Brandon Blog Post


what is a receivership?

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this coronavirus pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

What is a receivership?

What is a receivership is a question I am asked often. Receivership is a remedy available to secured lenders to recoup as much of their debt as possible. A secured creditor, normally a financial institution, has lent funds to the company or individual under a secured financing transaction. They did it this way so in the event the company or person defaults on its finance payments, they can enforce against the assets subject to the security.

Receivership is a different process than bankruptcy for the sale of the properties of a corporation. In Canada, the secured creditor is typically the Bank as the lender. Normally, when a borrower misses payments, they tend to be insolvent. However, it is possible to have a receivership in Ontario even if the borrower is not insolvent.

In this Brandon Blog, I am going to tell you all about receivership. What is a receivership? How it works. When it can be used? What types of receivership are there?

What is a receivership? Examples of receivership in a sentence

What is a receivership? Receivership is a legal proceeding. Either a secured creditor privately appoints the receiver by instrument or a court appoints a person or company, called a receiver, to collect and manage the assets of a person or business that is unable to manage those assets effectively.

To understand more about the receivership process, we first need to look at the types of receivership. These are:

  • Liquidating receivership – This is a type of receivership that is brought about when a company ceases operations because the management of the company is unable to make it a viable business again. If the business is not viable, then the receiver will not operate it and will find buyers for the assets.
  • Operating receivership – This form of receivership is when parts of the company are viable or must otherwise continue operating under receivership. The business assets have a great deal of value if operating, but if shut down, relatively no value. In this case, the receiver will continue operating the business and the secured creditor will agree to lend funds if the business’s cash flow is insufficient. While operating the business, the receiver will also look for buyers.

The word “receiver” originally meant “a person appointed by a court to manage the affairs of another, especially a bankrupt or insolvent“. The term is now more widely applied and refers to a person placed in temporary charge and control of another person’s assets or a business entity. A receivership is a form of governance used in a wide range of situations. It is particularly common in the fields of law and business.

What is a receivership in a sentence – A receivership is a legal process started by a secured creditor either privately appointing a receiver by instrument or making an application to the court for an order that forces a party to carry out the duties of a receiver over the assets of a company or person.

what is a receivership
what is a receivership?

In Canada, section 243(4) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) dictates that only a licensed insolvency trustee can act as a receiver. From the above, you should now realize that there are two types of receivers: (i) privately appointed receiver; and (ii) court-appointed receiver.

What is a receivership? 10 – Day Notice of Intention to Enforce Security

Section 244 of the BIA relates to a secured creditor who intends to enforce its security against an insolvent debtor, either through private appointment or by making an application to the court. This section states that any secured creditor who intends to enforce against all, or substantially all, of the inventory, accounts receivable or other property used by the insolvent debtor in its business, must give adequate notice. The notice must be in writing by using the form prescribed by the BIA.

The BIA defines adequate as a minimum of 10 days. A secured creditor must send out the 10-day notice of intention to enforce security and cannot enforce its security until the 10 days have expired unless the debtor consents in writing to earlier enforcement. The purpose of giving the 10-day notice is to allow the insolvent debtor a chance to either negotiate some resolution with the secured creditor or otherwise attempt to reorganize its financial affairs. An example of reorganizing would be speaking with new potential lenders, consideration of assets that could be sold to repay or otherwise reduce the indebtedness to the unhappy secured creditor.

The insolvent debtor may also be considering invoking an insolvency process such as a Division I Proposal under the BIA to reorganize all of its debts to implement a financial reorganization strategy. If a proposal or a notice of intention to make a proposal under the BIA is filed by the insolvent debtor before the expiry of the 10 day period, then the enforcement action of the secured creditor has initially stayed.

That secured creditor would have to make an application to the court to show that it has lost total confidence in the insolvent debtor’s abilities and it will not support any reorganization attempt. The application is to lift the automatic stay of proceedings that happened when the insolvent debtor filed, to allow the secured creditor to enforce its security against the assets to try to recover as much of the secured debt as possible through the appointment of a receiver.

