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Good and Bad credit loans: Introduction

I am always asked where can you get both good and bad credit loans. The first question I ask is how do you know you have a bad credit score? Have you checked it recently?

Last week we reviewed the new entrant to the Canadian financial marketplace, Credit Karma Canada and its service for checking your credit score for free. Right now Credit Karma Canada does not offer loan products, so it cannot help you with good and bad credit loans.

Good and Bad credit loans: First know your credit score, good or bad

This week we are reviewing another website where you can check your credit score for free, and if you wish, also use the site to get a loan product –

If you have a good credit score, you may very well qualify for a loan from If you have a bad credit score, being one below the Borrowell minimum credit score, Borrowell can’t give you a loan. In that case, they have partnered with a lender who may be able to. If you have a bad credit score, Borrowell will immediately tell you who to contact to apply for a bad credit score loan.

Good and Bad credit loans: About Borrowell

It’s never been so easy to swipe a credit card when you go shopping, but when people can’t control or manage their swiping, they will fall deep into debt. Then, they’ll have to go to their bank to borrow more money, but could face a big objection, depending on what their credit score is.

Borrowell is a Canadian company and a new breed of lender. Borrowell is in the growing group of fintech – defined as “computer programs and other technology used to support or enable banking and financial services”. Borrowell has teamed up with Equifax Canada, to allow anyone to check their credit score for free.

Checking your credit score this way, will not impact on your credit score, unlike when a lender, or potential lender, does an Equifax or TransUnion Canada credit check on you. Borrowell has also partnered up with third-party vendors, to offer financial products. Once you have checked your credit score, you can on a fairly seamless basis, apply for a personal loan for almost any purpose.

You can combine your debt, finance a purchase or borrow for your business. Borrowell has partnered with lenders for those with either good or bad credit scores.

Good and Bad credit loans: Hidden secret – Credit score, credit rating and credit report

The tool the banks use to measure creditworthiness is a person’s credit rating and credit report. But not everyone takes the time to check there’s out. You probably found out your credit rating the last time you applied for a mortgage or other loan, but have since forgotten what it was.

Regardless, time has passed and your credit rating has now changed. Here is the hidden secret. If you don’t know your credit score, you have no idea what needs improving. Once you know your credit score, you can drill down to work on what needs improving. Borrowell allows you to check your credit score for free.

“I would say anything above 650 is deemed to be a good rating” says Andrew Graham, the CEO of It’s the first lender in Canada to give free credit scores online. Proving that you are able to treat credit properly over an extended period is everyone’s goal. If you want to improve your credit score, the first and most important thing you can do is to check out where it is now at either or Credit Karma Canada.

Good and Bad credit loans: Your credit score is an important number

Your credit score is an important number. One that can impact:

  1. your ability to borrow money in the first place;
  2. the rate of interest that you’re going to pay;
  3. your ability to find a rental if you don’t own;
  4. your ability to get a job;
  5. your home mortgage rate;
  6. your insurance policy charges; and
  7. even your job expectations.

We have written before on these issues, including:


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Good and Bad credit loans: Don’t tense up!

Even if you think your credit rating is good, people tense up and they get really nervous and uneasy because they don’t know. People I see in our insolvency practice are always concerned about their credit rating, sometimes unnecessarily so. In fact, the people I see care more about their credit rating than the debt they can’t repay!

Whether you know or not it’s not going to change the result so I say it’s better to know than not know. You wouldn’t ignore going to the doctor if you thought something was wrong, so why ignore your finances?

Good and Bad credit loans: Hidden secret to demystify your credit score

To demystify your credit score a bit, it is on a scale from 300 to 900 and the higher the score the better. So you want to have a relatively high credit score to be assured that you get the best possible borrowing rates.

What would cause you to have a low credit score? Things such as not paying off your credit cards, if you’ve missed payments, and if you are late by 30, 60, or 90 days. That’s a big red flag, because again your credit score reflects how likely is this person to make their payments that they signed up to or not.

If you have a large unused credit ability, say you have five charge cards each with a $10,000 limit, but you pay it off every single month you’d think that would produce a good credit rating. However, the lenders will say, you can get into trouble really quickly. So if you have a lot of charge cards, you should focus on reducing the number you have open and reduce it to just a few.

Can I use a good credit rating to my advantage? Can I negotiate better interest rates? Yes, absolutely. They’ll know, so they’ll have an idea about your ratings and offer you pretty good terms, but you can certainly negotiate. If you’re a renter, you know when you’re dealing with potential landlords, if everything about you is the same as everyone else, except for your credit score, and yours is poor compared to another applicant, the rental will go to the other applicant.

Good and Bad credit loans: It doesn’t have to be like that forever

Does your credit rating stay with you eternally? If I was a broke student and racked up indebtedness, is that still going to affect me in my forties? Probably not. What happens is your rating will change as your circumstances change. So as long as you set up a record of responsible credit behavior, even if circumstances were really bad a very long time ago, you probably can still have a really good credit rating.

