Brandon Blog Post


PAYDAY LOANS ARE NOT THE ANSWER TO YOUR FINANCIAL PROBLEMSPayday loans. The holidays are over and it’s time to pay the piper. Your mail box is full of credit card bills and you don’t know where the money is going to come from, so you think about payday loans.

You’ve got the TV on and low and behold, what could be playing but a commercial for a company offering payday loans promising to be the cure for what ails you. Just make a call, drop into a payday loan store or go online and like magic, your money problems will be over with payday loans. Not so fast! That’s not exactly how it works. And, it will not solve your money problems; it will create new ones. Instead of owing the credit card companies money, you will owe the payday loan companies money. Payday loan companies don’t lend money because they are charitable. They lend money at exorbitant rates because they know that you can’t borrow anywhere else and you will get caught in the cycle of endless payday loans.

Here is a typical example of how payday loan companies do business. The Cash Store charges annual interest of 59.9% to new borrowers. As a result the provinces have been going after payday loan companies to protect the consumer. The December 2013 amendment by Ontario is the second time that year The Cash Store and their payday loans faced regulatory scrutiny from the province, according to Moody’s. In February, the Ontario Ministry of Consumer Services was preparing to revoke the company’s payday loans licence when it substituted a new one-year line of credit product to continue lending. Payday loans are most often taken out by low-income people willing to pay high interest rates to avoid falling behind on their bills or to cover emergency expenses, according to studies commissioned by the Canadian government and the Canadian Payday Loan Association.

If you have to go to a payday loan company, you have serious debt issues and you need professional help. There is nothing to be ashamed of. You’re like many people who have been living paycheque to paycheque until one day you either lose the paycheque or it just isn’t enough to pay the bills. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. We will evaluate your situation and discuss the options with you which may include bankruptcy alternatives such as credit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals in addition to bankruptcy. Starting Over, Starting Now you can live a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


tax lawyer, trustee, trustee in bankruptcy, bankruptcy trustee, bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, financial restructuring, bankruptcy faqs, insolvency, tax lawyer in canadaHave you heard the radio advertising spots by a tax lawyer in Canada who is trying very hard to make you believe that he is The Rock Star in the world of tax problems and that he and only he can help you? One commercial ends with, “Don’t call a Trustee, call me”. Isn’t it amazing that without knowing anything about you and without a consultation, he knows exactly what your problems are and how to fix them? And, he has no way to know if a Trustee is all you require to solve your serious debt issues. However, fear based advertising must be working for him because he spends fortunes on it.

Don’t take advice from an advertisement. If you have legal issues, absolutely you need a lawyer in Canada. But, the reality is that Canadian bankruptcy law doesn’t differentiate between tax debts and other kinds of unsecured debt, therefore most people can declare bankruptcy on taxes owing. In fact, 50% of the people who file a consumer proposal or declare personal bankruptcy include some form of tax debt. If you are experiencing serious debt problems you must consult with a Trustee before declaring bankruptcy; no doubt you will have many questions about the bankruptcy process. The Trustee will evaluate your case and advise you on all of your alternativescredit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, and bankruptcy. Bankruptcy and consumer proposals are administered by a Bankruptcy Trustee, not a lawyer. In fact you cannot declare bankruptcy through a lawyer unless the lawyer is also a Trustee in Bankruptcy.

There are cases in which you may need a lawyer:

  • Tax debts are generally discharged in bankruptcy like other debts. However, if you have tax debts and the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) is opposing your discharge, it is recommended that you seek legal assistance.
  • In most cases Trustees do not act as your advocate. If you believe you need an advocate, you should consult a lawyer. Communication between you and your lawyer is confidential and privileged.

This is not an advertisement and we’re not telling you that we are Rock Stars. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is a full service insolvency and financial restructuring practice serving companies and individuals throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. We approach every file with the attitude that corporate or personal financial problems can be solved given immediate action and the right plan. Our bankruptcy law is complicated. Canada (Superintendent of Bankruptcy) v. 407 ETR. Also check out our bankruptcy faqs. If you’re having serious debt issues, and yes, even tax debt, contact us today. We can provide you with realistic choices for practical decision-making.

