Brandon Blog Post


We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

Canadians with the lowest credit scores rating led a wave of pandemic credit card debt repayment

Statistics Canada reported on August 23, 2021, that Canadians with the lowest credit scores rating repaid the most credit card debt in the first year of the pandemic. Over the period of the pandemic to January 2021, the mortgage debt of Canadian households increased by a record amount of $99.6 billion, driven by rising home prices, especially for single-family houses. Over the same period, non-mortgage debt fell by a record $20.6 billion, mainly due to a $16.6 billion decline in credit card debt.

In this Brandon Blog, I look at the area of people with credit scores rating and discuss how and why these lowest credit scores rating Canadians were able to pay down their high-interest debt.

Credit scores rating: Credit report and score basics

Credit scores are three-digit numbers derived from your credit report. An individual’s credit report summarizes their Canadian credit history. The Canadian credit reporting bureaus are Equifax Canada and TransUnion Canada. These private companies are credit reporting agencies that collect, store, and share information about how you use credit. As your credit report changes over time, your credit score will change as well. The more responsibly you manage your credit, the more points you get. According to a review of Borrowell Canada members, even a single missed payment can lower credit scores by 150 points.

Your credit score calculation is based on information in your credit report. A credit score between 660 and 900 is generally considered good, very good, or excellent credit scores.

The credit score model has credit score ranges from 300 to 900 that is used to determine creditworthiness. People always ask if there is a “magic number” to obtain better loan rates. This is an age-old question. Different lenders may focus on different aspects of your credit history. So, I cannot give you one number that unlocks the door to the best loan rates.

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credit scores rating

Credit scores rating: How to check your credit report

Getting a credit card, getting a car loan, or applying for any loan will result in a credit file being opened up on you. The report keeps getting updated over time. Your borrowing history and borrowing experience are all taken into account.

The report contains information about every loan you have taken out in the last six years and whether you pay on time or not, how much you owe, what your credit limit is on each, as well as a list of creditors who are authorized to access your record.

You can get a free credit report on yourself yearly from each credit bureau. You need to submit your ID and background details to prove you are the person entitled to make the request. You can make sure that your credit history report is error-free. Any errors will be corrected by each credit bureau based on the evidence you provide.

A credit rating of R1 is the best. That means you pay within 30 days of receiving your bill, or “as agreed.”

Anyone who wants to grant you credit or provide you with a service that involves you receiving something before you pay for it (such as a rental apartment or phone service) can get a copy of your credit report so they can make a credit decision about you.

R9 is the lowest credit rating.

Average Canadian credit scores rating improved during the pandemic, Borrowell study finds

With Borrowell, a fintech company, you can get your credit score every week for free. From Q1 2020 to Q1 2021, they analyzed credit scores and credit reports of 1,015,369 Canadians, including those in 20 of Canada’s largest cities, to investigate changes in credit scores and missed payment trends across the country.

The Borrowell study came up with several very interesting findings:

  • Government relief measures, lifestyle changes, and financial shifts have impacted credit scores and bill payments over the past year – sometimes revealing the divergence in how COVID-19 affected different segments of society’s financial future.
  • In spite of the coronavirus pandemic, credit scores for Canadians actually improved.
  • The average number of people with missed payments decreased from 3 out of every 10 consumers to 2 out of every 10 people between the first quarter of 2020 and the first quarter of 2021.
  • From Q1 2020 to Q1 2021, Borrowell members’ average credit scores increased by 18 points, rising from 649 (under the average) in Q1 2020 to 667 (fair).
  • The risk of missing paying bills on time is 432 times higher for consumers with low credit scores rating.

    credit scores rating
    credit scores rating

The Statistics Canada study: Canadians with the lowest credit scores rating led the wave of pandemic credit card debt repayment

The new StatsCan study, “Trends in household non-mortgage loans: The evolution of Canadian household debt before and during COVID-19“, examines how Canadians reduced non-mortgage debt and debt levels during the pandemic.

During the pandemic, households began to see their disposable income rise, partly due to the limited spending opportunities during lockdowns, as well as the government’s monetary assistance, such as CERB or enhanced Employment Insurance. This was an opportunity for many households to pay down their expensive non-mortgage debt, with unsecured credit lines and credit card balances being paid down at record levels.

Prior to the pandemic, the outstanding balance on credit cards was $90.6 billion in February 2020, compared with $74 billion just a year later. During the two decades prior to the pandemic, the outstanding balance carried on credit cards had increased on average by 20.7% per year.

Debt reductions were greatest among Canadians with the lowest credit ratings, suggesting that those most vulnerable to financial hardship used savings prudently during the pandemic. Home prices increased, especially for single-family houses, as I indicated at the outset, driving a record increase in mortgage debt for Canadian households of $99.6 billion.

