Brandon Blog Post


What is a good credit score in Canada: Introduction

I have previously written reviews of the two main companies that can give you your credit score for free in Canada. The two are Credit Karma Canada and Borrowell. It is one thing to know what your credit score is. But what does that number mean? Do you have control over how to increase your credit score? To answer those questions, you must know the topic I am writing about in this Brandon’s Blog. What is a good credit score in Canada?

Your credit rating

There are three main points you need to learn about your credit rating. In Canada, your credit score is a number between 300 and 900. Lenders use this to forecast just how likely you are to be responsible with the money they are considering providing you. Will you pay back the cash you are asking they fund you?

The greater your score number, the more probable you are to be an excellent wager to be able to pay back what you owe. Your credit history is composed of five elements:

  1. Your payment history composes 35%.
  2. How much debt you owe comprises 30%.
  3. The length of your history makes up 15%.
  4. 10% comes from the sorts of loans or credit cards you have.
  5. Just how often you typically apply to borrow has a 10% effect.

A better understanding

Let’s drill down on this a little more. The greatest chunk is your repayment history. This checks out whether you’re making your payments on time. If you’re late on repayments, exactly how often are you late or are there financial obligations in the enforcement and collection process. How much debt you owe takes into account how much debt is owed and how much borrowing room is still available to you.

The length of your borrowing history considers how long you’ve had your loan products for. The longer you’ve had them the better it is for your history. Types of credit look at the range of items you have. A brand-new application is when you ask for a new loan. New loan applications stay on your report for three years. Applying many times decreases your score.

The theory is that if you keep applying, you are having 2 problems. The first is that you keep needing new loans for some reason. The second problem is that you must keep being turned down in order for you to need to keep applying.

Hard and soft hits

When you apply for a new loan, the potential lender performs a check on you. This produces what is known as a hard hit which can negatively impact your score. When you pull your own reports, such as through Credit Karma Canada or Borrowell, this makes what they call a soft hit. This won’t negatively impact your score.

How often should I check my score?

You might be wondering do you need to look at your own score monthly? I am here to tell you that you don’t. Your rating adjusts throughout the month based on the five items I spoke of above. So your rating can look different from month to month.

If you’re exercising excellent credit rating behaviour a new report will certainly show that. Likewise, if you are not acting responsibly, your report and your score will show that. What I do recommend you do is check your rating by pulling an annual credit report. You do this to ensure that your record is exact and there are no errors in it.

The most effective time to check the accuracy of your report would certainly be prior to you making a huge purchase for something like a home or vehicle. You recognize that your lender will certainly perform a check. It is to your benefit to make sure everything on your rating profile looks good and is error free.

In that situation, where a lot is riding on the precision and completeness of your report, you would go directly to the two main score rating companies in Canada; Equifax Canada and TransUnion Canada. You will certainly have to pay for them to generate an Equifax or TransUnion score and history report for you. What you pay them to understand that your record is precise and totally error-free is worth that peace of mind.

4 things you must know about your score

To summarize, the 4 things you must know about your score are:

  1. Your credit score in Canada is a number between 300 and 900.
  2. Lenders use your credit score to forecast just how likely you are to be responsible with the credit they are considering providing you.
  3. The greater your credit score number, the more probable you are to be an excellent wager to be able to pay back what you owe.
  4. Your credit history is composed of five elements:
    1. your payment history composes 35%;
    2. how much debt you owe comprises 30%;
    3. the length of your credit history makes up 15%;
    4. 10% comes from the sorts of credit you have;
    5. just how often you typically apply for new credit has a 10% effect; and
    6. lastly, you don’t need to check the credit score all the time.

You might have a concern about, and ask yourself, is Credit Karma Canada safe? Is Borrowell safe? The answer is yes, but you still may have a concern. You are providing each of them with very personal information about yourself when you first sign up for their respective services. Then they do on a regular basis perform a credit score check on you. These are soft hits, so it won’t affect your score. However, they are updating your private personal information which stays on their database. Anytime such sensitive information is on a computer server, there is, of course, a danger from hackers.

The reason they regularly check your credit situation is so they can then send you an email about any change to your credit score – good or bad. They do this for two reasons. The first is to alert you about their latest finding of your credit report. The second reason is to give you a reason to go to their website. Their hope, of course, is while you are on their site seeing the change to your credit score, perhaps you will stay and look at some of the products they offer to produce revenue for themselves.

What is a good credit score in Canada: What about you?

I hope this what is a good credit score in Canada blog has helped you gain a better understanding. Question: Have you lost the ability to borrow because of a bad credit score? Are you having trouble making your monthly payments? Is your business dealing with financial challenges that require to be addressed immediately?

