Brandon Blog Post


economic recession in canada

Economic recession in Canada: In Canada, the economy is under pressure

The economy in Canada is under pressure as the country deals with the fallout of the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has hit Canada hard. On one hand, certain Canadian businesses have shut down and people losing their jobs. On the other, there are job openings for other Canadian businesses. In August 2022, the unemployment rate in Canada increased from its record low in June and July, to 5.4%. The Canadian government has been working on trying to mitigate the damage and create supportable economic growth, but the economy is still struggling. The economic news is not good.

Coming out of the COVID economy there are many forces around the world causing global inflation. Supply chain shortages and the war in Ukraine are but two such global forces. Canada is experiencing inflationary pressures like every other country. Chief economists have mixed views on whether there will be an economic recession in Canada.

In response to the new global inflationary pressures, the Bank of Canada, like many other central banks, is raising its key interest rate regularly and significantly. The Bank of Canada is using its old domestic inflation policy rate fighting tools to fight these new pressures. It has promised more aggressive interest rate hikes. The federal government supports these rate hikes. Prime Minister Trudeau and his deputy chief, our Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland have said so.

As a result, the pressure on the economy is evident in the housing market. Home sales have dropped sharply, and house prices are also starting to fall. Notwithstanding the Bank of Canada’s key interest policy rate was designed to calm down a frothy real estate market, it is also a worry for the Canadian economy, as the housing market has been one of the bright spots in recent years.

The Bank of Canada’s inflation-fighting key interest rate policy tool has the potential not only to reduce inflation but if not closely managed, could throw us into a Canadian recession. We see financial markets, especially the stock markets, reacting negatively to this possibility.

Craig Wright, Senior Vice President & Chief Economist of Royal Bank of Canada believes Canada is headed for a recession, but that it will be a moderate one. So the ultimate question Canadians are asking is there a potential recession on the horizon or, how likely is an economic recession in Canada?

Economic recession in Canada: Bank of Canada believes that higher rates are essential to controlling inflation expectations

Higher interest rates ultimately force a contraction of the Canadian economy and an overall economic decline. The Bank of Canada really only has this one tool if it is going to act. Inflation is strong and is affecting longer-run business and consumer expectations. If inflation expectations rise, they can become self-fulfilling.

If inflation rates stay high, it can have very troubling economic impacts. Businesses will start charging more for their products. For things we need, we would have to pay more and would probably start asking for higher salaries and wages. If Canadians think inflation will go way past the Bank of Canada’s target, it could cause big problems with greater interest-rate hikes.

Both the US Fed and the Bank of Canada are increasing interest rates in an effort to control inflation. And neither bank is finished yet. The U.S. Fed and the Bank of Canada are expected to raise rates through to the end of 2022. That’s high enough to significantly restrict growth.

economic recession in canada
economic recession in canada

Economic recession in Canada: Although rates will eventually go down, they will not do so until inflation has cooled off

Although oil prices have been settling down and therefore prices at the pumps are falling, food and other consumer goods continue to have steady price increases. Continued increases eventually get to the point where they are unsustainable. Inflation won’t slow down until demand falls. Central banks will not ease interest rates until demand falls off sufficiently to reverse the current inflationary trends. If global economies cool off, it will help temper inflation.

Although labour shortages are preventing some expansion, many markets are still growing. However, disruptions from the pandemic continue to make it difficult for China to expand. Slowing growth abroad may have some negative effects on the US and Canadian economies as well.

The Bank of Canada will have to work very hard to find the right balance of interest rate hikes to cool inflation without causing an economic crisis or a recession.

Are we heading towards an economic recession in Canada and what can you do to help yourself?

I don’t know if the Bank of Canada’s current inflation-fighting efforts will force an economic recession in Canada, but Canadians have good reason to be concerned.

If you’re concerned about a recession in the near future, it’s important to be more mindful of your finances and think carefully about whether you can afford major purchases. What would happen if you were to lose your job or have an unexpected expense arise? It’s best to be prepared by carefully evaluating your savings and emergency fund now.

Your employment situation, savings, as well as spending practices can all contribute to how well you weather an economic downturn. Consequently, it is prudent to be prepared for bumpy rides by having a savings cushion and being mindful of living within your means. Additionally, those who are dissatisfied with their current employment or earnings may currently want to check out other opportunities prior to the Canadian economic situation worsening.

