Brandon Blog Post


estate trustee during litigationWe hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this Brandon Blog, please scroll to the very bottom and click play on the podcast.

Estate Trustee During Litigation: What is it?

All of us with business or family assets and/or debts can be subject to litigation or worry about it. Whatever the reason, the reality is that no one can remove themselves from the litigation process…not at the beginning, not at the end, and not even in death. Perhaps it is an employee or partner, a spouse or ex-spouse, your children or grandchildren, or even your parents.

Many times a person’s death creates Estate litigation between family members; either over a Will or because there is no Will! Sometimes it is necessary for the appointment of a neutral, independent court officer to control the Estate assets and deal with Estate issues while the beneficiaries and other potential stakeholders are involved in Estate litigation.

In our sister business, Smith Estate Trustee Ontario, we accept the appointment of Estate Trustee and we can also act as the independent court officer Estate Trustee During Litigation. This Brandon Blog is about why it may be necessary for the court to appoint an Estate Trustee During Litigation and why it may turn out to be a necessity.

The role of an Estate Trustee During Litigation

An Estate Trustee During Litigation is tasked with protecting the Estate while the litigation is ongoing and gathering information and, sometimes, helping to resolve the litigation.

The duties include, in particular:

  • Calculating the fair market value of the estate’s assets and liabilities.
  • Keeping its assets safe and secure.
  • Retaining and, if necessary, tracing anything discovered to be missing.
  • Keeping separate trust accounts.
  • Reviewing and handling protective and other expenditures.
  • Establishing, defending, settling and paying any debts.
  • The filing of income tax returns and if the situation allows for it, whatever tax planning to reduce income taxes can take place.
  • Investing estate funds to maximize yields until the Estate Trustee During Litigation is discharged of its obligations and funds.

Because of their experience, resources, objectivity, and integrity are sometimes viewed as the best option. As a matter of common law, responsibilities of the Estate Trustee During Litigation cease upon the termination of the litigation, and they are required to transfer assets without having to be ordered to do so trustee during litigation

Appointing an Estate Trustee During Litigation

A court appoints an Estate Trustee During Litigation to handle the deceased estate. Section 28 of the Ontario Estates Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.21 provides the statutory authority. The Ontario Superior Court of Justice grants administration in the case of either intestacy (when there is no Will) or pending a valid challenge to the validity of the Will, or some other action involving the Will and the deceased estate.

While the ongoing litigation continues, the Estate Trustee During Litigation has all the powers and rights of a general administrator, except for the right to distribute the residue of the property. Administrators of such estates are subject to the immediate control and direction of the court, and the court may order that the administrator receive reasonable remuneration from the estate of the decedent.

Court Appoints Estate Trustee During Litigation

The court appoints the Estate Trustee During Litigation and can set its remuneration. Therefore, the court must have some guiding principles it follows to determine when it is appropriate to make such an appointment. Well, it does. It comes from a situation I previously wrote about in my July 24, 2019, Brandon Blog DYING WITHOUT A WILL IN ONTARIO: DISTRIBUTION TO HEIRS NOT EASY. In that Brandon Blog, I wrote about Toller James Montague Cranston, deceased.

Toller Cranston was a popular Canadian figure skater and artist. He passed away on January 23, 2015, in Mexico where he lived for some 23 years. He passed away without leaving a Will. His sister, Phillipa Baran, was appointed Estate Trustee of the Estate of Toller Cranston by the Mexican court on September 3, 2015, on the consent of Phillipa and her two brothers, Guy Francis Cranston and Hugh Goldie Cranston. These three siblings were the only beneficiaries. In December 2016, her appointment as Estate Trustee of the Estate of Toller Cranston was confirmed by the Ontario court, also on consent. Phillipa Baran, therefore, had sole authority for Estate administration.

Estate litigation ensued and the court-appointed an Estate Trustee During Litigation. A rift between the three beneficiaries developed. The brothers filed a motion to remove their sister as Estate Trustee. One of the points of contention between the siblings was the manner ins which Phillippa Baran was handling the sale of Estate Assets, namely, the artwork of Toller Cranston. While that Estate litigation was pending, in 2019, the Master in the Estates court appointed an Estate Trustee During Litigation to take charge of trust property remaining in the meantime until the issue could be resolved.

During the litigation involving the Estate of Toller James Montague Cranston, the Master ordered the Estate Trustee During Litigation to act without posting an Administration Bond. The Master also ordered that all assets of the Estate shall be immediately turned over to the Estate Trustee Under Litigation who shall also file a Consent with the court. Phillipa Baran was ordered to fully cooperate in the transfer of the Estate assets and the production of records, including all financial trustee during litigation

Philipa Baran appeals the appointment of the Estate Trustee During Litigation

Philippa Baran sought to set aside the Master’s decision and order appointing an Estate Trustee During Litigation. Her appeal was heard by the Divisional Court. According to the court, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice has statutory authority to appoint an Estate Trustee During Litigation.

On this appeal, the Divisional Court Judge felt the appeal boiled down to two points. Specifically, whether the decision of the Master should be set aside and whether the order issued exceeded the Master’s jurisdiction.

The Divisional Court determined that the Master did not err in either law or fact based on its review of the relevant statutory provisions and jurisprudence. The Judge found nothing wrong with the Master’s Order.

To be fair to Ms. Baran, the Judge noted that there is evidence that she has worked very hard to manage the estate’s assets and debts since Toller Cranston died. It has been a challenging task. It appears, however, that the parties have reached a deadlock.

The Judge also thought Ms. Baran’s handling of the remaining artwork, including either selling the art over her brothers’ objections or planning future rights to the artwork without consulting Guy Cranston or Goldie Cranston, was unreasonable and contrary to her obligations as Estate Trustee.

Ms. Baran was, in the court’s view, in a conflict of interest in this litigation. Ms. Baran’s appeal was therefore dismissed, the appointment of the Estate Trustee During Litigation stands and Ms. Baran must temporarily return her Certificate of Appointment to the court.

