Brandon Blog Post


Canadian Centre for Policy AlternativesCanadian Centre for Policy Alternatives: Introduction

A survey released by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) of one thousand Canadian professionals found that 20% are in precarious jobs. It’s not a surprise that job and economic insecurity is affecting professionals across the country when almost 50% of workers are living paycheque to paycheque (Canadian Payroll Association).

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives: Professionals are not immune

We often think that professionals armed with university degrees are immune from the economic woes that plague the rest of working Canadians. However, many professionals now find themselves in a new category of employment – precarious jobs.

A precarious job can be any type of work that is not permanent, has unpredictable income and doesn’t provide a retirement plan or sick days:

  • Freelance
  • Contract work
  • Part-time

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives: Survey results

If you think that highly educated professionals are not working in precarious jobs, think again. In today’s economy, the level of education and job security have nothing in common. According to the CCPA survey:

  • 58% of all professionals surveyed reported their job used to be more stable
  • 22% of professionals across Canada are now working in precarious jobs
  • 60% of precarious professionals are women
  • 60% of precarious workers don’t have pension plans or sick days
  • 50% of precarious workers report that their incomes vary significantly
  • 30% of workers in precarious jobs have a post-graduate degree
  • Ageism in the workplace. The highest percentage of precarious professionals fall in the 55+ category. As well, those with 10+ years in their profession are also on edge.
  • Professionals in precarious careers are twice as likely as those in a secure job to make less than $60,000 a year

It’s very difficult for precarious workers to plan ahead and get ahead. With an unstable income, it can be challenging to meet monthly expenses, let alone save for retirement. Many precarious workers are living off credit in between jobs just to stay above water, accumulating massive amounts of high-interest debt. After the credit cards have hit their limit, in desperation some resort to payday loans and a never-ending cycle of debt.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives: Precarious jobs leads to financial stress

If you’re having trouble meeting your monthly expenses I urge you to seek professional help. Accumulating debt is not the answer to your problems. Make a no cost, no obligation appointment with Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We’ll review your file and bring value added solutions that fit your unique issues and circumstances. Contact us today and Starting Over, Starting Now you’ll be able to put your financial woes behind you.


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Brandon Blog Post


former pro athletes who are brokeFormer pro athletes who are broke: Introduction

I know that earning over $400 million and going bankrupt seems unbelievable to most of you, but it’s true. Just ask Mike Tyson. And he’s not the only one. There are many former pro athletes who are broke. They have made fortunes and lost them, with nothing to show for it. No secure investments, no retirement fund, nothing put away for a rainy day.

Former pro athletes who are broke: They don’t know where the money went

They wake up one day and the money’s all gone, the credit cards have been cancelled, the bank has foreclosed on the mansions and the fleet of exotic cars is being repossessed. The worst part is that most of them don’t even know where the money went.

Former pro athletes who are broke: Evander Holyfield

It’s easy to blow through a fortune. Evander Holyfield spent $230 million in no time flat. He bought a 235-acre Utah estate with 109 rooms that included at least one monthly electric bill of $17,000. There was also a $550,000 loan he took out to pay for landscaping; $200,000 in back taxes, plus alimony and child support for three ex-wives and 11 children.

Former pro athletes who are broke: Boris Becker

It adds up fast when you’re spending like a drunken sailor. Boris Becker is the latest of the sports stars to declare bankruptcy in spite of enormous earnings. The marriages, girlfriends, children and an unsupportable lifestyle finally caught up with Boom Boom. The list of these bankrupt athletes goes on and on and on.

Former pro athletes who are broke: According to Charles Barkley….

Charles Barkley estimates that 60% – 70% of professional athletes go broke and there are many reasons.

  • Buying lavish gifts and giving money to family and friends
  • Unsupportable lifestyles
  • Mansions around the world
  • Yachts
  • Exotic cars
  • Bad business ventures
  • Bad money managers
  • Not understanding financial matters
  • Zero savings
  • No rainy day fund
  • No retirement plan

Former pro athletes who are broke: So what does it all mean?

Having enormous amounts of money is no guarantee of financial security as you can see. And financial problems can plague both the rich and not-so-rich.

If you’re having trouble paying the bills, don’t wait until you’ve hit rock bottom. The earlier you seek help, the more options will be available to you. With immediate action and the right plan, the Ira Smith Team can have you on your way to financial peace of mind Starting Over, Starting Now. Give us a call today.

Brandon Blog Post



retirement planning advisor

Retirement planning advisor: Introduction

We’ve written many blogs about Canadians who haven’t saved for their retirement and now find their golden years less than golden. You, on the other hand have been saving, perhaps with the help of a retirement planning advisor. So your retirement should be relaxing and fun filled. Unfortunately that’s not necessarily the case. You may not have given enough thought to your retirement plan.

Retirement planning advisor: When you planned for retirement, how long did you plan for?

Canadians are living much longer than past generations. In fact the fastest growing age group is centenarians (Statistics Canada). And now, new census data reveals that for the first time in history the percentage of seniors (16.9%) now exceeds the number of children (16.6%).

Have you planned for what could be a 30-year retirement? The Government of Canada is recommending just that.

Retirement planning advisor: Do you know how much money you would need to retire?

According to a 2015 BlackRock survey:

  • 40% of Canadians said they only had a general sense of how much money they’d need to retire
  • 33% said they had no idea what-so-ever how much money they’d need to retire

Retirement planning advisor: How much money will you get in government pensions?

Most Canadians depend on Old Age Security (OAS), Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) for the all or most of their retirement income. Do you have any idea how much money this amounts to? This federal government calculator will give you a rough estimate of how much income to expect from CPP and Old Age Security once you retire.

Retirement planning advisor: Have you planned for the unexpected?

You may plan to work well into your 60s, 70s or beyond; but what will you do if you have to retire early because:

  • Your health won’t permit you to continue working
  • You have to assume the role of a caregiver for a loved one
  • You or a loved one require additional care

Even though you’ve been saving, it doesn’t mean you’ll have a well funded retirement. When making your retirement plan, take all of the things we’ve discussed in this blog into consideration.

Retirement planning advisor: How to get rid of a troublesome debt load

If you’re still carrying a troublesome debt load, you need more than just a retirement planning advisor. Now is the time to call a professional trustee. The earlier you can out debt behind you, the more you can save. Give the Ira Smith Team a call today and Starting Over, Starting Now your golden years will look a lot more golden.

retirement planning advisor
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