Brandon Blog Post


Consumer proposal calculator: When should you think about a consumer proposal?

Debt can be a heavy burden, and it seems like there’s no end in sight. If you’re having a hard time making ends meet and debt is taking over your life, you may be asking yourself if a consumer proposal is right for you.

If you’re finding it impossible to pay off your financial debt, a consumer proposal could be a perfect choice for you. As soon as approved by your creditors and also authorized by the court, a consumer proposal is an enforceable deal between you and your creditors. You only need to pay off a part of your financial debt and in return, they write off the balance. This is an excellent method to pay off your debt as well as get your life back on course.

There are 2 main points to keep in mind when thinking of a consumer proposal. First, just an insolvency trustee (Trustee) can carry out a consumer proposal. They will first evaluate your situation and determine if this is the very best choice for you.

Secondly, you need to be able to make the promised payments to the Trustee. If you cannot, then a consumer proposal may not be right for you. There are also several non-insolvency debt relief options for people when looking at their unsecured debt and I describe them below.

Knowing how much you may need to pay in a consumer proposal in order to extinguish all of your unsecured debt is an important part of the decision-making. That is why I created this consumer proposal calculator located down below in this Brandon’s Blog.

Consumer proposal calculator: Option 1 – Pay off your debt on your own

If you have adequate savings and are in a financial situation to pay your financial obligations in a timely manner, excellent. Yet that is not every person’s circumstance. It’s not unusual for individuals to find themselves in a state where they have financial obligations coming due for payment, but, they do not have the cash. If you’re in this situation, you might be unsure about exactly how you can repay the money you owe but do not have.

There are a couple of things you ought to remember if you’re seeking to pay off the financial debt by yourself. First, you need to ensure you have a clear plan for exactly how you’re likely to pay off the money. This means establishing a budget plan and staying with it.

Second, you ought to keep communication open with the individual or company you owe the money. By doing this, they’ll understand what you’re doing to pay back the debt and can provide support if needed.

Finally, it is very important to be patient. Settling a financial debt can take time, however as long as you’re sticking to your strategy and seeing progress, you’ll ultimately get there to financial freedom.

consumer proposal calculator
consumer proposal calculator

Consumer proposal calculator: Option 2 – Debt consolidation

Combining your financial obligations, such as the total debt on all your credit cards, into one new debt consolidation loan can aid you to become debt-free faster and get your funds back on the right track. It can help you to repay your financial debts a lot faster and also right-size your finances. Before consolidating your financial debts and making debt consolidation payments, there are a couple of things you need to understand:

  1. Prior to you trying to settle your financial debts through debt consolidation, it’s important to recognize just how debt consolidation loan payments work as well as what type of impact it can have on your credit rating.
  2. See to it that you recognize what you’re getting into. Consolidating your financial debts through new loan funding to settle your existing financial obligations, ensure you recognize the terms of the new financing, including the rate of interest and how much the regular monthly payment will be.
  3. Search for the very best deal available. There are a variety of companies that provide financial debt consolidation funding. Shop around to find the best rates of interest as well as terms.
  4. Combining your debts will lead to a lower single monthly payment. Make sure it fits into your budget.
  5. Making your new loan monthly payments on time will work to improve your credit rating.

Consumer proposal calculator: Option 3 – Credit counselling

If you’re struggling with credit card debt, you’re not alone. It’s one of the most common types of debt in Canada. But there’s help available. Credit counselling can help you get your debts under control and develop a plan for you.

Credit counselling can be a very therapeutic process that assists people to address their debt obstacles as well as enhance their total financial health and wellness. Your best choice is to go for credit counselling offered by a nonprofit credit counselling agency.

Credit counselling commonly involves working with a credit counsellor to develop a spending plan, understand your economic alternatives, and produce a plan to settle your financial debts. More often than not the credit counsellor can get your creditors to agree to allow you to pay off the principal amount of your debt without adding any more interest charges.

Credit counselling can aid you to get out of debt, improve your credit score, and also teach you how to make better financial decisions in the future. If you’re seriously thinking about credit counselling as an option for you, it is very important to pick a reputable firm to deal with in order to produce a personalized plan to address your unique financial situation.

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consumer proposal calculator

Consumer proposal calculator: Option 4 – Debt Settlement

If you’re struggling to make your financial debt settlements and are dealing with economic difficulty, financial debt settlement may be a great choice for you. This is where you work out with your creditors to resolve your debt for less than the amount of the individual debt amounts you owe.

  1. There are a couple of points to remember if you’re thinking about financial debt settlement:
    Your credit score will take a hit.
  2. Your creditors might send your debt to their lawyer to take legal action against you or they might send your debt to a collection agency to plague you with collection calls as soon as you divulge that you cannot settle them in full.

If you’re looking at this kind of financial debt negotiation, it is very important to evaluate the pros and cons and speak with a professional advisor to see if it’s the right option for you.


A for-profit debt settlement company charges fees, just like any other business. Before any of your money is used to settle your personal debts, you must pay their fees upfront. No fees are charged by the non-profit credit counsellor.

When you cannot pay anymore, the for-profit debt settlement company walks you over to their friendly Trustee for you to file either a consumer proposal or an assignment in bankruptcy.

Please stay away from for-profit debt settlement companies. I do not recommend for-profit debt settlement arrangements or debt settlement programs. These types of debt counsellors are not the debt-help professionals you should go to see.

Consumer proposal calculator: Option 5 – About consumer proposals

If you’re battling with a mountain of debt, do not worry, there is help and it avoids bankruptcy. A consumer proposal is a legal process that is the only federally-approved debt settlement process. A consumer proposal can only be carried out by a Trustee.

