Brandon Blog Post


The Ira Smith Team is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Stay healthy, well balanced and safe and secure everyone.


On July 4, 2018, my Brandon’s Blog MORTGAGE LENDING CRITERIA SELF EMPLOYED: BIGGEST MYTH MAY BE RIGHT, I described the case of Canada v. Toronto-Dominion Bank, 2018 FC 538 (CanLII) which was heard in Federal Court. I described where the Federal Court ruled in favour of the claim of Canada Revenue Agency for individuals running an unincorporated business either as a proprietorship or in partnerships.

The Bank appealed the decision to the Federal Court of Appeal. The case was heard on October 8, 2019, in Toronto. The judgment was released at Ottawa, Ontario, on April 29, 2020. I want to remind you about the facts of the case, what was decided and provide my 4 killer ways that mortgage lenders to people who also run an unincorporated business, but you don’t lend to the business, can protect themselves.

The original Canada v. Toronto-Dominion Bank case

The original case was very simple. A man had a landscape design business he ran as a sole proprietor. In 2007 and 2008, prior to becoming a customer of the Bank, he collected GST that he did not pay over totalling $67,854.

In 2010, the Bank advanced both a mortgage loan and a home equity line of credit (HELOC) loan to the man. Security for both loans was registered against the man’s home. It was the Bank’s standard from mortgage and HELOC security documents. At the time, the Bank had no knowledge of the man’s Canada Revenue Agency for individuals’ liability for unremitted GST. There was no registration by the government against the man’s home for this outstanding tax amount either.

In late 2011, the man sold the home. His real estate lawyer issued two trust cheques to the Bank from the house sale. One paid off the mortgage and the other cheque paid off the HELOC. In return, the Bank discharged its mortgage and HELOC security charges and the house sale was completed.

In 2013 and 2015, the Canada Revenue Agency made deemed trust claims against the Bank under Section 222 of the Excise Tax Act (ETA) for the amount of the man’s collected and unremitted GST. GST or HST under the ETA and employee source deductions (amounts withheld by employers from salaries and wages paid to employees on account of income tax, the Canada Pension Plan and Employment Insurance) under the Income Tax Act, that is collected but not remitted, forms a deemed trust claim against the assets of the business.

If the business is not a company, that is unincorporated, then there is no difference between the proprietor’s or partner’s personal assets and business assets. They are just assets of the person.

Canada Revenue Agency argued that the Bank was in possession of funds from the sale of the man’s property. The Crown also submitted that when the man sold his home, he was obliged to pay his GST obligation out of the sale proceeds. He did not do that. Rather, he used part of the money from the sale to pay the Bank off. Keep in mind the Bank was a secured creditor. The Crown further argued that under this scenario, the Bank had a statutory responsibility to pay the GST tax debt out of the money it received.

The Bank argued on its behalf that the repayment of the money only applied if there was an event that triggered other events leading to the repayment, such as a secured creditor enforcing its security.

The Federal Court disagreed and ruled in favour of the taxman.

The Canada Revenue Agency for individuals claim to appeal to the Federal Court of Appeal

The Bank appealed the lower Court’s decision. The Bank’s appeal rested on three issues where they claimed that the Federal Court judge erred:

  • By finding that the deemed trust does not need an event that creates the crystallization around the assets.
  • In finding that secured creditors cannot avail themselves of the bona fide purchaser for value defence.
  • Ignored the fact that the Bank’s loans to the man had nothing to do with his business.

The Federal Court of Appeal judges went through a detailed analysis of cases and legislation. In the end, the Federal Court of Appeal did not find that the lower court judge erred in any way and dismissed the Bank’s appeal on all three grounds.

Triggering event – The Bank argued that the concept of priority can only be determined when there is an event that triggers competing claims to the priority over the assets. Since the right to a priority is essentially remedial in nature, it develops upon the enforcement action initiated by one or more creditors. When there is a competition between claimants, and it is obvious there will be a shortfall, that is when the Crown is able to assert its priority. Here, the Bank was not a secured lender at the time the Crown asserted its priority.

