Brandon Blog Post


difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy

I will give you a money back guarantee that I can teach you the difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy

We’re so pleased to offer you Ira Smith’s new eBook,” PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY CANADA: Not Because You Are A Dummy, Because You Need To Get Your Life Back On Track”. The world of finance can be very confusing and in particular the insolvency system. The information out there about the Canadian insolvency system, including the topic of the difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy, seems to be written for industry insiders in industry jargon. Where is the average person experiencing serious financial difficulty going to find the information they need in a language they understand?

What will the book teach me?

Definitely. Ira recognized the need for up-to-date information on the topic written in real people speaksPERSONAL BANKRUPTCY CANADA: Not Because You Are A Dummy, Because You Need To Get Your Life Back On Track” was borne. It truly is a step by step guide about the Canadian insolvency system and tackles some of the pressing questions that we receive including:

So how soon can your eBook teach me?

Right now, if you want. If you’ve been looking for answers to these questions and others like it, click here for your free copy of the eBook. We encourage you to read the eBook before you sit down with a professional trustee and discuss your issues. That way, you will go to your initial consultation already understanding the insolvency system and the difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy. That way, you can spend the time with the licensed insolvency trustee talking about solutions to your specific situation and not wasting the time with an introduction to the Canadian insolvency system. That is what our eBook is all about.

The Ira Smith Team can help you deal with serious debt. Starting Over, Starting Now we help you get back on track to living a debt free life. Contact us today.

So how can I get the eBook?

There are two ways to get your copy of the new eBook, but only one has a money back guarantee.

No money back guarantee – Purchase the eBook on, but it is against Amazon’s rules to provide you with the money back guarantee. If you wish to purchase it that way, click here:

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As a special gift and a reward for reading this blog to the very end, if you click on the picture of the book cover below, you will have the opportunity to obtain the eBook TOTALLY FREE! The book will teach you the difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy. If you don’t learn anything from our eBook, PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY CANADA: Not Because You Are A Dummy, Because You Need To Get Your Life Back On Track, we will give you back 100% of what you spent!

I don’t mean to be cheeky – but I know this eBook will teach you about the Canadian insolvency and bankruptcy system. Thank you for reading our blog and please obtain your free copy below.

difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy


Brandon Blog Post


Consumer proposal vs bankruptcy faqs

We’ve prepared this online video to answer the consumer proposal vs. bankruptcy FAQs that we are normally questioned. This information will hopefully help you understand better exactly what a Consumer Proposal is and how it will also help you clear the money you owe and AVOID individual bankruptcy.

The most asked consumer proposal vs bankruptcy FAQs

Consider some of the advantages of the consumer proposal vs bankruptcy, such as:

  • You keep all of your assets
  • Actions against you by creditors, such as wage garnishments are going to be stopped
  • Unlike informal unsecured debt settlement, the consumer proposal is a forum where all of your creditors must handle your restructuring
  • You don’t need to declare bankruptcy

Additional reasons are:

  1. The opposed bankruptcy discharge process is not quick. Courts are backed up so your bankruptcy discharge hearing may not happen for many months. So think of 4 months or more being added on to the 21 or 36 months you have already spent in bankruptcy.
  2. The discharge hearing is a Court process. Sometimes, for valid reasons, the Court has to adjourn a hearing. What if it takes another 6 months for your discharge hearing to come back up again? You have now been in bankruptcy perhaps for over 4 years at this stage.
  3. If you could restructure by filing and completing a (consumer) proposal, you are not going to get an absolute discharge from the Court. The Court will most likely give you a conditional discharge. This is a discharge where you have to fulfill a condition being the payment of money to your LIT. The repayment will be in the form of monthly payments over a certain period; perhaps 12 months. You are now in bankruptcy, in this example, for close to 5 years.
  4. In a (consumer) proposal, the maximum time period for making the monthly payments that either the statute or your creditors, be prepared to wait is 60 months. However, there is nothing stopping you from paying it off early if you can. Consider the (consumer) proposal as someone giving you an interest-free loan for up to 60 months, and this loan is just a fraction of the total of your debts, and once you pay off this fraction, all of your debts (other than certain ones such as student loans, child support, and alimony) are all eliminated.
  5. In a (consumer) proposal, the self-reporting you need to do with your LIT is significantly less than in a bankruptcy. In a restructuring, all your LIT really cares about is that you don’t miss a payment.
  6. During your bankruptcy, you will have to report your monthly income and expenses to your Licensed Insolvency Trustee (“LIT“). The LIT is required to perform the surplus income calculation again and if your new income means that your surplus income obligation has increased, then you have to make up the difference by paying more surplus income to your LIT to get your discharge from bankruptcy. In a restructuring, the amount you initially agreed to pay that your creditors accepted, is the same amount you pay. There is no monthly reporting of your income to your LIT and no recalibration to an increased amount if your income rises.