Estate Trustee During Litigation: A Primer for Accountants and Lawyers

In addition, the Divisional Court noted some of the factors that will be considered by the court in determining whether or not it should exercise its discretion to appoint an Estate Trustee During Litigation. Accounting firms, lawyers, and anyone advising in the Estates area should be aware of these factors.

In terms of the court’s jurisdiction to appoint an Estate Trustee During Litigation, the following points were confirmed:

  • When necessary, the court can draw upon its inherent jurisdiction to protect parties and ensure justice in the proceeding by supervising the management of estates and controlling its own processes.
  • It is in the court’s inherent jurisdiction to appoint an officer to preserve and protect the assets of an Estate that may be at risk during litigation.
  • A level playing field must be ensured and the assets of the estate protected from the tactics used by litigating parties. No one should be able to use their control over the Estate to benefit themselves or to hurt the other beneficiaries.
  • It is crucial to administer an Estate’s assets to the maximum advantage of its beneficiaries. When an Estate Trustee faces an adversarial position towards his/her co-trustees or beneficiary, it is prudent to replace that trustee temporarily;’simple prudence demands it.
  • A court should only refuse the appointment of an Estate Trustee During Litigation in the clearest of cases since it is not an extraordinary measure. In most conflicts between the trustee and beneficiaries, the court will favour the appointment, unless it is not one of those very challenging Estates thereby making the estate administration straightforward.

According to the Divisional Court:

Whether an Estate Trustee During Litigation should be appointed is a discretionary decision. In determining whether the discretion to appoint an Estate Trustee During Litigation should be exercised, the following factors should be considered:

  • An Estate Trustee may be a witness in litigation.
  • Conflicts of interest are possible.
  • Conflict of interests between the Estate Trustee and/or beneficiaries.
  • There is hostility between the Estate Trustee and/or beneficiaries.
  • There is a lack of communication between the parties.
  • There is evidence that some parties were excluded from settlement trustee during litigation

Estate Trustee During Litigation summary

I hope you have found this Estate Trustee During Litigation Brandon Blog informative. The death of a loved one is probably the most traumatic life event you will encounter. It is doubly so if your loved one dies intestate and family members tie up the Estate with costly litigation.

Are you a stakeholder in Estate litigation where the appointment of an independent, neutral court officer can at least unlock the jamming up of assets so that the assets can be preserved and their value maximized for the beneficiaries? If so, Smith Estate Trustee Ontario can help you. Contact us so that we can provide a no-cost consultation to see how we can help you and the other beneficiaries.

Do you have way too much financial debt? Prior to you getting to the phase where you can’t make ends meet reach out to me. I am a licensed insolvency trustee (previously called a bankruptcy trustee). In fact, if you understand that you can’t pay your financial debts heading into or in your retired life, contact us.

We understand the pain and stress excessive financial debt can trigger. We can aid you to get rid of that discomfort as well as address your financial problems by offering prompt action and the ideal plan.

Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. Make an appointment with one of the Ira Smith Team for a free, no-obligation consultation and you can be on your way to enjoying a carefree retirement Starting Over, Starting Now. Give us a call today so that we can help you get back to stress and pain-free life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.


Brandon Blog Post


We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this coronavirus pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

How long does probate take in Ontario introduction

If you are handling property that was left by the deceased, either in a will or without a will, the legal procedure to deal with it is called probate. There is even more to the procedure of probate than simply doling out what the person wanted his or her beneficiaries to have.

There are regulations on:

  • Who can fulfill the role of Estate Trustee?
  • The process of the court of probate.
  • The rules determining how estate assets to be separated between property that must be probated and property that does not need to go through probate.
  • How to deal with property and claims after probate has been granted.
  • Dealing with claims against the Estate, especially competing claims.
  • Completing the necessary final personal income tax return and any other outstanding returns, the Estate tax return and dealing with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) on various personal income tax and estate tax issues.
  • Understanding the terms of any life insurance policy or policies on the life of the deceased, advising the insurer of the death and determining who the life insurance proceeds should be paid to depending on the beneficiary designations.
  • The overall duties of the Estate Trustee.
  • Knowing how long does probate take in Ontario?

There are many questions about probate applications and more about the whole probate process that arise when someone dies and their financial situation needs to be understood, dealt with and their property distributed in accordance with their wishes as laid out in their will. It becomes even more of a challenge when the person dies without a will, which is called dying intestate.

Many times the named Estate Trustee is a close relative or trusted friend. They may have zero experience in acting as an Ontario Estate Trustee. They take on the role out of a sense of love for and obligation to the deceased. Many times they are either embarrassed to ask the estate lawyer questions because they believe they are too rudimentary and they should already know the answer. Sometimes they don’t ask the questions because they do not wish to incur the legal fees each time.

The purpose of this Brandon Blog is to answer the question, how long does probate take in Ontario and the 6 other most frequently asked questions we find people ask us in our role as Estate Trustee in our Smith Estate Trustee Ontario business.

how long does probate take in ontario
how long does probate take in ontario

What is probate in Ontario?

This is a very common question. It is actually the first question; the second one is how long does probate take in Ontario? Probate in Ontario is a legal process asking the court to:

  • give an individual or company the authority to work as the Estate Trustee of an estate.
  • Verify the authority of a person or company identified in the deceased’s will as the Estate Trustee.
  • Formally approve that the deceased’s will is their valid last will.

How long does probate take in Ontario: What you will need to apply

To make probate applications to the court for probate you will require to submit documents needed as set by the Estates court regulations. It includes:

  • A certified true copy of the deceased’s original will if any.
  • If it exists, any addition or supplement that describes modifies or withdraws a will in whole or in part
  • Proof of Death by a copy of the Death Certificate.
  • the fully completed court forms which amongst other things, provide details regarding the nature, extent and valuation of the assets of the deceased at the date of death and calculates the probate fees, otherwise known in Ontario as Estate Administration Taxes. You have probably heard names like death tax or probate fees. In Ontario, the proper name is Estate Administration Tax.

This is the beginning of the probate process.

how long does probate take in ontario
how long does probate take in ontario

What is a Probate Certificate? Is a Probate Certificate Required?

