Brandon Blog Post


death of a debtor, insolvent, insolvency, bankrupt, bankruptcy, boomer retirees, debt, debt products, what is a consumer proposal, what is bankruptcy, vaughan bankruptcy, living wills, funeralsIf you have an aging or aged parent, you no doubt have had discussions surrounding living wills, end of life medical decisions and funerals. However, there is one topic that many families consider taboo – money – because many adult children consider it disrespectful to discuss finances with their parents. But, the truth is that many seniors in Canada are struggling. We began this discussion in our Blog “Grey Divorce Can Create Serious Debt For Boomer Retirees” but serious debt is not the exclusive domain of seniors that are divorced; it is rampant across the demographic. It may shock you to know that Canadians over the age of 65 now have the highest insolvency and bankruptcy rates for their age group and seniors were 17 times more likely to become insolvent in 2010 than they were 20 years ago, according to the Vanier Institute’s 13th annual “Current State of Canadian Family Finances: 2011—2012 Report.” Can you bankrupt a dead person? Can you bankrupt a dead person? Find out here in what we call “Death of a Debtor”.

A TD Bank study revealed that:

  • Debt among the 65 plus age group increased 15% in 2012
  • The average debt for those 65 and older increased by about $6,000 since 2011
  • Average debt among this group is $47,500

A CIBC study revealed that:

  • 59% of retired Canadians currently hold some form of debt
  • Only 27% of retired Canadians said they have made an extra lump sum payment towards their debt in the past 12 months
  • On average, retired Canadians carry 1.65 debt products with a balance (including mortgages, lines of credit, loans and credit cards)

What will happen if your parent(s) pass away in debt? You really have only 2 options?

  1. Pay the debts
  2. Let the estate go bankrupt

We recognize that this is an emotionally charged issue, but just because your parents were insolvent doesn’t mean that you have to be. Starting Over, Starting Now you can live a debt free life with help from Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. Contact us today and watch for our next blog – Is It The Ultimate Indignity To Bankrupt A Deceased Person? Part 2 – when we’ll be discussing what you can do if your parent(s) pass away in debt.

Brandon Blog Post


hiding your assets, Bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, bankruptcy court, bankruptcy file, Criminal Code, Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, declaring bankruptcy, trustee, trustees, what is bankruptcyIf you think that hiding your assets in a bankruptcy is a good way to hang onto your property; think again. This is not a minor matter. In fact it’s a violation of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) and the Criminal Code and it’s punishable by hefty fines and/or prison time. You will find yourself in a world of trouble if you:

  • Fraudulently dispose of property before or after the bankruptcy
  • Make false entries in a statement of account or hide, destroy or falsify a document related to your property or affairs
  • Conceal or fraudulently remove property, or conceal claims or debts
  • Refuse to respond fully and truthfully to questions posed during an examination held in accordance with the BIA

Committing fraud against the government is never a good idea and the likelihood is that you will get caught. The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) identifies possible offences through its detection programs or through complaints received from creditors, trustees or the public. When the OSB has reason to believe that an offence has been committed, it sends the file to one of its three special investigation units. The investigation units work closely with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and in some cases files are transferred to the RCMP. The OSB encourages people to report fraudulent activities that relate to a bankruptcy file and they even have a toll free number to call or use an affordable background check USA 1-877-376-9902.

In addition to fines and/or prison time, if you hide your assets from the bankruptcy court:

  • You will not be able to discharge your debts
  • The trustee can revoke your discharge and those debts cannot be discharged in subsequent bankruptcies

Still think that hiding your assets in a good idea?

Honesty is always the best policy. If you are thinking of declaring bankruptcy, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver as soon as possible. We will guide you through the process and Starting Over, Starting Now get you well on your way to living a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


credit score ratings, bankrupt, Bankruptcy, Consumer Proposal, credit report, credit score, declare bankruptcy, insolvent, toronto bankruptcy, vaughan bankruptcy, what is bankruptcyAre you the poster child for financial responsibility? You have a good job, you take care of your family, your bill payments are all current and you have an excellent credit score. So, what can possibly be wrong with this picture and why would we think you should tank your credit score ratings, declare bankruptcy and improve your life?

The reality is that as many as 70% of bankruptcy filings are made by people with strong credit scores, according to TransUnion. Why isn’t a great credit score a predictor of whether or not someone will go bankrupt? “Many people are hopelessly insolvent but they’re not delinquent. From a credit report they are making their payments on time but they’ve got no reasonable prospect of ever paying this debt off,” said Mr. Mantin, senior vice-president of E. Sands & Associates Inc. According to Ira Smith, President of Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc., “This is a very telling comment. Most people believe that as long as you make the minimum payment, you are “current”, especially when it comes to credit cards, even though deep down you know that you will never be able to pay off the debt. Current used to mean that when you received the credit card statement, you paid off the balance in full and you were delinquent if all you made was the minimum payment. This is a huge societal mind shift.”

When you are staying afloat by making the minimum payments, it doesn’t take much to tip you over the edge. Any major life changing experience can do it – loss of job, divorce, serious health issues, unexpected major expense – and all of a sudden you go from paying your bills on time and having a great credit score to not paying your bills and looking at bankruptcy.

What should you do? If you are struggling with a mountain of debt, even if you are making your monthly payments and have a great credit score, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. A great credit score won’t solve your debt problems, but a consumer proposal or bankruptcy can help you both financially and emotionally, alleviating the monthly stress when the bills are due. Starting Over, Starting Now you can take charge of your financial future and improve your life.

Call a Trustee Now!