Brandon Blog Post


canadian credit score calculator, credit score, credit scores, credit score mistakes, credit report, credit problems, credit history, bad credit, bankruptcy and insolvency act, bankruptcy alternatives, bankruptcy, consumer proposals, credit counselling, toronto bankruptcy, vaughan bankruptcy, trustee, woodbridge bankruptcy, what is bankruptcy, what is a consumer proposal, dave johnsonLast week we discussed how Your Credit Score Can Be Ruined Even If You Don’t Do Anything Wrong. This week we’ll be addressing The 10 Most Common Credit Score Mistakes.

What is a Credit Score? According to the Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA) “Your credit score is a judgment about your financial health, at a specific time. It indicates the risk you represent for lenders, compared with other consumers. Unfortunately, there is not an online Canadian credit score calculator tool.

There are many ways to work out credit scores. The credit reporting agencies Equifax and TransUnion use a scale from 300 to 900. High scores on this scale are good. The higher your score, the lower the risk for the lender. Lenders may also have their own ways of arriving at credit scores. In addition, lenders must decide on the lowest score you can have and still borrow money from them. They can also use your score to set the interest rate you will pay”.

What are the 10 Most Common Credit Score Mistakes?

1. Failing to check your credit report for errors: As we discussed in last week’s blog Your Credit Score Can Be Ruined Even If You Don’t Do Anything Wrong. Check your credit report at least annually. Mistakes on credit reports are more common than you may have imagined and you need to stay on top of the situation. If you do discover any errors, contact the credit bureau as soon as possible to correct the situation.

2. Not using your full legal name in financial documents: It’s possible that people with common names or similar sounding names could have their name attributed to a credit report that is not theirs, as was the case for Mr. Dave Johnson of Pembroke, Ontario. Use your full legal name on bank accounts, credit applications and other documents that become part of your credit history.

3. Paying your bills late and failing to make at least the minimum monthly payment: If you don’t pay at least the minimum amount due on time your creditors will eventually report your account as past due, which can damage your credit score. If there is a reason why you won’t be able to pay your bill on time, contact your creditor before your bill is due to work out an arrangement if possible.

4. Maxing out on your credit cards: If your credit cards are maxed out, potential creditors may question your ability to repay. If you are approved for a loan you may be charged a higher interest rate to compensate for what is viewed as a higher risk.

5. Not alerting creditors if you’ve moved: Your bill may arrive late and as a result your payments could be late, potentially damaging your credit score.

6. Registering for too many new credit cards: Consumers who often open new credit cards are viewed as a greater risk than those who don’t.

7. Closing older credit card accounts: Closing older credit card accounts shortens the length of your credit history and this can adversely affect your credit score.

8. Don’t co-sign for someone else’s loan: You could be liable for that person’s debt and damage your credit rating.

9. Don’t share your credit card or social insurance number with anyone: There are a lot of scams abound where people try by phone, email or mail to get your credit card or social insurance number. This can be a fast track to identity theft and financial disaster.

10. Ignoring the warning signs of credit problems: If you have trouble making the minimum payments on time and have maxed out all of your credit, you have serious debt problems.

Serious debt problems need professional help. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. and take the first step towards a healthy financial future. Starting Over, Starting Now a debt free life can be yours.

Brandon Blog Post


credit rating, credit score, collection agencies, collection agency, credit record, credit score mistakes, bankruptcy alternatives, Consumer Proposal, Bankruptcy, I came across this story not long ago about a man in Ontario who had his credit rating ruined by Rogers even though he has never had a Rogers account. I know this sounds unbelievable but Mr. Dave Johnson of Pembroke, Ontario has spent three years fighting a Rogers Bill that isn’t his. This story is a perfect example of why it’s so important that you are aware of your credit score and credit rating and check it periodically.