The appeal court decided that the lower court was correct. The relevant section of the Excise Tax Act creates a trust when there is unremitted GST or HST where the property is beneficially owned by Her Majesty in spite of any security interest in the property or in the sales proceeds thereof.

So the Bank was unsuccessful in this part of its argument.

Bona fide purchaser for value defence – This argument by the Bank is that it is a bona fide buyer for value of the cash paid to it by the debtor. Because the considered trust fund provisions of the Act do not extend to such buyers for the value the Bank submits that it is entitled to keep the funds provided in payment of the borrower’s HELOC and mortgage.

The appeal court ruled against this argument on the basis that if the bona fide purchaser for value defence was available to secured creditors who got paid off, it would render the deemed trust provision useless in probably every situation. The Court stated this was not Parliament’s intention.

The loans to the man had nothing to do with his business – This argument is that the court should distinguish between the taxpayer acting in his capacity as a business distinct from the tax debtor acting in a personal capacity. Further, it was argued that the Bank had no knowledge of the man’s business affairs.

The Court rejected this argument for two reasons. First, the statute that establishes the deemed trust states “…every person…”. It does not differentiate between different types of persons. Second, there was nothing in the evidence before the lower court that indicated what knowledge the Bank had about the man’s business.

4 killer ways to full loan recovery

So how can someone who lends money by way of a property mortgage on a personal residence of a self-employed person who runs an unincorporated business protect themselves? Here are our 4 killer ways:

  1. The mortgagee needs to ask the question on the mortgage application to determine if the person is self-employed.
  2. The proposed mortgagee must get a true copy of a statement from CRA showing that there are no amounts owing by the person on account of either unremitted HST/GST or source deductions as the employer of others. This condition should be in the term sheet for the loan being offered. The statement should be given before the lender advances the funds.
  3. Lenders should add language to their term sheet, loan and security documents and discharge or other documents issued when the loan is repaid. The new language would be an attestation by the borrower that there are no amounts owing to any government authority that would be regarded to be a deemed trust claim.
  4. Even more, the language would have to make it clear that in the event there were any kind of such claims, even if the mortgage loan was totally repaid, the borrower is still responsible to pay that additional amount to the lender. The lender would then pass on the deemed trust amount to Canada Revenue Agency for individuals.


I hope you found this CRA deemed trust claim case review helpful. It should be of particular interest to contractors, developers and builders in Ontario.

The Ira Smith Team family hopes that you and your family members are remaining secure, healthy and well-balanced. Our hearts go out to every person that has been affected either via misfortune or inconvenience.

We all must help each other to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Social distancing and self-quarantining are sacrifices that are not optional. Families are literally separated from each other. We look forward to the time when life can return to something near to typical and we can all be together once again.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. has constantly used clean, safe and secure ways in our professional firm and we continue to do so.

Revenue and cash flow shortages are critical issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies and businesses. This is especially true these days.

If anyone needs our assistance, or you just need some answers for questions that are bothering you, feel confident that Ira or Brandon can still assist you. Telephone consultations and/or virtual conferences are readily available for anyone feeling the need to discuss their personal or company situation.

The Ira Smith Team is fully functional and Ira, together with Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone or video meeting no-cost strategy session.

Continue to be healthy, well balanced and protected everybody.canada revenue agency for individuals

Brandon Blog Post


8baby boomers in canada

Baby Boomers in Canada: Introduction

Baby Boomers in Canada are not retiring like the generations before them. As we discussed in a recent blog, there are many good reasons to keep working beyond age 65. Although Baby Boomers are the generation that has already reached aged retirement age or are fast approaching it (Baby Boomers are born from 1946 – 1965), many of them are not financially able to retire.

