Brandon Blog Post


You’re Richer Than You Think: What Is Money Dysmorphia?

You’re richer than you think is a slogan used by The Bank of Nova Scotia for its ScotiaBank consumer financial products advertisements. It is normal for Canadians to be concerned about their finances and whether they will have enough to pay bills, pay for their children’s education and save for retirement. Many times we feel that we won’t have enough. That is all normal. But sometimes, the rational can become irrational.

In the present era of digital advancements, social media has emerged as a major contributor to the exacerbation of money dysmorphia, particularly affecting Generation Z and millennials. This irrational unease regarding one’s financial status can result in feelings of inadequacy and financial strain. Here, we explore expert advice on reclaiming command over your financial health.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss how money dysmorphia, influenced by social media comparisons, leads to financial stress. Overcoming it requires setting clear goals, seeking professional guidance, and cultivating healthy financial habits. The reality is, for most people, you’re richer than you think.

Definition of money dysmorphia

Money dysmorphia is a term that resonates deeply in today’s society. It is a psychological condition characterized by the irrational anxiety individuals experience about their financial status. Money dysmorphia can be felt by anyone, regardless of their actual wealth or income. The effects of this phenomenon are very detrimental.

Money dysmorphia is a distorted perception of one’s financial situation. Individuals with money dysmorphia may experience intense feelings of inadequacy or dissatisfaction with their financial status. This condition can lead to compulsive spending, hoarding, or other maladaptive behaviours related to money management.

Individuals with money dysmorphia may also have difficulty accurately assessing their financial resources and may engage in risky financial decisions as a result. It is important for individuals experiencing symptoms of money dysmorphia to seek professional help. Financial therapy, behavioural therapy or financial counselling, to address and manage their symptoms effectively are all avenues to consider to get help.

Who is affected by money dysmorphia?

Money dysmorphia can affect individuals from all walks of life, regardless of their socioeconomic status. It creates a significant impact on their financial well-being, relationships, and overall quality of life. While anyone can be susceptible to money dysmorphia, certain factors such as childhood experiences, societal pressures, and personal insecurities may increase the likelihood of developing this disorder.

The FP Canada’s 2024 Financial Stress Index, reveal a concerning trend of heightened financial worries, particularly among younger demographics like Generation Z and millennials. Factors like rising inflation, escalating housing costs, and the overall economic landscape contribute to this growing sense of financial insecurity. A study by Credit Karma shows similar results.

You’re Richer Than You Think: Causes of money dysmorphia

The causes of money dysmorphia can be complex and multifaceted, but some potential contributing factors include:

Cultural and societal influences

  • Societal pressure to consume and keep up with material possessions can contribute to an unhealthy relationship with money.
  • Limited understanding of personal finance and money management can lead to feelings of uncertainty and anxiety.
  • Exposure to social media may foster unrealistic expectations and comparisons, potentially resulting in feelings of inadequacy and discontentment with one’s financial circumstances.
  • Environmental factors such as poverty, economic instability, or financial insecurity can contribute to money dysmorphia.

Personal experiences and traumas

  • Childhood experiences of financial stress, poverty, or neglect can lead to a distorted relationship with money.
  • .Chronic financial stress can lead to feelings of anxiety, guilt, and shame.
  • Family members’ financial behaviour, attitudes, and values can influence an individual’s relationship with money.
  • Major life events, such as job loss, divorce, or illness, have the potential to trigger or worsen distortions in perception and reality.
  • Limited financial literacy can lead to feelings of uncertainty and anxiety.
  • Low self-esteem or self-worth can lead to an unhealthy relationship with money, as individuals may use money as a means to compensate for feelings of inadequacy.

Mental health conditions

Various mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, have been identified as potential factors contributing to the development of unhealthy attitudes towards money. An individual’s values and beliefs regarding financial matters, such as the perceived importance of material possessions or the necessity of saving, can significantly influence their relationship with money.

Research indicates a possible correlation between these attitudes and abnormalities in brain regions associated with emotional processing, such as the anterior cingulate cortex. Additionally, specific personality traits like perfectionism, rigidity, or impulsivity may heighten one’s susceptibility to developing problematic financial behaviours.

Setting unrealistic or unattainable financial objectives can lead to feelings of frustration and disappointment, ultimately exacerbating the condition known as money dysmorphia.

It’s essential to note that money dysmorphia is a complex condition, and multiple factors may contribute to its development. If you’re struggling with money dysmorphia, it’s crucial to seek professional help from a mental health expert or a financial advisor to address the underlying issues and develop a healthier relationship with money.

you're richer than you think
you’re richer than you think

You’re Richer Than You Think: Impact of Social Media on Financial Well-Being

The comparison trap on social media platforms has become a prevalent issue, especially among younger generations like Generation Z and millennials.

When scrolling through social media feeds, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing one’s financial status to the seemingly perfect lives portrayed online. This constant exposure to curated content can fuel feelings of inadequacy and financial stress, creating a flawed perception of reality.

Social media is pivotal in perpetuating financial insecurities, creating a platform where comparisons run rampant. The carefully curated highlight reels and seemingly flawless lives showcased on social platforms can distort perceptions of reality, leading individuals to question their financial standing. This constant exposure to unrealistic standards can fuel feelings of inadequacy and breed a culture of comparison.

It is imperative to comprehend the impact of social media on shaping financial attitudes and behaviours in addressing issues related to money dysmorphia. Acknowledging that online depictions often present a curated and exaggerated representation of reality enables individuals to liberate themselves from the comparison trap. It is essential to foster a mindset that prioritizes personal growth over seeking external approval, concentrating on individual financial objectives and ambitions rather than external standards.

You’re Richer Than You Think: Who is most affected by money dysmorphia?

Money dysmorphia, also known as financial anxiety disorder, can affect anyone who has a distorted perception of money and financial reality. However, certain groups may be more prone to experiencing money dysmorphia due to various factors.

Young adults and millennials

People in their 20s and 30s may be more susceptible to money dysmorphia. Let’s explore these and other factors more closely:

  • Career establishment: This age group is often in the process of establishing their careers, which can be a significant source of stress. The pressure to secure a job, climb the corporate ladder, and achieve professional success can lead to financial anxiety and a distorted view of money.
  • Student loan debt: Many individuals in this age group are still paying off student loans, which can be a significant financial burden. The pressure to manage debt, make timely payments, and avoid default can contribute to financial stress and anxiety.
  • Building a financial foundation: This age group is often expected to establish a financial foundation, including building an emergency fund, paying off debt, and starting to save for retirement. The pressure to achieve these financial milestones can lead to feelings of inadequacy and financial anxiety.
  • The impact of social media: Platforms such as Instagram and Facebook frequently portray the idealized lives of others, complete with their financial achievements. This can cultivate unattainable standards and feelings of inadequacy, prompting financial distress and a distorted perception of wealth.
  • Changing financial priorities: As people enter their 20s and 30s, their financial priorities often shift from living expenses to long-term goals, such as buying a home, starting a family, or achieving financial independence. This shift can be overwhelming and lead to financial anxiety.
  • Growing financial commitments: As individuals transition into their 20s and 30s, they often assume additional financial obligations, which may include providing for dependents, covering healthcare expenses, and overseeing household finances. These augmented financial responsibilities can lead to heightened levels of financial strain and anxiety.
  • Insufficient financial education: Individuals within this demographic may have not been equipped with sufficient financial education or guidance, resulting in feelings of uncertainty and anxiety regarding their financial status.
  • Social comparison pressure: The societal expectation to align with the lifestyles of peers, coworkers, and social media figures can result in sentiments of insufficiency and economic distress. Individuals may perceive a need to conform to current fashions, acquire the latest technologies, or engage in extravagant travel experiences to uphold a desired social standing.
  • The phenomenon known as the fear of missing out (FOMO): Pertains to apprehensions about missing out on financial prospects, career advancements, or life experiences, which can give rise to financial stress and a skewed perspective on money.
  • Lack of financial self-assurance: Individuals in their 20s and 30s may exhibit a lack of financial self-assurance, leading to feelings of doubt and anxiety regarding their financial circumstances.

Individuals with low self-esteem or a history of a history of trauma

Individuals with low self-esteem or a history of trauma may be more susceptible to money dysmorphia due to the following reasons:

  • Negative self-talk: People with low self-esteem may have a negative inner dialogue that can manifest in their financial decisions. They may believe they are not worthy of financial success or that they don’t deserve to have money. This negative self-talk can lead to financial anxiety, fear, and a distorted view of money.
  • Fear of rejection: Individuals with a history of trauma may have a deep-seated fear of rejection, which can manifest in their financial decisions. They may be overly cautious with their finances, hoarding money or avoiding financial risks, due to a fear of being rejected or abandoned.
  • Low self-esteem: Individuals who have experienced trauma may encounter challenges related to shame, guilt, and self-blame, resulting in diminished self-worth. This may influence their financial behaviour, as they may perceive themselves as undeserving of wealth or lacking in worthiness to attain financial prosperity.
  • Hyper-vigilance: Individuals with a history of trauma may be in a state of hyper-vigilance, always on the lookout for potential threats or dangers. This can manifest in their financial decisions, as they may be overly cautious or risk-averse, leading to a distorted view of money.
  • Challenges with establishing boundaries: Individuals who have experienced trauma may encounter difficulties in setting and upholding appropriate boundaries, potentially impacting their financial well-being. They may find it challenging to assertively decline financial demands or regulate their expenses, resulting in heightened financial strain and distress.
  • Emotional regulation: Individuals with low self-esteem or a history of trauma may struggle with emotional regulation, leading to intense emotional responses to financial stress or anxiety. This can lead to impulsive financial decisions or a distorted view of money.
  • Fear of loss: Trauma survivors may have a deep-seated fear of loss, which can manifest in their financial decisions. They may be overly attached to their money or possessions, leading to a distorted view of money and financial anxiety.
  • Difficulty with self-care: Individuals with low self-esteem or a history of trauma may struggle with self-care, including taking care of their physical and emotional needs. This can lead to financial decisions that prioritize others’ needs over their own, leading to financial stress and anxiety.
  • Lack of financial education: Trauma survivors may have a lack of financial education or guidance, leading to financial anxiety and a distorted view of money.
  • Individuals with a history of trauma or low self-esteem: Such people may encounter challenges with trust, which can extend to trusting themselves, others, or financial institutions. This difficulty may result in financial choices influenced by fear or mistrust, rather than logical decision-making.