If you’re thinking about a consumer proposal, it is very important to understand just how the process works and also what it will indicate for your financial future. I have actually written several of Brandon’s Blogs giving a comprehensive on what consumer proposals are and how they work.

If you’re insolvent and owe $250,000 or less to your creditors (excluding any secured creditor debt like mortgages or lines of credit that are secured by registration against your personal residence), you can qualify for this government-sanctioned debt settlement plan.

This could be a good option for people who are employed and can budget their money to make the required monthly payments under this plan to the Trustee. It helps to avoid personal bankruptcy, and not have to deal with collection calls from agencies anymore. This is the best alternative to bankruptcy.

For more information, check out either one of the following Brandon’s Blogs:

consumer proposal calculator
consumer proposal calculator

Consumer Proposal Calculator: What will my monthly payments be in a consumer proposal?

Here is how a debt calculator calculates your total debt and estimates what your monthly payments will be in a consumer proposal debt management plan. Below you will be asked for all your unsecured debts, including any government debt or income tax debts.

Consumer proposal calculator$
What is the total of your credit card debt?
What is your income tax debt?
What is the total of any online loan?
How much is your other government debt?
Total of other unsecured debt?
What is your payday loan debt?
Total unsecured personal loan debt?
Your total unsecured debt
# of months you wish to take to pay (max 60 months)60
Monthly payment = (Your total unsecured debt
divided by # of months) X20%

Use this consumer proposal calculator method to compare what a monthly payment would be for you under a consumer proposal as compared to what your monthly debt payments are now. Keep in mind that in a consumer proposal, you are getting rid of all your debt if successfully completed. Right now, you may only be paying the interest charges and not making any dent in the principal reduction.

To figure out your exact monthly payment, give us a call.

Consumer Proposal Calculator: We can help you with a consumer proposal

I hope you enjoyed this consumer proposal calculator on Brandon’s Blog.

Income and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing Canadians, be they employees, entrepreneurs or companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are now worried about its economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

consumer proposal calculator
consumer proposal calculator
Brandon Blog Post


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we hope that you, your family, and your friends are safe, healthy, and secure. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is fully operational, and both Ira and Brandon Smith are readily available for phone or video consultations.

Canadian debt relief program: Before you sign up for debt settlement

A Canadian debt relief program: it may seem like a good idea. Missed payments on your credit cards, loans or other unsecured debt, can lead to collection calls and worsen your situation. Choosing a debt relief program is often the last resort for Canadians to escape the grip of their creditors.

As a solution to consumer debt problems, debt relief companies offer debt settlement programs and debt relief programs. As a debt consultant, you do not need any special education or licensing to operate. Often, their actions are detrimental rather than beneficial.

This Brandon Blog is about a case I recently consulted about that is sad but true. This story is about a Toronto man who decided to use a Canadian debt relief program provided by a debt relief company to settle his debt issues. As a result of using that Canadian debt relief program, he is still unable to pay his bills, and is in a much worse financial situation now than he was before he visited the debt settlement company. To make matters worse, the debt relief consultant then got a licensed insolvency trustee to almost go along with his cockamamy scheme. Unfortunately, the Trustee woke up too late, after all the damage was done.

I will explain it all to you.

Canadian debt relief program: Research the company’s reputation

There should be a law that requires all debt relief services companies to be licensed to do debt relief work in Canada. So if they are not licensed they are not allowed to claim they are licensed. Since a debt relief company does not need to have a special license to provide a debt relief solution, it means there are few regulations set in place to control what they can do and what they can charge their customers. A debt relief program is a program set up to help people get out of debt. Debt relief programs always are not designed to help you pay off all your debt.

Debt relief programs run by debt relief services companies often aren’t designed to help you find a permanent solution to the behaviour that got you into your debt problems in the first place. The problem with a Canadian debt relief program put together by a debt settlement company is that it may very well cause the loss of your money or as is the case in the true story I am about to tell you, the loss of your home.

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canadian debt relief program

Canadian debt relief program: Are debt relief programs really worth it?

A for-profit debt settlement company charges fees, just like any other for-profit business. Before any of your money is used to settle your personal debts, you must pay most of their fees upfront. No fees are charged by the non-profit credit counsellor. Reputable credit counselling companies do not require you to pay upfront for any tangible services they offer to help you reduce your various types of debt.

You set up an account with the company, where you make monthly payments from available funds to generate the money necessary to pay their fee and then to make settlement offers. There is no guarantee that working with a private debt settlement company will work. Debt settlement companies cannot guarantee that creditors will agree to settle on the outstanding debts when they contact them.

Your creditors may not be able to reach an agreement with them, so you may have to file a consumer proposal or end up filing bankruptcy. For services that the bankruptcy trustee provides for free, debt settlement companies charge debtors upfront fees. While you are in a Canadian debt relief program offered by one of these companies, you do not have any protection from creditors.

Should debt management programs be pursued? A not-for-profit credit counselling agency can provide this service. The answer is NO if it is a for-profit debt relief company. However, the answer is YES if it is a formal consumer proposal with a licensed insolvency trustee.