Rogers like many large companies outsources the collection of accounts that are in default to collection agencies. According to the Government of Canada you must be notified in writing that your file has been given to a collection agency. In this case Dave Johnson never received notification from the Rogers collection agency that his account was in default because he never had a Rogers account. Never-the-less, in 2010 he received a $5,400 bill from a Rogers collection agency working for Rogers Wireless. Mr. Johnson knew he wasn’t in arrears and contacted the collection agency letting them know that he didn’t have a Rogers account and that somewhere there was a clerical error. The collection agency seemed to be very reasonable and Mr. Johnson believed that the matter had been cleared up. Big mistake! The $5,400 debt to Rogers Wireless ended up on his credit record and as a result of this, leading to a poor credit rating:

  • He was turned down for credit cards.
  • He wasn’t allowed to co-sign for his son’s mortgage.
  • He couldn’t use the equity in his home.

In the process of trying to clear his name and restore his credit, and his credit rating, Mr. Johnson discovered that another man, also named David Johnson, has also been wrongly pursued for the very same bill. The reality is that the Rogers collection agency clearly didn’t have a file with accurate information of the debtor. They were going after anyone and everyone who had the same name, which unfortunately for the David Johnsons in Ontario, is quite common.

Rogers is not taking any responsibility for this problem. They are blaming the Rogers collection agency. In case you think that this is an isolated incident, CBC News received dozens of complaints last year about how collection agencies aggressively pursue unpaid debts. Howard Maker, Commissioner of Telecommunications Complaints, has confirmed that he is aware of this ongoing problem.

If you are being legitimately pursued by collection agencies because you’re experiencing serious financial difficulties and you are concerned about your credit rating, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We can help and Starting Over, Starting Now you will gain back your former quality of life. Watch for our next blog when we’ll be discussing Common Credit Score Mistakes.

Brandon Blog Post

EMPLOYERS CAN BE FORCED INTO BANKRUPTCY BY CRIMINAL PENALTIES, consumer proposal, toronto bankruptcy, bankruptcy, bankruptcy trustee, bankruptcy (4)Ground Breaking News for Employers: On September 4, 2013, the Court of Appeal for Ontario held that, in appropriate cases, courts can essentially fine a company into bankruptcy for a Criminal Code conviction. The Court of Appeal released its decision in the sentence appeal in R. v. Metron Construction Corporation (“Metron”) as a result of tragic circumstances.

What circumstances brought about this ground breaking decision? In September 2009 there was a tragic worksite accident that left 4 workers dead and one who survived with serious injuries. Metron was restoring concrete balconies on 2 high-rise buildings in Toronto. They had arranged for a number of swing stages for the project; however 2 of the swing stages from an Ottawa-based supplier did not have any markings, serial numbers, identifiers or labels describing maximum capacity, as required by law and industry practice. They were delivered without manuals, instructions or design drawings and, contrary to legal requirements, were not accompanied by a written report from a professional engineer stating that the swing stage had been erected in accordance with design drawings. There were 2 lifelines for the swing stage to which workers could connect their fall harness. The normal practice was that only 2 workers would be on the swing stage at any one time. On December 24, 2009, 6 workers were on a swing stage at a height of approximately 13 storeys. The swing stage collapsed and 4 workers were killed, 1 survived with serious injuries and 1 who was actually connected to a fall arrest system was not injured.

After an investigation by the Ministry of Labour and the police it was determined that three of the four deceased, including the site supervisor, had recently consumed marijuana. It was also determined that the swing stage collapsed because its design was defective and it was unable to tolerate the combined weight of six men and their equipment. Many charges were laid by The Ministry of Labour against multiple parties under the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act (“OHSA”). After its own investigation, the Toronto Police Service also laid numerous criminal charges.

Employers Beware!