Those with a history of financial difficulties

People with a history of financial difficulties may be more prone to money dysmorphia due to the following reasons:

  • Fear of financial instability: Individuals who have experienced financial difficulties in the past may be more anxious about their financial situation and more likely to develop a distorted view of money.
  • Trauma and stress: Financial difficulties can be a traumatic experience, leading to stress, anxiety, and feelings of shame or guilt. This trauma can lead to a distorted view of money and a fear of financial instability.
  • Lack of financial confidence: Individuals who have faced financial challenges, possibly due to past poor decisions, may experience a lack of confidence in their financial management capabilities. This can result in a skewed perception of money and a heightened fear of making further financial errors.
  • Fear of debt: Individuals who have struggled with debt may be more anxious about debt and more likely to develop a distorted view of money.
  • Fear of financial loss: People who have experienced financial loss, such as a job loss or a financial setback, may be more anxious about financial loss and more likely to develop a distorted view of money.
  • Difficulty with financial planning: Individuals who have struggled with financial difficulties may have difficulty planning for the future, leading to a distorted view of money and a fear of financial instability.
  • Fear of financial judgment: People who have struggled with financial difficulties may fear being judged by others for their financial situation, leading to a distorted view of money and a fear of financial instability.
  • Difficulty with financial decision-making: Individuals who have struggled with financial difficulties due to having made poor decisions in the past may have difficulty making financial decisions, leading to a distorted view of money and a fear of financial instability.
  • Fear of financial vulnerability: People who have struggled with financial difficulties may fear being vulnerable to financial exploitation or taking financial risks, leading to a distorted view of money and a fear of financial instability.
  • Difficulty with financial forgiveness: Individuals who have struggled with financial difficulties may have difficulty forgiving themselves for past financial mistakes, leading to a distorted view of money and a fear of financial instability.

It is crucial to acknowledge that money dysmorphia can serve as a symptom of deeper financial trauma or challenges. Engaging with professional support, such as therapy or financial counselling, offers an effective approach to addressing these underlying issues and cultivating a more positive relationship with finances.

you're richer than you think
you’re richer than you think

You’re Richer Than You Think: How money dysmorphia affects financial habits

Overspending and impulse buying

Excessive spending and impulsive purchasing are prevalent outcomes of financial dysmorphia. The subsequent delineation illustrates how financial dysmorphia may precipitate increased expenditure and impulsive buying behaviour:


  • Compensatory spending: Individuals with money dysmorphia may overspend as a way to compensate for perceived financial shortcomings or to alleviate feelings of financial anxiety.
  • Emotional spending: A phenomenon that involves individuals turning to shopping as a coping mechanism for managing negative emotions like stress, anxiety, or boredom.
  • Keeping up appearances: Money dysmorphia can lead to a desire to keep up appearances, which can result in overspending on luxuries or status symbols.
  • Fear of financial loss: Individuals with money dysmorphia may overspend as a way to avoid feelings of financial loss or to maintain a sense of financial security.
  • Lack of financial boundaries: Money dysmorphia can lead to a lack of financial boundaries, making it difficult for individuals to say no to financial requests or to prioritize their own financial needs.

Impulse buying:

  • Emotional triggers: Money dysmorphia can lead to emotional triggers, such as stress, anxiety, or boredom, which can cause individuals to make impulsive financial decisions.
  • Lack of self-control: Individuals with money dysmorphia may struggle with self-control, leading to impulsive buying decisions.
  • Fear of missing out (FOMO): Money dysmorphia can lead to FOMO, causing individuals to make impulsive buying decisions to avoid feeling left out or to keep up with others.
  • Inadequate financial planning: The presence of money dysmorphia may result in a deficiency in financial planning, creating challenges for individuals in effectively prioritizing their financial objectives or making well-informed financial choices.

Hoarding and fear of spending

Hoarding and fear of spending are common consequences of money dysmorphia. Here are some ways in which money dysmorphia can lead to hoarding and fear of spending:


  • Fear of financial loss: Individuals with money dysmorphia may hoard money or resources as a way to avoid feelings of financial loss or to maintain a sense of financial security.
  • Fear of scarcity: Hoarding can be a response to a perceived scarcity of resources, leading individuals to accumulate and hoard as a way to ensure their financial survival.
  • Emotional attachment: Money dysmorphia can lead to an emotional attachment to money or resources, making it difficult for individuals to part with them.
  • Fear of financial vulnerability: Hoarding can be a way to avoid feelings of financial vulnerability, as individuals may feel that by accumulating and hoarding, they are protecting themselves from financial uncertainty.
  • Lack of financial planning: Hoarding can be a result of a lack of financial planning, as individuals may not have a clear understanding of their financial needs or goals.

Fear of spending:

  • Fear of financial loss: Individuals with money dysmorphia may fear spending as a way to avoid feelings of financial loss or to maintain a sense of financial security.
  • Fear of financial vulnerability: Fear of spending can be a way to avoid feelings of financial vulnerability, as individuals may feel that by not spending, they are protecting themselves from financial uncertainty.
  • Fear of debt: Fear of spending can be a result of a fear of debt, as individuals may feel that by not spending, they are avoiding debt and financial obligations.
  • Fear of financial judgment: Fear of spending can be a result of a fear of financial judgment, as individuals may feel that by not spending, they are avoiding criticism or judgment from others.
  • Lack of financial confidence: Fear of spending can be a result of a lack of financial confidence, as individuals may feel that they are not financially prepared or capable of making financial decisions.

Constant comparison and dissatisfaction

Money dysmorphia can lead to constant comparison and dissatisfaction in several ways:

  • Unrealistic expectations: Money dysmorphia can create unrealistic expectations about what one should have or be able to afford. This can lead to constant comparison with others who seem to have more or better things.
  • Focus on material possessions: Money dysmorphia can lead to a focus on material possessions as a measure of financial stability or happiness. This can lead to constant comparison with others who have more or better possessions.
  • Fear of missing out (FOMO): Money dysmorphia can create a sense of FOMO, where one feels like they are missing out on experiences or opportunities because they don’t have enough money.
  • Perfectionism: Money dysmorphia can lead to perfectionism, where one feels like they need to have the perfect job, the perfect partner, the perfect home, etc. This can lead to constant comparison with others who seem to have it all together.
  • Lack of self-acceptance: Money dysmorphia can lead to a lack of self-acceptance, where one feels like they are not good enough or worthy of happiness because of their financial situation.
  • Comparison to others’ highlight reels: Social media can create a false sense of reality, where one compares their life to the highlight reels of others. This can lead to constant dissatisfaction and comparison. Fear of being judged: Money dysmorphia can create a fear of being judged by others for one’s financial situation. This can lead to constant comparison and dissatisfaction.
  • Unrealistic standards: Money dysmorphia can create unrealistic standards for oneself and others. This can lead to constant comparison and dissatisfaction.
  • Lack of gratitude: Money dysmorphia can lead to a lack of gratitude for what one already has. This can lead to constant comparison and dissatisfaction.
  • Constant striving: Money dysmorphia can create a constant sense of striving for more, which can lead to constant comparison and dissatisfaction.

You’re Richer Than You Think: Strategies to Overcome Money Dysmorphia

Navigating the intricacies of money dysmorphia and its implications on financial wellness underscores the importance of establishing clear financial objectives. Setting tangible goals and monitoring their progress serves as a foundational element in regaining a sense of agency in managing one’s finances. This proactive strategy not only cultivates empowerment but also nurtures a positive rapport with money, facilitating a more informed understanding of one’s financial standing.

Here are some practical strategies that you can use to maintain a healthy relationship with money and your financial needs:

Build financial literacy

Financial literacy plays a vital role in addressing money-related challenges and fostering financial empowerment. Elevating one’s understanding of personal finance, seeking guidance from financial experts, and engaging in constructive dialogues about financial matters are fundamental steps in establishing a strong financial footing. By arming oneself with the requisite knowledge and skills, individuals can make well-informed decisions and confidently navigate the financial landscape.

Financial literacy and planning are indispensable components of effective money management and ensuring a secure financial future. In the contemporary, fast-paced environment where social media can influence our perceptions of wealth and success, it is imperative to educate ourselves on personal finance and cultivate sound financial practices for sustained prosperity.

Self-education on personal finance serves as a potent tool in addressing money-related anxieties, including money dysmorphia, which refers to the irrational distress individuals experience about their financial standing, often exacerbated by comparisons with others.

Seek professional help

In the face of societal pressures and financial uncertainties, it is essential to seek guidance from reliable sources. Engaging in candid discussions regarding financial worries with trusted individuals such as family, friends, or financial experts can provide valuable advice and direction. Building a supportive network can empower individuals to confront financial obstacles with resilience and determination.

Consulting with financial planners and advisors can offer specialized insights and expertise for navigating the intricacies of personal finance. These professionals can offer a realistic assessment of one’s financial standing, identify areas for enhancement, and devise a roadmap toward financial security. By leveraging their proficiency and experience, informed decisions can be made to bolster long-term financial well-being.

Create a monthly budget

A critical aspect of addressing financial challenges such as money dysmorphia involves establishing clear financial objectives that align with our fundamental values. This process commences with a thorough assessment of our monthly income and expenses, followed by the development of a financial strategy that ensures our expenditures do not exceed our earnings.

By articulating our financial aspirations in harmony with our core principles, we can construct a comprehensive framework that informs our financial decisions and behaviours. Whether our objectives involve saving for a significant trip, purchasing a property, or investing in further education, linking our financial goals with our values instills a sense of purpose and direction.

Effective budgeting relies on the diligent tracking of income and expenses. By monitoring the sources of our monthly income, as well as our expenditures and their destinations, we can gain valuable insights into our spending patterns and identify opportunities to reduce expenses or enhance savings. Formulating and adhering to a budget fosters accountability and empowers us to progress toward our financial objectives, whether they are short-term initiatives like saving for a vacation or longer-term goals.

you're richer than you think
you’re richer than you think

You’re Richer Than You Think: Conclusion

Money dysmorphia, influenced by social media comparisons, leads to financial stress. Overcoming it requires setting clear goals, seeking professional guidance, and cultivating healthy financial habits.

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The information provided in this Brandon’s Blog is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended to constitute legal, financial, or professional advice. Readers are encouraged to seek professional advice regarding their specific situations. The content of this Brandon’s Blog should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional guidance or consultation. The author, Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as well as any contributors to this Brandon’s Blog, do not assume any liability for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on the information provided herein.

you're richer than you think
you’re richer than you think

Brandon Blog Post


Overview of the Canada Emergency Response Benefit

In the unprecedented times of the pandemic, one of Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan by PM Justin Trudeau and the Federal Government was the rolling out of the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) to provide financial aid to those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the eligibility requirements and repayment process have left many Canadians confused and frustrated.

In this Brandon’s Blog, we will dive deep into the intricacies of CERB eligibility and repayment, providing you with a comprehensive guide to navigate through the confusion. Let’s unravel the mysteries surrounding this together!

Explanation of what CERB was

The CERB has been a source of confusion for many Canadians, particularly when it comes to eligibility and repayment. Despite efforts to clarify the rules, there is still a lack of understanding among the public.

