Brandon Blog Post


Our mission includes helping you know how to increase credit score with our free online course

The objective of this Brandon’s Blog is to furnish readers with comprehensive insights on improving their credit rating, alongside introducing them to our complimentary no-cost e-learning module, “How to Increase Credit Score: How To Improve Your Canadian Credit Score”. This user-friendly course provides a definitive guide on increasing your credit score, thereby paving the way for better financial prospects. The brief video above describes the course and how you can access it.

This Brandon’s Blog provides highlights common problems faced by those with low credit scores, including being declined for credit or having to pay high-interest rates. I also provide valuable tips on how to increase credit score. The focus is primarily on the significance of maintaining a good credit score in order to get approval for reasonably priced loans, mortgages, or credit cards.

Explanation of maxed-out credit: Know how to increase credit score

Maxed-out credit happens when an individual has reached their credit limit and is unable to borrow any more and make further purchases. It results in high-interest rates, missed payments, and damaged credit scores. However, there are effective ways to increase your credit score and eliminate debt. This Brandon’s Blog, combined with our free e-learning course, delivers easy-to-understand strategies and expert counsel to equip consumers with everything they need to know to improve their credit scores to unlock better financial prospects.

Through the knowledge I am sharing, individuals can successfully navigate the complex world of credit ratings and experience marked improvements in their daily lives. By embracing sound fiscal practices, one can effectively manage their money, avoid bankruptcies or consumer proposals, and ultimately earn a more favourable financial life. So take control of your financial situation today and with our help, begin your journey towards a more stable and prosperous financial future with our “How to Increase Credit Score: How To Improve Your Canadian Credit Score”.

how to increase credit score
how to increase credit score

Importance of improving credit score: Know how to increase credit score

In today’s world, a good credit score functions as the cornerstone for getting financial freedom. For people that have grappled with debt, insolvency, bankruptcy or consumer proposals, improving their credit rating may look like an overwhelming obstacle. Yet, with the specific devices and insights we are supplying to you, any person will be able to take control of their very own financial life heading in the direction of a brighter tomorrow.

This is exactly why we have created “How to Increase Credit Score: How To Improve Your Canadian Credit Score“. Our recommendations and our tried-and-tested techniques will move you toward a better credit score, eventually unlocking excellent loan and mortgage opportunities from Canadian lenders, and enabling you to accomplish your financial goals. Take control of your future and bid farewell to higher interest rates and declined credit applications by going through our “How to Increase Credit Score: How To Improve Your Canadian Credit Score” today.

Description of what a credit score is, how it is determined and then how to increase credit score

A person’s credit worthiness is represented by a numerical score known as the credit score. This score is derived from various financial information such as payment history, credit utilization rates, length of credit history, types of credit used, and new credit inquiries.

Credit scores range from 300 to 900, where a higher score is indicative of better credit history and financial stability. The credit report, maintained by Canada’s two credit reporting agencies, Equifax Canada and TransUnion Canada (Equifax/TransUnion), is the source of credit ratings and it is what the Canadian banks will look at.

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how to increase credit score

Importance of knowing your credit score and how to increase credit score

Maintaining a good credit score is a key factor in today’s financial landscape, irrespective of whether you are a student, a young professional, a business owner or are retired. Knowing your credit score is important so that you can stay informed on what others think of your creditworthiness and financial standing. Sometimes adverse information may find its way into your credit report as an error. By knowing what your credit report says, you will be able to prove any errors that should be eliminated which produces a lower credit score than what you are entitled to. It is important to have any errors fixed to avoid any negative impact on any assessment of your creditworthiness.

A low credit score can lead to being denied for credit, higher interest rates, and unfavourable loan terms from Canadian lenders. It is essential to maintain a high credit score as it paves the way for obtaining the best possible deals on loans and credit card products from financial institutions at the most favourable rates. Therefore, it is crucial to keep a tab on the various financial factors that contribute to your credit score to ensure a sound financial standing.

That is why we developed our complimentary no-cost e-learning module, “How to Increase Credit Score: How To Improve Your Canadian Credit Score”. To teach you how to improve your credit score.

Knowing how to obtain your free credit report is the 1st step in how to increase credit score

Maintaining vigilance over your credit report is a prudent method for verifying the precision of your credit history and score, both of which serve as significant benchmarks of your monetary stability. Fortunately, procuring a complimentary credit report has become effortless. It is your lawful right to receive an annual free credit report from each of the two Canadian credit bureaus.

Submit a formal request for your credit report via their digital portal or through the Canadian postal service. When you get it, meticulously examine it to identify any inconsistencies or inaccuracies that may be impeding your creditworthiness.

If you find yourself struggling with debt, don’t despair. Our complimentary e-learning module, “How to Increase Credit Score: How To Improve Your Canadian Credit Score” can provide you with valuable insights and practical strategies to enhance your credit score and overcome financial setbacks. You can trust us to help you take control of your financial future today.

how to increase credit score
how to increase credit score

Common credit score issues that create lower credit scores: How to increase credit score

A low credit score can present significant obstacles, particularly when making significant purchases on credit or seeking loans. Although there are many parts contributing to an individual’s credit score, certain concerns are regularly associated with reduced scores.