Baby Boomers in Canada: Franklin Templeton Investments Canada study

According to a study conducted for Franklin Templeton Investments Canada:

Baby Boomers in Canada: Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

There is good news for Baby Boomers relying on government pensions. According to the Government of Canada, up until 2019, the CPP retirement pension replaces one-quarter of your average work earnings. This average is based on your work earnings, up to a maximum earnings limit each year. Other sources of income—such as the Old Age Security program, workplace pensions, and private savings—make up the rest of your retirement income.

Beginning in 2019, the CPP will begin to grow to replace one-third of your average work earnings. The maximum limit used to determine your average work earnings will also gradually increase by 14% by 2025.

As a result, pension amounts will increase by more than 33%. Your pension will increase based on how much and for how long you contribute to the enhanced CPP. You will get the full increase if you contribute to the enhanced CPP for 40 years.

The enhancement also applies to the CPP post-retirement benefit. If you are receiving the CPP (or QPP) retirement pension and you continue to work and make CPP contributions in 2019 or later, your post-retirement benefits will be larger.

Baby Boomers in Canada: Many just want to work

In addition to the financial benefits, many Canadians prefer to keep working beyond the retirement age. Work provides a sense of accomplishment, a social environment, keeps the mind sharp and the body active.

Baby Boomers in Canada: Are you a Baby Boomer who’s still paying off debt?

However, if you’re one of the Baby Boomers who’s still deep in debt, you need professional help now. Although your situation may feel hopeless, there are solutions to every problem with immediate action and the right plan.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. has helped many people just like you throughout the GTA. We can help you get back on your feet and give you back peace of mind. Give us a call today and Starting Over, Starting Now you can put your struggles behind you.

Brandon Blog Post


financial goals for millennials

Financial goals for millennials: Introduction

Today’s Brandon’s Blog discusses the notion that financial goals for millennials are being hurt by baby boomers. Not only are we living longer; we’re living better. The expression “65 is the new 55” seems to quite accurately describe the changes in our workforce.

Financial goals for millennials: Baby boomers are working longer

Thanks to no mandatory retirement in Ontario, Baby Boomers can work well past 65. According to 2016 census figures, 20% of Canadians are working, either full or part-time, paid or unpaid, past 65. The number of post-retirement workers has doubled since 1995. Unfortunately for millennials who are blaming their financial woes on the Baby Boomers, working longer makes good financial sense.

Financial goals for millennials: The academic’s view

Craig Riddell, a UBC professor of economics, says, “One of the principal causes is increased longevity, and people are staying healthy longer. Another important factor is the decline in pension coverage, especially in the private sector of the economy, and a gradual switch from defined benefit plans to defined contribution plans.

There is no incentive to retire early with the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) if you like working. CPP no longer has a specific retirement age, such as 65. Instead, there is a retirement “window” between the ages of 60 and 70. The later you retire, the larger your monthly payment. If you are going to live an average lifetime, you will get the same amount in total. You don’t pay a penalty by retiring later. If you retire at 60, you get the lowest payment”.

Financial goals for millennials: The benefits to working past 65

Although millennials are against the trend, there are many benefits to working past 65. Karen Zeleznik, a financial planner at Libro Credit Union reports that:

  • Canada Pension Plan benefits jump by 42% if you delay taking them until age 70, even more, if you keep contributing
  • Old Age Security payments work on the same principle, but some or all is clawed back for those with high incomes
  • Many private-sector plans also offer fatter pensions if retirement is put off past 65
  • Tax bills increased by a higher tax bracket from “double-dipping” can be reduced with spousal income splitting
  • In the end, it comes down to one thing: How long are you going to live?
  • It’s a question of taxation, lifestyle and life expectation. If you live to be 90, sure, delay it, because you will get more for a longer time. It’s just math

Financial goals for millennials: Working past 65 is a great advantage

Working past 65 is a great advantage for Baby Boomers who have not saved enough money to retire comfortably. As long as they keep working they can enjoy a lifestyle that they’re accustomed to and enjoy. And many, plain and simply, enjoy working.