The first step towards clarity is understanding whether you were eligible for this benefit program. The program was designed to support individuals who lost their jobs or experienced a significant reduction in income due to the pandemic. However, the program was rolled out so fast that even those charged with administering the program did not fully understand the eligibility requirements.

With so many government civil servants not understanding the program, no wonder that ordinary Canadians were and are still uncertain about their eligibility status. In this section, we will break down the eligibility criteria, providing you with a clear understanding of who qualified for it and who did not.

Understanding Eligibility Requirements for CERB

Many Canadians are still facing uncertainty and confusion regarding their eligibility for the CERB application process. The ever-changing criteria and requirements had left individuals unsure about whether they qualified for this crucial financial assistance. Let’s delve into the key points causing confusion among applicants. The eligibility requirements were:

  1. Employment Status: To be eligible for CERB, you must have stopped working or experienced a significant reduction in your employment or self-employment income due to COVID-19. This includes individuals who have been laid off, furloughed, or had their business operations suspended.
  2. Income Threshold: The income requirement was that it must have been at least $5,000 in the previous 12 months or 2019. This income can come from employment, self-employment, or certain benefits related to maternity or parental leave.
  3. Residency Requirement: You must be a resident of Canada and have a valid Social Insurance Number (SIN) to qualify. Non-residents, temporary workers, and international students were not eligible.
  4. Exhaustion of Other Benefits: If you were already receiving other benefits, such as Employment Insurance (EI), you were not eligible for CERB. However, if you had exhausted your EI benefits, you could have been eligible.

Purpose of providing financial assistance during the COVID-19 crisis

The benefit was rolled out quickly by PM Justin Trudeau and his Federal Government and there was a lot of confusion about who was eligible for it. It was created to help those in Canada who the COVID-19 pandemic directly impacted. The program provided financial assistance to employees and self-employed workers. The benefit was worth a maximum of $2,000. Eligibility periods were every 4 weeks for up to four months.

The issue that troubles me is that the benefit was mostly paid to people who otherwise would not have been able to afford rent or food during their eligibility periods. The CERB benefit money was spent immediately and a long time ago. So if Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and Service Canada have now determined that some people should not have gotten that benefit, what are those people supposed to do if CRA demands the money back?

A person wearing a traditional Canadian red and white plaid shirt, surrounded by stacks of paper and envelopes from the Canada Revenue Agency. They look terrified and overwhelmed as they try to figure out how to repay the money they owe. The scene is set against a gray, ominous background with looming shadows representing the fear and stress the person is feeling. The person's facial expression and body language should convey a sense of desperation and hopelessness.

Criteria for Eligibility Not Clearly Communicated

The criteria for qualifying for CERB have been subject to changes and updates by the Federal Government since the program’s inception until it closed. While the intention behind those adjustments may have been to accommodate a broader range of individuals in need, the frequent modifications have created additional confusion. Applicants struggled to keep up with the evolving requirements, making it challenging for them to determine if they were eligible for the benefit.

Moreover, the language used to communicate the eligibility criteria was complex and difficult for the average person to comprehend. The technical jargon and legal terms used in official documents and announcements further exacerbated the confusion, leaving many applicants feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about their eligibility status.

The shifting landscape of eligibility requirements added another layer of complexity for Canadians seeking financial support. As the government responded to changing economic conditions and societal needs, the criteria for qualifying were adjusted to reflect these shifts. While these changes were intended to ensure that those most affected by the pandemic received assistance, they also resulted in confusion among applicants.

For instance, updates to the eligibility criteria regarding income thresholds and employment status left many individuals questioning whether they still qualified for CERB. The evolving nature of these requirements meant that what may have been true one week could be outdated the next, creating challenges for applicants trying to navigate the system.

The confusion surrounding eligibility continues to be a significant issue impacting many Canadians who needed financial assistance during those uncertain times. The reason it continues is because CRA is now demanding repayment from many Canadians alleging that they never qualified for it in the first place.

Clear and transparent communication of the criteria, consistent updates on changes, and accessible language are essential to help individuals understand their eligibility status and navigate the application process effectively.

Understanding CERB Repayment and its Real-Life Challenges

While CERB provided much-needed financial relief to millions of Canadians, it is crucial to understand that the money received through the program was not a grant but a taxable benefit. This means that it needed to be included in each recipient’s income tax return for the taxation year it was received. Failure to do so results in serious consequences. Let’s delve into the repayment process as that was also not properly communicated.

  1. Repayment Deadline: The original deadline for repaying CERB was December 31, 2022. It was essential to plan your finances accordingly to meet this deadline and avoid any penalties or interest charges. As mentioned above, the problem was that everyone used the funds for rent and food. They did not have the money to repay.
  2. Repayment Options: The CRA provides various repayment options to make the process easier for Canadians. You can repay the amount in full, in installments, or through your income tax return. It is crucial to choose the option that best suits your financial situation. However, at this stage, if not repaid immediately upon CRA advising of ineligibility, penalty and interest will be added to the amount paid. This is causing much hardship to many Canadians today.
  3. Avoiding Misunderstandings: Many Canadians have found themselves in a situation where they received the benefit without realizing they were ineligible. CRA is now demanding repayment to rectify the situation.A person wearing a traditional Canadian red and white plaid shirt, surrounded by stacks of paper and envelopes from the Canada Revenue Agency. They look terrified and overwhelmed as they try to figure out how to repay the money they owe. The scene is set against a gray, ominous background with looming shadows representing the fear and stress the person is feeling. The person's facial expression and body language should convey a sense of desperation and hopelessness.

Answers to the CERB Repayment FAQs

Q: What are some common issues people are facing when it comes to repaying the CERB?

A: Some common issues people face when repaying the CERB include confusion about eligibility criteria, difficulties navigating the repayment process, challenges in understanding tax implications, and concerns about financial strain due to the repayment amount. Additionally, delays in receiving communication from the government regarding repayment arrangements and lack of clarity on repayment deadlines are causing stress and uncertainty among recipients.

Q: How is the government addressing the repayment problems faced by Canadians who received the CERB?

A: The Canadian government has implemented various measures to address the repayment issues faced by Canadians who received the CERB. This includes allowing individuals to set up payment plans, extending the deadline for repayment, and providing flexibility in terms of repayment options. Additionally, the government has introduced measures to waive interest charges on outstanding balances for a certain period and has simplified the process for individuals who may have difficulty repaying the benefit. These efforts aim to alleviate the financial burden faced by Canadians and ensure a smoother repayment process.

Q: Can I appeal a decision regarding the CERB Repayment?

A: Yes, you can appeal a decision regarding the Canada Emergency Response Benefit Repayment by contacting the Canada Revenue Agency and providing any relevant documentation or information to support your appeal. It is recommended to review the specific reasons for the repayment request and provide a clear explanation or evidence to support your case during the appeal process. You will need documents to prove your position and may require professional advice from a tax accountant or tax lawyer.

Q: Are there any options available for individuals who are struggling to repay the CERB due to financial difficulties?

A: Individuals who are struggling to repay the benefit due to financial difficulties can contact the CRA to discuss repayment options. The CRA may be able to work out a payment plan or provide assistance based on individual circumstances. It is important to communicate with the CRA as soon as possible to avoid any penalties or further financial burden.

Q: What are the consequences for individuals who are unable to repay the CERB on time?

A: Individuals who are unable to repay the CERB on time may face consequences such as having to pay penalties or interest on the overdue amount, having their tax refunds withheld by the government, or being subject to legal action to recover the debt. It is important to communicate with the Canada Revenue Agency if you are unable to make payments on time to explore potential options for repayment.

Q: What are the acceptable methods for repaying the Canada Emergency Response Benefit?

A: As of now, the CRA has not announced specific repayment methods. However, individuals who have received the benefit but are not eligible or have received more than they were entitled to will be required to repay it. The CRA may provide further guidance on repayment methods in the future, but for now, individuals can contact the CRA to discuss repayment options.

It is just like paying any other amount to CRA. You can do so online, at your bank or by mailing a cheque to CRA. Make sure you include the payment advice stub with your payment and write your social insurance number and how the payment should be directed on the back of your cheque or in the appropriate boxes if paying online.

Q: Can I access financial counselling services for assistance with CERB repayment?

A: Yes, you can access professional advice in the form of financial counselling services for assistance with repayment. Many non-profit organizations and financial institutions offer free counselling services to help individuals navigate their finances and manage any debt repayment, including assistance with repaying CERB funds. It is recommended to reach out to these organizations for personalized guidance on your specific situation.

Q: Can I file either a consumer proposal or bankruptcy to eliminate the CERB repayment debt demanded by the CRA?

A: You can include the CERB repayment debt in a consumer proposal or bankruptcy, but it is advisable to seek professional advice from a licensed insolvency trustee in Canada to understand the specific implications and requirements of each option to your unique financial situation. Each individual’s financial situation is unique, so it’s crucial to receive personalized guidance on the best course of action to address the this repayment debt, your other debts and the effect on your assets.

We have helped several individuals eliminate their CERB repayment debt through both successful consumer proposals and bankruptcy.

CERB Conclusion

The Federal Government has taken steps to address confusion surrounding this program by updating guidelines, improving communication, and providing resources for repayment assistance. However, the CERB part of PM Justin Trudeau’s Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan seems to be extending the confusion and angst that existed during the COVID-19 crisis itself.

Navigating the complexities of eligibility and repayment is overwhelming, but with the right information, you can ensure a smooth process. By understanding the eligibility criteria and repayment options, you can avoid confusion and potential financial hardships in the future. Remember, it is always better to be proactive and seek clarification if you have any doubts regarding your CERB eligibility or repayment status. Together, we can navigate the confusion and emerge stronger on the other side. Stay informed, stay compliant, and stay financially secure.

Individuals and business owners must take proactive measures to address financial difficulties, consumer debt and company debt and promptly seek assistance when necessary. It is crucial to recognize that financial stress is a prevalent concern and seeking help is a demonstration of fortitude, rather than vulnerability. Should you encounter challenges in managing your finances and find yourself burdened by stress, do not delay in pursuing aid.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses with debt problems that are in financial distress. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns and more associated with your company debt are obviously on your mind.

The Ira Smith Team understands these financial health concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual who has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own and it does not mean that you are a bad person. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team uses innovative and cutting-edge methodologies, to adeptly navigate you through the intricacies of your financial challenges, ensuring a resolution to your debt-related predicaments without resorting to the rigours of the bankruptcy process. We can get you debt relief now! We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a Trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, to begin your debt-free life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

A person wearing a traditional Canadian red and white plaid shirt, surrounded by stacks of paper and envelopes from the Canada Revenue Agency. They look terrified and overwhelmed as they try to figure out how to repay the money they owe. The scene is set against a gray, ominous background with looming shadows representing the fear and stress the person is feeling. The person's facial expression and body language should convey a sense of desperation and hopelessness.