Why did 10 days become the official notice period? This was part of amendments to the BIA made in 2009. It arose as a .esult of court decisions over what is reasonable notice. The most famous case is one that insolvency practitioners refer to as Lister v. Dunlop. The case made its way all the way up to the Supreme Court of Canada. The proper name of the case is R.E. Lister Ltd. v. Dunlop Canada Ltd., [1982] 1 S.C.R. 726. The decision was released on May 31, 1982.

The case dealt with a variety of issues, including what is receivership. Another of the issues considered was a reasonable notice to be given when a secured creditor demanded repayment of its demand loan, due to one or more defaults on loan? The most common default is defaulting on making the required loan payments on time. The loan agreement and debenture securing the loan stated that it was a demand loan and that the lender must give reasonable notice when making the demand.

However, in the “old days”, there was never a definition of what reasonable notice was. In fact, in Ontario, the law at the time was that reasonable notice only came into being if the business owner asked for a time to repay the loan. What was reasonable was a matter of discussion and negotiation. In Lister v. Dunlop, it was determined that Dunlop did not provide reasonable notice, based on the specific facts in that case.

Case law evolved and eventually, in 2009, the BIA was amended as part of the new provisions to bring receivership under the BIA and receivers subject to the supervision of the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada. The 10 day notice period was Parliament’s way to try to codify what reasonable notice is.

Court Appointed Receivers vs. Privately Appointed Receivers

As discussed above, receivers are appointed when secured creditors want to recover on their secured loans. Receivership is a remedy for secured creditors. It is not a remedy for unsecured creditors. The intent is for the receiver to take possession of the insolvent company assets subject to the security agreement and conduct a sale of assets. The proceeds of the sale will then be distributed in accordance with the priority of the creditors under the BIA. The secured creditor should want to make sure that it is in the first place to receive the funds from the receiver, for the receivership process they are paying for!

From the above, by now, you have probably realized that a privately appointed receiver is appointed in writing by the secured creditor. The receiver gets properly retained and then is given an appointment letter by the secured creditor after the 10 day notice period has either passed or was waived by the insolvent debtor. The privately appointed receiver gets its powers from the security documents which will outline the approved steps the receiver can take.

Court-appointed receivers, as the term implies, are appointed by the court. The secured creditor properly retains the receiver and makes an application to the court for the appointment of the receiver. The secured creditor is the plaintiff in this litigation. If the court grants the order, then the court-appointed receiver begins the receivership administration. The powers and responsibilities of the court-appointed receiver come from the court order, called the Appointment Order.

The steps the receiver will take in determining what method will realize the most money possible from the sale of assets should be pretty well identical under both a court-appointed receivership and a privately appointed receivership. The analysis of how and the steps to be taken to realize the most money possible from the assets of the company in receivership should be the same, regardless of the form of appointment.

Either way, as stated above, the receiver must be a licensed insolvency trustee who is experienced in acting as a licensed insolvency practitioner.

what is a receivership
what is a receivership

What is a receivership? Duties of a receiver

Receivers are required to act honestly and in good faith. A privately appointed receiver has a duty to the secured creditor who appointed the receiver. A court-appointed receiver has a duty to act in good faith to all creditors.

The main roles of the receiver, whether private or court-appointed, can be summarized as to:

  • Secure all the assets of the insolvent debtor pledged under the security agreement or covered by the Appointment Order.
  • Make sure the receiver has control of property, the assets are conserved and properly insured.
  • Advance the rights of the debtor with the approval of either the secured creditor or the court. This could include continuing or beginning any necessary litigation.
  • Formulate the plan to maximize the realization from the sale of assets. This also involves a decision as to whether or not to operate the business of the company.
  • Offer the assets for sale in a properly advertised public sale.
  • Complete the sale and distribute the net proceeds in accordance with the provisions of the BIA.
  • Make regular reporting to the court and/or the appointing creditor
  • Obtain the approval of the secured creditor, and under a court appointment, approval of the court for all actions to be taken by the receiver.
  • In a court appointment, to obtain the approval of the court for its fee and disbursements and for those of the receiver’s legal counsel.

