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two income trap

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Two income trap: Introduction

In the last 50 years, women have entered the labour force in real numbers. This did not result in families having a much easier time of it economically. A great number of people thought it would because a family now had two full-time income earners. Financial troubles might if anything be much more extensive among two income households today. This is called a two income trap.

Two income trap: Senator Elizabeth Warren

I recently read an article on the United States Senator Elizabeth Warren. I had not been actually familiar with her history prior to reviewing the write-up. Turns out that she was a lawyer who focussed on bankruptcy legislation. She was a professor at the Harvard Law School.

Senator Warren’s daughter, Amelia Warren Tyagi, is an entrepreneur and management consultant. They co-authored a book “The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers Are Going Broke“. It was first released in 2003 and an updated version was released in 2016. The book is a sociological review of exactly how American households and life have developed from the 1960s to contemporary times. Although it is a testimonial of American life, I think the same concepts and conclusions can be related to Canada’s middle class too.

Two income trap: The rise in middle-class insolvencies

One reality that bothered the writers was that by the early 2000s, bankruptcies in the middle class became greater than in any other American socio-economic group. To put it simply, when considering the family members that are declaring bankruptcy, it’s not the extremely poorest or the really wealthiest. It actually has to do with the middle class and the kind of financial difficulties they meet.

The writers wished to attempt to clarify why much more middle-class households, making even more than ever previously, saw a 500% rise in individual bankruptcy filings from the very early 1980s to the very early 2000s. The writers likewise keep in mind that along with personal bankruptcies, home mortgage foreclosures were up greater than 3.5 times than in the very early 1980s. This is prior to the 2008 economic disaster mess!

Two income trap: The financial disintegration of the middle-class household

Their study began with a solitary reality. The possibility that a family with youngsters would wind up in bankruptcy is more than families without children. They uncovered that households that have youngsters in the family are almost 3 times more likely to wind up declaring bankruptcy than households that do not have children.

The writers think it is really vital to comprehend the problems triggering middle-class economic issues. This is due to the fact that they discovered that 2 out of every 3 households that applied for bankruptcy have actually had a real job loss or loss of income prior to their declaring bankruptcy.

Someone’s lost a job; a person’s had a major downturn when it comes to households where both the husband and wife work. Sometimes both of them have actually lost their job before bankruptcy. So we’re actually talking about individuals that are not just way down on the earnings side. They had no financial savings or emergency money fund to draw on when the unanticipated calamity struck. Stating it a different way, households were damaged attempting to have a middle class lifestyle!

This concern fascinated the writers. We can comprehend the young and careless declaring bankruptcy. We can also recognize a tale about seniors in debt that states decreasing health, limited revenue, no potential to make extra in the future and insufficient funds for retired life will certainly have financial issues. Nevertheless, in the case of seniors in debt, the reasons for their financial difficulties probably began a very long time ago. With restricted earnings and no financial savings to draw on, revealed the concerns which already existed.

Two income trap: The newer generation middle class

Insolvency stories about women and men working and raising children are normal today, but this was not so in the very early 1980s and earlier.

In those days, middle-class stories were not about creating debt to purchase consumable or lifestyle items they cannot afford. Stories about the current middle class in financial trouble inevitably show similar primary factors why these family members wind up bankrupt. They are attempting to spend on not only food and clothing but other costs that have become family fixed costs, such as:

Middle-class families need to have 2 automobiles when both mother and father are in the labour force. The spread of suburban life families have out of necessity opted to get more space for the dollar and overall affordability, also demands being a 2 car family. By the time they make all their fixed cost payments, those two income households think about what was supposed to be their financial success tale.

They have much less cash left over than their one-income dads’ or grandfathers’ households had. It appears that as our society modernizes and allows people to do a lot more, the ambitions of middle-class families do not always come to fruition. The middle class has been and continues to shift. The middle-class size has reduced compared to the 1970s. Families have been either moving up or down. On a net basis, the middle class has not been growing.

This actually does not amaze me. When you have children your expenditures jump astronomically. As lately as the very early 1970s, a Canadian household had buying power on one income. It certainly gave a middle-class way of living. What took place in the 1960s and 1970s, is one income sufficed to sustain a household in what was a typical and comfortable middle-class life.

