Brandon Blog Post


borrow well review

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Have you ever before wondered what your credit score is and what your credit history looks like? I’m certain if you ever before looked for a home mortgage, a loan, to rent a home or apartment or applied for an insurance policy, you recognize that your credit rating ends up being crucial. The loan provider, landlord or insurance provider will certainly decide on you based upon your credit history. This Brandon’s Blog is about the totally free credit report system of Borrowell Inc.; a Borrow Well review.

Inspecting your credit rating has actually generally been a really laborious job and nobody really liked to do it. With the surge of consumer FinTech over the last couple of years, two businesses have actually seen a method to produce an on the internet industry for personal loans in Canada; 1. Credit Karma Canada; and 2. Borrowell Inc. Credit Karma Canada is owned by its United States parent. Borrowell is a 100% Canadian owned firm.

Borrow Well review

I have previously blogged about Credit Karma Canada. Borrowell runs in a comparable way. Borrowell’s goal is quite straightforward. They wish to assist Canadians to make fantastic choices concerning credit and debt. They began life as a consumer lender. Borrowell thought that customers wanted personal loans. They started the firm making loans for people with excellent credit.

Borrowell discovered that it was pricey to obtain customers. Their customer acquisition cost was very high. It was a tough issue to fix. What they did was come to be the 1st business in Canada to supply credit scores absolutely free. They assumed this would be a wonderful method to obtain clients and promote what Borrowell did. They thought that it would certainly be an excellent method to make loans.

How it works

The trouble was that they were thousands of people a week inspecting their credit report, however, few of them either desired or fit the Borrowell standards for, loans. Borrowell found that people desired various financial products and not everyone had good credit. So they invested most of 2017 in developing a marketplace.

They developed an online forum for around 40 various financial institutions and other lenders. That enabled a person to get their credit score with Borrowell, and then they can after that be taken into the sales funnel. Borrowell would after that advise of products, solutions, and pointers customized for every person from their forum of lender members. Borrowell earns a fee on loans made and other financial product sales.

They wound up discovering a high level of product market fit for roughly half a million direct customers that first examine their credit report with Borrowell. Canadians now had a very easy way to regularly see their credit score and inspect their credit history.

Utilizing the Borrowell system does not influence your credit report, unlike when you apply for a loan and the potential lender performs a credit check on you. In order to ask you the setup questions, and to have the ability to provide you with your cost-free credit report and record, Borrowell acquires information from one of our two credit reporting companies, Equifax.

Borowell additionally browses particular public document data sources to try to find various other details such as:

  • Bankruptcy: A legal process used by people and companies looking for particular relief from all or some their debt.
  • Civil Judgment: A non-criminal judgment in a court, calling for the person or company to make full or partial restitution.
  • Registered Items: Other things found in public documents, like a lien against your car or truck or a home mortgage or other loan registered against your house.

Know that you are in the Borrowell sales funnel

In order to stay top of mind, Borrowell updates you on your credit rating on a monthly basis and if it has actually changed for better or for worse. This is, obviously, advantageous for any person trying to enhance their credit history. Borrowell will inform you monthly the result of the activities you are taking to boost your credit score.

Borrowell will also help you recognize what variables are affecting your credit score. In this way, they inform you what you need to do to boost your credit rating. This is particularly great for anybody trying to learn about finances and general money matters. Borrowell also provides recommendations on just how to improve your credit rating.

So their system helps you to learn about:

  • payment history
  • credit usage
  • bad comments on your credit report
  • account inquiries
  • your credit score and report
  • tips for improvement

Borrowell offers you a very easy way to see just how you’re doing financially, just how much money you have invested between credit cards and automobile and various other loans. It likewise

To learn what goes into calculating your credit score and what it all means, check out my blog, WHAT IS A GOOD CREDIT SCORE IN CANADA? THE UNTOLD CREDIT SCORE SECRETS.

Is there any drawback to the Borrowell app?

The positive side is that this is a very easy and effective method of looking into yourself in a reliable way none of our Canadian banks have actually done. Nonetheless, I likewise have some worries.

The financial partners in the Borrowell financial marketplace have to pay a fee. That charge needs to be accounted for in the price of the financial products sold. If there is competition amongst marketplace financial members, this may keep pricing consistent and competitive within the various credit score buckets. Perhaps this marketplace also gives people access to financial products they otherwise may not be able to find or get on their own.