Here are two probate Ontario FAQs in one! A person could make an application to the Estates court for a Probate Certificate if the:

  • Deceased individual passed away without a will.
  • Deceased’s will does not name an Estate Trustee.
  • Financial institutions or other 3rd party wants evidence of a person’s legal authority to deal with the financial assets of the deceased which does not automatically pass to one more person by right of survivorship. Joint bank accounts, as long as the other name(s) on the accounts were not minors, would automatically pass to the other joint owners without having to through the application for probate through the Estates Court, otherwise known as the Probate Court.
  • List of assets includes real estate where the real property does not automatically pass to one or more individuals because of joint ownership.
  • Stakeholders disagree concerning the appointment of the Estate Trustee or any claim that the named Estate Trustee has a conflict or is otherwise not capable or qualified to act.
  • Parties disagree or there may very well be a prospective disagreement regarding the legitimacy of the deceased person‘s will or some beneficiaries called in the will are not able to supply lawful authorization.

May times just being able to comb through the documents of the deceased to get the necessary information extends how long does probate take in Ontario.

How long does probate take in Ontario? Is a probate certificate always required?

Many people do not realize that a probate certificate is not always required in the Province of Ontario. For example, it is not required if all Estate assets are being transferred to another person through the right of survivorship because they were owned jointly or the beneficiary was a designated beneficiary under an insurance policy. In this case, probate is not required.

Examples of when probate is required, even if the deceased has a valid will are:

  • It does not name an Estate Trustee (formerly called an Executor or Executrix) and a personal representative cannot be found.
  • An Estate Trustee is named but that person has recused themselves and refuses to act.
  • There is Estate property that will not automatically flow to another person due to the right of survivorship or being named as the designated beneficiary in a life insurance policy.
  • It will be necessary to gain control over financial assets or real property and be able to convey them.
  • A vesting order from the Court may be required to transfer ownership upon the sale of Estate assets.

What Happens After Probate is Granted?

After the grant of probate is when the fun really starts. That is when most of the activities of the Estate Trustee really happen like:

  • Putting parties on notice regarding estate assets, property before probate that the Estate Trustee identified.
  • Collection of the property or making sure that jointly owned property is properly transferred.
  • Identifying and paying all rightful claims against the Estate before making any distribution to the beneficiaries.
  • Making sure that no beneficiary or 3rd party is contesting the will or the actions of the Estate Trustee.
  • Final tax return preparation and filing.
  • Dealing with insurance companies.
  • Making sure the correct probate fees have been paid.
  • Understanding the Estate law issues or going to the Estate lawyer for advice when unsure.
  • Handling the entire Estate administration process properly.
  • Estate tax return preparation and filing and all the other activities I have already mentioned above.

All of this is before coming up with a scheme of distribution to the beneficiaries and getting either their unanimous approval or if opposed, an Order from the court approving the proposed distribution. It is important for an Estate Trustee to make sure that they have the proper authority to take the actions they need to and that nobody is opposing the Estate Trustee’s actions.

If an Estate Trustee oversteps their powers or is challenged and found to have been in the wrong, they have a personal liability to the Estate and the stakeholders. As you can see, it helps to have experience in the administration of estates.

So the Estate Trustee better get it right! In smaller Estates, this can be done relatively quickly. In larger Estates, especially if there are many contentious issues, how long does probate take in Ontario can be very elongated.

how long does probate take in ontario
how long does probate take in ontario

How long does probate take in Ontario for a large estate vs a small estate?

How long does it take to prepare a probate application? Once all of the facts are properly collected, it is a matter of hours to prepare and finalize all of the necessary documentation. The probate application can all be submitted online.

How long does it take to grant probate? The delay between filing the application and grant of probate varies greatly from Court registry to Court registry. In smaller regions, it does not take long at all. Historically in the Toronto region, without a court order requesting the court to expedite the issuance of the Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee, it could take many long months.

The probate process in Ontario can be either a larger or smaller legal process experience, depending on each unique situation. Estates in Canada that are valued at over $150,000 are covered by the larger probate process. The larger process is really the one that historically was in place in Ontario.

Since April 1, 2021, the province of Ontario has a new estate designation, a “small estate“. A small estate is for the probate legal process when it is valued at $150,000 or less. You can use a streamlined procedure if you are requesting probate of an estate that fits this definition.

If your application meets the requirements, is properly completed and all necessary documents are attached, the court will provide a probate certificate for a small estate. This certificate is referred to as a Small Estate Certificate. The certificate will provide you with the authority to take care of the estate assets that are listed in the certificate.

As this provision just went into place, I don’t have any statistics yet to report on whether or not this will positively affect how long does probate take in Ontario. If the deceased owned a house in their name only in the Greater Toronto Area with equity of at least $150,001, it will not speed things up.

How long does probate take in Ontario? Ontario allows probate applications by e-mail

What is the modification? The court has chosen to permit electronic submissions which are suggested to address the relentless stockpile issues. It also is part of a bigger campaign by the government to update the probate process in Ontario.

As I have stated above, the application for a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee is part of the wider probate process. Allowing applications via email, which started in October 2020, is a reaction to both the backlog and the new truths forced upon the Ontario Superior Court of Justice Estates List section due to the new realities on how the court must adapt to operate in the COVID-19 pandemic era.

With any luck, this will quicken how long does probate take in Ontario.

How long does probate take in Ontario summary

I hope you found how long does probate take in Ontario Brandon Blog post helpful. If you are concerned because there is an Estate that needs a professional Estate Trustee, Smith Estate Trustee Ontario can help you. Since we are also a licensed insolvency trustee firm, we can also help if the deceased Estate is insolvent. We can also help if you or your business have debt problems.

It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this coronavirus pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

how long does probate take in ontario
how long does probate take in ontario
Brandon Blog Post


We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this coronavirus pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

What is a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee?

For anybody that is a potential Estate Trustee, a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee is a required part of the probate procedure. A Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee is a document that is issued by the court and provided to the appointed Estate Trustee.

Regular readers of Brandon Blog know that I have written on estate matters before. You also know that in addition to being a licensed insolvency trustee firm, we also act through our related business, Smith Estate Trustee Ontario, acts as a professional estate trustee for both solvent and insolvent deceased estates.

