Brandon Blog Post


We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

A credit score in Canada: Can car insurance companies use your credit score?

According to the CBC News showMarketplace” in 2010, home insurance rates can be influenced by a person’s credit score in Canada. A number of people experienced doubled insurance premiums after their insurance company included credit scores in calculating risk.

Consumer credit scores are portrayed positively by those who make use of it. Insurers only check your credit score to determine the best premium for you, according to Desjardins. The Cooperators offer a different perspective. The credit score reflects a person’s financial responsibility and behaviour. The issue is undoubtedly contentious.

In Ontario, as elsewhere in the country, credit scoring has been controversial. In this Brandon Blog, I discuss the recent request by certain auto insurance companies in obtaining consent to check a New Brunswick resident’s credit score in Canada when determining auto insurance rates.

New Brunswick has Canada’s highest rates of personal insolvency and some of its lowest credit scores

There are two Canadian credit bureaus that perform credit scoring in Canada, Equifax and TransUnion. Credit reporting agencies track your credit history by tracking consumer borrowing and payment histories. Credit scores in Canada are derived from these activities.

In Canada, two major credit bureaus report credit scores between 300 and 900. It is through this report that lenders determine whether you have good credit. You are more likely to get credit and have low interest rates if your credit score is high. A credit score in Canada at a high level is therefore beneficial.

What is a good credit score in Canada? You can get a pretty good idea of what they are by looking at the following list:

  • 740 plus Excellent
  • The 700 to 740 range is a very good score
  • A score of 680 to 700 is considered good
  • 600 to 679 Fair
  • Below 600 Poor

Missing payments or maxing out your credit card can result in a bad credit score. As a fintech company, Borrowell Canada represents multiple lenders in Canada that issue credit cards and make loans to individuals based on their respective credit score in Canada. They became the first business in Canada to offer free credit scores and credit reports. Borrowell’s New Brunswick users have an average credit score of 634.

New Brunswick has the lowest average credit score in Canada. Adults in New Brunswick deal with financial problems at a higher rate than anywhere else in Canada. New Brunswick is currently the province with the highest bankruptcy rates for consumers.

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credit score in canada

Are bills up to date? New Brunswick auto insurance companies are interested in your credit score

According to insurance companies, studies show bad credit drivers are more likely to have an accident than those with similar driving records, and they want premiums in New Brunswick to reflect that. Several insurance companies in New Brunswick recently gained approval to ask for the introduction of credit scores when setting auto premiums for insurance.

The insurance companies claim studies show that motorists with bad credit are more likely to get into accidents than those with similar driving records, and they want New Brunswick premiums to reflect that.

In Canada, insurance companies believe your credit score in Canada is an accurate predictor of risk and therefore future claims. As a result, policyholders are said to be given rates based on the justest risk segmentation. The application they submitted for approval argued this.

A policyholder will be charged more if they are likely to generate the highest costs than a policyholder who is likely to generate lower costs, according to the New Brunswick Insurance Board. According to the board, it was satisfied there is a relationship between bad credit and bad driving and, as a result, granted the right to set rates using a person’s credit score in Canada.

As part of the risk assessment, a credit score raises a number of concerns:

  • What will the insurance companies do if New Brunswick residents refuse to have their credit score used?
  • For insureds with low credit scores and limited resources, insurance may be harder to obtain and more expensive.
  • Is an individual’s driving record more indicative of risk when it comes to car insurance than their credit score in Canada?
  • Suppose you are a young adult, new to Canada, unemployed, or barely getting by? A low credit score may make it harder for you to get to school, work, or a doctor’s appointment.

A credit score in Canada: Are insurance companies allowed to check credit scores?

Are the rules the same in all the Canadian Provinces? No, they are not. If you live in a certain province, your credit score may also affect your monthly premium. Those who live in Ontario or Newfoundland and Labrador can breathe easier. In these two provinces, auto insurance companies are not allowed to use your credit score in Canada as there is a ban on insurance companies doing so.

As of spring 2019, the Progressive Conservative Party announced plans to allow companies to ask you for your credit score in exchange for a better rate. It hasn’t happened yet. Premier Ford’s plans may have been thwarted by the COVID-19 pandemic!