A number of widespread credit score difficulties can bring about lower scores, such as:

  • Late payments: Not making your payments on time will have a major negative impact on your credit score, whether we are talking about credit cards, loans or lines of credit. Late payments reflect badly on your credit report and can significantly affect your overall score. Paying your debts on time, and not just your minimum payment, has a positive impact on your credit rating.
  • High credit utilization: A higher credit utilization rate will adversely impact your credit score. Financial institutions prioritize borrowers who exhibit responsible credit management practices; hence, maintaining a low credit utilization ratio (usually below 30%) is fundamental.
  • Errors on your credit bureau report: As already stated, inaccuracies on a credit report, ranging from erroneous personal details to accounts that are not legitimately attributable, can harm your credit rating. To safeguard against such potential pitfalls, it is imperative to maintain an annual review of your credit report and promptly challenge, with evidence, any inaccuracies that may be encountered.
  • Defaulting on a loan: Be it a mortgage or an automobile loan, defaulting will lead to a deterioration in your creditworthiness. Therefore, you have to make sure when you are approved for a loan that you can afford the monthly payments and meet all other repayment terms. This is of prime importance.
  • Applying for too much credit: Requesting too much credit can have negative effects on your credit rating. Potential lenders, and especially credit card companies, may interpret this as a sign of your nervousness over your financial hardship and a greater chance of you eventually defaulting on the loan. As such, you should exercise moderation when applying for credit. Moderation and realism is the key to maintaining a healthy credit profile.
  • Accounts in collection: Having accounts in collection leads to a decrease in your credit score. This is because you have now shown that you cannot handle credit responsibly. It is imperative that you promptly settle any outstanding amounts and work with the creditor or its appointed collection agency to eliminate that account from your credit report. If you don’t, there will be a negative impact on your creditworthiness.
  • “Hard credit check” versus “soft credit checks”: See the next section for this discussion.

By steering clear of these typical credit score complications, you can keep a good credit score and heighten the probability of obtaining credit approval in the foreseeable future.

“Hard hits” versus “soft hits”: Know how to increase credit score

The first issue is having too many hard inquiries on your credit report. These hard inquiries occur when lenders pull your credit report and do a credit score check as the first step in determining if you’re going to be approved for a loan or other credit product you applied for.

What are hard inquiries on your credit report?

When seeking new credit such as a loan, credit card or mortgage, hard inquiries are initiated on your credit report. A hard inquiry is a request for a copy of your credit report and it remains on your credit report for two years. However, it only affects your credit score for one year.

What are soft inquiries on your credit report?

A soft inquiry is an informational check of your credit that does not impact your credit score. Soft inquiries appear when you or an authorized user view your own credit report, or when a business checks your credit for pre-approved offers or account reviews.

Soft inquiries are also known as “soft pulls” because they do not impact your score, unlike hard inquiries which do.

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how to increase credit score

13 tips on how to address these issues and how to increase credit score in Canada

We understand that managing finances can be challenging, especially when you are maxed out on your credit and can’t repay the debt. You may be feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next, but don’t worry, we are here to help.

Developing sound credit practices is the cornerstone of financial literacy. Learning and regularly practicing such practices is crucial as it will improve your financial outlook. By timely payment of bills, responsible use of credit cards, and staying on top of what is in your credit report, you can improve your credit score and secure a path to financial triumph.

This, in turn, can enable you to establish a robust credit history, thereby qualifying you for lower interest rates on all credit products. Sticking with the sound tips indicated below, it will grant you access to more advantageous lending options that may not be easily available to the masses.

Developing sound credit practices means unfailing commitment, meticulous planning, and unwavering attention to detail. However, you will reap the benefits because these tips and activities will help you achieve your long-term financial goals and establish a solid foundation for your and your family’s financial future.

Here are our 13 tips on how to address these issues and how to increase credit score in Canada:

  1. Assessing your debt situation

    You have to start by truthfully analyzing your whole financial status to successfully manage your financial debt. This involves meticulously gathering all the information from charge card statements, and loan agreements, and identifying all other outstanding debts to calculate the total amount owed, the individual interest rates you are being charged by product, and all your monthly payments. Only by doing so, can you after that begin to create a realistic plan to pay off your financial debts in a timely and efficient way.

  2. Creating a budget plan

    Now that you have collected all of your debt information, it’s time to develop a household budget that includes all incomes as well as expenses. Ensure you include all of your fixed expenditures like rent or mortgage payments, utilities and vehicle loan payments. Then you need to list all of your variable costs like food and entertainment.

    Once you have a clear idea of your expenditures, compute your income on a monthly basis and subtract your expenses from it. This will show you where you need to cut down on expenses and/or take on a side gig to raise your income.

    Keep in mind that you cannot be spending more than you earn in any month. Ideally, you want to spend less each month than your monthly income, so that you can then have money to dedicate to paying down your debts and building up an emergency savings fund.

    Incidentally, do not neglect to include the income tax you need to pay on your income, broken down into a regular monthly cost. Include that amount as a monthly expense also.

  3. Contacting your creditors

    It’s crucial to reach out to your creditors promptly if you’re having trouble keeping up with your debt payments. You might find that they’re receptive to collaborating with you on a customized repayment scheme that meets your financial capabilities. By disregarding your debts, you’ll only exacerbate the problem, which could lead to late charges, sanctions, and a negative impact on your credit report.

    Please keep in mind that unless you have first done the two steps listed above, you will not have a good understanding of what kind of accommodation you need to ask each creditor for. If you go in well-prepared knowing all of your numbers, you will significantly increase your chances of success in these negotiations.