It is safe to presume that people using this system are working on boosting their credit score. The financial partners might be costing their products for those that have actually not attained sufficient credit strength to go and negotiate the price they will be paying with any Bank. So for those with a good credit rating, this may mean that the cost of any kind of financial product via the Borrowell portal could be greater than otherwise readily available to them if they spent the time investigating.

My main concern is more generic. It would be the same as with any system like this. They maintain a great deal of highly personal and sensitive information on Canadians which they regularly update.

There are many criminals around the world who would like nothing better than to hack the Borrowell database in order to get at this information to further their devious and illegal schemes. Stealing your identity, or identity theft is, of course, the big one.

Think no further than September 7, 2017, when Equifax announced that months-long illegitimate access to its credit-report databases had led to the breach of personally identifiable information of over 148 million people, nearly all in the USA. That is the real danger I am talking about. As I mentioned, that is a danger with any computerized system storing highly sensitive information, not just a Borrowell issue.

Borrow Well Review: Do you have a negative credit report?

I hope this Borrowell review has helped you gain a better understanding. Question: Have you lost the ability to borrow because of a bad credit score? Are you having trouble making your monthly payments? Is your business dealing with financial challenges that require to be addressed immediately?

Call the Ira Smith Team today if so. We have years and generations of experience helping people and businesses seeking financial restructuring or a debt negotiation strategy. As a licensed insolvency trustee, we are the only specialists acknowledged, accredited and overseen by the federal government to supply insolvency advice and implement solutions to help you to remain free from bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can end your anxiety, anxiousness, and discomfort today. With the roadmap we establish one-of-a-kind to your scenario, we will promptly return you right into a well balanced, healthy and carefree life.

You can have a no-cost evaluation to help you to fix your credit and debt difficulties. With you, we will discover your monetary pain factors and make use of an approach to free them from your life. This will definitely enable you to start with a clean slate, Starting Over Starting Now.


Brandon Blog Post


What is a good credit score in Canada: Introduction

I have previously written reviews of the two main companies that can give you your credit score for free in Canada. The two are Credit Karma Canada and Borrowell. It is one thing to know what your credit score is. But what does that number mean? Do you have control over how to increase your credit score? To answer those questions, you must know the topic I am writing about in this Brandon’s Blog. What is a good credit score in Canada?

Your credit rating

There are three main points you need to learn about your credit rating. In Canada, your credit score is a number between 300 and 900. Lenders use this to forecast just how likely you are to be responsible with the money they are considering providing you. Will you pay back the cash you are asking they fund you?

The greater your score number, the more probable you are to be an excellent wager to be able to pay back what you owe. Your credit history is composed of five elements:

  1. Your payment history composes 35%.
  2. How much debt you owe comprises 30%.
  3. The length of your history makes up 15%.
  4. 10% comes from the sorts of loans or credit cards you have.
  5. Just how often you typically apply to borrow has a 10% effect.

A better understanding

Let’s drill down on this a little more. The greatest chunk is your repayment history. This checks out whether you’re making your payments on time. If you’re late on repayments, exactly how often are you late or are there financial obligations in the enforcement and collection process. How much debt you owe takes into account how much debt is owed and how much borrowing room is still available to you.

The length of your borrowing history considers how long you’ve had your loan products for. The longer you’ve had them the better it is for your history. Types of credit look at the range of items you have. A brand-new application is when you ask for a new loan. New loan applications stay on your report for three years. Applying many times decreases your score.

The theory is that if you keep applying, you are having 2 problems. The first is that you keep needing new loans for some reason. The second problem is that you must keep being turned down in order for you to need to keep applying.

Hard and soft hits

When you apply for a new loan, the potential lender performs a check on you. This produces what is known as a hard hit which can negatively impact your score. When you pull your own reports, such as through Credit Karma Canada or Borrowell, this makes what they call a soft hit. This won’t negatively impact your score.

How often should I check my score?

You might be wondering do you need to look at your own score monthly? I am here to tell you that you don’t. Your rating adjusts throughout the month based on the five items I spoke of above. So your rating can look different from month to month.

If you’re exercising excellent credit rating behaviour a new report will certainly show that. Likewise, if you are not acting responsibly, your report and your score will show that. What I do recommend you do is check your rating by pulling an annual credit report. You do this to ensure that your record is exact and there are no errors in it.