Canadian debt relief program: When using a debt settlement company goes terribly wrong – a true story

When things go wrong, they go really wrong and fast. We were contacted by a lawyer representing an undischarged bankrupt. The facts as I understood them to be were:

  1. The debtor went to a debt settlement company to get financial advice and help in resolving his debt problems. The company claimed to specialize in helping Canadians deal with their debt problems through a successful Canadian debt relief program. They said they could get him out of his financial mess and save his house. They told him that they would take care of everything.
  2. He was the only owner of the marital home. A real estate agent gave an opinion letter that stated the home was only worth the total of the registered mortgages.
  3. The debtor lost his job and his wife was making the mortgage payments from her employment income. They advised the couple that the wife could get legal protection by taking the position that each of her mortgage and utility payments was a secured advance to the husband. There was no written agreement between them registered on title and she did not register a mortgage against the home. This advice was obviously very wrong.
  4. The debt settlement company could not create any plans for debt forgiveness acceptable to the creditors. It was mainly credit cards and the debtor needed a successful credit card debt relief plan.
  5. The debt settlement company marched the debtor to a licensed insolvency trustee. We could not determine from the documents provided to us if the Trustee did any verification work or merely filed the assignment in bankruptcy based on the work of the debt settlement company. The sworn statement of affairs had the same value for the home as in the real estate agent’s opinion letter. Net of mortgages, the sworn statement of affairs showed no equity in the matrimonial home.
  6. The same day that the Trustee’s section 170 report was prepared, the Trustee wrote a letter to the debtor. According to the Trustee’s letter, after 1.5 years of bankruptcy there is $200,000 equity in the home, the wife has no existing secured claim to the property and therefore, the Trustee opposes the discharge since the asset has not yet been realized. There were no references in the Trustee’s letter to any previous communications or correspondence with the debtor regarding his equity in the home. Therefore, I do not know if the letter was the first time the Trustee discussed with the bankrupt the need to realize the equity in the home.
  7. In the section 170 report, again, dated the same day as the letter, the Trustee opposed the bankrupt’s discharge due to the home equity issue.
  8. A list of licensed credit counsellors can be found on the website of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy. Upon searching that licensed credit counsellor database, we were unable to locate the name of the debt settlement company employee who assisted the debtor.
  9. The undischarged bankrupt’s wife, or any other family member of his, was not able to raise the necessary funds to purchase the Trustee’s interest in the equity of the home. The undischarged bankrupt has no means from which to attempt to do a consumer proposal or Part III Division I Proposal to do a successful proposal out of bankruptcy.
  10. The debt settlement company’s work directly led to the undischarged bankrupt losing his home as it would have to be sold either by the debtor or the Trustee.

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    canadian debt relief program

Canadian debt relief program: My advice

I did a Teranet search of the matrimonial home. The estimated value of the home according to Teranet showed there was more like $350,000 of equity, not $200,000. There was not a lot that this undischarged bankrupt could do. My advice was:

  1. The debt consultant apparently was doing work that a Trustee must do under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) but is not licensed to do that work. The debtor should consider demanding the fee paid to the debt consultant.
  2. Find out who did the mandatory two credit counselling sessions with the debtor; a licensed credit counsellor under the Trustee’s employ or the debt consultant?
  3. Find out if there is a financial arrangement between the debt consultant and the Trustee. Such arrangements are outlawed by the Superintendent of Bankruptcy.
  4. The debt consultant was very “cute” in trying to fix the value of the home so that there was no equity in the home. What verification work did the Trustee do when accepting the value in the sworn Statement of Affairs and beginning the bankruptcy process?
  5. Unfortunately, the undischarged bankrupt is stuck with this situation. The equity in the home belongs to the Trustee. There really was not anything that I could do to change that.

The lawyer thanked us very much and said that his discharge hearing will be quite the show after she examines the witnesses!

Canadian debt relief program: Options you can trust to help you with your debt

A licensed insolvency trustee would have been a better choice for this debtor rather than this debt relief company. Most people with consumer debt problems fall into one of three categories. Using these three categories, I will show what I would have advised this debtor. It is sufficient to say that the earlier you seek the services of a licensed insolvency trustee and avoid the debt consultants and their unrealistic promises, the more options you will have.

Your finances could be better, and you would like some help.

When you realize that you can do things better and wish to avoid trouble, you fall into this category. You can get proper financial advice from a licensed insolvency trustee at this stage. It is likely that if this debtor had approached me at the first sign of trouble, he could have avoided filing for bankruptcy. Things I might have discussed with him include:

  • How to establish and follow a budget for the family.
  • Does he have an adequate credit rating or credit score to be approved for and get a debt consolidation loan so that this loan would enable him to pay off all his unsecured debt in full and have one affordable monthly payment under a debt consolidation program.
  • Having a non-profit credit counselling service assist him with budgeting, assistance with debt management and if required, arranging a debt relief settlement plan with his unsecured creditors. Creditors understand that sometimes life happens and there are situations where people require support for plans for debt forgiveness when it comes to ‘debt-causing’ scenarios such as critical illness, job loss and the death of a loved one.
  • Making monthly payments to the non-profit credit counselling service so that they can make the necessary payments to creditors, as prescribed in the Canadian debt relief program they set up for him.
  • His job includes referring the debt collectors to the non-profit credit counselling service when he receives their calls.
  • His wife should seek independent legal advice about registering a mortgage against the family home as security for all advances she is about to make to her husband for the mortgage, property tax, utility bills, and any other funds related to the home’s maintenance.
  • Is it possible to use the equity in the home to downsize?
  • How filing a consumer proposal or an assignment in bankruptcy affects his finances and his life, including how it affects the equity in his home.

My advice would have cost him nothing, and he would be in a much better financial position than he is now. Most likely, he would have avoided the need for a consumer proposal or bankruptcy altogether.

Your finances are beginning to get out of control.

He and I would have discussed all of the above, along with independent legal advice for his wife, and the realistic option of having an affordable payment plan with debt reduction, by filing a consumer proposal as a real Canadian debt relief program for debt reduction and allowing him to make one affordable monthly payment on all his outstanding unsecured debts. Consumer proposals are the only Canadian debt relief program approved by and authorized by the Federal government.

You are in serious financial trouble.