Douglas Porter, the Bank of Montreal chief economist, explains that how much Canadians feel the slowdown in the Canadian economy will depend on their individual circumstances. This includes what sector they’re employed in and whether they’re a borrower or saver.

One of the risks of a recession is the possibility of inflation eroding purchasing power and cementing in lower real wages. This is why it’s important to think carefully about asking for a raise now before a recession hits. Anyone considering a large purchase, like buying a home, must look at affordability.

Not only can you get the necessary financing to make the purchase, but can you afford the monthly payments? If you believe a recession is inevitable, then you should hold off making that real estate purchase because home prices inevitably will fall further in a recession.

economic recession in canada
economic recession in canada

What are 8 things you can do to prepare for an economic recession in Canada?

There are certain things Canadians can do to protect against an oncoming recession. It is not easy. It takes planning, belt-tightening and behaviour modification. Some possible steps include:

  1. Begin creating a household budget as soon as possible. This will help you to keep track of your income and expenses and help you make responsible financial decisions to not spend more than your household earns. Do not forget to use your family net income after accounting for income tax as your top income line.
  2. Now that you have your budget prepared, make sure you’re mindful of your spending and cut back where you can. Your budget needs to not only be break-even but there also needs to be a line for monthly savings.
  3. Credit cards can be useful when used properly. However, if you are using credit cards as a means to provide you with income that you do not earn, and increasing your credit card debt each month, this must stop. Lock your credit cards away, reduce your spending and eliminate your credit card debt.
  4. If you want to save money, you’ll have to cut back on eating out. Try to be mindful of how often you’re doing it, and you may be surprised at how much money you can save.
  5. Cutting back on your entertainment expenses is another way to reduce your spending. That means fewer nights out at the movies or out to eat, and maybe even skipping or cutting back on your various cable and streaming subscription services. It’s not going to be easy, but if you’re serious about saving money, it’s a necessary step.
  6. Take a critical look at your cell phone plan. Maybe there is a good deal on a more economical cell phone plan available. It is tough in Canada to do so because of the concentration of power by having so few Canadian providers, but that does not mean that you should not try.
  7. Do not incur new debt.
  8. Keep saving.

What if the economy in Canada is expected to experience a recession in the near future and you cannot hang on anymore?

We’re getting increasingly more telephone calls from people who state they or their companies have been hit hard by the pandemic, and they don’t see an escape. They applied for and received CERB payments. They really believed they qualified, and now the Canada Revenue Agency is reassessing their eligibility and demanding the money back.

We are getting calls from entrepreneurs. Their companies received CEBA loans but were unable to survive — their businesses had to close their doors even before an economic recession in Canada hit.

People are worried about what to do. These calls are coming daily. They are looking for answers to how they can bail themselves out of COVID-induced financial troubles, especially if there will be an economic recession in Canada.

Are you or your company in need of financial restructuring? Are you or your company insolvent due to a contract you may have entered into? Can you or your business not able to afford to make all your necessary debt payments, including mortgage payments?

The financial restructuring process is complex. The Ira Smith Team understands how to do a complex restructuring. However, more importantly, we understand the needs of the entrepreneur or the person who has too much personal debt. You are worried because you are facing significant financial challenges.

It is not your fault that you are in this situation. You have been only shown the old ways that do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team uses new modern ways to get you out of your debt troubles while avoiding bankruptcy. We can get you debt relief freedom.

The stress placed upon you is huge. We understand your pain points. We look at your entire situation and devise a strategy that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We know that we can help you the way we take the load off of your shoulders and devise a debt settlement plan.

We realize that people and businesses in financial difficulty need practical advice and a workable solution in an easy-to-understand financial plan. The Ira Smith Team knows that not everyone has to file for bankruptcy in Canada. Most of our clients never do, as we are familiar with alternatives to bankruptcy. We assist many people in finding the relief they need.

Call or email us. We can tailor a new debt restructuring procedure specifically for you, based on your unique economic situation and needs. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you’re serious about finding a solution, let us know. We will get you back to living a happy life, whether or not there is an economic recession in Canada.