The most effective time to check the accuracy of your report would certainly be prior to you making a huge purchase for something like a home or vehicle. You recognize that your lender will certainly perform a check. It is to your benefit to make sure everything on your rating profile looks good and is error free.

In that situation, where a lot is riding on the precision and completeness of your report, you would go directly to the two main score rating companies in Canada; Equifax Canada and TransUnion Canada. You will certainly have to pay for them to generate an Equifax or TransUnion score and history report for you. What you pay them to understand that your record is precise and totally error-free is worth that peace of mind.

4 things you must know about your score

To summarize, the 4 things you must know about your score are:

  1. Your credit score in Canada is a number between 300 and 900.
  2. Lenders use your credit score to forecast just how likely you are to be responsible with the credit they are considering providing you.
  3. The greater your credit score number, the more probable you are to be an excellent wager to be able to pay back what you owe.
  4. Your credit history is composed of five elements:
    1. your payment history composes 35%;
    2. how much debt you owe comprises 30%;
    3. the length of your credit history makes up 15%;
    4. 10% comes from the sorts of credit you have;
    5. just how often you typically apply for new credit has a 10% effect; and
    6. lastly, you don’t need to check the credit score all the time.

You might have a concern about, and ask yourself, is Credit Karma Canada safe? Is Borrowell safe? The answer is yes, but you still may have a concern. You are providing each of them with very personal information about yourself when you first sign up for their respective services. Then they do on a regular basis perform a credit score check on you. These are soft hits, so it won’t affect your score. However, they are updating your private personal information which stays on their database. Anytime such sensitive information is on a computer server, there is, of course, a danger from hackers.

The reason they regularly check your credit situation is so they can then send you an email about any change to your credit score – good or bad. They do this for two reasons. The first is to alert you about their latest finding of your credit report. The second reason is to give you a reason to go to their website. Their hope, of course, is while you are on their site seeing the change to your credit score, perhaps you will stay and look at some of the products they offer to produce revenue for themselves.

What is a good credit score in Canada: What about you?

I hope this what is a good credit score in Canada blog has helped you gain a better understanding. Question: Have you lost the ability to borrow because of a bad credit score? Are you having trouble making your monthly payments? Is your business dealing with financial challenges that require to be addressed immediately?

Call the Ira Smith Team today if so. We have years along with generations of experience aiding people and companies looking for financial restructuring or a debt settlement plan. As a licensed insolvency trustee, we are the only professionals recognized, licensed and supervised by the Federal government to provide insolvency advice and services to assist you to stay clear of bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can end your stress, anxiety and pain today. With the roadmap we develop unique to your situation, we will swiftly return you right into a balanced, healthy and carefree life.

You can have a no-cost assessment to assist you to repair your credit and debt troubles. With you, we will uncover your financial discomfort points and use a method to rid them from your life. This will absolutely allow you to begin a fresh start, Starting Over Starting Now.what is a good credit score in canada


Brandon Blog Post


Financial disaster preparedness: Introduction

The people drowning in debt are always scared of the thought of speaking to a licensed insolvency trustee (formerly known as a bankruptcy trustee (Trustee). The purpose of this Brandon’s Blog is to allow me, a Trustee, to give you some basic points on financial disaster preparedness in a non-scary way. Hopefully, it can help you avoid a financial disaster.

On the 27th day of the United States Federal government closure, many federal employees that are already under money stress and anxiety are not surprisingly asking whether an insolvency proceeding is the only alternative.

These people did not ask for this. Although they will eventually receive all their back pay, that doesn’t help their cash flow today.

Some personal bankruptcies are started by events beyond somebody’s control. The US government shutdown is such an example. Alternatively, unlike the shutdown, a number are completely within an individual’s control.

Here are four ideas on just how to maintain your finances from falling off the edge right into insolvency.

Financial disaster preparedness: #1 – Keep an eye on your credit cards

Try to pay your monthly credit card bill, and all your expenses, on or before their due date. If timely payments cannot happen, pay it back asap or arrange a repayment strategy to decrease late charges as well as interest charges.

Never ever carry over a credit card balance. Attempt to pay your balances, including all your expenses, promptly.

Similarly, be conscientious what your credit history is. Almost every person will certainly have a time in their lives when they’ll need to borrow cash for some major expenditure.