It is already the case in Nova Scotia, though you cannot be denied coverage if you refuse. In March 2021, the province’s insurance regulator approved RSA Canada’s request to offer discounts to auto policy applicants based on their credit scores.

In Alberta, insurers are required to ask for your consent before looking at your credit score, and they can’t use it if you only want the most basic plan.

Business is regulated by the provincial government in Manitoba and British Columbia. Manitoba Public Insurance and Insurance Corporation of British Columbia do not list credit scores among their criteria.

As for Saskatchewan, it’s the same story with Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI). Despite the fact that drivers are required to get basic coverage through SGI, you might face a credit check if you choose private company coverage.

Quebec, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island don’t have any laws forbidding the practice, but it was not common in the two Maritime provinces until the recent change in New Brunswick.

In addition to your driving history, insurance companies also consider your location, driving experience, and the type of car you drive when assessing your accident risks.

We also have a consumer watchdog called the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC). The code has been published and 85% of Canada’s car and home insurance companies have signed on.

There are a number of friendly ground rules:

  • Asking for your permission prior to checking your credit score in Canada.
  • Do not cancel or deny your insurance if you do not consent.
  • In the absence of much credit history, calculating your premiums using other relevant information.

    credit score in canada
    credit score in canada

A credit score in Canada: Auto insurers’ interest in N.B. credit scores is bad news for many

I hope this credit score in Canada Brandon Blog was informative. The auto insurers’ interest in New Brunswick credit scores is bad news for many. But if you have a low credit score and too much debt, wherever you live in Canada, you are considered insolvent. There are several insolvency processes available to you. It may not be necessary for you to file for bankruptcy.

If you are concerned because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges, you need debt help and you assume bankruptcy is your only option, call me.

It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties with debt relief options as an alternative to bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve. Our professional advice will create for you a personalized debt-free plan for you or your company during our no-cost initial consultation.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people with credit cards maxed out and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do as we know the alternatives to bankruptcy. We help many people and companies stay clear of filing an assignment in bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need to become debt-free, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

credit score in canada
credit score in canada
Brandon Blog Post


We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Canadians with the lowest credit scores rating led a wave of pandemic credit card debt repayment

Statistics Canada reported on August 23, 2021, that Canadians with the lowest credit scores rating repaid the most credit card debt in the first year of the pandemic. Over the period of the pandemic to January 2021, the mortgage debt of Canadian households increased by a record amount of $99.6 billion, driven by rising home prices, especially for single-family houses. Over the same period, non-mortgage debt fell by a record $20.6 billion, mainly due to a $16.6 billion decline in credit card debt.

In this Brandon Blog, I look at the area of people with credit scores rating and discuss how and why these lowest credit scores rating Canadians were able to pay down their high-interest debt.

Credit scores rating: Credit report and score basics

Credit scores are three-digit numbers derived from your credit report. An individual’s credit report summarizes their Canadian credit history. The Canadian credit reporting bureaus are Equifax Canada and TransUnion Canada. These private companies are credit reporting agencies that collect, store, and share information about how you use credit. As your credit report changes over time, your credit score will change as well. The more responsibly you manage your credit, the more points you get. According to a review of Borrowell Canada members, even a single missed payment can lower credit scores by 150 points.

Your credit score calculation is based on information in your credit report. A credit score between 660 and 900 is generally considered good, very good, or excellent credit scores.

The credit score model has credit score ranges from 300 to 900 that is used to determine creditworthiness. People always ask if there is a “magic number” to obtain better loan rates. This is an age-old question. Different lenders may focus on different aspects of your credit history. So, I cannot give you one number that unlocks the door to the best loan rates.

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credit scores rating

Credit scores rating: How to check your credit report

Getting a credit card, getting a car loan, or applying for any loan will result in a credit file being opened up on you. The report keeps getting updated over time. Your borrowing history and borrowing experience are all taken into account.

The report contains information about every loan you have taken out in the last six years and whether you pay on time or not, how much you owe, what your credit limit is on each, as well as a list of creditors who are authorized to access your record.

