Brandon Blog Post


Interest rates: Introduction

From the 2023 Federal Budget, the Canadian federal government has garnered significant attention for its proposed measures regarding interest rates on predatory loans. This initiative has been lauded by activists as a commendable effort towards safeguarding consumer interests, promoting financial inclusivity, and antipoverty measures.

The budget aims to oversee the financial sector and extend protection to vulnerable Canadian consumers who may face challenges in accessing conventional bank loans. The budget is focused on facilitating economic policies that foster financial empowerment, encourage community development, and support grassroots initiatives.

In the wake of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Liberal government has made a noteworthy declaration regarding lowering criminal interest rates. Presently, the rates stand at an exorbitant maximum interest rate of 60%, leading to severe hardships for many individuals in repaying their loans. Therefore, the government has proposed a reduction of the maximum interest rate to an approximate annual interest rate, or as is formally described as the annual percentage rate (APR) of 35%, down from its existing equivalent of 47% APR. This move is anticipated to provide crucial respite to Canadians grappling with the financial repercussions of the pandemic and is reflective of the government’s proactive stance toward ensuring the welfare of its citizens.

In this Brandon’s Blog, I discuss this pivotal development in the Canadian financial landscape. As the government continues to prioritize the welfare of its citizens, this budget holds the potential to usher in positive changes in our society concerning predatory loans. I examine key terminologies such as federal budget, interest rates, and consumer protection alongside other pertinent phrases like anti-poverty measures, advocacy, and grassroots movements.

Hopefully, this Brandon’s Blog will also provide you with some insight into financial regulation, economic policy, and social justice and lead to a discussion of the impact of this budget on Canadians and their overall financial well-being.

Interest rates: Background information on predatory loans

Predatory lending is a financial practice that exploits vulnerable individuals, often resulting in excessive interest rates, undisclosed charges, and onerous repayment terms. These loans can be particularly damaging to borrowers as predatory loans make it next to impossible for vulnerable consumers to meet their obligations, leading to a cycle of debt.

Exorbitant interest rates that surpass the threshold of 60% annually have been classified as criminal interest rates under the Canadian Criminal Code. The culprits of this offence often include payday lenders, loan sharks, and other predatory lenders who exploit financially vulnerable Canadians. Typically, these lenders prey on those who belong to low-income households, those with a very poor credit score, new immigrants, and seniors who possess insufficient knowledge of the country’s financial system.

However, the Canadian Federal Government is proactively addressing this issue in its 2023 budget. The budget includes provisions to cap the interest rates charged by predatory lenders and support programs offering debt relief and financial empowerment.

This initiative demonstrates a commitment to promoting social justice and anti-poverty measures through economic policy. The efforts of activists and advocacy groups have been instrumental in advancing these measures.interest rates

Explanation of the Federal Government’s decision to cut interest rates on predatory loans

The Federal Government has decided to reduce interest rates on predatory loans, which typically offer short-term lending options at exorbitant rates of interest. These loans are often marketed to individuals who are facing financial instability, leading to a cycle of debt that can be challenging to break.

The Criminal Code limits the legal interest rate to a 60% annual rate. Any annual percentage rate above that is a criminal rate of interest. That criminal rate level has been in place since 1980 when the Bank of Canada’s overnight rate was 21%! Currently, some provinces permit the exemption for payday lenders resulting in exorbitant interest rates for payday loan options of up to $1,500 for a period of 62 days or less.

For the purpose of context, it deserves noting that the ceiling for the criminal interest rate has actually regularly exceeded the rates of interest levied by banks on their typical financing and mortgage products. Additionally, the maximum rate has gone beyond even the highest interest-bearing financing product supplied by financial institutions, credit cards, which commonly bring reasonably steep interest rates of approximately 19 to 20 percent.

The Government is proposing to lower the criminal interest rate to 35%, which is the rate established in Quebec. Provincial consumer protection laws mandate that any interest rate above this level would be deemed unlawful.

Interest rates: Common characteristics of predatory loans

Predatory financial products have long been identified by their high-interest rates, obscured junk fees, and unconscionable repayment terms, leading to a cycle of debt from which borrowers struggle to extricate themselves. As such, the budget’s emphasis on consumer protection, financial regulation, and social justice reflects a governmental commitment to the advancement of financial inclusion, debt relief, and anti-poverty measures.

These lending instruments often associated with payday lenders are designed to target low-income Canadians who are either vulnerable or have limited access to traditional financing channels. With exorbitant rates and fees, such loans often ensnare borrowers in a debt trap that is difficult to escape. The proliferation of predatory loans has inflicted serious damage on borrowers, and so it is imperative to thwart such practices through the implementation of effective regulatory measures.interest rates

The Federal Government’s decision to cut interest rates on predatory loans

The Canadian Federal Government’s implementation of reduced interest rates on predatory loans, as unveiled in the Federal Budget document, has garnered acclaim from social justice activists and financial empowerment proponents. This progressive step towards limiting interest rates on predatory loans has been a long-sought-after triumph for advocates who have tirelessly campaigned for this alteration over the years. The government’s decision to restrict interest rates on such loans to 35% will serve to shield borrowers from the detrimental cycle of debt arising from predatory lending practices, a particularly pressing concern given the surge in such practices during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has rendered countless individuals financially distressed.

Predatory lending practices have the potential to cause irrevocable harm to borrowers, with those already grappling to make ends meet being especially vulnerable. By imposing inflated interest rates and fees, predatory lenders are able to ensnare borrowers in an endless cycle of debt, thereby exacerbating the financial difficulties they face. Such actions not only impact the individuals involved but have wider-reaching implications.