Your credit score will affect the borrowing rates you are offered. Knowing one’s credit history can aid people to make a better decision on when to jump, or hold back, on a choice to borrow.

Financial disaster preparedness: #2 – Know your monthly expenses (and savings too)

When I do credit counselling and speak to people about loan basics, I discuss spending behaviours and always talk about the difference between wants and needs. I always encourage people striving for economic self-reliance to begin with a straightforward exercise: document every single expense in a month.

By mapping out all the spending, people can rank where their cash should, as well as shouldn’t, be going. For example keep an eye out for the daily latte, which is a habit because, it builds up, A more expensive specialty coffee is a want, not a need. A less expensive plain coffee could suffice.

There is one routine I always urge. Make a routine that you will set aside a particular percentage of your income for an emergency fund. The same goes for socking away, at the very least a little, to an RRSP. Work these savings into your budget.

In my experience, all consumer insolvencies commonly entail inadequate financial savings to cover the unanticipated. This is a common problem among Canadians that I have previously written about in my blogs.

Credit cards are also a significant cause of personal insolvencies. Many of our personal insolvency clients use credit cards to supplement their income. Rather than budgeting, they use their credit cards for various expenditures that they really cannot afford and are unable to pay down their credit card balances.

Financial disaster preparedness: #3 – Boost your financial literacy

There are various ways to begin early in life to prevent financial disaster problems. If these guidelines sound familiar, that’s because they are. However, yet few individuals appreciate them. That’s partly because they’re not taught it in the schools.

Canadians have a financial literacy problem. Many people think that some people are born rich and others aren’t. The reality is that those who are well off just have a more realistic understanding about spending and saving within one’s earnings.

Financial literacy, like civics education, needs to be a requirement in all elementary school, high school and university educational programs.

Financial disaster preparedness: #4 – Preserve your financial self-reliance

Those who lived through the great depression understand how fragile funds can be. Clipping coupons and looking for the most affordable prices is just part of their normal behaviour.

Insolvency filings have been at their lowest point since 2007, and there are varying explanations for the decline.

During the last decade, Canadians have amassed debt. Now that interest rates are rising, it is expected that personal insolvency filings will rise. Personal insolvencies will be more a part of our world as a result of unexpected disasters and negative decisions.

Corporate bankruptcies will always be a part of the system as markets change and businesses experience threats they cannot survive.

We must all be financially vigilant. I hope these tips will help you in avoiding any form of financial distress.

Financial disaster preparedness: What about you?

Do you have excessive debt? Are you in need of financial disaster preparedness? Does your business have way too much financial debt and is in danger of shutting down? Are you concerned that the future rate of interest hikes will make currently workable financial obligations totally uncontrollable? Is the pain, stress and anxiety currently adversely influencing your health and wellness?

If so, contact the Ira Smith Team today. We have years and generations of helping people and businesses seeking financial restructuring. As a licensed insolvency trustee, we are the only specialists certified and overseen by the Federal government to offer financial restructuring solutions.

We provide a free consultation to assist you to solve your problems. We know the discomfort financial obligations causes. We can end it as soon as possible from your life. This will permit you to start a fresh start, Starting Over Starting Now.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so that we can start helping you get back into a healthy and balanced, stress-free life.

financial disaster preparedness

Brandon Blog Post


how to improve credit score 10

No credit history: Introduction

Like it or not, our lives are ruled by our ability to get credit (and hopefully use credit wisely). We need credit to buy a house or lease a property, buy or lease a car, have a credit card, get a line of credit and in many cases, get a job. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, many companies check your credit score before offering you a job. There are even online dating sites who match you according to your credit score. And, as we move towards becoming a cashless society, our ability to get access to credit will become even more important. So, having no credit history can hurt you in many ways.

No credit history: Unless you use credit you may not get credit

It’s a Catch 22, isn’t it? In order to set up even a limited credit history and get a credit score you have to use credit. Your credit worthiness is established by your ability to repay. If you pay for most things with cash or by cheque, you aren’t demonstrating your ability to repay. Therefore, if you apply for any type of loan and a credit check is done to decide credit worthiness, you won’t score well if you haven’t been using and repaying credit. Believe it or not, this may put you in the same boat as someone with a poor credit history or even a delinquent credit history.

No credit history: What is your credit score used for?