Call us now for a no-cost initial consultation.

economic recession in canada
economic recession in canada
Brandon Blog Post


canada recession

Canada recession: Can you operate a business if there is a recession in Canada?

During slow economic growth and economic downturns in the Canadian economy, companies cut costs and especially labour costs. I wrote about Canadians’ fears of the Canada recession two weeks ago. Job losses go hand in hand with tough times. For many people, gaining new meaningful employment is very tough and sometimes impossible. For those people with dim economic prospects in the Canadian labour market, starting a small business in tough economic times is really their only option.

Despite the challenges a weak economy and the current recession fears may pose, starting a small business can be a rewarding experience with the proper amount of planning. In this Brandon’s Blog, I provide my 8 best tips for either changing parts of your business or starting a small business during tough economic times and maybe even a Canada recession.

How must business owners respond to a Canada recession?

Right now, no economist is prepared to forecast the Canada recession risk. Will it be a mild recession, a severe recession or will we even have one at all? The current and forecasted monetary policy of the Bank of Canada with its overnight rate hikes to its benchmark rate has financial markets, Canadian businesses and Canadian households all on edge. It is not just Canada as the heads of the central banks of all advanced economies reacted to the pandemic the same way and are now all acting in concert with rate hikes in an attempt to curb the now persistent inflation.

We are in somewhat of new territory as this period of time is very different than previous recessions and financial crises. We are experiencing economic shocks due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the shutdown and restarting of the Canadian economy. There is not a lot of either business confidence or consumer confidence in the marketplace right now. The consumer price index is increasing due to rising inflationary pressures and the inflation rate in Canada.

Small business owners need to have a well-crafted business plan, especially during an economic downturn. This is because it can be more difficult to get financing from lenders when money is tight. Therefore, starting a small business during a recession can be challenging. If you want to have success in your business, new or established, you need to put some serious effort into cash forecasting and knowing your bottom line. This means understanding how much money you need to bring in, what your operating costs are, and ideally how to make a profit.

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canada recession

How to financially prepare my business for a Canada recession

Here are some methods that can help ensure your business does well during challenging financial times. Whether you’re just starting or need to make some adjustments to your existing company, these pointers can help you survive as well as also grow.

You can even find success at some level during turbulent economic activity. The reasons are as follows:

  • You may find that there is less competition during this time. This is because most people tend to start businesses when the economy is doing well.
  • You may find certain things are cheaper, the overhead costs of things that you need for your business to run. Think about working from home or renting a location that has been vacant for a while. Think of used furniture and materials, which you can buy at a discount or maybe even from a bankruptcy sale.
  • If you service your customers you gain during this time well, your good relationship will be a good reason why they will be more likely to stay in touch with you when the economy improves. This is especially important if you can offer them a more affordable option than the competition.
  • More mature businesses tend to stifle or prevent innovation during downturns. You can use this time to come up with new ideas that might be missed and give you a better position when you open doors, real or virtual.

The success of your company is based on how well you study the actual domestic demand for your product or service in the marketplace. It is just as important to comprehend what target price you need to reach in order to make sales. Furthermore, you need to understand what sales level you need to hit to both break even and also to be profitable.

Canada recession financing

It’s always an excellent idea to have someone you trust assess your business plan and cash flow forecast before trying to obtain financing. This will help you catch any essential issues you might have missed or inaccurate assumptions you have actually made as it relates to your business and its capital requirements. Some resources you might wish to turn to for help before looking to financial institutions for a loan include:

  • friends who have their own business;
  • someone at the bank where you do business with who you have a good relationship; or
  • your accountant

The Canadian economy could be pushed into a recession by the federal government’s reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you’re considering starting a new business during these challenging times, you need to be very cautious. Your ability to develop a financial backup plan for your business and personal finances if you don’t meet your initial revenue target is more important than your ability to borrow money. It is normal for any new business that you will not be able to draw a salary during the 1st year of your new business.

You should also have a personal cash reserve so you have enough to live on for ideally the first 12 months of a new business. Make sure you budget carefully so you can keep making your most critical payments: rent/mortgage, insurance, utilities, and food. Finally, check your gut and your bank balance to make sure you’re ready to embark on your new adventure.