Although millennials like to blame Baby Boomers for their financial woes, the high cost of living and the astronomical cost of housing are the real culprits, not the lack of jobs. The job market can be challenging whether or not the Baby Boomers are working longer. And the reality is that millennials will likely have to work longer as well, due to the increased life expectancy and disappearance of defined pension plans.

Financial goals for millennials: Are you struggling financially?

If you’re a millennial who’s struggling financially, you need to take action before things become dire. Consult a professional trustee for help with your financial problems. The Ira Smith Team can help you get back on your feet financially and start saving for your retirement so that perhaps you won’t need to work past 65. Give us a call today and Starting Over, Starting Now, you can put your financial woes behind you.

Brandon Blog Post


canadian reverse mortgage informaitonCanadian reverse mortgage information: Introduction

Funding one’s retirement has become increasingly difficult. Pension plans are quickly disappearing and Old Age Security (OAS) and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) don’t provide adequate funds to make ends meet. However, seniors have sought Canadian reverse mortgage information.

Many seniors with homes are house rich but cash poor and they’ve discovered that a reverse mortgage is the way to tap into the mother lode and fund their retirement.

Canadian reverse mortgage information: What is a reverse mortgage?

Reverse mortgage is not a new-fangled concept or invention. In fact reverse mortgages have been around in Canada since 1983. But it’s only in recent years, as many seniors are desperate to find ways to fund their retirements, that reverse mortgages have really taken off. CHIP has the market cornered as they are the only providers in Canada of reverse mortgages.

A reverse mortgage is a loan. It’s designed for home owners who are 55+ so that they can get money without having to sell their house. The home owner receives the loan against the equity they’ve built in your property. No payments have to be made until the borrower moves out or dies. Sounds great! What could go wrong?

Canadian reverse mortgage information: What’s the catch?

You know there always has to be catch… Here is some Canadian reverse mortgage information that will shock you. If you miss a property tax payment, you go into default. It won’t be as simple as just making up the missed property tax payment and maybe paying a fee as a penalty to the lender. You will lose your home and you will have to pay your lender’s legal fees as well.

Canadian reverse mortgage information: CHIP Mortgage Corporation 5 Inc. v. Deep

It may not seem fair but it’s the law. A recent court case in Ontario, CHIP Mortgage Corporation 5 Inc. v. Deep, clearly demonstrates this law at work. The mortgage went into default because the property taxes weren’t paid and as a result this default entitled the lender to take possession of the property and sell it. In addition the borrower was required to pay the lender’s legal fees.

Canadian reverse mortgage information: Borrowing all the equity of your home may not be your answer for retirement

Before you get to the stage where you can’t make a property tax payment and risk losing your house please reach out to a professional trustee. In fact, if you realize that you can’t pay your debts heading into retirement, contact us.

We understand the pain and stress too much debt can cause. We can help you remove that pain and solve your financial problems given immediate action and the right plan. Make an appointment with Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. for a free, no obligation consultation and you can be on your way to enjoying a carefree retirement in your home Starting Over, Starting Now. Give us a call today.

Brandon Blog Post


managing family finances

Managing family finances: Introduction

Many Canadians are under the mistaken impression that financial planning is a young person’s game. After all, you’re now retired and you have your pension(s) and perhaps some savings. What financial planning is there to do for managing family finances? I’m here to tell you that it’s never too late to have a financial plan. You may not realize it but there are many financial decisions still to make – even after the age of 65.

Managing family finances: CIBC financial planning advice

Lana Robinson, executive director, CIBC financial planning and advice, says it’s never too late to plan. The biggest mistake for those heading into their 70s and 80s would be not to have a plan or mistaking a budget for a plan, she said. They might say ” ‘Well I have a budget and I’m living to my budget‘ but is that really a plan?

Have you:

  • taken into account all the needs you might have?
  • anticipated the cost of healthcare?
  • Figured out whether your goal is to have in-home care as opposed to living in a retirement home?