Interest rates: Criticism of the government plan

Despite receiving praise from consumer and social justice advocates, the choice to reduce the interest rate on predatory loans in the 2023 Federal Budget has met some opposition. Critics have expressed the problem that this step can cause a greater rate of bankruptcies. They say that if this class of lenders is no longer willing to offer loans to these risky customers, they will leave the marketplace as a result of interest rates being capped. In that event, credit accessibility will no longer be available to those vulnerable people in Canada.

In addition, some critics state that the government should focus on establishing programs fostering financial inclusion, debt relief, and financial empowerment rather than enforcing rate of interest caps. They believe that caps on interest rates may not appropriately address the origin of poverty as well as exclusion.

Nonetheless, advocates of this regulatory measure see it as a necessary step towards shielding vulnerable Canadians, especially lower-income Canadians.interest rates

Benefits of cutting interest rates on predatory loans

The federal government’s budget proposal to lower the criminal rate of interest is expected to have a substantial influence on Canadians that are battling to repay their loans. Reduced interest rates will make it less complicated for Canadians to do so while hopefully being able to avoid falling further into debt. It is intended to decrease the financial strain on low-income households, seniors, and new immigrants that are especially vulnerable to aggressive financing methods.

Furthermore, the federal government’s budget proposal to introduce new steps to shield Canadians from predatory lending practices is a welcome development. Lenders will be subject to stricter oversight, which will hopefully help prevent them from capitalizing on susceptible Canadians. Stricter fines for lending institutions that breach the law will also act as a deterrent and help make certain that Canadians are dealt with in fairness and respect.

This particular federal budget 2023 proposal has garnered praise from consumer advocates due to its emphasis on consumer protection, financial inclusion, and social justice. Particularly noteworthy is the government’s decision to limit the interest rates that predatory lending institutions can charge. This will particularly impact payday loan products. This measure is deemed critical in protecting vulnerable Canadians.

Interest rates: Criticisms of the decision

Notwithstanding the praise this proposal has thus far received, the decision to lower the criminal rate of interest on predatory lending has actually not been without its detractors. Doubters have actually expressed that such a measure may result in some problems. Critics of this proposal say that there may be an increase in defaults on debt, as predatory loan providers may choose to decline certain loan applications from high-risk customers, thereby cutting off their access to credit. Without such access, they will be unable to repay other debt that is about to go into default.

Critics of this plan have suggested that the government should prioritize other legislative measures and initiatives that actually promote monetary inclusion, debt relief, and financial empowerment instead of focusing on caps on interest rates. They say that lowering the criminal interest rate does nothing to deal with the underlying sources of problems experienced by such bad credit and lower-incomed Canadians.interest rates

Benefits of cutting interest rates on predatory loans

Predator loans are normally considered underhanded and damaging to borrowers, as they generally involve high-interest rates, hidden costs, and other terms that make it difficult for borrowers to repay the loans.

Reducing interest rates on loans can also make it less complicated for people to re-finance their existing loans, which can lower their monthly payments and free up more cash for various other expenses. This can be specifically advantageous for people that are struggling to make ends meet, as it can supply some much-needed financial relief.

The major advantages seem to be:

  • reduced financial burden on borrowers
  • potential reduction in default rates
  • increased economic stability

In general, we will certainly have to wait and see if there is a benefit to Canadians that have no choice but to obtain predatory loans. Will they benefit from this proposal or simply be pressed to the darker corners to get their loans wheretheir financial and personal health will be in danger?

Interest rates: Conclusion

We will have to see if this reduction in the criminal rate of interest ever becomes law and if it fact will help those financially vulnerable Canadians who must seek out predatory loans, such as payday loans.

I hope you enjoyed the interest rates on Brandon’s Blog. Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are also now worried about the economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

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Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.interest rates

Brandon Blog Post


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We’ve been warning you about the evil ways of the bad credit payday loans industry, and now a class action lawsuit in Ontario has begun. The payday loan industry should not be allowed to run. We’ve written about these unscrupulous payday loan companies at length and in-depth to serve as a warning.

How big is Canada’s bad credit payday loans industry?

Canada’s payday lending market is worth more than $2.5 billion.

How many Canadian use bad credit payday loans companies?

The latest estimate is that 7% – 10% of Canadians use payday loans. In fact payday loan companies made 1.3 million loans in 2013.

What’s the good news for victims of bad credit payday loans companies Cash Store or Instaloans?

I was astounded to learn that 100,000 Ontarians borrowed from Cash Store (no longer in existence) or Instaloans. Anyone in Ontario who took out payday loans or lines of credit (which were payday loans in disguise) from Cash Store or Instaloans after September 1, 2011 can take part in a $10 million class action law suit to recover some of the illegal fees and interest charged.

How can I get in on the class action law suit against Cash Store or Instaloans?

Jon Foreman, partner at Harrison Pensa LLP, is representing class action members. They have set up a website called and there is a form which must be completed by the Claims Filing Deadline, October 31, 2016.

How much money will I get back?

It’s not certain. If your claim is approved you’ll be eligible to receive at least $50. However, if you took out multiple loans you could receive more. The final amounts will depend on how many claims are submitted.

Take advice from a GTA insolvency trustee and don’t ever go to a payday loan company! There are better options out there. Payday lenders will only trap you in a never-ending cycle of debt. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. can help get you actually solve your problem by getting you out of debt and on the road to financial recovery, Starting Over, Starting Now. We’re just a phone call away.

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