Your credit score is used to figure many things including:

  • Whether to extend credit
  • How much credit to approve
  • Whether to increase or decrease a customer’s credit limit
  • Determine the interest rate charged on a loan

There are now two ways you can get your credit score online free. One site is Credit Karma Canada and the other Borrowell.


No credit history: The moral of the story is the best time to use credit is when you don’t need it

Many retirees think they don’t need credit anymore so they tend to pay by cash and cheque instead of credit. Then a situation arises where they need credit and they don’t have a credit history to show their credit worthiness. It’s never too late to set up a credit history. The easiest way is to have a credit card and use it (wisely). Even a secured credit card will work.

No credit history: Use credit wisely!

Using a credit card and paying off the monthly balance in full is not the same as accumulating credit card debt that you can’t afford. Using credit cards wisely can be convenient and beneficial. Credit card debt can ruin you financially.

If you’re dealing with credit card debt, or any debt that you can’t afford, you can count on The Ira Smith Team to set you on a path to a healthy financial future Starting Over, Starting Now. With our cumulative 50+ years of experience dealing with diverse issues and complex files, we deliver the highest quality of professional service. Contact us today.


Brandon Blog Post


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Difference between credit report and credit score: Introduction

Many people we see don’t realize the difference between credit report and credit score and they often confuse a credit report with a credit score. So, let’s get back to basics. We’ll clarify credit reports for you and explain why you should check your credit report and how often.

Difference between credit report and credit score: What is a credit report?

A credit report is a detailed record of your credit history – when you opened your account(s), how much you owe, if you make your payments on time, miss payments, go over your credit limit, etc. In Canada there are two major credit reporting agencies – Equifax Canada and TransUnion Canada. They collect information about how you use credit (lenders send them the information) and they create credit reports based on that information. Personal information that’s available in public records, such as a bankruptcy, is also included in your credit report.

Difference between credit report and credit score: What is a credit score?

A credit score is not the same as a credit report. A credit score is a three-digit number produced by a mathematical formula using the information in your credit report. You get points for using credit responsibly. You lose points if you’re having problems managing credit. In Canada, credit scores range from 300 to 900 points (900 is the best score).

Difference between credit report and credit score:: Why is your credit report so important?

As a society we are increasingly dependent on credit. Every time you apply for a credit card, a utility, mortgage, an apartment rental and often even a job, your credit history is checked. These lenders use your credit report and score to decide how risky it would be for them to lend you money or extend you credit. Your credit report and score may also be used to set your interest rate and credit limit. If you have a poor credit history it’s unlikely that you will be approved for credit cards, mortgages and other loans. And if you do get approved you will more than likely have to pay a higher interest rate than someone with a good credit history.

Difference between credit report and credit score: How often should you check your credit report?

According to the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, you should check your credit report at least once a year. They also recommend that you order your credit report from both credit reporting agencies – Equifax Canada and TransUnion Canada and that you consider requesting your report from one agency and then waiting six months before you order from the other agency to detect any problems sooner. Mistakes on credit reports do happen so review them carefully and pay special attention to any signs of identity theft – accounts that you didn’t open, credit cards that you didn’t apply for, etc. Be aware that the credit reporting agencies charge a fee to order your credit score.

Difference between credit report and credit score:: How can I order my credit report or score for free?

You can get a free credit report. Equifax Canada offers what they call a “credit disclosure file” and TransUnion offers a “consumer disclosure”. However, these credit reports do NOT include your credit score. To get these free credit reports you must order them by mail, fax or phone and receive them by mail, fax or phone. If you prefer to get access to them online, you will have to pay a fee.

You may have seen commercials offering free credit scores. Beware! There’s no such thing. These companies are either fraudsters out to get your personal financial information or you’ll have to sign up for a paid service to get the free credit score.

Difference between credit report and credit score: Are you having trouble managing credit?

If so, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as quickly as possible. With immediate action and a solid financial plan for moving forward we can help you deal with debt and learn to manage it well in the future, Starting Over, Starting Now. We’re just a phone call away.

Brandon Blog Post


bad credit, credit, job search, Equifax, TransUnion, BackCheck, credit history, credit report, credit check, medical debt, marital breakdown and bankruptcy, starting over starting now, good credit and bad credit, credit check, living paycheque to paycheque, credit ratingBad credit showing up on your credit history can impact your job search. Many companies will check your credit as part of the routine background check. Some people believe that how you pay your billsgives employers an indication of the quality of your work. These employers believe that an applicant with bad credit indicates either an inability to live up to your commitments or a belief that it is not important to honour your commitments. This belief, correct or not, are traits that potential employers do not wish to inherit.