Managing family finances: Can you answer these seven questions?

  1. Should you take your Canada Pension Plan (CPP) at 65 or defer it?
  2. Should you take your Old Age Security (OAS) at 65 or defer it?
  3. How much do you know about Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs) and annuities?
  4. Do you need to rebalance the risk in your investment portfolio?
  5. What is the most financially helpful way to use your RRSPs?
  6. What are your financial goals and what are these goals going to cost you?
  7. Are you in debt?

Managing family finances: Don’t retire in debt

If we can give you one piece of extremely valuable advice for managing family finances it’s DON’T RETIRE IN DEBT! If you do, your retirement will be extremely stressful trying to figure out how to make ends meet. Family financial planning is not fun when you need a financial plan to get out of debt. But, don’t despair – we can help.

The Ira Smith Team has many years of experience helping people just like you facing financial crisis or bankruptcy that need a plan for Starting Over, Starting Now. We approach every file with the attitude that financial problems can be solved given immediate action and the right financial plan. Give us a call today and take the first step towards a debt free retirement.

managing family finances
Brandon Blog Post


can you retire with debt
can you retire with debt

Can you retire with debt? Introduction

Can you retire with debt? Retirement used to be so simple. You worked until the age of 65 and then retired with your defined benefit pension plan and sailed off into the sunset. Those days are gone and retirement is now very different.

Firstly defined benefit pension plans are rapidly disappearing from the landscape. We’re living longer than ever before and in many cases now have to fund 30+ years of retirement. And many seniors are dragging a debt load with them into retirement. According to Statistics Canada among those 55 and over:

Can you retire with debt? Most people cannot

As a result, many Canadians are continuing to work beyond the age of 65, although they may retire several times before ultimately retiring from all income generating activity. It’s quite common these days for someone to retire and in short order, miss the income, miss the stimulation, miss the sense of accomplishment, miss the sense of identity that can be derived from being in the workforce or just wants to get out of the house.

Although they may not want to go back to the corporate rat race on a full time basis, consulting, contracting or part-time employment are all options. Some retired seniors even open their own businesses. It’s quite possible to retire three, four or five times before retirement becomes your full-time vocation. Can you retire with debt? Most people cannot.

Can you retire with debt? Delaying retirement makes economic sense

Considering how many seniors are still in debt, delaying retirement makes good economic sense.

  • Canada Pension Plan (CPP) creates great incentives for you to delay your retirement past the age of 65. As of 2016, if you delay receiving CPP until the age of 70 you’ll receive 42% more in your monthly benefits than if you’d retired at age 65. Conversely, if you start receiving the CPP at age 60 your monthly benefits will be 36% less than if you’d waited to start your benefits at age 65.
  • Old Age Security (OAS) also provides incentives to delay retirement past the age of 65. If you wait until the age of 70 to receive OAS benefits, you’ll receive 36% more in average monthly benefits than if you’d started at age 65.

So can you retire with debt? You can try, but delaying retirement makes good economic sense.

Can you retire with debt? Let us help you retire debt free

How many times will you retire? Will you be like many Canadians who go back to work fulltime or part-time? Regardless of how many times you retire or at what age, it’s important that you retire debt free to lead a more comfortable life. A professional trustee can help you solve your financial problems and give you peace of mind in retirement. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. can help you get back to debt free living Starting Over, Starting Now. Give us a call today.

Brandon Blog Post



retirement planning advisor

Retirement planning advisor: Introduction

We’ve written many blogs about Canadians who haven’t saved for their retirement and now find their golden years less than golden. You, on the other hand have been saving, perhaps with the help of a retirement planning advisor. So your retirement should be relaxing and fun filled. Unfortunately that’s not necessarily the case. You may not have given enough thought to your retirement plan.

Retirement planning advisor: When you planned for retirement, how long did you plan for?