Brandon Blog Post


<h2Financial Awareness Month

Financial Awareness Month: Introduction

In today’s world, it is essential to have a good understanding of money matters and exactly how to handle your money carefully. November is Financial Awareness Month in Canada. In the United States, April is Financial Literacy Month. These two months chosen as Financial Awareness Month does not make any sense to me. At the beginning of every New Year, many people resolve to better themselves. One common resolution deals with gaining more financial literacy or reducing the amount of debt a person carries. So shouldn’t January be Financial Awareness Month?

In this Brandon’s Blog, we want to help raise the public awareness of Canadian financial literacy. We try to talk about the importance of financial literacy by covering the following money tips:

  • How Financial Awareness Month emphasizes understanding financial literacy for prudent money management.
  • Key aspects of financial literacy include distinguishing needs from wants, the importance of budgeting, wise debt handling, and saving for a secure future.
  • The significance of financial literacy for empowerment, achieving goals, and the basics of managing money effectively.
  • The power of compound interest, the role of different account types (savings, chequing, credit cards), and the need for consistency in financial planning.
  • Overall, Canadian Financial Awareness Month guides individuals toward a path of financial literacy and concludes by emphasizing its importance.

By the end of this article, you will be geared up with the needed tools to make informed financial choices and develop a safe future on your own.

Financial Awareness Month: Understanding the Difference between Needs and Wants

One way to show economic awareness is with story-telling. It is additionally an excellent way to show youngsters. The perfect time to begin your financial journey and achieve financial literacy to make better financial decisions is when you are young. So below is our Financial Awareness Month way to comprehend the difference between wants and needs.

For individuals like Sarah, it continues to be necessary to juxtapose their needs versus their wants. We need to be critical of what adds to health and basic survival and what engenders joy and satisfaction. By doing so, it can create judicious financial paths, thus guaranteeing a secure and prosperous future.

At daybreak, the sun’s radiant beams adorned the sky, setting the stage for Sarah’s jubilant awakening on the most exceptional day of the entire year – her birthday, a day bathed in splendour! An exhilarating surge of anticipation coursed through her veins, propelling her swiftly downstairs. Each pulsation of her heart carried the palpable thrill of what lay ahead. Like a harmonious chorus of affection, birthday greetings from her devoted parents and heartfelt presents from her beloved friends and family shimmered akin to celestial bodies, enveloping her in a tender embrace. And as the pinnacle of it all, an enticing breakfast awaited her, a sumptuous banquet befitting royalty.

As Sarah and her parents head out to the toy store, Sarah’s father starts to explain the relevance of distinguishing between needs and wants. He pointed out that needs, such as food, water, clothes, and a roof over your head, are important for survival, whereas wants, although not essential, can bring happiness and contentment.

Infused with the enchantment of her birthday, Sarah embarked on a spree of shopping, her thoughts teeming with vivacious hues. She delved profoundly into the recesses of her wants and yearnings, unravelling a newfound comprehension of her financial expedition. With every step, her assurance ascended, enabling her to make astute selections. Resolute in seizing every available prospect, the cosmos appeared to whisper boundless prospects into her eager receptiveness. With inexhaustible vitality and resolute determination, Sarah ventured forth into the realm, poised to inscribe her effervescent dreams upon life’s intricate canvas.

Sarah, at the ripe age of ten, radiated sheer delight while commemorating her birthday. Her parents she adores had pledged an extraordinary gift—a fresh, handpicked toy of her preference—eliciting an eager anticipation to uncover its identity.

Entering the toy emporium, Sarah basked in contentment regarding all her possibilities. Methodically weighing her options, she meticulously selected items aligning with her wants within the financial bounds set by her parents. Her father commended her fiscal acumen, affirming, “Impressive Sarah”.

At that same moment, Sarah began to examine her genuine needs versus cravings. She discerned that, notwithstanding her yearning for that new doll, a more pragmatic choice was to leave the toy store in search of a fresh pair of shoes, given the discomfort stemming from her current footwear. She realized that distinguishing between desires and necessities marks the primary stride toward creating an astute financial ecosystem.

When she told her parents what she was thinking, her father said “Sarah,” her papa inquired, “you have just stopped yourself before deciding on a toy to think about your true needs versus your wants?” Considering for a moment, Sarah responded, “I need nourishment, hydration, and a place to live. I also need to have a comfortable pair of shoes for when I walk to and from school. However, I want the unique toy showcased on the television.” Her papa responded sagely, remarking, “Indeed, Sarah. Prioritizing requirements over desires is a critical aspect of our decision-making.”

In the ensuing weeks, Sarah continued to refine her prioritization of necessities and demands. Accepting the understanding that not all needs held equal significance for her total health, she embraced a conscientious approach to expenditures, assigning her allowance deliberately. Sarah was well on her way to acknowledging all her desires, but to focus her spending plan and to be monetarily accountable.

A father and daughter playing after he taught her basic financial literacy tips.
Financial Awareness Month

Financial Awareness Month: The Importance of Budgeting

In the hamlet of Thriftyville, a tale unfurled about a young inhabitant named Lindsay. Lindsay epitomized diligence, nurturing aspirations of fiscal fortitude and triumph. Alas, despite her toil, she grappled incessantly to meet her needs, perennially falling short of the resources necessary to meet her goals.

A pivotal moment dawned upon Lindsay when she resolved to emancipate herself from the cycle of paycheque constraints and perennial financial anxieties. Determined to metamorphose her circumstances for better financial outcomes, she embarked on a quest to seize command over her finances. It was then that she unearthed the potent tool of budgeting.

Crafting a budget transcended mere numerical exercises—it epitomized a transformative ethos. By orchestrating expenditures in alignment with earnings, she orchestrated a symphony ensuring every cent found purpose and she was able to begin living within her means. It resembled charting a course, endowing her finances with a navigational blueprint, directing them precisely toward their intended and necessary destinations.

Lindsay, emboldened by a newfound resolve, seated herself at her kitchen table, meticulously listing her diverse streams of income. Her list encompassed her steady salary, occasional side endeavours, and sporadic monetary gifts from her doting parents. A semblance of optimism flickered within as the numbers aggregated—a faint whisper of possibility that perhaps this approach to budgeting held promise.

Subsequently, Lindsay meticulously cataloged her outflows, meticulously categorizing them into segments—rent, utilities, groceries, transportation, income tax and leisure. The revelation of where her finances ebbed was illuminating. It dawned upon her that her expenditures in dining out and retail therapy eclipsed her initial estimations.

Armed with a comprehensive picture of her earnings and spending, Lindsay initiated adjustments. She opted to curtail her dining escapades, embracing the culinary arts within her abode. Additionally, she terminated her dormant gym subscription, opting for invigorating runs through the verdant park instead. These minor alterations facilitated the liberation of surplus funds, earmarked for her savings goals.

Among Lindsay’s aspirations loomed the ambition to nurture an emergency reserve. The apprehension of unforeseen job loss or an unscheduled emergency had perennially plagued her thoughts. Entrusting her budget to allocate a designated sum each month toward this contingency fund furnished her with a semblance of solace, a shield against uncertainties, fostering a tranquil state of mind.

Over time, the fruits of Lindsay’s budgeting labour began to manifest. She discerned a notable shift—no longer tethered to credit cards to bridge fiscal gaps, she accelerated the payment of her debts. Furthermore, a newfound mastery over her finances imbued her with the fortitude to resist impulsive expenditures.

Arguably the paramount boon of her budgeting journey was the power to prioritize her expenditures. Lindsay unearthed the revelation that desires did not always equate to necessities. Allocating her funds exclusively to indispensable items empowered her to direct her gaze steadfastly toward long-term objectives—such as homeownership and retirement savings—cultivating a sense of purpose in her fiscal stewardship.

Lindsay’s newfound prowess in finance acted as a catalyst, sparking a fire of fiscal confidence among her peers. Witnessing the transformative effects in her financial life, they aspired to embrace that same liberation and serenity. Lindsay emerged as an ardent advocate for budgeting, a zealot eager to disseminate her wisdom and insights to anyone receptive.

In summation, budgeting transcends the realm of mere arithmetic and fiscal pruning. It embodies the assertion of authority over one’s financial trajectory, orchestrating deliberate choices with money. Through a budget’s prism, one can delineate priorities, circumvent gratuitous debt, and pave a path toward future aspirations. Lindsay’s journey stands as a testament—akin to her, you possess the potential to rewrite your financial narrative and craft a tale of triumph.

A confident woman feeling very happy after learning financial literacy.
Financial Awareness Month

Financial Awareness Month: Debt and Borrowing Wisely

In the quaint township of Financia, dwelled a diligent young soul named Pamela. Her ethos revolved around diligent toil and a creed of fiscal prudence. Pamela adhered staunchly to the doctrine of living within her means, always circumspect about engaging in indebtedness, recognizing its utility solely in essential circumstances.

To Pamela’s discerning mind, debt represented borrowed funds from external sources, entailing an obligatory reimbursement, typically compounded with interest. Its manifestations spanned a spectrum—from loans and credit cards to mortgages. While debt wielded the potential for immediate fiscal respite, it also bore the weighty obligation of repayment, coupled with the encumbrance of accrued interest.

Choosing Wisely:

Pamela, an advocate of prudent choices, approached borrowing with sagacity, comprehending its far-reaching consequences. She meticulously appraised her options, weighing interest rates, terms, and her capacity for repayment with meticulous care.

Prior to embracing any form of indebtedness, Pamela conducted a self-inquiry, probing the necessity of the endeavour. She acknowledged the justification of borrowing for imperative outlays like education or homeownership while remaining vigilant against the allure of debt for capricious acquisitions or superfluous indulgences.

Managing Debt:

Deftly navigating the terrain of debt management, Pamela acknowledged the parity of responsibility in its stewardship. Methodically, she crafted budgets to ensure alignment with monthly repayments. Recognizing the perils of missed or delayed payments—bearing not only financial penalties but also repercussions on her credit standing—she remained steadfast in upholding punctuality.

Moreover, Pamela exhibited a penchant for exceeding the minimal repayment thresholds whenever feasible. This tactical move aimed to curtail the overall interest outlay in the long haul, accelerating the debt settlement process.

A confident business woman in control of her finances after learning financial literacy.
Financial Awareness Month

Financial Awareness Month: Saving To Build a Secure Future

Recognizing the fleeting respite that debt might offer, Pamela maintained an astute comprehension of the paramount significance of saving for forthcoming necessities or aspirations. In her financial lexicon, saving entailed the habitual allocation of funds, earmarked to fulfill future milestones or navigate unforeseen financial exigencies.

Setting Financial Goals:

Before embarking on her saving odyssey, Pamela meticulously charted her financial course by delineating explicit goals. These milestones served as her compass, guiding her in allocating savings and serving as motivational beacons to adhere to her path.