Call the Ira Smith Team today if so. We have years along with generations of experience aiding people and companies looking for financial restructuring or a debt settlement plan. As a licensed insolvency trustee, we are the only professionals recognized, licensed and supervised by the Federal government to provide insolvency advice and services to assist you to stay clear of bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can end your stress, anxiety and pain today. With the roadmap we develop unique to your situation, we will swiftly return you right into a balanced, healthy and carefree life.

You can have a no-cost assessment to assist you to repair your credit and debt troubles. With you, we will uncover your financial discomfort points and use a method to rid them from your life. This will absolutely allow you to begin a fresh start, Starting Over Starting Now.what is a good credit score in canada


Brandon Blog Post


how can a good credit score help you

How can a good credit score help you? Introduction

Many of you already know that you need a good credit score to borrow money, get a mortgage, lease a car, get insurance and in some cases, even get a job. But, how many of you know how can a good credit score help you? It can save you thousands of dollars.

How can a good credit score help you? What does your credit score say about you?

Your credit score tells prospective lenders how reliable or unreliable you are at repaying debt. Based upon your credit score you’ll be approved or denied when applying for a loan, credit card, mortgage, car lease…

How can a good credit score help you? How can your credit score save you money?

When applying for any type of loan, your credit score also determines what sort of terms you’re likely to get.

  • Insurance Rates: Insurers typically create an “insurance score”, which is largely based on your credit score. With a good credit score, you could qualify for a discount on your premiums. Conversely, a bad credit score can cost you a lot of money annually in higher premiums.
  • Loan Rates: With a good credit score you may get a better mortgage interest rate. Over the life of your mortgage this could save you thousands of dollars. The same applies for any type of loan – car loan, personal loan, etc. The more you’re borrowing and the longer the term of the loan, the more money you can save.

How can a good credit score help you? What is a good credit score?

An average credit score is around 600. A very good credit score is 700 and above.

How can a good credit score help you? Do you know your credit score?

If not you can find out by contacting either one of Canada’s two major credit reporting agencies – Equifax or TransUnion. Make a habit of checking your credit score annually. If your credit report has information that’s inaccurate or has items unfamiliar to you, it could be a sign that you’re a victim of identity theft.

If you’ve been turned down for loans due to a bad credit score, you need professional help to get back on track financially. A professional trustee can help you solve your debt problems with immediate action and a solid financial plan. Give Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. a call today to book a free, no obligation consultation and you’ll be well on your way to debt free living Starting Over, Starting Now.

how can a good credit score help you
Brandon Blog Post


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Credit scores Ontario: What is it?

Credit scores Ontario is a judgment about your financial health, at a specific time. It indicates the risk you represent for lenders, compared with other consumers. There are many ways to work out credit scores. The credit-reporting agencies Equifax and TransUnion use a scale from 300 to 900.

In Canada, the magic number is probably 650. A score above 650 will likely qualify you for a standard loan while a score under 650 will likely bring difficulty in receiving new credit.

Credit scores Ontario: How is it calculated?

The credit score formula takes all or most of the following into account:

  • Your payment history
  • The total amount you owe
  • Length of your credit history
  • New credit accounts
  • New credit inquiries, whether approved or not
  • Types of credit in use

Credit scores Ontario: Good credit scores do have sex appeal

A good credit score has shown that money does play a big role in the dating world; it is a reality. It’s sad but true; your income does play a big part in how attractive you seem to a potential partner. And, did you know that good credit scores have sex appeal?

Credit scores Ontario: Like it or not, a good credit score makes you attractive

There’s an old joke that says there’s no such thing as an ugly man in a Ferrari. But, let’s be honest, if you were on an online dating site and saw a potential date who was attractive but unemployed or in what you perceived as a low paying job, would you reach out to that person?

Conversely, if you saw someone who wasn’t movie star attractive but reported a high income or listed their profession as CEO, lawyer or doctor, wouldn’t they look a lot better to you?

Credit scores Ontario: Credit score dating backed by scientific studies

Don’t take my word for it. This is all backed up by science. There are many studies on the subject including a recent one co-authored by behavioural economist Dan Ariely who in the journal Quantitative Marketing and Economics reported:

  • Men and women prefer a high-income partners over low-income partners
  • This income preference is more pronounced for women

Credit scores Ontario: Beware – high income is only one part of it

Income only tells part of the story. Find out how they spend their money. Are they living within their means? They may have a big income but is it enough to cover the expenses of the fancy sports car, big house and exotic vacations? Big earners, celebrities and even Presidents (and President-elects!) declare bankruptcy too:

Credit scores Ontario: what to do about too much debt

We aren’t in the dating business, but we can help you get your debt issues under control. Give the Ira Smith Team a call today so that Starting Over, Starting Now you can live a debt free life, and you may have better luck dating.

Call a Trustee Now!