Brandon Blog Post


living paycheque to paycheque, alternatives to bankruptcy, bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, bankruptcy faqs, bankruptcy process, bankruptcy trustee in toronto, bankruptcy trustee toronto, collection agencies, credit, credit counselling, credit score, consumer proposal, debt consolidation, rebuild your credit, starting over starting now, wages, bankruptcy trustee torontoA bankruptcy trustee Toronto understands that insolvency and filing for bankruptcy can be a very distressing time in someone’s life. Many people feel like failures at this time and need to have someone to whom they can turn to help them understand their options. People filing for bankruptcy can choose a federally regulated bankruptcy trustee Toronto they feel the most comfortable with to assist them in the process.

When Bankruptcy Becomes Necessary

When a person becomes insolvent, they cannot pay back what they owe to their creditors; in fact, what they owe may far outweigh the assets that they have. At this point, an individual may consider declaring bankruptcy. There are several clues, such as the following, that indicate that one is nearing this point of no return and should consult with a bankruptcy trustee Toronto:

▪ Garnished wages from each paycheque

▪ Contact from one or more collection agencies

▪ Utilities or household services that have been stopped from lack of payment

▪ You can no longer make ends meet living paycheque to paycheque

Bankruptcy and Its Benefits

Although it should be noted that bankruptcy is not the perfect solution for everyone because it will be quite costly and destructive to one’s credit score, it does have several advantages. Of course, there will be no more harassment from creditors or collection agencies during and following the bankruptcy process, and the person involved will be able to feel a greater peace of mind. In addition, many times people are allowed to keep their homes and property during bankruptcy. Finally, employers cannot discriminate against individuals who file for bankruptcy.

What a Bankruptcy Trustee Toronto Does

Anyone filing for bankruptcy in the GTA can choose the bankruptcy trustee Toronto they feel the most comfortable with to assist them. A bankruptcy trustee Toronto has numerous tasks. In general, the trustee is an impartial intermediary who will make sure that every part of the process is performed correctly, that there is no fraud and that assets are liquidated appropriately. Before the actual bankruptcy filing, he or she will meet with the person to review the individual’s situation, consider all alternatives to bankruptcy, including credit counselling, debt consolidation and consumer proposals.

After this initial assessment, if bankruptcy is the best option, the federally regulated bankruptcy trustee will explain the bankruptcy process to you, prepare and look over any paperwork before it is filed, if necessary will hold a meeting of creditors for the individual and will ensure that creditors are paid their pro rata share in accordance with the provisions of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.

Some people fear that a bankruptcy trustee Toronto will make their lives miserable each step of the way. However, although the trustee may have some difficult and painful tasks to fulfill, they will ensure that each step of the process is performed thoroughly, accurately and with complete professionalism. Those people who are in a position to benefit from declaring bankruptcy will find the work of a trustee to be invaluable and allow you after your discharge from bankruptcy to rebuild your credit.

Bankruptcy Trustee Toronto

If you feel you are a candidate for bankruptcy, you can first do some self-study by reviewing our bankruptcy faqs. After reviewing the bankruptcy alternatives, if the best solution for you is bankruptcy, you should feel comfortable that your choice of trustee will treat you with the compassion and respect you deserve. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. and Starting Over Starting Now you’ll be on your way to living a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


credit rating, credit score, collection agencies, collection agency, credit record, credit score mistakes, bankruptcy alternatives, Consumer Proposal, Bankruptcy, I came across this story not long ago about a man in Ontario who had his credit rating ruined by Rogers even though he has never had a Rogers account. I know this sounds unbelievable but Mr. Dave Johnson of Pembroke, Ontario has spent three years fighting a Rogers Bill that isn’t his. This story is a perfect example of why it’s so important that you are aware of your credit score and credit rating and check it periodically.

Rogers like many large companies outsources the collection of accounts that are in default to collection agencies. According to the Government of Canada you must be notified in writing that your file has been given to a collection agency. In this case Dave Johnson never received notification from the Rogers collection agency that his account was in default because he never had a Rogers account. Never-the-less, in 2010 he received a $5,400 bill from a Rogers collection agency working for Rogers Wireless. Mr. Johnson knew he wasn’t in arrears and contacted the collection agency letting them know that he didn’t have a Rogers account and that somewhere there was a clerical error. The collection agency seemed to be very reasonable and Mr. Johnson believed that the matter had been cleared up. Big mistake! The $5,400 debt to Rogers Wireless ended up on his credit record and as a result of this, leading to a poor credit rating:

  • He was turned down for credit cards.
  • He wasn’t allowed to co-sign for his son’s mortgage.
  • He couldn’t use the equity in his home.

In the process of trying to clear his name and restore his credit, and his credit rating, Mr. Johnson discovered that another man, also named David Johnson, has also been wrongly pursued for the very same bill. The reality is that the Rogers collection agency clearly didn’t have a file with accurate information of the debtor. They were going after anyone and everyone who had the same name, which unfortunately for the David Johnsons in Ontario, is quite common.

Rogers is not taking any responsibility for this problem. They are blaming the Rogers collection agency. In case you think that this is an isolated incident, CBC News received dozens of complaints last year about how collection agencies aggressively pursue unpaid debts. Howard Maker, Commissioner of Telecommunications Complaints, has confirmed that he is aware of this ongoing problem.

If you are being legitimately pursued by collection agencies because you’re experiencing serious financial difficulties and you are concerned about your credit rating, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We can help and Starting Over, Starting Now you will gain back your former quality of life. Watch for our next blog when we’ll be discussing Common Credit Score Mistakes.

Call a Trustee Now!