The purpose of this Brandon Blog is to describe the application for probate process in applying for the Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee and the responsibilities of the Estate Trustee and how they must perform their duties according to the various rules.

What does a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee do?

The Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee verifies that the individual (or a professional Estate Trustee such as Smith Estate Trustee Ontario or a trust company) has in fact been selected to act as the Estate Trustee. It shows that she or he has the legal authority to deal with the real property (real estate) and personal property of the estate. All of the estate assets.

When is a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee needed?

The Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee is not a legal requirement in the province of Ontario. It’s merely a record supplied by the government that verifies that the individual called the Estate Trustee has really been designated. It makes things a great deal much easier when validating to financial institutions as well as various other third parties that you have the authority to act concerning the estate property.

To obtain the probate Certificate, you need to complete the appropriate application form to give to the provincial government with a certified duplicate of the death certificate as proof of death in addition to a duplicate copy of the Will. If there is no Will, the court will certainly issue an order upon the probate application of an interested party for approving a selection of Estate Trustee. The estate lawyers can certainly assist with providing legal advice and completing such an application. This would be in addition to any other forms the province needs the Estate Trustee to submit for probate Ontario.

certificate of appointment of estate trustee
certificate of appointment of estate trustee

Avoid Common Errors in Applying for a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee

When applying for a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee, it is always best to get advice from experienced estate lawyers. The Estate Trustee should go to the lawyer for advice on any matters they are unsure about. While most people are concerned about the estate planning process itself, it is equally important to ensure that the application for a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee is completed accurately, completely, and that the appropriate supporting documentation is also provided. If the application is not completed correctly, the executor of the estate is not appointed as the estate trustee, which can delay the estate management and the distribution of the assets.

Applying for a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee is a simple process, but there are many common errors in the application that can result in the application being rejected, delayed, or the application can end up taking more time than it should. Here are some of the most common errors that occur:

  • Section 7 of the Ontario Estates Act requires that the application for a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee needs to be submitted with the Superior Court of Justice in the locality where the departed lived when they died. If the person did not live in Ontario at the time of death, the application needs to be submitted to the Court in the region in Ontario where the deceased had property when they passed away.
  • Be consistent in every document to use the exact same names for individuals and also make sure the spelling matches the names set out in any Will. This includes the dearly departed, estate trustee(s) and estate beneficiaries. If they have any “also known as names”, include those too.
  • All of the following details must be on the court forms, and it must be consistent in all the different forms submitted:
    • date of the Will;
    • day of death;
    • line of work of the dead before they retired;
    • chosen work and addresses of the estate trustee(s).
  • Proper calculation and payment of the estate administration tax payment obligation.
  • Obtaining and also the filing of an estate administration bond in accordance with Section 35 of the Estates Act, or filing motion material for an application to obtain a court order that does away with the bond requirement.

Issues specific to Applications for a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee With a Will

Sometimes, the person applying for the Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee (or succeeding estate trustee), is someone different than the person named in the Will. The named person must relinquish his/her right by filing the appropriate form indicating renunciation of the right to a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee (or succeeding estate trustee) with a Will.

If the applicant is not the person identified as Estate Trustee in the Will, that person Will need to be provided with written authority from beneficiaries that, together, have a majority share in the value of the properties of the estate. Otherwise, they Will need a court order giving them the necessary authorization.

The estate beneficiaries indicated in the Will must be served with notice of the application for a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee. If one or more cannot be served, for example, they no longer live at the only known address and they so far can’t be found, then it must be disclosed.

Issues specific to Applications for a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee Without a Will

To be considered to administer the entire estate process when someone dies without a Will, the following applies:

  • You must live in Ontario to make the application.
  • If the departed was divorced at any time, you must make it clear that a prior marriage ended in divorce and what proof you are relying upon to confirm that the departed individual was ended by divorce.
  • On the application for Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee, where you describe why you are entitled to apply for the Certificate, you must include information relating to the authorization offered by individuals that are qualified to a share in the distribution of the estate who, together, are entitled to the majority in the value of the possessions of the estate. Absent such authorization, a court order Will be required.
  • The estate beneficiaries indicated in the Will must be served with notice of the application for a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee. If one or more cannot be served, for example, they no longer live at the only known address and they so far can’t be found, then it must be disclosed.

    certificate of appointment of estate trustee
    certificate of appointment of estate trustee

I’ve been named an estate trustee in a Will. What do I have to do now that I have the Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee?

An Estate Trustee is an individual that has been appointed to carry out the estate administration duties after a person passes away. But what does that entail? The obligations consist of:

  • seeing to it that funeral arrangements have actually been appropriately made and funeral expenses are paid;
  • amending and filing the amended estate information return, if applicable;
  • calculating and paying the proper amount of estate administration tax;
  • locating and safekeeping crucial files;
  • getting official copies of the death certificate as proof of death;
  • settling any type of financial debts of the deceased person;
  • wrapping up any kind of loose ends like communicating with government departments;
  • dealing with bank officials to collect the funds from and then closing the deceased’s bank accounts;
  • figuring out how to deal with any property;
  • dealing with any estate tax issues and preparing and filing final tax returns;
  • paying the income tax owing; and
  • distributing the net funds on hand or specific property to the beneficiaries as stipulated in the Will.

Is an Estate Trustee responsible for the debts of the estate?

The Estate Trustee’s responsibility does not extend in the first instance for the debts of an estate. As a trustee, it’s your job to ensure the debts are paid and all of the estate’s legal obligations are fulfilled. However, as an Estate Trustee, it’s important to know how to handle the debts of the estate to make sure you aren’t personally responsible for the debts. However, if the Estate Trustee distributes funds without taking care of business, then the Estate Trustee IS responsible for the known debts not paid.

Does an Estate Trustee have to advertise for creditors of the estate?