You can get a free credit report on yourself yearly from each credit bureau. You need to submit your ID and background details to prove you are the person entitled to make the request. You can make sure that your credit history report is error-free. Any errors will be corrected by each credit bureau based on the evidence you provide.

A credit rating of R1 is the best. That means you pay within 30 days of receiving your bill, or “as agreed.”

Anyone who wants to grant you credit or provide you with a service that involves you receiving something before you pay for it (such as a rental apartment or phone service) can get a copy of your credit report so they can make a credit decision about you.

R9 is the lowest credit rating.

Average Canadian credit scores rating improved during the pandemic, Borrowell study finds

With Borrowell, a fintech company, you can get your credit score every week for free. From Q1 2020 to Q1 2021, they analyzed credit scores and credit reports of 1,015,369 Canadians, including those in 20 of Canada’s largest cities, to investigate changes in credit scores and missed payment trends across the country.

The Borrowell study came up with several very interesting findings:

  • Government relief measures, lifestyle changes, and financial shifts have impacted credit scores and bill payments over the past year – sometimes revealing the divergence in how COVID-19 affected different segments of society’s financial future.
  • In spite of the coronavirus pandemic, credit scores for Canadians actually improved.
  • The average number of people with missed payments decreased from 3 out of every 10 consumers to 2 out of every 10 people between the first quarter of 2020 and the first quarter of 2021.
  • From Q1 2020 to Q1 2021, Borrowell members’ average credit scores increased by 18 points, rising from 649 (under the average) in Q1 2020 to 667 (fair).
  • The risk of missing paying bills on time is 432 times higher for consumers with low credit scores rating.

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    credit scores rating

The Statistics Canada study: Canadians with the lowest credit scores rating led the wave of pandemic credit card debt repayment

The new StatsCan study, “Trends in household non-mortgage loans: The evolution of Canadian household debt before and during COVID-19“, examines how Canadians reduced non-mortgage debt and debt levels during the pandemic.

During the pandemic, households began to see their disposable income rise, partly due to the limited spending opportunities during lockdowns, as well as the government’s monetary assistance, such as CERB or enhanced Employment Insurance. This was an opportunity for many households to pay down their expensive non-mortgage debt, with unsecured credit lines and credit card balances being paid down at record levels.

Prior to the pandemic, the outstanding balance on credit cards was $90.6 billion in February 2020, compared with $74 billion just a year later. During the two decades prior to the pandemic, the outstanding balance carried on credit cards had increased on average by 20.7% per year.

Debt reductions were greatest among Canadians with the lowest credit ratings, suggesting that those most vulnerable to financial hardship used savings prudently during the pandemic. Home prices increased, especially for single-family houses, as I indicated at the outset, driving a record increase in mortgage debt for Canadian households of $99.6 billion.

For me, this is a mixed blessing. You may be pleased to hear that many Canadians with low credit scores have been able to save money and reduce their household debt. In my opinion, mortgage debt is highly unlikely to have been accumulated by the same people.

People with low credit scores were not the ones filling out mortgage applications. It was rather people with good and excellent credit who either moved up and/or refinanced in order to do renovations, improvements and/or to pay off debt with a high-interest rate. Furthermore, it shows that people with low credit scores can earn more money staying home and receiving government COVID-19 assistance than they could make at their normal job. That is a very sad comment.

Minimum credit scores rating for mortgages in Canada

You can either be approved or declined for a mortgage based on your credit score. It can affect your mortgage interest rate, the type of mortgage available, as well as the mortgage lenders that you can choose from.

A mortgage requires a minimum credit score of:

  • in the case of major banks, 600;
  • for B lenders, 550;
  • private lenders have no minimum requirements; and
  • for CMHC mortgage default insurance mortgages, 600 points are required.

For a mortgage with bad credit, your only options are B lenders and private lenders, and they may require a large down payment or equity in your home. A lower credit score is generally associated with a higher mortgage interest rate. Low mortgage rates require a credit score of at least 680.