The Appointment Order generally will give the court-appointed receiver extensive powers.

I want to summarize the difference between company receivership and bankruptcy

I find that many times people will confuse the terms receivership and bankruptcy. What is a receivership is not the same as what is bankruptcy. I want to summarize the difference between company receivership and bankruptcy. There are important differences between bankruptcy and receivership.

The terms bankruptcy and receivership are often mistakenly used; they are not the very same thing. Bankruptcy is a legal process for unsecured creditors. The bankruptcy of a person and that person’s discharge from bankruptcy acts to discharge that person’s unsecured debt. As a company is never discharged from bankruptcy, the bankruptcy process has the effect of ending the company’s business.

What is a receivership? Receivership on the other hand, is a legal process for the benefit of secured creditors that safeguards their security if an insolvent borrower defaults on its secured debt financial obligations.

what is a receivership
what is a receivership?

What is a receivership? Is receivership the right solution for you?

I hope you enjoyed the what is a receivership Brandon Blog post. I have gone to great lengths to describe what is a receivership, the different types of receivership and that it is a remedy for secured creditors. However, many times, if properly handled, it can also assist the business owner. The entrepreneur may be very frustrated that the company can no longer pay all its debts as they come due and is looking for a way out, a way to sell the business or a way to get rid of the sick parts of the business and keep the good parts.

There may be sufficient value to take care of the secured creditor, but nothing for anyone else, including the unsecured creditors. There may be some business units that should not survive, but if cut out, the business will be viable. A receivership might very well accomplish the goals for the entrepreneur also. I have many times structured a receivership process, in order to meet the goals of the entrepreneur, while satisfying the requirements of the secured creditor.

Are you worried because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges and you assume bankruptcy is your only option? Call me. It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do. We help many people and companies stay clear of bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We will get you or your business back up driving to healthy and balanced trouble-free operations and get rid of the discomfort factors in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this coronavirus pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

what is a receivership
what is a receivership?
Brandon Blog Post


court appointed receiverships
court appointed receiverships

The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting. We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.

If you would prefer to listen to the audio version of this court appointed receiverships Brandon’s Blog, please scroll to the bottom and click play on the podcast.

Court appointed receiverships introduction

I have written several blogs before on receivership, be they court appointed receiverships or private appointments. The purpose of this blog is to discuss a recent court decision involving a big mistake made by a court-appointed receiver and why the court would not let them fix their error. That mistake cost them big time!

Some previous court appointed receiverships blogging

In reviewing the court case, three previous blogs of mine on court appointed receiverships came to mind:

The first one dealt with certain procedural matters in court appointed receiverships when the receiver sells real estate.

The second blog dealt with factors a court-appointed receiver must disclose to the court in seeking court approval for a sale of assets.

The third one was about what happens when a court-appointed receiver applies to the court for some relief without knowing all the details of the story they are telling the court! That is very embarrassing for receivers in court appointed receiverships!

The recent case I will shortly speak about reminded me of these three previous blogs. You will see the connection very soon, I promise.

What happens when a company goes into receivership?

When the company enters into receivership, senior management and the Directors shed most of their authority for decision making. The Directors’ general company obligations of preserving corporate records remain, yet any type of decision-making regarding the running of the business or its assets have vanished.

That is now the role of the receiver. This is true for a privately appointed receiver but it is especially so in court-appointed receiverships. That is because the court is now supervising all the company’s affairs and assets through its court officer, the receiver.

Responsibilities concerning the business in a practical sense stop upon the receiver being appointed. Their recommendations and help are only needed if requested by the receiver. They definitely will not be paid for any kind of initiative unless the receiver concurs in writing to make funds available for them in return for their services.

What are the duties of a receiver?

The receiver’s first task is to take possession of and control all of the assets, properties and undertaking covered by the secured creditor’s security in a private receivership. In court appointed receiverships, the receiver’s powers and actions come from the authority given to it by way of the court order appointing the receiver.

The receiver needs to make a decision whether it can get a greater amount for the assets if it runs the business. Conversely, the receiver may choose that the danger of operating the business is not worth it in terms of any type of upside value that may be gained from running the business.