  • It appears possible that the criminally negligent behaviour of a single, low-level official could lead to a sentence that sends a company into bankruptcy, notwithstanding the absence of systemic conduct or the involvement of highly placed officials.
  • There is no due diligence defence to a criminal negligence charge and the corporate level at which the criminally negligent behaviour occurred is irrelevant and cannot diminish corporate culpability.
  • A corporation cannot diminish its culpability based on the hierarchical position of the criminally negligent individual(s) within the organization.
  • Criminal negligence is a different and more serious offence than a breach of health and safety legislation and is expected to result in more severe sentences.

If your small company, entrepreneurial corporation, or a multi-faceted complex organization has found itself in financial difficulty for any reason, Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. immediately. Our practitioners are available seven days a week do deal with your urgent needs. Starting Over, Starting Now we’ll put an immediate plan in place and start the process for dealing with the longer-term situation.

Brandon Blog Post


will i ever be able to retireWill I ever be able to retire?” is a common question amongst the Boomers generation. Last week we discussed the problem of living paycheque to paycheque. This week we’ll be addressing whether or not you will ever be able to retire. That’s right; there is a distinct possibility that many of you may never be able to retire. A new HSBC study reports that 17% of Canadians believe that they will never be able to retire, while a growing number of Canadians believe that retirement is getting further and further away and therefore the answer to their will I ever be able to retire question is NO.

  • 40% say they did not prepare well enough and of that group that doesn’t have enough money, 40% only came to the realization after they retired
  • 72% of retirees experienced a fall in income, yet only 48% had a similar drop in spending
  • 14% of people were funding a dependent in retirement while 32% of people not fully retired made the same claim

A BMO study reports that Baby Boomers are about $400,000 short of their retirement goals. Another reason why the answer to their will I ever be able to retire question is no. The money has to come from somewhere and as a result the BMO survey reports that:

  • 71% of Boomers plan to work in retirement and therefore feel that the answer to the will I ever be able to retire question will never be yes
  • 44% will sell off their valuable goods such as antiques or possessions they don’t use in order to raise funds otherwise the answer to their will I ever be able to retire question will never be yes
  • 33% plan to sell their home to help make ends meet otherwise the answer to their will I ever be able to retire question will always be no

According to Sun Life Financial’s annual Unretirement Index poll:

  • Only 27% of respondents believe they’ll retire by 66, a nearly 50% decline from the previous year
  • Economic uncertainty and poor financial planning are being cited as key reasons why a majority of Canadians surveyed say plans to retire by age 66 are more of a fantasy than a reality and their answer to the will I ever be able to retire question is no

Are you one of the many Canadians who haven’t been able to save for retirement? Is life a financial struggle to pay the monthly bills? Are you relying on credit to maintain your lifestyle? Are you forced to use expensive credit, such as an online bad credit loan or a bad credit line of credit? Do you feel that it is no longer worth spending your time thinking about the will I ever be able to retire question because your reality is too depressing?

If so, you are living in a financial danger zone. Consult a professional Trustee as soon as possible. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. for sound advice and a realistic financial plan to turn your life around. Starting Over, Starting Now we can solve your financial problems and put you back on track to living a debt free life. We want to help you answer a resounding YES to your will I ever be able to retire question.

Brandon Blog Post


debt, seniors in debt, bankruptcy, personal bankruptcy, trustee, bankruptcy alternatives, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, insolvency, restructuring, starting over starting now, seniors trying to start over, seniors with credit card debtLast week we discussed whether or not seniors should try and pay off their debt or declare bankruptcy. This week we’ve got some great advice for seniors in debt, seniors with credit card debt, seniors looking for Starting Over, Starting Now.

Seniors in debt is a serious problem that continues to get worse:

  • According to Statistics Canada, one in three retirees over 55 and two in three over 55 who aren’t yet retired are in debt.
  • A recent TD Bank study has shown that older Canadians have increased their debt load by 15% (an average of $6000/person) from the previous year. Seniors living in Alberta, Ontario and Quebec had the highest rates of debt accumulation in 2012.
  • According to Boomers and Retirement, a new survey by TD Ameritrade, the average Baby Boomer is about a half-million dollars short on retirement savings.