Among Pamela’s array of financial aspirations stood the edifice of an emergency fund, a reserve designated to cushion unforeseen fiscal blows. Nestled alongside was her pursuit of squirrelling away funds for retirement, securing her financial future. She also harboured dreams of a lavish vacation, a tangible goal that spurred her savings endeavour. With these meticulously defined aims, Pamela discovered an enhanced ability to apportion a fraction of her income toward her savings, bolstered by the clarity these goals afforded her.

The Power of Compounding:

Pamela had grasped the potency of compounding—an alchemy that amplified her savings over time. Initiating her savings journey early and maintaining steadfast consistency, she harnessed the leverage of compounding interest, witnessing the exponential growth of her funds as they multiplied over time.

Emergency Fund:

Among Pamela’s paramount objectives stood the establishment of an emergency fund, a pinnacle in her financial agenda. Ever cognizant of the capricious nature of unforeseen expenses—a medical issue, a vehicle repair, or even an abrupt job loss—she knew the paramount significance of creating this fiscal buffer. The emergency fund poised itself as a financial bastion, affording Pamela a safety net to weather the tempestuous tides of such unpredictable events, shielding her from resorting to indebtedness during arduous times.

Consistency is Key:

Pamela embraced consistency, cementing it as a cornerstone of her financial ethos. Automating her savings through scheduled transfers from her paycheque to her savings account forged a ritual—a habitual dedication ensuring that saving transcended sporadic endeavours and became an integral part of her routine.

“Saving is not an act, but a habit,” echoed Pamela’s mantra, a reminder she fervently espoused.

Amidst her odyssey of understanding both the advantages and disadvantages of debt and cultivating a savings mindset, Pamela sowed the seeds for a fortified financial tomorrow. She imbibed the wisdom of judicious borrowing, adeptly managing her debt, and nurturing the virtue of unwavering consistency in saving. Through the nexus of informed decisions and the cultivation of prudent financial habits, Pamela embarked steadfastly on the path to financial triumph.

Financial Awareness Month: Different Types of Accounts

Effectively handling your finances stands as a vital skill crucial for achieving your desired financial milestones. Understanding the array of available account varieties, each serving distinct purposes, becomes imperative. Delving into the diverse account types and their individual functions reveals insightful nuances.

Savings Account

A savings option presents an excellent avenue for those aiming to set aside funds for future endeavours. Within this category, you deposit some of your income and accrue interest on the total balance. Although the interest rate might fluctuate, over time it will provide a superior yield in contrast to a chequing alternative. Persistently stashing your funds in a savings account paves the way for gradual, steady growth in your savings pool. Once your savings reach a certain level, more investment products from chartered banks or credit unions become available paying a higher rate of interest yet still preserving your capital from loss.

Chequing Account

Conversely, a chequing account caters to immediate necessities and routine transactions. It furnishes a user-friendly avenue for depositing and withdrawing funds, facilitating bill payments, and purchases, and effortless fund accessibility. Unlike its savings counterpart, a chequing option typically doesn’t yield interest on deposited funds. Nevertheless, it encompasses amenities like cheque-writing capabilities, ATM accessibility, and online banking functionalities, rendering it an efficient account for overseeing everyday expenditures.

Credit Cards

Credit cards serve as a prevalent means for conducting transactions sans the necessity for immediate cash. They furnish a credit line courtesy of the issuing financial entity, enabling borrowing within specified limits. Utilizing a credit card entails borrowing from the card issuer, and mandating repayment within designated intervals to evade incurring interest fees. While credit cards present advantages such as reward initiatives, cashback opportunities, and purchase safeguards, exercising prudence in usage remains paramount to sidestep amassing high-interest credit card debt.

A picture of a young girl holding her piggy bank to show young people taking control of their money through financial literacy education.
Financial Awareness Month

Financial Awareness Month: The Importance of Financial Literacy

Envision a world where your financial being rests solely in your control, where informed choices about your finances thrive. Herein lies the essence of financial literacy. In our contemporary landscape, where currency wields immense influence, grasping the fundamentals of fiscal management becomes indispensable.

Financial literacy transcends mere perusal of texts or solving intricate mathematical conundrums; it embodies cultivating prudent monetary behaviours and acquiring the acumen and expertise to craft astute fiscal decisions. It entails deciphering the lexicon of finances, empowering you to traverse the intricate tapestry of personal finance with unwavering assurance.

Financial Awareness Month: Empowerment through Knowledge

Mastery in financial literacy serves as the catalyst to steer your financial destiny. Armed with a robust comprehension of personal finance tips, you wield the prowess to deliberate prudently on saving, investing, and allocating your funds. Gone are the days of entrusting others with your finances; instead, you grasp the reins, crafting decisions harmonizing with your aspirations and principles.

A paramount advantage of financial literacy lies in evading gratuitous debt. By assimilating the mechanics of credit, embracing the significance of budgeting, and avoiding the repercussions of lavish spending, you pave the way for sagacious fiscal choices that shield you from indebtedness. This insight empowers you to live within your means, steering clear of the strain and fiscal encumbrance entwined with debt.

A picture of a young girl holding her piggy bank to show young people taking control of their money through financial literacy education.
Financial Awareness Month

Financial Awareness Month: Achieving Financial Goals

Financial literacy emerges as a pivotal tool in propelling you toward attaining your financial milestones. Whether setting sights on homeownership, entrepreneurial pursuits, or securing retirement, unravelling the intricacies of currency is paramount. Equipped with the adeptness to orchestrate your earnings, outlays, and investments, you forge a trajectory toward realizing your aspirations.

Furthermore, financial literacy serves as the bedrock for cultivating a robust and thriving financial trajectory. Cultivating commendable fiscal practices—such as consistent saving and judicious investment—acts as a catalyst for nurturing your wealth across time horizons. Armed with apt expertise and skills, you harness the potential for your finances to labour on your behalf, erecting a sturdy fiscal groundwork for yourself and your kin.

Financial Awareness Month: The Basics of Managing Your Money

At its essence, financial literacy embodies grasping the rudiments of managing your finances. It encompasses delving into budgeting, saving, investing, and fortifying your assets. Mastery of these fundamental financial skills empowers optimal utilization of your resources, paving the way toward financial triumph.

Primarily, budgeting strategies stand as the cornerstone of adept financial administration. It entails meticulously monitoring your earnings and expenditures, ensuring alignment with your financial capacity. Through crafting a budget, you allocate resources judiciously, placing emphasis on your fiscal objectives. This enables deliberate spending choices and averts superfluous expenses.

Saving emerges as another pivotal facet of financial literacy. Consistently earmarking a fraction of your income facilitates the creation of an emergency fund for unforeseen outlays and fosters progress toward forthcoming financial aspirations. Saving not only constructs a safety net but also furnishes the liberty to seize emergent opportunities.

The investment serves as the linchpin for augmenting your wealth across timeframes. By comprehending diverse investment avenues—such as stocks, bonds, and real estate—you make informed investment verdicts attuned to your risk tolerance and financial ambitions. Learning about investing for beginners enables your capital to be invested and toil on your behalf, engendering passive income.

Lastly, safeguarding your assets holds cardinal significance in fortifying your financial trajectory. This encompasses procuring insurance coverage, encompassing health, life, and property insurance. Insurance mitigates the impact of unforeseen events, securing financial stability for both yourself and your cherished ones.

A picture of a young girl holding her piggy bank to show young people taking control of their money through financial literacy education.
Financial Awareness Month

Financial Awareness Month: Your Path to Financial Literacy

The journey of financial literacy spans a lifetime, brimming with continual opportunities for growth. Fortunately, an array of resources stands ready to augment your financial acumen and proficiency. Books, websites, podcasts, and workshops comprise a treasure trove of information at your disposal.

Embark by acquainting yourself with the fundamental tenets of personal finance. Delve into realms such as budgeting, saving, investing, and debt management. Embrace online courses and seek counsel from financial advisors poised to dispense tailored expertise aligned with your unique circumstances.

Moreover, internalize and enact the wisdom acquired by integrating prudent fiscal practices into your daily routine. Scrutinize expenditures, maintain a consistent saving regimen, and evaluate your financial choices. With time, your competence in managing finances burgeons, fostering confidence in steering your fiscal course and making well-informed choices.

Financial literacy transcends numerical figures; it embodies empowerment, enabling the realization of your financial objectives and fortification of your future.

In summation, the essence of financial literacy lies in securing a thriving and secure future. By cultivating commendable monetary practices and assimilating the basics of fiscal management, you chart a course toward astute decision-making, debt avoidance, and attainment of financial milestones. Seize control of your financial destiny by investing in financial education and translating newfound knowledge into everyday fiscal prudence.

Financial Awareness Month: Conclusion

I hope you enjoyed this Financial Awareness Month (otherwise known as Financial Literacy Month) Brandon’s Blog. Hopefully, this post achieved its goal of helping you have a better understanding of:

  • How Financial Awareness Month emphasizes understanding financial literacy for prudent money management.
  • Key aspects of financial literacy include distinguishing needs from wants, the importance of budgeting, wise debt handling, and saving for a secure future.
  • The significance of financial literacy for empowerment, achieving goals, and the basics of managing money effectively.
  • The power of compound interest, the role of different account types (savings, chequing, credit cards), and the need for consistency in financial planning.
  • Overall, Financial Awareness Month guides individuals toward a path of financial literacy and concludes by emphasizing its importance.

If you’re struggling with managing your overwhelming debt, don’t worry – there are some things you can do to take control of the situation. It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own and it does not mean that you are a bad person.

First, it’s important to create a realistic budget and track your expenses. From there, you can prioritize your debt repayment and make consistent payments to chip away at what you owe. It’s also a good idea to seek professional financial advice to help guide you through the process. Just remember, managing debt is a gradual process that requires commitment and determination, but you can do it! So don’t hesitate to reach out for help from financial professionals.

Individuals and business owners must take proactive measures to address financial difficulties and promptly seek assistance when necessary. It is crucial to recognize that financial stress is a prevalent concern and seeking help is a demonstration of fortitude, rather than vulnerability. Should you encounter challenges in managing your finances and find yourself burdened by stress, do not delay in pursuing aid.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses with debt problems that are in financial distress. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind.

The Ira Smith Team understands these financial health concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual who has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses innovative and cutting-edge methodologies, to adeptly navigate you through the intricacies of your financial challenges, ensuring a resolution to your debt-related predicaments without resorting to the rigours of the bankruptcy process. We can get you debt relief now!

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a Trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

A picture of a young girl holding her piggy bank to show young people taking control of their money through financial literacy education.
Financial Awareness Month


Brandon Blog Post


Definition of financial stress

Are you feeling weighed down by money worries? Is your quality of life disintegrating before your very eyes? You’re not alone. Financial stress is a common problem that affects many people. It’s defined as a feeling of unease or worry caused by the lack of financial resources or the belief that you don’t have enough money. It can be caused by both happy and troubling events. Whether it’s an unexpected expense, a lost job, a major purchase such as a home or just the everyday stress of trying to make ends meet, it can take a toll on your well-being.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I will discuss financial stress and how a person can take control of it. I will give actionable tips to relieve stress and improve your financial well-being. Don’t let money worries overwhelm you – take the steps needed to reduce your financial stress.