Of course this is painting a picture with very broad strokes and doesn’t take into consideration the reason for your financial problems causing the bad credit, which may be due to a divorce or a layoff. But, employers want to avoid situations when collectors start calling the office or try to garnish wages. Previously, we have written many blogs on such causes of financial problems, including:

According to Dave Dinesen, President and CEO of BackCheck, a pre-employment screening services company, they’ve screened over three million Canadians for more than 5,000 organizations, and the vast majority of employers use credit checks for identification verification purposes (such as employment history and address history). By doing so, they can also differentiate between candidates who have good credit and bad credit.

Before a potential employer can pull your credit history, you must sign a release. Protect yourself and know exactly what’s in your credit report before your potential employer does. To get a copy of your credit report contact either of the two major reporting agencies – Equifax or TransUnion. They are required to provide you with a free copy of your credit report once every 12 months, if you ask for it. Have them correct any inaccuracies that you find. If you discover anything in your credit report that could be potentially damaging, the best thing to do is be upfront with your potential employer. The likelihood is that a few late payments won’t prevent you from being hired. However, if you believe that a credit check will expose that you have bad credit and would negatively impact your job search, you may want to consider applying to smaller companies that don’t do routine credit checks as part of the hiring process.

Bad credit is serious and can impact many aspects of your life. Don’t ignore your financial problems; face them head on with professional help. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We’ll work with you to get your life back on track so that Starting Over, Starting Now you’ll never have to be afraid of a credit check again.

Brandon Blog Post


credit score, bad credit, credit history, financial history, licensed trustee, avoid bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, debt consolidation, credit counselling, consumer proposals, starting over starting now, credit scores, financial health, line of credit, rebuilding creditA secured credit card functions in the same manner as a regular credit card. The only exception being that the card is secured by the amount of deposited funds that remain safeguarded in the institution where the individual acquires the card. The card looks like a regular credit card and acts like a traditional credit card. Purchases are limited by the amount of funds backing the card. The majority of institutions require a minimum secure balance of $500. However, individuals or businesses may deposit more if desired.

Who Uses a Secured Credit Card?

The card might be used by anyone with a past or current history of bad credit. When first starting out, many young people or students have no line of credit. The card might serve as a means of establishing a credit history. Someone recently moving to Canada, having recently undergone bankruptcy or having difficulty obtaining a conventional credit card may also look into acquiring a secured card.

Newlyweds starting a life together often look for ways of establishing credit. Anyone having endured a divorce or the death of a spouse may also need to start over and rebuilding credit. Entrepreneurs having difficulty getting financial backing or searching for a means of creating a financial history might also be interested in securing a card.

Benefits of a Secured Credit Card

Getting approved for a secured card is practically guaranteed. Having a card eliminates the need to withdraw and carry cash. However, in case someone needs cash for an emergency, the card enables users to get cash advances. Numerous other conveniences of having a credit card include using the card for making reservations, purchases or services rendered.

A secured credit card offers an ideal way to establish or improve credit scores, which are typically required when needing to apply for loans. By making monthly payments for goods or services, in the same way that one would if having a traditional credit card, you can learn how to create and stick to a budget.

Many secured credit cards don’t carry the same fees that are required by traditional cards so using them is not only convenient but less expensive.

Ensuring Good Credit

After applying for and acquiring the credit card, maintaining good credit means:

i. Paying off the balance monthly

ii. Paying more than the minimal monthly amount required

iii. Making payments on time

Get a Secured Credit Card Today

Regardless of your current financial situation we can help. To find out more about secured credit cards, and even to apply for a secured credit card, click on this link for the application form. If you are experiencing financial problems, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We are a licensed trustee and will listen to your issues and provide compassionate, professional assistance to assist you to avoid bankruptcy.

We will explore alternatives to bankruptcy, such as debt consolidation, credit counselling and consumer proposals. Starting Over, Starting Now, we will assist you to regain your financial health.

Brandon Blog Post


CONSUMER PROPOSALS: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOWBefore contemplating a bankruptcy, those who have too much debt should give strong consideration to consumer proposals, one of the alternatives to bankruptcy. As long as you owe less than $250,000, this is possible. This limitation excludes any mortgage you have for your home.