Having a credit score above 600 is good for getting a mortgage in Canada, as it opens up more options. In most cases, CMHC mortgage default insurance is not available to people with credit scores below 600. When you have a low credit score, your mortgage loan application may be denied, your mortgage rate may be higher, or you may be limited in the amount of money you can borrow.

A credit scores rating must be 680+ to qualify for the low-interest rates advertised in the media. CMHC mortgage default insurance is another issue some borrowers need to be concerned about. As long as you have sufficient income and property value to service the mortgage, a low score may suffice, however, the private lender will charge you higher fees and interest rates.

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credit scores rating

Credit scores rating summary

I hope that you found this credit scores rating Brandon Blog. Credit scores do not always properly reflect people who have problems because they are cash-starved and in debt. There are several insolvency processes available to a person or company with too much debt. You may not need to file for bankruptcy.

If you are concerned because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges, you need debt help and you assume bankruptcy is your only option, call me.

It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties with debt relief options as an alternative to bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve. Our professional advice will create for you a personalized debt-free plan for you or your company during our no-cost initial consultation.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people with credit cards maxed out and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do as we know the alternatives to bankruptcy. We help many people and companies stay clear of filing an assignment in bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need to become debt-free, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

credit scores rating
credit scores rating
Brandon Blog Post


What is a credit reporting body?

A credit reporting body is also known as a credit bureau or credit reporting agency. It collects, saves, makes use of and reveals personal credit scores about individual consumers. The bureau refines these details to report on the credit rating or creditworthiness of a person. Businesses considering extending credit to people subscribe to and make use of such a credit reporting body.

One thing the bureaus do is report a listing and condition of your debts. More on this below. People with financial problems who come to see me many times are confused as to how a credit reporting agency operates. Many times people are confused between the credit reporting agency’s reporting of debts where the creditor can no longer sue. The reason they can’t sue is because of the statute of limitations in Ontario (again, more on this below). Yet, the debt is still listed by the credit bureau.

I recently came across an Ontario court decision, that describes perfectly why debts can still be listed on your credit report, even though the creditor has run out of time to sue you.

What are the major credit reporting agencies in Canada?

In Canada, there are 2 such reporting companies for consumers: Equifax and TransUnion. For companies, one of the most prominent credit reporting company is Dun & Bradstreet Canada.

How do I get a free copy of my credit file?

You are able to get your complimentary credit report once every 12 months from each of the two nationwide rating companies. If you need a current report more often than that, you can pay TransUnion or Equifax to get it. You can get your credit report by phone, fax, online or in person. Each credit bureau provides instructions on how to do it.

There are also two online services that will provide you with your credit score and report for free. They are Borrowell and Credit Karma Canada.

The Court case

This court case was somewhat unique in that it was a small claims court case. The 10-page decision clearly shows that a statute of limitations will not erase the debt. The case is Harvey v Capital One Bank, 2019 CanLII 69716 (ON SCSM).

Mr. Harvey sought $25,000.00 against Capital One Bank for purportedly posting to the credit reporting body firms, defamatory details impacting his professional reputation. Mr. Harvey admits he owed money to Capital One however asserts the debt can no longer be pursued, as it is beyond the 2 year limitation period for enforcement according to the Ontario Limitations Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 24, Sched. B. Capital One Bank confessed it reported the debt but was fully justified in doing so according to the Consumer Reporting Act, RSO 1990, c. C.33.

The agreed statement of facts

Mr. Harvey and Capital One Bank submitted an Agreed Statement of Facts:

  1. Mr. Harvey had two Capital One Bank accounts. The account concerned was opened up on or about March 5, 2009. The second account was opened on or around June 2018.
  2. Mr. Harvey was contacted by collection firms acting on behalf of Capital One from 2015 to 2018 in an attempt to collect the debt.
  3. Capital One provided disclosure regarding the terms of the account when Mr. Harvey was originally authorized. He received duplicates of the account statements created, which were accurate, consisting of the balance owing, repayments, interest and fees or charges. All rates of interest and various other fees were correctly applied.
  4. Mr. Harvey was advised many times that his failure to pay the outstanding balance would be reported to the credit reporting body companies and it can adversely affect his credit rating.
  5. Mr. Harvey paid $200.00 on the account in question on October 27, 2014. He failed to make the minimum payment due on December 4, 2014. He as well failed to make any type of subsequent repayment, other than for a $200.00 payment around August 20, 2018.
  6. When Capital One charged off Mr. Harvey’s very first account on June 2015, the balance owing was $841.78.
  7. All details about the Capital One debt in the credit reports generated by Mr. Harvey were accurate and true, with the exception of one amount of $1,449.00 for a different Capital One account which Mr. Harvey would not admit to. In his testimony, he deposed that he has no particular memory of the components of that account or any understanding of the accuracy of the information.
  8. Other non-Capital One credit accounts referenced in Mr. Harvey’s credit record included unfavourable credit history reports. Some of his other non-Capital One credit rating accounts had actually been charged off and sent to a debt collector.
  9. Mr. Harvey acquired a brand-new Canadian Tire Bank MasterCard around January 2019 with a $300.00 credit line, a brand-new FIDO cell phone account around September 2019, a brand-new credit line for a car loan of $22,465.00 around September 2019 and also a new Capital One MasterCard with a credit line of $300.00 around June 2018.

Capital One Bank’s evidence

Capital One’s evidence was straight forward. Credit cards revolve and are reported to the credit reporting body companies on a regular monthly basis. There is a standard conventional rating system used by all financial institutions when reporting to the reporting agencies:

Rating scoreMeaning
R1Indicates settlement on time or 1 to 30 days delinquent.
R231 to 60 days delinquent
R361 to 90 days overdue
R4120 days overdue
R5121 to 150 days overdue
R6Does not exist
R7Used only for credit counselling and bankruptcy
R9Account has been charged off

Mr. Harvey’s Capital One debt was reported to the credit bureaus in conformity with the legislation. By April 9, 2015, the account, 5 months overdue, was completely limited, meaning it cannot be re-opened to make purchases. An R5 score was reported to the credit reporting body companies. By May 9, 2015, it was 6 months overdue. R5 was reported once again.

Once it is 180 days past due, the account is charged off and also an R9 rating is reported. When an account is charged off, it is still reported to the credit reporting agencies and remains an R9 score. After the account was charged off, Capital One engaged various collection companies as normal to attempt to collect the debt.

As the account remains overdue, Capital One continues to report to the credit bureaus up until reporting becomes statute-barred after seven years, based upon the date of the very first payment missed. That was December 4, 2014.

This 7-year reporting period is based on legislative provisions for credit report coverage. After seven years, Capital One makes one final entry in the record which erases the entire line from the credit bureau history. The credit reporting body companies have a similar procedure so they will remove this information also.

The Court’s analysis

The Court’s analysis was simple. It rejected all of the plaintiff’s submissions. The Court stated that the plaintiff never even produced any evidence in support of his claim that he has suffered damages through a loss of reputation.

The Court correctly analyzed the situation. The Deputy Judge found that by Mr. Harvey’s own admission the debt was never paid and stays outstanding. Capital One is not insisting on a claim to title; it is asserting its right to report an unpaid debt throughout the 7-year reporting period under the Ontario Consumer Reporting Act. The Ontario Limitations Act and Consumer Reporting Act serve completely different legislative purposes. They are also not in conflict.

The Court sided with Capital One’s position that the case relied upon by Mr. Harvey entails an argument concerning a right vs. a remedy. In Ontario, the limitation period acts to limit the remedy to sue but not the right to be repaid.

The Court’s decision

Capital One Bank lost the right to sue Mr. Harvey after the 2-year period expired. However, on a mutually exclusive basis, it had the right to report the outstanding amount owing for a 7-year period under different provincial legislation.

The Court further stated that the ramifications to companies extending credit to others might be harmed if such information was inaccessible, merely because the creditor did not commence legal proceedings for repayment of the debt prior to the 2-year limitation period. A person’s failure or refusal to pay their debts is vital details for other creditors, to whom that very same borrower has looked to for more credit.