It absolutely was middle class; it was right in the centre. You may have needed to clip coupons to save money, yet you were buying your food at grocery stores, not going to a food bank. Your home could have been small, yet it was your own and you had the want and ability to hive off savings from your regular employment income to pay off your only mortgage quicker.

Two income trap: So what has changed?

That generation recognized exactly how to stick to a spending plan. They were more successful than their parents’ generation. They learned lessons from their parents about: (i) money; (ii) budgeting; (iii) saving for an objective; and (iv) understanding and being OK with if you cannot pay cash now for something, you simply do not buy it.

Now with both parents in the labour force, expenditures for dining in a restaurant more often, more expensive clothing, gas for the two cars are instances of regular expenditures the modern family has. One or two generations ago families did not have the same level of those kinds of expenses. Modern families spend a lot more than simply for what was the core fundamentals. We constantly recognize that having children is costly. Yet something has taken place in a single generation. The expense of living for a family with kids has actually made what once was a common middle-class life out of reach for the ordinary typical income earner.

Nowadays, the level of a household’s fixed costs is not how an economist would look at costs as compared to the income level. Rather, it is how people today understand what a two income family’s costs realistically are at the same income level. In modern-day culture, people are dining in restaurants a lot more, have home appliances and communication devices that did not exist 1 or 2 generations earlier. Housing expenses have boosted considerably. This is the brand-new facts of life for the contemporary culture household.

Two income trap: So here is the key to release you from the trap

Canadians have a financial literacy problem. Lots of people assume that some are born rich while others are not. The fact is that in most cases, those that are well off simply have a much more reasonable understanding on costs and how to live within one’s means. They also have willpower. In the past, people thought first if they could actually afford something before they spent their money on it. They don’t just look at the interest rate and monthly payment incurring that new debt will have.

I have written several blog posts alerting Canadians about the need to budget and plan thoroughly to make sure that expenses do not surpass income. A spending plan requires to consist of savings; both for an emergency reserve and for retired life. Those that do not do so are more likely to be in financial trouble when an unforeseen occasion happens. It is because they have absolutely nothing to draw on in lean times.

There are many ways to start early in life to avoid financial disaster. If it sounds familiar, that’s due to the fact that they are. Nonetheless, yet few people value them. That’s partly due to the fact that they weren’t taught in either the home or in the schools.

Financial proficiency, like civics education and learning, requires to be a demand in all primary school, secondary school as well as university curricula.

So the key to being released from this trap is twofold:

Two income trap: Are you caught in the two-income trap?

Are you caught in the two income trap? Worried that future interest rate hikes will make presently affordable debt entirely out of reach? Is the discomfort, stress, and anxiety too much debt brings on negatively affecting your health and wellness?

If so, call the Ira Smith Team today. We have decades and generations of experience helping people and companies needing financial restructuring. As a licensed insolvency trustee, we are the only professionals licensed and supervised by the Federal government to supply financial restructuring services.

Call the Ira Smith Team today to make sure that we can begin aiding you to return right into a healthy and balanced and well-balanced, worry-free life.

We will provide a no-cost consultation to aid you to resolve your money troubles. We understand the pain debts and financial distress triggers. We can end it from your life. This will certainly allow you to begin a clean slate, Starting Over Starting Now.

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canada middle class size

Canada middle class size: Introduction

Most Canadians think of themselves as being “middle class”; however that seems to be changing. According to an Ekos-Canadian Press poll, Canadians who self-identify as working class poor are on the rise. The increase seems to be at the expense of the Canada middle class size. This same poll suggests people are feeling more pessimistic about their own futures not just over the next year, but over the next five.

Canada middle class size: The old Canada middle class definition

We used to define middle class as the median in household net worth, but this too, has changed. Middle class has now morphed into more of a state of mind than a demographic bracket. We now tend to think of middle class as a lifestyle and a value system – hence the expression “middle class values”.