The receiver after that creates a strategy for the running or the shuttering of the business as well as for the eventual sale of the assets. The kind of receivership appointment and the nature of the business operations and assets will dictate what approach the receiver will take. In the meantime, the receiver must protect and conserve all the assets, including making sure there is sufficient insurance coverage in place.

In a private appointment, the receiver requires to obtain the authorization of the secured creditor who appointed the receiver prior to implementing its plan and taking actions concerning the running of the business and the sale of the assets. In court appointed receiverships, the receiver requires the approval of the court.

The Court appointment case

This court case dealt with some very unique issues. The receiver was originally appointed by the court under the Courts of Justice Act (Ontario) and the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). The receiver was making a motion for advice and directions about it wanting approval for its fees and disbursements since the last approval order. It also wanted approval to make an interim distribution.

That seems pretty routine. It was the receiver’s fifth report to the court. The motion was opposed by the company whose assets were seized in the receivership. There was only one problem that caused that party to oppose the receiver’s motion. However, it was a humungous problem this receiver caused itself.

The problem is that the receiver obtained approvals from the court based on the information contained in its fourth report to the court and now the receiver was asking for something different!

Court appointed receiverships: A brief history of this court-appointed receivership

The major secured creditor who made a secured loan against a real estate project under both mortgage security and a general security agreement began court proceedings by making an application to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice Commercial List for the court appointment of a receiver. On June 22, 2017, Justice Conway released an Order appointing the receiver in this matter (the Receiver).

The Order followed the model receivership order format and had the usual provisions. Specifically, it mentioned in paragraph 18 that “the Receiver’s Charge shall form a first charge in priority to all security interests, trusts, liens, charges and encumbrances, statutory or otherwise, in favour of any Person….”.

The Receiver performed its duties and filed reports with the court on a timely basis and received the necessary approvals along the way. So far so good with the first three court reports.

The fourth report was OK too

In November 2019 the Receiver brought a motion for Justice Dietrich to approve its Fourth Report and also its Supplementary Fourth Report. The same stakeholder currently opposing the Receiver’s motion for advice and directions also challenged certain of the Receiver’s recommendations contained in its Fourth Report.

It turns out that from the Receiver’s efforts and sale of the real property, there was not only enough money to pay out all the secured creditors, but there were funds left over. This is a very unusual situation. So the Receiver came to court. One of the approvals it was seeking was its proposal to pay the claims of the unsecured creditors. This company opposed that relief claiming the unsecured creditors were statute-barred. The reason the company opposed this is simple. Whatever the unsecured creditors are not entitled to would presumably be available to flow to the shareholders of the company.

Justice Dietrich looked for further written materials on this issue from the parties which were received on March 16 and 31, 2020. Justice Dietrich considered all the material and released her endorsement on this issue on June 19, 2020.

court appointed receiverships
court appointed receiverships

Court appointed receiverships: Justice Dietrich’s decision

Justice Dietrich’s Order approved the Receiver’s Fourth Report and Supplementary Fourth Report (the Fourth Approval Order) as well as payment to the Receiver of its fees of $373,960.75 plus HST plus an accrual of $25,000 plus HST to finish the management of the receivership. The Order additionally authorized the Receiver’s legal fees of $85,218.23 plus HST and an accrual of $15,000 plus HST for concluding the administration of the receivership.

The Fourth Approval Order approved making payment to the unsecured creditors in the amount of $190,800.71. Those payouts were made without delay by the Receiver even prior to the appeal time for appealing the Fourth Approval Order expired. The remaining funds were to be paid out to the company who opposed the motion, or as the company may direct.

The Receiver made all the payments except for one. The funds to be paid to the company involved in the receivership, which was more than $1 million, had not been paid out to the company as of the date the Receiver came to court with its Fifth Report.

