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CONSUMER PROPOSALS: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOWBefore contemplating a bankruptcy, those who have too much debt should give strong consideration to consumer proposals, one of the alternatives to bankruptcy. As long as you owe less than $250,000, this is possible. This limitation excludes any mortgage you have for your home.

The advantage of consumer proposals

Consumer proposals gives individuals a chance to reorganize their finances and get back on their feet without having to go through a bankruptcy. By avoiding bankruptcy, a person’s credit rating is not seriously damaged. In addition, after all of the debts are dealt with, through consumer proposals, people have a strong feeling of accomplishment and self-worth.

Consulting with a bankruptcy trustee to find out more about consumer proposals

The first step in pursuing a consumer proposal is to meet with a bankruptcy trustee to evaluate your financial circumstances. The trustee will help draft a proposal for your creditors based upon your finances. If the proposal is accepted, you will then make your payments directly to the trustee. The exact form a proposal will take is dependent upon many variables.

In some circumstances, you may be paying only a partial amount of the debt you owe over time. In other circumstances, the debt will not be reduced, but reorganized in a way that gives you a chance to pay it all back. In consumer proposals, no further interest or fees can be charged. Sometimes it is just a longer period of time to pay back the debt. Either way, consumer proposals should be thought of as providing you with the equivalent of an interest-free loan. Whatever the final proposal is, it will help bring needed relief to your financial situation.

After filing a consumer proposal

From the time your consumer proposal is filed, you will no longer be making any payments directly to your creditors provided that the debt is unsecured. Any wage garnishment that is in place is suspended while the proposal is examined by your creditors. Lawsuits over debt recovery are also placed on hold. The proposal and the accompanying trustee’s report will provide details on your personal finances and will include an explanation of how your debts became such a problem that it has led to a need to reorganize the debt structure. Your creditors will have up to 45 days to decide to accept the offer or not. If one or more of your creditors is owed more than a fourth of the total debt, they have the right to request a meeting with you and the trustee. This request for a meeting must be done in the same 45 day time limit.

If you are in a situation where you are overwhelmed by debt with no hope of paying it back under the current circumstances, there is not much of a downside to pursuing a consumer proposal. The worst thing that can happen is that creditors do not agree to the proposal, and in this situation, bankruptcy is still an option. If it does work then you save yourself the grief of having a bankruptcy on your credit history.

If you wish to compare this information about consumer proposlas to a bankruptcy, start by reviewing our bankruptcy faqs. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as soon as possible regarding your debt problems, to find out more about consumer proposals and Starting Over, Starting Now you’ll be on your way to living a debt free life.

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