If he hadn’t come to see me before he suffered severe financial difficulties, his only realistic option would be bankruptcy. From the very beginning, he would have realized that the equity in his home was at stake and would be lost to the Trustee. It wouldn’t have been a bad shock to the debtor after filing for bankruptcy. He may even have been able to locate a relative who could have purchased the equity in his home from the Trustee prior to filing so that his life would not have been negatively affected.

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canadian debt relief program

Canadian debt relief program: Summary

I hope you found this Canadian debt relief program Brandon Blog informative. Although nothing is guaranteed, managing your debt in a way that will allow you to be able to afford it, will lead to your financial success. It will also give you the best shot at having a financially stress-free life.

Are you or your company in financial distress and a debt crisis? Are you embroiled in costly litigation or a crushing debt load and need a time out in order to restructure? Do you not have adequate funds to pay your financial obligations as they come due? Are you worried about what will happen to you? Do you need to search out what your debt relief options and realistic debt relief solutions for your family debt are? Is your company in financial hot water?

Call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people looking for life-changing debt solutions through a debt settlement plan and AVOID the bankruptcy process.

As licensed insolvency professionals, we are the only people accredited, acknowledged and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice and to implement approaches to help you remain out of personal bankruptcy while eliminating your debts. A consumer proposal is a Government of Canada-approved debt settlement plan to do that. It is an alternative to bankruptcy. We will help you decide on what is best for you between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can eliminate the stress, anxiety, and pain from your life that your financial problems have caused. With the one-of-a-kind roadmap, we develop just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your troubles.

Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

canadian debt relief program
canadian debt relief program

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we hope that you, your family, and your friends are safe, healthy, and secure. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is fully operational, and both Ira and Brandon Smith are readily available for phone or video consultations.

Brandon Blog Post


statute of limitations
statute of limitations

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this coronavirus pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Brandon Blog, please scroll to the very bottom and click play on the podcast.

Know Your Limitations: The Basic Limitation Period in Ontario

The basic limitation period in Ontario is 2 years from the date knowledge of the claim arises. The phrase “statute of limitations” is used to describe this time period. This is the time period between when you discover you have a claim and when you are legally permitted to bring that claim forward in a court of law. If you do not file your lawsuit within the 2-year limitation period, your right to sue will be extinguished and your claim will be forever lost. This is known as your claim being statute barred.

Statute of limitations: Limitations Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 24, Sched. B

Each province has its very own rules, but the policies are comparable throughout the nation. In Ontario, the period is set by the Limitations Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 24, Sched. B (Act). The Act sets out a time limit as to when legal proceedings might be commenced by suing. It defines the time in which an aggrieved person can start a claim developing from any type of injury, loss, or damage that happened as a result of an act or an omission.

The Act sets out the two-year limitation period as follows:

Basic limitation period

4 Unless this Act provides otherwise, a proceeding shall not be commenced in respect of a claim after the second anniversary of the day on which the claim was discovered. 2002, c. 24, Sched. B, s. 4″

This is where the 2-year statute barred period of time is set in Ontario limitations law.

Can Your Debt Be Eliminated by the Statute of Limitations in Ontario?

Most people don’t realize that their debts can expire, just like the milk at the back of your fridge. In fact, while you can’t get rid of your debt by throwing it in the garbage, it can be eliminated by the basic statute of limitations under the Act. Debt is not considered timeless in Ontario.

There are two other main concepts under the Act also, which are not part of the discussion in this statute of limitations Brandon Blog. The two other main concepts are:

To keep it simple, when it comes to unsecured debt, the proceeding in respect of trying to recover on a debt by initiating legal action, and the focus of this blog, the applicable limitation period is the 2 year time statute of limitations period.

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statute of limitations

Statute of Limitations: How long can a debt collector pursue an old debt in Ontario

Last week I wrote a blog on various experts predicting that as the economy reopens, there will be increased activity by collection agencies and debt collectors. In that blog, I discuss the role of the debt collection agency and that they are all governed by provincial law. I also highlighted that they get their work either by trying to collect on the debts of their clients or they purchase accounts in default for less than the total amount owed and then try to collect as principal. Outstanding credit card debt is fertile ground for debt collectors and the debt collection process.

What do you do when a debt collector is pursuing you for an old debt? If it’s one you know you can’t pay, your first step should be to contact the agency and inform them of your situation. It’s important, to be honest, and precise when you tell them why you can’t pay what you owe.

Debt can be a very scary thing. When you owe money, you can feel like your life is one big bill you need to pay. It’s easy to want to hide from your creditors, but the more you avoid them, the more likely they will be to take drastic measures to collect their money. If you find yourself in such a situation, the best thing you can do is to face the music and get the matter settled. If you are in Ontario and have questions about your debt, or how to get it resolved, you can contact a Licensed Insolvency Trustee.

Statute of limitations: What does Ontario limitations law say about making a claim on debts even if I can’t sue?

In Ontario, there used to be substantial support for the interpretation that the right to be paid is not extinguished by the Act, but only the remedy of starting legal action in respect of the debt was eliminated. Various other provinces in Canada have passed provisions in their legislation that expressly states that upon the expiration of a limitation period, civil liberties are extinguished.

However, Ontario has not. In Ontario, the old way of thinking was that a financial obligation is snuffed out if an action on the financial debt is not brought within two years of its being due. Instead, the financial obligation continues to be owed.

There was even Ontario judicial authority for this position in:

But that is now in doubt given the recent decision of Master J. E. Mills (as she then was) who is now Justice J.E. Mills (the Registrar in Bankruptcy). Her decision released on March 8, 2021, In re: John Trevor Eyton, 2021 ONSC 1719 (CanLII), may have changed that. I say may, because the Temple and Duca cases were decided by a judge in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. The Registrar in Bankruptcy sits below the Justices. However, she distinguished the Eyton case before her from the above two judicial decisions.

