Credit score improvement: Introduction
It seems that we’ve become obsessed with credit score improvement and credit scores. Traditionally the singular purpose for credit scores was to find how much of a risk you would present to a lender if you were applying for a credit card, insurance, loan, mortgage, rental unit, etc.
Now we even use credit scores to decide if your new date is worthy of becoming your new mate and employers use credit scores to screen job applicants. Somehow from determining credit worthiness, credit scores are now being used as a quasi-personality test to find out your character and level of honesty.
Credit score improvement: Should credit checks be used to screen job applicants?
“Credit reports were not designed as an employment screening tool,” says non-profit group Demos. “Employment credit checks are an illegitimate barrier to employment, often for the very job applicants who need work the most.” In a survey of job-seekers, Demos found that one in seven people with blemished credit said that they’d been denied a job as a result.
On the other side of this issue is credit reporting agency, TransUnion. They stand firm on the use of its reports when determining a person’s employability. “One study found a job applicant with a troubled financial history was almost twice as likely to engage in theft as an applicant who lacked any financial history issues,” company spokesperson Clifton O’Neal said in an email.
Credit score improvement: How is your credit score determined?
There are several factors that go into determining your credit score:
- Debt history
- Payment history
- Amounts owed
- How long you’ve been in debt
- Type of debt
- Length of credit history
- Credit inquiries
Credit score improvement: What does your credit score really say about you?
Your credit score means that you’re making your payments on time but it doesn’t tell the story. Many people find themselves in financial difficulty as a result of illness, job loss, divorce or many other factors and that doesn’t make them “undesirables”.
Credit score improvement: Do you really need debt repair?
Are you in financial difficulty and looking for someone to help you get back on track? Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We’re here to help, not judge. Make an appointment for a free, no obligation consultation and take your first step to debt free living Starting Over, Starting Now.