For me, this is a mixed blessing. You may be pleased to hear that many Canadians with low credit scores have been able to save money and reduce their household debt. In my opinion, mortgage debt is highly unlikely to have been accumulated by the same people.

People with low credit scores were not the ones filling out mortgage applications. It was rather people with good and excellent credit who either moved up and/or refinanced in order to do renovations, improvements and/or to pay off debt with a high-interest rate. Furthermore, it shows that people with low credit scores can earn more money staying home and receiving government COVID-19 assistance than they could make at their normal job. That is a very sad comment.

Minimum credit scores rating for mortgages in Canada

You can either be approved or declined for a mortgage based on your credit score. It can affect your mortgage interest rate, the type of mortgage available, as well as the mortgage lenders that you can choose from.

A mortgage requires a minimum credit score of:

  • in the case of major banks, 600;
  • for B lenders, 550;
  • private lenders have no minimum requirements; and
  • for CMHC mortgage default insurance mortgages, 600 points are required.

For a mortgage with bad credit, your only options are B lenders and private lenders, and they may require a large down payment or equity in your home. A lower credit score is generally associated with a higher mortgage interest rate. Low mortgage rates require a credit score of at least 680.

Having a credit score above 600 is good for getting a mortgage in Canada, as it opens up more options. In most cases, CMHC mortgage default insurance is not available to people with credit scores below 600. When you have a low credit score, your mortgage loan application may be denied, your mortgage rate may be higher, or you may be limited in the amount of money you can borrow.

A credit scores rating must be 680+ to qualify for the low-interest rates advertised in the media. CMHC mortgage default insurance is another issue some borrowers need to be concerned about. As long as you have sufficient income and property value to service the mortgage, a low score may suffice, however, the private lender will charge you higher fees and interest rates.

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credit scores rating

Credit scores rating summary

I hope that you found this credit scores rating Brandon Blog. Credit scores do not always properly reflect people who have problems because they are cash-starved and in debt. There are several insolvency processes available to a person or company with too much debt. You may not need to file for bankruptcy.

If you are concerned because you or your business are dealing with substantial debt challenges, you need debt help and you assume bankruptcy is your only option, call me.

It is not your fault that you remain in this way. You have actually been only shown the old ways to try to deal with financial issues. These old ways do not work anymore.

The Ira Smith Team utilizes new modern-day ways to get you out of your debt difficulties with debt relief options as an alternative to bankruptcy. We can get you the relief you need and so deserve. Our professional advice will create for you a personalized debt-free plan for you or your company during our no-cost initial consultation.

The tension put upon you is big. We know your discomfort factors. We will check out your entire situation and design a new approach that is as unique as you and your problems; financial and emotional. We will take the weight off of your shoulders and blow away the dark cloud hanging over you. We will design a debt settlement strategy for you. We know that we can help you now.

We understand that people with credit cards maxed out and businesses facing financial issues need a realistic lifeline. There is no “one solution fits all” method with the Ira Smith Team. Not everyone has to file bankruptcy in Canada. The majority of our clients never do as we know the alternatives to bankruptcy. We help many people and companies stay clear of filing an assignment in bankruptcy.

That is why we can establish a new restructuring procedure for paying down debt that will be built just for you. It will be as one-of-a-kind as the economic issues and discomfort you are encountering. If any one of these seems familiar to you and you are serious about getting the solution you need to become debt-free, contact the Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. group today.

Call us now for a no-cost consultation.

We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.

credit scores rating
credit scores rating
Brandon Blog Post


Credit Karma Canada review: Introduction

Credit Karma Canada has arrived recently from the United States. Its website is Right now they run in most provinces but not yet in Quebec, Nunavut, the Yukon or the Northwest Territories; but they are working on it. The purpose of this blog is to provide our Credit Karma Canada review, tell you what it is and to let you decide if it will be helpful or not for you or someone you know.

Since 2007, Credit Karma USA (CKUSA) has attempted to simplify credit and finance for more than 60 million CKUSA members. They advertise very heavily on US television to attract new members. Becoming a member is free, and it allows any member to get access to their free credit score and credit report, with the option to update every single week. CKUSA also provides financial education to put credit into context.

It’s mission statement is:

“Everyone deserves to feel confident about their finances. Our job is to give you the tools, the education and the opportunities you need to make real, meaningful progress.”

Credit Karma Canada review: Is it really free? Is it legitimate?

So far so good. Like a lot of things advertised as being free, you may wonder to yourself is it really free? Is it legitimate?

The answer is yes; accessing your credit score, your credit report and the financial and educational aspects are free. However, it is a money-making operation. They make money in at least two ways:

  1. They have ads to make money. So if you don’t like ads, just ignore them; and
  1. They do promote various credit card, mortgage and loan programs which they hope members will purchase when needed. When someone takes an offer through CKUSA, it makes money from one of its partners (like the bank that issues a credit card or the lender who funds a loan). Presumably, Credit Karma Canada (CKC) will be following that model by establishing such partnerships.

