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repayment of student loans canada



Although I can’t now fathom a world without the Internet, there are some reasons to wax nostalgic about the good old days. Most notably, many families lived nicely on one income and people retired from their jobs with a defined pension plan. They did not have to worry about repayment of student loans Canada. It was commonplace for students to put themselves through college working summers and weekends during the school year.

There is a new reality

Those days are gone! Two incomes are now an absolute necessity for most families and defined pensions have all but disappeared. To pay for university, even with working summers and weekends, students are saddled with enormous loans. In the 2015-16 school year, 497,000 students enrolled in the Canada Student Loans Program.

Students #1 worry

Dan Allan, Director of the Student Budget Consultation Program, states:

“While students are concerned about unemployment after school, their biggest worry is about their university debt and the cost of education being a huge hurdle going forward”

Why is there so much student loans debt?

  • Government funding dropped from over 77% in 1992 to less than 55% in 2012. To make up the difference, post-secondary institutions turned to students. Tuition fees began to rise – 115% between 1980 and 1995 (Glenn Burley, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives)
  • By 2016-17, the average Canadian university tuition was about 40% higher than it had been in 2006. (Fred Lum/Globe and Mail)
  • Tuition fees increased by 3.1% per cent for undergraduate programs in the 2017-18 academic years (Statistics Canada)
  • The average tuition cost for a Canadian university — before the cost of books, travel and supplies — is $6,500 per year (Statistics Canada)
  • The average amount owing for both bachelor and master’s graduates is $26,000 and $41,100 for doctorate graduates (Statistics Canada)

What happens when students can’t repay their student loans?

According to Dan Allan, the current Liberal government wrote off $200 million dollars in outstanding student loans on which it will never be able to collect. This is the third time in the past four years that the government has had to write off outstanding loans for reasons that include bankruptcy. There is a six-year legal limit on collection and debtors who can no longer be found. This results in direct student loans loan forgiveness.

How can young people get ahead when student loans are holding them back? As a society, we must increase our investment in education. Instead of the government writing off hundreds of millions of dollars in uncollectable student loan debt, wouldn’t that money be better spent on funding education?

Repayment of student loans Canada: What to do if you have too much debt

You can certainly contact Canada student loans to find out about their program for those having trouble repaying their student loan debt. If you’re a graduate with student loan debt that you can’t repay, and you were not able to work out an arrangement with Canada student loans then you are in a student loans debt crisis. If you are struggling with student loan debt, or debt for any other reason, you need professional help and you need it now. We understand your pain points and we know how to relieve you of the stress and pain.

The Ira Smith Trustee Team can help you manage your debt and set you on a path to debt free living Starting Over, Starting Now. We’re only a phone call away.



Brandon Blog Post



Student debt: The times have changed already!

Times have changed so much for university graduates and unfortunately, student debt counselling has not kept pace with today’s reality. Students graduate with various student loans and varying amounts of debt. The theory is that graduates will get a well-paying job in their chosen field upon graduation, allowing them to work and to repay their student loan debt.

Our previous student debt counselling and student loans blogs and vlogs

Student loan debt is such a serious issue that we’ve written a series of blogs and vlogs on the subject:

Student debt: What can today’s graduates expect?

However, in today’s world, their job searching may result in them not getting immediately into their field at the salary they anticipated. It may be the case that graduates may have to do a couple of different part-time jobs, may start being underemployed and in some cases, starting out interning and being in their chosen field but not being paid at all. This will put immense pressure on the new graduate who needs to start repaying debt in addition to normal living expenses.

Student debt: How much of a problem is it really?

Post-secondary education is effectively a need to succeed in today’s labour market. Unfortunately, while the demand for education has increased, public funding has failed to keep up.

According to the Canadian Federation of Students, public funding shortfalls have resulted in a significant growth of costs that students must now bear, namely in the form of high tuition fees. From 1990 to 2014, national average tuition fees have seen an inflation-adjusted increase of over 155%. In Ontario, tuition fees have increased over 180%.

They also state that students who receive funding through the Canada Student Loans Program (CSLP) are graduating with an average student loan debt of $28,495. This is only student loan debt and doesn’t include any other borrowings for living expenses if the student is living away from home. The impact of Canada student loan debt is that today’s students are the most indebted generation in Canadian history. They can certainly use student debt counselling.

Student debt: We need more than just counselling

Although financial counselling should begin at home at a very young age, and be reinforced through teachings at the high school level, more than debt management lessons are required. We need our provincial and federal governments to take the lead. There needs to be an easing of the burden on graduates. Graduates with high student loan debt show signs of poor mental health in early adulthood. This certainly must impact their work performance and is not healthy for Canadian society.

Our governments need to look seriously at the public funding model for post-secondary school education. It is not helping Canadians to allow them to incur high student debt for fields of study where the job prospects, and the prospect of being able to repay the loans, are dim. It does not help Canadian graduates to have them under so much pressure to repay loans after graduation – perhaps there needs to be federal government intervention to ease the repayment program. In this way graduates can have the necessary time to get their employment, contribute to Canadian society, pay income taxes AND repay student loans.

These are just but a few simple ideas. I am sure that you can come up with many more and I would love to hear about them.

Are you in need of student debt counselling or credit or debt counselling in general?

No matter the cause of your serious debt issues, The Ira Smith Team is here to help. Debt is not insurmountable; there are always options. With proper counselling, immediate action and a solid plan, we can help get your life back on track Starting Over, Starting Now. Our trustees are also certified in credit counselling. Give us a call today.

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THIS VLOG WAS INSPIRED IN PART BY OUR eBOOK – PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY CANADA: Not because you are a dummy, because you need to get your life back on track



Brandon Blog Post


STUDENT LOAN DEBT, DOES IT AFFECT THE ECONOMY?Student loan debt is not just a problem for students and their families to deal with. It’s a serious problem that has invaded all facets of our society and has significantly impacted our economy. According to the Canadian Federation of Students:

  • The average student loan debt is $27,000
  • Between 2012 and 2013 more than 400,000 students borrowed money to help pay for more schooling
  • The CSLP (Canada Student Loans Program) expected to lend approximately $2.46 billion during the 2013-14 academic year

Statistics Canada’s Survey of Financial Security reports that student debt grew 44.1% from 1999 to 2012, or 24.4% between 2005 and 2012. And, one in eight Canadian families is carrying student debt. The average student is having a great deal of difficulty paying off their student loans and according to the Canada Student Loans Program, most students take nearly 10 years to pay off their loans – with some taking the maximum 14.5 years. In September 2010 the amount of student loans owed to the Government of Canada was more than $15 billion dollars, which is greater than the debt of some provinces. The federal government has written off another $231 million in unpaid student loans this year from more than 44,000 cases, after exhausting all avenues attempting to collect.

A study last year from TD Bank found that students are increasingly delaying major life milestones due to the rising costs of education. How can someone who is still paying off student loans assume a mortgage or car loan? Students are shackled by their student loan debt and there is no relief. Student loans can only be discharged by bankruptcy if you have been out of school entirely (full time or part time) for 7 years or more. Student loan debt has significantly impacted our economy because university graduates lack the disposable income to create a buoyant housing market, brisk car sales and restricts the purchase of high ticket items which all fuel the economy. The CSLP does not have a program for student loan debt forgiveness or student loan debt relief.

If you’re facing financial crisis or bankruptcy, you need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. can solve your problems with immediate action and the right plan. Contact us today.

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