  4. Explore debt consolidation

    If you’re dealing with numerous debts, you could want to take into consideration debt loan consolidation. It’s a viable option where you can secure a single loan at a lower rate of interest than the weighted average interest rate from every one of your debts that you’re currently paying.

    You then use the funds from this new loan to fully pay off or otherwise settle all your other debts. As a result, you will then only have one debt to concentrate on, with a reduced month-to-month repayment. This will certainly assist you handle your debts successfully and reduce the amount of interest you’re paying. This also saves you cash that you can then put toward building up your emergency fund and savings.

  5. Reduce credit utilization

    Decreasing credit utilization is an essential part of increasing your credit score. Firstly, take stock of your existing credit usage, and attempt to pay off the balances on the highest-interest accounts first. Think about settling your debts with a debt consolidation loan or a zero-percent balance transfer credit card. You can enjoy a healthy financial future by reducing your credit card balances and limiting how many times you apply for credit within a year. Enhance your credit score by lowering your credit utilization ratio.

  6. Pay your bills on time

    Always paying your bills on time is key to maintaining your credit rating in good shape. A constant history of timely repayments will help you build a higher credit score and which improves the look of your credit report. It is critical to keep your bills paid on time to show a positive payment history and not have a damaging influence on your credit history.

  7. Use Your Credit Responsibly

    Avoid maxing out your charge cards and try to keep your credit utilization rate low as previously stated. It will help you keep a great credit rating or improve your existing one by showing lenders that you are a responsible borrower.

  8. Monitor Your Credit Report

    Maintaining an accurate credit report and safeguarding against identity theft are critical financial practices. You are legally entitled to get from the Canadian credit reporting bureaus a complimentary copy of your credit report annually.

    Thoroughly review it so that you can detect any fraudulent activities or errors that could result in severe damage to your credit rating. Hopefully, there are not, but you must remain alert and well-informed about your credit standing to ensure your financial well-being.

  9. Limit New Credit Applications

    It is important for you to remember that each credit application you make reduces your credit score. Therefore, you must be cautious and limit the number of credit applications you make. You should only try to get new credit when it is absolutely needed. This advice also goes for applying for a credit limit increase of an existing credit product.

  10. Developing a Strong Credit Profile

    Having no or very little credit history can pose a huge problem when you make a credit application. Your credit file does not have enough information in it to show that you can handle credit responsibly. It is recommended to begin developing a positive credit history early on in your adult life. You should consider alternatives such as getting a secured credit card account or a 1-year term personal loan that requires you to make regular monthly payments. If you make your payments on time, you will begin establishing an excellent credit track record which brings about a good credit score.

    A word of caution. As you are just starting out, make sure that you only set reasonable loan or credit card limits so that you can afford the monthly payments to repay what you owe on the credit accounts during the period of time allowed by the lender.

  11. Explore professional credit counselling

    Individuals grappling with financial challenges may find it advantageous to seek the expertise of a seasoned credit counsellor. This prudent move can afford them a series of invaluable benefits, all of which serve to bolster their financial literacy and improve their overall monetary management. Prominent advantages of credit counselling include, but are not limited to:

    • Enhanced Debt Management: Credit counselling can help individuals struggling with debt to manage their finances better. The counsellors can offer valuable advice on debt repayment strategies, budgeting, and managing the debt load effectively.
    • Financial literacy: The acquisition of financial knowledge is essential for individuals to navigate the complexities of financial management with success. To this end, credit counsellors offer an imperative service by imparting essential financial education that equips individuals with the necessary skills to cultivate sound financial habits, make informed financial decisions, and preemptively avoid potential financial obstacles.
    • Improved credit score: Credit counselling services can provide individuals with the valuable expertise necessary to improve their credit scores. People who go through credit counselling obtain the tools necessary to practice the habit of responsible financial management which over time improves their credit scores.
    • Emotional Support: The credit counsellor can help people through the rough patches of anxiety and worry about their financial situation until they start feeling better about themselves and their improving financial situation.
  12. Speak to a licensed insolvency trustee

    There are benefits to having a no-cost consultation with a Canadian licensed insolvency trustee if you are facing financial difficulty. Here are a few:

    Overall, speaking with a Canadian licensed insolvency trustee can help you take control of your finances and achieve a fresh start.

  13. Watch the video at the top of this Brandon’s Blog

You will find out how to access our no-cost e-learning module, “How to Increase Credit Score: How To Improve Your Canadian Credit Score”.

Conclusion: How to increase credit score

Managing your debts can be challenging, but with the right plan in place, it’s possible to get back on track. Remember to assess your debt situation, create a budget plan, contact your creditors, explore debt consolidation, and consider bankruptcy only as a last resort option. With these steps, you can take control of your finances and work towards a debt-free future. Having a maxed-out credit can be stressful and overwhelming. However, it is also an opportunity to take control of your finances and work towards improving your credit score.

With our complimentary no-cost e-learning module, “How to Increase Credit Score: How To Improve Your Canadian Credit Score”, you can learn practical strategies and expert advice on how to boost your credit score and secure better financial opportunities. By following our simple steps, you can finally put an end to being denied credit or paying high-interest rates. With dedication and perseverance, you can unlock financial freedom and achieve your goals. So, don’t wait any longer; start your journey towards a healthier credit score today and join countless individuals who have already benefited from our guide.