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canada recession

Canada recession: Sell ​​shrewdly

Starting a new business at a time of sharp economic downturn and turbulent economic activity requires creativity and resourcefulness. Marketing is critical to staying ahead of the competition. Make sure your business plan really fleshes out the marketing process: What exactly are you trying to sell? Who is your target customer? How will you price your product or service? What is your business promotion plan?

Dividing your original customer base into smaller pieces or niches is another strategy to allow any business to market more strategically. For example, if you are offering professional services for women, are you able to narrow it down to women in a specific age group, occupation type, or geographic location? Or, can you tier your product offering so that there is a relatively low-cost entry point product to allow new customers to try out your business and to allow you to then move them up to higher-priced and more profitable product offerings?

Can you think of ways to expand your customer base? For example, if you have a business shipping recipes and ingredients on a subscription basis for people to cook their own dinners without having to go do the shopping, could you also offer packaged dinners to customers who just want the convenience of heating and eating?

Canada recession: Ongoing competitive analysis

Be informed of your competitors’ movements in terms of marketing and product design. Are they enhancing the product? Devaluing the price? Utilizing original promotional methods? Knowing your competitors’ standings will help you formulate a unique selling proposition and grow your market.

Think about which segments your competitors are not serving, or which leads they are missing, and then fill that gap.

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canada recession

Canada recession: Start small…with a plan to expand

As you start your business, be mindful of both your expectations and expenses. Try to be conservative in your estimates and plans, then adjust as your business grows. Review your business plan periodically and reconsider what is truly necessary to get started. For example, could you open in a smaller or cheaper location? Or, could you avoid the need for physical space by staying virtual?

When you have found the most cost-effective space for your business, think about your staffing needs. Before hiring permanent staff, you could use independent contractors as temporary or part-time workers.

If you are aware of a similar business that is failing, you may be able to find some great people who are willing to be paid less than in a more active market. Offer fewer employee benefits initially and then increase them as your profits grow. You don’t want to offer all sorts of great benefits at first and then find out you can’t afford them later. Taking away benefits is much worse than not having given them in the first place.

Immediate business growth in a challenging economy is unrealistic. An aggressive approach in a Canada recession or a down economy is unwise. You should be looking for sustained business growth over time.

Canada recession: Leverage technology to your advantage

The right tools are essential for business success. Utilizing modern technology can help you to stay organized, connected with customers and effectively market your company. CRM systems help you track your customers’ interests, so you can focus on products and services that best meet their needs.

The latest technology gives entrepreneurs more options for selling online and through multiple channels. You can save on advertising costs by doing email marketing, blogs, podcasts and of course optimizing your website for SEO instead of opting for more expensive electronic or print ads. And when you need inspiration, you can turn to social media and online publications and groups focused on helping entrepreneurs.

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canada recession

Canada recession: Your network

Building a strong network is essential for anyone looking to advance their career or grow their business. Getting involved in local business groups and networking events is a great way to meet other like-minded individuals and make valuable connections. Joining professional associations or local clubs and organizations related to your industry is also a great way to expand your network and get your name out there.

Canada recession cost reduction ideas

With inflation pressures causing rising prices, cost reduction needs to be a key element of running your business. A gloomy economy can actually mask some great ways to save money. Creative ideas to reduce your start-up costs include:

  • Be very careful when making capital investments due to their mid and long-term nature. Leverage the economic situation and negotiate everything. You may be able to get a sharp drop in prices if you can demonstrate that you can afford to pay the lower price in full and on time.
  • Buying supplies from businesses that are about to go out of business or need to reduce inventory, especially bulky items like electronics and office furniture.
  • Barter with other business owners to find business alliance possibilities and suggest trading in products or services to offset costs.
  • Initially, do your own legal, financial and business homework through free online resources.
  • Compare business credit cards for the best deals.
  • Find a bank account that meets your small business needs including access to brick-and-mortar and online services as well as attractive rates and incentives.

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    canada recession

Canada recession key takeaways

Before seeking financing, consult with another business owner or friend to review your business plan. Develop a marketing strategy tailored to your business goals. Start small and expand when you see improvements. Secure your network and find ways to keep costs down by utilizing available technology.

You should begin with small steps and then increase your efforts when you start seeing improvements. Make sure your network is secure and look for ways to reduce costs. Make use of appropriate existing technology.