This is a great question. I’m sure anyone with a passing familiarity with the estate law knows that it may not be required for an Estate Trustee in Ontario to publish a notice to call for creditors of the estate. However, it certainly is a best practice to do before distributing the remaining assets to the beneficiaries of the estate. Traditionally, advertising was done by inserting a notice in a newspaper. More recently, the NoticeConnect online system has been held in Ontario to be an approved way to advertise online only.

certificate of appointment of estate trustee
certificate of appointment of estate trustee

How does an Estate Trustee make a payment from an estate to a child?

If there is a Will, the child is qualified to get his/her share of the estate the way it is laid out in the Will. The Will may establish a trust where payment is made to the child’s parent(s) in trust for the child, or, to a trustee of a trust established for the child.

If there is no Will, then the Estate Trustee is limited to who the funds earmarked for the minor beneficiary can be paid to. There has to be a deferral of payment as an Estate Trustee cannot distribute funds or other types of property to a minor child. It can only be paid to either the Accountant of the Superior Court of Justice or the court-appointed guardian of the property.

The parents of the minor child can apply to the Accountant or guardian for periodic payments to be made for expenses incurred for the benefit of the child. Once the child turns 18 years old, then, they are entitled to their share of the remaining funds.

Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee summary

I hope you enjoyed this Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee Brandon Blog post. If you are concerned because it is now time to act under the Will, but the named executor is unwilling or incapable of acting, that is where Smith Estate Trustee Ontario can be of assistance. We act as substitute trustees appointed by the court in such situations.

Have you been administering an estate and now you have determined that it is an insolvent estate? Are you worried because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option? Call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this coronavirus pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

certificate of appointment of estate trustee


Brandon Blog Post


We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this coronavirus pandemic.

Smith Estate Trustee Ontario and Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Choice of an executor of the Will: Choosing the right executor for your estate

When a person dies, that is not the time to begin preparing for who will carry out the wishes of the dead person in connection with their assets. Without a properly drafted Will, your family could be in for a long and uncomfortable legal battle. This is why it is so essential to obtain the right advice early on and naming the appropriate person or persons as the executor of the Will.

Whether you’re single, married, or have a blended family, there’s a good chance that you will certainly need to select an executor of the Will of your estate. This is the person who will supervise accomplishing your desires after you die. The executor will make certain your wishes are accomplished in such a way that is fair to your heirs under Ontario laws. However, without proper paperwork, this may not go as efficiently as you may really hope. To avoid this, you need to carefully think about and then pick who or whom should be your executor(s).

Who can be an executor of the Will in Ontario?

Have you ever heard of the term “executor”? You will come across it when you or a loved one create a Will. In Ontario, the executor is now called an Estate Trustee. However, in this Brandon Blog, I will continue to use the old name. It is normal that one of your closest friends or family members will be named in your Will as an executor, meaning they’re responsible for carrying out the instructions in your Will.

There are really no requirements in Ontario for someone to be an executor of the Will. To be an executor of someone’s Will, you must be at least 18 years old and have the ability to comprehend what is expected of you in that role. Hopefully, the person or people selected also have no record of fraud!

The executor is essentially the person holding the purse strings when it comes to your estate. They’re to see the will through from beginning to end: paying off bills, selling off any excess belongings, and distributing the rest to your beneficiaries.

The role of executor is an extremely important fiduciary role. Performing the duties of an executor of the Will incorrectly can have a profoundly serious effect on the beneficiaries and families involved for generations to come. So by now, it should be obvious to you that not everyone who can be an executor should be chosen to be THE executor. Having the right executor best suited for your estate should be the cornerstone of estate planning.

Choosing the ideal executor of the Will for your estate

The best estate trustee for your estate will depend upon the complexity of your estate, your specific wishes and needs. You and your lawyer ought to think about several elements when choosing an executor, consisting of:

  • Given your assets and beneficiaries, what skills should the executor possess and how active will their involvement be in the estate?
  • Whether they will need to make financial decisions.
  • Do they have the necessary skill set and financial acumen to properly administer your estate?
  • Whether they have a good and trusted relationship with your heir and with various other relatives.
  • Do they have good conflict-resolution skills?

You also must be mindful as to how normal life events may have changed your needs when considering an executor of the Will. The person or people you chose under your first Will when your family was young and your biggest asset might have been the proceeds under your life insurance policy may no longer be the right choice years later when your children have their own families and your estate assets look much different. Complex estates also require executors to have different skill sets than what is needed to administer simpler estates.

executor of the will
the executor of the Will

The executor of the Will: Consider people in good financial standing

Becoming a good executor of the will requires time and effort. To act as executor means you will have legal responsibilities and you’ll be making crucial choices regarding the deceased’s properties, including:

  • Paying off debts.
  • Taking the estate through probate and calculating and paying the Ontario probate fees called the Estate Administration Tax.
  • Completing one or more income tax returns that the deceased may have not filed and paying the taxes.
  • Managing and perhaps selling assets such as real estate.
  • Distributing assets to beneficiaries.
  • Filing the estate tax returns and paying the necessary tax.

You will want to make sure that whoever you pick as executor under the Will, will be able to properly administer your estate through the entire estate administration process.

So as a starting point, you will want to make sure that the estate trustee that you pick as your personal representative who will be dealing with your personal finances, should be someone trustworthy who has both the necessary skills to handle the financial matters and has a good financial standing. In Ontario, an undischarged bankrupt cannot be an estate trustee.

How much power does an executor of the Will have over the estate?

An executor of the Will is a person who has been named to administer an estate when someone dies, but what does that involve? The executor’s responsibilities include:

  • making sure that funeral arrangements have been properly made and funeral costs are paid;
  • gathering up important documents;
  • getting official copies of the death certificate;
  • paying off any debts;
  • wrapping up any loose ends like liaising with government agencies;
  • gathering up the funds and then closing out the deceased’s bank accounts; and
  • figuring out how to handle any property.

In other words, an executor has a lot of responsibility and a lot of power. So much power that an executor may be required to post a bond with the province of Ontario to cover any potential losses.

It’s a common misconception that the executor of an estate has complete control over the assets and can freely distribute them to whomever they choose. In reality, that’s not the case. When someone passes away, their estate becomes a separate legal entity, and once the executor has finished settling the estate’s affairs, the estate’s assets must pass to the designated beneficiaries. However, the executor has many powers that can help them better manage the estate.