Court appointed receiverships: OOPS – We need a fifth report to court

The Fourth Approval Order was settled with the consent of all stakeholders. That order was obtained on the basis that there was not much work left to do and it would be covered off by the approved fee accruals. The Receiver and its lawyer were to finish its work and then file a certificate with the court to advise the work was finished. The Fourth Approval Order also said that when the Receiver files the certificate with the court, that is the trigger that discharges the Receiver and ends the receivership. This is all standard stuff.

There now is only one huge problem. Subsequent to the Fourth Approval Order being issued and entered, the Receiver requested more money for its fee and its legal fees, well above what it told the court already. The further amount it was seeking was pretty close to an extra $100,000.

The Receiver then delivered a Fifth Report laying out the added costs asked for and also documenting an added HST Refund and accumulated interest. The Receiver acknowledged that it made an error. The Receiver also acknowledged that it could have brought this to everyone’s attention before the Fourth Approval Order was settled, issued and entered and the appeal period already has expired.

Personally, I call that more than an error. That is a huge problem. It is a major blow to the firms’ revenue and cash flow. If not resolved in the Receiver’s favour, it will most certainly cause much angst among the partners in the licensed insolvency trustee firm.

Court appointed receiverships: The Fifth Report To Court hearing and what the two parties said

The Receiver’s position was fairly simple. They really didn’t have much they could say at this stage, other than, OOPS! The Receiver submitted that the Receivership Order appointing the Receiver is clear. Unless the Court orders otherwise, the Receiver will obtain its reasonable fees and costs and those of its legal counsel. Those fees and costs are secured by a first ranking charge against the assets being administered in the receivership.

All other amounts come after this first charge. The Receiver went on to say that the Appointment Order and the Fourth Approval Order were therefore in conflict and the Appointment Order must prevail.

The company in opposing the Receiver’s motion had some pretty simple facts on its side. The court agreed with these facts. The court stated that:

  • The Receiver only brought this motion on in response to the company’s attempt to set down a date for its motion to compel the Receiver to make the $1 million-plus payment to it as directed by the Fourth Approval Order.
  • The company agreed to the settling of the Fourth Approval Order based on the Receiver’s submissions to the court that what it put in its Fourth Reports was everything and there was. There was nothing else getting in the way of making all the payments approved in the Fourth Approval Order.
  • The Fourth Approval Order was intended to be final and for that reason
    incorporates the provisions of the Appointment Order. That is, it is open to the court to find that the Receiver has no capacity to request more fees since the clear objective of the Fourth Approval Order is to wrap up all issues including the discontinuation of the receivership.

The Receiver conceded that the details pertaining to the extra fees was known at the time the Fourth Approval Order was being settled and also after that. However, the Receiver took no particular actions to request them prior to the Order being settled and entered. The only action taken by the Receiver was this Motion for Directions supplied in reply to the company’s motion request to get paid what was already approved by the court.

The Commercial List court understood that the Receiver has undoubtedly made an error. The question the court needed to answer was who should pay for it – the Receiver or the company? The court decided that it should not be the company who settled the Fourth Approval Order understanding what its terms were, including, there was nothing standing in the way of it getting its money as already approved by the court.

The easiest way to avoid costly mistakes

Court appointed receiverhips, by their very nature, are complex administrations. Being a receiver or a receiver manager is a tough role. A court-appointed receiver must be fair and neutral to all parties as an officer of the court. Everyone is scrutinizing the decisions being made. Once a court-appointed receiver serves its motion materials, everyone goes through the receiver’s report with a fine-tooth comb. And rightly so.

It is not a good place to be when you make any kind of error in a public document. It is embarrassing and it makes everyone else wonder what other mistakes have you made? It is especially tough when your mistake short changes your firm out of the money that it has earned. These are awful circumstances.

By now you probably realize that you don’t have to be a licensed insolvency trustee to know the easiest way to avoid costly mistakes. Check, double-check and triple-check everything before you sign and release the report. As my carpenter friend says, “measure twice and cut once”.

Court appointed receiverships summary

I hope you have enjoyed this court appointed receiverships Brandon’s Blog. A sick insolvent company’s business might be saved by a debt restructuring.

Do you or your company have too much debt? Are you or your company in need of financial restructuring? The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or the person who has too much personal debt.