I hope you enjoyed this how to increase credit score Brandon’s Blog.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing people, entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. Are you now worried about just how you or your business are going to survive? Are you worried about what your fiduciary obligations are and not sure if the decisions you are about to make are the correct ones to avoid personal liability? Those concerns are obviously on your mind. Coming out of the pandemic, we are also now worried about the economic effects of inflation and a potential recession.

The Ira Smith Team understands these concerns. More significantly, we know the requirements of the business owner or the individual that has way too much financial debt. You are trying to manage these difficult financial problems and you are understandably anxious.

It is not your fault you can’t fix this problem on your own. The pandemic has thrown everyone a curveball. We have not been trained to deal with this. You have only been taught the old ways. The old ways do not work anymore. The Ira Smith Team makes use of new contemporary ways to get you out of your debt problems while avoiding bankruptcy proceedings. We can get you debt relief now.

We have helped many entrepreneurs and their insolvent companies who thought that consulting with a trustee and receiver meant their company would go bankrupt. On the contrary. We helped turn their companies around through financial restructuring.

We look at your whole circumstance and design a strategy that is as distinct as you are. We take the load off of your shoulders as part of the debt settlement strategy we will draft just for you.

The Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. team understands that people facing money problems require a lifeline. That is why we can establish a restructuring procedure for you and end the discomfort you feel.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation. We will listen to the unique issues facing you and provide you with practical and actionable ideas you can implement right away to end the pain points in your life, Starting Over, Starting Now.


how to increase credit score
how to increase credit score
Brandon Blog Post


What is a credit reporting body?

A credit reporting body is also known as a credit bureau or credit reporting agency. It collects, saves, makes use of and reveals personal credit scores about individual consumers. The bureau refines these details to report on the credit rating or creditworthiness of a person. Businesses considering extending credit to people subscribe to and make use of such a credit reporting body.

One thing the bureaus do is report a listing and condition of your debts. More on this below. People with financial problems who come to see me many times are confused as to how a credit reporting agency operates. Many times people are confused between the credit reporting agency’s reporting of debts where the creditor can no longer sue. The reason they can’t sue is because of the statute of limitations in Ontario (again, more on this below). Yet, the debt is still listed by the credit bureau.

I recently came across an Ontario court decision, that describes perfectly why debts can still be listed on your credit report, even though the creditor has run out of time to sue you.

What are the major credit reporting agencies in Canada?

In Canada, there are 2 such reporting companies for consumers: Equifax and TransUnion. For companies, one of the most prominent credit reporting company is Dun & Bradstreet Canada.

How do I get a free copy of my credit file?

You are able to get your complimentary credit report once every 12 months from each of the two nationwide rating companies. If you need a current report more often than that, you can pay TransUnion or Equifax to get it. You can get your credit report by phone, fax, online or in person. Each credit bureau provides instructions on how to do it.

There are also two online services that will provide you with your credit score and report for free. They are Borrowell and Credit Karma Canada.

The Court case

This court case was somewhat unique in that it was a small claims court case. The 10-page decision clearly shows that a statute of limitations will not erase the debt. The case is Harvey v Capital One Bank, 2019 CanLII 69716 (ON SCSM).

Mr. Harvey sought $25,000.00 against Capital One Bank for purportedly posting to the credit reporting body firms, defamatory details impacting his professional reputation. Mr. Harvey admits he owed money to Capital One however asserts the debt can no longer be pursued, as it is beyond the 2 year limitation period for enforcement according to the Ontario Limitations Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 24, Sched. B. Capital One Bank confessed it reported the debt but was fully justified in doing so according to the Consumer Reporting Act, RSO 1990, c. C.33.

The agreed statement of facts

Mr. Harvey and Capital One Bank submitted an Agreed Statement of Facts:

  1. Mr. Harvey had two Capital One Bank accounts. The account concerned was opened up on or about March 5, 2009. The second account was opened on or around June 2018.
  2. Mr. Harvey was contacted by collection firms acting on behalf of Capital One from 2015 to 2018 in an attempt to collect the debt.
  3. Capital One provided disclosure regarding the terms of the account when Mr. Harvey was originally authorized. He received duplicates of the account statements created, which were accurate, consisting of the balance owing, repayments, interest and fees or charges. All rates of interest and various other fees were correctly applied.
  4. Mr. Harvey was advised many times that his failure to pay the outstanding balance would be reported to the credit reporting body companies and it can adversely affect his credit rating.
  5. Mr. Harvey paid $200.00 on the account in question on October 27, 2014. He failed to make the minimum payment due on December 4, 2014. He as well failed to make any type of subsequent repayment, other than for a $200.00 payment around August 20, 2018.
  6. When Capital One charged off Mr. Harvey’s very first account on June 2015, the balance owing was $841.78.
  7. All details about the Capital One debt in the credit reports generated by Mr. Harvey were accurate and true, with the exception of one amount of $1,449.00 for a different Capital One account which Mr. Harvey would not admit to. In his testimony, he deposed that he has no particular memory of the components of that account or any understanding of the accuracy of the information.
  8. Other non-Capital One credit accounts referenced in Mr. Harvey’s credit record included unfavourable credit history reports. Some of his other non-Capital One credit rating accounts had actually been charged off and sent to a debt collector.
  9. Mr. Harvey acquired a brand-new Canadian Tire Bank MasterCard around January 2019 with a $300.00 credit line, a brand-new FIDO cell phone account around September 2019, a brand-new credit line for a car loan of $22,465.00 around September 2019 and also a new Capital One MasterCard with a credit line of $300.00 around June 2018.