The powers of an executor of the Will, come from the wording of the Will. If the executor finds that they do not have sufficient powers to properly carry out their duties, then the executor would have to retain a lawyer, get legal advice and then make an application to the court to get those additional powers. Since an executor has personal liability, they should not overstep their authority by taking actions they do not have the power to under the Will.

How do I make sure an executor of the Will is honest?

Succession preparation includes the estate planning documents. As part of that process, there needs to be a properly thought out procedure of picking a proficient, responsible, and trustworthy individual to handle an estate, trust, or business, upon the death of the creator of that wealth.

It is extremely essential to have a detailed succession plan in your estate and to make certain that your executor recognizes his/her duty, has the necessary skills and is willing to carry out what they will be called upon to do.

A well-known saying is “you get what you pay for” which is more often true when it involves choosing your executor. The executor is the person responsible to execute the terms of a Will or Trust. If they are not up to the task, your estate can get involved in a great deal of trouble.

At the end of the day, you have hopefully chosen someone to be the executor of the Will that not only has the ability to perform all necessary tasks but also someone who out of respect for their relationship with you and your wishes will carry them out honestly and efficiently.

executor of the will
the executor of the Will

Can there be 2 executors of a Will?

There are numerous concerns that emerge when a loved one passes away. One that is usually asked is can there can be more than one executor of the Will? In short, yes, there can be more than one executor, but there are some instances when that may not be the very best course of action.

So what are the realistic options? There can be a sole executor, an alternate executor or co-executors. Each one has its pluses and minuses. As the name suggests, a sole executor is 1 person only who has full responsibility to take all the necessary actions involved in settling the estate and then turn the money or specifically designated property over to the beneficiaries.

What is and why have an alternate executor? Just because someone is named as an executor of the Will, it may be the case that when the time comes, the person named is either unwilling or unable to act. Perhaps the Will was drawn up one or two decades ago and now the circumstances of the named executor have changed. So just in case, an alternate executor can be named in case the primary executor cannot act.

The Ontario Trustee Act contemplated such a situation. Examples of reasons why the primary executor may be unwilling or unable to act are because they are now:

  • Having a change of heart and is now unwilling to act. An executor can recuse themselves before they start to take any action as executor. Once they start acting though, the only way they can be removed is through a court order.
  • Is now is unfit to act.
  • Predeceased the one who just died.
  • Have been convicted of an indictable offence.
  • An undischarged bankrupt or insolvent and trying to settle their debts under the Proposal provisions of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada).

Our sister business, Smith Estate Trustee Ontario, acts as a substitute executor when an executor of the Will needs to be replaced by the court.

In any of these situations, the alternate executor hopefully can and is still willing to act. The alternate executor would have the estate’s lawyer make an application to the court, provide proof for the reason why the named executor cannot act and the court can appoint the alternate executor (or any other party the beneficiaries may wish to nominate if proven that the alternate is unfit to act).

As the name implies, co-executors means that two or more people have been appointed to act together as an executor of the Will. This can help ensure that your estate is divided up as you intended and the co-executors can both split the work between them and also be a check on each other’s work.

They have someone they can confer with when unsure about something, rather than putting the estate to expense by consulting first with one of the professional advisors. The main disadvantage of having co-executors is that if you have an even number of executors and there is a major disagreement right down the middle, it will probably take the intervention of the court to have the decision made. This creates otherwise unnecessary cost and delay.

It is probably one of the most serious decisions in estate planning. Yu do not want to pick the wrong executor.

Choice of the executor of the Will: Using a trust company

Should you consider naming an estates professional as your executor? A trust company is such a professional executor. If you named an estate professional to oversee the distribution of your estate as executor, this approach typically results in less conflict and fewer disagreements between family members than naming a family member to be executor.

However, you should know that in naming an estate professional trust company, you are naming a corporate executor with well-established and unwavering policies and procedures to handle the estate administration process. The person at the trust company handling your relative’s estate is not going to care about the relationship issues between the beneficiaries and other family members.

They also are not going to worry about hurting someone’s feelings. The cost of using a trust company is cut and dry where a close friend or family member may waive any fee they may be entitled to as executor.

In some situations choosing a trust company as your corporate executor of the Will can be a smart option. A trust company is a company authorized to act as a trustee for a trust. The trust company is not the creator of the trust, nor is it the owner of the trust property.

The trust company is an independent third party, which is chosen by the now-deceased person to act as the executor of the Will. A trust company is an excellent choice as executor when the estate is very large and complex.

Whether one or more people or a trust company is a better choice to be the executor really depends on the size and complexity of the estate and the relationships of all the family members involved.

The executor of the Will summary

I hope you enjoyed the executor of the Will Brandon Blog post. If you are concerned because it is now time to act under the Will, but the named executor is unwilling or incapable of acting, that is where Smith Estate Trustee Ontario can be of assistance. We act as substitute trustees appointed by the court in such situations.

Have you been administering an estate and now you have determined that it is an insolvent estate? Are you worried because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option? Call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this coronavirus pandemic.

Smith Estate Trustee Ontario and Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

executor of the will
the executor of the Will
Brandon Blog Post


wills and estates

If you would like to hear the audio version of this wills and estates Brandon’s Blog, please scroll to the bottom and click on the podcast


Earlier this year, I wrote several blogs dealing with the administration of wills and estates. As I previously wrote, Ira Smith and I got very interested in this area. The reason was that we saw that the skill set required and the activities undertaken by an executor of a deceased estate, were quite similar. In Ontario, the executor of a deceased estate is called an estate trustee.

My series of blogs on the administration of a deceased estate in Ontario, in no particular order, were:


The purpose of this Brandon’s Blog is to review a very interesting recent Court of Appeal for Ontario decision appealing a lower Court’s ruling in an estate matter. The appeal was launched by the Estate Trustee who felt the lower court judge erred in approving a sale of an estate asset for a lower price than the Estate Trustee thought was proper. The Court of Appeal for Ontario upheld the lower court’s decision.