The Court, therefore, found in favour of Capital One Bank and awarded costs against Mr. Harvey.


This case perfectly answers the question many people ask me when they come for their free consultation. The question is either: (1) Why is this debt still showing up on my credit report because it is too late for the credit card company to sue me?; or (2) Does the statute of limitations erase my debt? As seen in Mr. Harvey’s case, the limitation period and the reporting period are two different and separate issues.

Do you have way too much debt? Prior to you getting to the phase where you can’t make ends meet and your credit report looks awful, reach out to a licensed insolvency trustee (previously called a bankruptcy trustee). In fact, if you understand that you can’t pay your financial debts, contact us.

We understand the pain and stress excessive financial debt can trigger. We can aid you to get rid of that discomfort as well as address your financial problems offering prompt action and the ideal plan.

Call Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. Make an appointment with one of the Ira Smith Team for a free, no-obligation consultation and you can be on your way to enjoying a carefree retirement Starting Over, Starting Now. Give us a call today so that we can help you get back to stress and pain-free life, Starting Over, Starting Now.

credit reporting body

Brandon Blog Post


What is a good credit score in Canada: Introduction

I have previously written reviews of the two main companies that can give you your credit score for free in Canada. The two are Credit Karma Canada and Borrowell. It is one thing to know what your credit score is. But what does that number mean? Do you have control over how to increase your credit score? To answer those questions, you must know the topic I am writing about in this Brandon’s Blog. What is a good credit score in Canada?

Your credit rating

There are three main points you need to learn about your credit rating. In Canada, your credit score is a number between 300 and 900. Lenders use this to forecast just how likely you are to be responsible with the money they are considering providing you. Will you pay back the cash you are asking they fund you?

The greater your score number, the more probable you are to be an excellent wager to be able to pay back what you owe. Your credit history is composed of five elements:

  1. Your payment history composes 35%.
  2. How much debt you owe comprises 30%.
  3. The length of your history makes up 15%.
  4. 10% comes from the sorts of loans or credit cards you have.
  5. Just how often you typically apply to borrow has a 10% effect.

A better understanding

Let’s drill down on this a little more. The greatest chunk is your repayment history. This checks out whether you’re making your payments on time. If you’re late on repayments, exactly how often are you late or are there financial obligations in the enforcement and collection process. How much debt you owe takes into account how much debt is owed and how much borrowing room is still available to you.

The length of your borrowing history considers how long you’ve had your loan products for. The longer you’ve had them the better it is for your history. Types of credit look at the range of items you have. A brand-new application is when you ask for a new loan. New loan applications stay on your report for three years. Applying many times decreases your score.

The theory is that if you keep applying, you are having 2 problems. The first is that you keep needing new loans for some reason. The second problem is that you must keep being turned down in order for you to need to keep applying.

Hard and soft hits

When you apply for a new loan, the potential lender performs a check on you. This produces what is known as a hard hit which can negatively impact your score. When you pull your own reports, such as through Credit Karma Canada or Borrowell, this makes what they call a soft hit. This won’t negatively impact your score.

How often should I check my score?

You might be wondering do you need to look at your own score monthly? I am here to tell you that you don’t. Your rating adjusts throughout the month based on the five items I spoke of above. So your rating can look different from month to month.

If you’re exercising excellent credit rating behaviour a new report will certainly show that. Likewise, if you are not acting responsibly, your report and your score will show that. What I do recommend you do is check your rating by pulling an annual credit report. You do this to ensure that your record is exact and there are no errors in it.

The most effective time to check the accuracy of your report would certainly be prior to you making a huge purchase for something like a home or vehicle. You recognize that your lender will certainly perform a check. It is to your benefit to make sure everything on your rating profile looks good and is error free.

In that situation, where a lot is riding on the precision and completeness of your report, you would go directly to the two main score rating companies in Canada; Equifax Canada and TransUnion Canada. You will certainly have to pay for them to generate an Equifax or TransUnion score and history report for you. What you pay them to understand that your record is precise and totally error-free is worth that peace of mind.