Capital One Bank’s evidence

Capital One’s evidence was straight forward. Credit cards revolve and are reported to the credit reporting body companies on a regular monthly basis. There is a standard conventional rating system used by all financial institutions when reporting to the reporting agencies:

Rating scoreMeaning
R1Indicates settlement on time or 1 to 30 days delinquent.
R231 to 60 days delinquent
R361 to 90 days overdue
R4120 days overdue
R5121 to 150 days overdue
R6Does not exist
R7Used only for credit counselling and bankruptcy
R9Account has been charged off

Mr. Harvey’s Capital One debt was reported to the credit bureaus in conformity with the legislation. By April 9, 2015, the account, 5 months overdue, was completely limited, meaning it cannot be re-opened to make purchases. An R5 score was reported to the credit reporting body companies. By May 9, 2015, it was 6 months overdue. R5 was reported once again.

Once it is 180 days past due, the account is charged off and also an R9 rating is reported. When an account is charged off, it is still reported to the credit reporting agencies and remains an R9 score. After the account was charged off, Capital One engaged various collection companies as normal to attempt to collect the debt.

As the account remains overdue, Capital One continues to report to the credit bureaus up until reporting becomes statute-barred after seven years, based upon the date of the very first payment missed. That was December 4, 2014.

This 7-year reporting period is based on legislative provisions for credit report coverage. After seven years, Capital One makes one final entry in the record which erases the entire line from the credit bureau history. The credit reporting body companies have a similar procedure so they will remove this information also.

The Court’s analysis

The Court’s analysis was simple. It rejected all of the plaintiff’s submissions. The Court stated that the plaintiff never even produced any evidence in support of his claim that he has suffered damages through a loss of reputation.

The Court correctly analyzed the situation. The Deputy Judge found that by Mr. Harvey’s own admission the debt was never paid and stays outstanding. Capital One is not insisting on a claim to title; it is asserting its right to report an unpaid debt throughout the 7-year reporting period under the Ontario Consumer Reporting Act. The Ontario Limitations Act and Consumer Reporting Act serve completely different legislative purposes. They are also not in conflict.

The Court sided with Capital One’s position that the case relied upon by Mr. Harvey entails an argument concerning a right vs. a remedy. In Ontario, the limitation period acts to limit the remedy to sue but not the right to be repaid.

The Court’s decision

Capital One Bank lost the right to sue Mr. Harvey after the 2-year period expired. However, on a mutually exclusive basis, it had the right to report the outstanding amount owing for a 7-year period under different provincial legislation.

The Court further stated that the ramifications to companies extending credit to others might be harmed if such information was inaccessible, merely because the creditor did not commence legal proceedings for repayment of the debt prior to the 2-year limitation period. A person’s failure or refusal to pay their debts is vital details for other creditors, to whom that very same borrower has looked to for more credit.

The Court, therefore, found in favour of Capital One Bank and awarded costs against Mr. Harvey.


This case perfectly answers the question many people ask me when they come for their free consultation. The question is either: (1) Why is this debt still showing up on my credit report because it is too late for the credit card company to sue me?; or (2) Does the statute of limitations erase my debt? As seen in Mr. Harvey’s case, the limitation period and the reporting period are two different and separate issues.

Do you have way too much debt? Prior to you getting to the phase where you can’t make ends meet and your credit report looks awful, reach out to a licensed insolvency trustee (previously called a bankruptcy trustee). In fact, if you understand that you can’t pay your financial debts, contact us.

We understand the pain and stress excessive financial debt can trigger. We can aid you to get rid of that discomfort as well as address your financial problems offering prompt action and the ideal plan.

Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. Make an appointment with one of the Ira Smith Team for a free, no-obligation consultation and you can be on your way to enjoying a carefree retirement Starting Over, Starting Now. Give us a call today so that we can help you get back to stress and pain-free life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

credit reporting body

Brandon Blog Post


Rebuilding credit Canada: Introduction

After fully completing a consumer proposal or receiving a discharge from bankruptcy, it is important to start immediately rebuilding credit Canada. The purpose of this Brandon’s Blog is to provide you with our foolproof and painless 3 step plan to eliminate those negative credit checks and fix your credit trouble by rebuilding credit Canada.

Rebuilding credit Canada: Step 1 – Create good habits with a plan for discipline and self-control

After your discharge from bankruptcy or the full completion of a consumer proposal, you must create good habits of discipline and self-control. You won’t have any credit accounts and your goal is to show the credit bureaus that you can use credit responsibly and work your way back from bad credit score.

To do that, you need good new financial habits. You need to start creating a good payment history. A lack of these habits might have been partly responsible for your current situation, so working on changing bad habits, and creating new ones will lay the groundwork for a successful financial future.

Research has shown that on average, it takes more than 2 months before a new behaviour becomes automatic – 66 days in fact. So, while at the beginning, having to be disciplined and exert self-control over spending money mistakes might seem like hard work, stick with it for a couple of months, and very soon it will just become part of your daily routine.

Learn discipline through budgeting. You may be able to find a pretty good yet simple budget calculator spreadsheet. Aside from rebuilding your credit, learning how to create a realistic budget by looking at your essential expenses compared to your current level of everyday purchases. This will allow you to get a good handle on what your income requirements are and then sticking to it is the most important step of rebuilding credit Canada after bankruptcy or consumer proposal.

