Brandon Blog Post


weekly expenses sheet 0Weekly expenses sheet: Introduction

I recently read an article in Forbes that really shocked me. The article was about how aware we are about what we spend each week. These expenses could be anything – gas, utilities, groceries, meals out, movies, junk food… They asked three people to estimate how much their weekly expenses were and much to my surprise, they all underestimated by 30% – 40%. The results of this article are a neon billboard for the necessity and importance of a budget starting with a weekly expenses sheet, and a wakeup call to everyone still spending money without a budget and a plan.

Weekly expenses sheet: How many Canadians use a budget?

Only 40% of Canadians use a budget; however 90% of Canadians say that they have more debt today than they did five years ago (Practical Money Skills).

Weekly expenses sheet: Why are so many people reluctant to use a budget?

People think that using a budget will force them to cut out many of the things that they love to spend money on. And they work on the belief that better times are ahead – they’ll be making more money and some even believe that they are destined for a lottery win. Ignoring the realities of accumulating debt can spell financial disaster. People don’t want to face the harsh reality that they are spending more than they earn. A proper budget, which includes a weekly expenses sheet, would force those who overspend to deal with their debt reality.

Weekly expenses sheet: What can a budget do for you?

Budgeting can greatly improve your life and help you take control of your financial future. It will:

  • Calculate your monthly expenses – once you know what your monthly expenses are you can allocate money for those expenses
  • Prepare for the unexpected – budget for unforeseen expenses like an unexpected car repair bill or dental bill
  • Improve your credit score – sticking to your budget means that your bills will be paid on time, which means that your credit score will improve
  • Get out of debt/Stay out of debt – a budget will align your income with your expenses. Sticking to your budget will allow you to pay down your debts and/or stay out of debt


Weekly expenses sheet: What to do if you have too much debt?

Are you still not using a budget and struggling with debt? For solid financial advice on what your options are for dealing with debt contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. Make an appointment for a free, no obligation consultation and Starting Over, Starting Now you can be on your way to a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


Advantages and disadvantages of consumer proposals: Introduction

In this vlog, we answer the question “What are the advantages and disadvantages of consumer proposals?”.

Advantages and disadvantages of consumer proposals: Who is it for?

A Consumer proposal is a part of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) found in Part III Division 2 of the BIA. It is available for people who do not owe more than $250,000 to their creditors, NOT including any mortgages or other loans registered against a principal residence.

The first test is being insolvent? What I mean by that is:

  1. are your financial obligations greater than the worth of your property?
  2. if you sold your assets you would not have enough funds to settle your financial commitments totally
  3. you are having problems making the total required payments to pay off in full each of your financial commitments monthly

advantages and disadvantages of consumer proposals

Advantages and disadvantages of consumer proposals: The Advantages

If so, then teaming up with a licensed insolvency trustee (LIT) acting as your consumer proposal administrator, the advantages are:

  1. Pay your creditors part of what you owe them over a period not greater than 60 months.
  2. Broaden the time you can use to pay off your financial debts.
  3. Stop the interest clock.
  4. Make monthly payments to the LIT for the benefit of your creditors that you can afford within your budget.
  5. If successful, you get to keep your assets.
  6. If successful, the cost of your consumer proposal can be thought of as being free. The BIA sets the fee of the LIT. The amount of payments you must promise to make to get your creditors to vote in favour ignores the fee of the LIT in performing that calculation.
  7. Remain free from bankruptcy.

You should think of a consumer proposal as obtaining an interest-free loan to combine your debts, pay only a part to get rid of them all. Your interest-free loan can have a term of no longer than 5 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of consumer proposals: The Disadvantages

There are not many disadvantages to a consumer proposal. The only one I can think of is that it is an insolvency proceeding under the BIA, so it will be and stay on your credit record for some time. But if you have so much debt you don’t know where to turn and you can’t pay it off, then your credit score has probably already taken a hit.

Get started now to gain back control of your life

If you’re thinking of a consumer proposal as an option to deal with your financial debts, telephone Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. now.

