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medical debts, free healthcare, universal healthcare, healthcare debt, disability, long-term care, prescription drugs, medical debt, medical debt assistance, medical dental, medical bills, debt, ira smith trustee, starting over starting nowMedical debts? Don’t we have free healthcare?

As Canadians we pride ourselves on our universal healthcare system, which we view as free healthcare. We therefore assume that medical debts cannot arise. However, when I read that Pamela Bowes, manager of the Money Matters and workplace programs at Wellspring in Toronto recently said, “I have had more people tell me they worry more about money than they worry about cancer”, I was quite frankly shocked. Clearly Canadians don’t understand that even though we have universal healthcare, we can get into serious financial problems due to medical debt.

Medical debts without enough private insurance coverage

Here’s the reality of healthcare debt in Canada. According to a 2014 BMO Wealth Institute Report:

  • Without private coverage, Canadians can expect to spend an average of $5,391 a year on out-of-pocket medical dental costs after 65
  • Disability poses a large threat: Between ages 65 to 74, 26.3% will be become disabled
  • If the disability is mild, there may be a need for changes to a home, such as electric wheelchairs ($2,050 and up) and other devices such as scooters ($1,000-$5,000) and walkers ($150 and up)
  • If a person is severely disabled, he/she may need a personal care worker at a cost of $16 to $30 an hour or a registered nurse at a cost of $24 to $76 an hour

Medical debts for long-term care

Long-term care is another area where Canadians are totally unprepared. Stephen Frank, vice-president of policy development and health at Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association reports that 75% of Canadians have no long-term financial plan for long-term care if they need it. Long-term care isn’t covered under the Canada Health Act. Home care may be covered, partly covered or not covered at all depending on the province you reside in and our annual income. According to Statistics Canada there is about a:

  • 10% chance of needing long-term care by age 55
  • 30% chance by 65
  • 50% chance by 75

A nursing home in Ontario can cost between $14,000 and $132,000 annually, while long-term care averages $20,800 to $29,300 (Senioropolis). Add to this the cost of certain medical treatment and the medical bills could pile up. Provincial plans cover most prescription drugs for seniors 65 years of age and older, but younger retirees have to pay for their medications unless they have an extended healthcare plan. And, then there are certain drugs that are not covered under the provincial plans, regardless of your age. This may leave a Canadian with thousands of dollars of medication debt.

Do you have too much debt? Contact us

If you are an individual or company who needs to free themselves from the stress and strain of too much debt, and especially if you have been told your situation is hopeless, Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. can prepare and carry out the plan made just for you, to free you from the burden of your financial challenges to go on to live a productive, stress-free, financially sound life.

If you’re struggling with a mountain of unexpected medical debts and need medical debt help, or any serious debt issues, help is just a phone call away. Starting Over, Starting Now we can help you deal with what seems like insurmountable debt and breathe easy again. Contact the Ira Smith Team today.


Brandon Blog Post


bad credit, credit, job search, Equifax, TransUnion, BackCheck, credit history, credit report, credit check, medical debt, marital breakdown and bankruptcy, starting over starting now, good credit and bad credit, credit check, living paycheque to paycheque, credit ratingBad credit showing up on your credit history can impact your job search. Many companies will check your credit as part of the routine background check. Some people believe that how you pay your billsgives employers an indication of the quality of your work. These employers believe that an applicant with bad credit indicates either an inability to live up to your commitments or a belief that it is not important to honour your commitments. This belief, correct or not, are traits that potential employers do not wish to inherit.

Of course this is painting a picture with very broad strokes and doesn’t take into consideration the reason for your financial problems causing the bad credit, which may be due to a divorce or a layoff. But, employers want to avoid situations when collectors start calling the office or try to garnish wages. Previously, we have written many blogs on such causes of financial problems, including:

According to Dave Dinesen, President and CEO of BackCheck, a pre-employment screening services company, they’ve screened over three million Canadians for more than 5,000 organizations, and the vast majority of employers use credit checks for identification verification purposes (such as employment history and address history). By doing so, they can also differentiate between candidates who have good credit and bad credit.

Before a potential employer can pull your credit history, you must sign a release. Protect yourself and know exactly what’s in your credit report before your potential employer does. To get a copy of your credit report contact either of the two major reporting agencies – Equifax or TransUnion. They are required to provide you with a free copy of your credit report once every 12 months, if you ask for it. Have them correct any inaccuracies that you find. If you discover anything in your credit report that could be potentially damaging, the best thing to do is be upfront with your potential employer. The likelihood is that a few late payments won’t prevent you from being hired. However, if you believe that a credit check will expose that you have bad credit and would negatively impact your job search, you may want to consider applying to smaller companies that don’t do routine credit checks as part of the hiring process.

Bad credit is serious and can impact many aspects of your life. Don’t ignore your financial problems; face them head on with professional help. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. We’ll work with you to get your life back on track so that Starting Over, Starting Now you’ll never have to be afraid of a credit check again.

Brandon Blog Post


bankruptcy, file bankruptcy, medical debt, healthcare costs, credit card debt, group insurance, personal insurance, trustee, bankruptcy faqs, bankruptcy trustee, bankruptcyIn Canada we wrap ourselves in a blanket of socialized healthcare and believe that our provincial medical plans will protect us from financial ruin. People are unaware that serious illness and medical debt can ruin you financially on both sides of the Border. We feel immune from the financial disaster that afflicts many Americans who experience a serious illness. We are bombarded in the news about the financial devastation that many Americans are going through with very little commentary about how Canadians are affected. According to the National Debt Relief Organization in the U.S.:

  • 1.7 million Americans will be forced to file bankruptcy due to medical debt.
  • Over 11 million Americans will burden themselves with more credit card debt to cover their healthcare costs.
  • 56 million Americans will struggle with healthcare related bills.

As Canadians are we immune from the financial devastation of a serious illness? The answer is NO! According to Sun Life Financial:

  • Nearly half of Canadians facing a major health incident like cancer or a stroke are struggling financially as a result of their illnesses.
  • 40% of those surveyed earlier this year reported feeling financially strapped after a serious health event or diagnosis, while 53% of 45 to 54 year olds have been hit hard by unforeseen healthcare costs.
  • Only 13% had money set aside for uncovered healthcare costs.
  • Too many Canadians underestimate out-of-pocket health costs, especially when it comes to prescription drugs.
  • Over the past 12 months Canadians spent an average of $1,354 on medical or healthcare products and additional services; but few set aside money to cover health costs, with more than 81% putting nothing aside.
  • 20% had no group insurance, personal insurance or health expense savings to help absorb the shock.
  • 22% turned to credit cards or personal lines of credit, another 22% tapped into personal savings, 12% borrowed from a loved one and 5% were forced to either remortgage or sell their home.

Are you facing financial ruin as a result of a serious illness? Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. as soon as possible. Also do some self-study using our You can do some self-study by checking out our bankruptcy faqs. We can help you get back on your feet financially and let you concentrate your efforts on getting well.

Call a Trustee Now!