The most important piece of advice we can give seniors trying to start over is to eliminate debt! Carrying debt into retirement is a recipe for disaster. Once you retire and begin living on a fixed income you will no longer have the funds required to service the debt; this is especially true for seniors with credit card debt at high rates of interest. Here are 5 tips for seniors in debt:

  1. Postpone retirement if at all possible and pay down as much debt as you can. If working fulltime is not an option, consider part-time work.
  2. Pay down credit card balances as quickly as possible. They are generally the highest-interest loans that seniors carry. You can also call the credit card company and ask for a lower interest rate. They will sometimes agree.
  3. Limit the number of credit cards that you have.
  4. Stay away from debt settlement companies! Consumers are continuing to be taken in by false claims offering to settle your debts for pennies on the dollar quickly and easily. The reality is that when something seems too good to be true, it usually is. Debt settlement companies exist for only one reason – to take your money! They will not help you solve your debt problems. There is no instant or quick fix for serious debt issues.
  5. Protect yourself against fraud and/or abuse. Run away from get rich schemes. There are many scammers out there who have duped seniors out of their life savings and continue to seek out new targets.

As we discussed in Seniors in Debt, Part 3, the right debt relief option you ultimately decide upon will depend on whether or not you have assets, who you owe money to, and how much you owe. For seniors trying to start over there are bankruptcy alternativescredit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals – which in many cases are better options than declaring personal bankruptcy.

If you’re planning to retire soon or you have already retired and find yourself dealing with serious debt, consult a professional Trustee. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We are a full service insolvency and financial restructuring practice serving companies and individuals throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. We can help.

Brandon Blog Post


senior credit card debt relief, should seniors file a consumer proposal, bankruptcy, personal bankruptcy, declare bankruptcy, trustee, bankruptcy alternatives, bankruptcy process, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, wagesLast week we discussed why the majority of seniors are in debt. This week we’ll be addressing if seniors should try and pay off their debts to obtain senior credit card debt relief or declare bankruptcy.

Life is very difficult for many seniors who anticipated that their golden years would be a carefree retirement. Instead, according to the Vanier Institute for the Family, Canadians over the age of 65 have the highest insolvency and bankruptcy rates in the country. With increasing expenses and a significantly reduced income and return on investments, more seniors are contemplating bankruptcy; but is it the best and/or only option?

While it’s true that bankruptcy can eliminate many of your debts, people typically file personal bankruptcy as a means of protection from creditors. If you are working, bankruptcy will protect you from creditors garnisheeing your wages. However, if you are retired and your sole source of income is your pension, then there are no wages to garnishee. It is very difficult for a creditor to garnishee a pension with one notable exception. If you owe the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) for unpaid taxes, they are permitted to garnishee all types of pension income under Section 224.1 of the Income Tax Act. It is rare that the CRA will garnishee your pension income, but it is a possibility. If you have a significant tax debt and the CRA has threatened a pension garnishment, the bankruptcy process is an option that has to be considered.

The right debt relief option you ultimately decide upon will depend on whether or not you have assets, who you owe money to, and how much you owe. For seniors in debt there are bankruptcy alternativescredit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals – which in many cases are better options than declaring personal bankruptcy. In our next blog, we will be considering various options, including should seniors file a consumer proposal?

Unfortunately too few Canadians are properly prepared for the financial reality of retirement. They get caught up in a downward financial spiral and some pass away leaving significant debt. The family is then left with the unpleasant options of paying the debt themselves or bankrupting the estate. If you are a senior in serious debt, consult a professional Trustee as soon as possible. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. for professional advice and an action plan that’s right for you. Starting Over, Starting Now we can give you the help that you need to deal with your financial problems, and peace of mind.

