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DioGuardi tax amnesty, dioguardi tax law, dioguardi tax lawyers, tax lawyer, Philippe DioGuardi, Canada Revenue Agency, CRA, Law Society Tribunal, professional trustee, bankruptcy alternative, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposal, bankruptcy, trustee in bankruptcy, starting over starting now

DioGuardi Tax Law – The Introduction

Several months ago we first introduced you to Philippe DioGuardi, a Canadian tax lawyer – The Tax Lawyer; Even a High Profile Tax Fighting Tax Lawyer Has to Pay His Income Tax. He’s the high-profile tax lawyer of DioGuardi tax lawyers who portrays himself as a one-man bulldog lawyer crusader against the unfair tactics of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Ironically, at that time, a Toronto Star investigation revealed that Philippe DioGuardi had his own tax problems with the CRA and he paid up; the DioGuardi tax law couldn’t create the DioGuardi tax amnesty magic or “change the game”, to quote his own radio ads.

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dioguardi tax law

DioGuardi Tax Law – The Change

Recently I noticed that Philippe DioGuardi, a prominently featured DioGuardi tax lawyer, was no longer featured in the radio ads. Instead, they are being voiced by his father Paul DioGuardi. The ads are now very low-key, with none of the old bluster and bravado. And, I wondered why DioGuardi tax law no longer featured Philippe DioGuardi, the tax lawyer in Toronto.

That is until I read the latest Toronto Star article about him stating, “Self-styled tax fighter Philippe DioGuardi has been given a six-week suspension, a $5,000 fine and an order to pay $75,000 in legal costs after being found guilty of professional misconduct by the Law Society of Upper Canada” (LSUC). So LSUC found law society misconduct charges were proven and assessed a tribunal penalty and didn’t buy into the DioGuardi tax law concept of income tax law, as written by Philippe, and so he has a brief rest from the practice of law – a twist on DioGuardi tax amnesty!

dioguardi tax law

DioGuardi Tax Law Professional Misconduct

The law society lawyer was successful in proving, according to the Order Summary of the Law Society Tribunal Philippe Joseph Mario DioGuardi (1990), of the City of Mississauga was found to have engaged in professional misconduct for:

  • failing to act with integrity by having eight clients execute a Retainer Agreement which contains terms that benefit DTL to the potential detriment of the tax debtors clients;
  • between April 2007 and October 2012, failing to deposit client money retainer funds received from six clients into a trust account or transferred the client retainer money from the trust to general within a few days of receipt of the funds prior to the performance of any or very little legal services for which he was retained;
  • transferring the retainer client funds paid by a client into DTL’s general account within a few days of receipt of the funds prior to the performance of any legal services for which he was retained;
  • immediately transferring the retainer funds paid by a client into a third party trust account for the benefit of DTL alone rather than for the client’s benefit and the client no longer had ownership of the monies;
  • failing to perform legal services to the standard of a competent lawyer in respect to six tax troubles matters.

DioGuardi tax law, as written by Philippe, is an interesting experiment. It may not be right, but it has certainly garnered a lot of attention.

dioguardi tax law

If you have too much debt, contact us

Do you or your company have unpayable tax debts? Are you looking for unpayable tax debt solutions? If you are an individual or company who needs to free themselves from the stress and strain of too much debt, and especially if you have been told your situation is hopeless, Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. can prepare and implement the plan made just for you, to free you from the burden of your financial challenges to go on to live a productive, stress-free, financially sound life. This plan includes resolving unpayable tax debt solutions. We have vast experience in helping people and companies with a variety of financial challenges.

If you’re experiencing serious debt issues with the CRA, or for any reason, contact a professional trustee for a free, no-obligation consultation. The Ira Smith Team does not try to write new insolvency law or tax law. Rather, we will evaluate your situation within the existing statutes, and help you to arrive at the best possible solution for your problems, whether that solution is a bankruptcy alternative like credit counselling, debt consolidation or a consumer proposal or bankruptcy. Starting Over, Starting Now you can be debt-free with the help of a professional, licensed trustee in bankruptcy.

Contact us today.

dioguardi tax law

By Brandon Smith

Brandon Smith is a licensed insolvency trustee and Senior Vice-President of Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. The firm deals with both individuals and companies facing financial challenges in restructuring, consumer proposals, proposals, receivership and bankruptcy.

They are known for not only their skills in dealing with practical solutions for individuals and companies facing financial challenges, but also for producing results for their clients with realistic choices for practical decision-making. The stress is removed and their clients feel back in control. They do get through their financial challenges and are able to start over, gaining back their former quality of life.

Call a Trustee Now!