You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges. It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. The way we take the load off of your shoulders and devise a debt settlement plan, we know that we can help you.

We know that people facing financial problems need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team.

That is why we can develop a restructuring process as unique as the financial problems and pain you are facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious about finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation.

We will get you or your company back on the road to healthy stress-free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

The Ira Smith Trustee Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting. We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy

Brandon Blog Post


court appointed receiver

If you would rather listen to an audio version of this Brandon’s Blog, please scroll to the bottom of this page and click on the podcast.


I recently read an interesting case from the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta involving a court appointed receiver. To me, it highlights that sometimes the simplest of things can provide major difficulty. I will explain, but first, I will go over some basic facts that will help you understand the issue in this case better.

What is a court appointed receiver?

When a borrower defaults on its borrowing agreement, typically by non-payment, the secured creditor needs to decide if it is required to enforce against its security. The most common method for a lender to use is receivership. There are 2 types of these procedures in Canada; 1) private appointed or; 2) court appointed.

Normally, the procedure begins with the secured creditor seeking advice from its legal counsel and the receiver it is thinking of using. If it is chosen that there should be a receiver appointed, the secured creditor, normally a financial institution, then makes a selection. They can either appoint the receiver by private letter of appointment or make an application to the Court for an Order designating the receiver (court-appointed).

The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) requires that just a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) can work as a receiver. A privately appointed receiver acts on behalf of the selecting secured creditor. A court appointed receiver has a duty of care to all creditors.

1305402 Alberta Inc v 0774238 B.C. Ltd, 2019 ABQB 982

This case was an application by the court appointed receiver (as a British Columbia Court designated receiver of two individuals and also several companies) to have funds in the amount of $281,711.11 paid to it in its capacity as the receiver. The application on its face seemed simple.

The British Columbia Securities Commission (the “Securities Commission”) made considerable enforcement orders versus the individuals and the companies (the “Debtors”). The total fines exceeded $9 million in total. They arose from the Debtors having gotten from various parties real estate financial investments without a prospectus and various other violations.

The Securities Commission got a receivership court order from the Supreme Court of British Columbia on October 3, 2019, appointing a receiver (the Receivership Order). The Debtors are the named parties whose assets the Receivership Order covers.

This application in the Alberta Court was made by the court appointed receiver to take possession of surplus cash paid into the Alberta Court, available from the sale of a property located in the Province of Alberta.

The Court’s problems

On the face of the Receivership Order, it was difficult to tell which parties were originally served with notice of the case. The Receivership Order indicates that a list of those served was attached as Schedule A. Yet Schedule A was not the service list. Rather, it was an example of the Receiver’s Certificate to be utilized in securing financing of the receivership. There was also a Schedule B to the Receivership Order. Unfortunately, it also was of no help. Its only purpose was to list the legal description of the subject land.

Counsel for the applicant argued that certain findings in the original receivership application would decide the outcome of this case. As a result, the Master said that it would certainly have been handy to understand whether the objecting party to this application had any type of capacity to make any kind of argument now!

For example, was the matter in this application already decided in the original motion, or, are there any estoppel issues that would stop someone with notice of the original receivership application from objecting now? In the end, the Master decided that the documents now before the Alberta Court was not adequate to figure out those problems now.

Duties of a court appointed receiver

In addition to having a general duty of care to all stakeholders, the specific duties are spelled out in the Receivership Order. Like all such orders, this one gave the receiver the duty to take possession of all of the assets of the Debtors.

The funds in Court are surplus from a sale or foreclosure in Alberta known as the “Rocky View Lands”. There was a consent order for repossession in the foreclosure action giving the mortgagee title. It was not readily evident from the material before the Master just how surplus proceeds were generated. Nevertheless, the funds were being held by the Court and the receiver was applying to take possession of the cash under its Receivership Order powers and duties.