Our method is to set up an outcome for you where Starting Over, Starting Now becomes a reality, beginning the minute you walk through our door. You’re simply one telephone call away from leading a healthy, balanced and stress-free life again.

advantages and disadvantages of consumer proposals

Brandon Blog Post


Financial infidelity recovery: Introduction

According to Psychology Today, one of the causes of marital breakdown is dishonesty and betrayal. Dishonesty and betrayal can take many forms. It can include financial dishonesty in marriage. The purpose of this vlog is to look at this issue and how to get financial infidelity recovery in a marriage.

Financial infidelity recovery: Financial dishonesty in marriage

The first step is recognizing what financial infidelity meaning is. In its simplest form, financial infidelity is withholding from our partners about what we are doing with money that ultimately negatively affects the couple’s relationship. Examples of financial infidelity could be:

  • secret spending; perhaps as a result of an addiction;
  • secret savings account;
  • incurring secret debt; again could be a result of an addiction
  • cashing in a life insurance policy to raise needed funds secretly; and
  • letting a life insurance policy lapse due either to lack of funds or wishing to divert those funds without telling our partner

It is a lack of transparency with our partners about money in the relationship.


Financial infidelity recovery: Signs of financial infidelity

Some of the more common signs of financial infidelity are that your spouse or partner:

  • wants to control all the finances and they don’t want any comments from you;
  • they also don’t want to share financial information with you;
  • you notice that there is a withdrawal from an investment account with no given explanation;
  • a lot of resistance to talking about money;
  • discovering the opening of new lines of credit or credit cards in your partner’s name, in your name or even jointly that you didn’t open yourself and had no knowledge of;
  • you find bills for items that you didn’t know about; and
  • your partner makes a big purchase without talking with you first

Such behaviour will most certainly erode trust in a relationship. This will create a huge blockage in every other aspect of the marriage, including intimacy.

Financial infidelity recovery: Healing financial infidelity

In order to even attempt financial infidelity recovery, there has to be willingness by either spouses or partners. Both will have to overcome the shame, humiliation and rage that the financial infidelity causes. The couple needs to understand what the real reason for the financial infidelity is and be dedicated to fixing that. Is it the result of an addiction such as shopping, gambling, drugs or alcohol abuse? Is it a result of a business loss or failure in the spouse’s business?

The next step is to have a team approach. Spouses or partners need to have complete access jointly to all accounts. One spouse should not be allowed to withdraw funds without the other one’s cooperation. The team has to set a realistic budget together, follow it and watch the cash flow plan. One of the cornerstones of the budget has to be to work towards being debt free. Finally, constant and open communication is key.

It may be that you will need a financial counselor for credit counselling to increase the couple’s financial knowledge. The counselor can also make sure that the recovery plan is realistic and implemented. Financial infidelity recovery is neither simple nor easy, but, it is possible if both partners are willing and committed.

Financial infidelity recovery: What to do if you cannot overcome your debts

The debt created by financial infidelity is more emotionally troubling than normal debt. The reason is one of the spouses had nothing to do with incurring that debt, yet they may be just as liable for its repayment. This creates extra challenges in attempting to resolve that debt.

Although the challenges are enormous, they are not insurmountable. If you and your spouse have too much debt because of financial infidelity or for any other reason, you need to contact a licensed insolvency trustee (LIT) now. Through financial counselling, a LIT can aid in getting the resources you need to fix the root causes of the financial infidelity and to deal with the debt that you and your spouse cannot repay.

You need the Ira Smith Team. We’re experts in dealing with debt. No matter how you got into difficulty we can help return you to financial well-being. Contact us today and free yourself of debt Starting Over, Starting Now.


Brandon Blog Post


prepare yourself financially for divorcePrepare yourself for divorce financially: Introduction

There is nothing good about divorce yet Canadians continue to engage in the practice in record numbers. The divorce statistics are staggering. According to Statistics Canada:

  • In Canada, 48% of marriages end in divorce (Ontario’s rate of divorce is 42.1%)
  • The average length of a marriage nationally is 14 years

According to the Vanier Institute of the Family, the divorce rate for second marriages is even higher at over 50%.