Understanding the causes of financial stress

Do you know someone dealing with financial stress? You’re not the only one! Money stress from financial concerns can be a major source of stress. The most common causes of financial stress are:

  • trying to cover all your expenses;
  • feeling overwhelmed by debt;
  • having no savings;
  • housing insecurity;
  • unexpected costs;we
  • living pay cheque to pay cheque; and
  • an ever-growing debt load.

It can feel like you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle. But don’t worry – there’s always a way to get back on track! Taking the right steps can make a huge difference.

financial stress

Financial stress and its impacts

Consequences of financial stress on your physical and mental well-being

The burden of financial stress can take a serious toll on your well-being emotionally and physically. Those dealing with money worries are twice as likely to suffer from poor health and four times as likely to experience sleeping troubles, aches, withdrawal from social life and social integration and more. Furthermore, financial stress can cause depression and anxiety symptoms and can be a major contributor to heart issues. Not to mention, it can also cause fractures in relationships and make it increasingly difficult to stay on top of finances and other obligations.F

How it can affect your work

Financial pressures can take a toll on any individual, and that strain can seep into their work lives. Struggling to make ends meet can result in a drop in job performance, more days off, or worse – a potential job loss. Additionally, it can bring about emotional and physical health issues, reducing productivity and contentment with their work. In addition, it can generate a decrease in morale, job satisfaction and a greater sense of unease.

Financial tensions leading to emotional tension can significantly negatively affect an employee’s job performance. It is essential that employers are aware of the impact this can have on their staff, offering resources to manage their financial situation, and minimize the effect of financial stress in the workplace.

The outcomes of financial stress on human wellbeing

Financial challenges leading to financial stress can be a soul-sucking burden on physical and personal health and cause mental health issues, manifesting in everything from physical symptoms, hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease and depression to strained relationships and unhealthy sleep and eating patterns. It’s an environment of negativity that can be hard to escape. But there’s hope! Acknowledge the stress and make a plan to overcome it. Start by budgeting, tracking spending, setting up an emergency fund, and if possible, looking for ways to increase income. Life can be so much brighter when you take control of your finances.

Prevalence of Financial Stress

Financial stress is a growing problem in North America, with millions struggling with financial issues to make ends meet and cover essential expenses. The burden of financial stress is even larger when considering its ripple effect on families, relationships, and overall well-being, not just your financial health.

As already stated above, it is well documented in studies that financial stress can negatively impact mental health and lead to physical health problems. Financial stress is pervasive across all socihealtho-economic levels and particularly burdens minority and low-income populations.

Financial stress can be a significant issue for everyone regardless of their financial standing, educational background, or occupation. Financial stress will most certainly lead to greater financial dilemmas if not managed properly.

Many people don’t realize that anyone can experience financial stress at any point in their lives. It is not something that only affects those who have little to no money or cannot balance a chequebook. Everyone should understand that financial stress can upspring from unexpected costs, inadequate savings, poor budgeting strategies, or job loss. Financial stress does not discriminate amongst people who may find themselves in a difficult financial situation due to illness, divorce, or other unplanned circumstances. It is not your fault.

Therefore, it is important to recognize the above-noted signs and symptoms of financial stress and understand how to manage it.

financial stress

Coping strategies for financial stress

Knowing Your Money

It’s time to take charge of your finances! Having a grip on your money and a comprehensive understanding of what’s going in and out of your accounts every month is vital for making savvy financial choices. Crafting a budget to stay on top of your source of income is a great way to use your funds in the most effective way possible. Additionally, it’s a smart move to look into ways to reduce your monthly financial expenses to ensure you have a financial buffer for those unexpected expenditures and can build up your savings.

Taking stock of your finances

Assessing your financial situation is an essential step to gaining control of your finances and improving your financial well-being. To do this, you should create an itemized list or record of your financial resources and debts, specifying the interest rate and outstanding balance.

Having this knowledge can give you a better understanding of your finances and enable you to make more informed decisions. Taking the time to reflect on your financial circumstances can be the first step toward financial stability.

Talking to someone

Financial stress can be overwhelming and it is not something that should be borne alone. Seeking out support from trusted sources can make a world of difference in managing stress and making progress toward finding a resolution. Engaging in dialogue with another person can be beneficial when addressing financial anxiety.

Whether it is a family member, friend, or support group, the act of just talking to someone can help lessen the burden of financial stress. It can be intimidating to open up about financial worries, but talking to someone can be an important source of support and guidance.

Overcoming financial stress by engaging in self-care

This third strategy of self-care as a means of dealing with financial stress deserves its own section. Common methods of self-care which deal mainly with both the physical and the mental stress aspects are:


Physical activity is a great way to de-stress and look after your well-being! High-intensity exercises like running, elliptical, and cycling are known to lessen overall stress levels, regulate your mood, enhance your sleeping pattern, and bolster your self-confidence. Even just a short five minutes of cardio can have a calming effect on your stress levels.


It’s vital to maintain a wholesome diet to keep your well-being in check, and it can even help reduce worry. Nosh on nourishing meals, drink plenty of fluids and dodge caffeine and sugar to elevate your spirits, energy, and focus – all of which can assist you in tackling financial stress.

Relaxation Techniques

Using relaxation methods like deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga can be a great way to combat stress and promote mental health. Implementing just a few minutes of relaxation practices daily can help you better tackle financial stressors and improve your overall health and well-being.

Time for yourself

Finding time for yourself can be a vital part of managing financial stress. Taking a break from your daily responsibilities can help to restore and rejuvenate your mental and emotional energy.

Consider activities such as reading, taking a stroll, or napping as a means of giving yourself a much-needed break. Rest and relaxation can be important parts of maintaining your financial wellness.

financial stress

Seeking professional mental health Help

It is recommended to seek professional help for mental health issues as mental health professionals can provide guidance in overcoming challenges, changing negative behaviours, understanding and healing from past trauma, setting goals and building self-confidence, all with the aim of improving your quality of life. There are many resources and services available to those seeking help for themselves, friends or family members. In the case of suicidal symptoms, professional help is essential and should be sought immediately.

Final Thoughts on Financial Stress

I hope you enjoyed this financial stress Brandon’s Blog. I hope that it has helped you to discover the impact that financial stress can have on a person’s mental and physical health and has provided some tips on how to prevent and overcome the negative effects of stress.


Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are also now worried about the economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief now.

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

We understand that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

financial stress

Brandon Blog Post


what is financially literate

What is financially literate? When should it be learned?

Florida high school students will soon start learning more about how to stay financially healthy. Florida’s new financial literacy law requires high school students to take a personal finance course, and for the first time, administrators will be able to report how well they’ve met the requirement to the state Department of Education. The requirement, approved by the Florida Legislature last year, is a graduation requirement.

The course is required of all Florida students. Last week, Governor Ron DeSantis signed the legislation into law. Every high school student must take the course. I think this is great.

Financial literacy transcends national boundaries. Financial literacy is a necessity. Students in Ontario are now required to take a financial literacy course as part of the grade 10 curriculum. Students in high school now take a financial literacy course as part of the course curriculum. The purpose of Brandon’s Blog is to provide you with an understanding of what is financially literate and why it is important to have the proper financial knowledge to be able to make good financial decisions.

What is financially literate?: Financial literacy background

Despite there have been some improvements, there are lots of Canadians that still have a tough time with money abilities and living the best financial life possible. The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada was created in 2013 to aid with financial proficiency and increase the financial skills of Canadians.

Many Canadians have a post-secondary education but lack knowledge when they enter the workforce. People of all ages need financial literacy. Through financial literacy programs, students are now learning about budgeting, debt management, and retirement planning.

The United States also has a financial literacy problem. Lacking basic knowledge in financial matters, financial literacy isn’t something that comes naturally. While most of us have savings in our bank accounts, few of us have the money management skills or know-how to make our money last. You can learn the skills you need to succeed, and there’s no better time than now to start.

what is financially literate
what is financially literate

What is financially literate?: What is the best definition of financial literacy

Exactly what is financial literacy? Whats the best definition of financial literacy? Managing money, budgeting, and investing. Individuals should manage their financial affairs in a reliable manner.

Money can be used as a tool with such education. A person with financial literacy is able to save money, make wise investments, spend wisely, and manage debt. What is financially literate? It involves having access to, understanding, and effectively using financial management skills, knowledge, and information in order to make informed decisions.

What is financially literate?: What is financial literacy and why is it important?

Students in Grade 10 in Ontario are expected to gain an understanding of good financial health from the following concepts:

  • fiscal responsibility; and
  • Services are available to help them prepare for post-secondary life in a financially proficient manner.

Students are expected to:

  • Understand the principles of financial responsibility.
  • Identify various options for financial savings.
  • Explore banking and other financial planning tools.

    what is financially literate
    what is financially literate

What is financially literate?: Examples of the Ontario financial literacy program

The new financial literacy component of the Ontario career studies program consists of several parts for teaching money matters and increasing financial awareness. It includes:

  • How to set up and follow a budget with monthly payments
  • What a credit union is versus a bank
  • Managing its own accounts
  • Interest-bearing accounts and their interest rates
  • TFSAs (tax-free savings accounts)
  • RRSPs (registered retirement savings plans)
  • Student loan debt
  • Student loans (and the resulting student loan debt) from federal and provincial governments, such as those offered through the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
  • Bursaries and loans from local governments
  • Loans from financial institutions (unsecured), such as banks or credit unions
  • Lines of credit, credit cards, and overdrafts
  • Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of different types of credit
  • When used properly, a bank loan can be used to purchase a costly item, such as auto loans or a home mortgage and monthly mortgage payments
  • The advantages of borrowing from family or friends, as well as the downsides of defaulting on repayment

What is financially literate?: Financial literacy for students in Florida

In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill last week which is a financial literacy strategy. It requires high school students to take a financial literacy course before graduation. Students will need to take a half-credit course in personal financial literacy and money management under the Dorothy L. Hukill Financial Literacy Act. Under the law, the course must include basic skills with various financial products like managing a bank account, balancing a cheque book, credit cards, filling out a loan application, and calculating federal income taxes.

Students will also learn about other financial concepts such as local tax assessments, disputing incorrect billing statements, basic insurance policies, and simple contracts. The hope is that by learning financial literacy principles, they will have a brighter financial future.

Students should learn financial literacy as part of their overall education. Everybody benefits when students can have financial stability, know how to access financial resources, and get a leg up on their financial well=being. They will be prepared to manage their finances and possibly own a business one day. Financial literacy is a good cause that everyone should support.