The advantage of consumer proposals

Consumer proposals gives individuals a chance to reorganize their finances and get back on their feet without having to go through a bankruptcy. By avoiding bankruptcy, a person’s credit rating is not seriously damaged. In addition, after all of the debts are dealt with, through consumer proposals, people have a strong feeling of accomplishment and self-worth.

Consulting with a bankruptcy trustee to find out more about consumer proposals

The first step in pursuing a consumer proposal is to meet with a bankruptcy trustee to evaluate your financial circumstances. The trustee will help draft a proposal for your creditors based upon your finances. If the proposal is accepted, you will then make your payments directly to the trustee. The exact form a proposal will take is dependent upon many variables.

In some circumstances, you may be paying only a partial amount of the debt you owe over time. In other circumstances, the debt will not be reduced, but reorganized in a way that gives you a chance to pay it all back. In consumer proposals, no further interest or fees can be charged. Sometimes it is just a longer period of time to pay back the debt. Either way, consumer proposals should be thought of as providing you with the equivalent of an interest-free loan. Whatever the final proposal is, it will help bring needed relief to your financial situation.

After filing a consumer proposal

From the time your consumer proposal is filed, you will no longer be making any payments directly to your creditors provided that the debt is unsecured. Any wage garnishment that is in place is suspended while the proposal is examined by your creditors. Lawsuits over debt recovery are also placed on hold. The proposal and the accompanying trustee’s report will provide details on your personal finances and will include an explanation of how your debts became such a problem that it has led to a need to reorganize the debt structure. Your creditors will have up to 45 days to decide to accept the offer or not. If one or more of your creditors is owed more than a fourth of the total debt, they have the right to request a meeting with you and the trustee. This request for a meeting must be done in the same 45 day time limit.

If you are in a situation where you are overwhelmed by debt with no hope of paying it back under the current circumstances, there is not much of a downside to pursuing a consumer proposal. The worst thing that can happen is that creditors do not agree to the proposal, and in this situation, bankruptcy is still an option. If it does work then you save yourself the grief of having a bankruptcy on your credit history.

If you wish to compare this information about consumer proposlas to a bankruptcy, start by reviewing our bankruptcy faqs. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as soon as possible regarding your debt problems, to find out more about consumer proposals and Starting Over, Starting Now you’ll be on your way to living a debt free life.

Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy, bankruptcy and insolvency act, credit history, credit rating, credit report, financial advice, insolvency, rebuilding credit, restructuring, student debt, toronto bankruptcy, trustee, vaughan bankruptcy, what is a consumer proposal, what is bankruptcy,woodbridge bankruptcyPeople mean well and many can’t resist giving advice, but when it comes to financial matters ONLY take financial advice from a qualified professional. Here are some classic examples of financial advice that you should never follow.

  • Don’t declare bankruptcy because it will ruin your credit rating. While it’s true that bankruptcy remains on your credit report for quite a while, if you aren’t paying your credit cards and other loans on time, your credit rating is probably already shot. With an insolvency process, we can provide you with easy ways to start rebuilding your credit fast. Without such a process, you will never get out from under your debt and won’t be able to rebuild your credit rating.
  • Credit cards will get you into trouble. Credit cards won’t get you into trouble if you charge only what you can afford to pay off. In fact, credit cards can help you to establish a credit history which future lenders will use when you want to take out a loan or a mortgage. Without a credit history you may find it very difficult to borrow money.
  • A house is always a great investment. Houses are not immune from market fluctuations. The prices of real estate are tied to changing demographics, interest rate spikes and the economy. There is no guarantee that your house will have increased in value at the point in time when you need to sell. Depending on the state of the real estate market when you purchase a home, there is always a possibility that your home may not increase in value and may even decrease in value from time to time, so don’t purchase the house because you need the increased value to be liquid on a specific date.
  • You can live for free if you buy an investment property and rent it out. Television shows on the Home & Garden channel have gone to perpetuate this bad advice. It’s not as easy as it seems on a one hour TV show and it’s a difficult and potentially financially hazardous route to take. Renovations almost always go over budget, so count on spending more than you planned on. Not every tenant is a jewel. Some are extremely difficult and can cost you a lot of time and money. Once you become a landlord you will have to manage your property. You just don’t find a tenant and expect that the property will manage itself. Expect to be called whenever something is not perfect and your tenant will expect immediate action. Be prepared for unexpected expenses.
  • Asking all your friends where can I get a loan with bad credit in Toronto. The lenders that would lend money to someone with debt problems and bad credit already charge extremely high upfront fees, very high interest rates and usually, you will never be able to pay off the loan and perhaps you will even fall behind on interest payments. The collection efforts of these types of lenders are not subtle or pleasant.
  • Student debt is good debt. Debt is debt, and borrowing more than you can repay is never a good idea. The Canadian Federation of Students estimates that average student debt is almost $28,000. According to the Canada Student Loan Program, most students take 10 years to pay off their loans. Does this sound like a good idea? We are certainly not advocating that students don’t pursue post secondary education, but keep the debt to a minimum by going to a more affordable college or university. Work part time during the school terms and full time during vacations.