Prepare yourself for divorce financially: Not just emotionally

We all know how emotionally gut-wrenching divorce can be on couples and their children. But, how many couples are financially ready for divorce? Unless you’re like Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin (each mega-millionaires in their own right) who “consciously uncoupled” or like the rich and famous with iron-clad prenuptial agreements, do you have any idea of what a divorce can cost?

Prepare yourself for divorce financially: Cost of divorce in Canada

According to the results of Canadian Lawyer’s 2015 Legal Fees Survey:

  • $1,353 – the national average cost for an uncontested divorce
  • $31,330 – national average cost of a two-day trial
  • $56,439 – national average cost of a five-day trial
  • $81,958 – the national average cost of a seven-day trial

Prepare yourself for divorce financially: It costs more for two to live separately than together

Now the shock is about to set in… How are you going to manage your finances separately? Do you know what your monthly expenses are? Do you have a budget? If not, you’re going to need one now.

In all likelihood, you aren’t going to be able to maintain your former lifestyle. If you do, you may land up in a situation where you are bleeding money and accumulating mountains of debt. Are you carrying over debt from your marriage and trying to maintain your old lifestyle?


Prepare yourself for divorce financially: What should you do if you have too much debt?

This is a difficult time but burying your head in the sand isn’t the answer. The best option is to deal with debt with the help of a professional trustee. This is especially true in a separation or divorce situation as one of the very few situations that are NOT stopped by an insolvency filing stay of proceedings are family law proceedings.

Many divorce lawyers do not understand the relationship between provincial family law and the federal Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). You are best to consult with a licensed insolvency trustee before taking any action. You need to financially prepare for divorce.

Although your particular situation may seem catastrophic, we offer peace of mind that you will get through this and you will be able to start over. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. Starting Over, Starting Now you can take back control of your life and be debt-free.

Brandon Blog Post


financial resolutions worth keeping, financial resolutions, resolutions, new year, new year's, budget, credit, high interest credit, credit cards, payday loan company, trustee, ira smith trustee

financial resolutions worth keeping

Financial resolutions worth keeping: Happy New Year to all of our readers!

The new year is the season of making resolutions, but more often than not it is very difficult to keep new year’s resolutions. The most common resolution year over year is losing weight. How about if this year you vow to lose debt instead? The Ira Smith team can help you lose debt. We put together a list of 6 financial resolutions worth keeping that you should make this year if you’re serious about losing debt.

Financial resolutions worth keeping: Our Ira Smith Trustee top 6 list

  1. Stop wasting money: Have a hard look at your expenses – mobile plan(s), landline(s), car insurance, house insurance, cable TV, etc. Get rid of what you don’t need and make sure you’re getting the best deals possible for the services that you decide to keep.
  2. Make a budget and stick to it: You may be shocked at what you’re actually spending and what those designer lattes are really costing you.
  3. Use cash more and credit less: Get into the habit of shopping with cash. Take out the amount that you can afford to spend and don’t resort to using credit. This will put a stop to impulse shopping for things you don’t need and can’t afford even if they are great bargains. You can go broke saving money.
  4. Don’t use high interest credit (like a credit card) to pay your bills: If you have to resort to credit cards to pay your bills, then it’s time to recognize that you are in serious financial difficulty and you need professional help, not more debt.
  5. NEVER go to a payday loan company: Those commercials offering you money with bad credit or no credit can trap you in a never-ending cycle of debt with annual interest rates of up to 596% annually.
  6. At the first sign of financial trouble contact a professional trustee: The sooner you seek help, the more options you’ll have. Managing debt is not a do-it-yourself project; it requires a professional.

Financial resolutions worth keeping: We can help you have a great New Year

The Ira Smith Team is here to help you get out of debt and back on a path to financial health Starting Over, Starting Now. All it takes is one phone call to book your free, no obligation consultation. Call us today and take the first step towards debt free living.

Brandon Blog Post


bank, cash flow bank roll, cash flow, positive cash flow, negative cash flow, neutral cash flow, calculate cash flow, budget, ira smith trustee


Cash flow bank roll: Introduction

By the nature of our work, we deal daily with people and companies that have not built up a sufficient or any cash flow bank roll.