As you will read below, that decision may very well lead to a great statute of limitations period in respect of defence against any debts that a debt collector is trying to recover on, either by themselves or through legal action, where the debt went into default 2 years or more before.

Statute of limitations: Time limits, collections and bankruptcy

So what is the Eyton bankruptcy decision all about? The issue was a creditor appealing the Trustee’s decision disallowing the creditor’s proof of claim pursuant to s. 135(4) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) (Form 77—Notice of Disallowance of Claim). The basis of the disallowance was that the Trustee took the position that the claim was statute barred.

The claim was for an unsecured loan where the last payment made was more than 2 years before the date of bankruptcy. Although there may have been some security agreement entered into, it was not perfected under Ontario law at the time of the bankruptcy. Therefore, there was no valid and enforceable security agreement in place.

The Trustee decided that the creditor, being a reasonable person, would have known about the default on the unsecured loan when the next scheduled payment was missed. That was more than 2 years before the bankruptcy and they did not take any action, including legal action. The Trustee went on to say that if the claim in respect of this unsecured loan could no longer be made, then the debt no longer exists.

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statute of limitations

Limitations analysis by the Court

It was indisputable by the creditor that the financial obligation owed by the bankrupt person was statute-barred under the Act and was not enforceable by way of legal action. The creditor relied upon the Temple and Duca cases listed above. They said that it stood for the proposition that although there was finality in respect of the fact that the creditor could not sue in court, the liability in respect of this unsecured debt remained.

The Trustee countered with a long background of case law which has held that in order to be a provable claim in bankruptcy, the financial obligation must be recoverable by legal process. If the financial obligation is statute-barred at the date of bankruptcy, the proof of claim is not sustainable. This principle was adopted by the Privy Council in 1943, the Alberta Court of Appeal in 1988 and the Court of Appeal for Ontario in 1996.

The court considered both lines of cases and decided that the cases cited by the Trustee, especially the 1996 Ontario Court of Appeal decision, bound the Registrar in Bankruptcy. She decided that the Temple and Duca cases could be distinguished and did not bind her decision.

Therefore, the creditor’s appeal was dismissed and the Trustee’s decision that if you can’t sue the debt is no longer a valid one was the correct interpretation.

What the Eyton statute of limitations analysis by the Court means for bankruptcy proceedings

There are some crazy results flowing from this Eyton decision which I am sure will result in more court decisions down the road.

First, the Registrar in Bankruptcy’s decision was in line with the Ontario Court of Appeal, but not certain judges’ decisions as decided in the Temple and Duca cases. The Temple and Duca cases were decided in a court lower than the Court of Appeal for Ontario but higher than the court in which the Registrar in Bankruptcy sits. So until a judge adopts her reasoning that the Temple and Duca cases are distinguishable, the first crazy result is that you have the various levels of the Ontario court system misaligned on this issue.

As a result of this decision in Eyton, we now have a second anomaly. In Temple, one of the judge’s findings was that a debt that is statute barred because of the statute of limitations can be used as the basis for qualification to launch a Bankruptcy Application against a debtor.

The Registrar in Bankruptcy noted that the line of cases relied upon by the Trustee in Eyton was not put before Justice Newbould (as he then was) when he heard Temple. Justice Newbould found in Temple that there was no Canadian authority for the suggestion that a statute barred debt could not support an application for a Bankruptcy Order.

The Registrar in Bankruptcy said that declaration was appropriate in the Temple case. As a result of these decisions, the legislation as it presently stands in Ontario is that a debt that is statute barred due to the statute of limitations, can be used in support of a Bankruptcy Application but after that could not constitute a provable claim in that same bankruptcy. This of course makes no sense.

Statute of limitations for unsecured debts and bankruptcy – What next?

My understanding is that the Eyton decision is being appealed. The appeal must be heard by a judge. Whatever the outcome of the appeal is, it will hopefully do away with these anomalies that currently exist.


The things to further consider are:

  • Has the debtor given written confirmation of the existence and enforceability of the debt prior to the expiration of the limitation period and before the date of bankruptcy? If yes, then it is a valid debt and is a provable claim in bankruptcy.
  • The disclosure of a statute barred financial obligation in the sworn Statement of Affairs by the insolvent debtor does not make up a recognition of the debt or the waiver of any limitation period for Limitations Act purposes.
  • In respect of claims, the debtor is unsure of and the debtor has not given the written confirmation identified above, then the best treatment would be to include the creditor on the Statement of Affairs but as a contingent creditor. This will give that creditor notice of the bankruptcy and they can decide whether or not to file a proof of claim with backup. If filed, the Trustee will then review the claim and make a determination as to its validity and amount.

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    statute of limitations

Statute of limitations summary

I hope that you found this statute of limitations Brandon Blog interesting. If you are concerned because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option, call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this coronavirus pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.


Brandon Blog Post


collection agency ontarioIf you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this collection agency Ontario Brandon’s Blog, please scroll to the bottom of this page and click on the podcast


In many of the free consultations I provide, the issue of collection agency Ontario arises. More often than not, people and companies that are insolvent, experience harassing phone calls from debt collectors.

In fact, in certain corporate bankruptcy or receivership matters that I handle, there are certain situations where I hire a collection agency. They can be very effective in collecting amounts owing to the insolvent company.

The purpose of this collection agency Ontario Brandon’s Blog is to answer the top 4 questions that I am asked about collection agencies.

1 – How do collection agencies work in Ontario

In Ontario, debt collectors need to be signed up and should adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Collection and Debt Settlement Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.14 and its regulations.

The Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services registers and controls these firms.

