Bankruptcy - Creditor Services

Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. assists secured lenders and unsecured creditors with legal and business challenges created by dealing with troubled or distressed companies. As bankruptcy trustees we represent the many parties affected by the insolvency process, including purchasers, lender syndicates, secured and unsecured creditors and suppliers. Given the depth of experience we have in advising debtors, we are uniquely positioned both in our knowledge of and relationships in the debtor market, which we bring to bear in performing our creditor services.

Trusted Business Advisors

We act as your trusted business advisor to assess your credit exposure and provide you with realistic business advice as to how to improve your position and increase the likelihood of collecting your outstanding funds. Our trustee services to creditors include:

To learn about all of the corporate and personal insolvency services we offer to creditors, please review our summary of Corporate Services and Personal Services.

Starting now

Secured lenders and unsecured creditors can't wait for the "office to open". When faced with a supplier or borrower in financial distress, a creditor's ability to protect its interests and enforce its rights quickly may make the difference between payment and loss. The Ira Smith team is unique in meeting urgent needs of your current environment with advisors available seven days a week. Contact Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. today. As soon as you place a call, we get to work for you, put an immediate plan in place, and start the process for dealing with the longer term situation.

  • Proof of Claim - outstanding amount: [DOC] • [PDF]
  • Proof of Claim - property: [DOC] • [PDF]

Starting Over, Starting now you can live a debt free life.

Creditor Services


1.866.483.NO DEBT (6633)