So it all starts with knowing your credit score and can help you. Once you know the credit score, the secret to getting that loan you need at a reasonable price is to first do the things you need to do to improve your credit score. But even with a bad credit rating,, through one of its partners, may still be able to get you that bad credit loan.

Good and Bad credit loans: Hidden secret to fix the problem without more debt

Our final hidden secret is to let you know that normally, more debt will not fix your problems. You need to find out why you have a bad credit score, why you cannot use your existing income to pay your bills and debts and why you need to borrow more money. We can help you unlock all those answers, and unlock the hidden secret for you to get your life back on track.

If so, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as quickly as possible. With immediate action and a solid financial plan for moving forward we can help you deal with debt and learn to manage it well in the future, Starting Over, Starting Now. We’re just a phone call away.


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Brandon Blog Post


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Legitimate bad credit loans online

Legitimate bad credit loans online: Introduction

The holidays can be wonderful for some; but this is also the time of year that people are drowning in by debt and looking for legitimate bad credit loans online. Unfortunately, there is no such thing. Holiday spending is tipping them over the edge and they don’t know what to do. Then they see headlines like these and think their prayers are being answered:

  • Loans for bad credit – $0 down with 100% approval rate
  • No credit check loans online
  • Loans for bad credit people
  • Guaranteed loan approval no credit check

Legitimate bad credit loans online: If it seems too good to be true…..

Some Canadians grab these bad credit loans online like a lifeline and don’t realize that they’ve put themselves in a worse place than they were before.

We’ve warned you before but with the holiday season fast approaching, it’s time to warn you again.

Legitimate bad credit loans online: Six Good Reasons to Say No to Bad Credit Loans Online

  1. Bad Credit Loans Guaranteed Approval
  2. Bad Credit Loans Online Attack The Already Vulnerable
  3. Bad Credit Loans Toronto: Fix The Problem And Enjoy Low Interest Rates
  4. Bad Credit Loans Toronto: Legit Companies Don’t Guarantee Them
  5. Small Business Loans Canada Bad Credit: Need It?
  6. Personal Loans For Bad Credit: Interested?

There are no quick fixes when it comes to dealing with debt. The financial services industry is very strictly regulated for your protection. That’s why banks, credit unions and other financial institutions don’t offer bad credit loans online.

Legitimate bad credit loans online: What are they?

Bad credit loans online are nothing more than scams. They prey on those who are desperate and who can’t get a loan from a federally regulated financial institution. The problem is that these bandits get you coming and going. First they hit you up with fees – processing fees, insurance fees, transfer fees, etc. You get the idea. Then they charge you interest that can amount to over 500%/year. Before you know it you’re in a debt cycle you can never escape from.

Legitimate bad credit loans online: What can you do instead of going for a bad credit loan online?

We urge you not to get trapped in a debt cycle. Now is the time to stop and deal with debt with the help of a professional trustee. We’re experts in debt. We won’t help you get a loan today; but we will help you get back control of your life. There is light at the end of the tunnel and Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. can help you get back onto a solid financial footing Starting Over, Starting Now. We’re just a phone call away.

Brandon Blog Post


Payday loan companies continue to prey on thopayday lenders, payday loan, payday loans, payday loan companies, bad credit loans Toronto, bad credit loans, bad credit loans Toronto, Canadian payday loans, debt, instant loans Toronto, guaranteed bad credit loansse in need financially looking for guaranteed bad credit loans. We’ve devoted several blogs to warning the unsuspecting public about these unscrupulous companies but sadly people are still falling for their pitch.

Bloomberg Businessweek recently caught up with 3 payday lenders who are living the life most of us can only dream of from their ill-begotten profits. Living carefree in St. Croix, they while away the hours on luxury yachts. Their company, Cane Bay Partners, makes millions a month in payday loans to desperate and unsuspecting people who don’t realize that they’re paying more than 600% interest a year. Bloomberg discovered that the cost for a $500 loan is $100 to $150 in interest every two weeks, according to four contracts from the websites.

Cane Bay of course denies this saying that they are a management consulting and analytics company but a former employee confirms that Cane Bay runs,, and at least four other payday loan websites. They are able to circumvent the laws because their payday loan sites use corporations that are set up in Belize and the U.S. Virgin Islands. As U.S. States and Canadian provinces crack down on payday loan companies, they’ve moved online. In fact according to John Hecht, an analyst at Jefferies Group, Internet payday lending in the U.S. has doubled since 2008, to $16 billion a year, with half made by lenders based offshore or affiliated with American Indian tribes who say state laws don’t apply to them.