With the new law, Florida becomes the 11th state in the country to require financial literacy as a graduation requirement. The states of Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Utah, and Virginia already had a law requiring the teaching of what is financial literacy to young adults.

In 2021, nearly 7 out of 10 high school students in the U.S. would have access to a standalone personal financial education, but only 1 of 5 would be required to take it to graduate.

Yanely Espinal, Next Gen‘s director of educational outreach, said several other states are considering a wide range of legislation requiring in-depth knowledge of personal finance courses, including Michigan, Georgia, and South Carolina. He believes that every state should require that financial literacy resources be available and that passing a course like the ones already in existence should be mandatory for graduation from high school.

what is financially literate
what is financially literate

Budgeting can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. With a little patience and the right tools, you can learn how to budget so you know exactly what your money is doing, and where. It’s no exception with personal finance, either. With popular budgeting websites like Mint, YNAB, and You Need A Budget, it’s easy to learn how to budget so you can be in control of your money. But which tools should you use?

People talk about rules all the time. There are rules to live by, rules to obey, rules to prevent you from breaking them, and rules to prevent others from breaking them, too. When it comes to personal finance, there are some common rules that come up again and again when people talk about budgeting. Here are five of them:

  1. Live below your means when considering your monthly expenses.
  2. Pay yourself first. You never know when a life event will require you to find money fast.
  3. Start small and build up.
  4. Track your progress.
  5. Stick to it.

To abide by a budget is, above all, about control. Being in control of your finances will bring you peace of mind. Money is spent for a reason, and if we take the time to analyze our purchases, we can decide where to direct our money. Financial literacy and proper money management is a lifelong journey so that people will be able to overcome their financial hurdles.

What is financially literate? Key takeaways

Financial literacy for beginners is so important. More students need to come out of high school and begin their post-secondary careers, whatever that may be, by having better financial management skills. If so, then hopefully more people will be able to stay clear of insolvency. All Canadian provinces and all US states should make it mandatory to have to pass a financial literacy course in order to graduate. Rather than just having a financial literacy month, we should think in terms of a financial literacy year. Everyone should possess knowledge of the basics of money management.

I hope you found this what is financially literate Brandon’s Blog. Are you on the edge of insolvency? Are bill collectors hounding you? Are you ducking all your phone calls to the point where your voicemail box is always full?

If so, you need to call me today. As a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a trustee in bankruptcy) we are the only professionals licensed, recognized as well as supervised by the federal government to give insolvency assistance. We are also the only authorized party in Canada to apply remedies under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). I can definitely help you to choose what is best for you to free you from your financial debt issues.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so we can get free you from the stress, anxiety, and discomfort that your cash issues have created. With the distinct roadmap, we establish simply for you, we will without delay return you right to a healthy and balanced problem-free life, Starting Over Starting Now.

what is financially literate
what is financially literate
Brandon Blog Post


what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we hope that you, your family, and your friends are safe, healthy, and secure. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is fully operational, and both Ira and Brandon Smith are readily available for phone or video consultations.

What percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress: Financial stress and its impacts

Canadians are more stressed by money (38%) than by their personal health (25%), work (21%), and relationships (16%). The biggest source of chronic stress for a majority of Canadians is stress about money, according to a recent study. This study, and others, do not quantify what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress. However, as you will read below about the financial stress research, financial stress statistics shows that it is the number one cause of stress in the lives of many Canadians.

Money, health, relationships, and work are deeply intertwined; stress in any one of them can exacerbate issues in others. These facts have led me to wonder what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress?

Financial stress is a huge issue for a lot of people. There are a lot of people who are financially stressed, and it has a serious effect on their lives. It causes them to make poor decisions, not be able to invest in their future, and many other problems. The finance industry is a very fast-paced industry, and people always want to make a lot of money in a short amount of time. That is why financial stress is so large in today’s society.

Stress related to money is one of the leading causes of health issues, both physical and mental including anxiety disorders and mood disorder (and has been for a very long time). You can experience very harmful changes to your immune system and digestive system when you are stressed out. Stress releases cortisol, a hormone that is released when we are under stress. The stress hormone cortisol suppresses the immune system and makes it easier for diseases like cancer to spread. Furthermore, study results have shown that when a person is under financial stress, the body releases stress hormones which can be just as harmful to your health as the financial stress itself.

People today are seeking to protect themselves from the dangers posed by financial uncertainty and to avoid the risks they face as a result. Financial stress has been on the rise for decades. This has a direct correlation with the rise in financial stress-related illnesses. As financial stress increases, the strain on mental and physical health increases as well. This ultimately leads to financial stress-related illnesses.

Financial stress is the commonest of all triggers. But, what exactly is financial stress? This Brandon Blog will explore the role financial stress plays in the development of many health problems, from tension headaches to cancer. We will try to answer the following question: what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress?

What percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress: Impact of financial stress on your physical and mental health and mental disorders

What is financial stress and what causes financial stress? In general, stress is defined as a process in which environmental demands strain an organism’s adaptive capacity, resulting in both psychological demands as well as the occurrence of illnesses. There are three kinds of stress; environmental stress, psychological stress, and biological stress.

Several factors influence susceptibility to stress, including genetic vulnerability, coping style, personality type, and social support. Stress increases catecholamine levels and suppressor T cells, which suppress the immune system.

Research has shown that short-term stress boosts the immune system, but chronic stress can have a significant effect on the immune system that manifests itself as illness. Chronic stress can also cause plaque buildup in the arteries (atherosclerosis), particularly when combined with a high-fat diet and sedentary lifestyle.

The strongest link between stress and psychiatric illness is found between neuroses, depression, and schizophrenia. Researchers have also discovered a link between stress, tumour development, and suppression of natural killer (NK) cells, which help prevent metastasis and destroy small metastases.

Both external and internal factors are involved in asthma; however, psychological stressors have the greatest acute effect on the internal factor.

Money-related stress may cause anxiety, fear, sadness, anger, fatigue, and even the common cold. This is true. Often, we underestimate how much stress money, or the lack of it, can cause.

Examples of physical and mental disorders caused by signs of financial stress include:

  • poor general physical health twice as often as those who are not under financial stress;
  • there is a fourfold increase in sleep problems, headaches, and other illnesses;
  • interpersonal relationships are more likely to be strained; and
  • other health problems include obesity, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

    what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress
    what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress

What percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress: Impact of financial stress on your work

You may experience a significant amount of physical and mental health stress if you are under a lot of financial stress in life. Your mental health can also be affected, as can your work. As an example, if you are stressed out about money, you will be less productive and perform poorly at work.

In almost half of the cases studied, stress related to personal finances affected a person’s work performance. It is normal to feel stressed to some extent, but prolonged exposure to high levels of stress has been associated with mental disorders such as depression and anxiety. A lack of workplace engagement and distraction are also common symptoms of chronic financial stress.

Over 500,000 Canadians miss work each week, and 30% of disability claims and 70% of disability costs are attributed to mental illness. And those are just the reported impacts.

What percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress: Financial stress & mental health & physical health

A well-documented fact is that poor financial health causing acute stress can negatively affect mental health and contribute to depression and other mood disorders. According to an article published in the journal Social Science & Medicine in August 2013, being economically insecure physically hurts. Migraines, cardiovascular disease, insomnia, and absences from work have been linked to financial stress. The findings show that having healthy finances can directly benefit your physical and mental health. Financial stress not only affects a person’s ability to function and avoid negative habits, but it also affects his or her ability to think clearly.

Financial stress can be a real problem, especially when it’s linked to mental illness, stress, and anxiety. When we’re feeling depressed, anxious, stressed out or in a panic, we’re more likely to eat badly and skip our appointments. That’s because worrying about money takes up a lot of our time and energy. And when we’re stressed out, we tend to eat more junk foods and less nutritious foods.

what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress
what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress

What percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress: The uncertainty of COVID

The Financial Stress Survey was conducted in May 2020 by Leger for FP Canada and shows that roughly the same number of Canadians still struggle with poor financial health, stress, and job instability despite the COVID-19 pandemic having added economic strain. Despite the financial stress, personal health concerns are becoming more important to Canadians. Finances are the biggest stressor, but personal health is becoming ever more important.

Despite the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought the unemployment rate to an all-time high, the same number of Canadians (49%) are worried about bills and job instability. Four in ten Canadians believe that paying down or off debt would reduce financial stress, and another 36 percent believe that saving more would ease financial difficulties. Furthermore, 25 percent cite personal health as what stresses them out the most, compared to 22 percent and 19 percent in 2018 ( financial planning standards council, “omni report: financial stress,” 2018) and 2014, respectively.

Financial stress is significantly more common among younger Canadians (35 vs. 35+) and those without a financial planner (vs. those who use a financial planner). Those who believe the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted their financial stress are twice as likely to name money as the main stressor in their lives.

According to the survey, 19.5% of Canadians suffered from moderate-to-severe anxiety, 26.6% have consumed alcohol binge-style, and 21% feel lonely. These feelings lead to unresolved chronic stress. In unresolved chronic stress, the body’s immune system is suppressed, resulting in illness. If regular stress persists and the body is unable to cope, it is likely to lead to a breakdown in its infrastructure.

What percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress: Financial planning is linked to lower stress

Using the same FP Canada study, we can try to figure out how to reduce financial stress. Knowledge coupled with action seems to be the best defense against financial stress. Researchers found that:

  • Almost 80% of those surveyed and reported lower financial stress have taken some steps to reduce their financial stress. Those under age 35 and those experiencing financial stress due to the COVID-19 pandemic are significantly more likely to have done so. 35% of respondents track their expenses, 34% paid down debt, and 32% increased their savings. A greater percentage of people who have used the services of a financial professional (vs. those who did not) say they have built an emergency fund, gotten professional advice, and built a financial plan.
  • In addition, almost 80% of the FP Canada survey participants who believed debt repayment, saving, and budgeting would reduce financial stress actually took action. Yet only 21% of respondents have taken steps to build an emergency fund, although 32% think that having one can reduce financial strain. Despite the fact that only 19% of people believed this could help them, 35% of them actually did it to reduce their financial stress.

These simple steps are ones that I have been advocating for anyone experiencing money worries and financial stress, pandemic, or no pandemic. Understanding where you are at is the first step in building a proper financial plan to get to where you want to be.

It is the same if you recognize that you have too much debt and no amount of cost-cutting, budgeting, or saving will get rid of it. A professional who specializes in assisting people and companies in safely eliminating their debt can be of great help to you. Insolvency trustees are such professionals.

what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress
what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress

What percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress: Money remains the number one cause of stress

Money remains the number one cause of stressful situations. Chronic ongoing stress can cause a high percentage of illnesses either directly or indirectly.