Credit Karma Canada review: So how does it work?

So this is how it works. When you first open your account and set up your unique password, it’s going to ask you different questions to confirm your identity, including your date of birth and social insurance number. They are trying to become the best-known credit bureau of Canada.

It might include things like where did you get your last car, what kind of car do you have, what addresses have you lived at in the last five years, what address do you currently live at. All of the questions offer you multiple choices to choose from. Once you finish that process your account is open. This allows you to log in either from the app or from their website.

In order to ask you the setup questions, and to then be able to give you your free credit score and report, CKC obtains information from one of our two credit reporting agencies, TransUnion. In the United States, Credit Karma uses both Equifax and TransUnion.

CKC also searches certain public record databases to look for other information such as:

  1. Bankruptcy: A legal filing by people or businesses seeking certain types of relief from all or some their debt.
  2. Civil Judgment: A non-criminal ruling in a court of law, often requiring the person or business to pay damages.
  3. Registered Items: Other items included in public records, like a lien against your car or a mortgage or loan registered against your house.

Credit Karma Canada review: Does using it lower my credit score?

You can watch your score through CKC anytime you want. Unlike a potential or real lender performing a check on you, the more times you go into the CKC database it does not affect your score. The TransUnion and Equifax credit score algorithm reduces your score every time someone does a check on you.

The theory is that each credit check is either related to your having applied for new loan(s), or an existing lender feels the need to check up on you. The algorithm interprets this as your need for more borrowing. If the checks are too often or too close together, their algorithm assumes you are experiencing some financial problems requiring more loans. The CKC algorithm prevents this from happening, which is a good thing.

However, remember that the CKC algorithm is different from the one used by TransUnion and Equifax; this is an important distinction which I will explain shortly.

Credit Karma Canada review: Things I like about it

A feature that I do like is that the CKC report will help you understand what factors are impacting your score, thereby telling you what you need to work on to improve your score. This is especially for young people who are just learning about borrowing and personal finance for the very first time. CKC gives advice for how to help improve your score and things not to do.

So it is handy to find out about:

  1. payment history;
  2. credit use;
  3. derogatory remarks on your financial history;
  4. total account and inquiries;
  5. your full report; and
  6. credit advice.

CKC gives you an easy way to see how you’re doing financially, how much money you have tied up between charge cards and auto and other loans. It also gives you tips on how to improve your score, all for free.

It is an easy and efficient way of checking up on yourself that TransUnion, Equifax or any of our Canadian financial institutions have never done. So, in my view, CKC is providing a real service and benefit.

Credit Karma Canada review: Things I do not like about it

So are there any downsides? Since CKC is not yet advertising who its financial product partners are, I have to look at the US operation. So, my comments come from a review of only CKUSA.

I’m not convinced that I would personally recommend any of the financial partners. Here are the reasons why:

  1. The financial partners have to pay a fee to CKUSA, and that fee has to be reflected in the cost of the financial product itself, making it higher.
  2. It is safe to assume that CKUSA members are working on improving their scores. The financial partners may be pricing their products for those people who have not achieved enough of a score to go and negotiate the rate they will be paying with any Bank. Again, this means the cost of any specific financial product through CKUSA could be higher than otherwise available to people with a better score.
  3. So if you do have a good score, you can probably get a better deal by going to the Bank you normally deal with.
  4. Once CKC establishes its Canadian financial partners, we will have to see if it follows this higher priced US model.
  5. The most common complaint in the US is that the score through CKUSA is different from the score calculated by either Equifax or TransUnion.

Recall that I gave an example of how the CKUSA algorithm was different from the one used by the credit reporting agencies? Well, it is further differences in the algorithms that causes this disparity. I am not talking about a small disparity either. Complaints show that the difference could be as much as 100 points!

CKC states that it shows the same credit rating and report that TransUnion shows. Again, time will tell if the Canadian experience is the same or different from in the United States.

My final point is not a criticism, but merely a fact. CKC describes their system as being safe, they respect your privacy and do not share your information with any third-party.

However, when you give personal information on a website, and especially financial information including your social insurance number, this always provides an opportunity for hackers and phisher scam artists to attempt to either hack the system or use phishing emails and websites to attempt to steal your identity.

Credit Karma Canada review: Only you are in control of your credit and debts

I hope that you realize from this blog that understanding your credit score and credit report and obtaining more financial education are all positive things and are necessary to be able to have a good financial life. However, sometimes life gets in the way and good people experience debt problems.

Only you can be the one to deal with your debt to get on top of it and gain back your life. If you don’t know how to go about reducing your debt, start by contacting Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. There are many ways to deal with debt. As experts we can help you make the best choice and set you on a path to debt free living Starting Over, Starting Now. Make an appointment for a free, no obligation today.

credit karma canada review

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