You’ll be looking closely at your money and personal income anyway, so use this time to get a real grasp on your entire financial situation. Take a look at credit cards and related statements. By only making the minimum monthly payment you are being charged interest. Look carefully at what the rate on purchases is that you are really paying.

Understand where your money comes from, and, more importantly, where you spend every penny. You’re going to need to make friends with spreadsheets and familiarize yourself with all your bank and bill statements. Create categories of all your expenses (e.g. rent, electrical bills, car insurance, groceries etc.) Using your past bank statements, look at your current spending plan in each category. You’ll probably be surprised at how much money you spend in some!

Set limits for how much you will spend per month in each category. This will likely mean making some sacrifices to ensure your budget balances (the total amount being spent does not exceed the total amount coming in). However, be realistic – don’t tell yourself you’re going to stop doing things you enjoy together. Instead, cut down on how often you do them. E.g. the budget spending plan for a meal out could be once a month rather than a couple of times a week.

Get in the habit of planning and recording every single expense, no matter how small. Keep receipts and go over where your money has gone every month. Plan rewards for different milestones along the way. It’s important to have things to look forward to and motivate you along the way.

Budgeting takes discipline and sacrifice but stays focused on the goal. You’re doing this to ensure you don’t fall back into the same bad habits as before. You are going to have to change some things – and what better time than while you’re starting over? You’re already doing the work, now the trick is to make this disciplined.

Practice self-control in your spending (and saving!) The golden rule of spending? Learn to live within your means – it sounds simple, but it can very hard to do. However, those who live within their means do not get into trouble with debt, and that’s what you’re working towards for the future! You’ve created a budget, you know exactly what you can spend in each category, now you need to execute on that. By following your

While in bankruptcy or a consumer proposal, any excess money you earn is going to go to your debtors. That may make it seem impossible to save. However, saving money should always be in your plan.

As soon as you are discharged from bankruptcy or your consumer proposal, start saving money every month. Work a specific amount (we recommend 10%) into your budget so that you learn to live within that new budget spending plan. Setting up automatic payments and transfers into your savings account on payday will ensure your money goes where it needs to before you even have time to think about spending it.

So where should this money go? First, establish an emergency fund so that you can avoid facing bankruptcy again in the future. A good emergency fund should cover at least 3 months of living expenses. Once your emergency fund is built, continue to save by contributing to your RRSP or TFSA as much as you possibly can while still meeting your month-to-month expenses.

Forming good habits of discipline and self-control is key to your permanent financial rehabilitation. Once you do so, you’ll find that building your credit will be relatively easy!

Rebuilding credit Canada: Step 2 – Work to rebuild your credit after bankruptcy or consumer proposal

It is true that a record of your insolvency filing will stay on credit reports. This is so for both a consumer proposal (3 years!) or a bankruptcy (7!). However, you can actually start rebuilding credit Canada right away.

There’s an old saying that goes “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.” We recommend that you don’t wait 20 years, or even 3.

Here’s what you need to know to start building credit and improving your credit reports today:

Secured Credit Card – A secured credit card looks and functions just like a regular unsecured credit card, with your lender reporting to the credit bureaus on a regular basis. The only difference is that you put up an initial deposit as a security deposit in the form of cash. The minimum deposit or the maximum deposit you can afford to make acts as collateral upfront makes it a secured credit card. The amount of cash you put up as a deposit dictates your credit limits.

rebuilding credit canada
rebuilding credit canada

This protects the lender from the possibility of you defaulting on what you owe because your security fund will be used to cover any outstanding amounts. When you use this type of card, as far as the vendor is concerned, it acts just like an unsecured credit card. Every month when you pay off the balance by making your payments on time, it is reported to the credit bureaus. Then each credit bureau can update their records showing you are paying it off on time. That is how it can rebuild credit Canada.

A Secured Line of Credit – Much like a secured card, a secured line of credit is a revolving credit that is secured by the money or other security, you offer up in the beginning. As you use your line of credit and you make your payments on time, you will establish a picture of good money reminders habits which will both boost your credit score. These lines of credit are available through most banks. Again, creditworthiness and collateral, if required, set the credit limits.

Create Your Own Credit Building ProgramsCredit building programs are one of the most effective methods for rebuilding credit after bankruptcy or consumer proposal. Programs like borrowing a small amount to invest in your RRSP. Then repay the loan in full before the next RRSP year.

This is beneficial in 3 ways: You don’t have to come up with the funds, you are investing in your future and by repaying the loan, you are showing you can handle credit properly which improves your credit score. This should also be combined with a secured card or line of credit, do double up on your credit score building program. Paying your bills on time also improves your credit score.

You want to follow your budget carefully. Avoiding late payments, making the full payment each month on your monthly credit card balance, not just the minimum payment, and don’t have a missed utility payment. Having timely payments and no late payments on your Canadian credit history, will take a poor credit score and start improving your credit rating by creating a new positive credit history.

An improved credit rating and improving credit reports will overturn the negative effects of your bad credit history, get your credit score ranges to improve, get you the credit score increase you deserve and catch the attention of the credit card company and improve your chances of access to credit products.

These new types of credit becoming available to you, and perhaps even existing credit card issuers giving you a credit limit increase, all go towards your rebuilding credit Canada. But you still need to stick to your spending plan. Just because you are getting access to credit again, does not mean you can abandon your proper budgeting. You don’t want to go back to the old habits that produced the poor credit history.

