alarmed. This woman was out of control. Her father was looking to me to tell him if he should lend her (more) money. I called up her father to have a private discussion. I couldn’t disclose the details of the daughter’s financial mess, but I did want to send him a very strong message. The father was already aware of most of her debts, so there really wasn’t any information he was missing.

I told the father the following:

  1. Under no circumstances should he ever lend her money. I doubted she would ever have the capacity to pay him back. This yoga instructor had credit card and income tax debt totalling about $82,000 so a few thousand was not going to cut it.
  2. His daughter should undergo an insolvency proceeding. If he wanted to help, he could fund her consumer proposal as a lump sum, so that this would not be hanging over her head for a long time.
  3. Either a consumer proposal or bankruptcy would create the required debt settlement.
  4. More importantly, whichever insolvency process was chosen, I would make sure that financial rehabilitation would be an outcome. She would learn how to budget, how to not spend more than she earns, net of income tax, and she would gain personal financial responsibility.

Her father was extremely appreciative.

personal financial responsibility

Personal financial responsibility: Consumer proposal vs. bankruptcy

I then met with the adult child again. I explained to her the process of both a consumer proposal and bankruptcy and how each differed. I also explained that her consumer proposal has to be a better offer to her creditors than they could expect in her bankruptcy. I also told her that I spoke with her father, and he was prepared to fund a consumer proposal. I assured her that through a consumer proposal, we could get full debt settlement and she could avoid bankruptcy.

Personal financial responsibility: The yoga instructor had not yet fully grasped the concept of aparigraha

We then got to the budget discussion. In that discussion, she quickly realized that in an insolvency proceeding, she would have to live on what she earned. Her credit cards would be cut off by the lenders and she would not be able to supplement her income with credit card purchases and advances. She stared at me for what seemed to be the longest time. I didn’t know if it was her drishti or she was gearing up to lash out at me.

She then began her mantra “that is not fair, that is not fair, that is not fair”. I asked what isn’t fair? She said she would not have money to party every weekend! Together we each had our aha moment. I quickly learned that her parents never learned how to stop enabling this grown child. She quickly learned that she was not prepared to alter her behaviour and become financially responsible. She thanked me, got up and left. It was pleasant, but not exactly namaste.

A few days later she sent me an email to say that she would not be going through with an insolvency process. I wished her shanti. My understanding is that she did has not filed with another licensed insolvency trustee. So, the only thing left is that Daddy is doing what he originally asked me about – lending or giving her money.

Personal financial responsibility: What to do about grown children who expect money

This is a very sad case. I know I could have helped this woman, but she didn’t want to be helped. She is very happy being one of those adults financially dependent on parents. She is one of those children who has never learned personal financial responsibility.

When your grown child makes bad financial decisions and comes to you for help, what will you do? If you can afford to, will you just enable them or will you seek out a real solution. I am always honoured when a professional believes that I can help someone, especially if it is their child or family member. That is the greatest compliment which has happened several times.

If your child or relative is experiencing financial problems, or if you are as a result of helping your kids, or for any reason, contact a professional trustee as soon as possible. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. has helped people just like you throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now.

Give us a call today and book your free, no obligation consultation. We can help give you back peace of mind and set you on a path to debt free living.

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