When you need financial advice seek out a professional. Taking bad advice can be costly. If you are experiencing serious debt issues contact a trustee for advice. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is a full service insolvency and financial restructuring practice serving companies and individuals throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. We will give you sound financial advice that you can count on.

Brandon Blog Post


canadian credit score calculator, credit score, credit scores, credit score mistakes, credit report, credit problems, credit history, bad credit, bankruptcy and insolvency act, bankruptcy alternatives, bankruptcy, consumer proposals, credit counselling, toronto bankruptcy, vaughan bankruptcy, trustee, woodbridge bankruptcy, what is bankruptcy, what is a consumer proposal, dave johnsonLast week we discussed how Your Credit Score Can Be Ruined Even If You Don’t Do Anything Wrong. This week we’ll be addressing The 10 Most Common Credit Score Mistakes.

What is a Credit Score? According to the Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA) “Your credit score is a judgment about your financial health, at a specific time. It indicates the risk you represent for lenders, compared with other consumers. Unfortunately, there is not an online Canadian credit score calculator tool.

There are many ways to work out credit scores. The credit reporting agencies Equifax and TransUnion use a scale from 300 to 900. High scores on this scale are good. The higher your score, the lower the risk for the lender. Lenders may also have their own ways of arriving at credit scores. In addition, lenders must decide on the lowest score you can have and still borrow money from them. They can also use your score to set the interest rate you will pay”.

What are the 10 Most Common Credit Score Mistakes?

1. Failing to check your credit report for errors: As we discussed in last week’s blog Your Credit Score Can Be Ruined Even If You Don’t Do Anything Wrong. Check your credit report at least annually. Mistakes on credit reports are more common than you may have imagined and you need to stay on top of the situation. If you do discover any errors, contact the credit bureau as soon as possible to correct the situation.

2. Not using your full legal name in financial documents: It’s possible that people with common names or similar sounding names could have their name attributed to a credit report that is not theirs, as was the case for Mr. Dave Johnson of Pembroke, Ontario. Use your full legal name on bank accounts, credit applications and other documents that become part of your credit history.

3. Paying your bills late and failing to make at least the minimum monthly payment: If you don’t pay at least the minimum amount due on time your creditors will eventually report your account as past due, which can damage your credit score. If there is a reason why you won’t be able to pay your bill on time, contact your creditor before your bill is due to work out an arrangement if possible.

4. Maxing out on your credit cards: If your credit cards are maxed out, potential creditors may question your ability to repay. If you are approved for a loan you may be charged a higher interest rate to compensate for what is viewed as a higher risk.

5. Not alerting creditors if you’ve moved: Your bill may arrive late and as a result your payments could be late, potentially damaging your credit score.

6. Registering for too many new credit cards: Consumers who often open new credit cards are viewed as a greater risk than those who don’t.

7. Closing older credit card accounts: Closing older credit card accounts shortens the length of your credit history and this can adversely affect your credit score.

8. Don’t co-sign for someone else’s loan: You could be liable for that person’s debt and damage your credit rating.

9. Don’t share your credit card or social insurance number with anyone: There are a lot of scams abound where people try by phone, email or mail to get your credit card or social insurance number. This can be a fast track to identity theft and financial disaster.

10. Ignoring the warning signs of credit problems: If you have trouble making the minimum payments on time and have maxed out all of your credit, you have serious debt problems.

Serious debt problems need professional help. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. and take the first step towards a healthy financial future. Starting Over, Starting Now a debt free life can be yours.

Call a Trustee Now!