Ontario registered collection agencies must first send you a personal letter by mail or email. Their letter should include:

  • details on just how much you owe as well as the kind of product and services that put you in debt
  • the name of the business/individual you owe money to
  • the amount of the debt on the day it was initially due and payable and, if different, the level of debt presently owing
  • advice that a breakdown of the present amount owing will be offered upon demand
  • the name of the collection agency and also the individual collector that is requiring payment of the financial debt
  • that the debt collector is registered in and as a collection agency Ontario
  • the contact details of the debt collection agency, including the complete mailing address, phone number and, if applicable for communication, their email address
  • a disclosure statement, which discusses your legal rights and the steps you can take if you believe the debt collection company has broken the law

After the agency sends out the letter they need to wait six days prior to their next effort to get the payment of the financial debt.

Collection agencies work on a commission basis. They get to keep a percentage of the debts collected on behalf of their respective clients.

2 – Can a collection agency sue you in Ontario?

The short answer is yes.

A collection agency, once it gets approval from its client, the party that feels you owe them money, can sue you. If it is a large amount of money, they will definitely hire a lawyer to do it. If it is a smaller amount that can be handled by Small Claims Court, they might hire a lawyer, a paralegal, or just have one of the collectors do it him or herself in Court.

The rules of the Court will apply. The collection agency will issue a Statement of Claim against you. You will then have the time the Court allows to file your defence. The Court will look at all the evidence before it and render its judgment. If you are found liable for the debt, then the collection agency can attempt to enforce the judgment against you. They will try to garnishee your bank account and/or a portion of your wages.

Keep in mind that in Ontario, the Limitations Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 24, Sched. B has a fundamental restriction of 2 years. Anyone has specifically two years, starting from the day you first recognized or should have known, that a loss occurred, to file a claim and sue. The two year period would start running the day the person trying to collect a debt from you first contacted you about your being in default.

For example, a credit card company writes to you telling you that you are in default and asks that you pay up in full or else they will take further action against you. You don’t reply or pay, and they write to you again threatening legal action. Again you don’t respond or pay, and then you get a letter from a collection agency. The collection agency then sues you.

The collection agency is only the agent of the credit card company. The debt they are collecting is not their own, it is the debt of the credit card company. So, the first date the credit card company knew of a loss is not the first time you are contacted by the collection agency. It is the first time you are contacted by the credit card company. That is the day you start counting the two years from.

If the collection agency begins its lawsuit against you more than 2 years after the date the credit card company first advised you that you are in default, it is too late.

3 – How long can a collection agency collect on a debt in Ontario?

This is always a fascinating question for me. Even if the 2-year statute of limitations kicks in, all that means is that you cannot be sued any longer. It does not mean that you no longer owe the money. Most normal people, if they know they can’t be sued, will not pay. However, since the collection agency works on commission, it does not mean that they will necessarily stop calling you to ask for the money, even though they can no longer sue you.

You will always owe that debt. The Ontario Court of Appeal confirmed this in the case of Grant v. Equifax Canada Co., 2016 ONCA 500 (CanLII). In that case, the Court ruled that if you owe money, even if it is too late for you to be sued, it can still show up on your credit report in Ontario. The Court of Appeal went on to say just because a creditor misses the deadline or chooses not to sue within the two-year period it doesn’t mean that the debt still isn’t owed.

The only way in Ontario short of paying off the debt, or a lesser settlement amount, is to file either a consumer proposal or assignment in bankruptcy. Once you successfully complete your consumer proposal or get your discharge from bankruptcy, that debt and all other unsecured debts are wiped out. They are discharged. However, if the only debt you are not paying is the one the collection agency is trying to collect, an insolvency filing may be a very drastic and unnecessary step.

To find out for sure, you would have to consult with either a lawyer or a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee).

4 – How do I stop a collection agency?

The only real way to stop a collection agency in Ontario is to either pay off the debt in full or arrange for a debt settlement and pay it. The settlement can be an immediate payment for less than the total amount owed, or paying off some amount over time.

If you cannot make a settlement with them that you can afford to pay and live up to, then you the only other way is to do an insolvency filing. As I mentioned above, in the case of an individual person, that would be either a consumer proposal or filing for bankruptcy. In the case of a company, it would be either a restructuring proposal or bankruptcy.

Are you on the edge of insolvency? Are bill collectors hounding you? Are you ducking all your phone calls to the point where your voicemail box is always full?

If so, you need to call me today. As a licensed insolvency trustee we are the only professionals licensed, recognized as well as supervised by the federal government to give insolvency assistance. We are also the only authorized party in Canada to apply remedies under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). I can definitely help you to choose what is best for you to free you from your financial debt issues.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so we can get free you from the stress, anxiety, and discomfort that your cash issues have created. With the distinct roadmap, we establish simply for you, we will without delay return you right into a healthy and balanced problem-free life, Starting Over Starting Now.

Call the Ira Smith Group today.

Brandon Blog Post


difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy

I will give you a money back guarantee that I can teach you the difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy

We’re so pleased to offer you Ira Smith’s new eBook,” PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY CANADA: Not Because You Are A Dummy, Because You Need To Get Your Life Back On Track”. The world of finance can be very confusing and in particular the insolvency system. The information out there about the Canadian insolvency system, including the topic of the difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy, seems to be written for industry insiders in industry jargon. Where is the average person experiencing serious financial difficulty going to find the information they need in a language they understand?

What will the book teach me?

Definitely. Ira recognized the need for up-to-date information on the topic written in real people speaksPERSONAL BANKRUPTCY CANADA: Not Because You Are A Dummy, Because You Need To Get Your Life Back On Track” was borne. It truly is a step by step guide about the Canadian insolvency system and tackles some of the pressing questions that we receive including:

So how soon can your eBook teach me?

