Brandon Blog Post


no credit check loan, credit card debt, July 4, Independence Day, Canada Day, good debt, bad debt, credit counselling, bankruptcy alternatives, consumer proposal, consumer proposals, bankruptcy, student loans, line of credit, bad credit, licensed professional trustee, trustee, starting over starting now, debt consolidation, bankruptcy faqsThe no credit check loan and credit card industries are being used to fund holiday travel. The American Automobile Association reported that: “This year nearly 41 million Americans plan to celebrate the nation’s birthday with a getaway…” said AAA President and CEO Robert L. Darbelnet.

AAA also reported that this July 4 Independence Day travel is because of the willingness of consumers to take on debt, NOT an increase in income, to fund for the increase in consumer spending. No credit check loan debt and credit card debt is cited as the two credit vehicles of choice being used to fund travel.

In July 2013 we discussed how even high flyers can’t sustain the income to fund their lifestyles, so all demographics means the rich and famous are included. In April 2014 we discussed that debt is increasing in Canada across all demographics, and at alarming rates. A check of our analytics indicates that “no credit check loan” and similar bad credit loan searches are by far outweighing other keywords that people are using. Every day, fewer and fewer people are using keyword search terms such as credit counselling, bankruptcy alternatives, consumer proposals or bankruptcy.

It would appear that Canadians are also much more willing to take on more debt, even though they know they have a debt problem because of a bad credit score. We know that there are two types of debt: good debt and bad debt. If there is such a thing as good debt and bad debt, what’s the difference? The distinction is based on the purpose for which it is taken on. Good debt can be defined as anything that builds your assets or increases the potential for you to earn more money. Bad debt is typically incurred to purchase things that have no value or quickly lose their value and usually carries a very high interest rate – which more often than not is found in no credit check loan debt and credit card debt.

Some examples of good debt:

  • Mortgage
  • Real estate
  • Student loans from the provincial or federal government
  • Investment loans

Some examples of bad debt:

There are a lot of people with bad credit who are feeling pain in our society and believe that another no credit check loan is their solution. These people are misguided in that they think that a further high cost no credit check loan will solve their problem. I understand the way these people think. It is hard for us to face our challenges. Whether it is about our health, our family or our financial situation, it is difficult and painful to look at our problems straight in the face, especially if we are the one who created the problem. These people mistakenly think that taking on more debt is the solution.

Well, it is not. These people need to recognize that their credit score is so poor because of choices they have made in the past, and their behaviour has to change. Taking on more debt through a high cost no credit check loan is just increasing their problems. They need to look at ways to budget so that their expenses are less than their income. They need to start saving to pay down debt.

If they can’t do it on their own, then they must consult a licensed professional trustee who can discuss options with them: budgeting, bankruptcy alternatives such as debt consolidation or a consumer proposal or perhaps even bankruptcy. If this sounds like you, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. right away for a no charge consultation. You can even check out our bankruptcy faqs now online here. We will go over all of your options, and encourage and help you to implement the one that is right for you so that together we can solve your problems with immediate action and the right plan so that Starting Over, Starting Now will become your reality.

In the meantime, whether you are travelling for this Canada Day holiday or relaxing at home, we wish you a safe, fun, relaxing and hopefully only a good debt Canada Day holiday with family and friends.

Brandon Blog Post


IS DEBT PREVENTING BABY BOOMERS FROM GETTING MARRIED?Baby boomers debt is having an effect on baby boomers who wish to get married, but won’t. Shacking up is not exclusively for young people bucking societal traditions. About 33% of Baby Boomers are unmarried today and many are opting to live together instead of getting married, according to a survey done by the National Center for Family and Marriage Research at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. In fact, the number of Baby Boomers living together has more than doubled in 10 years – about 2.75 million people over the age of 50 were cohabiting in the United States in 2010 compared to 1.2 million a decade earlier, according to the research. U.S. Census Bureau data shows adults older than 50 are among the fastest growing segment of unmarried couples in the U.S.

Why are Baby Boomers choosing to cohabitate instead of tying the knot? The most common reason cited is money – debt, benefits, taxes and cash flow are preventing couples from saying I Do. Many Baby Boomers have assumed a heavy debt load as a result of:

Debt has hit the Baby Boomers hard and many are reluctant to enter into a marriage where they may be assuming additional debt as a result of the marriage. Others are reluctant after having suffered financially as a result of grey divorce. There are many reasons that Baby Boomers are in debt and we have explored them in several blogs – Baby Boomers Debt: Reasons Why It Is So High, Baby Boomers Debt Crisis: Waiting For An Inheritance To Bail You Out, and Grey Divorce Can Create Serious Debt For Boomer Retirees.

If you’re experiencing serious debt issues, then you already know that debt doesn’t miraculously disappear on its own. You need professional help and a solid plan for moving forward with your life Starting Over, Starting Now. Don’t let debt prevent you from doing the things that are important to you. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today and take the first step towards living a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


STUDENT LOAN DEBT, DOES IT AFFECT THE ECONOMY?Student loan debt is not just a problem for students and their families to deal with. It’s a serious problem that has invaded all facets of our society and has significantly impacted our economy. According to the Canadian Federation of Students:

  • The average student loan debt is $27,000
  • Between 2012 and 2013 more than 400,000 students borrowed money to help pay for more schooling
  • The CSLP (Canada Student Loans Program) expected to lend approximately $2.46 billion during the 2013-14 academic year

Statistics Canada’s Survey of Financial Security reports that student debt grew 44.1% from 1999 to 2012, or 24.4% between 2005 and 2012. And, one in eight Canadian families is carrying student debt. The average student is having a great deal of difficulty paying off their student loans and according to the Canada Student Loans Program, most students take nearly 10 years to pay off their loans – with some taking the maximum 14.5 years. In September 2010 the amount of student loans owed to the Government of Canada was more than $15 billion dollars, which is greater than the debt of some provinces. The federal government has written off another $231 million in unpaid student loans this year from more than 44,000 cases, after exhausting all avenues attempting to collect.

A study last year from TD Bank found that students are increasingly delaying major life milestones due to the rising costs of education. How can someone who is still paying off student loans assume a mortgage or car loan? Students are shackled by their student loan debt and there is no relief. Student loans can only be discharged by bankruptcy if you have been out of school entirely (full time or part time) for 7 years or more. Student loan debt has significantly impacted our economy because university graduates lack the disposable income to create a buoyant housing market, brisk car sales and restricts the purchase of high ticket items which all fuel the economy. The CSLP does not have a program for student loan debt forgiveness or student loan debt relief.

If you’re facing financial crisis or bankruptcy, you need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. can solve your problems with immediate action and the right plan. Contact us today.

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