If you win a lottery or receive an inheritance while being an undischarged bankrupt, you have to pay that over to your LIT for the benefit of your creditors. If the amount is more than needed to pay your creditors off in full, with interest, then you receive the difference back. In a (consumer) proposal restructuring, if you receive such an amount, good for you. You get to keep it and if you like, you can use part of it to pay off your (consumer) proposal early.

Excessive debt? Get the help you need now!

We hope you enjoy this video about consumer proposal vs bankruptcy. Click on this link to find out more about Consumer Proposals. You can also have many of the questions about bankruptcy answered by exploring our Bankruptcy FAQs link.

Instead of going deeper into debt and just putting your head inside sand like an ostrich, heed the advice of a licensed insolvency trustee and contact us today. Seek the help from a professional trustee, even if you’re definitely not considering bankruptcy at this stage.

We will evaluate your situation and provide help to arrive at the ideal solution for the problems, whether that solution is a bankruptcy alternative similar to credit counselling, consolidating debts or a customer proposal or individual bankruptcy. With immediate action as well as the right plan the Ira Smith Team can solve the financial problems Starting Over, Starting Now. We’re just a phone call away.

consumer proposal vs bankruptcy

Brandon Blog Post


Difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy

This short video explains the difference between a consumer proposal and bankruptcy. A consumer proposal is a deal to end your debts. A consumer proposal is a legally binding process that is administered by a licensed trustee.

5 things that make the difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy

  1. In a bankruptcy, if your income goes up, the amount you have to pay to your Trustee may very well go up. In a consumer proposal, your payment is fixed.
  2. In a bankruptcy, you will lose your income tax refund, contributions to your RRSP in the last 12 months, RESP for your children and other assets. In a consumer proposal that is accepted by your creditors, you get to keep your assets.
  3. There is less reporting in a consumer proposal. You do not have to show proof of your income every month as long as you are keeping your consumer proposal payments current.
  4. In a bankruptcy, if there is opposition to your discharge from bankruptcy, then you must attend for a Court hearing.There is no Court process at the end of the administration or a discharge hearing in a consumer proposal.
  5. You stay in control of your assets and affairs in a consumer proposal that is accepted by your creditors and that you are performing.

These are the main things that create a difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy.

If you have too much debt, call us now!

We offer personal bankruptcy and consumer proposal services, as well as corporate restructuring and corporate receivership and bankruptcy services to residents of the Greater Toronto Area. We explain the differences between a consumer proposal vs. personal bankruptcy. In most cases we can get a consumer proposal done and it usually results in a substantial reduction in the amount you have to repay. The amount you are required to pay when you file a consumer proposal depends on a number of factors as explained in this short video.

So now that you know the 5 major items that makes up the difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy and if you are experiencing financial problems, or you know that you are insolvent and are considering a consumer proposal vs. personal bankruptcy, or looking at all of your realistic options, including all alternatives to bankruptcy, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is a Vaughan (Toronto) bankruptcy trustee and consumer proposal administrator. We offer sound advice, a free consultation and a solid plan for Starting Over, Starting Now so that you’ll be well on your way to a debt free life in no time.

difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy


Call a Trustee Now!