Right now, if you want. If you’ve been looking for answers to these questions and others like it, click here for your free copy of the eBook. We encourage you to read the eBook before you sit down with a professional trustee and discuss your issues. That way, you will go to your initial consultation already understanding the insolvency system and the difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy. That way, you can spend the time with the licensed insolvency trustee talking about solutions to your specific situation and not wasting the time with an introduction to the Canadian insolvency system. That is what our eBook is all about.

The Ira Smith Team can help you deal with serious debt. Starting Over, Starting Now we help you get back on track to living a debt free life. Contact us today.

So how can I get the eBook?

There are two ways to get your copy of the new eBook, but only one has a money back guarantee.

No money back guarantee – Purchase the eBook on, but it is against Amazon’s rules to provide you with the money back guarantee. If you wish to purchase it that way, click here:

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As a special gift and a reward for reading this blog to the very end, if you click on the picture of the book cover below, you will have the opportunity to obtain the eBook TOTALLY FREE! The book will teach you the difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy. If you don’t learn anything from our eBook, PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY CANADA: Not Because You Are A Dummy, Because You Need To Get Your Life Back On Track, we will give you back 100% of what you spent!

I don’t mean to be cheeky – but I know this eBook will teach you about the Canadian insolvency and bankruptcy system. Thank you for reading our blog and please obtain your free copy below.

difference between consumer proposal and bankruptcy


Brandon Blog Post


debt, collection agencies, social media, social media sites, Facebook, Google Chrome, Marauder’s Map, InstagramDon’t say anything online that you wouldn’t want plastered on a billboard with your face on it.

Erin Bury

Collection agencies have internet access too

So true! Once something is out there in cyberspace you can’t get rid of it. There is no delete button. Therefore, it can be no surprise that collection agencies are using social media to track debtors. The amount of personal information that we give up on social media sites is shocking.

Collection agencies can read social media postings

Did you know that Facebook tracks the location of all of your messages? Facebook’s Messenger app uses location data. And, with a Google Chrome extension called Marauder’s Map, a person’s exact location is revealed if their location settings are enabled. Instagram also collects specific data about users’ locations based on where they post images.

It’s no wonder that collection agencies have realized the value of social media in tracking down debtors. “Normally, collectors use social media to locate people or see if there are any assets that might be collectable,” notes Joel Winston with the Federal Trade Commission.

Collection agencies look to see if your social media backs up your story

Before you go ahead and post information on any of the social media sites, stop and think first. Posting photos of your recent trip to Tahiti while you’re pleading poverty to the debt collector is never a good idea. Remember that every time you post an item on a social media site you’re giving up personal information.

What to do if collection agencies are hounding you

If you’re been chased by collection agencies you need professional help and you need it now. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. There are a variety of options we can discuss including a bankruptcy alternative like credit counselling, debt consolidation or a consumer proposal or bankruptcy, if ultimately that’s the best course of action for you. Starting Over, Starting Now you can be on your way to living a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


how to prevent identity theft, identity theft, credit report, collection agencies, data breach, trustee, insolvency, starting over starting now, Vaughan bankruptcy trusteeHow to prevent identity theft. In our last blog we discussed Identity Theft: Are You at Risk? This week we’ll be discussing how to recognize if you’re a victim of identity theft.

The best way to know how to prevent identity theft, or at least minimize the impact of identity theft, is to recognize the signs early. Monitor your hard copy or online financial accounts frequently. Check your credit report on a regular basis because unexpected changes to your credit information are often the first signs that you’ve been victimized by identity theft.

Knowing what to look for is how to prevent identity theft. These are the signs that you are a victim of identity theft:

  • There are withdrawals from your bank account that you didn’t make.
  • Your regular bank or credit card statements fail to appear.
  • You notice that other mail is missing.
  • You receive credit card statements or other bills in your name, which you did not apply for.
  • Telephone calls or letters state that you have been approved or denied by a creditor that you never applied to.
  • Collection agencies call you about debts that aren’t yours.
  • A company that you have an account with had a data breach and your information was compromised.
  • You find accounts and/or charges on your credit report that aren’t yours.
  • You are denied a loan even though you believe that you have an excellent credit report.

How to prevent identity theft requires constant monitoring of the signs listed above. If you’ve been a victim of identity theft, sadly we can’t turn back the clock; but if you’re in financial jeopardy as a result and you have collection agencies hounding you, we can help.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is an insolvency and financial restructuring practice for individuals and companies in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis. Our approach for every file is to create an outcome where Starting Over, Starting Now becomes a reality, beginning the moment you walk in the door. Contact us today, your Vaughan bankruptcy trustee, and put your financial problems behind you.

Watch for our next blog when we’ll be discussing Identity Theft – What To Do If You’re A Victim.

Brandon Blog Post


40 Park Lane Circle, 44 Park Lane Circle Toronto

40 Park Lane Circle, 44 Park Lane Circle Toronto for sale, 44 Park Lane Circle, 40 Park Lane Circle, debt, budget, collection agencies, trustee, financial plan, starting over starting now
40 Park Lane Circle, 44 Park Lane Circle

40 Park Lane Circle, 44 Park Lane Circle Toronto for sale: it seems that life in Toronto’s very exclusive Bridal Path is not always what it appears to be. We tend to categorize the people who own these properties as “the rich and famous” while in reality some of them are “not so rich and infamous”. Two Bridal Path properties have garnered quite a bit of attention #40 Park Lane Circle which used to be owned by Mahvash Lechcier-Kimel and #44 Park Lane Circle which used to be owned by Norma Walton and Ronauld Walton.

Are financial problems contagious?