Although it may be challenging, there are benefits to starting or running a business during an economic downturn. By being thoughtful and strategic about cost-cutting measures while still providing value to customers, you can set your business up for success.

Canada recession conclusion

I hope you found this Canada recession Brandon’s Blog interesting. Among the many problems that can arise from having too much debt, you may also find yourself in a situation where bankruptcy seems like a realistic option.

If you are dealing with substantial debt challenges and are concerned that bankruptcy may be your only option, call me. I can provide you with debt help.

You are not to blame for your current situation. You have only been taught the old ways of dealing with financial issues, which are no longer effective.

We’re passionate about permanently solving your financial problems with you and getting you or your company out of debt. We offer innovative services and alternatives, and we’ll work with you to develop a personalized preparation for becoming debt-free which does not include bankruptcy. We are committed to helping everyone obtain the relief they need and are worthy of.

You are under a lot of pressure. We understand how uncomfortable you are. We will assess your entire situation and develop a new, custom approach that is tailored to you and your specific financial and emotional problems. We will take the burden off of your shoulders and clear away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We realize that people and businesses in financial difficulty need a workable solution. The Ira Smith Team knows that not everyone has to file for bankruptcy in Canada. Most of our clients never do, as we are familiar with alternatives to bankruptcy. We assist many people in finding the relief they need.

Call or email us. We can tailor a new debt restructuring procedure specifically for you, based on your unique economic situation and needs. If any of this sounds familiar to you and you’re serious about finding a solution, let us know.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

canada recession
canada recession
Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy, alternative to bankruptcy, personal bankruptcy alternatives, alternatives to personal bankruptcy, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act , BIA, bankruptcy solutions, lines of credit, credit card debt, credit counselling, debt consolidation, consumer proposals, budget, student loan debt, trustee, economic downturn, starting over starting now, information about bankruptcy, Toronto bankruptcy trusteeWhen do people generally want information about personal bankruptcy alternatives?

Personal bankruptcy alternatives are always sought after an economic downturn. The economic downturn is causing more people to rely on credit to supplement their income and/or their lifestyle. This mountain of debt will ultimately result in bankruptcy or hopefully, an alternative to bankruptcy.

What Bank of Montreal and Statistics Canada say about Canadian household debt

In BMO’s Annual Debt Report, the average household debt of those surveyed is $92,699, more than $4,000 higher than the four-year average dating back to 2012. And servicing that debt, which includes mortgages, lines of credit and credit card debt, is costing $1,165 a month.

According to Statistics Canada:

  • The debt-to-income ratio of Canadian households is 163.3% which means for every dollar Canadians earn, they owe $1.63 in debt
  • Canadian households now owe $1.841 trillion in various forms of debt
  • More than $1.1 trillion is from mortgages
  • $519 billion is consumer debt, like credit cards

Debt + More Debt = a Solution?

Adding debt to more debt is not a solution to the problem; it compounds the problem. If you are using credit cards to supplement your income or your lifestyle, you have a serious problem that needs professional help. Don’t wait until bankruptcy is your only option. You should be learning about personal bankruptcy alternatives before it is too late.

Is there such a thing as bankruptcy solutions?

We are asked this question all the time. Before even considering bankruptcy, I always want to discuss 3 formal alternatives to personal bankruptcy:

  1. Credit Counselling
    Credit counselling is in reality debt counselling. Professionals provide assistance with a host of issues related to debt including budgeting, finding debt solutions, working with your creditors and rebuilding credit.
  2. Debt Consolidation
    Debt consolidation is a single loan that allows you to repay your debts to several or all of your creditors at once, leaving you with only one outstanding loan.
  3. Consumer Proposals
    Consumer proposals are formal offers made to your creditors under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) to modify your payments. e.g. paying a lesser amount each month for a longer period of time and paying a total lesser amount than you owe, all on an interest-free basis!

In addition there are informal personal bankruptcy alternatives including budget review, contacting your creditors (including your mortgage lender), selling an asset and contacting the Federal Government’s Repayment Assistance Plan (if you’re having difficulty repaying your student loan debt).

Just ask your Toronto bankruptcy trustee

A professional trustee can open up a world of possibilities for you. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. for help with your financial problems. With just one phone call you can be well on your way to a debt free life Starting Over, Starting Now.


Call a Trustee Now!