Although we’ve been under the impression that most people are using payday lenders for sudden and unexpected expenses, a new report from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau found that instead payday borrowers typically end up rolling old debts into new loans, often increasing how much they owe each time. This clearly indicates that many people are not aware of the sensible, financially sound options to dealing with debt.

Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. and make an appointment today. Instead of looking for instant loans Toronto paying exorbitant interest rates at payday loan companies, we can solve your debt problems with a sound financial plan for moving forward so that Starting Over, Starting Now you can live a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


loans toronto no credit checkI never realized that loans Toronto no credit check was such a popular topic. I want to tell you about three experiences that I had in the past few days. They are all separate, yet all related.

Revelation #1 – You can’t even buy beer with bad credit!

Last Friday, we were having the whole family over for dinner. The weather was so warm and pleasant, that we were going to have a BBQ and eat outdoors on the back deck. I went to The Beer Store to pick up some additional beverages and when I went to check out, I had my first revelation. At the front of the line was a fellow paying for his beer by cheque. I never even realized that you could do that. The clerk inspected the cheque and then asked the gent for identification, and he produced his drivers licence. The clerk ran his information through The Beer Store’s electronic system and politely advised the gentleman that he has been declined to pay by ordinary cheque, and that he could only pay by cash, certified cheque or credit card. The man could not pay for his beer because of his bad credit and had to leave without his favourite brew. This man obviously has financial problems and has to solve them. How he wished he was able to get at that moment one or more loans Toronto no credit check so that he could enjoy his beer last weekend!

Revelation #2 – This man obviously was not alone needing loans Toronto no credit check

On the weekend I was looking at some analytics to see which of our blogs have been accessed the most over the last 30 days. To my shock (yes, notwithstanding our Firm has been helping people who have trouble living paycheque to paycheque and corporations in need of restructuring and turnarounds, I can still be shocked) the 4 most read blogs in the last month were::


There are obviously a lot of people concerned about their debt levels and looking for information on bad credit loans, payday loans, loans Toronto no credit check and how to tackle student loan debt. These blogs were not only the most viewed in the last 30 days, but our blogs on the topic of payday loans and bad credit loans are the most read. Obviously, there is a large demand in the Greater Toronto area for loans Toronto no credit check.

Revelation #3 – Our top searches are from people looking for loans Toronto no credit check

Yesterday I look at our analytics to see what were the top search terms that brought people to our blog and Firm website in the last 30 days. There were 221 visits to our website using the following search terms:

  1. no upfront fee loans;
  2. $5000 bad credit personal loan;
  3. $5000 loan Canada; and
  4. $5000 loan no credit check.

You don’t need me to tell you what this means. There are a lot of people with bad credit who are feeling pain in our society and believe that more loans Toronto no credit check is their solution. The amazing thing though is that rather than looking for bankruptcy alternatives such as consumer proposals, or if required, bankruptcy itself, these people are looking to borrow more money (apparently $5000 is a popular number) from high cost lenders.

These people are misguided in that they think that further high cost loans Toronto no credit check will solve their problem. I understand the way these people think. It is hard for us to face our challenges. Whether it is about our health, our family or our financial situation, it is difficult and painful to look at our problems straight in the face, especially if we are the one who created the problem. These people mistakenly think that taking on more debt is the solution.

Well, it is not. These people need to recognize that their credit score is so poor because of choices they have made in the past, and their behaviour has to change. Taking on more debt through loans Toronto no credit check is just more of the “same old same old”. They need to look at ways to budget so that their expenses are less than their income. They need to start saving to pay down debt. If they can’t do it on their own, then they must consult a licensed professional trustee who can discuss options with them: budgeting, bankruptcy alternatives such as debt consolidation or a consumer proposal or perhaps even bankruptcy.

There also needs to be a discussion regarding life after implementing the solution and working on improving their credit score. If any of this sounds like a situation you are in, taking on more debt through payday loans or loans Toronto no credit check is not your answer.

You need to contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. right away for a no charge consultation. You can even check out our bankruptcy faqs now online here. We will go over all of your options, and encourage and help you to implement the one that is right for you so that together we can solve your problems with immediate action and the right plan so that Starting Over, Starting Now will become your reality.

Brandon Blog Post


bad credit loans guaranteed approval, debt, starting over starting now, financial help, trustee, professional licensed bankruptcy trustee, licensed trustee, personal financial management, financial problems, creditor, bankruptcy trustee, danger signs, debts, personal loans, credit cards, payday loans, living paycheque to paycheque, uncontrolled debt, bad credit loans, debt free life, professional financial helpIf you are searching for bad credit loans guaranteed approval, then you already know that one of the more frightening feelings common in the modern world is falling into debt and not knowing how to get out. Debt has a way of sneaking up and overwhelming us before we realize what is going on.