Do you ever feel like you have a hole in your wallet? Does your company keep needing to borrow more and more? Where did the money go? Understanding and managing your cash flow, both in your personal life and for your company, can answer these questions for you. Cash flow is another one of those financial terms like Balloon Payments, APY – Annual Percentage Yield and Expense Ratios that are often misunderstood.

Cash flow bank roll: What is cash flow?

Cash flow is the money that moves (or flows) in and out of your account. Cash inflow can include anything that brings in money – salary, sale of assets like a house or car, interest from savings accounts, dividends from investments and the like. For your company, it is the sale of the goods or services that it supplies.

Cash outflow represents all expenses – mortgage payments, rent, utilities, car expenses, Smartphone, Internet, groceries, entertainment, transportation, (and for your company wages paid and other corporate expenses).

Cash flow bank roll: How can you calculate cash flow?

Cash flow can be calculated by a simple equation:

Total Income – Total Expenses = Net Cash Flow[1]

This equation will tell you if your cash flow is positive, negative or neutral.

Cash flow bank roll: Types of cash flow

Positive cash flow tells you that you have more money flowing in than flowing out. This is generally an indicator that you are living within your means. This is what produces the cash flow bank roll!

Negative cash flow tells you that you have more money flowing out than flowing in. This is a good indicator that you are living beyond your means and are accumulating debt – never a good sign and definitely no cash flow bank roll for you.

Neutral cash flow is more of a theory than a reality. It’s pretty impossible to have exactly the same amount of money flowing in as flowing out. This will produce the cash you or your business needs, but won’t make a cash flow bank roll for you.

Cash flow bank roll: Where did the money go?

Cash flow can tell you how much is coming in and going out but to decide where the money’s going you need to keep a detailed budget. This is something we strenuously recommend for everyone. A budget is a key element for maintaining financial health.

If you feel like you have a hole in your wallet or your company keeps needing to borrow more and more and are in a negative cash flow situation, give the Ira Smith Team a call immediately. With immediate action and a solid financial plan for managing your debt problems you’ll be on your way to financial health Starting Over, Starting Now.

NOTE: [1] Income and expenses have to be adjusted for non-cash items such as depreciation, amortization and items either sold or bought on credit. When you receive or pay out the cash, it then hits your cash flow formula.

Brandon Blog Post


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We hope you enjoyed our video – DEBT INTO RETIREMENT: DO YOU NEED RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS? If you would like a free copy of our eBook “Cost of Claiming Bankruptcy In Canada”, please subscribe, or confirm your existing subscription, to our blog by CLICKING HERE

The trend of debt into retirement

The biggest trend in debt into retirement among baby boomers is having a home mortgage in retirement. Financial advisers warn that this new trend could have serious lifestyle consequences for seniors. We have written on the topic of seniors in debt before:

Have seniors previously taken debt into retirement?

The baby boomers are the first generation carrying a mortgage into retirement; that’s never happened before. Think about it. Our parents typically bought one house they lived in their whole lives. They paid it off and it was a priority to pay off the house.

Today, because of low rates and the wish to use the home as much for financial gain as for shelter, people typically move up two or more times. The previous generation viewed their home as mainly shelter, and looked at paying off the mortgage as forced savings. With the mortgage gone, our parents then continued saving for a “rainy day”. Memories of the great depression were vivid and alive in their parents’ minds, who passed on the behaviour and mentality that saving was important.

Has the world changed causing seniors taking debt into retirement?

Today, the stock market crash of the late 1980’s is but a distant memory, let alone the feeling of depression. The post-World War II growth years, followed by boom and recession times of the 1970’s through the 1990’s, doesn’t really exist anymore. Rather, in our global economy, growth is slower, so a slowdown in the economy is also muted. The need to save as a philosophy has also taken a back seat, and given the price of homes and the size of the related mortgages, savings today in a growing family is also a near impossibility.

Risks from taking debt into retirement

Two of the risks of having debt into retirement are:

  1. Delayed retirement plans as the baby boomers must keep working to have enough income to service and repay that debt.
  2. If you become injured or sick and cannot work, there won’t be the income to service and repay the debt.