This could very well happen to a receiver or trustee in an insolvency file. Again, another similarity between the role we take on in an insolvency file administration and the role Smith Estate Trustee Ontario takes on as Estate Trustee in the administration of a deceased estate.

Wills and estates definition

First some basics. An estate is the property that an individual owns or has a lawful controlling interest in. The term is usually made use of to define the assets and liabilities left by a person after death. A will is a document that states your final wishes. It is a document that becomes operative after your death. It will appoint one or more people to act as an estate trustee. It will also provide for how you want your assets to be divided up amongst your beneficiary or beneficiaries.

On December 6, 2019, the Court of Appeal for Ontario released its decision in the legal case Loran v. Weissmann, 2019 ONCA 962 (CanLII). As I mentioned, the Estate Trustee appealed the lower court’s decision released in January 2019. The issue was one that could easily come up in other wills and estates. Since the issue being appealed was the lower court’s decision on a sales price for an asset, this issue also can arise in insolvency files. Just a different context.

Wills and estates Ontario: What was the issue?

This appeal by the estate trustee occurred out of a disagreement regarding a provision in the will concerning the sale of the business owned by the deceased. Unfortunately, this happens all too frequently. The provision in dispute was regarding the sales price of the business.

The will stated that the respondent, a long-time employee of the business, could purchase the business. The purchase price stated in the will was “…the lesser of $1.75 million or “the price determined by multiplying the earnings of…(averaged over the last three fiscal periods) by a factor of 5.5”.

The will also stated that the price paid by the respondent will be provided by way of a promissory note, with interest payable at 5% per year. There will be an annual repayment to the estate of not less than $180,000, to be made in month-to-month payments. The promissory note was to be secured by a general security agreement against the assets of the business and by the registration of a mortgage against the respondent’s house.

So far it sounds pretty simple, or so you would think.

They couldn’t reach a deal

The long-time employee tried to purchase the business, but the estate trustee and the employee could not agree on the purchase price. That is how they ended up in court.

The lower court judge hearing the evidence ruled that the sales price will be $529,611. He calculated this as $716,921, using the formula in the will, minus $187,310. This latter amount was an amount the Judge ruled was improperly paid by the company to the estate. The Judge also ruled that the employee was not required to provide the collateral mortgage. The estate trustee felt that this went against the will.

The appeal by the estate trustee

The appellant submitted that the application judge made the following mistakes:

  • he treated the respondent as a beneficiary as opposed to a favoured buyer;
  • he ignored the need of a collateral mortgage;
  • he approved the respondent’s evidence about the amount to be attributed to the deceased owner’s wages for the purposes of computing the earnings of the company; as well as
  • he incorrectly subtracted from the sales price the $187,310 paid out of the company to the estate.

The Court of Appeal for Ontario did not agree with any of these grounds for appeal.

The reasons were given by the Court of Appeal for Ontario

Beneficiary vs favoured buyer – The appellate court did not find any error in the lower court ruling on this. The Court of Appeal for Ontario noted that the will did not try to maximize the value of the business. It did not state that the estate trustee had to run a marketing effort to obtain the best price under the circumstances.

You would expect this to be the case in any sale by either an estate trustee or a receiver or licensed insolvency trustee. The appeal court noted this absence of intention. Rather, they agreed with the lower court that the intention was for the long-time employee to buy the business under the formula in the will.

Collateral mortgage – The evidence before the lower court was that at the time the will was written, the long-time employee did not own a home. The will also did not have any language about what minimum amount of equity the long term employee’s home had to have to provide for the collateral mortgage security. There was no argument that the lower court judge had the right to apply commercially reasonable terms. So, since the will was so unclear on what wording and real value the collateral mortgage security had to have, the lower court judge ruled that it would be meaningless and was unnecessary in the circumstances. The Court of Appeal for Ontario agreed again with the lower court judge.

The owner’s salary adds back to normalize earnings – The evidence was that at trial, both the appellant and respondent provided expert witness reports on this issue. The lower court judge preferred the respondent’s expert evidence. The appellant took issue with this. The Court of Appeal found that the lower court judge had the right to rely on one or the other of the expert’s reports and made a judgment call. There was nothing in that decision to be overturned.

Payment of $187,310 – The appellant’s position was that this payment would one day be rectified by the company recording this payment as a dividend. The appellant stated that the company had the right to pay dividends, which it had in the past. The lower court judge agreed that, as long as the payment of dividends did not render the company insolvent, it could do so.

The lower court judge also found that in the past the company had paid a dividend. However, it did not characterize this payment as a dividend, but rather, just payment to the estate. The lower court judge ruled that the purchaser should get the benefit of those funds having been stripped out of the company by a reduction in the purchase price of that same amount.

It turned out that the estate trustee caused the company to make that payment to the estate so that the estate could then pay out those funds to support the deceased’s widow. The company did not record that payment as a dividend or as salary to the widow. The lower court drew a distinction between dividends and gratuitous payments from the company’s bank account. The appeal court found that decision was within his discretion and there is no basis to interfere with the lower court judge’s finding.

So, the appeal court dismissed the appeal entirely and ordered that the appellant pay the respondent’s costs fixed in the amount of $10,000.


As I stated at the beginning, there are a lot of similarities between acting as an estate trustee and administering an insolvency file. Disputes normally arise in insolvency files. As this case shows, disputes also arise regularly in the administration of a deceased estate.

As a result of the similarities, we started this year Smith Estate Trustee Ontario. We currently have several estate trustee administrations underway. Our mix of empathy, experience and impartiality provides us with a distinct viewpoint. We have the capability to appropriately administer a deceased estate. Through our efforts, we minimize problems and accomplish outcomes for all stakeholders in an economical way.

We provide a full range of services to provide solutions for the complex Estate issues to end the pain and frustration the stakeholders are experiencing. We apply our expertise and creative thinking to take care of all details to end your pain and achieve the goals of the beneficiaries and other stakeholders. Contact Smith Estate Trustee Ontario today for your free consultation. Get our no cost full-scale analysis of your issues and our recommended options to solve your problems allowing you to move forward confidently. Check out our website by clicking HERE.