The receiver’s problem

The proceeds were paid into Court on the application of the previous authorized owner of the Rocky View Lands. Unfortunately, that owner was not one of the Debtors! Just to make matters worse, one of the individuals who were one of the Debtors, filed an affidavit that appended a purported Trust Agreement. The Trust Agreement stated that the owner of the Rocky View Lands was holding the property in trust for 19 different named investors who were opposing this application.

The Master held that the applicant did not adequately prove its case to its entitlement to the funds paid into the Court. The owner of the lands was not one of the Debtors. It was only the property of the Debtors the court appointed receiver had authority over.

So the Master decided that the parties could come back to Court for a full trial to figure out who really had an interest in the funds. This could only be decided after full argument by both the receiver and the opposing parties. It was too early to direct that the funds be paid to the court appointed receiver now.

The devil is in the details

From the Master’s decision, it is obvious that the court appointed receiver came to Court without knowing all the details. In addition, the details that it must have known about who was served with the original receivership application were missing. I am sure this receiver was not trying to pull a fast one over anybody – they were just sloppy.

A detail like whose property was the receiver trying to take possession of is not a small thing. A detail like was any party who was opposing the receiver’s request already stopped from raising such opposition is also not such a small thing. The Master was correct in not allowing the receiver’s application to take possession of the cash sitting in the Alberta Court. This receiver will have to do its homework for when it comes back to Court when a full hearing is conducted.


I hope you have seen why details matter. Not only for a Court but for a licensed insolvency trustee also. When someone comes to consult with me about their business or personal debts and financial situation, I need details too so that I can fully understand their situation.

Do you or your company have too much debt and in need of debt restructuring? Wouldn’t it be beautiful, though, if you could do a turnaround?

The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a debt restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or the person who has too much personal debt. You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges.

It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. The way we take the load off of your shoulders and devise a debt settlement plan, we know that we can help you.

We know that people facing financial problems need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” approach with the Ira Smith Team. That is why we can develop a restructuring process as unique as the financial problems and pain you are facing. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you are serious in finding a solution, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team today.

Call us now for a free consultation. We will get you or your company back on the road to healthy stress-free operations and recover from the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


What is a receiver in insolvency?

A recent case heard in the Court of Appeal for Ontario clarifies what the time limit is to object to an order made in a Court-appointed receivership of a company in Ontario. The bottom line is you better move fast. Before I describe this very interesting decision, I should first remind newer readers on some receiver 101 basics.

What is it?

A receivership is a remedy for secured creditors to enforce their security. In the event, the company defaults on its loan agreement, normally by non-payment, the secured creditor. There are two types of these proceedings in Canada; 1) privately appointed or; 2) court appointed. A receiver might additionally be selected in an investor dispute to complete a task, liquidate assets or market a business.

Typically, the process begins with the secured creditor consulting with a Receiver. If it is decided that there should be a receiver appointed, the secured creditor then makes a choice. They can either appoint the receiver by written appointment letter (privately appointed) or make a motion to the Court for an Order appointing the receiver (court-appointed).

The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (BIA) states that only a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly called a bankruptcy trustee) can act as a receiver. A privately appointed receiver acts on behalf of the appointing secured creditor. A court-appointed receiver has a duty of care to all creditors.

What are the duties of a receiver?

The receiver’s first duty is to take possession and control of the assets covered by the secured creditor’s security in a private appointment, or all the assets indicated in the court order in a court appointment. The receiver must decide whether it can get a higher value for the assets if it operates the business. Alternatively, the receiver may decide that the risk of operating the business is not worth it in terms of any meaningful increase in the value of the assets.

The receiver then develops a plan to on the running of the business and for the eventual sale of the assets. The type of business and the nature of the assets will dictate what approach the receiver will take. In the meantime, the receiver must inventory all the assets, protect them and make sure there is adequate insurance in place for what the receiver wishes to do in terms of running the business and selling the assets.

In a private appointment, the receiver needs to get the approval of the secured creditor before embarking on the business and asset plan. In a court appointment, the receiver requires the approval of the court.

What happens when a company goes into receivership?