This belief in middle class being a lifestyle is contributing to an increasing debt load for many Canadians. According to a recent CIBC poll:

  • Many Canadians seems uninterested in prioritizing needs over wants
  • Only 50% of those surveyed were willing to cut spending on non-essential items to keep up with bills

Canada middle class size: Canadian average household debt

The sad truth is that regardless of whether you’re middle class as a demographic bracket or a lifestyle, Canadians are now carrying more debt than those of any other G7 nation. Many are spending as much or more than they earn and as a result spreading things so thin that they’re living paycheque to paycheque.

In a recent survey by Canadian Payroll Association, almost 48% of respondents admitted they wouldn’t be able to make ends meet if their paycheques were late even by a week.

Canada middle class size: Is your debt pushing you away from the middle class

Are you getting deeper in debt trying to maintain your middle class lifestyle? If so, you need professional help before your house of cards comes tumbling down. I strongly recommend that you contact a professional trustee as soon as possible. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. can help, no matter how dire your situation seems. With immediate action and the right plan, we can solve your financial problems Starting Over, Starting Now. Give us a call today.

canada middle class size
Brandon Blog Post


what defines the middle class in Canada, Canada middle class definition, middle class in Canada, tax hike, middle class, Canada’s middle class, federal tax rate, debts, trustee, financial plan, living paycheque to paycheque, Debate (Quotation Subject), Politics (TV Genre), Justin Trudeau (Politician), Stephen Harper (Politician), federal, federal election 2015, Canadian federal election 2015 What defines the middle class in Canada?

Canada’s newly elected federal Liberal government wishes to show what defines the middle class in Canada. It has plans to raise income taxes on the wealthy; but what does that really mean and what effect, if any, will it have on Canada’s middle class? Canada’s middle class has really been struggling and this is a plight that we have discussed in several blogs.

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Report

There is a new report out by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA). Canada “has become a low-tax jurisdiction for the affluent compared to the U.S.,” the report says. It found that the average top marginal tax rate in the U.S., when combining federal and state taxes, is 47.9 per cent. In Canada, the average combined federal and provincial rate is 45.7 per cent. “In fact, during Canada’s high growth years between 1940 and 1980, the top marginal income tax rate was well over 70 per cent. … Our federal government used to ask more of Canada’s richest one per cent. There are plenty of reasons to do so again.”

Will the campaign trail have been what defines the middle class in Canada?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau campaigned to create a new tax bracket for Canada’s highest earners (the top 1% who earn over $200,000 per year). He stated it in every debate and he made it an important part of politics. He differentiated himself and the Liberal party from Stephen Harper and the Conservative party on this issue. It was always front and centre in the Canadian federal election 2015.

He proposed raising the top federal tax rate to 33%. It is presently at 29%. And he promised to lower taxes slightly for middle earners; however he did not define what he meant by lowering taxes slightly. So does he even know what defines the middle class in Canada?

The middle class may still not be better off under the Liberals

The study by the CCPA doesn’t agree with the number that Prime Minister Trudeau is proposing. Instead the CCPA believes that Canada’s 1% should have a federal tax rate of 65%. They estimate that this would amount to an extra $27,700 in taxes, on an average income of $289,000. The CCPA’s argument is that the 65% rate would bring in an additional $15.8 billion to $19.3 billion in revenue annually. With this money Canada could potentially provide free post-secondary education and cover the costs of infrastructure projects. Of course as you can imagine this is a hotly contested subject with no definitive answers.

The reality is that Canada’s middle class is still struggling. It’s difficult to consider the plight of Canada’s 1% when most Canadians are living paycheque to paycheque. Unless Prime Minister Trudeau will direct some of the new tax revenue into programs that directly help Canada’s middle class, I doubt that it is new infrastructure projects and free post-secondary education (even for children of the 1%?) that anyone wants to be the new Canada middle class definition, or to be what defines the middle class in Canada.

Do you have too much debt and are living paycheque to paycheque?

If you are struggling financially and feel overwhelmed by mounting debts, there is help out there. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc today. With a solid financial plan and immediate action we can help put your financial worries behind you Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


young Canada’s middle class, Canada’s middle class, Statistics Canada, renter households, living paycheque to paycheque, trustee, debt, starting over starting now, Vaughan, “middle class”, middle class, definition of Canada middle class

Canada middle class – what is your definition?