Solutions for taking debt into retirement

So, baby boomers much find ways to mitigate the cost of debt into retirement and being able to repay that debt in a reasonable time period. Some of the more common ways are:

  1. Prior to retirement and after spending the large costs of children and family, while you are still experiencing higher earning years, is to shorten the amortization period of mortgages so that more money goes towards principal.
  2. You can increase the frequency of your mortgage and other debt payments from once a month to once every two weeks, thereby reducing principal faster.
  3. Refinance debt with higher interest rates, such as credit card debt, with mortgage or line of credit financing and then use strategies such as the two listed above to repay that debt.
  4. Adjust your budget so that you are not spending more than you earn, and allow the necessary part of your after-tax income pay off your debt.

What to do if you fear taking too much debt into retirement

To have a free checkup on your debt in retirement, and to look at ways of solving it while avoiding bankruptcy, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. Our team of professional trustees can help you manage your financial crisis and get you back on your feet Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


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Fully fund your retirement

Fully fund your retirement: Introduction

To fully fund your retirement, you need to start early. Canadians are just not facing that reality. According to HSBC Bank Canada almost half of working-age people in Canada are not currently saving for retirement. And, they’re twice as likely to consider selling their homes to fully fund their retirement compared to those who have been diligent about their retirement savings plans. Perhaps you are one of the smart and lucky ones who have including seeking the advice of one of the many retirement planning experts.

Fully fund your retirement: Are you counting on your house to?

A recent HSBC survey found that:

  • 20% of pre-retirees in Canada plan to downsize or sell their primary and secondary residence to fund their retirement.
  • Only 5% of current retirees will sell their house to fund their retirement.
  • At age 25-29, a group with low home ownership levels, only 12% expect their property will fund their retirement.
  • In their 40s, 20% expect their property will fund their retirement.
  • In their 50s, 26% expect their property will fund their retirement.
  • In their 60s, 31% expect their property will fund their retirement.

Fully fund your retirement: Needs are changing

There is certainly a dramatic shift in people’s views on pension funds, retirement funds needed, retirement strategy and certainly speaks to the lack of retirement planning, saving and the fully funded pension plan.

It seems that as Canadians approach retirement age, selling their house is the only retirement finance option available to them. The problem with this scenario is that it assumes that the house is sold and very sensibly the couple or individual will downsize their lifestyle and put their budget on a diet so that they can live off the proceeds of the sale of the house.

The reality is that if they haven’t:

  • clearly calculated the retirement funds needed for the lifestyle they wish to have;
  • saved for retirement (including considering the impact of tax on retirement funds); and
  • have not already downsized their lifestyle in preparation for retirement

they may blow through the proceeds of the house and be worse off than they were before.

Fully fund your retirement: What to do if your financial concerns prevent you from doing so

If you’re a pre-retiree with financial concerns seek the counsel of a professional trustee before retirement. We can help you deal with how to solve your financial problems while you still have options available to you so that Starting Over, Starting Now you can be on your way to enjoying financial health in retirement. Make an appointment with us for a free, no obligation with the Ira Smith Team today. You’ll be happy you did.

Brandon Blog Post


gta vaughan bankruptcy trusteeIntroduction to bankruptcy and divorce from a Vaughan licensed insolvency trustee (“GTA Vaughan bankruptcy trustee”)

As a GTA Vaughan bankruptcy trustee, I’ve never met anyone who had something good to say about bankruptcy and divorce. At times both are a necessary evil, but it’s never fun. Although divorce has been the butt of jokes by comedians for decades, it’s no laughing matter, especially financially.

This quote may be more telling than funny:

Let’s be blunt: If you hire a divorce lawyer today, there is a good chance you will hire a bankruptcy lawyer within two or three years.

