Student loan debt is not just a problem for students and their families to deal with. It’s a serious problem that has invaded all facets of our society and has significantly impacted our economy. According to the Canadian Federation of Students:
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- The average student loan debt is $27,000
- Between 2012 and 2013 more than 400,000 students borrowed money to help pay for more schooling
- The CSLP (Canada Student Loans Program) expected to lend approximately $2.46 billion during the 2013-14 academic year
Statistics Canada’s Survey of Financial Security reports that student debt grew 44.1% from 1999 to 2012, or 24.4% between 2005 and 2012. And, one in eight Canadian families is carrying student debt. The average student is having a great deal of difficulty paying off their student loans and according to the Canada Student Loans Program, most students take nearly 10 years to pay off their loans – with some taking the maximum 14.5 years. In September 2010 the amount of student loans owed to the Government of Canada was more than $15 billion dollars, which is greater than the debt of some provinces. The federal government has written off another $231 million in unpaid student loans this year from more than 44,000 cases, after exhausting all avenues attempting to collect.
A study last year from TD Bank found that students are increasingly delaying major life milestones due to the rising costs of education. How can someone who is still paying off student loans assume a mortgage or car loan? Students are shackled by their student loan debt and there is no relief. Student loans can only be discharged by bankruptcy if you have been out of school entirely (full time or part time) for 7 years or more. Student loan debt has significantly impacted our economy because university graduates lack the disposable income to create a buoyant housing market, brisk car sales and restricts the purchase of high ticket items which all fuel the economy. The CSLP does not have a program for student loan debt forgiveness or student loan debt relief.
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