Whatever kind of credit loans you are looking to take out to help rebuild your credit, make sure you understand things properly. Read the credit applications carefully to see what you are really signing up for. If approved, read the credit agreement carefully so you will fully understand all the terms of the rebuilding credit Canada loan product.

As your credit reports improve, you will find new companies offering you new credit accounts and credit card providers either increasing your credit card limit or sending you applications for new credit cards lines. Again a word of caution. Don’t get carried away with all sort of credit products in your daily life. Keep it simple and stick to your budget. You really may only need one regular credit card from amongst the wide range of Canadian credit cards becoming available to you.

rebuilding credit canada
rebuilding credit canada

Rebuilding credit Canada: Step 3 – Maintain your spending plan good habits for the rest of your life

Rebuilding credit Canada is not a one-time event. Think of rebuilding your credit after bankruptcy like losing weight. In the beginning, dragging yourself to the gym and making kale smoothies is hard work. However, as you start to see the weight drop, it becomes easier and easier.

What happens when you reach your goal weight? Do you stop going to the gym and start eating pizza for breakfast? No! You just carry on as you are now – because it’s become a habit, and if you slip back into old habits, you’re quickly going to see all of your hard work come undone.

Regularly checking your full credit reports from both credit reporting agencies will help you see how your good habits are paying off. Kinda like weighing yourself to make sure you’re still where you want to be. If you start seeing negative results, take stock of what’s happening in your life that could be causing it and make changes to quickly get back on track. You want to keep seeing improvement in your credit reports.

Ultimately, whether you’re declaring bankruptcy or entering into a consumer proposal, it will be emotionally difficult. There is a light at the end of the tunnel though. Many people don’t realize that you can start building credit while going through both a bankruptcy or consumer proposal so that at the time of discharge, you’re already a few steps ahead. Follow these steps and you’ll find that rebuilding your credit after bankruptcy isn’t that difficult.

Rebuilding credit Canada: Do you know anyone who needs to get back on the road to financial recovery?

If you have too much debt, are unhappy with your debt situation and need someone to talk to about how a consumer proposal or even personal bankruptcy can fix your credit issues and improve your financial life, call the Ira Smith Team. We are professional credit counsellors and can help you learn good spending habits. Through consumer proposal payment arrangements you can make steady payments on prescribed payment dates. This will allow you to avoid bankruptcy by paying only a fraction of your total debt yet eliminate all of your debt. It will also get you credit repair.

We will listen to your issues and provide you with our thoughts and recommendations for free. That’s right; a no-cost initial consultation. We will look at your debt utilization and make recommendations to you on how to fix it. So why not? All you have to lose is your stress while rebuilding credit Canada. Why not fix things now so that your credit checks improve.

We will advise you whether or not we think you are a candidate for either a consumer proposal or bankruptcy. If we feel you can solve your financial problems without an insolvency process, we will tell you straight. The Ira Smith Team understands the stress you are under and the pain it is causing you and your loved ones.

We can eliminate your pain. I guarantee that you will start feeling better right away after our free initial consultation. Taking action after that will put you on the right path, Starting Over Starting Now

rebuilding credit canada

Brandon Blog Post


economic indicatorsEconomic indicators: Introduction

Statistics Canada in March reported that the country’s average household debt-to-income ratio hit a record-high 167.3%. Economic indicators like this drive the Canadian news cycle. It puts fear into the public but doesn’t seem to concern esteemed economists. Are these economic indicators painting an exact picture of the financial state of Canadians or creating unnecessary fear?

Economic indicators: What is the debt-to-income ratio?

Debt-to-income ratio provides a snapshot of what the average Canadian family owes, versus household income. Statistics Canada determines the total value of Canadian household debt and then divides this number by the total amount of disposable income. A debt-to-income ratio of 167.3% means that households owe $167 for each dollar they generate in disposable income. If you look at this economic indicator alone you can’t help but believe that Canadians are living way beyond their means. The conclusion reached is that Canadians are walking a financial tightrope.

Economic indicators: Does the debt-to-income ratio have any value as an economic indicator?

This is true for many Canadians. However, the reality is that debt-to-income ratio doesn’t paint an exact picture of the financial state of Canadians. Although it compares debt with disposable income, not all debt creation is equal. Debt can be long-term debt like a mortgage while other debt can be for a short-term. Therefore comparing disposable income with debt can’t be exact. Debt-to-income ratio doesn’t tell the story. It is only one small piece of detailed financial situations.

The debt-to-income ratio in Canada is definitely a concern. It is also increasing, confirms Carl Lamoureux, Senior Manager, Credit Risk at National Bank of Canada. “But sometimes the media focuses on controversial measurements, without looking at the asset side of the equation for a wider view of what is going on.”3bestaward

From an individual consumer perspective, calculations such as your Total Debt Servicing (TDS) ratio may be more beneficial. “When you are looking for a new loan, credit bureau information comes first and your debt-to-income ratio is only one of the things they look at,” explains Lamoureux. “Each part of a credit score provides insight into a predictability of something happening in the future, and your TDS is a solid indicator of your borrowing capacity.”

Benjamin Tal, deputy chief economist at CIBC World Markets Inc. has an even stronger opinion about debt-to-income ratio. “It’s probably the most useless economic indicator out there. You’re comparing two different things. That doesn’t make much sense. I’m not asking you to pay off your mortgage in one day or in one year.”

Are you concerned about the amount of debt that you’re carrying?

Although the debt-to-income ratio doesn’t tell the story, it is a stress indicator. What financial shape would you be in if:

  • you lost your job?
  • interest rates began to rise?
  • the hot housing market began to cool?