4 things you must know about your score

To summarize, the 4 things you must know about your score are:

  1. Your credit score in Canada is a number between 300 and 900.
  2. Lenders use your credit score to forecast just how likely you are to be responsible with the credit they are considering providing you.
  3. The greater your credit score number, the more probable you are to be an excellent wager to be able to pay back what you owe.
  4. Your credit history is composed of five elements:
    1. your payment history composes 35%;
    2. how much debt you owe comprises 30%;
    3. the length of your credit history makes up 15%;
    4. 10% comes from the sorts of credit you have;
    5. just how often you typically apply for new credit has a 10% effect; and
    6. lastly, you don’t need to check the credit score all the time.

You might have a concern about, and ask yourself, is Credit Karma Canada safe? Is Borrowell safe? The answer is yes, but you still may have a concern. You are providing each of them with very personal information about yourself when you first sign up for their respective services. Then they do on a regular basis perform a credit score check on you. These are soft hits, so it won’t affect your score. However, they are updating your private personal information which stays on their database. Anytime such sensitive information is on a computer server, there is, of course, a danger from hackers.

The reason they regularly check your credit situation is so they can then send you an email about any change to your credit score – good or bad. They do this for two reasons. The first is to alert you about their latest finding of your credit report. The second reason is to give you a reason to go to their website. Their hope, of course, is while you are on their site seeing the change to your credit score, perhaps you will stay and look at some of the products they offer to produce revenue for themselves.

What is a good credit score in Canada: What about you?

I hope this what is a good credit score in Canada blog has helped you gain a better understanding. Question: Have you lost the ability to borrow because of a bad credit score? Are you having trouble making your monthly payments? Is your business dealing with financial challenges that require to be addressed immediately?

Call the Ira Smith Team today if so. We have years along with generations of experience aiding people and companies looking for financial restructuring or a debt settlement plan. As a licensed insolvency trustee, we are the only professionals recognized, licensed and supervised by the Federal government to provide insolvency advice and services to assist you to stay clear of bankruptcy.

Call the Ira Smith Team today so you can end your stress, anxiety and pain today. With the roadmap we develop unique to your situation, we will swiftly return you right into a balanced, healthy and carefree life.

You can have a no-cost assessment to assist you to repair your credit and debt troubles. With you, we will uncover your financial discomfort points and use a method to rid them from your life. This will absolutely allow you to begin a fresh start, Starting Over Starting Now.what is a good credit score in canada


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Good and Bad credit loans: Introduction

I am always asked where can you get both good and bad credit loans. The first question I ask is how do you know you have a bad credit score? Have you checked it recently?

Last week we reviewed the new entrant to the Canadian financial marketplace, Credit Karma Canada and its service for checking your credit score for free. Right now Credit Karma Canada does not offer loan products, so it cannot help you with good and bad credit loans.

Good and Bad credit loans: First know your credit score, good or bad

This week we are reviewing another website where you can check your credit score for free, and if you wish, also use the site to get a loan product –

If you have a good credit score, you may very well qualify for a loan from If you have a bad credit score, being one below the Borrowell minimum credit score, Borrowell can’t give you a loan. In that case, they have partnered with a lender who may be able to. If you have a bad credit score, Borrowell will immediately tell you who to contact to apply for a bad credit score loan.

Good and Bad credit loans: About Borrowell

It’s never been so easy to swipe a credit card when you go shopping, but when people can’t control or manage their swiping, they will fall deep into debt. Then, they’ll have to go to their bank to borrow more money, but could face a big objection, depending on what their credit score is.

Borrowell is a Canadian company and a new breed of lender. Borrowell is in the growing group of fintech – defined as “computer programs and other technology used to support or enable banking and financial services”. Borrowell has teamed up with Equifax Canada, to allow anyone to check their credit score for free.

Checking your credit score this way, will not impact on your credit score, unlike when a lender, or potential lender, does an Equifax or TransUnion Canada credit check on you. Borrowell has also partnered up with third-party vendors, to offer financial products. Once you have checked your credit score, you can on a fairly seamless basis, apply for a personal loan for almost any purpose.