Are financial problems contagious between 40 Park Lane Circle, 44 Park Lane Circle Toronto for sale or just the entire street? Of course not; but when you get caught up in a high flying Bridal Path lifestyle and have to support a massive property like either one of these, or any other property that the average person would describe as a mansion, it’s very easy to accumulate enormous amounts of debt, leaving you to house rich and cash poor. And, if the spending is not controlled and the debts keep piling up it can be easy to lose everything.

Everyone needs a realistic and proper budget

A realistic and proper budget should be an important part of your life. It will keep you from overextending yourself while trying to keep up with your next-door neighbours. Without a proper budget, it’s very easy to get caught up in a cycle of overspending – bigger houses, faster cars, and exotic vacations. The lure of luxury is intoxicating, especially in the low-interest-rate environment we currently live in; but what happens when you wake up and find letters from creditors in the mail demanding payment? How many of those demand letters do you think found their way to the mailboxes of these two luxury Bridle Path?

Call us for a no-cost consultation

So whether you are in over your head with debt due to the ownership of a massive property or for other reasons, such as you’re living a lifestyle that you can’t afford and are being hounded by creditors and collection agencies, now’s the time to contact a professional trustee today. The Ira Smith team can set you back on a path to financial health with immediate action and a solid financial plan. Starting Over, Starting Now you can live a debt-free life.

Brandon Blog Post


debt collectorsDebt collectors.

Their job is to make you so miserable that you will pay off the amount they are attempting to collect. Last week we discussed debt issues that become so serious they’re referred to collection agencies. For many Canadians living paycheque to paycheque, any unexpected expense that comes up can disturb a very delicate balance and before you know it, you’ve missed a payment or defaulted on a loan. This triggers an unfortunate series of events and now in addition to the serious debt, you are being pursued by debt collectors from the collection agency. Some of them can make your life very unpleasant but you do have rights.

What are your rights? Collection agencies are regulated and each province has its own rules and regulations. In Ontario, the Ministry of Consumer Services regulates collection agencies through the administration of the “Collection Agencies Act”. If a collection agency behaves inappropriately, file a complaint with the Ministry. You have rights:

  • You must be notified in writing through the mail (not email) that your file has been given to a collection agency before they can start calling
  • The notice must include the name of the creditor (the person or business that says you owe them money), the amount the creditor says you owe, and the name of the collection agency and its authority to demand payment on behalf of the creditor
  • After sending the notice, the agency must wait 6 days before they can contact you in person or by phone.

The collection agency cannot:

  • Contact you on Sunday, except between the hours of 1 PM and 5 PM
  • Contact you on any other day of the week between the hours of 9 PM and 7 AM
  • Contact you on a statutory holiday
  • Use threatening, profane, intimidating or coercive language
  • Use undue, excessive or unreasonable pressure

The collection agency cannot continue to contact you if:

  • You send a registered letter to the agency saying that you dispute the debt and suggest the matter be taken to court.
  • You (or your lawyer) send a registered letter to the agency providing your lawyer’s contact information and notifying the collection agency to communicate only with your lawyer.
  • You have told them that you are not the person they are looking for unless they take reasonable precautions to ensure you are that person.

What should you do? The best thing to do about a collection agency and its debt collectors calling you is to deal with not only the people from the collection agency are trying to collect, but all of your debts. The best time to deal with them ideally is once you sense there is a problem and before they are referred to a collection agency.

If the debt collectors are calling you, it’s not too late to call a trustee. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is full-service insolvency and financial restructuring practice serving companies and individuals throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. Contact us today for a solid plan for dealing with your debts so that you can get back on track to living a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


debt, debt collector, debt collectors, collection agencies, collection agency, credit record, student loan debt, credit card debt, bankruptcy, trustee, debt collectors calling, starting over starting nowAre debt collectors calling? I recently read an article where the headline was 35% In US Facing Debt Collectors and it’s based on a study by the Urban Institute. This astonished me. How is it possible that 35% of Americans have debts and unpaid bills that have been reported to collection agencies? This means that one in three people in America is being hounded by a collection agency having their debt collectors calling for unpaid bills.

Imagine that one in three of your friends and coworkers are facing serious financial challenges and you probably don’t even know it. According to the study 35.1% of people with credit records had been reported to collections for debt that averaged $5,178, based on September 2013 records. The Association of Credit and Collection Professionals reports that healthcare related bills account for 37.9% of the debts collected. Student loan debt represents another 25.2% and credit card debt make up 10.1%. Other collections are monies owed to the government, retailers, telecoms and utilities. That is giving this industry a lot of work for their debt collectors calling one third of the American population!

This is not just an American problem although in Canada we are extremely fortunate that we don’t incur the amount of healthcare related debt that plagues the U.S. But that doesn’t make us immune from serious debt and debt collectors calling. According to an RBC poll which only measures non-mortgage debt such as credit cards, lines of credit and loans:

  • The average level of personal debt in Canada rose 21% per cent this year to $15,910
  • Albertans were the hardest hit with a 63% jump to $24,271 in debt
  • British Columbian personal debt loads went up by 38% to $15,549
  • Manitoba and Saskatchewan went up 32% to $16,145
  • Average debt in Ontario was up 13% to $17,416
  • Average debt in Quebec was up 3% to $10,458
  • Average debt was up in Atlantic Canada by 12% to $15,243

Before you get to the stage that the collection agencies are after you with their debt collectors calling, make an appointment with a professional trustee and deal with your debt; don’t hide from it. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We help people everyday who are facing a financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. Don’t wait, especially if the collection agencies are hounding you with their debt collectors calling, call us today.

Watch for our next blog when we’ll be discussing what to do if the collection agencies are after you with their debt collectors calling.

Call a Trustee Now!