My definition of Canada middle class is the group under a new economic attack because of housing costs. Affordable rental housing for Canadians has become an oxymoron in term. In fact, rental housing has enslaved young Canada’s middle class, forcing them to spend so much of their incomes on a place to live, that many are in danger of becoming homeless.

What Statistics Canada says

According to the experts, spending more than 30% on housing is unaffordable. This doesn’t take into account food, clothing, transportation or any of the other necessities of life. According to data from Statistics Canada:

  • There are more than 4 million renters in Canada
  • Over 40% of all renter households are spending in excess of 30% of their gross income on rent
  • 20% of all renter households are spending in excess of 50% of their gross income on rent which housing advocates say puts them at high risk of becoming homeless
  • In Vancouver and Toronto, 45% of renter households are spending more than 30% of their income on rent

Not just a big city problem for Canada middle class

The lack of affordable rental housing is not a problem exclusive to the big cities. Renters in small cities across Canada are also struggling financially. In the Toronto area, average rents are higher in the suburban communities of Milton and Vaughan than in the City of Toronto. And, Mississauga ranked among the worst cities in the country when it comes to a shortage of affordable rental housing.

Traditionally people rented apartments to save money and eventually buy a house. With young Canada middle class enslaved by rental prices, buying a house isn’t even on their radar; keeping a rental roof over their heads is a primary concern.

What to do if you have debt problems

Are you living paycheque to paycheque because you’re enslaved by rental prices? We can’t help you find a cheaper place to live, but we can help you deal with what may seem to be insurmountable debt. Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. We’ll review your file and come up with a plan so that you can be Starting Over, Starting Now.

Brandon Blog Post


Middle class, middle-class, middle class lifestyle, student debt, housing prices, trustee, living paycheque to paycheque, bankruptcy, starting over starting nowCanada’s middle class is a huge topic these days. There’s been a lot of talk recently about the growing gap between Canada’s affluent and middle class. Before we can begin to understand what’s happening to Canada’s middle class, we must first be able to define it.

“One of the troubles with the term middle class is it’s so elastic and there’s not a clear-cut definition,” said Charles Beach, an economist and Queen’s University professor emeritus. Beach says surveys have shown most Canadians consider themselves part of the middle class without quite defining what it is. “There is no consensus definition of ‘middle class,’ nor is there an official government definition,” said the memo, obtained by The Canadian Press under the Access to Information Act.

The New York Times defines the middle class as families earning between $35,000 and $100,000 a year. This would seem to hold true in Canada as well. According to Employment and Social Development Canada:

  • The middle 60% of families earned an average of $53,500 after tax in 2011

According to Statistics Canada:

  • The total median 2012 income for families, defined in this case as all couples with or without kids, was $81,980

The problem is that it’s now difficult to make middle class. Paul Kershaw, policy professor at the University of British Columbia reports:

  • The typical 25 – 34-year-old is now making wages that are 11% lower than they were for the same aged person in 1976, even though their education levels are higher
  • The typical older worker is making wages that are 3% – 7% higher than a similar person did 30 years ago
  • House prices have nearly doubled in that time, meaning more wealth for the older person and more debt for the younger person

“It takes longer now to do anything that looks like a middle-class lifestyle,” says John Myles, professor emeritus of sociology at University of Toronto, as young people stay in school longer than in generations past, get more credentials, start careers later, get married later and buy homes later. And the gap between the affluent and the middle class is growing.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives report finds most affluent families in their 20’s have net worth over $500,000, more than most middle-class families save over decades. Real estate is typically the reason the affluent are able to meet such a high net worth at such a young age. Their parents buy a property for them, help purchase the property and/or give the down payment. In addition the affluent are starting off life with no student debt as their families were able to fund their educations. Conversely, those striving to make middle class are often buried under a mountain of student debt. This in and of itself is problematic enough, but it also delays being able to purchase a house. And with the cost of housing rising exponentially (the average price of a detached house in Toronto is now over $1 million), the gap between the affluent and the middle class will continue to grow.

Many trying to make a middle class lifestyle are struggling financially, living paycheque to paycheque and need professional help. Trustees are experts in dealing with debt. The Ira Smith Team has a cumulative 50+ years helping people and companies facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. Call today. Stop struggling and start enjoying life again.

Call a Trustee Now!