Many people have not had the training in personal financial management needed to stay out of debt, and they are in need of guidance from someone who has this expertise for resolving their financial problems. Unfortunately, people in this situation often get into more trouble by looking for bad credit loans guaranteed approval by a new creditor rather than finding the help they really need from a bankruptcy trustee.

Bad Credit Loans Guaranteed Approval

If you find yourself typing the above search term into your search engine, you may well be looking at one of the danger signs that you are in need of professional help in dealing with your debts. Other signs that debt is out of hand include:

  1. not having any savings;
  2. taking personal loans from family or friends;
  3. missing payments on credit cards, mortgage, or rent;
  4. using your credit card for buying groceries and other necessities;
  5. relying on credit cards to get from one payday to the next;
  6. not knowing the total amount you owe; and
  7. not being able to manage living paycheque to paycheque.

The worry and stress created by these pressures makes finding a way out of the situation even harder. Uncontrolled debt can take a big toll on family life and reduce, or eliminate, the resources for relaxation and leisure, leaving the person with no time to even look for the light at the end of the tunnel. I can assure you from all of the cases we have handled, a bad credit loans guaranteed approval company is not a solution to your overall debt problem.

As the debt mounts, the prospect of looking at the whole picture becomes even more overwhelming. However, looking objectively at your whole situation is the most important first step for resolving the crisis, and this is exactly what you can gain by using the assistance and perspective of a professional licensed bankruptcy trustee. I can look at your situation clearly as a third party, and I will not charge you for that consultation. So all you have to lose, is your debt!

Avoiding Bad Credit Loans Guaranteed Approval

If you have found yourself seeking more bad credit loans, consider turning in a new direction that can lead you out of debt forever. Take a deep breath, step back for a moment and have a consultation with a licensed bankruptcy trustee who can help you in facing the full dimensions of your problem and then devise a plan that moves you toward a debt free life.

We have written several blogs about the high amounts charged by bad credit loans guaranteed approval companies and how they take advantage of people at their weakest moment, and you may wish to read some of them. They include: BAD CREDIT LOANS TORONTO: LEGIT COMPANIES DON’T GUARANTEE THEM, PAYDAY LOANS ARE NOT THE ANSWER TO YOUR FINANCIAL PROBLEMS, and THE CASH STORE ONTARIO: THIS PAYDAY LOAN OUTFIT NEEDED HELP AND CALLED A TRUSTEE! If you read these blogs, you will see why we say that a bad credit loans guaranteed approval company is not the way to solve your financial problems.

If debt has overwhelmed your life and you are still looking for more, that is a definite warning sign that it is time for professional financial help. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. immediately. We will evaluate your situation and provide you with a solid plan for moving forward so that Starting Over, Starting Now you can live a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


guaranteed consolidation loan ontario, legit short term loans for bad credit, online bad credit loans, bad credit loans online, bad credit loans, high interest rates, high-risk loans, repair and rebuild your credit, online bad credit loan scams, payday loan, financial post, professional trustee, bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, starting over starting nowOne of the primary reasons why borrowers who are offered bad credit loans online (or in a retail location) must pay such high down payments and high interest rates is because they are considered a high-risk borrower. We’ve been making you aware of the dangers of payday loan companies and bad credit loans online in our previous blogs – Legitimate Companies Don’t Guarantee Loans If You Have Bad Credit Or No Credit, Payday Loans Are Not The Answer To Your Financial Problems and Beware of Payday Loan Companies Targeting you with Mobile Apps!

Instead of applying for these high-risk and expensive bad credit loans online or in person, it is better to repair and rebuild your credit. Read on, and find how the people who run these online bad credit loan scams who advertise “legit short term loans for bad credit“, “bad credit loans online” or “guaranteed consolidation loan Ontario” attack the already vulnerable. Payday loan operators provide relatively small, short-term loans or payday advances. People tend to borrow $1,500 or less for a maximum of 62 days and the money is advanced in exchange for a post-dated cheque or some other form of pre-authorized payment.

In her article in the Financial Post on April 8, 2014, Melissa Leong interviewed someone who resorted to these bad credit loans online scams:

The interest kills you, says Lucy, who asked that her name not be disclosed. The 51-year-old Toronto resident receives disability support payments and has gotten payday loans online and in the stores to help her endure unexpected events. She took out a $1,000 payday loan this year to cover cancer medicine and orthodontic work for her son. She had to pay back $1,200.”

Don’t set yourself up for failure using these high cost bad credit loans online or at one of the payday loan locations, your credit score will suffer. The best advice I can offer is to make an appointment to see a professional trustee as soon as possible, before disaster strikes. Before bankruptcy becomes your only option, there are bankruptcy alternatives including credit counselling, debt consolidation, and consumer proposals. Contact us today. We are a licensed trustee and the team at Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. will work with you to ensure that Starting Over, Starting Now you can regain financial health.

Call a Trustee Now!