Watch for our next blog when we’ll be discussing some advice we have for seniors in debt.

Brandon Blog Post


help for seniors in debt, seniors in debt, debt, debt management, bankruptcy, trustee, trustee in bankruptcy, sandwich generation, grey divorce, seniors with credit card debt

Last week we discussed “What Do The Golden Years Really Look Like”?This week we’ll be addressing why the majority of seniors are in debt and provide help for seniors in debt.

Seniors are facing a myriad of financial issues that have made their anticipated “golden years” anything but golden.

  • The Sandwich Generation: Many are still part of the “sandwich generation” a phenomena caused by delayed marriage, postponement of children, and adults with increasingly long-lived parents. They’re borrowing to help their children, grandchildren and parents. As long as they have collateral and a good credit rating, banks will readily lend them money.
  • Grey Divorce: According to Statistics Canada, divorce among couples 65 years of age and older is becoming more common and grey divorce can create serious debt for boomer retirees.
  • Recession: Battered financial markets and anaemic economic growth have forced Canadians to make debt management and not retirement the primary focus of financial planning. Their investment returns may have been decimated by the recession and they borrowed hoping markets would stabilize.
  • Lifestyle Choices: Even though they’ve reached 65 and their incomes have been greatly reduced, they continue to live the same lifestyle that they lived prior to retirement. With reduced incomes, often coupled with increased expenses, they are accumulating more debt to boost income through credit so that they can continue to enjoy a pre-retirement lifestyle they may no longer be able to afford. Seniors with credit card debt adapt by making only the minimum monthly payments on credit cards, which leads to a downward debt spiral, a journey that often ends with a trip to a trustee in bankruptcy.

The problem with carrying debt into retirement is that it must be serviced with less income than when working full-time. Mid-career people can start over, but retirees can‘t. If you are now facing serious debt issues contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We can help you get your life get back on track. Starting Over, Starting Now you can take the first step towards an enjoyable retirement. Watch for our next blog when we’ll be discussing if seniors should try and pay off the debt or declare bankruptcy.

Brandon Blog Post


Last week we took a light hearted look at how people are using credit scores to find love. This week we are discussing a more serious matter -the relationship between your credit score and insurance rates. Sadly many consumers have seen their premiums rise as a result. CBC-TV’s “Marketplace” spoke with several people who saw home insurance premiums double after their insurance company began including credit scores as a way to calibrate risk. How prevalent a practice is this? About 55% of Canada’s largest insurers now use credit scoring. And of that segment 42% did not disclose the practice to customers, according to the Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators.

The insurance companies who use credit scoring are trying to put a positive spin on it. According to Desjardins, insurance companies check your credit score only to offer you the best premium possible. The Cooperators offers a slightly different slant. “Credit score is simply a reflection of a person’s level of responsibility and behaviour when it comes to managing their financial obligations.” Donald Hanson of the National Association of Independent Insurers stated, “Research indicates that people who manage their personal finances responsibly tend to manage other important aspects of their life with that same level of responsibility and that would include being responsible behind the wheel of their car or being responsible in maintaining their home.” Cheap down payment auto insurance companies have found that there is a correlation between higher scores and safe driving but I have not seen the research to back up this claim.

Many disagree with the use of insurance credit scoring citing that a driver’s record doesn’t change with his/her credit score, nor does the area where their house is located. Therefore, there is no evidence that the risk factor will change with a high or low credit score. In fact credit scoring has been a controversial topic in Ontario as it is in other parts of the country. The practice is no longer allowed in some provinces, and some groups, including The Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario (IBAO) have been lobbying for several years to have it banned in Ontario. Whether you agree or disagree, the fact that insurance credit scoring exists only goes to show how important it is for all of us to maintain good financial health. Unfortunately, there is not a Canadian credit score calculator tool that anyone can use.

If your credit score is adversely affecting your life, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver. Starting Over, Starting Now you can take the first steps towards financial health.

Call a Trustee Now!