When the company goes into receivership, senior management and the Directors lose most of their authority for decision making. The Directors’ general corporate duty of maintaining corporate records continues, but any decision-making about the running of the business or its assets will not be effective. This is especially true in a court appointment. The subject of Director liability is too broad to start mentioning in this Brandon’s Blog. i am planning to soon write a blog on that topic.

Management’s and employees’ responsibilities about the business in a practical sense will stop upon the appointment of the receiver. Their advice and help are only required if requested by the receiver. They certainly will not be paid for any efforts unless the receiver agrees in writing to make money available for their pay.

Court of Appeal for Ontario says you better move fast

Why the confusion? Isn’t the process for an appeal of a court order straightforward? The confusion comes about because, in the standard model Appointment Order of the Commercial List of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, the court-appointed receiver is appointed under two statutes:

  1. Section 101 of the provincial Ontario Courts of Justice Act, RSO 1990, c C.43 (CJA).
  2. The federal BIA, section 243(1).

The applicant, in this case, was the purchaser of assets from a court-appointed receiver of a company. One of the standard provisions in the Appointment Order is that anyone wishing to take legal action against the receiver must first get the approval of the court to do so.

They brought an application for authorization to sue the receiver over a disagreement arising from the purchase of the assets from the receiver under the asset purchase agreement. On May 17, 2018, the lower court judge dismissed the application, finding that their allegations were not supported by the evidence. On November 8, 2018, the same judge refused their demand to resume the application based on new evidence.

The applicant filed appeals from both decisions. Its notices of appeal were on time under the provincial CJA, under which there is a 30-day time limit for commencing an appeal. They were late under the federal BIA, which imposes a 10-day time limit.

The lower court judge dismissed the appeals. He held that the BIA was the governing authority for the appeal, not the CJA. He stated that the origin of authority under which the receiver was appointed was section 243( 1) of the BIA and therefore appeals are governed by the BIA, not the CJA. He further went on to say that the appointment also under the CJA did not have the result of ousting the BIA as the source of authority. He further held that it also cannot supersede the federal BIA holds paramountcy over the provincial CJA.


Business Development Bank of Canada v. Astoria Organic Matters Ltd., 2019 ONCA 269

The Court of Appeal for Ontario decision was released on April 8, 2019. The appeal court found that this was a very narrow issue to decide so that it did not have to get into the merits of the case of the purchaser wanting to sue the receiver over a disagreement arising from the purchase of the assets from the receiver under the asset purchase agreement.

The Court of Appeal rejected the applicant’s appeal and did not find that the chambers judge made any errors. They said that when the order sought to be appealed was made in reliance on jurisdiction under the BIA, the proper appeal path is the BIA.

The lower court, the Ontario Superior Court Justice Commercial List, rejected the purchaser’s demand to sue the receiver, which is the decision the applicant wishes to appeal. The requirement to get leave of the court to sue the receiver comes from the Appointment Order. The court’s authority to include that arrangement order comes from the statutory power to appoint a receiver under s. 243( 1) of the BIA.

The Court of Appeal agreed that the legal power to appoint a receiver is also found in s. 101 of the CJA. But considering that authority for the leave to take legal action against the receiver comes from the BIA in spite of that the receiver was appointed under both laws, the appeal is governed by the BIA as a matter of paramountcy.

Therefore the Court of Appeal for Ontario dismissed the applicant’s appeal and awarded costs against them.

Does your company need to move fast?

Does your company have way too much debt? Is your company’s cash flow not enough to meet all of its financial obligations? Are you afraid that your company’s main secured creditor is about to demand repayment of its loan in full and you just can’t move fast enough to save your company?

If you answered yes, call the Ira Smith Team today so we can end the tension and anxiousness that these financial problems have triggered. We will develop a plan special for your company, to save it from extinction.

Call the Ira Smith Team today. We have years and generations of experience restructuring and saving companies looking for financial restructuring or a debt settlement approach. As a licensed insolvency trustee, we are the only professionals acknowledged, accredited and supervised by the federal government to provide insolvency advice to save companies.

You can have a no-cost analysis to aid you so we can repair your company’s debt problems. Call the Ira Smith Team today. This will certainly allow you to get back to Starting Over Starting Now.


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