Gene Meyer

GTA Vaughan bankruptcy trustee discusses debt issues and divorce financial solutions

When couples decide to divorce, few have any idea of what the split is really going to cost and what each party will be left with after the divorce. The goal of divorce and the divorce process and results are two very different things. Here’s the reality of most Canadians’ financial situations:

  • The debt-to-disposable income ratio was 165.3% for the first three months of 2016 (Statistics Canada)
  • Households owe $1.65 in debt for every dollar of disposable income they have (Statistics Canada)
  • Total household debt, which includes consumer credit, and mortgage and non-mortgage loans, totalled $1.933 trillion at the end of the first quarter (Statistics Canada)
  • Balances on consumer loans including credit cards and lines of credit grew by 2.6% year-over-year, driven primarily by the continued popularity of lines of credit and auto loans (RBC)
  • Mortgage loan balances were up 6.2% from the same quarter of the prior year (RBC)
  • The average Canadian owed $21,580 in non-mortgage debt during the most recent quarter (TransUnion)

Many Canadians are already teetering on the edge of financial disaster without throwing divorce into the mix. Even if you have an amicable divorce, the cost of an uncontested divorce ranges from $1,000 to $3,500, according to a 2015 Canadian Lawyer’s legal fees survey. If your divorce gets messy the fees can be astronomical. Living two separate lives costs a lot more than living together as a couple. Do you have a clear understanding of what your monthly expenses are? Do you have a budget? These are just some of the divorce financial solutions that as a Vaughan bankruptcy trustee we recommend to people that they have to know about it beforehand.

What can I do if I have too much debt – divorce or no divorce?

Whether you live in the GTA or elsewhere, take the advice of a GTA Vaughan bankruptcy trustee and get your financial house in order before you begin divorce proceedings or you may be looking at bankruptcy and divorce or bankruptcy alternatives down the road. Contact the Ira Smith Team for advice and a solid plan to deal with serious debt issues. We will give you a free first consultation to discuss your options and we can help you get out of debt Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy experts

Last week we discussed apps that can help you budget. As we’re now moving away from the “cash age” to the “app age” we’d like to explore the use of digital wallets, what bankruptcy experts have to say about the topic and whether they’ll help you budget or blow the budget.

What is a digital wallet

A digital wallet is the equivalent of the physical wallet you have on your desk or in your pocket or your purse. A digital wallet refers to an electronic device that allows an individual to make electronic commerce transactions. This can include purchasing items on-line with a computer or using a smartphone to purchase something at a store. An individual’s bank account can also be linked to the digital wallet. There are two types of digital wallets:

  1. Smartphone app for making financial transactions in a retail store such as the Starbucks app
  2. Desktop app for making credit card purchases online such as PayPal

PayPal: One of the most popular and trusted digital wallets, boasting an impressive 173 million users across 203 countries and 26 currencies

Apple Pay: For iPhone, Apple Watch or iPad – simple to use and works with the cards you already have on the devices you use every day

Android Wallet: Google’s mobile wallet app for Android-powered phones – use it to tap and pay in stores and you can use it to make in-app payments

Samsung Pay: Enables you to tap and pay using your Samsung Galaxy phone (only available for use with newer Samsung Galaxy phones such as the Galaxy S6 Edge and/or the Galaxy Note5) at brick-and-mortar locations

Will a digital wallet help you budget of blow the budget?

The only true way to control your spending is to pay with cash or debit because if the money isn’t there, you can’t make a purchase. Digital wallets can enable credit card purchases more quickly and conveniently than having to take out your credit card.

As bankruptcy experts, what we worry about is does using a digital wallet, combined with the ease of online shopping, encourage overspending? The speed at which you can process a payment certainly gives you less time to think about it. If you’re prone to overspending, a digital wallet will help you overspend even quicker. If you’re diligent about staying within your budget, then a digital wallet will be a convenience.

What to do if you’re overspending and deep in debt? Go see one of your local bankruptcy experts – a licensed insolvency trustee

Apps are not going to help you; there is no replacement for the help of a professional trustee. We have the expertise to help you manage your debt and get you back on track to living a financially healthy life Starting Over, Starting Now. Give the Ira Smith Team a call today and book your free consultation.

If we get to see you early enough, at the first sign of trouble, you can utilize and implement one of the bankruptcy alternatives, to free you from the burden of your company’s financial challenges to go on to be a productive, profitable employer allowing management to focus on business growth and not be plagued by debt problems.

People consider us bankruptcy experts because we wrote the eBook 12 THINGS A LICENSED INSOLVENCY TRUSTEE MAY NOT TELL YOU!. CLICK HERE to get a free copy of the eBook.

Call a Trustee Now!