Brandon Blog Post


Trustee of deceased estate: Introduction

I have previously written on what happens when a person dies insolvent, i.e. their debts are greater than the value of their assets. My blogs on being a trustee of deceased estate that is insolvent are:

I am now switching a bit. Over the next few weeks, I am going to be writing a series of blogs and vlogs to explain why I believe that a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) is the professional you should be thinking of making the executor of a deceased estate and recording it in your will. I am talking about solvent estates. Those with many assets and beneficiaries. I will be making the case why over the next few weeks. I will not be on insolvent estates of deceased persons.

I repeat that these blogs and vlogs will have nothing to do with debt, insolvency or bankruptcy. However, I will show how, based on the knowledge and expertise possessed by licensed insolvency trustees, it makes them the perfect candidate to serve as an executor of a deceased estate that is rich with assets. I will also be focussing my comments on the Province of Ontario. There may be some variations from province to province.

I caution that I and my firm are not lawyers, and I am by no means providing in this and upcoming Brandon’s Blogs advice on wills or estate planning matters. For that, you must consult your lawyer.

In this blog, I wish to set the stage by going over some basics when it comes to a deceased estate.

Trustee of deceased estate: The executor/executrix or estate trustee

In Ontario, an estate trustee (also known as the executor or executrix) is the only individual with the lawful authority to handle or disperse an estate. When an individual dies they might leave items, property, real estate, cash and investments and other possessions which is called their estate.

Probate is a treatment to ask the court to:

  • provide an individual with the authority to work as the estate trustee of an estate;
  • verify the authority of an individual acting as the estate trustee named in the deceased’s will; and
  • officially accept that the deceased’s will is their legitimate last will.

You can apply for probate in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. The procedure is governed by the Estates Act and the related Rules of Civil Procedure.dece

If your probate application succeeds, the court will provide a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee, which is evidence that an individual has the lawful authority to manage the estate. If there is a will, it is also evidence that the will is valid.

Trustee of deceased estate: Must I always apply for probate?

A probate Certificate is not needed in every situation for a deceased estate. Prior to beginning an application for probate, you might want to establish whether the deceased estate actually needs a probate Certificate.

An application for a probate Certificate is normally made if:

  • the departed individual passed away without a will
  • the deceased’s will does not show an estate trustee
  • a financial institution desires evidence of an individual’s lawful authority to get the cash or financial investments of the deceased
  • the estate’s properties consist of real estate which does not pass to an individual by right of survivorship
  • there is a disagreement about who ought to be the estate trustee
  • there is a conflict or possible conflict about the legitimacy of the will; or
  • some of the beneficiaries are unable to supply legal consent.

Trustee of deceased estate: Trustee of estate responsibility

What should the estate trustee’s first steps be? Here is where the actions the estate trustee should immediately take are almost the same as when a licensed insolvency trustee is first appointed either as:

The will and financial records

Assuming the family has already made arrangements for and the funeral has taken place, the estate trustee should first find a copy of the will and any books and records of the deceased that will explain the deceased’s financial affairs. If the estate trustee cannot find a copy of the will, he or she should consult with the deceased’s family and lawyer. Hopefully one or both will have a copy.

As the licensed insolvency trustee, we must also find the books and records of the company or person, so that we can start learning about the financial affairs of the insolvent or bankrupt.

Proof of authority

The estate trustee will also require a certified copy of the death certificate, to prove the death to financial institutions and the government. The will, and/or the probate Certificate, will be proof of the estate trustee’s authority to act.

In the same way, the licensed insolvency trustee requires a copy of its Appointment Letter in a private receivership, the Court order in a Court-appointed receivership, or the Certificate of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy in a bankruptcy. These documents evidence the appointment of the licensed insolvency trustee.

Taking possession and control of the assets

The estate trustee must now take control of any assets that do not automatically by operation of law transfer to another person by right of survivorship. The estate trustee must establish physical control, take an inventory of the assets and arrange for appraisals to be performed where required. The estate trustee should establish the market value of the assets as soon as possible.

In the same way, upon being appointed as either receiver or trustee, a licensed insolvency trustee must establish control and/or possession of the assets, properties and undertakings of the insolvent/bankrupt debtor, whether in the debtor’s possession or that of a third party. The licensed insolvency trustee must make an inventory of the assets and where required, arrange for appraisals.

Insurance and bonding

The estate trustee must make sure that, in the case of real property and chattels, that the assets are properly insured. As well, if an application was made to Court for probate and the Court issued the Certificate, the Court may also require the estate trustee to get a bond for a specific value to protect the beneficiaries. The amount of the bond will have a relation to the estimated value of the assets.

In the same way, the receiver/trustee must make sure that the hard assets are properly insured. In a bankruptcy, the Superintendent of Bankruptcy sometimes requires the trustee to get a bond to protect the bankruptcy estate.

The bond will be issued by an insurance company licensed to provide such coverage in Ontario.

Trustee of deceased estate: The responsibilities of the estate trustee

In general terms, an estate trustee has the following responsibilities:

  • be impartial amongst beneficiaries
  • act in a commercially reasonable way
  • to act in the best interests of the beneficiaries
  • not make decisions for individual gain
  • keep accurate records of all decisions made and actions and activities; and
  • acting in accordance with the will if one exists

In every Court appointment, be it a receivership or bankruptcy, the licensed insolvency trustee must live up to these same standards. Rather than beneficiaries, there are stakeholders. The Court officer must be impartial and must act in the best interests of all stakeholders.

Trustee of deceased estate: Trustee vs executor of an estate

So hopefully from this blog, you can see that the knowledge, experience and expertise of a licensed insolvency trustee would stand him or her in a good position to act as executor, executrix or estate trustee of a deceased estate.

If you have any questions about a deceased estate and the need for an estate trustee, whether it is solvent or insolvent, contact the Ira Smith Team. We have decades and generations of experience in helping people and companies overcome their financial problems. You don’t need to suffer; we can end your pain.

In my next blog, I am going to write about a topic that is becoming more and more common in deceased estates; picking the right estate trustee. As you will see, it is much more than just finding the right skill set.

In the meantime, if you have any questions at all, contact the Ira Smith Team.

trustee of deceased estate


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