If any of these scenarios would spell financial disaster for you, now is the time to seek out the advice of a professional trustee. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. Our commitment to you is to bring value added solutions that fit your unique issues and circumstances. Clients appreciate our knowledge and our ingenuity, the value we deliver, and our speed in responding and taking action.

Make an appointment for a free, no obligation consultation today. You’ll be on your way to conquering debt Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


student loans, student loan, student loan debt, debt, collection agency, credit bureau, trustee, lines of credit, repayment assistance plan, RAP, Canada student loan repayment, starting over starting nowCanada student loan repayment is and will continue to be a large issue. Student loan debt can be an enormous burden. Between 2012 and 2013, more than 400,000 students borrowed money to help pay for more post secondary education. (The Canadian Federation of Students). Accumulated federal student loan debt in Canada is now more than $15-billion. That doesn’t include obligations on lines of credit, credit cards or provincial loan programs – a total estimated to be as much as $8-billion. (Globe & Mail). This amount of debt affects our entire economy. Unfortunately many students can’t pay back their loans causing Canada student loan repayment to be a huge issue for both recent graduates and our economy. After trying unsuccessfully to collect for more than six years, the government writes off the loans. In total, $540 million worth of student loans has been written off over the last three years. (Human Resources and Skills Development Canada).

What happens if you don’t make your student loan payments? Your student loan will not be erased until you have paid it in full. If you don’t make your loan payments, you will be in default. Your Canada student loan repayment obligation continues, notwithstanding the above-noted government loan reserve and write-off policy.

What happens if I’m in default on my student loans? If you are in default of your Canada student loan repayment obligations:

  • Your debt will be turned over to a collection agency.
  • You will be reported to a credit bureau.
  • You could be ineligible for further loans until the default is cleared.
  • It can affect your ability to get a car loan, mortgage or credit card.
  • Your income tax refund and HST rebate can be withheld.
  • Interest will continue to build up on the unpaid balance of your loan.

Will bankruptcy erase my student loans? Bankruptcy will not discharge your student loans until you’ve been out of school for seven years. There are cases when student loans have been discharged after five years, but the borrower has to prove before a court that they would undergo extreme hardship if required to wait seven years. So depending on how long it has been since you were last a full or part-time student for which you received a student loan, bankruptcy may not clear you of your Canada student loan repayment obligations.

What can I do if I can’t meet my Canada student loan repayment obligations? One of your options is the federal government’s program called the Repayment Assistance Plan (RAP). There are eligibility requirements and your loan must not be in default. If you qualify:

  • You can make affordable payments based on your gross family income and family size. Your loan payments would never exceed 20% of your gross family income.
  • Your monthly student loan payments will either be reduced, or you will not have to make any payments.
  • You have a maximum repayment period of 15 years (or 10 years for qualified borrowers with a permanent disability).
  • Enrolment is not automatic and you would have to re-apply for this plan every 6 months.

Don’t wait for your Canada student loan repayment debt to become critical and don’t ignore any of your debt. It will not go away on its own. You need professional help from a trustee. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. and make an appointment today. We approach every file with the attitude that financial problems can be solved given immediate action and the right plan. Starting Over, Starting Now you can get back on the road to financial health.

Brandon Blog Post


credit report, credit score, bad credit score, credit bureau, TransUnion, Equifax, credit reporting agencies, poor credit score, trustee, insolvency, bankruptcy, starting over starting nowHave you checked your credit report lately? Everyone I know does not wish to have either a poor credit score or worse, a bad credit score, but many Canadians pay little or no attention to their credit report and that’s a mistake that can seriously impact your life.

According to the Public Interest Advocacy Centre:

  • 17% of Canadian adults had checked their credit reports in the prior three years
  • Of those who checked, 18% found inaccuracies in their credit reports
  • 10% believed they were denied access to financial services because of report inaccuracies

In fact, some credit bureau watchers estimate that there are errors in 10% to 33% of credit files. You may be surprised to know that one of the biggest sources of conflict isn’t fraud, it’s cell phone providers who send overdue accounts to collection. We reported on one such story in a blog titled Your Credit Rating Can Be Ruined Even If You Don’t Do Anything Wrong. Mr. Dave Johnson of Pembroke, Ontario had his credit rating ruined by Rogers even though he never had a Rogers account and he has spent three years fighting a Rogers Bill that isn’t his. “That one derogatory record has a substantial impact on credit score and it stands out on the credit report,” says Tim Ashby, a vice-president of personal solutions for Equifax. If your credit is not in good standing you will most likely be denied a loan or mortgage. It can also affect your ability to rent housing or get hired for a job.

How often should I check my credit report?

According to the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, check your credit report at least once a year. Review it carefully for errors and signs of identity theft. Order your credit report from both credit reporting agencies. Consider requesting your report from one agency and then waiting six months before you order from the other agency. By spacing out your requests in this way, you may be able to detect any problems sooner.

Who are the credit reporting agencies and how can I contact them to get my credit report?

The credit reporting agencies are TransUnion and Equifax. By clicking on the links you will be taken to their websites where you can access their phone numbers, fax and email in addition to information on how you get your credit report.

Should you discover that you have a poor credit score or a bad credit score, you may need professional help to return to financial health. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is a full service insolvency and financial restructuring practice serving companies and individuals throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. Contact us today.

Call a Trustee Now!