You can combine your debt, finance a purchase or borrow for your business. Borrowell has partnered with lenders for those with either good or bad credit scores.

Good and Bad credit loans: Hidden secret – Credit score, credit rating and credit report

The tool the banks use to measure creditworthiness is a person’s credit rating and credit report. But not everyone takes the time to check there’s out. You probably found out your credit rating the last time you applied for a mortgage or other loan, but have since forgotten what it was.

Regardless, time has passed and your credit rating has now changed. Here is the hidden secret. If you don’t know your credit score, you have no idea what needs improving. Once you know your credit score, you can drill down to work on what needs improving. Borrowell allows you to check your credit score for free.

“I would say anything above 650 is deemed to be a good rating” says Andrew Graham, the CEO of It’s the first lender in Canada to give free credit scores online. Proving that you are able to treat credit properly over an extended period is everyone’s goal. If you want to improve your credit score, the first and most important thing you can do is to check out where it is now at either or Credit Karma Canada.

Good and Bad credit loans: Your credit score is an important number

Your credit score is an important number. One that can impact:

  1. your ability to borrow money in the first place;
  2. the rate of interest that you’re going to pay;
  3. your ability to find a rental if you don’t own;
  4. your ability to get a job;
  5. your home mortgage rate;
  6. your insurance policy charges; and
  7. even your job expectations.

We have written before on these issues, including:


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Good and Bad credit loans: Don’t tense up!

Even if you think your credit rating is good, people tense up and they get really nervous and uneasy because they don’t know. People I see in our insolvency practice are always concerned about their credit rating, sometimes unnecessarily so. In fact, the people I see care more about their credit rating than the debt they can’t repay!

Whether you know or not it’s not going to change the result so I say it’s better to know than not know. You wouldn’t ignore going to the doctor if you thought something was wrong, so why ignore your finances?

Good and Bad credit loans: Hidden secret to demystify your credit score

To demystify your credit score a bit, it is on a scale from 300 to 900 and the higher the score the better. So you want to have a relatively high credit score to be assured that you get the best possible borrowing rates.

What would cause you to have a low credit score? Things such as not paying off your credit cards, if you’ve missed payments, and if you are late by 30, 60, or 90 days. That’s a big red flag, because again your credit score reflects how likely is this person to make their payments that they signed up to or not.

If you have a large unused credit ability, say you have five charge cards each with a $10,000 limit, but you pay it off every single month you’d think that would produce a good credit rating. However, the lenders will say, you can get into trouble really quickly. So if you have a lot of charge cards, you should focus on reducing the number you have open and reduce it to just a few.

Can I use a good credit rating to my advantage? Can I negotiate better interest rates? Yes, absolutely. They’ll know, so they’ll have an idea about your ratings and offer you pretty good terms, but you can certainly negotiate. If you’re a renter, you know when you’re dealing with potential landlords, if everything about you is the same as everyone else, except for your credit score, and yours is poor compared to another applicant, the rental will go to the other applicant.

Good and Bad credit loans: It doesn’t have to be like that forever

Does your credit rating stay with you eternally? If I was a broke student and racked up indebtedness, is that still going to affect me in my forties? Probably not. What happens is your rating will change as your circumstances change. So as long as you set up a record of responsible credit behavior, even if circumstances were really bad a very long time ago, you probably can still have a really good credit rating.

So it all starts with knowing your credit score and can help you. Once you know the credit score, the secret to getting that loan you need at a reasonable price is to first do the things you need to do to improve your credit score. But even with a bad credit rating,, through one of its partners, may still be able to get you that bad credit loan.

Good and Bad credit loans: Hidden secret to fix the problem without more debt

Our final hidden secret is to let you know that normally, more debt will not fix your problems. You need to find out why you have a bad credit score, why you cannot use your existing income to pay your bills and debts and why you need to borrow more money. We can help you unlock all those answers, and unlock the hidden secret for you to get your life back on track.

If so, contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as quickly as possible. With immediate action and a solid financial plan for moving forward we can help you deal with debt and learn to manage it well in the future, Starting Over, Starting Now. We’re just a phone call away.


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