I hope you found this what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress Brandon Blog informative. Although nothing is guaranteed, managing your debt in a way that will allow you or your company to be able to afford it, will lead to your financial success. It will also give you the best shot at having a financially stress-free life.

Are you or your company in financial distress and a debt crisis? Are you embroiled in costly litigation or a crushing debt load and need a time out in order to restructure? Do you not have adequate funds to pay your financial obligations as they come due? Are your credit cards maxed out? Are you worried about what will happen to you? Do you need to search out easy-to-understand debt solutions and realistic ones for your family debt problems? Is your company in financial hot water?

Call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience assisting people looking for life-changing debt solutions through a debt settlement plan and AVOID the bankruptcy process.

As licensed insolvency professionals, we are the only people accredited, acknowledged and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice and to implement approaches to help you remain out of personal bankruptcy while eliminating your debts. A consumer proposal is a Government of Canada-approved debt settlement plan to do that. It is an alternative to bankruptcy. We will help you decide on what is best for you between a consumer proposal vs bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can eliminate the stress, anxiety, and pain from your life that your financial problems have caused. With the one-of-a-kind roadmap, we develop just for you, we will immediately return you right into a healthy balanced problem-free life.

You can have a no-cost analysis so we can help you fix your troubles.

Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will allow you to go back to a new healthy and balanced life, Starting Over Starting Now.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we hope that you, your family, and your friends are safe, healthy, and secure. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is fully operational, and both Ira and Brandon Smith are readily available for phone or video consultations.

what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress
what percentage of illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by financial stress
Brandon Blog Post


average canadian net worth 2018
average canadian net worth 2018

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this average Canadian net worth 2018 blog, please scroll down to the bottom and click on the podcast.

Average Canadian net worth 2018: Introduction

According to the most recent Statistics Canada report published in 2017. The Survey of Financial Security, the median net worth of Canadian families was $295,100. That is the latest federal government official statistic we have in determining the average Canadian net worth 2018.

There’s always been talk about how a financial crisis can adversely affect your health but now a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that wealth shock may actually shorten your life.

Average Canadian net worth 2018: What is wealth shock?

Researchers defined wealth shock as a loss of 75% or more in financial value over two years. The average loss was about $100,000. This catastrophic financial crisis could include a drop in the value of investments or realized losses like home foreclosure. The effect was more marked if the person lost a home as part of the wealth shock, and it was more pronounced for people with fewer assets.

Average Canadian net worth 2018: How does wealth shock affect your life expectancy?

Researchers analyzed 20 years of data from the Health and Retirement Study, which checks in every other year with a group of people in their 50s and 60s and keeps track of who dies.

  • Wealth shock was tied to a 50% greater risk of dying
  • Middle-aged Americans who experienced a sudden, large economic blow were more likely to die during the following years than those who didn’t
  • Women were more likely than men to have a wealth shock
  • Wealth shock crossed socio-economic lines, affecting people no matter how much money they had to startira smith bankruptcy trustee vaughan

Average Canadian net worth 2018: This is really a story about everybody

Although this study was conducted in the U.S., “This is really a story about everybody,” said lead researcher Lindsay Pool of Northwestern University’s medical school. “Stress, delays in health care, substance abuse and suicides may contribute”, she said. North or south of the border, we’re all in equal danger. According to Dr. Alan Garber of Harvard University in an accompanying editorial, the findings suggest a wealth shock is as dangerous as a new diagnosis of heart disease. He also noted that doctors need to recognize how money hardships may affect their patients.

Average Canadian net worth 2018: Don’t wait until you’re a wealth shock statistic

Please don’t wait until you’re a wealth shock statistic. If you’ve experienced wealth shock or are experiencing financial hardship, don’t jeopardize your health. Contact a professional today.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is full-service insolvency and financial restructuring practise serving companies and individuals throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now.

We approach every file with the attitude that corporate or personal financial problems can be solved. That is as long as you take immediate action with the right plan. We’re just a phone call away and we can set you back on a path to financial health.

Brandon Blog Post


comfortable retirement livingComfortable retirement living: Introduction

We all want a comfortable retirement living but many Canadians haven’t got a clue how to make that happen. Your financial health is never a matter of chance, unless you’re a big lottery winner; it takes careful planning and you need to make saving a habit. All the retirement blogs say so.

I can see many of you rolling your eyes now and wondering how you’re supposed to think about saving when you’re trying to make ends meet. But, without a plan your financial situation will never change.

Comfortable retirement living: You need a comfortable retirement budget

Are you thinking about your retirement? If not, now is the time. Research has shown that people who have a plan often save more money and are financially healthier than those who don’t.

  • Those who thought about retirement — “a lot,” “some” or even “a little” — approached retirement age with twice the wealth of non-planners (2007 Pension Research Council study)
  • Simply using a retirement calculator increased someone’s likelihood of saving (Journal of Consumer Affairs in 2011)
  • Parents who created a plan to pay for their children’s college educations saved 76% more than parents who saved but didn’t have a plan (Sallie Mae’s How America Saves for College 2016 report)
  • Households that plan for large, irregular expenses are 10 times as likely to be financially healthy as those that don’t (Center for Financial Services Innovation study in 2015)

Comfortable retirement living: What is financial health?

What exactly does financial health mean? The Centre for Financial Services Innovation has described financial health as having emergency and retirement savings, sustainable debt loads, good credit scores and property, life and health insurance. Are you financially healthy?

Comfortable retirement living: What is a comfortable retirement definition?

How do you define comfortable retirement? CANSTAR Pty Limited, a privately owned Australian research agency that provides finance comparison services, has what I think is a very good definition:

“…one which enables an older, healthy retiree to be involved in a broad range of leisure and recreational activities. It allows funding for private health insurance, a reasonable car and regular holidays (domestic and occasionally international)…”

Comfortable retirement living: How can you become financially healthy?

Everyone needs a plan – not just for retirement, but for more immediate goals like having enough for the monthly expenses. A financial plan always involves a budget and I can’t stress enough how important a budget is.

Once you have a plan in place you can start saving. It doesn’t have to be huge amounts of money, but just enough to start making saving a habit. Start building a little emergency fund. Once you follow the plan and make saving a habit, you’ll be well on your way to financial health.

If you’re struggling with debt and can’t see a way out, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We’re licensed trustees who are experts in helping people just like you get back on your feet Starting Over, Starting Now. Give us a call today and with the right plan you too can be financially healthy again.3bestaward

Brandon Blog Post


investment fund, expense ratio, high expense ratio, balloon payments, APY, Annual Percentage Yield, financial health, prospectus, confusing financial terms, trustee, ira smith trustee, financial health, investment fund types, private investment fund, national investment fund, investment fund wiki, hedge fund, investment fund vs mutual fund, real estate investment fund, romspen mortgage investment fund, expense ratio formula, expense ratio insurance, expense ratio calculation, expense ratio example, expense ratio etf, expense ratio mutual funds, operating expense ratio, expense ratio in banksInvestment fund introduction

We have handled many insolvency cases of people and companies where an investment fund with negative returns, combined with a highly leveraged balance sheet, was a major reason for financial problems. This week we’re continuing our series on confusing financial terms that can cost you more than you bargained for. As trustees we see people in financial distress from a variety of reasons, but there seems to be a commonality – most people find financial lingo confusing.

This confusion magnifies when it relates to an investment fund they have bought, but don’t really understand. We have handled many cases where people having read articles about the tax and investment benefits of leverage, borrowing for investment purposes, do so by borrowing against the family home to invest in financial products they don’t understand!

Sometimes, if they have invested too heavily, not only is their investment at risk, but so is their family home! This series of blogs should clarify many confusing financial terms and with this knowledge help you to make more informed financial decisions. We’ve previously discussed Balloon Payments and APY – Annual Percentage Yield. Our current topic is expense ratios.

What is an investment fund expense ratio?

An expense ratio is a percentage of your investment fund or ETF that’s charged annually to cover its operating costs. These operating costs may include administrative charges, management fees, custody costs, legal expenses, marketing and transfer agent fees among others.

How can I find out what the expense ratio is on an investment fund that I’m interested in investing in?

Every investment fund has a prospectus (a legal document providing details about an investment offering for sale to the public) containing the expense ratio. The prospectus is sent to shareholders every year and shared with potential investors. And, since we live in the information age, a fund’s expense ratio can also be found on financial websites and in newspapers (both online and in print).

How can an expense ratio negatively impact my investment funds?

The expense ratio directly reduces an investment fund’s returns to its shareholders, which reduces the value of your investment. The lower your costs are the greater your investment’s return will be. Every dollar you pay in operating costs is one dollar less that’s earning money for you. Even small differences in fees can impact on your investment over time.

What if my investment fund heads south and I can no longer service my debts?

Making the right financial decisions is crucial to your financial health. Unfortunately many Canadians are now struggling with debt that seems insurmountable. The Ira Smith Team is here to tell you that we’re here to help, regardless of how dire your situation seems now. Make the right decision and give us a call today. Starting Over, Starting Now we can get you back on the road to financial health. Watch for future blogs when we’ll be discussing other confusing financial terms that can impact you financially.


Brandon Blog Post


budgetingX CreditX credit scoreX credit score chartX credit score rangeX credit scoresX DebtX Federal ReserveX financial healthX financial stressX money managementX starting over starting nowThe Federal Reserve uses the credit score chart for matchmaking?

Did you ever envision that your credit score chart would provide the key to successful matchmaking? From newspaper columnists to Dr. Phil, everyone is a relationship guru; but you may be surprised to learn that the Federal Reserve is also dispensing relationship advice.

Economists Jane Dokko, Geng Li and Jessica Hayes believe that the credit score range contained in a credit score chart has an important role to play in predicting the stability and potential longevity of a relationship. This is what they discovered:

  • People with credit scores at the higher end of the credit score chart are more likely to be in a committed relationship and stay together
  • People tend to form relationships with others who have a similar credit score as them
  • The strength of the match, both in the headline credit score and its details, is predictive of whether or not a couple are more likely to break up for observable reasons pertaining to finance and household spending
  • Credit scores are indicative of trustworthiness in general, and couples with a mismatch in credit scores are more likely to see their relationships end for reasons not directly related to their use of credit

Better budgeting and better ranking on the credit score chart leads to better relationships

Echoing these findings, in a recent survey by Ally Bank 55% of respondents said that a strong budgeting and saving strategy was the most appealing money-related quality a partner or potential partner could have. In addition, 75% of the respondents to this survey said it was moderately or highly important to find a partner with a similar approach to money and budgeting.

Get your rightful place on the credit score chart now

Financial stress and poor money management can ruin your relationship, but it doesn’t have to. Don’t be afraid of debt. Face it head on with the help of the Ira Smith Team. We can help you restore your life to financial health Starting Over, Starting Now. Contact us immediately so that we can create your personalized plan to get you your better place on the credit score chart. Give us a call today.

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