Canadians are living much longer than past generations. In fact the fastest growing age group is centenarians (Statistics Canada). And now, new census data reveals that for the first time in history the percentage of seniors (16.9%) now exceeds the number of children (16.6%).

Have you planned for what could be a 30-year retirement? The Government of Canada is recommending just that.

Retirement planning advisor: Do you know how much money you would need to retire?

According to a 2015 BlackRock survey:

  • 40% of Canadians said they only had a general sense of how much money they’d need to retire
  • 33% said they had no idea what-so-ever how much money they’d need to retire

Retirement planning advisor: How much money will you get in government pensions?

Most Canadians depend on Old Age Security (OAS), Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) for the all or most of their retirement income. Do you have any idea how much money this amounts to? This federal government calculator will give you a rough estimate of how much income to expect from CPP and Old Age Security once you retire.

Retirement planning advisor: Have you planned for the unexpected?

You may plan to work well into your 60s, 70s or beyond; but what will you do if you have to retire early because:

  • Your health won’t permit you to continue working
  • You have to assume the role of a caregiver for a loved one
  • You or a loved one require additional care

Even though you’ve been saving, it doesn’t mean you’ll have a well funded retirement. When making your retirement plan, take all of the things we’ve discussed in this blog into consideration.

Retirement planning advisor: How to get rid of a troublesome debt load

If you’re still carrying a troublesome debt load, you need more than just a retirement planning advisor. Now is the time to call a professional trustee. The earlier you can out debt behind you, the more you can save. Give the Ira Smith Team a call today and Starting Over, Starting Now your golden years will look a lot more golden.

retirement planning advisor
Brandon Blog Post


senior citizen debt relief


Believe it or not, when it comes to senior citizen debt relief, many Canadians believe that they can comfortably retire on Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS) benefits alone. According to a 2014 Bank of Montreal study:

  • 89% of Canadians said they expected CPP or the Quebec Pension Plan to fund part of their retirement
  • 31% said they expected to rely heavily on their CPP/QPP

Is expecting the government to fund your retirement realistic?

No! Paul Shelestowsky, a senior wealth adviser with Meridian Credit Union in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario believes that Canadians are playing a dangerous game with their future by expecting the benefits of making up for meagre savings. “CPP and OAS were never meant to form somebody’s retirement plan. They were meant to augment it and help as one of the pieces of the puzzle,” Mr. Shelestowsky says.

Do you know how much you’d earn if CPP and OAS were your only sources of income in 2015?

Your net income would be $17,883/year or $1,490/month. Could you possibly live out your golden years in the manner you had imagined with such a scant income? How would you ever obtain senior citizen debt relief?

If you’re like many Canadians you’re in a total state of shock right now. In 2013, a Leger Marketing survey for H&R Block found that 7 out of 10 non-retired Canadians were unaware of how much money CPP pays out monthly. The maximum in 2015 was $1,065 a month, but this is the maximum. The average CPP payment is only about $550.

What about senior citizen debt relief?

How many of you could maintain close to your current lifestyle on $1,490/month? It would be hard enough to pay your monthly bills, let along pay down your liabilities. Yet seniors are adding to their financial load even faster than the general population, with the average Canadian senior owing approximately $15,000. This is a serious issue and as a result, we’ve done a series of blogs/vlog about this issue:

Your solution

If you’re in need of senior citizen financial relief, you need a professional trustee to help you manage your financial problems before it reaches a critical stage where bankruptcy is your only option. We have been able to help many seniors carry out a successful debt settlement program. Successful completion of such a program will free you from the burden of your financial challenges to go on to live a productive, stress-free, financially sound life.

You should never take liabilities into retirement. NOW is the time to deal with financial problems; not once you’re on a seriously limited income and barely making ends meet. Sit down with a professional trustee and discuss your options. We’re experts on dealing with senior citizen debt relief and not so senior citizen financial issues. With immediate action and the right financial plan in place, you can be well on your way to a debt-free life Starting Over, Starting Now. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. Help is only a phone call away.


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